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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77358096 No.77358096 [Reply] [Original]

yagoo I swear

>> No.77358200

how would that be different from EN

>> No.77358211

EU doesnt watch streams, send superchats or buy merch. So never.

>> No.77358223

you dont even watch Kiara and you are asking for HoloEU?

>> No.77358289

They would stream when Europeans are awake.

>> No.77358525


>> No.77358733

You know he's right. You're too poor to do either.

>> No.77358736

Never, hopefully. JP and US chuubas can keep bending over for that corporate dick they like so much but big corpos will never take off here. I don't want Holoshit here, or Nijishit for that matter. Imagine wanting half of your support in some fucking corporate bank account instead of all of it in your oshi's pocket. Will never be me.

>> No.77358792

Other than just to appease the numberfags and /int/tards here, what does HoloEU even bring when EN exists? VTubers in my country are bad anyways so I think EU is a bad idea.

>> No.77358841

EU are twitchchads

>> No.77359003

never gunna happen lol shitty japcorp probably cant even comply with our worker protection laws here lmao

>> No.77359006

It can be a multilingual branch with French-German-Spanish-Italian-etc-speaking talents. Managing them all would be hell though

>> No.77359016

Kiara gets new friends

>> No.77359046

Do you know how bad Spanish VTubers are? The biggest reason why I do not want EU is because the VTubing and anime scenes here in Spain are horrible.

>> No.77359052

It's not a language issue. Nearly everyone in Western Europe knows English. Yes, even the French are getting better at it. It's purely a timezone issue.

>> No.77359074

Saying "Launch HoloEU" is like saying "Launch HoloAsia". You have underestimated how big and diverse EU actually is. Cover can plan EU merch shipments or EU brand collabs by making contracts and stuff, but forming an EU group filled with EU members is just super hard logistically speaking

If he wants an EU related branch. He should debut in specific countries like HoloDE or HoloFR or even HoloUK

>> No.77359089

there's a good pool of british, german, swiss, austrian and french chuubas out there
and all of them except the french can speak english

>> No.77359120

And even then they're inferior

>> No.77359140

The timezone issue isn't nearly enough to create a whole new branch. You can just debut an EU-only gen within EN if it's necessary.

>> No.77359166

>accelerate for our dying continent

>> No.77359266

stop seething brownoid

>> No.77359270

That would be a nice compromise, but even this I do not see happening.

>> No.77359372

Debut EN4 and have 2 of the girls being EU-based would be enough

>> No.77359450

Why sure Rajeesh, is that why there are more curry shops instead of pubs where you are?

>> No.77359491

Given Kiara is such a walking 'woman moment' I would not want a whole gen of her.

>> No.77359524
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Trust the plan.

>> No.77359536

>lets recreate the middleages in a vtuber gen
Oh boy, what could go wrong!

>> No.77359553

This. And they want 5 Pankos in a gen but that's not going to happen.

>> No.77359580

This would be absolute kino

>> No.77359625

>shitskins scared that westerners will take over their hobby

>> No.77359656

I mean, they already did. Just look at them coping with calling Kobo "the Queen of Kaigai." lmao

>> No.77359795

Cover is not prepared for the sheer avalanche of casual and actual racism. If you thought Kiara was bad with her "Actual monkeys" or Irys with her Gypsy moment... Hoo, boy.

>> No.77359803

And when that happens Jews will control your precious VTubers so no I would not want that.

>> No.77359923

i wanna see a dutch pvv voting chuuba collab with one of the indo chikcs in holoid. theyd immediately scrap the branch but it would be so fukn funny

>> No.77359932

"Europeans" are the most racist people you can see, in France they literally attack you if you go in the wrong area and you have white skin

>> No.77359974
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the jews already control everything it's to late

>> No.77360019

And the Phasecuck OP reveals himself at last

>> No.77360029

The actual timezone issue is more that prime EU time is when Japan is asleep, and Japan is hololive's main market even for its EN talents. I don't follow the chicken but I've seen people complain about even her not streaming in EU times enough, and imagine this at least has something to do with it.

