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File: 283 KB, 497x354, Screenshot 2024-06-04 180946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77355781 No.77355781 [Reply] [Original]

>Japan is a safe count-

>> No.77355851

At least you won't get stabbed by them

>> No.77355888


>> No.77355909

Sir we had this thread yesterday and it was cancer, try making a different bait thread please

>> No.77355951

It is apart from the occasional cheeky groping on the train.

>> No.77355971

Biboo almost got kidnapped and raped somewhere had Fuwawa not been there at the right time


>> No.77356056

Gajin piggus are free use in glorious nihon

>> No.77356065

Oh wait, I thought these were the same instances
Japan what are you doing

>> No.77356083

those men were me
also me

>> No.77356118

Japan is certainly safer than most
Keep coping

>> No.77356121

It is. Someone being annoying or obnoxious has no effect on safety.
This is a bit more worrying.

>> No.77356136

No shit, I thought Kiara proved this.

>> No.77356176

Yeah I'm sure they prefer the burgerland experience

>> No.77356196

I haven't heard Biboo, Nerissa or Shiori complain about the men in their own country like this though?

>> No.77356205

ride a train in Japan then the subway in NYC
let's put it to the test for real

>> No.77356236

Well, it's relatively safe compared to others. If they had their IRL meetings in India or Africa they'd be gangbanged before the end of the week.

>> No.77356252

as a woman i feel safe walking around naked at night in japan, that is pretty fucking safe

>> No.77356258

Never been to the US but I had some 60 year old woman try and forcefully grind against my crotch several times on the Tokyo subway system, I ended up getting off and getting the next train.

>> No.77356269

people are trained from birth to ignore the elephant in the room here in the west
noticing is seen as low status and can even get you in trouble if you push too far

>> No.77356288

>I ended up getting off
Nice, looks like grandma still had all her charm, huh?

>> No.77356294

those drunk ojisans?
Cover execs.
They heard about what Elira had to do during her latest stay in Japan and wanted a piece of that

>> No.77356299

You're probably more likely to get groped on the jp train, but robbed on the US train.

>> No.77356313

Just kidnapped and never heard from again because Japanese police don't care about foreigners.

>> No.77356327

I knew I should have rephrased that.....

>> No.77356333

I would take the JP train over the US train any time of the day

>> No.77356336

I'd honestly rather get robbed personally.

>> No.77356377

They do if you're from a first world country. If you're from SEA they'll just assume you've illegally immigrated and shrug.

>> No.77356394

Yeah I'm not taking a US train, I'll take my chances getting groped by an ojisan

>> No.77356408

the sweet blissful naivete
i wish i didnt have to know better

>> No.77356428

The morning rush hour in Tokyo is fucking awful, I've experienced it a couple of times. There's no way the US is worse.

>> No.77356430

That applies to Japan too you know. I've heard stories of a kid watching his grandma have a heart attack, only getting help from an employee where she had it simply because it was holding people up.

>> No.77356448

because police really go to great lengths to protect you from Jamal over here?
this is all just feigned nationalism at this point
"it's worse when they do it"

>> No.77356462

US trains are unironically dogshit though. They've got beat by third world countries.

>> No.77356480

>he thinks the risk is only getting robbed
Criminals in the US are retarded, the biggest risk is that they kill you anyway because they're fucking stupid

>> No.77356485

Gee it's almost as if Japan isn't some conservative paradise but is actually a degenerate shithole. Their culture is still hypersexual, it's just sexless due to people being more isolated with cities, technological advancements, etc.

>> No.77356508
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this. fuck the light rail, unless you're a state worker and go in the state worker group at the time they use it's very unsafe. the city you're in knows exactly what group it's servicing and in mine it's state workers.

must be nice to be japanese and have a whole country's goverment that actually wants you to be happy and reproduce. seriously, I wonder what it's like? fuck liberals forever, we'd be like this if you naval gazing chunnibyos didn't think you were better than goddamn everyone on earth.

>> No.77356512

I can see zoomers preferring to be raped rather than have their phone taken from them.

>> No.77356524

spooky story
but i actually grew up in a poor black neighborhood
so forgive me for not being able to pretend that that's remotely comparable

>> No.77356532

When was the last time Tokyo had stories of rapes and people dying on their trains? How many drug users do you meet there, etc?

