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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.97 MB, 374x347, cute nerd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77315109 No.77315109 [Reply] [Original]

megane monday

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>77253041

>> No.77315168

I love her lots!

>> No.77315289

finally some clarity

>> No.77315584
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77315596

Oh yeah, Vivi exists. I keep forgetting about her when it comes to the Barbies. Same with Tanya.

>> No.77315768

Rude as frick. Tanya is one of the better ones, it takes a couple streams getting used to her insane pacing but she blows both Nina and vivi out of the water.

>> No.77316014

I wish tanya would blow me out of the water if you catch my drift

>> No.77316103

I don't catch your drift, please explain what you mean by that.

>> No.77316127

For once I do actually understand. I get the feeling that her and Oli would be a terrifying force.

>> No.77316219

I want the vtuber known as Kitanya who is friends with fallenshadow and is part of the vtuber group known as "The Barbie Girls" to suck my penis until I ejaculate into her mouth

>> No.77316263
File: 1.68 MB, 1339x754, loli vivi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll be better once she uses the loli vivi wife made her.

>> No.77316305

Now I get it. Thanks for explaining it.

>> No.77316458

Lolification is weak
Hated when nina did it
Opinion isnt going to change when vivi's model drops

>> No.77316566

Just feels like a cash grab whenever it happens. All illusion of the character being the person is gone after that as well.

>> No.77316657
File: 3 KB, 291x282, 1716098374246733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolification will be a requirement under total shondomination

>> No.77316903

The more you try and get me to hate certain chatters the more I find myself liking them.

>> No.77317140


>> No.77317310


>> No.77317450

I made this post

>> No.77317502

there isnt a single chatter worth liking
why do you think shondo is trying to grow her audience? she can get away with barely reading anything if she can get even bigger and find a rich man even faster

>> No.77317542


>> No.77317722


>> No.77317743

thanks for the update shondo

>> No.77318251

vivi STFU no one cares about your boytoy

>> No.77318265

this is why I cancelled my sub you grifter bitch

>> No.77318392

don't tell me he is /here/

>> No.77318508

No.. the years old white ribbon clipper is /here/? Ain't no way...

>> No.77318731

i really hate fags who have been around for less than a month crying and pissing and shitting cause they “miss” her or “need” her. you just know they’re clip watchers and have done zero fucking reps.

>> No.77318815

uuuu i miss her and i need her

>> No.77319105

Her cuck fanbase does.

>> No.77319135

ive been here all thread and i need her

>> No.77319298

bros... i bought the cheap kebab egain even tho i got sick from it last time
and now im feeling really sluggish like im drunk
probably getting sick again

>> No.77319324

But enough about shondos fans

>> No.77319402

Did it taste yummy though

>> No.77319512

yeah it was good
thats why i keep buying it

>> No.77319594

drunk enough to give a sloppy bj?

>> No.77320497
File: 96 KB, 629x1024, 1717421419632675m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megane monday...

>> No.77321269
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE fallenshadow!!!!!

>> No.77321349

ok so wtf did you guys do this time? why she went silent again?

>> No.77321442
File: 2.05 MB, 506x587, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fsj7a6d.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's tired from all the klubbin

>> No.77321514
File: 61 KB, 988x120, image (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going through her likes and seeing this dude reply to one of them gave me a good chuckle.

>> No.77321866

expect to be b&

>> No.77321917


>> No.77321935

i dindu nuffin

>> No.77322121

Whatever, I need to stop coming to this place anyway. I keep expecting to feel something at least slightly similar to the joy of being in chat during the countdown to Her stream, but it never happens. I've got to find a better coping method to last me until 7/23

>> No.77322264

You guys are clearly not ready for what is about to happen. Stay strong.

>> No.77322308
File: 154 KB, 1290x1255, GONIJ1dXsAAzMXy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly have no idea. Maybe she's still mad at the shoggas who drew attention to her during Nina's handcam stream.

I appreciate the self awareness of her liking this image earlier. Makes me feel less guilty for posting it.

>> No.77322362

She doesn't have to tweet everyday

>> No.77322377

if she had self awareness she would actually speak to people about having a bad day instead of maybe signalling about it through twitter likes

>> No.77322401

EDs are cringe as fuck every basic BPD zoomer bitch has one, give it up shondo

>> No.77322439

no.... shondo has erectile dysfunction???

>> No.77322476

She is

>> No.77322494

That what I do though. The only difference is that people look at hers

>> No.77322534

The cheater reckoning is coming. After that the groomers and newfags will be dealt with. Finally the husband trials will start.

>> No.77322586

dumb cunt needs to learn to eat a borgir without crying

>> No.77322622

Why do zoomers think that frequently tweeting all of your followers about your mentally distressing days is healthier than privately discussing with your friends and family?

>> No.77322672

Basic human requirement and want is to eat and she doesn't do it. Crazy.

>> No.77322680

Yes. Pinis won't respond to her even though shondo broke her mirror to get her attention.

>> No.77322709

shondo and her community

>> No.77322729

>ed worm farmer still trying despite zero bites over the last 11 threads
you're persistent I'll give you that

>> No.77322740

stop using my vocabulary to antishitpost!!!

>> No.77322754

I am her family (husband).

