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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77295758 No.77295758 [Reply] [Original]

oh no...

>> No.77295814


>> No.77295819

Muskrat seriously needs to make vagueposting a bannable offense on twitter

>> No.77295911 [DELETED] 

>Subs dwindling
>Collabs flopping
>Merch not selling
>Songs not getting enough views
Cuckbeats why aren't you saving your oshi?

>> No.77295957 [DELETED] 

RM account suddenly privated too. Not sure what it is, but it's not just a knee hort issue.

>> No.77295966

*Does a flip*
Get a career ending injure

>> No.77296203


>> No.77296388


>> No.77296752

dramafag don't know shit try to stir shit. i don't watch her but there is clip recently she talk with her dad about her workaholic and her dad say she need to chill. now i don't your brain capacity but for me it pretty easy to put it together. mind you she just recover from a major surgery not fully recover (enough to stream but not fully)

>> No.77296788

Thanks for ruining western vtubing, pippa.

>> No.77297223

>>77295957, >>77295814
maybe it has to do with that Ethan ralph tweet. Maybe got an influx of harasssment.
>>77296788 this

>> No.77297417

you dont seriously belive that that fat shitstain has any amount of impact on hololive, do you?

>> No.77298001

he hasn't but he success to attract stupid dramanigger like banmin or others to join the convo. if they just leave that nigger alone, no one will caught up with this stupid shitter. thank you pippa and your stupid fans

>> No.77298429

there is a raid going on. they are trying to stir shit for their "campaign". notice how all of them will blame this on pippa. just ignore them.

>> No.77302401

She's a whore

>> No.77304516


>> No.77305862

Nothing of value was lost, good riddance

>> No.77306167

you do realize that after Mori your oshi follows? you're going to let a fat bottom feeder faggot wipe his ass all over your oshi? i thought americans were fearless gun owners that dont take shit from anyone? oh well, this hobby lasted way too long in the west anyway

>> No.77306311

Stop bumping your own thread retards. No one is going to engage with your dumb grifter circlejerk outside of reports that will eventually get him banned.

>> No.77306414 [DELETED] 

He literally just got rid of one of the worst western vtubers and some how these idiots think he did a bad thing here.

>> No.77306689

He aint gonna just target Mori, you absolute buffoon

>> No.77307105

Oh well, nothing of value will be lost then too.

>> No.77307393

/qa/ lost

>> No.77307557 [DELETED] 

>phasejanny auto saged last thread and deleted every post that pointed out Pippa started all this
What did phasetranny janny mean by this?

>> No.77307932

Take your meds Phase Anti

>> No.77308049 [DELETED] 


>> No.77308170

prove him wrong then.

>> No.77308213

Gunt and Rabbit deserve one another.

>> No.77308271

all this is pippa's fault, daddy jim gave him his audience and instead of not acknowledging him they flirted on stream and now we have all these right wing fags coming over. thanks faggots

>> No.77308288

I'm Mori's doctor. Unfortunately, we had to amputate her leg above the knee.

>> No.77308427

This is true, I am that leg (female).

>> No.77308498

Can I have it?

>> No.77308510

Whoops, that’s not a saw! That’s my benis! Oh well!

>> No.77308549

Ethan Ralph is a conservative grifter that doesn't have any moral convictions. He will attack Mori and other vtubers for a few weeks and than move on to a different target. A few grifters like Brittany did the same thing to Gura.

>> No.77308712

Serves them right for interacting with them at all. If you can’t take the heat stay out of the kitchen little girl would be my advice

>> No.77308725 [DELETED] 

Pippa just got hard doxed on stream

>> No.77308728

I don't have to respond to people who clearly hate people/companies and will hate them no matter what information I give them.

You are retarded and everyone involved in this situation, minus the people involved in the based sad girl company need to kill themselves. You were never "abandoned" by Pippa, she was always this way and you tried to politicize her streams into polshit when that was never what she was.

You were successfully gatekept so now you seethe and get weirdo nobodies like Ralph involved

>> No.77308844

Mori didn't do anything though

>> No.77308975

She made a video making fun of Ralph. She’s retarded.