>> No.77356549

Yes, police will shoot Jamal dead for looking at me funny.

>> No.77356557

It is safe. This is just exaggeration. Like anyone believes they can walk safely down the street in most US cities and not get shot, mugged, raped, and criminally harassed. These drunk ojisans just asked them where they're from.
>hurr durr that's literally the same thing

>> No.77356564

Nigger being robbed is the least of your issue in the process of being robbed. You'd probably get beaten up until haemorrhaging from brain damage, stabbed, bashed, run over or shot first.

>> No.77356569

god i wish this were true

>> No.77356588

You guys are all incredibly stupid, it's amazing.

>> No.77356641

I mean, if so I'll stay off the US train, I guess. Seems like the robbers in my country are a lot nicer...

>> No.77356678

Calm down hagslayer

>> No.77356679

God imagine how much different things would be if your countyr didn't get sold out for open border bullshit. An older population sure, but less people means less expensive housing, less cramped trains, less waiting at hospitals, teachers spending more time with individual students instead of huge groups, etc. This isn't even factoring in criminal/cultural shit, this is just having less people in general and it's already 100% better. Instead you get fucked over housing, fucked over rent, fucked over with overcrowded public services, etc. Thanks liberals, this is totally worth the food, no other way you could get a recipe book or something.

>> No.77356693

>people won't stop hitting on people when they're outside

Hol' up. This is shocking how exactly? This is literally how the society has been for hundreds of years. If you don't want it, don't be a part of society it's really that fucking simple.

I swear the zoomers and millenials who have grown up in the #metoo bubble are so incredibly ignorant as to how society works it's astounishing.

>> No.77356705

avoid "them" at all costs and you should be ok
however should the occasion arise, never relax
guard up and eyes open

>> No.77356740
File: 188 KB, 505x431, 1712713335164374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This means Shiori is beautiful.

and is she bothered by it?

>> No.77356756

Never been groped but had someone cum on my coat before in a packed/crowded train when few trains were running due to an emergency. It's whatever, not the worst thing that has happened to me in other countries. Just wash your clothes.

>> No.77356788

being ruled by kin for kin is a luxury ill never know as an american
outsiders couldnt possibly comprehend the situation here
i try to remind myself of that and stay patient with them

>> No.77356901

as a hobby I've been reviewing japan negging channels and sending the info to public security for free. "abroadinjapan" is a japan negging channel for example, even has a c.dawg collab or two. see what happens is when the unified race doesn't immediately let in the outside force the stupid ones become bitter and turn to china who has a giant pile of money waiting for anyone that wants to talk bad about their literal ancient rival and former assaulter. your "opinion" is very easily explained, as is the left's interest in making sure one of the only racially homogenized countries does poorly at whatever it can sabotage. especially when that country's culture is acting as an artistic refuge from the mass purchasing of western IPs by culture warriors who cannot write well to save their lives because activists aren't actually artists.

everyone knows what's going on bud, the gaslighting is like a garden hose on a NASA accident, you're just making hydrogen

>> No.77356926

Just rent a car if you ever visit the US, our public transportation is shit anyway

>> No.77356940

Crusty desperate train hag pussy uooh you lucky dog

>> No.77357250

Who thinks it's a conservative paradise? I think most conservatives wouldn't like it, they tend to misinterpret Japanese society and their responses to Youtube question videos. It's the same kind of difference with "liberal" European countries having right-wing governments for the last three decades. It doesn't mean the same thing as being a republican or pro-life or whatever.

>> No.77357430

Stop living the hood life. Realize it was shit, that my example is shit, and that real progress comes from a unified lifting of ethics, morals and prosperity.

>> No.77357564

Japan is safe for men because there aren't a bunch of guns floating around. It's well known it's a hellscape for women. They have to have a woman only train because women getting groped is such a huge issue

>> No.77357607

Weeb girls go to Japan and are hit on by Japanese guys. They tell these stories because they are flattered, proud, and bragging. They are enjoying the attention.

>> No.77357611

mighty JP architects, I kneel

>> No.77357817
File: 2.12 MB, 1902x3334, choco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77357874

>fuck liberals
>complains about the state of public transportation in the US
My homie, the conservitards are way more anti transit than liberals are

>> No.77358017


I don't think there's anywhere really "safe" to be honest, bad shit can happen to you anywhere. But I think if you're somewhere where the local hoodizlers can visually tell you're not from there you're properly fucked. Like a white person in a third world shithole, I'd be literally scared for my life just walking around.

