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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 90 KB, 597x628, firefox_EsKjn2uxt7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77332666 No.77332666 [Reply] [Original]

Banned for a week.

>> No.77332694


>> No.77332784

What video got him?

>> No.77332785

That caaaaaant be real
You are allowed to not be a dumbass on your corporate social
Right? Like they don't encourage this right?

>> No.77332813
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>> No.77332846


>> No.77332914
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>> No.77332940

Kek. Couldn't happen to a more deserving piece of shit

>> No.77332954


>> No.77332967

Fuck Nijisanji but I've seen hundreds of sexually explicit vtuber ASMR videos. That's not even including all the see through dress try on haul videos by highschool age women that fly under the radar.

>> No.77332974
File: 73 KB, 866x347, 1695054059622057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't follow Hex nor his fanbase, is... this kind of comment normal? Like we're fully past the realm of parasocial.

>> No.77332977
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>> No.77332990


>> No.77333018

Is he currently the shittiest person in Niji? Or are there people worse than him?

>> No.77333024

those are the people calling you a parasocial incel for caring about an anime woman on the internet

>> No.77333033

female parasocials are scary.

>> No.77333090

He's replacing Vox as the fujoking

>> No.77333096

Just stream on a different platform like Twitch you drama queen.
Unless Anycolor is that restrictive...

>> No.77333112

i don't think he's even in the bottom 50%

>> No.77333129

>Calls you a parasocial FUCK for watching Hololive
>Proceeds to post this comment

>> No.77333191

They're not. Vivi streams on twitch all the time.

>> No.77333198

Uki is the worst human in Niji currently (probably ever, but Kyo was close)
Luca's up there too
Elira, Enna and Millie too depending on what you think they all got up to behind the scenes

>> No.77333210

the weakest nijisister

>> No.77333220

Im curious about what kind of content he was doing if even after a manual review they kept the strike. I guess it was similar to what Vox used to do, like rape or some shit

>> No.77333256

idk, the goldfish, grandpa's ashes, weaponizing his (alleged) SA experience against Zaion, tweeting something like 'You'll see the truth' before black screen video drops is pretty shitty in my book. But then again, I'm not watching many Nijis so you might be right.

>> No.77333280

From my ignorant perspective, this reads like over the top, ironic RP.

>> No.77333287


>> No.77333300

Vox didn't get dinged for rape he just got hit for explicitly talking about making his fans blow him. Pretty sure that's what Hex got busted for too, just over the line sex shit.

>> No.77333373
File: 63 KB, 1024x577, explain-1024x577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in Hololive
>Multiple lewd fanarts reviews
>Literal masturbation image of her on stream (fanart of her in a pajama fingering her own crotch while looking at her phone)
>Gets tagged as kids channel by YouTube
How did she do it?

>> No.77333390

why would youtube support post a reply out of the blue? do they actually give a shit about creators now?
it's funny tho

>> No.77333439

Nijisisters harrased them into making an investigation

>> No.77333445


>> No.77333450

The first post is generally a bot. You can see some other replies to the posts that get the same initial response.

>> No.77333475

It's not ironic lol

>> No.77333484

Yeah but Vox didn't get hit with a strike like this, did he? I think he only got his monetization removed so he stopped doing that.
If a admin at YouTube decidea to look deeper into this situation they very probably will find other cases like this and the whole channel could be deleted

>> No.77333538

it means "lurk a thousand years"

>> No.77333554

The funniest part about this is that female fans like this are the most flakey of them all. They are the first to leave at the slightest perceived wrong. Look at how few fans luxiem have left or holostars compared to their first debut year. Compared to male fans who will stay through thick and thin.

>> No.77333560

antis following ready to pounce on the report button vs nobody doing that

>> No.77333562

Probably sisters spamming @TeamYouTube under his tweet in hopes that it's just a mistake and ask them to review it

>> No.77333592

WAIT WHAT HAPPENED D: that's so weird, I think any one who got banned have never encountered anything like this before ToT did you received a confirmation/OK sign to manesan before getting banned?

>> No.77333597

female parasocial is on a whole different parasocial
anons on here refer to themselves as parasocial if they jerk off to the same chuuba twice

>> No.77333603

>nobody doing that
You know she was also in the middle of the Taiwan shitstorm right?