>> No.77309032

What heat? A light jog down the street would be enough to avoid 99% of those grifting faggots.

>> No.77309109

fucking tourist retard.

>> No.77309130

You should at least get the names right if you're trying to fit in.

>> No.77309135

>doesn't know the difference between Pippa and Mori
Okay so this is definitely some guntfags posting then. How did it feel seeing the ralphamale get beaten to shit by a British dwarf?

>> No.77309179

Retard that wasn't even her

>> No.77309234



>> No.77309257

you are a dumb double nigger for thinking this has anything to do with anything other than her surgery

>> No.77309323

>defending ralph

>> No.77309373 [DELETED] 
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how you will defend the honor of the big ol' tub o' guts, deadbeats?

>> No.77309429

damn so many schizos ITT

>> No.77309449 [DELETED] 

Based as fuck Ralph

>> No.77309540
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>> No.77309563

The next one is your favorite corpo, sister.

>> No.77309630
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>> No.77309714

This was done by a fucking britfag dwarf by the way.

>> No.77309756

>didn't even do in a limb
Fucking bongs can't do anything right

>> No.77309816

am i supposed to know who this is

>> No.77309848

cog is an even bigger loser than Ralph lol

>> No.77309862

>i thought americans were fearless gun owner
Yea, I hate to break it to you but the gun owners in america are the biggest pussies in the country, just look at the cops in Uvalde...

>> No.77309929

you are, read the thread anon

>> No.77309941

The one who is harassing Mori and other vtubers right now, he is a far-right fucker who Pippa roasted two years ago

>> No.77310041
File: 59 KB, 433x433, 1705718043272209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't keep up with internet celebrities, why is this guy harassing Mori?

>> No.77310075

>why is a grifting faggot seeking attention?

>> No.77310095

fucking diva

>> No.77310127

he realized it gets him attention

>> No.77310163


>> No.77310279

>by a fucking britfag dwarf
What are you talking about lmfao? It was done by a 6'2" 300lbs powerlifter thug.

>> No.77310281

He got made fun of by some dude that likes vtubers that was at offkai, so now he's declared jihad on vtubing and started with Mori because someone at the convention was wearing a Mori shirt
He's just a failed loser of a lolcow that hasn't been relevant since goobergate, who also got beat up by a fucking midge, and is currently hiding from US authorities in Mexico

>> No.77310288

check his twitter

>> No.77310329

hes just cloutseeker with 4.2k subs, the dude is only known for saying the f word, the n word, and getting his ass kicked and bloodied by said people
now hes targeting vtubers and vtubers fans because apparently he thinks its easier, more than one schizo motherfucker would kill him for his oshi2

>> No.77310341

So why are people blaming Pippa for this??

>> No.77310346

Kiwitard detected.

>> No.77310385

Probably due to her audience being rife with faggots like him?

>> No.77310448

Anyone who is associated with Kiwifarms negatively or positively should be unironically raptured and Josh should be burned at the stake for the sins he's put on the world through caring this much about eccentric retards and animal fuckers

>> No.77310447

Never thought I'd side with Mori but if the Ralphamale is involved...

>> No.77310462

He is butthurt since two years ago, it's simple.

>> No.77310472

no, gator, the guy at the con, was Ralph's cohost and personal ball washing janny, who snaked on him. that's why he was making fun of him

>> No.77310490

Because she's a Kiwifarms loser who sucks Metokur cock, so she made Kiwifarms videos on Ralph a while ago and somehow didn't realize this would bite her in the ass eventually.

>> No.77310507

bro shattered his orbital bone, it was so bad he had to take a ship cruise back to the states after surgery. If he got on a plane his head would have exploded.
guy named godwinson did a stream on vtubers and he is friends with ralph, they hate some fat loser named gator so they're targetting his hobbies and he is a big fan of phase connect because of mr metokur. So now they're doxing all vtubers with info available so ame is probably next sadly.