>> No.77358291

choco a freak fr fr

>> No.77358455
File: 2.12 MB, 1800x2024, chocosen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, after all she's a succubus fr fr

>> No.77358545

She's not though, she's a demon.
Aloe was the succ.

>> No.77358654
File: 24 KB, 815x135, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was wondering this the other day like what is she supposed to be. Vtuber wikis are notoriously worthless but it just says she's a school nurse lol

>> No.77358665

Who would have guessed the girl who had a relationship with her teacher would be fucked in the head. It's a shame as her mother is extremely seiso. Thankfully hse has a sister who can carry on teh family line.

>> No.77358916

I think anyone with half a brain knows Japan isn't the paradise so many otakus claim it is.
Why do you think women-only wagons exist.

>> No.77358927

None of the people ITT have ever ridden a train in the states. I ride a train everyday and the worst I’ve seen is a homeless person piss themselves

>> No.77359047

>must be nice to be japanese and have a whole country's goverment that actually wants you to be happy and reproduce
>meanwhile, in bizarro japan...

>> No.77359371

The quality of trains varies WIDLY depending on the city anon
My subway I have't had any issues but you wouldn't catch me dead riding the lightrail in Chicago or SF.

>> No.77359389

She's just a generic demon from "Makai" (the place all the demon/dark magic girls are from in the Holo "lore").
She adressed it several times because people are always calling her a succubus for some reason (really makes you think).

>> No.77359732

Someone accuses you of something?
Plead guilty or double sentence
Say shit about corpo that is 100% true?
Somehow you get a libel charge
Also not being able to speak your mind except when you're in your inner circle , that sounds so healthy

>> No.77359770

True. A lot of the people here just seem to be regurgitating bs about how every square of the US is crime ridden and you will get killed if you walk to a gas station. It’s really all about what areas you’re in and if you know how to mind your business

>> No.77359807

Let's not get too hasty and remember that women feel raped when you look at their exposed cleavages.
Back in the day 'bothering' a cute girl on the street was called flirting and you know they either enjoyed it or simply wrote it off as an expense while hunting for a suitable mate.

>> No.77359890

It was me. Sorry about your coat

>> No.77359905


>> No.77360107

The problem is when the person hitting on you it's ugly. Only attractive people should be allowed to flirt, otherwise it's creepy.

>> No.77360189

>Back in the day 'bothering' a cute girl on the street was called flirting and you know they either enjoyed it or simply wrote it off as an expense while hunting for a suitable mate
Harassing women on the streets is not "flirting" and young people back in the day used to go dancing to meet each others because randomly picking up girls has always been considered bad behavior.

>> No.77360229

Japan has female only trains because all the men there are rapists

>> No.77360240

yeah lol. that anon mustn't have read a jp based news article in his life. japan, happiness and reproduction don't belong in the same sentences.

>> No.77360307


>> No.77360331
File: 111 KB, 220x220, 1609296718588.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nerissa, as a white woman, can probably fight off the average japanese manlet

>> No.77360433

The police officer died, the criminal lived
And germany is far from being the worst country

>> No.77360551

A dramatization: https://youtu.be/80MS-6d169Q

>> No.77360621

>hear that many women feel uncomfortable in trains with some men
>make women only trains to fix this issue
People like you are the reason so many cities are shitholes by the way. Instead of being pro-active and attempting to fix problems, you just whine and bitch.

>> No.77360841

>women only trains
Pajeets have this too and you know their track record, stop coping Japan has them for the same exact reason.

>> No.77360970

>I haven't heard Biboo, Nerissa or Shiori complain about the men in their own country like this though?
Anon do you really believe the girls have never been sexually harassed in North America? There is a reason that feminists had to quickly shut down those live streams of men being sexist. They can be honest about Japan since they know Japanese men won't flip out and call them racist.

>> No.77361191
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>> No.77361559

Between this and the Biboo thread, last samurai are on suicide watch.
Pretty funny to read how they explain that sexual harassement: Japan is actually a good thing.

>> No.77361871

Have any non-hololive girls had similar stories on stream?