>> No.77333608

I wish the bot would also add something like 'We don't endrose self-harm, please call the related hotline in your area if you feel troubled, your life is precious'. Would be funny af.

>> No.77333612

You don't know what a strawman is, do you...

>> No.77333616

Yeah, look at Mori and Kronii

>> No.77333635

She's japanese and speaks the same language as the REAL nijisisters. Not a chance they aren't reporting like crazy.
There's clearly a difference somewhere.

>> No.77333661

I can't cum to this post without the Millie image

>> No.77333663

What a fucking idiot
nijien seems to have a serious problem with this simple concept
>leaving it well enough alone

>> No.77333679 [DELETED] 

Kill Women and Blacks

>> No.77333681

Women cumming on his stream, cant even support financially .
what a bunch of SEA freeloaders

>> No.77333720


>> No.77333729

"Kek What A Bitch"

>> No.77333739

Kronii still has most of her fanbase and Mori is still popular?

>> No.77333987
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>> No.77334033

Nigga Kronii made more money in 3 months than your whole faggots branch did in 6
Sit down

>> No.77334150

A suicide joke may not be the best look right now

>> No.77334173

WAIT WHAT HAPPENED D: that's so weird, I think any one who uploads spicy ASMR have never encountered anything like this before ToT did you received a confirmation/OK sign to manesan before uploading this ASMR?

>> No.77334243

jesus fucking christ
lipstick on a pig too

>> No.77334269


>> No.77334277

Imagine getting banned for less than $100.

>> No.77334343

Reminder that he's the one who tried to paint Zaion as a horrific person for making a rape joke when he mysteriously came up with having a rape history out of nowhere that Zaion had no prior knowledge of.
And he's here making suicide jokes after someone in his corpo gets terminated for trying to terminate herself.

>> No.77334362

dear jesas

>> No.77334414

Hex female fans, are just male hololive fans from the point of view of someone normal.

>> No.77334427

he knows he will be 1 view on twitch
sisters won't follow him there

>> No.77334473

Sanest sister.

>> No.77334504

>I'll definitely be returning to this vod
Not now you won't, you horny bitch.

>> No.77334507

Yeah, this is pretty standard for Hex and his fans. When the faggot himself came around /here/ and baited me into watch his streams during the gurrat saga... It was an eye opening experience to say the least. Fuck you Hex for making me watch that shit and read all the comments looking for your shitty clues.
The info payoff of "organs can log into each others accounts" was barely worth it.

>> No.77334517

>see through dress try on haul videos by highschool age women that fly under the radar.
I check it changing a few words and holy shit! How is that allowed, if i post that here i probably get a permaban and a report to the feds

>> No.77334547

Still less than she did one year ago and the year before.

>> No.77334621

NTA but look, anons, I'm all for shitting on Nijisisters but this just isn't true. You can easily compare Kronii's current viewership and merch sales to hers back in 2022. She went from #1 or #2 of Council to below Bae in merch sales, for goodness' sake.
At least Mori still has her merch sales and music sales to fall back to even though her viewership dropped.

>> No.77334627

Ok, I got an archive of it but I really am not interested in listening to it, who's the biggest fag /here/ willing to get ERP by the homo?

>> No.77334680

just post it and watch the sisters go fucking rabid for it

>> No.77334703

Shitty for what? Pandering his fanbase?

>> No.77334717

Someone biased more like.
Just compare that with Haachama's twitter post about her banned asmr stream last month.

>> No.77334820

EN youtube team and JP youtube team are different, and they work with different policies, Hololive and Nijisanji have a big influence on JP youtube team, they rarely get videos flagged or deleted, only when is some other big company complain, JP youtube team actually enforce their policies, like the capcom case with hololive.

It's no surprise to anyone that, NijiEN is unpopular as fuck in the west and is hated by most people after even big youtubers jumped on the NijiEN vs Selen drama, so the EN youtube team doesn't give a fuck about their influence with the JP youtube team.

>> No.77334893

Gee I dunno sister, maybe encouraging his fans to do self harm?