>> No.77310627

That isn't a good answer. In fact I don't think you actually answered my question.
Why is Pippa, the vtuber, the person, she herself, at fault here? Did she personally do something to intentionally cause this?
I'm confused, so between these three posts I see conflicting information. On one hand, I have seen claims that she likes this sort of person and her fanbase is full of them and thats why its her fault.... And then I have that she made fun of and humiliated this person and thats why she is at fault...

>> No.77310701

Pippa courted the exact same audience Ethan Ralph is a part of. The reason why he's going ape shit in the first place is because of beef with some fags named Gator and Metokur, another pair of grifter who consider Pippa their oshi or some shit, the latter of whom Pippa idolizes. So now this fat fuck is on a grifting crusade because retards couldn't gatekeep.
And to wrap it up, Pippa directly engaged with and shit on this whale on stream, inviting discussion of him /here/ in the first place. He has a grudge against her thanks to her grifting and inability to gatekeep, and now he has a grudge against the entirety of vtubers. Expect more people like him to pop out of the woodwork thanks to Phase introducing them to this scene.

>> No.77310747

Maybe learn to read idiot.

>> No.77310751

Guh > Gunt
Go piss off the cartel and join Gonzalo in the retard hall of fame

>> No.77310774

The solution to this is killing Null and permanently removing all traces of KF from the internet

>> No.77310866

unironically not wrong the kiwifags are the most annoying self entitled fags on the internet.

>> No.77311018

Political grifters are the final death sentence to any fandom. If you thought Nijisisters were bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.
If those guys aren't getting pushed out of every corner, we are in for the end times.

>> No.77311058

The timing of the privating plus her wording of "something a bit concerning came to my attention" on the community post feel like it is unfortunately because of this retard and his minions rather than knee pain. Sounds like she wants to stream but was probably told by Cover and/or UMJ to sit back for a bit while they go after him

>> No.77311069

Metokur has been around for awhile though. He used to be friends with Ethan and even Nick Fuentes.

>> No.77311117

>go after him
Here's hoping.

>> No.77311182

Null is a piece of shit to begin with. He stole over $8k from 8gag when they were still a thing and he never gave that money back.

The only good thing he’s done was cutting Chris Chan off.

>> No.77311207

>go after him

>> No.77311235

Not one chuuba fandom save for Pippa’s gives two shits about this or any other griftlord.

>> No.77311411

That Ethan Ralph guy are the consequences when you welcome grifters like legal mindset into the hobby for the sake of keeping your console war going. His beef is with legal mindset and he's using cover to paint LM and vtuber fans as pedos. Dude just called offkai a lolicon convention for pedos he is shitting on vtubers for his grift and with that you'll see more right wing retards like himself infiltrate and shit on the hobby.

>> No.77311410

So it is plappa's fault then

>> No.77311465

They are social parasites. They've found a target to latch on and will continue to grift until they are thoroughly removed. Don't underestimate the damage they will cause.

>> No.77311506

And guess where he was this weekend that triggered all this? The Phase panel at OffKai. Where Ethan Ralph saw him. And then proceeded to seethe about him. Leading to this.

>> No.77311535

its been eluded that pedo mindset might actually be a pedophile excuse the retard account its posted from https://x.com/kinocopter/status/1797521527556186523

>> No.77311580

To honest I think it's probably just her knee causing her too much to pain
This isn't even the first time some weird faggot on twitter has face-doxxed her before, furthermore his tweets are barely getting any engagement and what engagement he is getting just people shitting on him in the replies

>> No.77311661

There is absolutely nothing functional about a grifter’s political affiliation. They are simply frontmen for crowds of retards (example: Hasan) and hold no loyalties, save solely that of money.

>> No.77311669

Why was this post deleted? >>77307557

>> No.77311705

Do the right thing, anons.

>> No.77311795

your Japanese gods are no match for the ralphamale. nothing will happen

>> No.77311843

I mean if he is then shit on him for that and not for being a "fan" of the vtubing business. He's reeling in the business into his mess for absolutely no reason other than being treated as bullet points.

>> No.77311923

They did it 14 different times on Twitter last year and took further action on 9 of those cases. In this case, they'd have a pretty easy time of things getting posts taken down and maybe even his account terminated based on the inflammatory language he's using. Hololive also has Elon's golden checkmark to throw around

>> No.77312664 [DELETED] 


>> No.77312737

>Dude just called offkai a lolicon convention for pedos
I mean have you seen the videos?