>> No.77322755

>zero bites

>> No.77322767

we're never going to recover from the lotion debacle are we?

>> No.77322821

I'm glad someone else liked my silly pun :>

>> No.77322872

she should have just accept she was wrong (she was wrong) the two had different effects in game and were not the same thing

>> No.77322916

nah people were being way too aggressive with that

>> No.77322919

be gone femoid

>> No.77322955

She was right

>> No.77322968

It only takes one heated argument with your wife to kickstart the divorce.

>> No.77322983

I would really like to watch her play bloodborne someday but all of the linux user autistic fucks (derogatory) always come out to shit up streams whenever she plays fromsoft titles.

>> No.77323005

she should be discussing it with me privately

>> No.77323054

you didn't earn the right, try harder

>> No.77323089

shut the fuck up you stupid bitch
do not put any heat on my ass right now

>> No.77323101

i pressed the follow button, we are married

>> No.77323139

instead of being mad at me be mad at yourself for not earning your wife's trust

>> No.77323180
File: 346 KB, 702x653, 1713560716263018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want her playing more fromsoft titles purely because she's not the best at games and has a tendency to get one-guy'd while playing them. The Dark Souls streams were my least favorite leading up to her break for that reason.

>> No.77323186

then go ahead and dm her

>> No.77323223

she should be DMing me
that was what the conversation is about
please keep up

>> No.77323307

What's your handle? I'll tell her to dm you.

>> No.77323353

I nearly actually typed my name as a joke. I think I'm retarded

>> No.77323400

Yikes, no wonder she isn't DMing you.

>> No.77323405

i hate most of you but i hate myself the most

>> No.77323415


>> No.77323461

i dont need to give you my handle
everyone who followed her is her husband
she should be DMing every single one of them

>> No.77323505

She's DMing the ones who take this relationship as seriously as she does

>> No.77323681

everyones seriously is their own seriously so that doesnt make sense

>> No.77323697


>> No.77323701

That's your problem

>> No.77323794

i really want to trust her but i've seen her do some things and act some ways that sowed some seeds of doubt

>> No.77323846

can't relate, sorry shamigo

>> No.77323908

you haven't been paying attention

>> No.77323995

why would I pay attention to your paranoid delusions? you aren't my wife

>> No.77324111

I don't even think she gets a guy'd that often and some people completely overuse that word. She had no real problem beating most of Ds3 so I wouldn't say she is bad at games.

>> No.77324176

one guy'd

>> No.77324336
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>> No.77324399


>> No.77324425

But she doesn't take it seriously?

>> No.77324541

>and other lies to help you sleep at night

>> No.77324586

congrats on getting your first ribbon :>

>> No.77324636

Do you really think a woman would go on the internet and just lie for money? Didn't think so.

>> No.77324645

I'm gonna wait for her because I have no other choice. I don't feel like I should be praised for being patient because there's nothing else I could do about it. I'm simply living with I what I have for the moment.
I didn't manage to improve my life one bit since she went on hiatus. I haven't felt joy in a while and I feel ashamed that I can't function properly. I wish I could do better. I wish I could achieve something that she would be proud of if I tell her.

>> No.77324672 [DELETED] 

god had to powder his nose

>> No.77324711

shes taking her internet search for a provider who doesnt want to have sex with her very seriously

>> No.77324722


I trust her more than anyone in this thread

>> No.77324759

god had to powder his nose

>> No.77324789

I've been here for 2 years, derek me.

>> No.77324820

if you were interesting enough to derek some fag would've done it already

>> No.77324878

>>77323794 (me)

i don't want to farm brainworms so i want to make it clear that i still trust her and nothing i'm talking about was too bad
or if it was true wouldn't make me stop loving her because i can justify it in my head too

>> No.77325239

True. I love her so much!

>> No.77325461

whenever I sense/know she's fibbing it either seems to be for a good reason (covering up a past self-doxx) or the fib itself is so silly and childlike that I don't believe she actually intended for anyone to take it seriously (I had a perfect example but worry it will start a thread ruining loop)
good luck on subduing your worms anon. your heart is strong, Shondo knows you can win!

>> No.77325842

>good reason (covering up a past self-doxx)
name literally every time she’s done this (protip: you can’t)

>> No.77325851

they're already subdued don't worry, they're just not dead yet. it wouldn't matter much in the grand scheme of things if they are right anyway

>> No.77325927


>> No.77326188

Shondo when you see this just know I'm probably going to touch my peenie after I sent this.

>> No.77326212

say it in offline chat

>> No.77326241
File: 1014 KB, 960x1234, 1688267645038352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in my adorable wife and I'm happy knowing she loves me.

>> No.77326257

while doing that you should think about all 32 posters here watching you

>> No.77326301

you shouldnt reveal your mod powers like that shondo

>> No.77326382

squish the cute pout

>> No.77326438

I'd rather him not think about me while he's party timing.

>> No.77326471

same but unfortunately that's what's happening here.

>> No.77326729

I'm thinking about you right now, sir.

>> No.77326835


>> No.77327204

i luv how stoopid this community is
shondo, i will be the one to take your hand in marriage and keep you constantly mega-greggers because i love you and want you to be the amazing mama i know you can be

>> No.77327227

i made this post

>> No.77328651

its too quiet... you guys are up to something...