>> No.77334914

But I don't think they'll really care, unless it's so bad that it could get him in trouble (idk tho, I'm not listening to it) otherwise I'll just be giving them what they want (probably they're trying to get their hands on it and I'll be just giving it away)

>> No.77334948

Which makes it even funnier that Doki has a Youtube Guy now who helps her fix demonetization stuff quickly
(though if it's a copyright/song issue she just says fuck it and shares the wealth since the chat replay is worth more to her than any ad money)

>> No.77334970

Know what artillery blasts

>> No.77335001

Maybe for creating a smear video against his wavemate by bringing up a hereto unknown issue in an attempt to paint her as a psychopath?

>> No.77335011

Kronii's case is different from Mori. Unlike Mori, Kronii rejected her fanbase, at least a sizeable part of her audience. The spergout from some of her fickle audience was funny though. I mean, they are calling her untalented and lazy.

>> No.77335088

Fuck why couldn't this happen next week. Just in time for q4 report and even more carnage.

>> No.77335126

Sure thing sis
When are you snorting your grandpa's ashes btw?

>> No.77335142

News needs time to travel, anon.

>> No.77335164

well i'm not a homo and i hate that faggot hex but i'll take one for the team to see how the homo is degrading himself for used whores

>> No.77335182
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His fanbase

>> No.77335222

Is she not?

>> No.77335239

for once YouTube, BASED

>> No.77335251

Someone post that voxcommentsection.webm of sisters writing paragraph after paragraph of comments when he change his content.

>> No.77335289

Well, I'm counting on you anon, there you go

>> No.77335314

>he doesn't #cutforHex

>> No.77335380

Does...Does she know who she is really talking too?? KWABOTY.

>> No.77335414

So did Rosemi and Vivi.

>> No.77335432

Maybe because they don't have a deranged fans like nijisister rp sucking dick in their chat.

>> No.77335445

I see now. Its the bed. Vallure ASMR got taken down too since it featured a bed.

>> No.77335498

You should add her image too.

>> No.77335626

>Sicklings throwing Rosemi and Vivi under the bus to get the heat off of Hex
Devilishly devious.

>> No.77335635

clingy bf experiments with various scripts, delivery techniques, and art assets to determine what the rules are on youtube today ASMR [very salty]

>> No.77335639

vox is still the shittiest. niggers like hex only exist because of vox

>> No.77335713

Twisty said she joined Nijisanji because she loved them and was angry about all the hate they were getting. Do you really believe it? Or do you think she just settled when she couldn't get in anywhere else?

>> No.77335715

You know what's the funniest thing? He technically can be reported on Twitter for expressing tendencies or intention to engage in self-harm or suicide and lose his account for good.

>> No.77335764

ahh FUCK instant regret
>starts with fucking moans in gay ass voice
>lied about a blizzard to get (You) to stay and fuck him
>begs (You) to stay
>"i really do need you"
>"i'd do anything to keep you here"
>"i'll do anything to keep you satisfied"
>"you wouldn't deprive me of what i need the most, right? i NEED my time with you, please please please"
>"i'm in love with you and i just can't get enough"
>"you want me to take off my pants?"
>"you want to stroke it from behind?"
>more gay sexual moaning
>"please keep going"
>weird sounding kiss
creepy as fuck.
i don't think this is just RP i think this faggot is being real.
no wonder he collects these disgusting gachikoi femunicorn sisters, he acts just like >>77332974.
also the asshole didn't even eat (You) out after you give him a handy, fucking rude.

>> No.77335863


>> No.77335884

Source or clip? Is she really a Nijisister?

>> No.77335924

>also the asshole didn't even eat (You) out after you give him a handy, fucking rude.
Thank you for your noble service sir

>> No.77335952

He even hearted it lol. Anything for money I guess

>> No.77335963

no problem but i want to fucking throw up now i fucking hate hex

>> No.77335972

no way she actually said that kek

>> No.77336051

If I had a Haachama to guide my fetishes along when I was younger, I'd probably be happier.

>> No.77336068

>do this
>surprised to get banned for a week

>> No.77336117

Omfg shit is hilarious I forgot he sounded like he has to eat food through a hole in his neck

>> No.77336147

I have no idea where it came from, I was just spying on the Niji thread as they were discussing streams and noticed they were arguing about whether she was angry that she was getting hate or angry on behalf of her wavemates getting hate.

>> No.77336194

Fucker should've been suspended for pulling this shit

>> No.77336218


>> No.77336217

why don't anykara just move to fc2?

