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File: 31 KB, 666x459, sayucalicollab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77353973 No.77353973 [Reply] [Original]

How do you respond without sounding /pol/?

>> No.77354057

go woke, get car broke.

>> No.77354165

>big city
to the list.

>> No.77354184

Can you make it more crunchy?

>> No.77354243
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I mean, you can

>> No.77354280

Is this some obscure copypaste? That pixels look like shit.

>> No.77354324
File: 130 KB, 1200x1200, Pippa Smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well the golden rule is that you don't leave stuff your car you don't want stolen :D

>> No.77354350

car theft seems to be far more common in the san francisco area than other big cities i've lived in. i've had so many friends with their cars broken into specifically there. i've had one friend from abroad whose had his rental car when traveling around there for work broken into 3 times.

>> No.77354373
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It's a mystery to everyone.

>> No.77354400

What was Sayu doing in the ghetto?

>> No.77354444

>it's literally a "big city" issue
She actually did the Sadiq Khan part and parcel of living in a big city meme. No, it really is not. That's why we keep talking about the same big cities.

>> No.77354450

I'm sure the guy who borrowed her car really needed the money for college, she should stop being so racist

>> No.77354470

paying kyo a visit.

>> No.77354473

Stupid bitch. Of fucking course it's because it's California. Did you really think that's something that happens other places besides literal 3rd world african shit holes?
Stupid fucking whore. You're the reason why this country is shit.
Fuck nijisanji. Fuck this whore. And especially fuck "them".

>> No.77354491


>> No.77354596

Yup, that's basically all there is to this.
Lock your car doors and don't leave valuables in plain sight. Do this, and burglars are over 99.99% more likely to look for a softer target.

>> No.77354613

Those damn white supremacists breaking into cars again.

>> No.77354683

>tfw I've never encountered a black person irl in my 34 years on this earth
>tfw I've literally never been robbed
I don't know. Seems like it happens to you guys in the US all the time.

>> No.77354708

nice, will have to start breaking into cars

>> No.77354728

The world would be an infinitely better place without them. You have no idea.

>> No.77354756

You can't. I live in a fairly crowded place ~5 mil pop, and I never had my shit stolen. What's the secret? Well, the only place where you can meet non-white person is university.

>> No.77354762

Doesn't California have a law that makes any theft below certain value, basically legal?

>> No.77354801

Looking for some trouble.

>> No.77354892
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I believe it happen during the con

>> No.77354969

Well the new golden rule was to unlock your car and open your hood or they gonna get a rock and smash your window. I dunno if they still doing it.

>> No.77355044

>you vill own nothing

>> No.77355105

I live in Philadelphia, a city with a fairly high murder rate. I have lived here, on purpose, mind you, for the past 20 years. The only crime I have ever been a victim of is one time somebody stole a package off of my porch. But I don't live in the ghetto, and I don't visit the ghetto. All one has to do is look around visually and see you're on the wrong part of town. Most of the crime happens exactly where you'd expect it to happen.

>> No.77355143
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nah see the key to ownership is owning a cyberdumpster from the fraud Elon "chief twatter" musk they can't break your windows then ;)

>> No.77355227

That's a Canadian rule

>> No.77355363

>Muh elon musk
Californians deserve to suffer.

>> No.77355380

California is controlled by demons who find anarcho tyranny funny. They allow thiefs and rapists to run free while arresting citizens for hate speech. Saying the rising crime rate is because of big cities has always been a joke.

>> No.77355385

It's a little more complicated than that, but when the law goes from "no theft for any reason for any amount" to "theft is fine as long as it's only against businesses and you don't go over [insert arbitrary dollar amount]" what message does that send to the criminally inclined about the state's views on theft and specifically the morality and justifiability of theft?
Any form of legalized or decriminalized theft is the state's equivalent of saying "just the tip". You know damn well what's about to happen. It's why anyone who accepted the "they needed to steal to feed their family" argument is a turd who deserves to live in the toilet that is California.

>> No.77355473

Was the theif black?

>> No.77355478

Nah, Canadian police told people to leave their keys out in the open so car thieves can just take the cars and export them to Africa without having to attack the owner.

>> No.77355556

How does she always mange to be on the losing side of any issue or topic it’s insane

>> No.77355568

Just point out Tokyo is the biggest city on earth and you don't hear about people getting their cars broken into all the time.

>> No.77355581

Kek, I like Sayu but that's funny.

>> No.77355621

Californian. They aren't people and they should've been contained. Now they're moving out of their shithole to other states. Texas will be the next Cali.

>> No.77355727

California is simultaneously the richest state, the mecha of entertainment and technology and essentially a 3rd world shithole. In fact, California is sometimes worse than a 3rd world shithole with a bunch of junkies and undocumented aliens shitting all over the place and being a danger to society. You got like Beverly Hills on 1 side and right next to it some of the worst poverty and economic inequality ever seen.

>> No.77355738

>guys it's not because it's california, it's because all american cities with more than 500k people are rancid shitholes

>> No.77355826

Yeah but they deserve it, they keep voting for that shit. Until it's no longer sustainable then they go to Texas, Colorado, etc and bring their shitty politics with them to fuck up a new state. Californians are vermin.

>> No.77356413

by not being a brainrotted /pol/cuck. You probably can't though, your brainrot is too severe.
She's right.

>> No.77357025

Locusts. They really shouldn't be allowed to leave.