>> No.77328837
File: 181 KB, 1600x957, IMG_7679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got done making babies with my shonshon

>> No.77329001

I love shondo!

>> No.77329613


>> No.77330111
File: 3.75 MB, 320x373, shondance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/shon/ theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NG3FKSfitU

>> No.77331137

she's so cute with her little dances

>> No.77331304

This one works

>> No.77332274

>likes tweet about loving men
>likes tweet about being gay
>likes another tweet about being gay
glad she still identifies as bisexual. was scared we had lost an ally to you chuds

>> No.77332452

sohndo fucukng go tobed NOW

>> No.77332622

go to the hospital

>> No.77333101

Been watching bugs.. not even barbies... Just bug women

>> No.77333242

i know V
ive been watching you

>> No.77333638

the digits that killed the farmers

>> No.77334953

That post didn't kill shit anon.
>Shondo could do better
>If you gave a shit she shouldn't have to do better!!!

>> No.77335072
File: 2.29 MB, 398x466, fungey town taco bell [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fjp9tp1.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77335154

nah it preemptively counters any kind of response. you just proved how well that anon cooked

>> No.77335281
File: 895 KB, 716x617, go off mr.sax.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77335570

>'farmers' have wanted shondo to get institutionalised since day one to get better
>idiots wanted her to thug it out just so they could potentially get some interaction
>months pass with no improvement
>why don't you farmers want her to get better???
Why is it always like this here

>> No.77335661

It is not a counter. Anon is saying we should be complacent with her barely treating us like husbands and I am saying otherwise. It's just the same braindead syadounodding waffling that is preached and doesn't solve anything.
You literally cannot, without lying to yourself, say that she has been doing enough.

>> No.77335853
File: 3.94 MB, 480x426, eepyshon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight shoggas

>> No.77336043

shamigo, you can't even properly address it without shifting goalposts. he countered you so hard that you're sneakily trying to change the game that was being played

>> No.77336257

I know what game is being played, shigger. My points still stand.

>> No.77336325

well you can keep trying to convince yourself of that. I'm going to go lucid dream about my wife

>> No.77336459

Good to hear that, shiggshogg! Dreaming about interacting with your wife really is the only way we're allowed to now. Happy dreaming. :)

>> No.77337652
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>> No.77338233


>> No.77339012
File: 823 KB, 606x346, 1704878787668104.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my wife

>> No.77339151

the goblin menance continues to go on unhindered

>> No.77341072

I love her so much! I home she is doing alright!

>> No.77341423


>> No.77341634

That home? my house

>> No.77342206
File: 20 KB, 453x530, cachedImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77342710
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>> No.77344350
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>> No.77345509

megane shondo looks like a big fuckin neeeerd

>> No.77346375

She's the cutest nerd
10/10 would tease lovingly

>> No.77346833
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>> No.77347027

The shoneggs...

>> No.77347536
File: 98 KB, 675x1200, GFsRdmbWcAA-EKt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip in peace megane monday...until next monday...

>> No.77347619

It's okay, I believe in your ability to improve

>> No.77348419

Maybe we can have switch weeks? One week it's megane monday, the next it's mesugaki monday?

>> No.77348445

It's been Tuesday for me for a while now, but i already forgot what theme we had for this day

>> No.77348525

maybe we can have streams first

>> No.77348679

tummy tuesday

>> No.77348709

As a meganebro im willing to alternate>>77348445
so that msgkbros can eat. Hoping that the farmers dont take over for your turn.

>> No.77348750
File: 187 KB, 378x840, 1715808707530730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me at the top, shondo on the right, sho at the bottom

>> No.77348846
File: 71 KB, 624x1024, 1715272324101794m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope themed days keeps the worm farming down. I want a place to talk about how much i love my wife and share cute art of her. Uuuuu stinky worm farmers...

>> No.77348870
File: 96 KB, 644x1024, 1711767221954004m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Type of prank I'd pull on shondo

>> No.77349046
File: 1.48 MB, 1301x945, 1706639293382190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count as tummy art...?
I hope so too

>> No.77349353

I would do this perfectly if shondo wanted me to

>> No.77349606
File: 533 KB, 595x842, 1715211379070601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love love love love love my wife! Happy tummy tuesday!

>> No.77350434


>> No.77350778

found the alt

>> No.77350809
File: 55 KB, 506x443, 1710348220307892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting bored with this, honestly. I don't need her to come back, but I think it's time for another update desu. It's kind of mental that she's just sitting there fully expecting people to just wait for months with no word on what's going on with her. I'm not into being taken for granted, especially when she promised she'd never take us for granted again

>> No.77351113

Just cancel you sub like the rest of us. You'll get it back the moment she starts streaming again when everyone drops millions of gifted subs anyway. Cancel your sub and forget about her till you see the notification she's live. It's the only way.

>> No.77351284

>miru drawing 3d whores
Why does something like this always happen to every one of her artists

>> No.77351486

Who cares. Get off the computer silly monkey.