>> No.77336234


>> No.77336244

isn't youtube a 3 strikes system
like 3 TOS violations and you get perma'd?
keep going hex

>> No.77336254

Considering the NjiEN general just doxxed her and looking at her recent content...yeah, pure cope.

>> No.77336262

Niji allows for patreon?

>> No.77336293

>miload never copped shit for openly flouting tos
>now nijiEN is irrelevant youtube actually enforces tos on them

>> No.77336297


>> No.77336300

What does kek mean?

>> No.77336323

Klara is an Aloupeep, so I wouldn't be surprised if both girls were nijisisters. After TTT, I doubt anyone BUT sisters would want to join this shitshow.

>> No.77336327

kek means kek

>> No.77336350

i got one of his shit age restricted. the prison rape one

>> No.77336367

Wait, what do you mean she was doxxed?

>> No.77336378

the WHAT? the fuck?

>> No.77336413

Yeah, 3 strikes and it's gone after a week. It's usually reversible if the strikes were sent by a third party for copyright problems and shit but if it's by YouTube itself then you're fucked.
Now I think it's very hard for this to be the only case of him pulling something like that... and I'm sure he got the perms from management all the times, right? Cause not doing so gets someone terminated.

>> No.77336417

fucking kwab

>> No.77336437

Hex is just the cringiest.
Luca, Uki or Finana are the worst.

>> No.77336476

>miload never copped shit for openly flouting tos
His vids got struck before, though. He even said that's why he had been cutting down on his more racy shits

>> No.77336477

Apparently, the nyfco sisters in the NijiEN general managed to find her PL. And her recent video on that account doesn't exactly reflect a pretty picture of her current situation.

>> No.77336486

oh no sisters all your BFE is disappearing

>> No.77336513

Whats with Niji males attracting all the crazy bitches like this

>> No.77336512

not name and address doxx but the more retarded use of the word of identifying a pl (possibly, it could also just be some random person they mistakenly believe is her)

>> No.77336526

Most normal sister

>> No.77336548

Do it, anon, it would be so funny. Then he'll have to seethe on his PL alt so that'll be another thing to roast him for.

>> No.77336570

he encourages it and acts like that >>77335764

>> No.77336579

>An acual suicide joke
But they said there's no favoritism

>> No.77336606

long after bragging about being in with youtube and having iron-clad agreements that doing audio erotica on youtube is a-ok.

>> No.77336609
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>> No.77336620

>whimpering and whining
Fucking LMAO
Also what a retard putting VERY SPICY on the title. No wonder Youtube got it. They probably didnt even listen to it, just straight up banned from the title alone.

>> No.77336659

It's baffling that this nigga uses his PL account as a sub account to communicate about his content from nijisanji, how the fuck is that even real. I didn't see it wasn't the same account until after I went to check the qrts

>> No.77336711

that would be awful, please don't do this.

>> No.77336867

I think miload is the one who started this shit, hex is just surfing on the same wave

Funnily enough he might have it worse since when he began, the sisters actually showed him how they were cutting themselves for whatever reason

And this fucker still panders to this side of the fanbase instead of actually doing something worth it

>> No.77336886

Just compare the avatars from his Niji aacount and his PL account. He's not even trying to hide or deny it, unlike the others

>> No.77336940

KEK, this makes me laugh every time. Thanks, anon.

>> No.77337004

the title seems harmless
the fuck did he do and say in that video

>> No.77337048


>> No.77337056

YT-kun is afraid of Chammers

>> No.77337065

Judging by his tweet he probably threatened to kill himself, if he was left alone.

>> No.77337109

this just reads like the average post in /baubau/

>> No.77337150

>how they were cutting themselves for whatever reason
Wut?! Jesus, those bitches makes my unicorn ass looks normal.

>> No.77337154


>> No.77337207

>at least a sizeable part of her audience
This always amazes me. You seem like a little bit of a numberfag yourself...
She's doing fine. She's been doing fine, she is currently, every indication says she'll keep doing fine. Which sizable part of her audience was rejected and (presumably) left?

>> No.77337221

Thanks. Not sure about Youtube's policy, but it doesn't seem sexually explicit enough for me, unless he was actually stroking it.

