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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77339694 No.77339694 [Reply] [Original]

>spy posts VOD with timestamp from twisty's stream
>VOD (days old) gets taken down within MINUTES of this to the point that most people couldn't even tell what the timestamp had linked to

Possible rrats
>1. She was being genuine and nijisociopaths are being nijisociopaths as always
>2. She was being sarcastic to mock niji antis, in reality she's a riku shitlicker
>3. She was lying to play the victim card (grifter) and become another Vivi, which is in line with how certain anons have been trying to shill her as "le good niji" (possibly herself)

>why was the VOD any% speedrun nuked the moment this timestamp was found?
>manager lurking or twisty herself lurking (or COPEincidence)?

>> No.77339768

who gives a shit
just dont watch people you dont care about

>> No.77339797

I think 3 is the most probable. She has to be one of the ones making the "Twisty is good I swear" threads, or at least participating in them, since there's been so many recently.

>> No.77339809


>> No.77339825


>> No.77339838

hi twisty

>> No.77339870

I didn't watch, I just need to be educated.

>> No.77339896

get a hobby

>> No.77339922

I agree
her PL, if truly her, is very much in grifter territory
She probably didn't realize nobody in the remaining nijifanbase is male so now she's trying to pander to /vt/ and r/kurosanji
Notice also that despite all these "le good niji" shills it took this long for anyone to even catch this moment on her VOD

>> No.77339930

When my Oshi is not streaming shitting on Nijikeks is one of my hobby yes

>> No.77339963

looking at the recent CCV of her and the rest of the Niji organs, it seems a lot of viewers have taken that advice, lmao

>> No.77339970

She's trying to be Sayu2.

>> No.77340040

Well Twisty if you read this message, you don't want to do this. Even Sayu who had a pristine image as an indie pre-Niji took more than a year to recover from her termination. Imagine how possible it would be for a nobody like you with no connections to replicate that

>> No.77340048

shitting on nijiseethe is one of my hobby
>you cannot have more than one hobby

>> No.77340207

I don't, that's why I thank Nijispy for watching it for me.

>> No.77340268

didn't she JUST debut? how is she getting harassed already?

>> No.77340316

Not a matter of debut time. New hires are there for weeks and months before debut to "settle in".

>> No.77340341

Presumably for her lolicon pandering if it's actually happening.
Honestly if this isn't just her being a grifter then NijiEN has evolved to straight up cartoon villain, but I have a hard time believing that to be the case.

>> No.77340425

bitch somehow thought this wouldn't lead to harassment in the fucking hyperpozzed, alphabet-soup, far-left sisterbase that is niji?

>> No.77340467

>>77340341 (Me)
Or of course clipping out of context. Maybe she's talking about Blizzard (lol)

>> No.77340510

I don't feel sorry for her. She refused to head multiple red flags.

>> No.77340548
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Here's the privating moment btw

>> No.77340568

If it's clipped out of context why nuke the VOD?

>> No.77340663

If she's talking shit about another company or instigating niji haters then in theory it's better to private
Being extremely generous with this theory

>> No.77340768

To fan the flames :)

>> No.77340861

0 days without a nijiyab

>> No.77340940

you should take your own advice, sis

>> No.77340974
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>> No.77341037

>looks at nijiEN's ccv
they already are

>> No.77341152

Why the fuck would anyone think this is a good idea

>> No.77341182

lul, if this is legit and not out of context, that's probably straight firing tier.
We know how trigger happy the scummy fucks are in terms of firing people over jokes as well, so even if it was a joke against the company, there is still a high chance, if not stealth holiday.

>> No.77341242


>> No.77341265

This will be on her hitlist one day.
Slandered the reputation of the company even as a joke.
Big NO NO in Nipponland. She hurt their honor.