>> No.77357116
File: 137 KB, 720x539, 5b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I allied with the local mexican gang and now the blacks don't fuck with me or my stuff. Legit cost me $20 in beer money for over 5 years of friendship and protection

>> No.77357162

>keep talking about the same big cities

>> No.77357171

You genuinely think people don't get their cars broken into outside of California?
I live on the complete opposite side of the country in a red state and somebody broke into my car a month ago, I didn't even have any bags or valuables inside, they just took maybe $3 worth of change from the center console. Yeah I'm sure San Francisco is worse but come on this shit happens everywhere.

>> No.77357319

Stay in commiefornia bud

>> No.77357324

Do americans fucking really? Do you all live in some cyberpunk dystopia? I once left my car unlocked for a day on a busy street because I forgot to lock it, nothing happened. I also forgot to lock my house when I went on a trip for 2 weeks, nothing happened also.
How do you people live like that?

>> No.77357340
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Let's see the race of the person who did it.

>> No.77357341

Add "ka" to your pol.

>> No.77357363

She didn't say exactly which bag. Someone is carrying around a cute bag now.

>> No.77357397

Cool story. When I went to Paris people would stand around in the street yelling to warn people about pickpockets because they were so prevalent, same story in Naples.

>> No.77357457

>I once left my car unlocked for a day on a busy street because I forgot to lock it, nothing happened. I also forgot to lock my house when I went on a trip for 2 weeks, nothing happened also.
that's just called living in a rich area and having decent luck, anon

>> No.77357470
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>> No.77357474

Please, visit brown free country

>> No.77357662
File: 592 KB, 1367x669, 1691512996216939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually live here and it's not /pol/ that SF has a huge issue with petty theft and especially car-related theft. Violent crime here is super low though.
Locals just don't like tech bros coming in from other states and shitting up the city so we jack their shit and resell it to make rent. If those tech faggots would stop coming here from Austin and Seattle this place might actually be more affordable to live in. Stealing their shit is just karma for how they destroyed the city.

>> No.77357664

>cyberpunk dystopia
That's South Korea. Though I guess America is following along

>> No.77357714

You keep talking about the same big cities because it matches a narrative. Memphis was the city with the highest murder rate per capita in the US last year. But no one talks about Memphis, because it doesn't support the narrative.

>> No.77357732

Ask her if she's updated her poop map

>> No.77357772

I was watching Henya yesterday and she said that dudes will steal your underwear if you hang it outside

>> No.77357789

>complains about tech bros "shitting up the city"
>has to steal shit to make rent
I'd laugh when this anon catches some lead for this, but since it's california, nobody is allowed to have guns so he'll just keep making his own city a shithole and eat his own meal

>> No.77357800

100%. The USA is really just globohomo on a micro scale, you have people with a different culture and politics shitting up their own area and then they move into yours a sa "right" and demand change. There should be laws limiting how far people can move and how many generations they must stay to be considered "native".

>> No.77357854
File: 37 KB, 807x273, memphis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what the demographics of Memphis are

>> No.77357881

Ironic. Commiefornians vote for LGBBC socialist democrap policies to jack the rent and taxes up for “muh democracy” then when their shithole inevitably becomes a diarrheahole they move to other states to do the same thing

>> No.77357882

its really just “its california” or basically its “a blue state run city” its pretty much a given

>> No.77357926

>24% white

>> No.77357946
File: 230 KB, 554x476, 1709887430900532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those two statements are linked to eachother dumbass. Rich naive kids come in from out of state and jack up the rent prices. People who've lived here for decades can no longer afford it. They resort to stealing from those rich fucks to pay their rent. The rich fucks start leaving the city in response to being targeted. The rent costs go down when the rich kids leave. It's not fucking rocket science.

>> No.77357957

shes japanese shes not used to seeing crime firsthand

>> No.77357965

Yeah but if you get stabbed in Memphis and someone says "lol Memphis moment" would your response be "Yeah I know, Memphis does have an abnormally high violent crime rate beyond that of other cities in the US" or "S-SHUT UP THIS IS NORMAL FOR BIG CITIES YOU COULD GET SHANKED ANYWHERE"

>> No.77357971

By holding back your inner retard and keeping any comments to "damn that sucks, sorry to hear about it." Do you not interact with people in real life? Or is every interaction you have involve having a political spergout?

>> No.77357980

the golden rule is to never relax when niggers are around

>> No.77358033

>how do you respond without stating the problem

You don't. We all know why this is, it's just a social faux pas to call a spade a spade

>> No.77358050

they dont have negros

>> No.77358049

And who were the perps?

>> No.77358051

Based on her accent, she has spent most if not all of her life in North America.

>> No.77358061

I was speaking less about race and more about political tribalism brain rot. If you want to use Memphis to talk about race, go for it. But Memphis is never talked about, while Chicago, LA, and San Francisco are. It's because people can't think outside their own political box.

>> No.77358086

She was literally born and raised in the bay area.

>> No.77358099

>They resort to stealing from those rich fucks to pay their rent.
This is not actually the genesis of 99% of crime. People stealing because they're hungry or w/e is a comforting myth for progressives.

>> No.77358114

If she ever voted for a Democrat candidate she deserves this. Stupid ass
Feminist bitch. Women shouldn't vote.

>> No.77358126

My small Midwest town may have people dying of opioid overdoses but at least I don’t have to worry about people stealing my shit when I leave my car

>> No.77358138


>> No.77358167

then its her fault if she dosent know about these vermin that plague the country

>> No.77358168

Memphis is a democrat city. Almost every single major city is run by democrats because it houses the most blacks/criminals.

>> No.77358204

These people are all using shiny decent looking cars.
The trick is buying a fucking toaster with wheels and then parking it near "better looking but definitely not harder to break into" cars. That way everyone else's cars work as diversions. Of course don't have anything valuable inside the car.
You should always try to get the below average looking ride that works just as good or better than the "Nu Model" whatever, also most likely cheaper to maintain.

