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77326192 No.77326192 [Reply] [Original]

From here on out, any Sayu bait threads will be BTFO

>> No.77326611


>> No.77326819 [DELETED] 


>> No.77326981

Really happy some of her scars are going to heal.

>> No.77327078
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Anon, they don't even have to be besties. Hell, they don't even need to collab in the future or anything.
Just them not having bad blood and having confirmation that nobody would be hurting each other in the future is more than enough for me.
Sayu just being able to enter the vtuber scene again is all we've fucking asked for... I'm so happy for her and it feels like the past year of support might finally be showing real progress in her healing.

>> No.77327759
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Yes yes yes

>> No.77327849

good now can you sayufags stop dramafagging every week

>> No.77327913


>> No.77328067


>> No.77328467

Unironically, this is likely to happen.
This was one of the biggest problems for her and a gigantic cause of stress for Sayu. With this at least starting to be resolved, she should be able to relax a lot easier.

>> No.77328629

Yes, sayufags, definitively wasn't nijisisters creating one hundred threads about Sayu.

>> No.77330269

vtubers stick together. She heard that Sayu was going to go into prostitution if she didn't get help..

>> No.77330742

Well yeah, but hopefully, hopefully if she heals and doesn't have to deal with outbursts like that due to stress and despair, they won't have anything to work with and will just resort to "blue girl bad" if they want to bait thread with her like Mori.

>> No.77333176

Nah, they're going to resort to the old reliable strategy they use against their own talents, whining that Sayu is leeching viewers from Matara.

>> No.77334311

well shit, I totally forgot about that tactic

>> No.77334336

the fuk?

>> No.77334551

just wait, she's gonna self-sabotage again and say some dumb shit

>> No.77334697

which one kneeled first

>> No.77334740

>She heard that Sayu was going to go into prostitution if she didn't get help
I know Matara is genuinely a kind woman, but this can't be true. Also how many times is Sayu going to be saved? After Niji's downfall I thought she got more views and collabs with VShojo and now Filian.

>> No.77334830

I won't believe it until I hear it from the other side. Backstab wounds don't heal easily.

>> No.77334844

You faggots will stop begging now right?
(this was rhetorical, they will not)

>> No.77334923

Well sayu is the one who never shut up about it, so yeah? it was sayufags
their oshi is a dramawhore who has regurgitated the same shit for over a year
people who had it worse than her have moved on

>> No.77334937 [DELETED] 


>> No.77335107
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>> No.77335242

As much as I hope they're buddy-pals now, I also can't exclude the possibility of Mata just went along with Sayu's irl begging for forgiveness, gave her one pity <3 <3 <3 twatter reply and will still ignore her a week later which will lead to another rant. God I hope I'm wrong though.

>> No.77335444

It's been Sayu trying to apologize to and reconcile Matara for like half a year. I guess she finally got to have a face to face after all this time and they got to clear the air.
Hopefully all of this means they can all move forwards from this and be much healthier.

>> No.77335486
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>> No.77335542

it's honestly pathetic really, when nijiniggers keep spamming sayu threads whenever they take an L. Expect more once Q4 hits.

>> No.77335611

Sayu said she met Mint

>> No.77336151
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>> No.77336164

The world is healing

>> No.77336311

Sayu just confirmed on stream that Matara initiated it by asking her to have lunch together.

>> No.77336412

They didn't really interact much, if at all during NijiEN days iirc, so this doesn't have as much impact.
However, I will believe they also had sex because it's hotter this way.

>> No.77336434

She look happy

>> No.77336469

>sayu finds out that a big reason she's not invited is because she somehow has an intimidating presence despite being 5'0
>suddenly makes friends once she's able to talk directly
fucking hell, they're all just socially-stunted emotional autists, aren't they?

>> No.77336525

>Sayu is the sixth ranger joining the anti-niji clique
>Quinn will still be excluded

>> No.77336564 [DELETED] 

You all should die already.

>Supporting a literal pedo.
>Supporting a leecher and vwhorejo

What went wrong with this site?

>> No.77336608


>> No.77336613

But enough about Enna and Hex, this is a happy thread.

>> No.77336742

hope he gets forgotten.
At least Matara is already keeping her distance.
Too bad Michi and Kuro like the dude.

>> No.77336756

>has an intimidating presence
What? I can literally pick her up with a single hand

>> No.77336799

I dont even like niji
I just know they're terrible people in general.
That's why I'm grossed out seeing you all happy for them.

>> No.77336820

Been thinking this for a while.
Sayu is just 100% blunt and to the point. Some people cant handle that kind of yapping.

I remember she shut down someone in stream for asking to sing Happy Birthday to them.
Sayu just answered:
"No, I dont even know who you are!"
She is someone who legit tries to memorize chatters to the best she can and for all she knows, this was a first time chatter being an attention whore.

>> No.77336865
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deserved lol

>> No.77336993

Did Matara really have a seat with Sayu before even trying to help or save Quinn from having little to no success on his own as a streamer?

>> No.77337016

Doki next?

>> No.77337144

>Matara initiated contact first by asking her to have lunch together.
>She met Mint
>Sayu said she made mistakes
>Everything went well and the "world is healing"

>> No.77337170

The quirky streaming hoe who makes her life online
The chad divorced hag who won hundreds of discussions

>> No.77337202

>Irrelevant 3view
>Irrelevant vwhorejo

Why do people care so much about them?

No one would be talking about them if they didn't leech off their previous company.
Honestly, I don't get it.

>> No.77337246

Seethe Nijifag

>> No.77337259

Quinn was literally a clique shitlicker, why would they associate with him
Retard probably thought he'd have a free ticket into vshojo but gunrun slapped him down

>> No.77337274

I didn't expect her to meet Mint. Imagine the porn.