>> No.77341303

Is is a requirement to be retarded to work at Niji? Even if it was a just a joke it's still retarded

>> No.77341471

>Days old VOD
>Privated that fast
She made this utterly tone-deaf joke about being bullied in niji to bait for people to clip it out of context to harass her with, but no one took the bait for days, so she fucking clipped it herself, posted it here herself, and immediately privated the VOD so no one has the actual context in which she said it
She's trying to build a narrative that people are harassing nijisanji by falsely claiming their livers are being bullied with an out-of-context clip
Obviously this narrative doesn't take off if people don't fall for the out-of-context clip because the original VOD is there to show it's an obvious joke, that's why she had to private the VOD so quickly

Baiting for drama and trying to discredit the nijisanji internal bullying at the same time, devilish

>> No.77341505

I choose to believe this rrat

>> No.77341570

ill believe this
dumb whore enjoy your sub-finana views WITH debut buff

>> No.77341580

Kind of stupid because even the most charitable version has her joking in an inappropriate way about doki.

>> No.77341592

i think she's mainly baiting for drama and not discrediting the bullying. Likely real bullying happens if she can make such an exaggerated "joke"

>> No.77341598

And why did the thread /here/ got nuked two minutes after the video got privated? I wanna know that as well

>> No.77341627

The NijiJanny has always been around here. Outted themselves since the Luca allegations

>> No.77341633

Cause nijimods.

>> No.77341643

thanks anon

>> No.77341653

There was no clip afaik, the timestamp link was the first thing that was posted

>> No.77341686
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Is it me or does she sound exactly like Panko from Phase Connect with an american accent?

>> No.77341703


>> No.77341721
File: 83 KB, 450x400, 1626885096243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon I know it'd be funnier if it was real, but this sounds like a joke.
It sounds like a really, really fucking stupid joke for someone to make in their first week of streaming in a black company, but it still sounds like a joke.
Jesus fucking christ did she get ANY training?

>> No.77341753

>Jesus fucking christ did she get ANY training?
According to (completely unsubstantiated claims) she got 6 months of training.

>> No.77341833
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>come to the 4chan equivalent of a teenage girl's kpop gossip forum
>expect anons to not gossip about girls they dont watch

>> No.77341850

I bet that she genuinely believes the bullying allegations are doki lying and exaggerating, so she's justified in discrediting the bullying
That's also why she doesn't at all see why her joke is inappropriate, because she doesn't believe doki got bullied >>77341580

>> No.77341857

Ayo, niji newfag twisty..
The out-of-context clip you made is legit a drama-bait you made yourself.
That aint gonna change your finana level views, lmao

>> No.77341875

>sisters trying to convince people it's nothing

>> No.77341910

>expect anons to not gossip about girls they dont watch
Well yeah, no shit Twisty doesn't watch herself. Streamerbrain prevents most from listening to their own voice.

>> No.77341950

okay I believe your rrat now fully, anon. This sounds very plausible considering Yu Q Wilson drank the kool aid in public, cant say the new kids did not do the same or at least have to look like it

>> No.77341961
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based schizo

>> No.77341973

>gossiping about an assfaggots tier list
guess it's my bed time

>> No.77342003

>How do i gain relevance?
Brilliant, like that really makes your brand non-toxic. Twisty, you're a fucking retarded woman. Are the cunny people not enough for you?

>> No.77342020

so much for the "le good niji!!" narrative

>> No.77342046

Guess she is a pretty twisted person to pull shit like this.

>> No.77342060

This makes another point: it's possible that even newer generations of Niji are trained to only aknowledge their "truth" about the Dokibird incident
My rrat is that Vox, Elira and Ike put the black stream on repeat while the newbies are training for the corpo

>> No.77342116

>welcome to my Twisty'd mind

>> No.77342119

Well, her name IS Twisty

>> No.77342132
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>> No.77342248
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IDK what this about but her model is very cute and she has a sexy voice
channel link?