>> No.77351520

Good idea see you guys later

>> No.77351874

>we should be complacent with her barely treating us like husbands
>You literally cannot, without lying to yourself, say that she has been doing enough.
she's been doing plenty you're just too selfish or mad or dumb to realize that, you're clueless
your point was that if shondo wasn't going to be institutionalized then you think she's wrong for taking a break at all, stop trying to rewrite history. you only care to her with how it relates to yourself, just like fleece who swore up and down that he cared, his last tweets are proof he was lying to himself or us the entire time just like you
the fact is if you really cared about shondo for reasons that didn't involve your personal desire and gain you would want her to get help no matter what and wouldn't even THINK to make a post saying she should have just tried harder instead
you don't want shondo to be your wife, you don't want shondo, you want a prostitute or a slave, the only one lying to yourself is you

>> No.77352071

>>77351874 (me)
and this relationship isn't that uncommon even more physical ones, plenty of couples are only together out of mutual benefit more than love, which is a perfectly acceptable way to live, that's you, that's what you want
shondo isn't interested in that and she shouldn't be you can't even provide something like that or what you want over the internet, this is a relationship built on love not transaction, that's why you can't even comprehend how others can defend her

>> No.77352361

I miss her

>> No.77352512

lol irl. Over half the post is seething about the best person the community has ever seen apart from the real king D. How is he still on your mind after all this time. No point in even replying earnestly to your wall of shit. Try harder.

>> No.77352688

>>77352071 (me)
sorry last one
i'm not saying shondo won't give you a transactional relationship, obviously if you want kisses for gift subs and the occasional GFE and merch or whatever she's gonna provide that, but when you talk about "marriage" and "wifely duties" you're referencing transaction, and clearly shondo isn't willing or able to give you want you want in return. in relationships like that after a certain point you leave, you don't stay in a store and yell at the manager for being out of stock
when i, and i presume shondo since she never seems to provide what you want, talk about marriage it's about love. it matters a lot less what you're getting from the other person when that's what the relationship is built on and it seems pretty clear that's what she wants considering that you never find her "giving" you enough
fleece was the anti spokesperson for months and saying the same exact things that shoggers are saying today, and then he proved the white knights right once he went mask off in his final tweets, it's still on my mind because it's the perfect example, remove fleece from my argument and it still stands
what a convenient excuse for you to concede though
i'll still wait if you feel like justifying anything you believe though

>> No.77352833

Bye bye see you later

>> No.77353053
File: 1.69 MB, 280x373, 1710580988776941.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm scared, chrome updated and the :) that appeared once you had over 100 tabs turned into ;)

>> No.77353067

shondo, this was you

>> No.77353073


>> No.77353114

I would obviously want her to communicate more, but id rather not force her to do anything. She's fine the way she is and (she doesn't need any help) I'll be waiting until she comes back. I hope everyone that actually cares about her can accept this.

>> No.77353330

Same. I honestly think it's like 1-2 guys writing disingenuous bitchy rants here to try to ruin people's moods.

>> No.77353462


>> No.77353506

FE driving according to shondo(she assures you he was a safe driver)

>> No.77353526

there's a couple of baiters but sadly there's a couple of people who are serious or trying to influence opinion. they're too stuck in their head or sunk cost to make a change so all they can do is come here and vent
CF, my home of sexual crush, was one of the serious ones

>> No.77353595
File: 1.35 MB, 800x1440, 2e795ae85c47c930958eb828fc5fd14f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy tummy tuesdays

>> No.77353656

FUCK i want to grab the shondo and kiss the shummy so bad bros

>> No.77353696

I'm waiting for shunt sunday

>> No.77353789

I'm so excited for water sports wednesday

>> No.77353994

I'm amazed this fanbase manages to stay so active with a semi-graduated oshi.

>> No.77354087

We love each other

>> No.77354130

Do you think cult members just shut down when the leader dies. No they make shrines and commit acts against humanity.

>> No.77354140

my love for her will last longer than my flesh, longer than this website, longer than this planet

>> No.77354164

just learned there's a secret channel in the discord where they post cum tributes to otis... not sure how i feel about this

>> No.77354214

Everyone knows this. it's called the border

>> No.77354406
File: 269 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20240109_123138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gross, explode this instant

>> No.77354746

feel whatever you feel like feeling, don't let anyone else dictate your emotions.

>> No.77354934

You have no power here, impotent but cute dog.

>> No.77355065

when is she coming back

>> No.77355149


>> No.77355151

Tomorrow, today she'll go through the art tag

>> No.77355180

According to the flight pattern of the ravens around the next new moon

>> No.77355267


>> No.77355559

When she returns she'll have the shumo and daki ready. Oh and a new outfit, a new voice pack or two and an asmr video.

>> No.77355928

I am giving up on nofap until she returns. Each time I hit around 2 weeks I wake up to find myself thrusting into my Shondaki with my lips alarmingly close to hers. So far I haven't stained it, but I fear that luck won't last...I'm sorry Shondo, I can't control my urges as well as you

>> No.77356149

I had a dream last night she showed her camel toe while wearing a micro bikini on stream
It was a good dream

>> No.77356312

I don't know what's up with Shondo, she came back from her Spain vacation a month ago.

>> No.77356330

>can't control my urges as well as you
That's the thing, she doesn't get the urge. If you also don't think about it then the urge will also be suppressed.
It's fine to coom every now and then, just don't do it excessively, she herself also acknowledges this difference between us.