>> No.77361969

>noooo you cant just hit on nubile 20-somethings after dark that's dangerous and wrong. you're supposed to wait for them to hit on you.

>> No.77362021

Nah it wasn't. It was a long time ago, you would have been a baby in diapers still. Don't worry about it.

>> No.77362035

Yeah I remember in the last thread how you got BTFO by that anon with his effort post and nobody could refute him. I see you're still assblasted about that, keep coping and seething retard kek

>> No.77362087

Nobody is complaining about the police in germany.
If it was America the knifer, some bystanders and a dog would all have gotten shot

>> No.77362126

Men get "hit on" in big cities too. Come to this cafe, come to this bar, come meet my girls, and so on. There are street guys for every kind of person trying to get you to go to their establishment. It's not a girls only thing.

>> No.77362180

Well, in 5-10 years, the average "Japanese" man will be brown and they're quite stabby and violent when women reject them

>> No.77362359

I'm a 62 year old ojiisan though

>> No.77362391

you guys don't get the joke I see
yes in lore she's oficially a demon, but secretly she's a succubus

>> No.77362682

And rightfully so. Misandrist society doesn't have any longer until the powder keg explodes. Most cunts of the scene will be dead from rape and worse and VTubing will entirely have a change of performers. And yes, those cunts had worse coming.

>> No.77362715

They're going the Canada route and importing a lot of pajeets and pakis. They'll be just as shitty as the west pretty soon, so if you hate nips like half of this thread you should be happy

>> No.77363182

You sound like a rapist. I'm sure you actually are or soon will be.

>> No.77363197

You all seem to forget they're all fucking autistic as shit like the majority of their fanbase.
They can't even read the room when with close friends, what makes you think they can actually tell a complete stranger's intentions?
They probably come back home hyperventilating after going grocery shopping, they're that dysfunctional.

>> No.77363281

I still cant believe that they hired an entire gen of introverts, just fucking walk into a music college and kidnap a female singer and force her to be a vtuber

>> No.77363477

Funny thing is, during the 2008 financial crisis, Japan deported all of their Japanese Latinos and banned them for life because they did the work no Japanese wanted. A decade later Japan starts importing Indians and Kurds. Keep in mind, those Latinos Japanese were either ethnic Japanese who were born and raised in LatAm or mixed.

>> No.77363522

Succubi are demons

>> No.77363639
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I don't need to be drunk or Japanese to not stop bothering Nerissa or Shiori

>> No.77364314

All these molesters were me

>> No.77364402

>they did the work no (native) wanted
As always, pay a real wage instead of relying on foreign slave labour.
>but this business can't afford it
Then they've failed and should go bankrupt.

>> No.77364468

it's hot when the girl groping you is actually hot. not so hot when the overweight female security guard gives your cock a few too many gropes while "inspecting" you for any contraband

>> No.77364587


Speak for yourself faglord, I don't give a shit who or what is touching my cock, it's all the same to me.

>> No.77364701

It wasn't menial jobs. Those Japanese Latinos held jobs in Automotive and industrial factories that require long hours.

>> No.77364815

forgot to add, most Native Japanese would rather get an office job than do that kind of work

>> No.77365245

I remember a video about Japanese women that moved to a SEA country yes, mine and the general opinion is they feel much safer there from sexual crimes since the men are more respectful towards women. Flipside is there are more theft crimes, but even then they preferred it there over Japan.
Japan is just so fucking weird when it comes to sex.

>> No.77365418

That drunk ojisan? Me.

>> No.77365577

I remember being groped and kissed by an OF on the train when was like 12 yo, the only scar that it left me is that she didn’t end the work, fucking coward go full or go home, she was cute otherwise it would be a bad experience

>> No.77365593

drunk people will hit on you in America too t. been to gay bars

>> No.77365672
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being catcalled in a metro is leagues different from being screamed at in tongues by homeless meth heads, mugged by minorities, etc
>captcha related

>> No.77366572

I went to NYC a few years ago and the locals were actually very polite and helpful. The subway was fun too.

>> No.77367733

it is safe, America has about 32x the murder rate that Japan has

but that doesn't mean Japan has zero annoying drunk people

there are also more than 30 million people visiting japan every year now, and those people come from much more dangeous countries

>> No.77368775

Yeah I get the feeling most US posters are suburbanites who've never left home and have /pol/ brainrot. The drug addict shit being unpleasant I get.