>> No.77337299
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>> No.77337302

>world healing
>niji dying
no correlation btw

>> No.77337383

Quinn so irrelevant sisters forget Matara helped him get set up and raided him lots when he started

>> No.77337420

Daily reminder that vshojo will never be more important than Nijisanji lmao

>> No.77337493

Keep malding.
People only talk about them because they were part of Nijisanji. Literally no other reason.

>> No.77337603

Nijisanji is important, but not for the reasons you want lol

>> No.77337626


>> No.77337683


>> No.77337721

Why you still dickriding niji?

>> No.77337804

Oh hey look. The one exniji that got fired for bullying selen and the traitor that changed niji for fucking vshojo of all things.

Hope fags get cucked by them

>> No.77337868


>> No.77337917

Really? "Sayu bullied Selen" is the new cope you're trying? You'd have a better chance of convincing me that Elira is actually a victim of management

>> No.77337939

They are better than vshojo and that's all that matters.

>> No.77337984

>The one exniji that got fired for bullying selen
I would love you to show proof of that

>> No.77338018

There's proof. Even her old genmates were disappointed by her actions.

>> No.77338047

Things are looking up

>> No.77338059

Why the fuck do you two hate the guy so much that you would seethe about the guy every thread and post the same screenshot out of context over and over?

>> No.77338076

>There's proof.
Fantastic. Show it then.

>> No.77338167

So she did turn on Doki in the end, guess it's the natural progression after getting ignored that long

>> No.77338174

>They are better than vshojo
maybe on planet retard they are

>> No.77338178

>There's proof
>Doesn't show proof
Come on sister... You had one job...

>> No.77338228

>So she did turn on Doki in the end
Proof next thread, right sister?

>> No.77338242

Because he unironically brought down the quality of the whole branch by simply existing. He's a horrific influence and a terrible streamer, and his "banter" that he was so proud of was just low blows in collabs ONLY aimed at whoever the fuck was currently getting beat down by everyone else. As soon as anybody said anything back he'd run off crying.
Add this to the doxrrat and proof of him replying to shit under sayu's dox and he's fucking horrid.
If Doki elevates everybody who gets near her and improves them, Quinn destroys them and their personalities.

>> No.77338283

These people seem hell bent on pushing this "ex-niji are at war/hate each other shit" every since Matara and Mint started their podcast.

>> No.77338315

Nijisisters coming out of their shitty general seething and coping

>> No.77338381

It's noon in Jakarta, time to falseflag.

>> No.77338422

because he acts like a bitch and has demonstrated hes a piece of shit with no redeeming qualities multiple times. unironically nijien is the only place he could get relevancy, him quitting and trying to ride the bandwagon failed miserably and its well deserved.

>> No.77338501

He quit to ride the bandwagon? I thought he quit to get away from enna KEK

>> No.77338603

I thought we didn’t like him because he’s gay, did I miss something?

>> No.77338707

Matara unblocked her when sayu had her prior meltdown on her membership post. Then she had another meltdown which led to matara asking her for lunch. All she needs is the one and final meltdown that will get matara to warm her bed at night.

It also proves that matara is kind of a saviourfag

>> No.77338776

>final meltdown that will get matara to warm her bed at night.

>> No.77338788

All they can do is cling to the hope a former Niji hates someone after Mint wound up not hating Doki.

>> No.77338830
File: 31 KB, 1837x172, Screenshot 2024-05-28 151158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does any of this even mean? It's subjective as fuck. None of it matches reality or why people talk to him regardless both in and outside of Niji. Also pic related is your "grand" proof against Quinn. You use Sayu as an excuse but never go after or try to moralfag the people who Sayu have said hurt her WAY more. It's dishonest and screams of a compete personal motive.

>> No.77338903

He made fun of Sayu when she was at her lowest. Fuck that idiot.

>> No.77338950

It's either sayufags shifting targets or sisters trying to stir shit up. If its the former then they will pretend to have always been cool with him if there is any positive interaction between him and sayu. I can't speak for the latter. Matara did say that he's not her friend but she has already said that from get go and if the fags watched her streams they wouldn't be so surprised.

>> No.77338963

Calm down sister.

>> No.77339022

Watch the videos of her old genmates about her termination. It's pretty clear that there was something very wrong going on.
People have been suspicious that sayu was the one bullying selen for quite a while.

>> No.77339025

She's gonna fuck her right in the WAYUWEEEEEEAM

>> No.77339045
File: 236 KB, 632x395, _oreo_noh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Anon? Have you even seen any of the sayu anti threads? A lot of the bait responses seethe at kotoka, hex, and finana plenty.
Quinn (and to an extent Hex) in general though is the only one Sayu seems to be completely and utterly unable to reconcile with, and she's forgiven people who've literally cheated on her. There's plenty of seethe to go around for everybody.
In general though there's no reason to go after anybody because all of our energy goes into defense and just supporting Sayu instead. As far as I'm concerned, if she doesn't want to start anything, I don't either.

>> No.77339072

No one has said this

>> No.77339101

Assuming this is even true (which I can't because you can't even link clips or timestamps) why is this only being brought up now and not a few months ago during Selen's termination?

>> No.77339109

How the fuck would Sayu have the time to bully Selen? She's not in the same company, doesn't have her socials, and was dedicating all of her energy into surviving the sisters' harassment. This new rrat is just fucking hilarious to even imagine.

>> No.77339153

As a certified Sayufag I don't give two shits about him. Sayu ranted about a lot of things she probably should've been silent about and you could always pinpoint who she was ranting about. And NOT. EVEN. ONCE. was she ranting about that guy.

>> No.77339188

Yes, Sayu is part of the Niji bullies despite not being part of it for almost a year and was only present for a few months as well.
Glad we cleared that up that it was someone who wasnt even part of the company while things went to shit.

Next dramafag.

>> No.77339210

happy for my oshi, still won't watch the roach.