>> No.77358244

just saying you try to rob anyone in a red state you will get shot lol

>> No.77358248
File: 23 KB, 275x275, 12395684745654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>without sounding /pol/?
Unironically what's wrong with sounding /pol/, at least in this particular case?

>> No.77358259

Yeah that and also SF makes it impossible to build any apartments because the people who live there simultaneously want it to be a high-tech city of millions and also all the housing is exclusively suburban row houses with quarter acre yards.

>> No.77358320
File: 30 KB, 1240x1212, doki-inexplicable-face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They resort to stealing from those rich fucks to pay their rent. The rich fucks start leaving the city in response to being targeted. The rent costs go down when the rich kids leave. It's not fucking rocket science
that's just straight up retarded thinking, most people learn to lock their shit up better if they're getting their things stolen. you just want to keep stealing shit because you're even more of a parasite than the tech bros you criticize, no wonder you like nijisanji, it's a company that specifically caters to scumbags like you

>> No.77358343

>without sounding /pol/

>> No.77358354

You can't be mean and hurt the feelings of a group of people who statistically commit abnormally high amounts of crime. You're supposed to coddle them, it's actually your fault they're breaking into your car and robbing you

>> No.77358372

Not entirely true, but I wish it was.

>> No.77358384

the golden rule is to never relax when African-Americans are around

>> No.77358398

And yet Republicans won't talk about Memphis like a boogeyman, as they do with Chicago, LA, San Fran, etc. Because it's in a deep red state, and it shows that Republican state governments are impotent.

>> No.77358418


>> No.77358430

>I just want to make money as long as it's not something I don't want to do
>I'll do porn, sure

>> No.77358466

>the state should babysit your shithole of a city
Reminder that everyone living in those hellscapes voted for it.

>> No.77358479
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top zozzle

>> No.77358483
File: 76 KB, 447x598, 1717507427502620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about being hungry, it's using crime as a form of political protest against outsiders. I bet when the South did it with sundown towns and jim crow most of you would've been all for it.
Locals in SF don't get their shit jacked. We primarily target people with Apple or Tesla products because it's the telltale sign of a rich tech chud.

The city has a lot of high rise buildings it's just all of them are reserved for "commercial use." Ironically almost all of those buildings are like 90% empty because the rent is too damn high even for office space. Everyone wants the artsy row houses with big public murals and art projects but no one wants to actually make them affordable for artists to live in. The city has been bleeding from cultureless tech bros for decades and you bring up a good point that it's also an issue of NIMBYism because the rich people who own most of the real estate are loving how unaffordable it is and lobby the city council to block more housing being built. So we steal their macbooks.

>> No.77358502

Isn't Tokyo a big city as well and theft is uncommon, at least compared to other big cities?

>> No.77358528

can't speak for all states, but as someone who has lived in Texas and North Carolina, I can tell you the GOP state legislatures routinely go out of their way to sabotage and maliciously micromanage their major cities

>> No.77358533

average cali woman

>> No.77358534

>you can't criticize crime in san francisco because it would hurt minorities' feelings
>san francisco
>which is like 80% white or asian with very few minorities for a major metro

>> No.77358591

>80% white
>somehow 20% of the population makes 80% of the city look like a landfill
the 20/80 rule applies

>> No.77358600

>big city problem
Big cities are the safest place to be in every other part of the world. Incredible things are happening in Western hemisphere.

>> No.77358610

The Japanese don't have a lot of immigrants, though that's starting to change. They also have a 99% conviction rate

>> No.77358616

>theft is uncommon
Unless you go to Shinjuku or Shibuya.

>> No.77358627

Tokyo has low theft and crime because Japanese are taught to not behave like subhumans

>> No.77358644

It's funny how Texans think California is a 3rd world country because of petty crime localized entirely within the bay area, but if you bring up how Texans literally freeze to death every time there's a minor bit of bad weather due to the Republicans privatizing the power grid and stripping it for parts, they lose their shit.

>> No.77358668

>in every other part of the world
Cheaply-fabricated buildings crumbling into dust isn’t really that safe, Mao.

>> No.77358670

Most of their migrants are from Philippines and Vietnam and they're fairly well-behaved.

>> No.77358679

>without sounding /pol/?
We both know what "urban" means.

>> No.77358703

Cool now let's talk about Californians burning to death because CA government refuses to manage their forests.

>> No.77358705

American politicians are brain dead in general, big shocker

>> No.77358713

I'm an Eastern Yuropoor though.

>> No.77358734
File: 81 KB, 640x619, 099cf73c9b079ff7d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you all act like you've never seen a city before

>> No.77358737

I tag Seth Rogen and get him to reply

>> No.77358774

>It's not about being hungry, it's using crime as a form of political protest against outsiders
>We primarily target people with Apple or Tesla products because it's the telltale sign of a rich tech chud
owning apple or tesla products is the exact kind of behavior I'd expect from someone retarded enough to live in SF for a long time, so you're probably stealing from your own retards. and on that note, please never leave california

>> No.77358823

Would you rather live in beijing or a poor part of LA?