>> No.77342261

Twisty more like Grifty

>> No.77342353

Right, then the timeline is this
>Pretend to be a niji-anti and make posts threatening to clip the joke out-of-context
>The VOD needs to still be up for said niji-anti to be able to make this threat
>Private the VOD immediately after this to prevent people from watching the timestamp and realize this is a nothingburger sarcastic joke
>Post the out-of-context clip to bait people into thinking another niji liver is being bullied behind the scenes
Then to complete the scheme
>Later post proof that it was actually just a sarcastic joke and that the wider vtuber audience has been tricked into thinking she is being bullied
>All future and past claims of niji internal bullying are now crippled because people will remember the last time they saw a clip of such thing, they got tricked

Additionally, anon spying on the niji thread claims twisty feels the hate that niji is getting is unjustified, but more investigation is need to make this more than just "anon said"

>> No.77342376

She was joking. Aster was doing a League tier list stream and said she looked like a character so she went back to her stream and joked about being bullied by him. The context is in his stream.

>> No.77342407

this feels weird, it reeks of nijisisters trying to smear her

>> No.77342421

Link me the fucking context you nigger and put it in a catbox

>> No.77342470

Go watch the stream yourself, retard. It's on his fucking channel >>77342407

>> No.77342474

HI there, grifty.

>> No.77342584

Still doesn't change the fact she was watching /here/ very closely to the point of privating a VOD and prompted a niji janny on a payroll to nuke the thread soon after.
If people watch her clip saying things out of context and chose to believe it because the original video was made unavailable, this is all on her.
Plus: even if she was joking, it can also be seen she was belittling bullying situations that happened on her very same company and those were made public not too long ago. This speaks lots about her, actually.

>> No.77342633

You're a schizophrenic woman. Stop pretending like you care with your moralfaggotry

>> No.77342667

Is that pic real?

>> No.77342674

sup Grifty

>> No.77342676
File: 118 KB, 1024x1024, 1716967541200865m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so rrat no.2 is correct (she was joking and is a riku shitlicker) + confirmed /here/bitch trying to shill herself

god how do you simp for aster of all people?

>> No.77342694

Theres nothing wrong with ullying jokes especially if its against a dimwit like dokiturd

>> No.77342727


>> No.77342750
File: 521 KB, 1258x524, GB1film1999chapter28sc017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fool! You never cross the streams!

>> No.77342783

Oh I'm stealing that.
You'll never be big Grifty.

>> No.77342822

Idk what that mwans,I just want a channel link

>> No.77342844

>Lui made black company joke in debut month
>Nodoka made black company joke a couple months in after employment
why is it okay for Cover but not Anykara? Double standard much? holokeks?

>> No.77342853
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>> No.77342870

>200view with fucking debut buff
Remember, Grifty, there are literalwho chuubas from literalwho smallcorps with more viewers than you
But hey, at least you have to give 98% of your profits to riku
wait, that's not a good thing...

>> No.77342878

So are people really going to let sisters bury another bullying case in nijisanji?

>> No.77342880

>New hires are there for weeks and months
That not what sayu said, she only found out her genmate voice a week before debut.

>> No.77342891

It doesn't sound like a joke to me. In what context would it be a joke? Could you show me the context? Wouldn't purposely spreading this be considered slander by Anycolor?

>> No.77342913

everyone in nijishit deserves all misery they get including bullying
you reap what you sow

>> No.77342915


>> No.77342945

Lui said that she used to work for a black company anon
not surprising since she's ex niji management

>> No.77342981

We already had reason to believe this entire group was full of grifters who willingly would join bullies, now we just have definitive proof. If not for the joke, which is honestly a nothingburger even out of context, for the fact that Grifty is 100% /here/, and /here/ enough to be able to have a janny there in minutes.

Grifty if you're reading this, commit virtual seppuku and graduate. It's the only way you can protect you and your genmates from being confirmed shitbags.

>> No.77343020

It's fine when Hololive does it because it's almost impossible to take this comment seriously. That's the butt of the joke.
In Nijisanji's case, however... Let's just say that their staff being so worried to the point of nuking a VOD because Twisty made such a comment speaks for itself.

>> No.77343046

>Harasses random girl for working at a company and starts spreading lies to get others to harass her too
Oh but you're surely a good person!

>> No.77343096
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>> No.77343099

Are you telling me she stopped an ASMR stream to speak to fucking ASTER on his stream?

>> No.77343102

Grifty, we'll save you. Don't worry.