>> No.77337271

Yeah, it happened a while ago but there was some controversy around it, the sexpest barely arrived and the sisters showed him extremely wild shit such as this

>> No.77337283

he was moaning while the viewer is implied to be stroking him
and the BG has him shirtless on a bed
it is about as explicit as it gets without plapping or slurping noises

>> No.77337310

Apparently there's an even more explicit one, I wonder if YouTube would delete that one too >>77257927

>> No.77337427

wtf you got me looking thru his channel now
>【VERY SPICY】 tall boyfriend showers and puts his hands all over you 【BOYFRIEND ASMR】
>【~BOYFRIEND ASMR~ 】 boyfriend pampers and comforts you through your period 【SLEEP AID】
>【~VERY SPICY~】 dominant boyfriend blindfolds you and makes you taste【BOYFRIEND ASMR】
>【~BOYFRIEND ASMR~ 】 possessive yandere boyfriend gets deathly jealous 【ROLEPLAY】

>> No.77337458

Youtube is so ass.
At least post real guidelines that you can read and follow.

>> No.77337520

One one hand it shows males are more resistant and loyal.
On the other, abusive women use that for their benefit and often hurt males...

>> No.77337543

Christ, hex has always given me the jeebies and it's only gotten worse the more I see of him.

It's crazy nijisanji still lets him emotionally manipulate the sisters like that.
...or maybe not.

>> No.77337620

You just know most anons never lurks kek
Luckily baubaufags still contained their shit there

>> No.77337791

after seeing vox and hex sisters i no longer doubt the "women have a rape fetish" theory

>> No.77338205
File: 87 KB, 669x696, 1717478971722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also the asshole didn't even eat (You) out after you give him a handy, fucking rude

>> No.77338247

Do not conflate leftover women with women in general.
That's like saying all men loves GFE or unicorn stuff.

>> No.77338355

Baby voice tricks the system

>> No.77338493

I thought this was not allowed? Didn't Sayu get terminated for less than this?

>> No.77338648

Hex is a good little cuck that attacks the non-clique members, so the niji mafia lets it slide.

>> No.77338675

Absolutely not allowed. I mean, there is no favoritism in Nijisanji after all where rules apply to each person individually.

>> No.77338970

well it's their policy, but Youtube literally has videos with gay dudes shoving things up their butt some months ago

>> No.77339053

More like a side-effect of youtube being retarded again. They're deleting whole channels that do asmr so this faggot got off lightly

>> No.77339058

It's common knowledge that yt watches animation stuff with more scrutiny on the absolute retarded basis that
>animation = children

>> No.77339066

that's a problem with their shitty TOS enforcement.
hex still has other sexual ASMR up too, it's probably their shitty automation.

>> No.77339191

What are you waiting for then? Report those shit too

>> No.77339198

>Pagpag eater as your oshi

Mental illness from the top to bottom.

>> No.77339235

Then report that shit too and maybe he even loses his channel.

>> No.77339316

This is the exact kind of thing Youtube was intending to ban with the update to ASMR rules.

>> No.77339430

NTA, but that would extremely petty over someone who hasn't done me any wrong.

>> No.77339583

Found the cutling, or whatever that fags fan name is.

>> No.77339805
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 1648453141113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm gonna pay you 100$ to fuck off
>make it 92 and you have a deal

>> No.77339893

honestly if I can get a single girl to be this parasocial about me I wouldn't care if I was in a black company

>> No.77339938

you want an ugly whore like that? raise your standards anon

>> No.77340021

gotta give him credit for the amout of shit he got away with while not being part of clique or the golden homo gen

>> No.77340074

And motherfuckers have the gall to tell me I’m some weird parasical incel mass murderer because I like to listen gfe asmr from time to time and don’t like male collabs.

>> No.77340135

>while not being part of clique
rumao even

>> No.77340143

Does this work irl? asking in case I ever get a gf

>> No.77340174

There are rrats that he's trying to get out and will pretend to be a niji victim.

>> No.77340184

Of course not, don't be stupid.

>> No.77340191

didn't know he was part of the main clique, thought he was an orbitter at most

>> No.77340224

Anon, from my pov there's little difference between you and sisters.
Of course women will post cringey shit like this, it's in their blood.