>> No.77358863


>> No.77358894

at least I wouldn't get shot and get to enjoy chink puss

>> No.77358971


>> No.77358987

Except they started managing their forests years ago and it's been under control for years. Wildfires are an inevitability of living in an area with hot weather and lots of foliage. Shit happens but at least it's being managed. Now tell me why the Texas legislature spends 9 months of the year on vacation and dedicates the rest of their time thinking of how they can ban tampons and library books while meddling in Austin's local politics instead of fixing their power grid?
Republicans treat California as if we're some lawlwss hellhole, and while the state has a lot of garbage politics at least some small percentage of our political capital goes to improving conditions in the state. MediCal has been a huge success in providing basically universal healthcare statewide while also reducing healthcare costs across the state. California is also the first state to adopt EU-comparable consumer protection laws and internet protections. Can you point to anything positive the Texas legislature has done to help average Texans? This eternal pissing contest over "California bad" is just a dumb distraction because your politicians don't care about you.

>> No.77358996

>homeless people sleeping in your car in the morning

>> No.77359018

Just link to relevant San Francisco news articles or stories.

>> No.77359048
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>> No.77359096

But why lol, just so you don’t have to deal with the chinese?

>> No.77359108

I’d pull the lever even faster so an onlooker with epilepsy gets taken out, too. Just like my oshi, Porygon.

>> No.77359149

Ever dealt with them before?

>> No.77359168
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>why doesn't the government just prevent natural disasters?

>> No.77359189

No but I’ve dealt with LA blacks

>> No.77359214

>dedicates the rest of their time thinking of how they can ban tampons and library books while meddling in Austin's local politics instead of fixing their power grid?
Probably because they're worried about their children being exposed to more pornography and propaganda depicted in what are supposed to be schoolbooks. Those school children sure are missing out when they can't read such magnificent titles as:
>Gender Queer
>All Boys Aren’t Blue
>Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out
>How to Be an Antiracist

>> No.77359220

That argument works both ways, then.

>> No.77359230

it is just bad luck, you can get robbed in almost any place

>> No.77359231

Yes. Also I don't want to live under a communist dictatorship just to be "safe".

>> No.77359258

The rest of the country doesn't have to worry about their basic infrastructure failing when the temperature drops below 30 degrees

>> No.77359260

Yeah, it’s probably just bad luck to get eaten in Haiti. Should’ve just rolled a six.

>> No.77359303

>Don't want to live under a communist dictatorship
>Rather live in LA
lol. lmao. kusa.

>> No.77359319

How can one be fine but the other isn’t? They’re both natural disasters, after all.

>> No.77359326

She also said that her mom will put some of her dad's underwear out to dry with her's even though he doesn't live there, so people will think a man lives at her place and will be discouraged from trying anything.

>> No.77359330

If you rip the lever out it turns purple.

>> No.77359334

LA blacks probably don't shit in the middle of the sidewalk like the Chinese.
t. been to China

Is that really a more important issue than providing funding to schools? Conservatives are always so fucking obsessed with culture war issues but never wanna talk about things that actually impact real people. They'd rather kids die in school shootings than be exposed to books that don't fit The Narrative. It's so fucking ridiculous.

>> No.77359338

>San Francisco’s year-to-date auto burglary numbers are down 15% compared with last year, San Francisco Police Department spokesperson Evan Sernoffsky told SFGATE. But the visibility of car break-ins and the dialogue about them have recently reached something of a fever pitch, playing into SF’s “doom loop” narrative and prompting people to criticize the department’s response to these crimes.
So break-ins are actually down, it's just that everyone posts them on Twitter now so everyone thinks they're surging.
Presumably there are cities where break-ins are up, but none of those get boosted on social media, because no one cares what happens in Lexington, Kentucky.

>> No.77359369

What you're calling a natural disaster is just normal winter weather to most people, and is only considered a disaster because of the government's inability to provide for its people.

>> No.77359379

>Is that really a more important issue than providing funding to schools?
Clearly, since the funding is used to buy the books.

>> No.77359382

>How to Be an Antiracist
this one is hilarious honestly
it basically boils down to "have the same opinions as me on everything, or you're a racist". if it was trolling all along it was a brilliant, chadwardenn-level move

>> No.77359385

Correct, LA has freedom and China does not, even if the politicians there are from the blue tribe rather than red tribe.

>> No.77359445

So we're just letting kids starve by removing subsidized school lunches to uh...punish the schools? How does that make sense?

>> No.77359468

>here’s how California can still win

>> No.77359492
File: 436 KB, 588x331, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are one of you faggots going to trade me a fucking Pinsir or not

>> No.77359493

They get foodstamps. Pack a lunch.

>> No.77359515

>letting kids starve

>> No.77359528

think you can get one at the safari zone

>> No.77359557

You’ll get Ditto and like it

>> No.77359566

>LA has freedom and China does not,
LMFAO even

>> No.77359603

>no argument
Concession accepted, CCPshill.

>> No.77359604

So don't visit most of Europe?

>> No.77359609

Or we could not feed kids literal goy slop, other countries have actual edible food in schools

>> No.77359610

>cyberpunk dystopia
in america's case it's just a regular dystopia, their cities still look like it's 1950

>> No.77359623

If you saw a lion, would you go up and kick it? Fuck no, because common sense says that will get you killed. Same logic applies. A lot of crime prevention is just situational awareness and sticking to good rules of thumb. Don't wear expensive jewelry in a dark alley way, don't have a picnic in front of a bear.

In my family's experience it's the opposite. There's still a lot of rabid junkies out there looking to make a quick buck to fuel their addiction, there just isn't as many of them as there are in the city.