>> No.77372234

It is kinda funny how people talk about black neighborhoods and specifically areas like Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, or New York, that is always hyped in pop culture as bullet ridden (even though we know rural states are steeped in much blood thenselves), I've lived in areas some of the people here would probably piss themselves walking across. I've got family in New York and been around Baltimore. Just don't go looking for trouble like any place you go to. Went to cons in Baltimore, the freaking bums were some of the nicest people you'd ever meet, didn't even beg the cosplayers, just chatted with them, had that the last 3 times it was in Baltimore. No issues with robberies even with people hauling expensive ass shit out of the con.

Why are people getting riled at an obvious clipbait clip?

>> No.77373919

You'd get stabbed, or have some hobo bite and infect you with some shit in NYC..
>Verification not required.

>> No.77374035

How many of you niggers actually even leave your room to go socialize? You know nothing except AnMiE waIFuuuuu.
I am also 100% sure you retards talking shit live in a 3rd world country. Do you faggots even have a proper railway system? Can you even afford a two way trolley ticket?
I pray the next time you actually have to commute you get put in a coma by a hench negroid called Jamal for all that shit you're chatting.

>> No.77374134

Baltimore has one of the worst murder rates in the world. At 57.7 murders per 100,000, it's one of the most crime ridden, bloodiest cities on the planet. Whether or not you personally were a victim of crime is irrelevant. Stop acting like our cities are normal, they're not. Baltimore is more dangerous than a lot of countries in Latin America.

>> No.77374309
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Ironic chud weebs be like

>> No.77374530

>Weeb girls go to Japan and are hit on by Japanese guys.
That would be the case if she were white but 100% they thought she was some SEA girl who was ripe to take. Very common in Japan.

>> No.77374819

What I got from this is that I should try to molest Choco and put some real feeling into it?

>> No.77374883

What did he mean by this?

>> No.77375052

You need a little more immigration or that

>> No.77375333

and beaten and raped and stabbed and shot.

>> No.77375369

drunk ojisan wants to try that white pussy, respect.

>> No.77375521

why can't we have train gropers here... all I get are black men who only want my wallet

>> No.77375533
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>only goes to cities
Go to the countryside of the US or a smaller Metro it’s much nicer and safer

>> No.77375656

My guy, I am saying that people's ideas of crime is hilariously overstated, not that crime doesn't exist. This is coming from a guy whose has current and retired officers in my family, and they'd say the same. You want to make this country better, actually pass decent infrastructure packages for godsakes instead of overloading police budgets, our trains in many cities are half a century old. Invest in proper public education, cut the BS. Work out income inequality. Lots of things can be done that can curb crime. I'll still tell you I've lived everywhere from suburban areas of the East Coast to the ghettos of North Jersey. Its bad in places, but making people fear them isn't helping, its isolating an already isolated country. Shit, I wasn't kidding that the bums in Baltimore were nicer than some people I've seen on here.

>> No.77375802

so you want some racist hillbilly to shoot me because of my accent?

>> No.77375839

doesn't she have a spine problem Scoliosis or something? Height is probably the least important in a fight because most of your strength comes from your back, legs and weight. If your back is fucked then you are fucked. You are defenseless without a gun.

>> No.77376078

You can't be taking words from a bunch of genetic dead ends so seriously.
They don't know the real world because they've been rotting in their rooms for so long.
But hey, it's better for us out here. One less retard taking public transportation.

>> No.77376301

I don't disagree with any of what you said, I just don't like it when some people seem to downplay crime in the US. Hell Baltimore isn't even the worst, New Orleans has a murder rate of 70. Literally worse than Cape Town.
Rope, retard.

>> No.77376455

Boo hoo. Big cities have crime. Fucking shocker. Get blicked on the streets of Baltimore, cunt.

>> No.77376508

keep those JP salary men away from my chuubas

>> No.77376620

Not third world levels of crime you bumbling fucking retard, are you actually a moron? Neck yourself, now.

>> No.77376636

thread smells of butthurt YWNBJ champions

>> No.77376686

*yawn* call me when they get robbed, raped, beaten or stabbed, brownoid.