>> No.77339229

Not a chance. Certainly not with the person who helped prolong the niji furor by leaking documents to le based lawyer

>> No.77339240


>> No.77339273

get off the board quinn no one likes your wigger ass

>> No.77339297

holy seethe

>> No.77339312


>> No.77339368

You faggots didn't wait one second after you got annihilated with the Mint and Doki collab, you started spamming Sayu threads. You locusts won't stop until you actually get an Ex-Niji (maybe even current) to kill themselves. Nijisanji, and the "people" oshi THE COMPANY, need to disappear for Vtubing to prosper.

>> No.77339390

Because most people were focused on the bigger livers and trying to start shit.

I would not be surprised if Vshojo had a hand at it. Just think a little. Only them and Doki got anything possitive out of this. Thtat's very, very suspicious.

>> No.77339432

Nah, let them. Nijisanji aims for that crowd and its only fair that if they play with fire, they are to get burned.

>> No.77339438

>makes a claim
>ok where's your proof
>trust me bro, watch her old genmates about her termination
No one's stupid enough to interpret anything they said as "she bullied selen" and if you truly believe that, your listening comprehension is trash. The level of history revision you're attempting is shittier than Ubisoft's attempt to revise Yasuke's wiki page it's not even funny.

>> No.77339461

Lets decide. Who should die?

>> No.77339503


>> No.77339515

VShojo and Doki were working together to plan the downfall of Nijisanji from the start?
Based Gunrun and based Doki, I love VShojo now

>> No.77339530

Look man, it's mind numbing to have a discussion about that guy with rrats and counter rrats. I only cared because people were attacking matara for collabing with a "known doxxer" like it was supposed to be some kind of common knowledge. If sayu and quinn have any issues that's between them. Not really my problem.

>> No.77339561

>Be Matara, get stalked down by Sayu
>Being a grown ass Ukrainian women they throw down..in her hotel room
>Literally scissor the brains out of the bitch that leaked your conversation and started chasing you for clout after the Kurosanji arc
>Feeling super cathartic seeing this Asian menhera passed out and spread eagle
>Congratulations on passing the Vhoejo audition says Gunrun as he emerges from behind the hotel room curtains with a camera

This is 100% true btw.

>> No.77339599

Dont forget to kys please

>> No.77339657

Hopefully they get sued to death.
Those are some nasty tactics.
At least NijisanjiEN is still alive and can recover.

>> No.77339668

Hentai Matsuri

>> No.77339684

Matara, Mint and Doki all took turns screwing Sayu's brains out with straps on.
Trust me, I was a fly on the hotel room wall.

>> No.77339704

Cutting right now my Lord Hex~

>> No.77339729

Im trying anon

>> No.77339769

I have watched the streams of what Sayu HERSELF says gets to her the most. It is three things: the indies who flipped on her when she got kicked out; that her circumstances only changed for her because of what happen to Doki and nothing else; finally that Sayu felt she didn't have enough time to take advantage of being in Niji and now she had lost the opportunities other v-tubers get. There is nothing about Matara or Quinn or even much about her former genmates.

I'm glad things are getting better for Sayu. It's a shame there are anons trying to spin another narrative to damp the mood.

>> No.77339770

Not at $8/h they won't. Couldn't even sue the disgruntled ex-girlfriend. muh Sneed & Desist lek

>> No.77339830

>All this positiviness about Sayu
>People kinda defending Vshojo

What kind of alternate dimansion is this?
I thought /vt/ hate them.

>> No.77339865

whats suspicious is how nijien was able to go for this long with such shit management, PR and legal team. seems like they hit the end of the road tho.

>> No.77339866

Turns out anons hate Anycolor and Nijisisters more

>> No.77339883

As expected, sisters are throwing fucking anything at the wall to see what sticks, now that they're in panic mode.

>> No.77339905

Very small vocal minority do
Won’t pretend I LIKE vshojo but I don’t hate them

>> No.77339913

This, but it wasn't as bad a year ago. They've just proven time after time to be the worst part of the vtubing community

>> No.77339945

She has never said anything about quinn.
That's because they weren't that close on niji. Kotoka could have called her a pedophile like kenji and sayu would have still forgiven her. And I'm pretty sure she only mentioned hex when reacting to that armchair guy video.

>> No.77339946
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>> No.77339999

told you guys they had a threesome. noone can resist cyborg pussy

>> No.77340031

>There is nothing about Matara or Quinn or even much about her former genmates.
The Matara thing is something different. During and after the Zaion termination, Matara was at least on speaking terms with Sayu, and at some point she let Sayu know about her insecurities while in Niji. During a subathon back in November when she was near her lowest, she broke down and started ranting about how much effort she put into Niji and her relationships there, how hard she tried to help people, what it felt like to be thrown out, etc. Partially through that she ended up bringing up a point how it wasn't just her that was being hammered down, even Matara had a rough time and developed an extreme imposter syndrome, believing herself to be worthless, etc. and how she wanted Matara to know that she was worth far more than Niji could ever appreciate her for.
Matara didn't like that for whatever reason, likely due to said insecurities, and immediately cut contact with Sayu after that point. Sayu spiralled harder and started acting out trying to apologize to Matara in public because she couldn't do so in private. This led to her apologizing to Mata on her stream, on False's stream, etc.
For whatever reason, Matara finally allowed her in and it seems like if nothing else, they're friendly again now.
Probably because she could see her in person and Sayu is so small that you could put her on a high shelf if she starts getting uppity.

>> No.77340038

Yep, the amount of times they moved the goalpost; don't produce receipts on rrats or down play positive successes is board line psychopathic at this point.

>> No.77340044


>> No.77340055

Oh that's a new one, thanks anon, one more for the collection

>> No.77340125

We know that for a long time.
Even the entire "Sieg Zaion" shows how they got you considering it was a out of context clip of shutting down a supa. You ate it up.