>> No.77359643

I’ve lived in california my whole life but have family and friends that live in big cities all across the east coast and elsewhere and it’s true what these anons from flyover states are saying—this whole phenomenon of your car being broken into while parked in the ghetto is pretty much a symbol of the state and result of our other shitty laws, like our gun laws, and those other policies you’ve read heard about how bad they are or are going to be compared to you

it always feels like shit to hear about friends that can park in the ghetto in other big cities without worrying about california’s stupid fucking laws that make the streets from the northern tip of the state all the way down to the southern border thick with needles and human feces. you’ve all heard the stories of it. and meanwhile we have to pretend like this isn’t the most useless disgusting swath of land in the country. shit’s frustrating

>> No.77359644

Oh believe me. I'm not saying China has freedom. China sucks. Pretending California is even slightly better though? You're fucking delusional.

>> No.77359645

Other countries aren't a corporatocratic oligarchies fueled by warmongering and drone striking cars full of children.

>> No.77359647

>I-if I can't walk into a school, hospital, or library with an assault rifle, I don't have freedom!

>> No.77359650

>first they’re starving
>now, they’re eating
Wtf that’s impossible, I’m calling hax on that one

>> No.77359683

No cities have high crime if you are in the parts that normal people live in, all cities have areas that you aren't supposed to go to, including Tokyo. I lived in a city that was supposedly the murder capital of the country and never once met anyone who had ever been the victim of a crime. Because all that crime was happening in a ghetto neighborhood that I've never even seen before in my life. It turns out that segregation is a good thing, actually.

>> No.77359710

Year to date numbers are down but the problem is persistent. SF residents literally refer to the glass from break ins as "snow" because of how common break ins have been over the last decade. People living within the larger SF Bay region all remember at least one incident from the last 20 years where a break in occurred while visiting the city. A lot of the social media comes from people in and around the city who are tired of the persistent crime.

Also Twitter HQ is in SF so one should expect anything that happens in the city to be magnified.

>> No.77359733

>drone striking
If only they’d been in the car with their mother, so as to limit the breeding patterns.

>> No.77359754

I’m not the anon who said they’re starving, I’m just saying the school food in the US is embarrassing dogshit

>> No.77359764

There is not a single state in the country where you can park in a ghetto and not worry about getting robbed. Your life is a fiction. Also most of those homeless leaving needles and shit on the streets are from out of state.

>> No.77359833

This is such a cope bro, you are safer walking around anywhere in japan at night than any degenerate urban city in america

>> No.77359910

Yes, it's obviously better. For example you can't be arrested for criticizing the government and members of the opposition party even get elected. Hell, both SF and LA recently threw out a bunch of their wokest politicians because everyone got sick of them. Not to mention that corruption is dramatically lower, and just regular quality of life things like the fact that LA actually mostly solved its smog problems. I would even venture that the food is better. And then there's things like life having more meaning than a materialistic rat race with 12-hour school days followed by 4 hours of cram school to pass the single exam that will determine the rest of your life... yes, America, LA included, is much more free than anywhere in China. That's probably why so many Chinese are fleeing there to start a new life.

>> No.77359925

Yeah, in Japan you won't get shot. I wonder why that is.

>> No.77359956

US pushed them to take more immigrants from south america and africa

>> No.77359975

Okay but I'll raise you this: People like Johnny Somali should have been shot in Japan. Sorry, not sorry.

>> No.77359986

I didn’t realize your Achilles Heel was a bullet.

>> No.77360026

I've never walked around in America at night, but this whole board just a day ago was about how a foreign vtuber girl was about to get kidnapped and sold into sex slavery in Tokyo. You clearly don't understand the concept of what a city is if you can't grasp that a city is made up of parts that are the safest places in the world and parts that are the most dangerous. They are literally designed that way. You choosing to be poor and live in the shit parts is your problem, not everyone else's.

>> No.77360034

I walk around at 2am all the time idgi stop being pussies also stop driving cars that are nice and look like you got shit also just stop having shit Jesus

>> No.77360060

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.77360076

Google him.

>> No.77360092

It's embarrassingly dogshit because states continue to defund schools to funnel that money into useless sheriff salaries. I lived in a fairly middle class school district where the city council gave the school proper funding. We had nachos, fresh pizza, pasta, and sushi for lunch. We also had new computers and smartboards in every classroom. Teachers didn't have to spend their own money to buy basic resources like pencils for their students.
It's very much an issue of policy that America's entire society is built on providing the cheapest and lowest quality education because (((certain people))) need that money to go to bombs for Israel instead of feeding our kids.

>> No.77360111

I know who he is, he’s wasn’t shot in japan

>> No.77360155

nice edit of a classic /pol/ twitter bait.

>> No.77360181

>I know who he is, he’s wasn’t shot in japan
Yes Anon, that is problem. He should have been.

>> No.77360183

Americans are so brain dead it’s unreal, I’d rather live in the most dangerous part of Tokyo than any dogshit city in california

>> No.77360237

A pussy will always be a pussy, I suppose.

>> No.77360282

We get it retard, guns are so scary. When you pretend to be a faggot like this you sound about as an intelligent as a woman with that whole bear vs. man concept. Saying you'd rather be dead than alive because it sounds like you have standards is not impressive, it's just retarded.

>> No.77360300

You're the braindead American if you think Californian cities are worse than cities in the rest of the US. Take off the tribal warpaint for 5 minutes.

>> No.77360333

I think you missed the point I was trying to make. just because I myself have never been the victim of a crime or seen shit on the street is almost certainly a coping mechanism somehow. everyone from out of state has seen the pictures, seen the news. they know better because they don’t live here and can see it for what it universally is. most of us probably have a needle in our feet we don’t know about. this is surely the case

>> No.77360360

>step on a needle
>walk over 10 homeless people
>get robbed by some black dude
>>at least I’m not a pussy bro
average western IQ

>> No.77360422

You do realize in your own hypothetical you are the shrieking baboon you think society's should do away with, right? You can't be this dumb.