>> No.77376782

Lmao. I don't even know what you're on about. You could almost say your convo...has been derailed B)

>> No.77376820

lol no, police will shoot jamal for looking at THEM funny. you? the police will come 30 minutes after you've been stabbed, arrest the guy, and then he'll be deferred to deflection for mental illness and be out on the streets

>> No.77376884

The nigga said we need to handle income inequaity as if giving retards in the ghetto all of Bill gates and Elon Musks money will suddenly make them not stupid stabby eternal victims with no marketable skill or desiire to fit into a fuctioning socity

>> No.77376898

>Big cities have crime.
Odd that big cities outside of the US don't have crime of that level.

>> No.77376953

Lmao thanks for conceding idiot, remember to kill yourself btw

>> No.77377261

Why don't you come find me out here in my crime filled city and do it for me big boy ;)

>> No.77378970

That because it cheaper to send people to jail than it is to help them.

>> No.77379243

Why none of the other EN gen got stories like this?

>> No.77379467

thank god japanese men are finally treating the foreigners like the whores they are, it almost took a whole century but we're finally back, things are normalizing

>> No.77379875

You think he wouldn't just judo chop her ass?

>> No.77380156

MRA assholes and last samurai. Like two peas in a pod.

>> No.77380510

Reason #1 Japanese do not speak English, so the "drunk guy" is just Asian tourist.
Reason #2 Such tourists are increasing because of the historically low yen.

>> No.77380645

Japan is a homogeneous country. It's normal for people on trains to just have a chat to pass the time.

>> No.77380867

Average StarsCHAD

>> No.77380961

Oh really, tough guy? What if a man was touching your cock?

>> No.77381205

anyone touching my junk is a woman in my eyes, and I will treat them as such.

>> No.77381327

Are you retarded?

>> No.77382449
File: 178 KB, 492x590, 1700939809086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take the red line in chicago every night after work and have magically never beem attacked or robbed even once. Granted I only take it from downtown to armenian village and both area's are pretty good for Chicago standards.

>> No.77382608

No, it is not. You don't talk on trains. You only do this in the west, and it's obnoxious as hell.

>> No.77382865

>the west teaches women to not be careful
>treats japan like a theme park
>almost becomes victims

>> No.77383022

those drunk men? all me in different disguises until shiorin and nessy cave in

>> No.77383265

This. I hate foreigners hyping up that another country is safe and secure but in reality it's just like every other place on Earth. It just looks nicer.

>> No.77385388


>> No.77386751
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I don't doubt that the majority of travelers are able to reach their destinations safely. I absolutely do not wish for anyone to become part of a crime statistic. Please travel wisely and safely.

>> No.77387169


>> No.77389760

made for rape

>> No.77390542

I only ever got harassed about my accent in california and ny. florida and georgia were cool and i was only ever asked about it once by someone who has curious about where it was from.

>> No.77391726

there are many easier ways of handling crime than giving the sub-100 IQ concrete wildlife more money through welfare.

>> No.77392632

>vanilla shit

>> No.77393108

more like your girls are for gaijins, is the only place that is known for gaijin hunters after all.

>> No.77395300

They have it coming

>> No.77396240

This is just like my Japanese doujins

>> No.77399119

That happened because she looks like an underage prostitute and he forgot he wasn't in SEA

>> No.77402092

Fanart where

>> No.77404080

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Rape Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Society Like Nigga Close Your Life Haha

>> No.77404645 [DELETED] 

Wait till you realize that our shitty suburban obsession is 90% because of whites wanting to get away from black crime in cities. Shitlibs and minorities ruined our future.

>> No.77405882

Those women never leave their homes in the US. It's literally just them experiencing outside life for the first time, regardless of country

>> No.77407328 [DELETED] 

the way you frame it, it sounds like racist white people are the ones to blame for suburbia.

>> No.77407767 [DELETED] 

>Shitlibs and minorities ruined our future
I mean, did they do? The people who had political power in the decades of urban renewal and white flight were conservative white, racist people. That's literally your guys and all they did was build highways and sprawl out into the suburbs.

>> No.77407943

Look up Furuta Junko's murder details.
If Japan had a free press like the west, this would have been common knowledge for decades.

>> No.77408121 [DELETED] 

FBI crime table 43 combined with the civil rights act to create the precedent that you had to deal with violent felons in inner cities weather you liked it or not. The obvious answer for a relatively wealthy white person is to make their families as inaccessible as possible this isn't that hard to piece together.