>> No.77356475

dont listen to the americans cooming is fine as long as you dont overdo it
and if you dont coom at all you will get cancer from all the microplastics in your balls

>> No.77356543

that study coomers love to reference only found a lesser rate of cancer cooming once a week, anything less or more had the same rate

>> No.77356559

This. Besides our ancestors were married in their teens and balls deep in their wife's pussy like 20x a month. Forcing yourself to not coom is retarded unless you're an addict or something.

>> No.77356686


>> No.77356858

Erm, I was talking about teens.

>> No.77357999
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>> No.77358699

>and i presume

>> No.77358779

i presume for the sake of argument
personally i'm quite certain ;)

>> No.77358803

>she doesn't get the urge
lol irl

>> No.77358900

You would be wrong, since it isn't possible for her to love 200 different people who she has never met and barely speaks to.

>> No.77358939

you're not as smart as you think

>> No.77359040

Nta but how do you know this about me

>> No.77359063

me and shondo

>> No.77359070

cause i'm really smart. a better word would have been wise though, he could be and probably is intelligent

>> No.77359145

Stop complimenting him.

>> No.77359224

And yet I am still correct. This relationship is not built on love but on theater since it is just a bit of fun on the internet not to be taken seriously. When it all comes undone the menhera old men will cry out 'Save us!' and Shondo will look down and whisper 'No, Smile'.

>> No.77359254

you're not as wise as you think

>> No.77359287

You're not as psychoanalytical as you think.

>> No.77359407

This is true and rather distressing. I've got to get out of this dead end job now.

>> No.77359502

stinky femcel

>> No.77359624

if you're nice to me then ive probably thought about holding hands or spending time together in some way. sorry but i can't help it

>> No.77359675

but you're a man, why would I hold hands with you?

>> No.77359729

i don't care about it happening and i don't want it to happen really. it's just what i think about

>> No.77360007

>your point was that if shondo wasn't going to be institutionalized then you think she's wrong for taking a break at all
Never said that at all you fucking clown. Nice incoherent rambling though.

>> No.77360130

True, the GFEtuber relationship is not complicated

>> No.77360157
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Jokes on you, I don't think.

>> No.77360191

>she may as well have gone and institutionalized herself
that's exactly what you said and you knew that's what i had interpreted it as but didn't decide to deny it until you got faced with the truth, oh sorry, "incoherent rambling"

>> No.77360270

a storm is brewing and it's coming shondo's way

repent now before it's too late

>> No.77360459

Notice how you don't see
>you think she's wrong for taking a break at all
in my posts and I literally didn't say she was wrong for doing so? You're making shit up and incoherently rambling.
I am not saying she is wrong for taking a break, I am saying she is objectively wrong for treating us like we barely exist this past month after confirming she won't be institutionalized.
She can and should do better and you are enabling her apathy. Kill yourself.

>> No.77360513

that better? me

>> No.77360687
File: 123 KB, 724x1024, 1711630217322992m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tummy tuesday innit

>> No.77360703

what does "may as well" imply? that if she's going to take a break then she should have just institutionalized herself implies that you think it would have been bad to take a break at all, but okay i'll grant you you didn't mean it like that.
>I am saying she is objectively wrong for treating us like we barely exist this past month after confirming she won't be institutionalized.
She can and should do better and you are enabling her apathy.
and that's what my rambling directly addressed, shondo won't give you what you want and she never said she would, there is no "should" and you can't say she can either, this is your head canon you're making up because you don't want to accept that you made a mistake or can't get what you want
cut your losses now and go find a stripper or a different girl like the others who came before you

>> No.77360953

also if you think she's apathetic go read her hiatus message again and then realize what other assumptions you might be wrong about

>> No.77360954

>go find a stripper
but they already found shondo?

>> No.77361092

go find another* stripper

>> No.77361177

She wasn't apathetic there because she was giving the mentally ill husbands a psychological out for when she comes back and ends the larp.

>> No.77361241

end this *rapes you*

>> No.77361246

I was clearly talking about her treatment of us. That is the entire point of "There would be no difference right now".
>shondo won't give you what you want
Correct, she will give attention to anyone but her husbands on twitter as well as other viewers in the Barbie's chats. She will not treat us like her husbands and give us a minute of her time despite knowing how much some of us miss her.
>go her hiatus message
You mean the parts where she makes sure to tell you that she won't hold it against you for leaving? And then following that up by treating us like we barely exist?
She didn't leave the door open for us to leave, shigger. She is silently pushing husbands out of it.

>> No.77361347
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>> No.77361352

it isn't a larp to me, i love her (i think)
she should take responsibility for this

>> No.77361366

i'm glad you can admit it now, that's the first step to healing anon

>> No.77361423

>I don't care if you stay or go, I'll make it easy for you
>Here's an excuse to leave so you don't feel bad
>See guys, she totally cares about it!
At what point does she have to just come out and tell you directly

>> No.77361433

Yes and I'm glad you're willing to admit you prefer to enforce how little she cares about us.

>> No.77361482

correct, now we need to work on you admitting you will have to leave or continue to hurt yourself and suffer

>> No.77361538

olivia talking about how she would kiss you on the neck and head and implant things and so on and so forth
shondo would never

>> No.77361568

I will never leave and I will hold her accountable until she improves. You should be setting an example and doing the same, shigge. Instead of choosing to be more of a doormat than your wife.