>> No.77360445

You're trying to argue that the Twitter hashtags of out of state nobodies are more relevant than the actual lived experiences of the people who live in the state? Lmao.
You can cherrypick crimes anywhere in the world to paint a narrative, doesn't mean it's true. I mean it's not like everyone in Austria has a rape dungeon in their basement or every Australian worries about dingoes eating their baby. The media is always going to sensationalize shit that outsiders will take for truth.

>> No.77360474

>dies in a mass shooting

>> No.77360507

Oh God, imagine how much worse South Korea would be if they also had Negros. It would be like California on super steroids.

>> No.77360523

I’m fine with you being a woman and all, but that just means I won’t listen to you.

>> No.77360567

You live your life in fear of crime in other countries, I rest easy because I wouldn't even know there was such a thing as crime in the world if I didn't watch the media because I don't live around criminals.

>> No.77360641

Let's be honest here, it was a bag from a con and that was the only thing stolen. It was another woman who did that, probably fat. We, the black community, would never steal such garbage. You need at least some fake gucci shit for me to break your window, however, I specialize in bicycle acquisitions and kinetic operations in other neighborhoods.

>> No.77360731

>You live your life in fear of crime in other countries
I moved away from the city for this reason, in my midwest town you don’t have to worry about someone stealing your shit

>> No.77360842

America in general is more dangerous than Europe, let alone Asia, even in a small town. Always been that way even going back to the 19th century. Americans just value freedom over security and this blows the minds of eurocrats and collectivist Asians alike.

>> No.77360846

Bet you lock your shit anyway

>> No.77360862

Hell, I live 20 minutes from a medium-big city in the midwest and I don't ever have to deal with anything. Best of both worlds.

>> No.77360883

This is just Democracy in general

>> No.77360889

Ah, Californian culture...

>> No.77360911

I moved to a town exclusively for a certain type of people. We all know each other and go to the same religious services. It had been safe. Two years ago someone was murdered at a house. They came from outside. Last year another man was murdered in a parking lot, and more people from outside keep moving in. You are not safe.

>> No.77360994

But... you came from outside? Stop confessing to murder gosh

>> No.77361019
File: 214 KB, 1380x620, SF Demo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The percentage of black people in SF has been declining for the past 40 years. That said, we should not be surprised so many criminals are from Oakland and the East Bay.

>> No.77361070

>But... you came from outside?
I came from outside the town, but I have always been part of our particular community. The outsiders today have nothing to do with us and only moved here because they figured our town was safe. They don't adhere to our religious practice and do not understand our ways. They even attempted to bring alcohol sales to town when they can simply drive to the next town.

>> No.77361226

Auto burglaries are down because nobody is reporting them anymore, which in turn is because of how many there are compared to the number of officers available; look up any recent response to a break in and you'll see that it is in fact less effective than putting in an IT help desk ticket since all they can really do is collect your information and tell you that shit sucks.

>> No.77361324

You don't report auto burglaries so that the police will catch the person. You report it so you have a police report number to give to your insurance company so they'll pay for new glass.

>> No.77361398

I live in the middle of nowhere and do the same, I leave my car unlocked in my driveway. But go to any place with population density and you'll end up with someone from another culture enriching your car, or a kid breaking into it for drug money, etc.

>> No.77361669

A real mindfuck is rural white areas with a meth problem. Junkies will break into cars, but most of them are just friendly. It might be because I'm not white, but those niggas will straight up approach you for cash. I know what the cash is for, but having a white dude be nice to me so he can do nigga shit is too much to bear. I give them cash every time. Fuck my good nature. They're only ever rude to each other. I think there would be less racism if actual niggas were only rude to each other but nice to everyone else.

>> No.77361783


>> No.77362202
File: 224 KB, 475x675, 1674159426904719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People can cope all they want about muh freedom but the fact is if she was in Japan her shit wouldn't have been stolen

>> No.77362278

fuck off mormon, you people are the most disgusting hypocritical pieces of shit I've ever met

>> No.77362358


>> No.77362385

hey ese I broke into your car

>> No.77362411

lol should have deport all the slaves back to Africa

>> No.77362531

Yes and if you try to stop them from stealing you get arrested. So you can't do shit but let them steal from you.

>> No.77362576

>big city
it's literally a san francisco problem btw
i lived in new york city and they never had the problem to the extent that frisco has
san francisco also has a huge homeless problem, huge porch theft problem...etc
it's a shithole all while being one of the most expensive places to live

>> No.77362628

nyc is much better, you only have to worry about getting sucker punched in the back of the head by some black dude everytime you go outside

>> No.77362717

The problem is not the niggers, since they barely hold any power. It's the Kikes. Trace the root of every problem in America and Europe and it'll always lead you to fucking Kikes.

>> No.77362771
File: 4 KB, 300x168, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see /vt/ thread
>look inside
>muh niggywiggies are responsible for all of humanity's problems
>society ethnostate globohomo blah blah blah

>> No.77362781
File: 152 KB, 1636x716, 1928739873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but at least in nyc you can just avoid the ethnic enclaves and you'll be fine
meanwhile in san francisco blacks barely exist but there's even more crime
the entire city is rotten

>> No.77362913

are they wrong though? Everyone seems to claim it's not the blacks but I've yet to see anyone shill a real black vtuber

>> No.77362962

>No, it really is not
>Seabro thinks his large huts = big city
Most large western nations have problematic big cities, because it happens in big cities more often than not.

>> No.77363042

Torahime Kotoka sends her regards.