>> No.77340131

In that armchair video Sayu said she worked closely with Hex discussing streamer things. And she basically said that Hex was intentionally weaponizing his (alleged) trauma against her.

>> No.77340227

I don't mean to imply anything bad about Matara, and even at the time sincroknights understood WHY Matara would decide to cut contact, even if it was upsetting. Exposing a personal insecurity told to you in private is definitely a bad thing, even if Sayu had no malice in it, and was absolutely a stupid move on her part.
Thankfully, it seems like both people are in a position and have recovered enough mentally to talk it out. Hopefully this trend continues, though at this point I'm expecting Sayu to travel to every con in the country to personally ask the vtubers there to at least notice her.

>> No.77340233

I just don't understand why anons here think every ex-corpo talent has to hold each others hands and sing a love song before there's "proof" they don't hate each other.

>> No.77340293
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Only the finest Nijiseethe ITT

>> No.77340331

They don't. It's just a shorthand to tell sisters to fuck off and stop harassing people.
Most of the board is holofags and they don't give a shit about people as small as mata or sayu.

>> No.77340343

Yeah I saw folks saying that he made it up just to shit on her. That's pretty rough. Still nothing on quinn other than that old screenshot. Also quinn replying to kenji during his beef with sayu. That came out of nowhere.

>> No.77340358

Correlation reps doko? You'd think that after Zaion got the boot, Selen would have breathed a sigh of relief and gotten out of her depressive funk, but that's not what happened, isn't it?
You're a fucking Kurosanji intern shielding the managers, aren't you?

>> No.77340409

>claims sayu bullied selen when she wasn't even in the company for at least 9 months before selen went radio silent
>rrats that because ppl focused on anyone but sayu, she got away with non-existant bullying
>blames vshojo and doki claiming them to be the masterminds
Guys, I think this anon's a child. Literally can't piece together a convincing timeline, articulate their argument or show proof. Like what the fuck? doki planned her own bullying?

>> No.77340455

Something you probably wouldn't know from clips, but there's someone else who's pretty well known among the sincroknights as much as Quinn, and it's Cy Yu, the dude with the similar sounding name to her. He was a common sight on her channel for collabs pre-niji and was one of the people to ghost her completely after the termination. Hell, he's even still on her outdated as fuck youtuber wiki. Once Doki got axed though, he immediately lept into the fray with his own little Niji sob story and tried to make himself part of Doki's circle.
Like Quinn, he only started supporting Kenji and leaping to his defense after Sayu got involved.

>> No.77340599

Aint that the guy who got banned from melee

>> No.77340601

Quinn did mock Sayu's document when it dropped. Hex also played along, no surprise there. I know it's a False video but I'd rather give him a view than Hex.

>> No.77340624

Yeah that's just so weird. Like what is even up with them? They didn't have to do that all.

>> No.77340625

Best guess is that they hired most or all of their staff when the branch launched. So a staff:talent ratio that was ‘fine’ when there were six members ended up like an inner city classroom.

>> No.77340634

That's Hax.

>> No.77340645

Be Sayu. More numbers than ever in niji. Getting friends back. Winning winning winning.

>> No.77340681

Cy yu was invited to a collab through Amalee wasn't he? I don't think he did anything egregious, and him bitching about Niji's shitty contract is justified. I feel he's more of the professional type who'd talk behind closed doors with sayu but explicitly state he'd rather not be publicly associated with her, which knowing her, she'd be fine with that.

>> No.77340688

It's not good enough, he made twitlonger jokes all the time. I don't really understand zoomer humour but they seem to do that these days.

>> No.77340711
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The best part is that this kind of shit was seriously what was eating at her all year.
We can actually expect her to start having less and less outbursts now, if at all. This is so fucking huge for her. Apparently she met a lot of other vtubers at the con, too, including the new Encore girls from Idol!

>> No.77340716
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>> No.77340728

Saying he'll write a twitlonger that links to a Google doc at a specific timestamp that resembles the time when Sayu published her twitlonger that linked to a Google doc is most likely not a co8lincidence

>> No.77340842

>I feel he's more of the professional type who'd talk behind closed doors with sayu but explicitly state he'd rather not be publicly associated with her, which knowing her, she'd be fine with that.
She is fine with that kind of stuff. It's happened a lot and she's mentioned that that's okay as long as you don't just fucking ghost her or join in on the harassment yourself.
Lord knows I can't find a timestamp for the strongest time she said it, but it was during her palworld binge, around the time that lawyer was going through the niji contract but before she sent her silencing contract.

The whole taking sides with the Kenji shit but only after Sayu got involved is also pretty telling. After Sayu forced kenji into a voice call and cleared shit up, quinn and cy yu got left holding a very awkward bag.

>> No.77340904

Calm down anon, you're mashing your keyboard now. KEK But yeah, quinn and hex doing that was definitely not a coincidence and quinn's definitely the type to be a salty little shit and hold onto the grudge of getting his ass roasted from that pummel party session. Now if only Doppio graduated so we can get potentially get another roasting session, that'd be great.

>> No.77340914

It's pretty cool seeing Sayu be proactive at resolving stuff, first with Kenji and now with Matara. Even though it was rough at times she comes out of those situations with a win and it's a nice feeling

>> No.77340928

anon... niji is still better than vshojo.
vshojo wishes to be at their level and that's why they keep stealing livers
vshojo is the worst part of the community and they have proved it multiple times.

>> No.77340954

Vshojo fans don't doxx and harass their former talents

>> No.77340961

You keep trying to trying to force Quinn into Sayu using the same rrat. Also you're bring up Kenji only now but ignoring that Sayu already patch up with him after a row.