>> No.77361671

Shondo, since today is "Hug your cat day" I expect an Otis picture.

>> No.77361762

I liked it earlier when she talking about kissing us. How she would find somewhere to kiss no matter what if we had a beard. Talked about after meeting fans she wants us even more, talked about doing everything she can to keep you with her. She's pretty extreme but it feels good to hear how desired you are at times.

>> No.77361763

i'm more than happy with the relationship, the only doormat is you keeping yourself stuck, you're only wasting time the longer you stick around or refuse to change your mind
i'm doing my job as the man of the house and speaking up for her, now go read her messages to fleece since you've already got the right idea about her hiatus message

>> No.77361930

I bet money you 180 from /here/ then syadouHYPERNOD in chat

>> No.77361964

The thing with Olivia is that she is extreme but she is LARPing like the Stacy who hangs out with the nerdy kids. Shondo is reserved and 'asexual'(lol irl) but she is for real(because she cant do any better than a bunch of mentally ill colored names on twitch tv).

>> No.77362089

>i'm doing my job as the man
By doing what exactly? Enabling her to not respect you enough to treat you like you exist? I don't think you've ever grown up with a "man of the house" if that's your impression of one. Ignorance is bliss I guess.

>> No.77362141

>nina has news
nina and shondo offcollab soon

>> No.77362166

So the choice is fake and interesting with lots of love and fulfillment(Oli) or fake and boring(shondo) is that what you're saying?

>> No.77362205

your projection of your ideals to discredit me is cope, understand that

>> No.77362392

i love you and i miss you and i love you and i miss you and i love you

>> No.77362423

My projections are realistic but I can understand your viewpoint if you never actually grew up with a man that took charge and set an example in your life. The only thing you've proven to me is that she should be allowed to continue to ignore us. I do not think I am the one coping here, shigger.

>> No.77362627

im the cameraman

>> No.77362665

Shondo is real. Her seriously is just her seriously.

>> No.77362749

i don't care what kind of men you had in your life it's clear you still have a lot to learn
the difference between me and you is if i had a problem with it i would do something about it instead of crying and wallowing in my piss and shit, my father taught me that

>> No.77362902

all shondo has to do is post that and id be fine with another week of hiatus

>> No.77362917

>if i had a problem with it i would do something about it

>> No.77362918

Yet here you are promoting her apathy towards us with the solution to that being
>go find another stripper
Yikes shogger. Maybe don't listen to your father.

>> No.77362985

Why would you ask so much of her to take 5 seconds of her time to do that? You realize you can find another stripper who can do that for you right? Why are you still /here/ wallowing in your piss and shit expecting her to do the bare-minimum?

>> No.77362988
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all shondo has to do is DM me a time and a place

>> No.77363034
File: 27 KB, 112x112, syadouWiggly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really like our wiggly when compared to most other wigglies. a lot of other wigglers have a lot going on with their head and look kinda weird in comparison, and i think our wiggly has just the right rate of wiggling in comparison to others that are too slow or fast

>> No.77363100
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he is perfect and a good boy

>> No.77363125

Unironically I think this is the worst part of this community

>> No.77363131

you don't control anyone else, shondo won't give you what you want, you can't do anything but have a pointless melty or leave
you want a stripper that acts differently, you can start by taking charge of your life right now or continue to melt
the solution is obvious, and you sit /here/ all day acting arrogant while rotting in your throne of shit, feel free to give your solution. is it crying /here/? how many years will you do that for until you stop or will you die on this hill if you have to, never achieving what you want? ask one of the men you respect what they think

>> No.77363155

shut the fuck up

>> No.77363179

uuuuuu its been so long since I heard her say I love you back uuuuuuuuuuuuuu :C

>> No.77363249

olivia just said she she wants to sit on your lap while youre gaming and stare at you
shondo would never ever do that

>> No.77363324
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i, uhhh, love my wife. carry on.

>> No.77363340

whats wrong with wiggly? he wiggles because he must, it is in his nature. i bet you're a serial syadouOmegaLUL user.

>> No.77363420

idk i guess i believed her when she said this was a real relationship. i understand her whole “i cant be lovey dovey 24/7” cause she is a hikineet introvert. but that’s not even what i’m asking for. just some love is she actually loves me.

>> No.77363439

Olivia will be the relationship coach that saves this marriage for Shondo and one lucky and extremely rich Shogga.

>> No.77363460

There is no point in seriously interacting with him because there is no way he is actually genuine. Think about it, why would he constantly bitch to us about this stuff here? Obviously I would be happy if she talked more with us but she clearly isn't feeling that great right now and there is nothing we can do so why keep bitching to us? Even If he is just trying to influence opinions, what would that achieve? Behaviour like his would just make her want to talk to us even less so it would actively work against the goal he supposedly wants to achieve. There is nothing it does besides creating a toxic atmosphere. He is either dangerously stupid or is just a disingenuous bad-faith actor trying to ruin peoples mood and there is only so long I can believe somebody is just stupid before it looks intentional

>> No.77363462

You should act as a force to inspire her and motivate her to want to still be with you and interact with you shogger. Your view provides nothing other then letting her wallow in her own apathy towards us.
A proper man sets examples that others should follow. Not tiptoe around the eggshells others continue to lay down around themselves.
So if I may bring you back to a point you seem to be confused by: she can and should do better and you need to stop enabling her apathy towards us.