>> No.77360031

HololiveRU and HololiveUA, debuting at the same time

>> No.77360065

Just go and find chuubas you enjoy yourself, you lazy motherfucker! Stop pestering the old man already

>> No.77360094

I never thought I'd say this but EUfags are like the Smashfags who wouldn't leave Sakurai alone until Steve and Sans got put in

>> No.77360306

so are beggars and they got 3 generations fast tracked with another coming. two if counting jp

>> No.77360538

>deflecting from your own problems

>> No.77361268

It would literally be more profitable for them to open an ES branch and pander to Mexican weebs in the cartels.

>> No.77361998
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Eh i'm not even the op though you need to level up your op detection skills anon

>> No.77362286

Don't care, buzz off Phasecuck. Hololive is not for you.

>> No.77362360

I don't know who's worse at this point, EUbeggars or ESbeggars. Neither of Europe or Latin America buy merch or watch streams so what's the point when they're not interested in the first place?

>> No.77362482
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yea you would really hate it if there was more holos

>> No.77362925
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IdolES disagrees.

>> No.77364518
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Have patience. Hololive will have its version of acceleration after Cover USA is established.

>> No.77364726

Retard EU speaks better second language English than any other place in the world

>> No.77364998

We got twitch vtubers already

>> No.77365020

This has been disproven plenty of times in the past. Advents first supas had a fuck ton of different European currencies that collectively mogged asian donors and in some cases was on par with Dollars. Merch is a whole different beast with the absolute lack of support for shipping to Europe. Games in general ship a fuck ton of merch to EU, if they had Logistics for it it would be a net positive

>> No.77365032

>we'll capitalize on it just in time. yagoo-san please trust my experience as a salesman in the 80s
>i assure you hype takes five years to travel from NA to europe

>> No.77365219

The biggest problem is that these countries can't compete with American on an individual basis and Europeans tend to favor watching streams that are:
the same language that they natively speak

None of this is debatable. I don't care if you have a high % of English speakers, they are irrelevant to the conversation if they are not in the tiny percent that are weeabs and don't watch Hololive already.

>> No.77365404

idek who from EU even watches holo anymore except kfps and some with fucked up sleep schedules. I followed holo for 3 years and then lost interest. if you dont feel catered to as a potential customer and consumer you just move on sooner or later. would an EU branch make me interested again? sure, but only because I haven't touched the EU vtuber market outside of holo yet.

>> No.77365630

Even apart from the other issues like them being forced to speak English (so why not make another EN branch instead), it is clear that Cover absolutely does not give a shit about the EU timeslot and cares nothing for investing in it.

One of the main reasons why Hololive is so PST centered is because management sees it as the ultimate prime-time and doesn't want any other timeslots. Of course holos can if they ask but the homos revealed that management outright told them to stream around PST and Vesper had to beg and haggle with his manager to "experiment" with the EU timeslot.
I don't think it's a coincidence that there's 0 British holos yet we've had 2 fucking aussies (THREE if you count homos)

>> No.77365642
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you don't know jack about shit

>> No.77365986

>>we'll capitalize on it just in time. yagoo-san please trust my experience as a salesman in the 80s
>>i assure you hype takes five years to travel from NA to europe
He's always saying need to provide proper support first. Otherwise, just another Nijisanji expansion.

>> No.77366193

It's true by every publicly available census. Germans will tune into German streamers, French into French, etc. etc. with a few exceptions. EUfags also prefer twitch by a huge margin. Anybody who is a potential Hololive viewer in Europe is more than likely already one or someone who watches a mix of indies, holo and small corpos. The only bone I would throw to Euros is getting a better online shopping experience for official holomerch. It's criminal how much some of you have to pay to support your oshis.

>> No.77366355

Who do you think was the first beggar? That business detriment started and never ended for a reason: it's his pet project. Eurotubers are clearly not a similar personal interest of his.

>> No.77366387

Don't bother waiting for Holo, you'll get grey hairs before they come to EU. Go watch globie, they have two gens of EU streamers now. Kanna from Pixel link streams in EU timezone too and she's great. If you want a yapper that is a little bit dumb VShojo's Michi often streams long enough that she's watchable in EU too. (And I guess Zen nearly always streams EU hours, but TTS filters people)
Holo is good but they're not be-all, end-all.