>> No.77312826

>the ralphamale
This is the most cringe shit I have seen all day. If you genuinely admire this person you are actually too far gone. I pity you.

>> No.77312828

Anon, Robert Barnes and his cucknadian sidekick are hacks. I can understand not liking legal mindset, but there's no evidence he's a pedophile.

>> No.77312977

who fucking cares? he's an irrelevant nobody whose purpose in life is to be laughed at for being retarded

>> No.77313001

Metokur is currently barely clinging to life from literal cancer aids, it was Gator who went to Offkai. And for what it's worth all Metokur has ever done is make streams about retarded online.

>> No.77313104

>make the mistake of watch e-fags once
>They keep bringing up loli
>Make the mistake if browsing here
>They keep bringing up e-fags
The internet is gay and I blame you fags for not gatekeeping.

>> No.77313186 [DELETED] 

You jerk off to fat retarded whores who roleplay anime children dude lmfao.

>> No.77313342

No, his beef is with Gator. He's been shitting on Ralph ever since they stopped working together.

>> No.77313491

Universal Music Group might be interested though when Cover tells them, considering she's signed with them.

>> No.77313557

Phase connect/Nijisanji EN and it's consequences have been a disaster for EN vtubing

>> No.77313611

Dude literally they will get Fing Fang Foom to launch a depleted uranium drone to Mexico because he's in the Moon God cult that Pippa's aunt leads. Will Trump retweet it from jail?!?!?

>> No.77313619
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You jerk off to an obese man who was beaten to a pulp by a britfag of all things.

>> No.77313666

literally nobody except schizos on 4chan is interested in this guy, I mean for fucks sake nothing happened with britanny attacking gura or shizzy literally face doxxing ame in his vtubers are racist video, Both of those fucks have like 10-100x the audience that ralph has, Fucker can't even get 100 likes on his twitter posts and his space has 25 whole listeners, He is literally banned from youtube, He has less relevancy than that artist impersonator who harassed kronii, also he has been around for years ever since pippa started trolling him

>> No.77313709

Yeah you're right UMG, Sony etc are well known for being forgiven.

>> No.77313774

You're absolutely correct.

>> No.77313856

His beef is with legal mindset he found out legal mindset is a "fan" of vtubers did some reps and saw hololive is the biggest corp and he's grifting by saying the grifter lawyer is a pedo because he's a fan of vtubers.

>> No.77313899 [DELETED] 


>> No.77313963

None of this is true dumbass. Except that third world sex tourist probably being a nonce.

>> No.77314006

This situation is literally the reason why kirsche and her group of slime should've been shot and disposed of already.

>> No.77314054 [DELETED] 

He wants to make her his next baby mama

>> No.77314134

You reap what you sow. Hope you enjoyed destroying the EN vtuber community in exchange for a couple of weeks of memes in early 2024.

>> No.77314244

I think the problem is that his retarded minions (one of which has apparently found his way here) don't just hide in QRTs and likely sent some messed up shit or even threats that caused her to be cautious

>> No.77314420

If you think really think one single schizo out of the likely thousands of antis she has is enough for her to private her twitter you are insane and giving these literal nobodies way too much power, Even pippa who is WAY fucking smaller and with way less protection than mori has in holo wasn't afraid of these guys even after ralph fucking doxxed her

>> No.77314423

Yeah, those guys have apparently doxxed and called swat on various people in the past.

>> No.77314701

His beef is with Gator, he barely knows who LM other than through another Lawtuber Ralph also interacted with.

>> No.77314745

Like >>77314423 said, they're literally willing to ruin their lives for this guy. I imagine Cover/Holo would want to be as cautious as possible with someone who has a history of violent outcomes

>> No.77314831

It's because Ralph is going to do a killstream about her... but it isn't 2018 anymore so everyone is just going to make fun of fat ass Ralph and then Jim will make a video.

Once again Slippa Slimekin Chads are the winners!