>> No.77340243

"this company used my trauma against me to do RP Audios I did not approve of on a personal level"


>> No.77340250

not your personal army
I heard the brownskins on twitter offer their services for free

>> No.77340284

It's as simple as adding the word "Spicy". That's enough to get the YT modbots out in force because Patreon ASMRists spammed the ASMR titles with "Spicy". Also there's been a crackdown lately. A lot of channels are getting hit and some not even more spicy then some kissing. Not even safe behind paywalls.

>> No.77340301

Here's the difference, anon.
This clipper was the one who uploaded the "Yeah I killed my goldfish and tossed my friend's grandpa's ashes because he bugged me" clip because she thought it was funny.

>> No.77340324

might work with sisters if you have a "sexy" voice, but at that point just fuck a pig

>> No.77340383

Again, they're called sisters for a reason.
I bet my left balls if unicorns drinks were spiked with estrogen for a week they'll throw tantrum like woman too.

>> No.77340419

That explains it. YouTube has been going after ASMR hard for a while. The reason Vox took down all of his ASMR is for that reason. I'm surprised Hex didn't know this.

>> No.77340428

That's the sound your oshi makes when they suck cock on their downtime.

>> No.77340527

Meh, people have kept receipts about what he did to sayu. He will get torn apart. Sisters will be the first to abandon him. It's niji or bust for him.

>> No.77340614
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>> No.77340708


>> No.77340717

Once his channel is tagged, it will be focused on for quite a while. Doubt he can stay clean for that long.

>> No.77340742

sisters are too retarded to spell his name right? kek

>> No.77340909

>>Literal masturbation image of her on stream (fanart of her in a pajama fingering her own crotch while looking at her phone)
anyone have this?

>> No.77341157
File: 46 KB, 450x358, 9725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lovely. Too bad it isn't permanent. Mayhaps that will be changed now he's on youtubes algo shitlist.

>> No.77341168
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, AZKINO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA and I don't have that image but it sounds about right. HoloJP does that kind of shit all the time. Azki used a blowjob picture for her ASMR recently.

>> No.77341198


>> No.77341213

urbandictionary will answer 99% of lingo questions

>> No.77341218

I think he's one of the few people that the anti nijis are ok with roping.

>> No.77341221


>> No.77341468

Haachama is just that powerful
Susan kneeled to her

>> No.77341535
File: 208 KB, 2056x1748, mamarissathumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's my favorite.
There's posting porn of yourself, and then there's posting porn of YOUR MOM in the thumbnail.

>> No.77341573

can't blame her with those milkers, goddamn

>> No.77341722

I want to date Hex just to show him what true crazy is about. Either he meets me at my level and we end in murder-suicide or I traumatise him into correction. I'd like to utilise my services as a BPD schizoid somehow and he seems perfect.

>> No.77341741
File: 161 KB, 601x1963, 1703292498640213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys... Suicide and self-harm are against X rules. I'm not saying anything, but...

>> No.77341785
File: 1.78 MB, 2000x2500, WAIT WHAT HAPPENED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77341797

This is bullshit. When people reported me for that all I got was a notice that people care about me and I shouldn't die and they're removing the posts. Also, not your army.

>> No.77341832

Nobody cares about you.

>> No.77341880

>also the asshole didn't even eat (You) out after you give him a handy, fucking rude
only people with homosexual tendencies do cunnilingus. There's a reason why greeks and romans considered men who eat pussy gayer than the gayest bottom.

>> No.77341888


>> No.77341889

Anon, I'm all for Hex eating shit, but if you wanna do that crap, do it yourself.
I want to at least believe we're better than the sisters on that front.
Besides, if his twitter goes down, it'll be that much harder to find his constant doomposts.

>> No.77341919


>> No.77341920

he'll resort to doomposting on his pl.

>> No.77341953

I will genuinely laugh if both his twitter and YT account are suspended. Absolute retardation. I would also love to see the meeting where he explains why both those accounts are banned to his mangers

>> No.77342010


>> No.77342086

>I'm not a homo but...
Sure buddy.