>> No.77363047

Illegal immigrants don't have insurance, and they sure as hell won't call for a cop.

>> No.77363064

republican politicians are no different from democrat politicians more or less. they have the same paymasters

>> No.77363105

Close, but smaller. Won't say more because that would be way too much info.

>> No.77363117

what even is this thread? She's not wrong. it's NOT a cali issue. it's a rare issue in general. It's happened to a lot of people I know. I live in a red state. But I won't pretend it's common

>> No.77363136

If you gotta worry about black people, its not a place to live.

>> No.77363143
File: 3.82 MB, 1920x960, 1716605148210138.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to the /pol/ club with Pippa.

>> No.77363152

I'm not LDS, but one of my friends is.

>> No.77363171


A number of the areas cited are not exactly SF, but comprise the greater Bay Area metro, and suffer from the same systemic problems. The reasons vary, but the fact of the matter is that this crimes are frequently unreported and therefore underreported, and this is before getting into actual prosecution and the legal loopholes there.

>> No.77363178

wow!!! All fo that on 4chan?!!!!!!!

>> No.77363318

Then tell your friend to go stick his tithe up his ass

>> No.77363630

2012 era reddit take.

>> No.77363755

What the fuck is a kite

>> No.77363982
File: 327 KB, 2400x1260, PRI_212226823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77363989

No, he's a nice guy. Why can't you be nice, anon?

>> No.77364052

She admitted herself that she went to a ghetto, that's what happens in such places

>> No.77364073

some users disable antialiased font rendering as an accessibility accomodation for their mental illness

>> No.77365433

get bipped, bitch

>> No.77365435

She’s not wrong about it not being specific to California. Just look at Detroit.

>> No.77365602

Ask Liberia how well it's been going for them.

>> No.77365627

The part and parcel line was about like, random stabbing or rape or something.

Theft is in fact significantly more common in big cities, regardless of demographic distribution. All crime is, really. If you go to a big city you can reasonably expect a higher chance of becoming victim to a crime.

>> No.77365711

fpbp, close the thread

>> No.77365862

Not really. Rich jews control both parties

>> No.77365990

Are you retarded cousin? The Democrats are shilling for palestine and the republicans are all infowarriors blaming climate change on the Jews

>> No.77366051

>on the jews
you are the fucking retard. Jews control the republican party

>> No.77366124

they're doing a pretty shitty job at it https://jewishinsider.com/2023/10/mark-robinson-lieutenant-governor-north-carolina-republican-candidate-hitler/

>> No.77366331

>Bay Area
I find it funny how you guys blame the niggers when it was more likely a spic or white person.

>> No.77366633

Diversity is our strength!

>> No.77366935

Based criminal rosebud. Stealing from rich retards is always morally correct

>> No.77366967

This is how I know you don't live in the bay. It's literally niggers doing drive-by break-ins. If it was a catalytic converter theft, it would be 50/50 nigger or beaner.

>> No.77367156

My noble people use every part of the stolen car. We would never just steal the catalytic converter. This is slander by the pale faces.

>> No.77367312
File: 15 KB, 260x234, IMG_3381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope one day voters will realise that the only true divide among the people is a class divide, not race or voter party. Maybe then we can get some shit done

>> No.77367429

If you say so, pinko.

>> No.77367709

>literally born
actually she was born in Japan to a single mom who then gave her up for adoption, and a murrican couple adopted her. as said on stream a dozen times, j-words

>> No.77367841

I'll stay in my comfy European small town thank you very much.

>> No.77367938

>arson is a natural disaster now
you fully fell for the cLiMaTe ChAnGe bullshit, didn't you?

>> No.77368106

>selling my body for sex
having sex to have sex?

>> No.77368457

t. Oakland resident

>> No.77368937 [DELETED] 

Amerimutts are subhumans

>> No.77369101

Does everyone who lives there turn into a bike cuck after a while?

>> No.77369535

that's completely false

>> No.77369627

>not having claymores inside your car
well deserved

>> No.77369652

How does /vt/ do it? Despite all its flaws it maintains a level of quality far above all the other media boards.

>> No.77369672


>> No.77371346

>never got robbed in Dublin or Tokyo in 40 years between them.
>Get robbed on my first day in new york

>> No.77371685

the most annoying thing about people from new york/sf/la is that they act like their toxic waste dump cities are normal, and everyone actually wishes they lived in the sludge with them. did you know i can go outside anywhere in my nice suburb and it won't smell like human waste? how terrible.

>> No.77372279

Freedom to wither on the sideroad.

>> No.77372747

Half of the "Californians" are people who moved to California from other states and left after they got priced out.

>> No.77372808

nooo, you can't just eat (((them)))
you just can't, okay?

>> No.77372958

You can't. For some reason certain sane replies get branded as /pol/. Like crime not being normal for example. No its absolutely not fucking normal to get robbed all the time. Been in cities all over EU, and its really hit or miss. Don't want to point out what the correlation with danger is because once again, might sound /pol/, but shit, its real life m8.

>> No.77373363

Indeed, I too see the car as an extension of myself. Which is why I would love to move to Texas.

>> No.77373709

>Without saying the truth how do you say the truth.
Uh changing demographics

>> No.77373840
File: 253 KB, 1017x2184, Screen Shot 2024-06-04 at 13.17.17-fullpage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but since it's california, nobody is allowed to have guns
There's MILLIONS of guns in California. The gun ownership rate per capita is low but that's only because it's got the greatest population. In terms of total gun sales, California buys more guns than anybody except Florida and Texas.