>> No.77314893

You mean the guy who helped LM get into v-tubing but also defended this week a known Pippa hater that got arrested, the latter (the one arrested) who collabed with Brittany Venti (known for her personal hate mission against Gura). THAT Gator? So glad the guy is bring more shit into the v-tubing scene now with this Ralph guy who equates anime lovers to pedos.

>> No.77314964

Hiding in his Mexican shed from cartel members. Fat piggy Ralph. The oinkster himself.

>> No.77314985

>defended this week a known Pippa hater that got arrested, the latter (the one arrested) who collabed with Brittany Venti (known for her personal hate mission against Gura)
lolwut post info

>> No.77315052

Should be bannable here, too

>> No.77315071

You're acting like these are some professional hitmen and not scriptkiddies who swat randos, Again this fear of literal nobodies is beyond retarded, If any singular schizo on the internet is enough to make mori private her RM and go on break she'd have graduated back in 2020-2021 when she was getting REAL heat and having breakdowns on twitter over it

>> No.77315076 [DELETED] 
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you're welcome pedotuber fans. Have fun jerking off to Calliope.

>> No.77315138

venti is based, fuck gura and any other pedo pandering vtubers

>> No.77315159

Who's gonna tell him

>> No.77315204

They're just confusing Metokur's people with Ralph's people, Metokur is the one with an army of retarded children who will do anything. Ralph has... like 5 chat regulars and that's it.

>> No.77315265

pippa should graduate already. fuck her for causing this

>> No.77315274

If I had a nickel for every time someone found some random naked chick on the internet and tried to say it was Mori, I'd have three nickels
Nice tits though

>> No.77315301
File: 110 KB, 1194x932, 1704608028007569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the current end of a chain events.
>/pol/tard vtuber named Kirsche wants to /pol/ify vtubing and was seething /here/ because OffKai wouldn't allow her to hold a panel and shit things up for everyone.
>She then brings in other right wing grifters into the drama to attack OffKai.
>And because grifters hate each other, this gets the attention of another right wing grifter.
>Now Kirsche's fans are trying to scapegoat Pippa, because why not?
Annd the rest as they say, is history.

>> No.77315606

wow totally not some bargain bin free AI naked art with misshapen way too big tits, yep that is her for sure

>> No.77315663

I'm not disagreeing. Just saying that one of them likely posted/sent her something concerning enough to private her other Twitter. She probably informed managers and they told her to take a break while they looked into it

>> No.77315870

Ralph the pigman is fat.

>> No.77315948

Sadly that's probably a lot nicer than the real thing.

>> No.77315957

The funniest thing is that both Venti and Ralph are pedophiles. Ralph is a convicted child predator while Venti has been caught trying to groom a minor. Everyone against anime girls being cute really should all be brutally killed as a precaution because there's 99% certainty that they are a projecting predator.

>> No.77316300
File: 1.05 MB, 1874x904, Screenshot 2024-06-03 193703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "him" in the supa is the Pippa hater. Gator is defecting blame and saying it's those around the Pippa hater instead which cause the coke abuse and the stuff that happened with the kids. I guess because "muh shared politics" or whatever caused the nose guarding.

Even LM distanced himself from the Pippa hater months ago. Apparently the hater got upset that Pippa turned him down on his stream or Phase put a stop to their meetings and that made the guy mad and he started resenting v-tubers and then started shit talking anime later on.

>> No.77316394

what the fuck is a supa and who exactly got arrested for what, can you write like a normal person please

>> No.77316509

cute tourist

>> No.77316554 [DELETED] 

>Retarded rightoid schizo comes to vtuber board cause his pedo criminal daddy had a grifter moment about vtubers
>Doesn't understand vtuber terminology
Not even /pol/ wants you freaks might as well kill yourself now

>> No.77316674

>dramafag calls vtuber fans pedophiles
>me, whose been an anime fan for 20+ years
First time?

>> No.77316699

how do you not know what the fuck a supa is you fucking newfag, did you just come to this thread because of lolcow drama?

>> No.77316829

Wait she just said the pre order period for new album ended yesterday. Kobo is moving in with her?