>> No.77340995

NTA but his point wasn't to shit on Kenji but Quinn did again jump in unwarranted to side against Sayu during that incident

>> No.77341032
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>Nijishitters completely mindbroken by Matara and Sayu officially reconciling they're full-on unhinged seething at vshojo

>> No.77341069

Here's my interpretation of their interaction with the Kenji shit. Quinn saying "bruh" twice could be justified cause Kenji posted screenshots of those messages from /here/ that had racist stuff. All I remember with Cy yu was "wtf happened, I just got back from camping for a week". Feel free to catch me up on what else they said if I forgot anything. I'm still in the quinn's a little shit camp, but cy yu I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.77341096

Yeah but where's the proof?

>> No.77341136

Roach mom is to pure and nice, sayu just wants to grift. Mark my words drama is going to happen and Sayu is going to drag her through the mud once again. People don’t change and Sayu is a spiteful shit shit stirring drama queen,
“Boo hoo I’m going to sell my body because I didn’t get friends that are all collabing with doki!”

>> No.77341280

That's fair, and I want to believe that, but it's still really, really fucking hard to explain why he ghosted her for over a year, leapt into the fray for Doki, who he never interacted with as Selen, and then continued to ignore Sayu for the next several months, including once she was directly involved in a drama where his only action was to stand against her.

>> No.77341304

If you support sayu you're supporting pedophilia.
If you support matara you're supporting grooming and leeching.
If you support vshojo you're supporting poaching.

>> No.77341421

From her lack of specifics - good chance chance most of the lunch was matara+mint telling sayu to shut the fuck up and stop escalating drama

>> No.77341461

You fucking niggers will regret when NijisanjiEN dies and Holo monopolize the vtubing industry.
Competition is good for everyone.
And Vshojo is now normalizing poaching between agencies.

You have to be fucking retarded to not see the problem.

>> No.77341513

Realistically it was something closer to "i dont hate you but also im not your friend"

>> No.77341516

Yeah "bruh" is the greatest evil here. Not what Niji did to Sayu and Doki.

>> No.77341551

I don't think he made up the SA thing because that's some goddamn bullshit and I don't want to believe that someone would make up a story about being sexually assaulted in the past just to fuck up a coworker's life and career.

But if Hex really fake that shit up, he is the worst scum in the world and i hope he dies.

>> No.77341576

vshojo propaganda

>> No.77341596

If you support Nijisanji, you support all of the above.

>> No.77341620

Sayu is overly happy to be just that.

>> No.77341747

Ate sayu
Ate sayucucks
Love roach mom
Love tomato
Love green maid ghost
Simple as.

>> No.77341788

buy an ad clipnigger

>> No.77341852

>trying to fanfiction some kind about matara and mint treating sayu like a child to sow discord
Still not subtle enough sister. Sayu sounded way to content and relieved in both her stream and Twitter post.

>> No.77342222

Wtf, kinda had an odd vibe “it’s finally happening” “we have a lot of mutuals”… Sayu sounds like she just wants to use them.
Given roach moms stories from the pod cast o know she is way to kind and trusting. Wonder what they talked about, if Sayu is a grifter mint might of picked up on it. Roach mom is a haggest but not the smartest.
I never watched Sayu since I knew drama was her thing, is she a numbers person? Kind of person who turns a friendly convo into a numbers and business conversation? Cuz from I picked up on those two things she said here kinda sounds bad.

>> No.77342238

> She has never said anything about Quinn
Do your fucking reps before you start spitting bullshit. She haven't mentioned Quinn as Quinn but she shat on Kyo multiple times

>> No.77342313

Sister, it's not working...

>> No.77342330

Sisters copin and falseflaging in this thread gave me energy and happiness for all the week to come.

>> No.77342333


>> No.77342347

Yep, she is overly happy about the situation.

>> No.77342364

It’s always the buggie man huh anon. Any sayu fans that can sum her up. Is she a numbers talker? Like I said I never watched her

>> No.77342377

> Sayucucks
My god can you be less obvious sister? Sayu is no longer an easy target. Find another scapegoat

>> No.77342412

If you don't know the difference between finally getting a chance to talk it out vs wanting to use others, you're a jackass.
>I never watched Sayu since I knew drama was her thing
Least obvious falseflagging nijisis who used the same argument with Doki

>> No.77342457

>Sayucuck seeeeth
I’m a dragoon anon, gonna cry about it? Why don’t you go lay in bed with your wife’s boyfriend's.

>> No.77342490

Don't need to falseflag, sister, everyone knows who are you.

>> No.77342494

He literally replied to him when he whipped out 4chan screenshots of "Sincroknights" being racist. He also recently collabed with him. Do your fucking reps. It would take you like 5 minutes

>> No.77342526

That's so much bait you could go fishing. Sisters really can't use more than 2 arguments against Sayu and they're both bullshit

>> No.77342532

>You never watched my oshi!? Impossible
>you are a sister fister!
Anon you’re a moron and very angry.

>> No.77342559

-The nijinigger falseflagged as naturally as they breathed.

>> No.77342583

>My wife oshis son!

>> No.77342586

>Said by a Nijisister
The projection and gaslighting is beyond insane. I cannot believe people this psychotic exist

>> No.77342596

As a dragoon I hope that if that is true, you will fuck off out our community. Behave like a sister, be treated as one.

>> No.77342614

when has truth ever stopped rrats from propagating

>> No.77342634

Oh no, shut up fellow goon. I just dislike sayu… well more do her annoying fans.

>> No.77342648

Anon, you don't even do your reps and proudly stated her content revolves around drama. I'll call out a jackass when I see a jackass. And that jackass happens to be (you)

>> No.77342678

Sorry I don't have all time in the world lurking /here/ just to validate your fanfictiom. Other than the screenshot there's nothing.

>> No.77342681

Sister, acceptance is also one of the seven stages of grief. You need to accept that you lost and you're a faggot, get over it.

>> No.77342714

No need to give them the benefit of the doubt anon, cosplaying as dragoons is the sisters' most standard procedure in a Sayu thread since ages now.