>> No.77374713

No he's right. The US government is filled to bursting with frauds, thieves, murderers, etc. The fact none of them answer for their crimes, but orange man goes down for covering up an imaginary crime, really says something.

>> No.77374939

>man, that fucking sucks
Something like that

>> No.77375077

>imaginary crime
my brother in Yakub, he had a paper trail a mile long. He's guilty. Trump supporters were chanting LOCK HER UP in 2016, but they couldn't do shit without actual evidence.

>> No.77375116

I say nigger

>> No.77375149

hilariously ironic post

>> No.77375239

>he had a paper trail a mile long
A paper trail to what, exactly? Fucking Stormy Daniels isn't a crime, all the documents were created and filed after he left the Trump Organization, and the felony that he allegedly committed is only a felony if it was done to cover up a crime. He was never convicted of any other crime that he could have covered up. Nothing about it makes any sense.

>> No.77375244

What narrative? That Americans keep electing evil crooks that create crime hot spots and poverty? Sounds like the narrative matches. The only reason nobody talks about that city is cuz nobody remembers it exists.

>> No.77375355

>Trump supporters were chanting LOCK HER UP in 2016, but they couldn't do shit without actual evidence.
(f)Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer— Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
>Hillary Clinton on Tuesday told ABC News’ David Muir that using a personal email account while Secretary of State was a “mistake” and that she is “sorry” for it.
>Through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed,

She literally admitted she broke the Espionage Act on television.

>> No.77375390

woke? Sisters told me she is a right wing racist

>> No.77375439

nah, send them back.

>> No.77375518

he doesn't have to be convicted of violating campaign finance laws or tax laws to be a felon for covering them up. As long as you falsify business records to cover them up, then you've committed a felony.

And if he felt the need to commit a felony to cover up what he was doing, either he was doing something illegal or is so stupid he deserves to be in prison for being so stupid

>> No.77375579

>he doesn't have to be convicted of violating campaign finance laws or tax laws to be a felon for covering them up
Are you retarded? That's like saying someone doesn't have to have killed someone to be convicted of murder.

>> No.77375584

ok cool but what Hillary did didn't violate any of that so.

And if she did, cool lock her up too! Let her share a cell with Trump for all I care. i'm not defending Hillary anyway I just like seeing criminal politicians go to jail

>> No.77375686

>Hillary Clinton admits to negligently removing documents from their proper place of custody, from which they they were stolen
>but she didn't violate a law that specifically makes that illegal
You have a mental illness.

>> No.77375695

>How do you respond without sounding /pol/?
>Thread devolves into talking about 2016 Trump vs Hilary crimes.
Fucking genius faggot OP.

>> No.77376082

No, you shut the fuck up. This problem is bigger than Trump and Hillary. A LOT fucking bigger.

>> No.77376143

you are so fucking retarded

>> No.77376192

Nice retort faggot. Enjoy your overwhelmingly corrupt oligarch overlords.

>> No.77376738

As much as people try and pretend Sayu is le based and edgy, she's always been a Hasan simping leftist cuck.

>> No.77376855


>> No.77376902

I lived in a Slav ghetto in Toronto until finishing university and have never been robbed or had my car broken into

>> No.77377124

You’re allowed to own guns (albeit according to cucked Canada tier restrictions). Are you actually allowed to use them to defend yourself and your property without being arrested? If not, that means California doesn’t have guns with respect to American standards

>> No.77377594

>You’re allowed to own guns (albeit according to cucked Canada tier restrictions)
As bad as California is, Canada is several magnitudes worse.

>Are you actually allowed to use them to defend yourself and your property without being arrested?
Yes. California has both Stand Your Ground and Castle Doctrine like other free states.

>> No.77378717


>> No.77379677

>Votes blue no matter who.

>Personally has no qualms about seeing criminals drawn and quartered, OR seeing them placed in gentle rehab programs, as long as one or the other happens.

>Gets to enjoy chuubas without fear of getting politically triggered, because they likely all either agree with me or are too degen to vote at all.

>> No.77379990

With numbers

>> No.77381183


>> No.77382191

>implying they are wrong

>> No.77382998

I made this post!

>> No.77383345

Cars never were broken into in my affluent Canadian neighborhood until we began importing millions of poojeets. But I'm sure it's just a cohencidence.

>> No.77383769

That black guy was probably more happy to have the bag than you were sad to have it stolen, so if you think about it the net happiness of the world has increased.

>> No.77384120

if her ancestors hadn't made so much money off slavery she wouldnt have been able to buy that bag, and if his ancestors hadnt been subjugated for centuries he wouldnt have to steal it. she cant complain when he is 100% a product of his society and surroundings that HER ancestors made. if anything she should give him the rest of her belongings too, though that still wouldnt make up for the centuries of oppression.
upvote if you agree

>> No.77384405

Only since trudeau came in. Under Harper we had more access for firearms than Californians, and access to a wider variety of firearms in general than America (SBRs and sawn off shotties being non restricteds if manufactured that way). If Pierre somehow manages to win and boots the recent bans out we will have less restrictive gun laws than like 1/3 of the US

>> No.77384832

That poor bag is going to be turned into fap material by some mothers basement looking fucker.

>> No.77386858

We would never steal an empty bag. If it had been us, we would have at least taken the stereo for our trouble. Please stop comparing this sub-par criminal to us. We're much better than that. Maybe it was a ghetto white boy, or worse, a filipino.

>> No.77387762

Sayu, please just go one day without trying to bait engagement. Please.

>> No.77388056

Anon, her post was 2 days ago, if anything it's the OP's fault for posting this /here/ 2 days late in the first place.