>> No.77316921


>> No.77316965

Get the fuck out of vtubing you fucking tourist

>> No.77317473
File: 682 KB, 703x601, pekorpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll see more right wing retards like himself infiltrate and shit on the hobby.

right wing on /k/ and /pol/ LOVE holomems.
wtf are you on about?

>> No.77317509

Look it up yourself (LM's arrest warrant revealed, LM/Kino Casino interview is the fastest way) I'm just talking about how it relates to v-tubing. The point is a lot of bad actors come into the scene when you bring culture politics too close to v-tubing . Pippa, other v-tubers and many fans are learning that.

>> No.77317676

Why the hell are people convinced this Mori tweet has something to do with this Ralph guy?
Mori has suffered way worse harrasment campaing in the past, I just don't buy that a retarded chud lolcow like him is enough to bring her to pause her activities.
This sounds more like something concerning her personal life, I think.

>> No.77317790

Wait, ain't that the guy who circled digibro years ago?

>> No.77318103 [DELETED] 

The ralphamale is all about drawing dimes and he is about to milk this fat cow for all she's worth

>> No.77318565

To be fair, there's a lot of Mori to milk.

>> No.77318633 [DELETED] 

what do u think ralph smells like anon

do you think he smells like old eggs

>> No.77318719

No need to overthink it at all, she's recovering from a big surgery and decided to take it easier after doing those few collabs. This didn't surprise anyone following her.

>> No.77319521


>> No.77320072

If it were they wouldn't have banned Kirsche

>> No.77320277

normally I would think that too but then why would she private rm

>> No.77320584

Plot twist: Ralph is the baby daddy she fled to Japan in order to escape.

>> No.77320830
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God, another Mori hiatus makes me so happy. The last one was so great because she didn't get to ruin Minecraft hardcore. Big collabs are actually good when Mori is gone.

>> No.77321034
File: 5 KB, 180x200, 1631073479850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's a mix of both this guy and her knee. She's been pretty open about how she's still in pain and it stresses her out, so when she caught wind of this guy she just walked off to play it safe and focus on resting. She also values her family a lot and mentioned a few days ago her dad commented that she looked like shit.

>> No.77321813

I blame Pippa

>> No.77322002


These fags are Kirsche shills

>> No.77322314

Maybe Pippa shouldn’t have orbited around these losers in the first place. Kirsche wouldn’t have ever taken off without her.

>> No.77322339

Did your parents really hate you that much that you turned out like this?

>> No.77322440
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why are chumkeks like this?

>> No.77322744

Her biological dad is also a heavy drinker who has children with multiple women and is dating an acupuncturist (Mori said on stream), don't think the guy has the best judgment. MamaMori is much better person to gauge her stress levels

>> No.77322822

My point being, when someone she trusts tells her to cool it, she usually does if there's cause to do so

>> No.77322834
File: 3.23 MB, 594x800, Nerissa Wheezing laugh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8rgcgn.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o am i laffin

>> No.77322846

Has she mentioned if she was happy with the sales of her new album? I watched the announcement and it seemed like there was an important goal to hit within a week and thus she was more willing to shill this time.
Havent been able to watch the other streams, so I dont know if she mentioned it, but if not, perhaps the sales were underwhelming, or perhaps just short of the goal for the week?

>> No.77322985
File: 249 KB, 500x500, 1639107003745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have surgery
>can't stop being a workaholic
looks like someone finally convinced her to chill for a bit.

>> No.77323092

based chumbie

>> No.77323096

lol isn't Mori harrassed way worse by regular twitter tards? Another lolcow isn't going to change much.

>> No.77323204

Numbers on music have always been important. Kiara has outright talked about how the sales/viewcount on your new songs has a certain shelf life before Cover stops caring and their willingness to help you with your future projects both financially and directly with connections is based on how well it did in that timeframe. It's probably why FuwaMoco still haven't gotten a new orisong with LTST doing pretty poorly, admittedly because they stuffed it in their debut and then took a month to release the actual version, so peoplel who were hyped just listened to it on their debut and wore it out.