>> No.77342726

As a Sincroknight, we love all you dragoons. I genuinely don't think Sayu and Doki are avoiding eachother. Matara was the one who invited Sayu for the lunch. Sayu is scared to approach any escapees from Niji because she fears rejection. Meanwhile Doki said she doesn't want to intrude anyone so she's waiting for people to make the first step. Therefore they are kinda stuck

>> No.77342760

The Anti-Clique rises

>> No.77342761

Sister seething and trying to damage control by falseflagging. They don't understand that every community celebrates anything that hurts them.
Sisters you don-t have any friends or support /here/, hell, you don't have support in your own community.

>> No.77342766

>get recommendation for vtubers
>youtube pushes her face at me talking about drama on something she did.
>”man I sure do keep seeing this person, must be a drama vtuber”
>I don’t watch drama channels
Sorry anon, I don’t know shit about her aside that. And from this thread she had some beef with the pink cockroach.

>> No.77342776

sisters eternally mindbroken now
Why don't you go schlick to Hex-- oh wait, you can't! LMAO

>> No.77342779

>worse cuts across the boards
>far more restrictive and can't even get simple perms in a reasonable timeframe
>far lower noombers even with more organs
>allows the clique to have undue influence and favoritism over other organs
>doesn't allow them to keep their IP and unlike holo doesn't even give them a big send-off when they do but rather try to use it to keep them under control and harass them when they try to quit
>scams money from their own organs

I could go on but NijiEN is in no way, shape or form better than Vshojo.

>> No.77342786


>> No.77342801

>retard legit trying his best to create rrats from nothing

>> No.77342834

Behave like a sister be treated like one, no one asks you to like sayu, I'm not a fan my self. spreading hate is not the way of dragoons, behave or fuck off. Do you think that Doki would condone hate spreading? Every time a dragoon spreads hate, he is not a dragoon or deserves to be booted from our community.

>> No.77342845

Sayu finally bent the knee, then. Can't blame her really.

>> No.77342847

We are in the endgame now.

>> No.77342900
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Eh, him collabing recently doesn't really mean much.
For whatever they talked about, Kenji and Sayu aren't hostile anymore. Quinn's actions during the beef is what was really important in this case rather than anything after.
Also sayu vs doki is stupid and nobody would ever believe it. Sayu doesn't have to suddenly start being part of the ex-niji club or anything, but just having the opportunity to actually interact with people from now on is something we've wanted for her all year... It feels insane that she's finally getting that opportunity again and I'll be rooting for her to be a part of the community again.

>> No.77342932

Every talent that went from niji to vshojo is happier and thriving. That is all we need to compare one company vs the other. C'os we care about the talents, not the companies sister, I know that is very hard to grasp.

>> No.77342940

What tf are you on about? Who ever mentioned anyone bending a knee to anyone? You sisters are insufferable. I'm almost getting sad your doxsite got killed since you flooded it here

>> No.77342991
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>4some with Mint/Doki/Matara/Sayu
Please god, just let me have this before I die

>> No.77343003

This is now the canon version of what happened. I don't make the rules.

>> No.77343004

This is the biggest cope and projection I have ever seen. You are either baiting or you're living in another timeline. This is a new low even for a Nijisister

>> No.77343027

Goons do a little trolling, I just dislike her character and her fans for being cucks.

>> No.77343086

Then either actually watch her.
>no i won't, she's a drama magnet
Then fuck off.

>> No.77343130

Sister, stop cosplaying, this is not the place.

>> No.77343200

Ok anon you win, I’ll watch all her vods and member streams!
Man her fans are stupid, sorry I don’t watch your oshi

>> No.77343251

They all were at OffKai. It's basically a given. I also want to believe after they were done Sayu started crying and apologizing about everything and the other three cuddled with her and told her everything is ok

>> No.77343376

You made assumptions, chose to not do any reps, states assumptions /here/, calls other moron when you get caught being an idiot, then admits to not doing reps when called out. So yes, you are a 39iq jackass. And you're in no position to call others stupid for making a claim without confirming said claim is true.

>> No.77343385
File: 58 KB, 1016x211, Screenshot 2024-06-04 004555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

least insane nijisister

>> No.77343447
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>> No.77343507

She streams over 120 hours a month, you see a few clips out of context or during a mental breakdown and in the least charitable way you judge her as a drama magnet, not as some one who as been attacked and ostracized an entire year and after proving niji=bad people still can't stop trying to dump on her. Don't give her a chance watching her, there is an over-saturation of chubas, no one can watch all of them, that is more than understandable. But giver the chance to just do her thing without unwarranted hate that is all sane sinchoknights want.

>> No.77343568

> Her fans are stupid
But enough about Finana

>> No.77343605

I just want to know who has the biggest clit and who has the fattest pussy lips

>> No.77343677

this makes me happy. i hope she can find some peace of mind now.

>> No.77343689

sayu probably has an axe wound

>> No.77343713


>> No.77343721

definitely matara on both just on account of not being the size of a garden gnome

>> No.77343741
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>> No.77343759

god she is so smug i need to correct her so bad

>> No.77343841

So how long did Matara keep Sayu's mouth attached to her pussy?

>> No.77343957

Either until she was satisfied or until Mint wanted a turn

>> No.77344103
File: 41 KB, 447x475, 1687212816291170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mint and Sayu are roughly the same size and Matara is strong enough to take both of them at the same time. Just saying.

>> No.77344345

No they still hate each other. Women do not make up with each other, they will remain bitter enemies until one of them dies.
>t. shizo

>> No.77345097

LOL the current whole NijiEN combined can't even beat Mousey, Zen or Henya. Cope harder Sister.

>> No.77345235

I wish the day would come sooner.

>> No.77345577

Hopefully things will keep getting better and Sayu doesn't do anything stupid again.