>> No.77363494

If I had the two of them in front of me I'd pick inis. Oli second

>> No.77363526
File: 111 KB, 790x83, reps, now.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reps, now

>> No.77363578

i bet you believed her when she said unlimited headpats as well

>> No.77363587

I've been annoyed by this post I keep seeing but I think I'm genuinely starting to think it might be real to a certain extent. It's the only reason I can think of for last week when she practically avoided Nina's streams but kept watching Oli.

>> No.77363607

She's not the same person anymore. You'll argue she is the same until I say something you don't like and then you'll claim she has evolved and changed for the better.

>> No.77363615

>moving the goalpost
real smooth shogger

>> No.77363664

the goalpost didnt move i am merely dismissing your contrary evidence as not worth considering
the girl with extreme touch problems will not let you pat her head infinitely or sit on your lap

>> No.77363663

moving the goalposts disqualifies any of your

>> No.77363702

I didn't. Any of my what

>> No.77363708

any of your subsequent arguments*
fucking autoposting

>> No.77363723

>1 month since she’s said she loves (you)

>> No.77363734

wiggle then shit yourself

>> No.77363770

i dont care if she loves (you) i only care about her loving me

>> No.77363786

>she would never say that
>evidence provided to the contrary
>I'm dismissing it
I'm dismissing your post because you are a disingenuous shogger

>> No.77363825

well, how long has it been since she’s said she loves you specifically?

>> No.77363851

ok i think i need to clarify that i said "shondo would never do that" in reference to the actual sitting on the lap, not the saying that she wanted to sit on your lap. i dont think this should be needed but here we are

>> No.77363857

9 months

>> No.77363867

Is that not good enough for you? Did you expect the Yandere stuff to persist still? Stop treating her like a love vending machine you seething groomer. You will be drip fed your acknowledgement in another 2 months (but she will reply bountifully to many non-husbands in that meantime).

>> No.77363943

good attempt, but she would do this much and also hugs, at the very least

>> No.77363949

now shes talking about stalking people and daydreaming her life with you
shes becoming the new shondo

>> No.77363976

if you're not confused you're coping, she's not apathetic towards us and she's doing her best which is all she needs to. like i said, if you believe your head canon you need to have a point where you realize it's time to change or leave
there is a point because i know shondo takes these posters seriously, as she should, and i know she won't ever think of what i'm saying on her own, so i'll happily provide that for her and anyone else being convinced
shondo, you can piss yourself too, i'm not happy with what you think about this either, these people are not worth your time and if they are they'll change, you don't need to feel guilty, feel free to try to help them see that though, arguably you should. but you need to realize there's a point where you are only hurting things by giving into their impossible demands, but it seems you're starting to realize
either way i love you no i won't take my meds

>> No.77364001

They aren't genuine. They never cared about Shondo and only watch her to get some dopamine hits from her.

>> No.77364021

She's been like this for months, all year. Just because you've only just started watching her today doesn't mean she has only started to exist.

>> No.77364047

ive been watching her all thread

>> No.77364088

This is the endgame of the Olivia shitposters

>> No.77364094

I mean if you are ready to do it I'm okay with it. I just started to answer with "ogey" or other simple dismissive stuff that shows I disagree with their pathetic brain vomit.

>> No.77364114

>Olivia was the otterposter

>> No.77364140

Well I can't be too mad. Oli is great.

>> No.77364182

was she just being schizo here, something to do with lily, or what?

>> No.77364204

They're just setting up their next oshi for when they move on from Shondo or get banned.

>> No.77364244

You'd be a fool not to

>> No.77364257

the post wasnt her

>> No.77364271

>she's not apathetic towards us
>Continues to ignore us, not check in with us or let us be apart of her healing, has only interacted with non-husbands
>she's doing her best
And her best is not good enough and you are bizarrely content with her never improving. You're even admitting in that post that you feel you are providing answers for her. Yet you have only contributed reasons that enable her to continue to ignore us.
For all this projection talk, you clearly want her to be as spineless and loveless as you feel.

>> No.77364307

Probably had to do with the lily situation. The date of the post checks out.

>> No.77364339


>> No.77364365

i think we're referring to different posts

>> No.77364369

None of the problem husbands will move to oli because oli collabs with guys, played games offstream with viewers, dms with viewers, pop into voice hat in discord randomly to watch movies or play games, goes to cons, plans to meet up with some fans. They would fucking die of Fomo on on top of that oli is mentaly very resilient to people trying to force hsit on her, last time someone complained about her doing collabs she just laughed at them so they can't manipulate her into becoming Ike shondo either.

>> No.77364423

>played games offstream with viewers, dms with viewers, pop into voice hat in discord randomly to watch movies or play games, goes to cons, plans to meet up with some fans.
so you're saying theres a chance they could win?

>> No.77364457

Shondo does all that. IYKYK.

>> No.77364480

Problem husbands don't know, if they did they would shut it down.

