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77361982 No.77361982 [Reply] [Original]

Women are disgusting

>> No.77362012

3 days ? Make it 30

>> No.77362031
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>> No.77362056
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funny because thats thing men do more often then women ... do you nerds even know what a shower is ... men i swear so much deflection...

>> No.77362061

I once went nearly three years without doing so. My kamioshi was the dirtiest man alive, may he rest in peace.

>> No.77362110

I don’t care, you’ll be inhaling my nasty cock if you keep it up (and you’ll like it, to boot).

>> No.77362144

She's a literal walking corpse how would anybody even notice.

>> No.77362156

She's a zombie who cares. She probably already smells like rotten bodies.

>> No.77362237

men dont have a open wound hole 24hrs open to get dirty.

>> No.77362341

She's only disgusting because she's a homostar cocksleeve, if it was anyone else it would be cute

>> No.77362382


>> No.77362388


>> No.77362610

when was the last time you showered anon?

>> No.77362643 [DELETED] 

Once you know what she looks like this is genuinely disgusting.

>> No.77362656

anon it's just shitposting you think Indonesia is cool enough for someone to live without shower at least once a day.

>> No.77362663

would certainly give mori a run for her money

>> No.77363169

On the contrary, I feel it's fairly plausible for the water to be out for 3 straight days there.

>> No.77364625

she's just like me...

>> No.77365353 [DELETED] 

Showering more than twice per week is actually harmful.

>> No.77365979
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>> No.77366000

A vtuber I was listening to said she only showered to go to cons.

>> No.77366109

oh my god, if Chloe said that you all would get a boner.

>> No.77366374

Rookie numbers.

>> No.77366560

>sees Holomem
>imagines cuckold scenarios in his mind
Why are unicucks like this?

>> No.77367543

Chloe is gross too.

>> No.77367569

good point

>> No.77367685

But I shower at least 4 times a day every day though...

>> No.77367780

>"if Chloe said"
To be honest anything Chloe says or does makes me rock hard so that's not a fair comparison.

>> No.77367844

she's literally a corpse

>> No.77367929
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>he doesn't like stinky girls

>> No.77367988

Its disgusting no matter what you look like.

>> No.77368135

That really updates my journal.

>> No.77368192
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Yasss, sisters! Cook that unichud! We as Kindred must Support the Cause to own the incels!

>> No.77368335

yeah nah, some time ago I hooked up with this girl that had this peculiar musk that was kind of strong only because she had a great body and it felt amazing still
when the horny kicks in you forget about the little details

>> No.77368557


>> No.77368675

it's probably not much for an asian, most i smelled from one that didn't wash for that long he was probably smelling like a dusty room that didn't open its window for a while.
meanwhile one white friend went from smelling like fresh shower scent in the morning to totally reeking in the afternoon.

>> No.77368706
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>> No.77368735
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I wish.

>> No.77368824

SHE'S KUREIJI but only with her fingers nowadays, throat hort.

>> No.77368868

Doesn't she live in Indonesia? There's no way she didn't shower for that long in a hot, humid environment like that.

>> No.77368919

Good for the skin.
Need to clean your sheets though.
(Nice for sex too)
Women are wonderful.

>> No.77369318

This isn't true for SEA especially with our weather. Even chinks here stink.

>> No.77369529

Lol 3 days

>> No.77369723


>> No.77369732

I literally feel like walking garbage until I shower in the morning after getting up I dont know how people can live multiple days without it unforced

>> No.77370127

Let's say there may be an occasional day (during vacation) when I don't need to go anywhere, then I might not shower.
In normal working life, at least daily.
Actually I thought most people do.

>> No.77370430

Sisters don't know about Chloe

>> No.77370617

Came here to post this.

>> No.77371280

you need meds, son

>> No.77371885

Ollie is particularly disgusting but yes, anon, they are and three days for a woman is the equivalent of a man going a month without showering. so it's especially stanky.

>> No.77372097

That's just Ollie, she's always disgusting. This kind of pandering is the only way she can stay relevant, but for me it's made sure I never support her again.

>> No.77372180


>> No.77372227

Disgusting, I want to smell her pits

>> No.77372311

Don't care, still want to plap the zombie from the back and the front

>> No.77372397

This girlfailure is so cute…

>> No.77372467

Her caps lock key broke and have no money to replace it

>> No.77372495


>> No.77374313

Who is this

>> No.77374792
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Still better than Bae

>> No.77374935

She needs to bathe too.

>> No.77375018

Ollie is going to get a fungal infection

>> No.77375031

i'm not much of a bae fan but I would most definitely plow her overly bloody pussy and stain the bed. it would be worth it

>> No.77375159

She's in tremendous pain for the duration of her period so I doubt she'd let you

>> No.77375204

the struggle makes it all the much better

>> No.77377140

There is a solution to that

>> No.77378249

Real women aren't trannies, anon.

>> No.77378523

>he doesn't know

>> No.77378574


>> No.77379048
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30+ year old deep-voiced girlfailures...

>> No.77381994

I don't see an issue

>> No.77382139

Yes, and?

>> No.77382500

Depending, 3 days isn't bad. If you excessively shower then your body adapts by trying to become more oily faster, but it's not good for you in general. The recommendation is to shower every 2-3 days, but obviously you probably have to do it every day or twice a day if you live in a big city.
If you want to talk about disgusting, I knew a femanon that regularly didn't shower in 3 weeks and had rotting teeth, but her pics were reposted a lot because she was a scene girl. The problem is the pics were pics and not reality.

>> No.77382682

sometimes in the winter I go 2-3 days without showering, Honestly just doing your laundry matters way more for smell then anything else unless you have health issues

>> No.77384428

Ollie is brown so that's extra disgusting

>> No.77386951

Big deal I haven't showed in 3 weeks.

>> No.77390063


>> No.77391589


>> No.77391824

Wash your sheets bro

>> No.77392582

Nijisisters don't watch Dokibird supporters

>> No.77392802
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Why are you quoting yourself Nijitard?

>> No.77396714


>> No.77397008

I wish someone would catalogue her 5 stages of grief over this last year of so of her becoming a spinster.

>> No.77397672
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>walk in
>see this
wat do

>> No.77400586

I can't read

>> No.77403174


>> No.77404339

sit on her

>> No.77404484

That the least disgusting thing I have read about women anon, you are just scratching the surface.

>> No.77404661
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>> No.77405195

Reminder that women's public bathrooms are an order of magnitude more dirty and disgusting than men's, just ask any cleaning person.

>> No.77408386

she's a fucking zombie