>> No.77345621

>All this coping for vshojo
>Faggots already forgot the golden days

Why is everyone here such pieces of shit?
They shill hard for twitch and you're guys are fucking defending them.
They're still very small and in no way are a direct competition to holo or niji. What kind of bad joke is this?

Did everyone get more retarded or something?
I can believe my eyes.

The days /vt/ fell and now supports fucking vshojo over niji.

Hope you all have painful death and your oshis end up working on vshojo so they can become the whores they truly are!

>> No.77345934

>They're still very small and in no way are a direct competition to holo or niji. What kind of bad joke is this?
Who said that?

>> No.77346046

>worse cuts across the boards
So you're going to tell me that vshojo, a much smaller agency, somehow makes more money than the biggest agency in the world? LMAO

>far more restrictive and can't even get simple perms in a reasonable timeframe
They have more restrictictions to protect the livers and their channels because of youtube BS.

>far lower noombers even with more organs
every liver in japan beats them by miles and the EN livers also got WAY bigger ccv than them.

>allows the clique to have undue influence and favoritism over other organs
vshojo as a whole is a literal clique faggot

>doesn't allow them to keep their IP
Because the company owns it

>> No.77346183

Do you know what a cut means?

>> No.77346193

>Every talent that went from niji to vshojo is happier and thriving.
Sounds like coping. They just say that to make niji look bad. "I was at a bad place, look how happy Im in vshojo" Pure propaganda and you believe it all nigger.

>C'os we care about the talents, not the companies
Without the company you wouldnt know them and you'd be making fun of them for being a random 2view indie.

Nijisanji is still SO MUCH bigger and better in every regard and its silly how you guys try to act like they arent now that its cool to hate on niji.

>LOL the current whole NijiEN combined can't even beat Mousey, Zen or Henya
faggot. even a single liver in japan can beat them all combined. THIS is one huge cope lmao

>> No.77346200

If anyone replies to this bait post with actual data he will accuse vshojo watchers of being numberfags.

>> No.77346293

By sheer scale alone they would get WAY more money than what vshojo can.
That's how dooki manage to spent 200,000 before leaving.
That's how the boys become millionaires.

I have never heard of a vshojo girl with that amount of money

>> No.77346310


>> No.77346403

>muh sisters
That the only bogeyman you can think of shitskin? Disliking the roach is the natural response of anyone not blinded by whatever third world miasma you're huffing. She's a grifter bitch who's only out for herself, and while I don't blame sayu for kneeling down and kissing her wrinkly old ass I can't claim to respect it, either. Hopefully she'll stop sperging out every few weeks now and focus on growth instead of past trauma.

>> No.77346470

Of course.

>> No.77346545

enna insha'allah

>> No.77346927

Maybe Nijisanji should just TRY TO BE FUCKING BETTER. It’s already too late though
Stop fucking blaming EVERYONE except yourselves

>> No.77347071

>So you're going to tell me that vshojo, a much smaller agency, somehow makes more money than the biggest agency in the world? LMAO
The talents make more, the agency makes less.
>They have more restrictictions to protect the livers and their channels because of youtube BS.
How did it protect Selen when Niji couldn't do the simple task of getting perms for her song in a fucking year? How did it protect Pomu when management didn't allow her to use her home 3D even though she begged every day for it?
>every liver in japan beats them by miles
We are talking about NijiEN here, I frankly don't enough about NijiJP to give an input.
>the EN livers also got WAY bigger ccv than them.
Come on now. Surely you can't be THAT delusional.
>vshojo as a whole is a literal clique faggot
Find me one example of a talent in Vshojo getting undue favoritism. You can't.
>Because the company owns it
That's not the main issue I was pointing out. The problem is owning the IP and then using it to keep their own talents chained down and break their self-esteem so they think they're nothing without Nijisanji.

>> No.77347096

The only cut they know is the cut into their wrist for daddy Hex

>> No.77347110
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I can't wait to grudgepost this when the Sayu-Doki collab is right around the corner.

>> No.77347249


>> No.77347869
File: 54 KB, 112x112, 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno about that yet.
For now I'm just happy Sayu's happy.
Seriously, I've been smiling ear to ear for hours. She sounds so fucking relaxed today

>> No.77348031

>The talents make more, the agency makes less.
Even if they lowered it to 0.1% they'd still make more than anyone at vshojo because niji sells more.

>How did it protect Selen when Niji couldn't do the simple task of getting perms for her song in a fucking year
Didn't she make everything behind the scenes and then asked management for approval in fucking christmas day?

>We are talking about NijiEN here, I frankly don't enough about NijiJP to give an input.
The drama hurt their numbers but they were all way bigger than anyone at vshojo

>Come on now. Surely you can't be THAT delusional.
I know they're not doing too hot right now but in the past they beat them all and once they recover they'll become 5views.

>Find me one example of a talent in Vshojo getting undue favoritism. You can't.
you mean all the people that wants to join but cant because they are not special friends with them?

>The problem is owning the IP and then using it to keep their own talents chained down and break their self-esteem so they think they're nothing without Nijisanji.
Im sorry but without the company they would be nothing. Just another poor 2view vtuber.
Just look how irrelevant quinn is after he left and all his fans vanish lmao

>> No.77348049

I'm glad I'm not the only one who can see through this bullshit. no I don't have twatter so it's obviously not me

>> No.77348095

oh no sisters just cant stop taking L lmao

>> No.77348104

i cant believe you are making me jack off to 3 middle aged menopausal women anon

>> No.77348106

>So you're going to tell me that vshojo, a much smaller agency, somehow makes more money than the biggest agency in the world? LMAO
it's called venture capital, anon.

>> No.77348112

Hi Lairu

>> No.77348134
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nobody likes nijisanji sister

>> No.77348168

>reddit spacing
>defending niji
>vshojo a small corpo
found the sister tourist

>> No.77348177

except Sayu already tried. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agobK2f9Fsw

>> No.77348199

sasuga gunrun sama. i kneel.