>> No.77323285

It's been less than a week. UM will be looking at sales throughout the entire pre-order period

>> No.77323345

None of that is relevant to Mori because she has a music label

>> No.77323412 [DELETED] 
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Stay mad tardbeats. At least my oshi isn't on hiatus.

>> No.77323457
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>> No.77323480

>Has music label
>Everything she released recently can't even get close to chimera let alone hit 1 mil

>> No.77323548

>holo v holo

>> No.77323561

>Everyone posting a reaction image is one guy: the deadbeat's guide to internet arguments

>> No.77323628

You're even more mentally disturbed than I thought holy shit

>> No.77323642

It's fucking ralph you pearl clutching fuckwits. He ran away to Mexico and is a convicted sex offender laughing stock. What's he going to do, scream on the pillstream about how anime is for pedos like JAWSHUA MOON?

>> No.77323671

You'd think """chumbuds""" would've learned humility by now

>> No.77323684

Anon...you can't be this retarded, can you?

>> No.77323893 [DELETED] 

Where's your oshi? RUMAO
Enjoy no streams.

>> No.77323955

I remember Metokur from his days as Internet Aristocrat but nowadays that dude has an audience almost as big as Hasan's. That is crazy. And his fans fallow him to whatever platform he streams on unlike most others that if moved out from Twitch most of their fans would abandon them.

>> No.77324139

She's streaming in a few days. It says so right there in the OP

>> No.77324242 [DELETED] 


>> No.77324317

kill yourself drama tourist

>> No.77324335

god i fucking hate holofags and the extremely tranny culture of eceleb gossip and bullying here, but the holos themselves deserve so much better.

>> No.77324446 [DELETED] 

/vt/ has always welcomed drama niggers with open arms except when it's something against hololive. reap what you sow. when the rest of us tried to gatekeep and keep the tourists out, you called us nijiniggers. and you are going to call me a nijinigger again, right now.

>> No.77324555

cancerous growth begone

>> No.77324585

Mori isn't a holomem. Good riddance.

>> No.77324602

no i won’t because im equally tired of selen niggers and have been since she got booted from the trust fund baby experiment known as nijisanji

>> No.77324709

oh right, blame holofans. it's really simple to see how we got here. sure, there was always shitposting. but people loved the drama and gave attention to nousagi and parrot and more dramatubers showed up to feed on the attention. selen happened and multiple waves of twitter users showed up just for drama. nyfco existed and was fueled by drama and dox. pippa grew appealing to a specific kind of audience. of course it's going to attract even worse people eventually because they see that they're guaranteed attention. parrot has been rehashing niji drama for months. this is on niji and phase.

>> No.77324714

if you hate all of the niggers involved in the console wars, you're part of >the rest of us.

>> No.77324837

Giving attention to this washed up bum who has humiliated himself countless times and burned bridges to the point he barely has a presence on the internet anymore might be the most pathetic thing I've ever seen on here. This guy is a literal lolcow loser and some of you are clapping for him? what the actual fuck

>> No.77324904

learn english and do not reply unless your oshi is from somewhere that had an english branch before it had a brown branch.

>> No.77324997

you've already fallen back on the same bullshit excuses to not write a real response. you are part of the problem.

>> No.77325052 [DELETED] 

The enemy of Mori is my friend. He got results it seems. Mori not joining collabs is great.

>> No.77325145

holofags have always spammed & amplified every fake or real controversy about niji. you are a stupid brown nigger if you think I am absolving the latter or if the former is innocent. you niggers that prioritize your console wars above everything else are the worst part of this hobby, and always will be.

>> No.77325274

cant imagine being so pathetic to hide behind ethan fucking ralph of all people because you hate mori

>> No.77325334

at this point i think most of the shitposters here will just opportunistically latch onto whatever drama is happening that day. they aren't fans of anyone except maybe /vt/.

>> No.77325462

Who the fuck is Ethan Ralph? Wikipedia has nothing.

>> No.77325498 [DELETED] 

I'd side with AIDS and satan if it meant no more Mori ruining collabs. Mori hiatus makes me so happy.