>> No.77342106


>> No.77342180


>> No.77342289

Nigga she we're halfway through the year and she made millions of yens in superchats alone, you're not fooling anybody
>deadbeat faggot rewriting history
none of her paypigs left, the one notable retard that did wasn't superchatting shit
she's willing to fly to japan to record a birthday live she paid out of her own pocket after getting a surgery
no she is not

>> No.77342592

If she actually said that then she really might be one of most retarded people they've hired honestly

>> No.77342609
File: 76 KB, 300x300, 1689830099319505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77342613

I wonder what would happen if teamyoutube looked at the rest of his asmr

>> No.77342619

>talking about your feefees with your gf
never, unless you're at your deathbed

>> No.77342682

Kevin Was Always Based

>> No.77342695

She had her first limited merch this year and it sold out under 10 seconds on both Holostore and Geekjack
This alone is more money than what nijiEN made since the Selen drama lmfao
As for her fanbase the top people that were donating pre drama are still there
You faggots are clueless

>> No.77342782

It would be a shame if someone told youtube about this and he got 4 strikes in one go.

>> No.77342952

Q4 report and following disband of NijiEN with full retreat of Anycolor from all markets outside Japan and Riku step down soon

>> No.77343110

>didn't get dinged for rape he just got hit for explicitly talking about making his fans blow him

>> No.77343199

Come on sisters. #cut4hex and make Neal see the light!

>> No.77343265
File: 120 KB, 884x918, 20240603_194045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw this coming a mile away.

>> No.77343335


>> No.77343380
File: 83 KB, 289x260, 1715497256226007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're sexting it works, if you're trying to dirty talk her, not at all. My girlfriend hated silent sex but she knew I was even worse at dirty talk so she just accepted it.

>> No.77343404

I think the only one in Holostars who has that problem is Astel. I haven't seen it anywhere else.

>> No.77343434

Original tweet seems to be deleted, not sure

>> No.77343523

>mfw jannies can't get rid of the sisters who managed to get an entire matome wiped off the face of the internet

>> No.77343542

Her hands look weird

>> No.77343597

Just because he pulled dumb shit doesn't mean the company hasn't fucked him over too.

>> No.77343630

What's she watching?

>> No.77343707


>> No.77343742

Honestly, they should just delete /NijiEN/ at this point

>> No.77343751

okay but consider:
>used my trauma against me to... reenact my trauma
the story has NEVER added up

>> No.77343788

Hey man I don't care. Take it up with the sincroknights. It's their oshi he fucked over to be a company bootlicker

>> No.77344039
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>> No.77344122

Don't forget the dragoons he QRT'd the black screen stream. This faggot has had it coming

>> No.77344146

Show me where Hex explicitly shit on Selen instead of a company wide mandated blackout.

>> No.77344198

Another sex pest downed

>> No.77344253
File: 149 KB, 725x331, 1715161619675777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hex is unironically a huge piece of shit and karma is finally catching up with him

>> No.77344305

desu sincroknights just want to forget he existed. At this point he's never going to get punished for anything, so it's better to just not stress about it and laugh each time he stumbles.

>> No.77344383

This unfortunately didn't even impact him that much since his fanbase is actually insane

>> No.77344685

Based menhera femcel.

>> No.77344749

No. I saw there were tweets basically scared shitless and coping that he was being skinwalked. Other than that they were still insane.

>> No.77344801

Dude he is trying to graduate and can unironically make it as an indie unlike quinn. You memoryhole him at your own peril.

>> No.77344878

He'll probably get done for creeping on his underage fans at some point, he's exactly the type to do that. So yeah, he's no real threat to Sayu anymore but still probably worth keeping an eye on.

>> No.77345104

Afaik Hex hasn't done anything shitty. He stays in his corner and panders to his community but doesn't invade anyone else's community or do anything beyond cringey BFE shit.
The actual worst person in Niji is Luca since he has credible sexual assault allegations against him.

>> No.77345145

>Afaik Hex hasn't done anything shitty.
Sayu says hi

>> No.77345222

I think he meant 'shitty' as in being a sexpest. Luca and vox are some levels above in that regard.

>> No.77345288

Lmao with these titles. at least be more realistic Hex!
>【VERY SPICY】 gay boyfriend sucks your dick and fucks you from behind 【BOYFRIEND ASMR】

>> No.77345309

It's not about being a threat, it's about compuuance. Hex is never going to be a threat to sayu because he never had any personal beef with her and only smeared her as directed by the company. As an indie he would have no reason to try to harm her. But he may also get away with what he's done.