>> No.77348309

>biggest vtuber agency
>cant even afford to give their talents play buttons and a half decent concert

>> No.77348387

>Even if they lowered it to 0.1% they'd still make more than anyone at vshojo because niji sells more.
I wouldn't be suprised if Zentreya or Henya alone make more money than everybody in NijiEN combined.
>Didn't she make everything behind the scenes and then asked management for approval in fucking christmas day?
As far as I know she was even talking about it on stream.
>The drama hurt their numbers but they were all way bigger than anyone at vshojo
Like I said, I don't know about NijiJP. Good for them, I guess.
>I know they're not doing too hot right now but in the past they beat them all
Ah so you're just living in the past. I get it now.
>and once they recover they'll become 5views.
I would be surprised if they can recover.
Aren't they still losing subs and viewers?
>you mean all the people that wants to join but cant because they are not special friends with them?
They are not in Vshojo, so why would vshojo owe them anything?
>Im sorry but without the company they would be nothing. Just another poor 2view vtuber.
Just look how irrelevant quinn is after he left and all his fans vanish lmao
jesus christ, imagine actually thinking this kind of shit when you talk about your oshi. revolting.

>> No.77348426

Sister, EVERYONE hates nijisanji, you are alone, no one watches your talents, no one supports your company, people like to see talents be happy, and everyone at vshojo right now are happy, that is what matters. Keep shilling for companies if you want, but the rest don't care.

>> No.77348437

>Sayu befriending Matara and let into the anti-Niji clique
>Hex getting bitchslapped by Youtube
>Twitterdrama about sociopathsisters tearing EACH OTHER apart now
>Twisty exposed as a /here/schizo and grifter
All in one day, good going

>> No.77349043

>Says the anon who is actually reddit spacing.

>> No.77349199

>Im sorry but without the company they would be nothing. Just another poor 2view vtuber.
And this... this right here is why everyone in this world agrees that you nijiniggers are vermin that need to be exterminated from the face of the earth.

>> No.77349242

elune adore to you too

>> No.77349362

> Im sorry but without the company they would be nothing. Just another poor 2view vtuber.
You are a poster child for a Nijifaggot. This is exactly what Matara felt like, what everyone in there feels like I think. This is what it looks like when you don't like the talents but worship the corpo. Genuinely go kill yourself

>> No.77350333

To be fair this one isn't even a sister it's just a general troll. He regularly quote tweets most vtubers with insane babble usually telling them to kill themselves.

>> No.77351437

Yeah, wouldn't weird me if they told her if she goes X time without being a dramafag or collabing with certain people then they will do a collab with her

>> No.77351609

doesn't nijiJP have a bunch of literal 2views?

>> No.77353253

nijisistas be like

>> No.77353993

>Im sorry but without the company they would be nothing. Just another poor 2view vtuber.
What the fuck is wrong with the sisters?

>> No.77355697

The only bad thing to come out of vshojo was froot. everyone else in it are angels in comparison to nijien. Even fucking nyanners has more of a heart than bitches like millie and enna. the ex-nijis are so alien to management actually doing shit for them that they can barely comprehend being allowed to do what they want.

>> No.77355820
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>once they recover they'll become 5views
Holy nijicope

>> No.77355875

>Im sorry but without the company they would be nothing. Just another poor 2view vtuber.
Selen is surviving just fine without nijiniggers. So are her former co-workers.

>> No.77357269

>Niji management played all the talents against eachother
>It is taking some time after leaving to realize this and get over past BS.

>> No.77357376

Nijisisters don't even provide receipt when boasting Nijisanji so we don't even need to provide receipt which is a waste of our energy hahaha.

>> No.77358385


>> No.77360552

And then had the steamiest sesbian lex recorded in history

>> No.77360606


Is an whore a vtuber?

>> No.77360664

Even if you provide receipts sisters will just outright say it's a lie. They are that deluded

>> No.77360705

>an whore

>> No.77361080

Panko Manko

>> No.77363153

Wow fuck you all for defending them

>> No.77365298


>> No.77366318
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Best year of her life unironically

>> No.77366787

I have been for at least a year now

>> No.77367145

>I have been
Wtf vshojo is a hive mind?

>> No.77367275

We are taking control

>> No.77367342
File: 500 KB, 1500x844, stop the rain [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fmth1u5.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77367884
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>> No.77367998

We are taking control.

>> No.77368113

Now if only Sayu can stop dramafagging

>> No.77368188

Don’t jinx it like certain someone.

>> No.77368361

Rain has been stopped.

>> No.77369842
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I think Millie just found out. Also said no POV in the next collab.

>> No.77369975

found out what?

>> No.77370671

> i went to dinner with nina, we´re on the same side still
> wtf shes friends with zaion now, how could she do this to me

>> No.77370986

This was the source of nearly all of her problems. The feelings of isolation and abandonment and worry over why the fuck everyone was ignoring her.
But now she's been able to put herself out there and be HEARD. And people have RESPONDED positively.
I don't expect many, if any, more outbursts this year.

Please, PLEASE don't fuck this up, Sayu. You can do this. This is everything you've been working towards...

>> No.77371198
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>mfw my hope posting for Sayu is starting to come true

>> No.77371669

>The days /vt/ fell and now supports fucking vshojo over niji
Gee, I wonder why

>> No.77372800

>"No, I dont even know who you are!"
My streamer can't be this autistic.

Falling into the pit and oshi-ing someone with that degree of parasociality (though actually, if you're on a "first name" basis like that anyway, is it even parasocial?) because it feels like it'd be nice, but I'm afraid I could actually get too delusional and end up messed up from being on the other end of that.

>> No.77373124

They'll already be in bed by the time she gets her fourth meltdown from Matara

>> No.77375902

You know why