>> No.77364523

This is why you duel wield inis and Oli. Inis for your groomer desires and Oli to be happy.

>> No.77364546

>Behaviour like his would just make her want to talk to us even less
You are beyond clueless if you think pushing her has never worked or achieved anything. I have only been speaking for the shoggers that are clearly feeling neglected.
Yet for some strange and silly reason, you clowns will defend her actions of being unable to do the bare-minimum and just spend 5 minutes to check in on us or spend even less time to acknowledge us.
Calling my criticism bad faith when I have only highlighted her apathy is laughable.

>> No.77364548

Oli is a completely different kind of person and has a very different relationship with the people in her chat. It's fine if you like her but I dont get why some fake-shoggers desperately try to compare her to Shondo. It proves my point that they only care about dopamine shots and nothing else.

>> No.77364549

>looping the same talking points
i love her for who she is, beyond that she's improving a lot, i'm contributing reasons she can be herself without stressing and being fake and do what's right. she's right to ignore you and i'm more than happy with everything she's doing
>"nuh uh"
i accept your concession

>> No.77364604

You are dangerously stupid and don't pay attention then. Your behaviour would make her double down on not talking to us.

>> No.77364630

Explain why shondo isn't just the worst of all worlds compared to any of the barbies.

>> No.77364670

name all 130 problem husbands

>> No.77364757

bad faith or autism
call it

>> No.77364875

>Oli wants to know if she can ship cookies internationally because she wants to send custom gift baskets to all her regulars
>she has over 2k viewers
Its like shondo when she was at 800 and still thought she could handle everyone's personal attention before she realized she couldn't.

>> No.77364919

Disguising your anti behavior by promoting her mistreatment of her marriage is still anti behavior. You're more transparent than you think, shogger. Your "love" for her is meaningless when you allow her to give it no meaning.
>doesn't engage with points
>nuh uh
I accept your concession.

>> No.77364955

she only needs to handle my attention
DM me shondo

>> No.77364961

Except surely you know by now Oli will actually do it

>> No.77365014

shondo has a shot glass of social energy and olivia has an olympic size pool full of it

>> No.77365034

I do like that none of you even deny she is neglecting this marriage though. ;)

>> No.77365095

thats because it isnt a marriage

>> No.77365135

>you're the real anti
thanks for confirming you're bad faith
it's funny, i remember this constantly being said right before fleece imploded, he loved her more than most and only wanted the best, well if you don't read how he really felt on twitter
you are him

>> No.77365171

Disingenuous and fake. It's clear you dont actually care about anything and only use your brain to maliciously twist words.

>> No.77365180

Why would I deny something that's painfully obvious at this point. We had two good points this year maybe 3.

>> No.77365193

she's not ;)

>> No.77365294

If anyone else wants to jump ship, inis is at the stage of making notes about viewers, she writes down your preferred name and tries to remember everything about you.

>> No.77365305

>Started off by calling me bad faith
>Now saying I'm the one gaslighting
Is this criticism of shondo choosing to neglect her husbands or a silly game of Uno? Call it.

>> No.77365385

Inis also said that if you cheat on shondo with her or make shondo cry she will make you pay for it so if you're a known husband you'll have to get rid of your account.

>> No.77365390

you're right, let's settle this for good.
i'll let you flip the coin, shogger

>> No.77365399

thats too late, you needed to be there before this

>> No.77365427

You are so obviously fake and dishonest it's hilarious.

>> No.77365436

It was tails. I win.

>> No.77365454

good looking out shogga, i would have got burned

>> No.77365490

im not disingenuous, im just realistic. chatting (having your message read a few times a stream) with a streamer and maybe interacting with them on discord or twitter is not a marriage. i like shondo a lot but im not going to call a spade a hoe

>> No.77365496 [DELETED] 

Hey if you go to inis at least your club-posting will portray reality this time

>> No.77365513


>> No.77365530

>inis has asked us for pics of our hands and nipples
>oli reviewed viewers clothes and got so horny over it her mods/brothers forbid her from doing it again
>shondo doesn't want to see an irl pic of you on your twitter

>> No.77365549


>> No.77365562

Fake and dishonest despite only pointing out that she has ignored us for an entire month despite all her pep-talk tweets about things getting better and needing to improve?
Shogger, are we in denial about her actions? I know this has been rough on some of us but it helps no one to be reductive about this.

>> No.77365598

>Shondo will block you for singing her a song
>Inis curiously asks about my butthole hair

>> No.77365603

She did say you dont have to be married to her if you dont want to. But to say it's not real is just a lie and we already went through this couple of times.

>> No.77365653

Are you trying to make me laugh?

>> No.77365754

Honestly I'm frustrated and I miss my wife.

>> No.77365770

Shondo doesn't want to see IRL stuff of you until she is sure that you will be the perfect simp for her

>> No.77365824

Man, you guys are such sluts. Shondo playing hard to get is apart of her appeal. If she just acted like a whore she'd be no different from any other vtuber thot.

>> No.77365916

If shondo comes back and doesn't post either oiled feet asmr, shunny asmr, nose powder asmr or gets shadowmama to do her signature oiled tits joi asmr then she literally hates us and it's over

>> No.77365928

don't give tips to the shoggers, imagine if someone told fleece how to hide his anti status better