>> No.77408458 [DELETED] 

no what happened is racist people saw black people, left to the suburbs, brought their tax dollars with them, and the communities fell into poverty

Not to mention that if you see how racist the cops are today, the cops in the 50's and 60's would make your head spin

>> No.77408468

>western whores making up sexual harassment stories
They just can't help themselves can they?

>> No.77408544 [DELETED] 

So black people need white tax dollars to stay afloat I'm glad you agree.

>> No.77408704
File: 915 KB, 300x300, 1641632344747.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just approach women. They want to be approached
>OMG these guys won't stop approaching me! ugh!

>> No.77408765 [DELETED] 

they didn't until white people built a highway destroying their homes and businesses

>> No.77408935

Blatantly delusional, Detroit wasn't bulldozed. thank you for the retarded spat however.

>> No.77408991

we didnt build it we designed it the mexicans built it

>> No.77409184

why ppl in this thread try to defend japan. let these moron slander japan all they want. japan don't want them to try live there anyway. win win as i see. yes japan is so bad, never try to move there.

>> No.77409313

Japan will be India in a few decades so you're not far off from the truth

>> No.77409522 [DELETED] 

I know you're a racist retard but I'll explain .
Suburban white families actually leech from the taxes , because they consume way more services per capita. Compare a block with a single house.
If you are a coward paranoid racist chuck you're the welfare queen. You're welcome.

>> No.77409636 [DELETED] 
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Really gonna try to memoryhole this, aren't you?

>> No.77409950

It's funny, this exposes you as being a virgin because every woman claims to be "almost raped" twice a week since true crime became the nr1 female hobby
It's completely made up, some guy probably just asked her if she could spare a cigarette and this turned it a rape and kidnapping into her head

>> No.77410095 [DELETED] 
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??? Try again.

>> No.77410154

Exactly. Or it might just have been some mild violence towards her and she instantly thought it's going to be rape.

>> No.77410466 [DELETED] 

you're talking about regular old welfare, but the guy you were responding to is talking about infrastructure. The problem with single family homes (whom especially in the 50's and 60's are heavily white) is that they cost the city way more in tax dollars in things like road maintenance, sewage, lighting, policing, etc. than they generate in property tax revenue. So in order to make up for that loss, the government takes that money from neighborhoods that pay more taxes than they use, which are older, mixed use, denser neighborhoods whom, not coincidentally, lean black. So you've got black taxpayers giving their money to white suburbanites

>> No.77410497

Actually I'm more of a Sneed.

>> No.77410675 [DELETED] 

Liberals Like you have to be brain damaged right?
>I smoke cigarettes
>I don't have cancer
>Ergo tobacco is safe and doesn't cause cancer

>> No.77410991 [DELETED] 

>black taxpayers
lmao even

>> No.77411329
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>13% of the population pays 13% of the taxes
> other population barely make the bracket

Let’s be honest now anon

>> No.77411608

doesn't really change the fact that social security makes up 30+% of federal spending while transportation infrastructure and housing is a fraction of that.

>> No.77412645

whoever told you women want to be approached was actually lying out their ass

>> No.77413155

you do, being shot its another story.
not really, there is always some kind of manipulation on jp official statistics, foreigners are not able to recognize any danger, thats really the only difference.

>> No.77413415

god damn, white americans pay for everything according to that.

>> No.77413811

I got molested in a NYC train but I haven't been to Tokyo so I can't say it I'd get molested there too

>> No.77414895

kek. Driving by that for the first time was a trip.

>> No.77417580

its a sexy country

>> No.77417868

Can you speak English?

>> No.77418026

they are mostly importing filipinos

>> No.77418524
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>had someone cum on my coat before
>It's whatever, not the worst thing that has happened to me

>> No.77418754

There's a lot of Indians in Japan now that they opened up visas. If you've been to urban cities with Indians you how grabby the men can be around women. Just look at Europe.

>> No.77418878
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It's me if I ever see Biboo alone at night

>> No.77418940
File: 476 KB, 1090x720, 1449116206941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen some half thai american girls.
peak hapa, imo. no wonder people want to fuck her.

>> No.77418962 [DELETED] 

Where was their male escort? Where was their husband? Haram!