>> No.77343136

We don't need good people to kill nijisanji

>> No.77343139

Cover wasn't still in the middle of a fucking suicide and workplace abuse scandal, retardchama

>> No.77343173

>In the middle
It was half a year ago

>> No.77343206

Holokiddies are showing their age again

>> No.77343228
File: 84 KB, 605x865, ImavAHX9pb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you tell that to the audience STILL leaving every day?
They need to prove that they're BETTER than they were half a year ago, and instead they're just making fun of it like absolute psychopaths.

>> No.77343245

I'm not watching the vod
What's the point of this thread? What'd it say?

>> No.77343256

Nah I'm a NEET who lives off tizmbux and jacks off to hentai of women getting eggs implanted in their nipples to then birth out, I'm not claiming to be a good person. But Grifty, you're the one joining an openly black company and proving you knew all along. Why not just come out on stream and say you don't believe Selen was bullied?

>> No.77343261

Relax Grifty

>> No.77343281

Sarcastically, mocking Doki
>Oh no, a liver made a dumb and harmless joke about me, I'm SOOO being bullied and harassed

>> No.77343286


>> No.77343301


>> No.77343302

And it's still affecting them

>> No.77343304

real slick, holokeks. we know about the unsub bots. t. /#/ spy

>> No.77343332

Yes, behold the power of our unsub bots

>> No.77343391

This actually checks out, what the fuck

>> No.77343394

nghhh im gonna leeeeeeek ughnghhhh

>> No.77343409

Unsub bots can't ungive super chats, retard
8 days, can't fucking wait

>> No.77343457
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>> No.77343503

That's literally what happened.

>> No.77343529
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>> No.77343631

THAT Aster, who was confirmed to have harassed not just Scarle but multiple female talents?

>> No.77343665

Didn't she also reach out to him first? *sigh* women.

>> No.77343701

>hmm who should i get groomed by?
>let's pick the gay4pay ragebaby sex pest who psychotically harassed scarle over a nothingburger because an apology wasn't good enough
Grifty moment

>> No.77343868

Worst part is he's not even lateral movement. It's like trying to fleece money off of a hobo, what a retarded grift for a retarded woman.

>> No.77343925
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Even if it was a joke, why THE FUCK would you joke about that after joining Nijisanji

>> No.77344000

The most innocent theory possible is that she lived under a rock and didn't know shit about what was happening with nijiyabs since Dec'2023 so this 'joke' didn't have any malicious intent.

>> No.77344033

All I'm getting from this is that she is based and niji doesn't deserve her

>> No.77344041

>If she is being honest: holy shit someone save her
>If she is just joking: holy shit what a piece of shit

>> No.77344087

If she was smart she wouldn't be in nijisanji in the first place

>> No.77344119

>joining nijisanji
>in 2024
>expecting any kind of neuron activity
except that theory is dead because she outright confirmed herself to be /here/ within literal minutes of that link being posted

>> No.77344126

>If she is being honest: holy shit someone save her
Nope, she made her bed and now she can sleep in it
But this isn't even the case, she's obviously a niji loyalist who made a joke

>> No.77344144

Whether she's being honest or not the only thing we know for sure is that she's being a grifter.

>> No.77344195

Nice projection, grifterbird. Hope you enjoy your lawsuit

>> No.77344220

I accept your concession.

>> No.77344254

>except that theory is dead because she outright confirmed herself to be /here/ within literal minutes of that link being posted
What if it was the 5$/hr NijiIntern with the access to their YT accounts?

>> No.77344320

>What if it was the 5$/hr NijiIntern with the access to their YT accounts?
werent those leaked to be the vta trainees job?

>> No.77344323

Because like half of niji is /here/ and there's no reason to believe managers who can't even reply to messages after days would be that speedy?

>> No.77344333

I'm going for coffee, guys. Please make sure to watch out for Niji, so they don't have another fucking yab in the meantime.

>> No.77344372

>niji managers
>doing literally anything within the span of a week
>let alone minutes
Nearly did a fuckin' spittake.

>> No.77344428

This is an impossible task considering the speed at which this company sets itself on fire over and over again.