>> No.77345341

It also helped that the biggest schizos were unsure as to whether Hex was the NijiLeaker so everyone was hesitating to burn him.

>> No.77345343

>Afaik Hex hasn't done anything shitty.
*holds up dildo*
It's not shitty by itself but holy FUCK the scenario that led to it being on his OBS layer is definitive sexcreep.

>> No.77345420

I thought fulgur was the leaker

>> No.77345442

Don’t forget about Ike

>> No.77345445

Finally, a sister I can respect.

>> No.77345560


>> No.77345579

He probably was? In any case, there was a lot of evidence pointing towards Hex being the leaker at the time he endorsed the black screen stream. That evidence was quite possibly fabricated, but this is why the schizos weren't jumping on him, and instead interpreting it as important information he was feeding us. Noticeably; if it weren't for him writing in the uniquely fag way that only Hex writes in, everyone would've assumed all the organs were skinwalked. He also implied the organs knew the contents of the stream by endorsing the message.

>> No.77346060

See >>77344253

>> No.77346073


>> No.77346427

Unironically the strongest idol. Australia couldn't kill her, the Chinese couldn't kill her not even god could kill her

>> No.77346525

>My girlfriend

>> No.77346758

Tbf the artist posting the sfw version, you don't need to crop anything.

>> No.77346900


>> No.77346992

Do it elon

>> No.77347603
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>> No.77348088

100%, and I've personally made walls with made up scenarios. The only difference is that I don't personally ask them to play into my fantasies, ASMR is gay coomer shit, and the sweetest moments are shit where they're actually genuine like their twitter spaces. Fuck leaving shit like this anywhere but here.

>> No.77349565
File: 331 KB, 564x444, 1702907728422107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77349667

You can't just say "the shittiest" in Niji. They have their own shitty specialty. But yes, this faggot is probably the most degenerate out of them all, even worse than Mr. Rape ASMR of Le Retard De Vox Akuma at his peak degeneracy.

>> No.77349750

if thats truly the case more than half of twitter would be gone you narc

>> No.77349754

I wonder what Finana would say to this sister.

>> No.77349870

This isn't even 1% of the power of female parasocials, they're much more scarier than gfe niggas

>> No.77350076
File: 595 KB, 755x742, 1685525291500578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I'm lonely.

>> No.77350112
File: 129 KB, 463x453, 1689289770865262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is what a poor Youtube employee had to go through when reviewing this faggot's video btw.

>> No.77350212

antis are afraid of her because she actually made one of them self-dox after getting BTFO by her

>> No.77350245

not even fankeks are this delusional!

>> No.77350403

Well that was years ago
There's a reason why she stopped

>> No.77350419

That's what you get for giving more money to google.

>> No.77350456

Azki is the last holo i would expect to do that. Based

>> No.77350492

to be fair she did come back at doing ASMR despite saying she's stopping it because she wanted to be seen as seiso. the R18's not coming is understandable though since youtube has been insufferable lately.

>> No.77350663

It's when you create a person in your head to be angry about. Finana was the one who told you you're a parasocial fuck, and she didn't post that comment. You're a liar.

>> No.77351223

Ask /pol/.

>> No.77351237

poggers daddy

>> No.77352530

I bet you my entire life's savings this very person tells you to touch grass for being against male collabs.

>> No.77352904

>i remain unaffected.png

>> No.77353078

he did on his RM which i know you stalk like the deranged femoid you are
>inb4 link or fake
yea you wont jannybait me faggot

>> No.77353700

Kill Whites And Blacks

>> No.77353702


>> No.77353983

Holy crap your sex pests need to be monitored.

>> No.77355010

>Complains about being called a parasocial fuck
>Proceeds to mock that comment
You are getting upset with your sister from another mister.

>> No.77355073

I knew a dude that behaved the same way as him, turns out he was a rapist and a pedo, so Hex gives me the creep

>> No.77355702


>> No.77357890

Why is it all so pathetic and faggy? Men just fap to Ringfit Adventure streams

>> No.77358513

Speak for yourself, I fap to situbos where my yandere osananajimi pins me down and threatens and teases me until she gets a confession out of me.

>> No.77360374

>someone at youtube had to sit through this