>> No.77366392

es ist zeit für das glorreiche HoloReich!

>> No.77366529
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the confidence to spew completely made up shit
people will watch streams on youtube
of cute anime girls
it's pretty straightforward

>> No.77366586

>NA doesnt watch streams, send superchats or buy merch. So never.
>t. retards on /jp/ in 2019

>> No.77366715

Euro based holos would just stream NA times anyway, happens all the time with other steamers

>> No.77366806

Nope, EUs be tribal as fuck when it comes to streaming platforms and languages. The EU talents who speak mostly English in streams more than likely already cater to an EST timezone audience anyways. (*cough* Kiara *cough*)
This was objectively false and USD made a bigger portion of SC revenue than every non-JP currency for most JPs for the longest time. We don't have the merch revenue information but it must have been good enough for them to risk an EN branch. And this is despite the geekjack debuff.

>> No.77366830

Because no one likes brown vtubers. Sorry.

>> No.77367027

The accents would be more sex

>> No.77367033

Kiara streams in EU times you retard

>> No.77367097
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you have never set foot on europe

>> No.77367297

I think they are making more money, and having more views than IdolEN.

>> No.77367602

HoloES first

>b-but latinas are dangerous bitches and love drama

Meanwhile, the EN side of vtubing
>Literal prostitutes
>Grifters from /pol/ and kiwifarms
>Drug addicts
>Groomed girl by pedophiles from /k/ and /r9k/
>Lazy whores that barely stream
>LGTBQ+ pre-debut vtwitter
>lolicon grifters
>ex-cosplayers from /cgl/ or girls that used to post nudes in 4chan

And the list go on and on, the EN side of vtubing is the most toxic by far.

>> No.77367684

I was stationed in Germany for a couple years. Data doesn't lie though, most of you stick to your own language and are on twitch.
And she mostly panders to EST ojii-san KFP which is her biggest block.

>> No.77367704

Beggers send more superchats than 50% of JP, and like 90% of SEA

>> No.77367793

The ES vtubing scene has all of these but 10 times worse, the only reason no one cares is because no one cares about them

>> No.77367911
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At 10 am? Are you false flagging to make people who are against EU branch look stupid or what?

>> No.77368035

Nah, the EN side of vtubing is pure cancer, most of the people that get all uppity when they talk about ES vtubing are self hating mexicans and chicanos.

The worst thing that has ever happened in ES vtubing was Nimu becoming an IRL streamer, and her getting cancelled for trying to cancel small ES vtubers. That's every day in the EN vtuber scene, EN women are the fucking worst, like an actual plague, no idea why people watch EN vtubers.

>> No.77368295

I go to bed at like 10pm so I don't really need it. I'll just stick to JP.

>> No.77368371

All the downplaying of lack of support and fans, is the same before HoloMyth debuted.
Though not going to be the same without another Gura and covid, it will be successful once they build the support. As always, Cover avoids half-assing it.

>> No.77368440

not OP but Kiara is the only Holo I watch, *because* she's Euro and _despite_ having the blue dorito.
hell, our ESL is better than most murican EOP retards
>Verification not required.

>> No.77368505

thank vshojo, anon.

>> No.77368517

Yuros don't deserve it.
>40% tax
>40% living expenses
no wonder those bastards can't buy shit

>> No.77368543

You already have Kiara.

>> No.77368593

Yeah that's the main reason, also JP staff is asleep in EU peak so they need to hire more people first
Unfortunately whenever you enter these threads people just screech the most retard arguments like
>le europoors dont have monies XD

>> No.77368783

>I was stationed in Germany for a couple years.

>> No.77368787

Hear me out. Force EN to adopt polyphasic sleep schedules, and be awake around the clock, doing shorter streams more frequently. That way everyone gets short and sweet bites of every member, reliably. They could even do it like comedy sets, where the comedian does roughly the same show at 3 different clubs in the same week.

And then in 30 years when they develop dementia, they'll believe all the rrats about themselves, and the reunion panels will be fucking wild.