>> No.77344438

I would lean very heavily on 3 for very obvious reasons. I believe the VOD was nuked by her personally to add credibility to the the VOD narrative that 'niji bad'.

>> No.77344447

Put me in the screen cap parrot

>> No.77344455

Holy shit you're retarded

>> No.77345398

This is my hobby you mongoloid faggot.

>> No.77345443
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>> No.77345470

Aren't you embarrassed to share a hobby with teenage girls as grown-ass man

>> No.77345499


>> No.77345522

Yeah I’m sure all the OG vtuber fans of Kizuna Ai and Kaguya Luna were teenage girls, then the fanbase got invaded by those darn unicorns!

>> No.77345526

No, I'm here to groom the teen girls.

>> No.77345571

meanwhile niji organs share the hobby of shitting on hololive in their private discords

>> No.77346497


>> No.77346985
File: 302 KB, 1051x1096, 1000001994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post tits Twisty

>> No.77347070

You know that's a difficult task for dramafags/holofags

>> No.77347131

i believe it

>> No.77347257

ruh roh

>> No.77347329

that's probably worse than a pity baiting sarcastic joke, or it is at least to me. just shows how right i was for never giving this whore a chance anyways.

>> No.77347417

Already disproven by the sisters themselves in their own thread:
She was aware of the hate and still joined them.

>> No.77347518

man, imagine enjoying ASMR from a cunny brat and she suddenly stops to go talk to a male

>> No.77347687

Teenage girls get wet for Taylor Swift and BTS not chuubas. Unless they are disgusting, fat fujoshi, that is.

>> No.77347733

You're forgetting Nijifaggots are cucks. She's probably trying to groom the same fanbase as Enna.

>> No.77347920

Nta but aren't most vtubing fans ojisans who have expendable income. I guess you could go for young simps but I'm almost certain that's bat shit Unicorn / easy anti territory who have never dealt with women in their life.

>> No.77348699

The same reason it's more okay for a friend to joke about killing you over something stupid, than a convicted serial killer.

>> No.77350876

what if your friend is a convicted serial killer?

>> No.77351169

great advice

>> No.77352518

No, I want nijisanji to be hated.

>> No.77352888

either way it proves shes a collasl bitch

>> No.77352915


>> No.77352997


>> No.77354220

You literally can't trust any Niji.

>> No.77354353


>> No.77354390


>> No.77356047

Hi, Elira...

good bye, Elira...

>> No.77356146

nijiEN fans are almost all teenage kpop stan white girls
ive come across several

>> No.77356204

the grown ass men were here first

>> No.77356219


>> No.77356303
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This is my hobby

>> No.77356908

>stragering a falseflag to shit on niji
I liek tis rrat

>> No.77361222

lol, they're all east asian

>> No.77364536

The more I've thought about this, the more likely this is the case. Grifty will have to try harder next time to get about 300ccv

>> No.77366286

Academy dodgers

>> No.77366569

>She was lying to play the victim card (grifter) and become another Vivi, which is in line with how certain anons have been trying to shill her as "le good niji" (possibly herself)
Notice how the shill threads stopped
today. Twisty was definitely the one behind the astroturf. Also
>There's a non-zero chance Vivi was the one shilling herself /here/

>> No.77367693

I do

>> No.77370628

Never really realized this.
God, she's pathetic.

>> No.77370906

did anyone got the clip of rosemi also venting out? happened yesterday during the GTA stream she complained about the same she even called niji "company B" lol the fuck is going in there

>> No.77371362

It's funny how half the nijiyabs or potential drama is just flat-out missed by antis because nobody watches them and nijiniggers sweep that shit under the rug in any% speedrun
Imagine if it wasn't for ennaschizo and his hatewatching, nobody would have a fucking clue about what a sociopath she is

>> No.77371448

You can link it, she's not nearly as /here/ as grifty.
The worst part is this one was talked about days ago, people just never found a timestamp or cared until after grifty did it herself.

>> No.77371966

it was about boeing. you kids are retarded

>> No.77372241


>> No.77373104

We only hatewatch holos on this website.

>> No.77376105


>> No.77376108

okay neat

>> No.77378171


>> No.77378796