>> No.77419171

Indians grew up in a caste system. It's insulting for a lower caste to refuse, so they take.

>> No.77419539

Former NYCer here. As long as you usually keep to yourself and use common sense to avoid shit you know it's bad you gonna be alright.

>> No.77420002

Her fault for being easy to pick up and take home

>> No.77422096

Based on FBI crime statistics, removing all black people would make the US one of the safest countries in the world.

>> No.77422672

They also bring that bullshit with them to America/Canada too

>> No.77424201

Japanese men cannot be threatening unless they've trained and practiced martial arts. Or a carrying a weapon which would make a woman of european origin seem threatening.

>> No.77424801

Agreed, he sounds like of these people who would abuse a 9 year old child of unspecified gender, go to jail then get traded by niggers for cigarettes as a kind of high velocity currency/commodity.
You know, the kind of people who hate mori and selen.

>> No.77424851

>Amerifats thinking they have any ground to stand on talking about another countries crime rate

>> No.77425803

It's expensive either way. Not everyone wants to be (or can be) helped, which is why many of those people end up in prison or institutions on an involuntary basis - or in transient status.

>> No.77427488

Women only want to be approached by hot chads.

>> No.77427508

The weirdest thing is that these are anglos, candians, aussies, and sea.

whatever they experianced, it can't be worse in burgherland

>> No.77427642

Dude that's just city living

That's every city

>> No.77427755

I'm on my way.

>> No.77427935

if it was overstated, then why wouln't be don't you think thats the norm there. I can no-true-scotman my way out any bs

more importantly, you are confusing courtesy with civility and civilization

but to go to you original point, the bums in baltimore. I wonder if they were drug addicts or misfortunatuned

>> No.77427997

is nerissa a white ameriburger? Not as fat as mori i don't think based on her voice.

>> No.77429396

Well yeah they only want that sometimes and when is that, well you don't know you just gotta read le room. The answer is to not give a fuck and just shoot your shot. Maybe you'll piss off some whores along the way but that's really just a bonus.

>> No.77430022

Imagine believing vtuber attention whores.

>> No.77430648

Which SEA country specifically?

>> No.77430989

I mean, if you watched the videos (you didnt) you'd know both situations were incredibly tame. Biboo was "grabbed" but was also able to just walk away, so odds are the "grab" was just a hand on the shoulder to get her attention (she said he was trying to talk to her too). Shiori/Rissa literally just had a random guy walked up and attempt to talk to them, before quickly giving up. Biboo was more confused than anything, and Shiori was embarrassed because she accidentally led the guy on as he left.

>> No.77431243

everyone has this very specific vision of being robbed, beaten, and stabbed in the NYC subway. is this some sort of fetish thing?

>> No.77431523

At least he will call me cute?

>> No.77433244

Don’t be like that

>> No.77433945

Why the fuck are threads like these allowed in the catalog? This is /pol/ bullshit

>> No.77434065

retard-chama... why do you think drunk men are approaching a bunch of pretty foreign girls? you are either 12 or actually retared

>> No.77434099

just say you've never actually been to america pagpag eater

>> No.77435409

Nobody cares about you flyover.

>> No.77435818

Cope retard

>> No.77437184

She's like a pudgier kobo
that can't be right

>> No.77437231

tanned Okinawan

>> No.77437500

Oh wow, I can't believe it, they were fucking BOTHERED.
And this is because Japan is currently in a state of complete foreigner rejection due to an all times high tourism and retarded zoomers doing retarded shit for attention.

>> No.77437593

Reminder that in 99% of women literature, the romance involves the man basically raping the main character.

>> No.77437848
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She literally said she didn't understand one word he said it's retards here going rape rape rape rape!!!

It's so fucking hilarious how retards always act like humans are hiveminds. According to them every woman thinks the same, every man thinks the same, every japanese thinks the same, holy shit people stop being fucking idiots.

>> No.77437953
File: 1.80 MB, 1280x720, [SallySubs] Date a Live Director's Cut - 09 [BD 720p AAC] [886054DD].mkv_snapshot_21.40.222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even remotely true it's closer to 50%. And it's the same with men half of the most popular anime girls are abusive and violent.

>> No.77438170

How do I get harassed by drunk Japanese women in Japan?