>> No.77368837

Never, why? Because Euros have better social and sexual education than Americans, so they don't have high percentage of virgins or lonely people, also they have access to better healthcare and mental care.

Vtubers are only profitable in countries with a lot of male virgins that don't have girlfriends or female friends, this is why it is not profitable to have an ES branch or EU branch.

If you are a Euro or Latino and you are a virgin, you are beyond failed, like why even live at this point?

>> No.77368922

Citation fucking needed. I don't have a single piece of data at my disposal either, but almost every experience I've had with Europeans, especially eastern ones, screams that this is incorrect.

>> No.77369022

>>77368922 (me)
Forgot to quote, I was specifically referring to
>so they don't have high percentage of virgins or lonely people

>> No.77369161
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>> No.77369162

I'd be happy if irys and bae just streamed in JP times occassionaly which covers EU just fine for me.
As is, i mostly watch and watched ID and occasionally JP but my nihongo is too crap to really enjoy it as more than just background noise

>> No.77369358

Funny how most big twitchers don't dual stream on youtube for some unknown reason.

>> No.77369430

NTA but I don't know shit about the streamer metagame. Why is that?

>> No.77369468


>> No.77369569

This, but also consider they only need to open a warehouse for distributing merch, an ES branch would make more sense in terms of capturing a global audience.

>> No.77369705

>EN women are the fucking worst, like an actual plague, no idea why people watch EN vtubers.
You're probably watching big names and whatever Twitch feeds you. The upshot of decent women being unpopular and hard to find is that it's finally possible to talk to them one-on-one like actual people again on the occasions that you do find them.

>> No.77369783

I have no idea, that's why I brought it up. Investment wise all you'd have to hire a clipper to get your channel above a certain view threshold before you can start streaming I think, and you would need extra mods for the youtube chat, but other than that I can't see why dual streaming isn't a more widely used practice. Maybe the chuba doesn't want to look at two chats to interact with.

>> No.77371165

HoloES won't happen because Japs either see South Americans as the same as negroes or simply aren't even aware of their existence.

>> No.77371544

Because Twitch VODs don't do nearly as good as Youtube VODs you need to stream more hours. Now imagine trying to stay seiso for 8 hours when you have to tardwrangle two live chats at once (or else you lose your ability to gain VOD revenue on Youtube).

If you can keep yourself from swearing on stream for 2-4 hours Youtube is you friend with the most diverse revenue stream (shorts, clips, and premieres/livestreams), otherwise you better like grinding hours in the twitchfarms.

>> No.77371825

I watch some streamers (flesh-based) who started dual streaming back when Twitch first okay'd it and they've had to change a lot of stuff behind the scenes with how they do things because of youtube's much stricter copyright and censorship rules, and how easy it can be for youtube bots to just nuke your shit completely than actually engage with warnings and notices. I gotta imagine fear of that plays a big part in it, everyone remembers the Holocaust.

>> No.77373815

>stationed in EU
So a clueless American that thinks 2 years of military duty abroad makes him understand the world. Your insight is worth dirt

>> No.77374189

>Euro thinks driving a couple hundred miles (kilometers) to the next Euro Zone makes them a fucking Budda with cultural omniscience.
A timeless classic.

>> No.77374587

we have to jump through seven proxy services to buy holo merch, it feels like a fucking smuggling operation and it costs 5 times as much as it should.

>> No.77374798

Nah fuck it, at this point i would just keep watching JP's. EU warehouse would still be appreciated though. Having to pay twice as much on merch sets and at least 30 euro for something like a keychain is completely retarded and makes me think twice about buying any merch.

>> No.77375283

had? did you europoors use up all your money for the year?

>> No.77377221

Never ever

>> No.77378975

No bully

>> No.77380064

Right, now that you mention it, an idol girl did a user submitted clip reaction stream a few weeks ago(all clips from youtube itself), and because one guy linked a clip from nichijou her stream got fucking nuked while she was still watching it. She didn't get a strike and could recover the stream, but still.

>> No.77382495

Holy retard projection

>> No.77384261

I thank the orange women for pretty much killing any interest Cover had in Europe.