>> No.77325584

If there is one thing /vt/ has proven to me it's that the left is right about trannies. How else could a board, filled with "males", be so ridiculously, extremely feminine, if they were not simply assigned to the wrong gender at birth? I simply cannot accept that these people are actual men; therefore, they are women.

>> No.77325784

You're so fucking retarded kek

>> No.77325952

sometimes i think it'd be better if hololive just figuratively blew up and we went back to 500ccv being the softcap for vtubers. frankly i bet a few of the holos themselves would be happier that way.

>> No.77326028

Mori is almost there. Give it another year.

>> No.77326091

Yeah I'm sure they'd all be happy living in poverty like nijis

>> No.77326135

these are literal children
not even men yet

>> No.77326157

she'll be back before you know it don't worry

>> No.77326223

Pippa and Kirsche killed Westren Vtubing
Pretty based desu.

>> No.77326232

you haven't learned from niji blowing up? how is that working out for everyone? imagine that but much larger.

>> No.77326235

Fat retarded wigger with 2 different baby mommas who made a name for himself slightly in the 'alt-right' and 'libertarian' sections of internet retardation. Used to drink himself into a stupor every night on stream while trying to pick fights with other retards leading to him getting upset, throwing a fit when he'd lose, and blocking everyone. Lost any custody of his 2 kids and his ex's want nothing to do with him. Literal trailer trash who happened to get really luck and rub elbows and do coke with the right people.

>> No.77326381

if hololive blows up too (and maybe phase) there won't be enough people left to make vtubing such an attractive tourist destination. hololive is the waikiki of it.

>> No.77326384
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>> No.77326390

Are unicorns really that angry with Mori they would side with a grifter to attack her? This only makes her antis look demonic and she is recovering from a major surgery.

>> No.77326467

wowee an actual /pol/ tourist faggot, and i mean a literal one not a phasenigger

>> No.77326477

Mori's suffering sustains me.

>> No.77326481

Without Hololive being as big as it is, I couldn't have enjoyed the fact that washed up hags (or soon to be) who loved idol shit and have no shot in doing it now get another chance. Nene, Kiara, and FuwaMoco love!

>> No.77326484

this isn't even about unicorns, she is an outsider who tried to ruin hololive, an outsider ruining her would be poetic desu

>> No.77326675

Is Nene a hag? I didn't think she was that old.

>> No.77326708

Mori is a grifter who tried to destroy hololive, another grifter destroying her would be poetic

>> No.77326765

Uh oh your not malfunctioned

>> No.77326831

I thought Gator is a phase shill. Or maybe Pippa is an exception. Or I mistook his identity.

>> No.77326925

Excited for when cover shits all over this retard like they did Venti. I will look forward to drinking your salty tears, kiwifags.

>> No.77326998

Oops I misunderstood. It's about Nick i guess.

>> No.77327075

She will be back two days later.

>> No.77327084

Cover's lawyers are going to be just about as effective as niji's lawyers

>> No.77327235

i'm unicorn and all i can say is qrd? my guess is homobeggars are out to get her because she called them niggers or something.

>> No.77327340

There's no laws against hurting feefees in the US.

>> No.77327656


>> No.77327738

you forgot your jak

>> No.77327898

So the black company can't protect its talents after all, huh, Holofags?

>> No.77327953

mori is slowly being pushed out because of her anti hololive crimes

>> No.77327989

just like Mori, how fitting

>> No.77328036

Mori isn't a Hololive talent.

>> No.77328040

unironically hololive productions could suddenly graduate its least performing branches and never be called a black company. they definitely have it made in the pr department

>> No.77328129

Nowhere close. Mori actually has personal drive and is semi-responsible for herself. That fat faggot can't even handle not being a piece of shit to his own flesh and blood.

>> No.77328136

Graduate Mori and all of Promise and we can finally start healing

>> No.77328188

You're not dragging anyone else down with mori retarded deadbeat

>> No.77328283

Kronii is the only other EN that has melties over twitter beef. And they're nowhere near as bad as Mori's melties.

>> No.77328374

Graduate all English-speaking talents.

>> No.77328418
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>Sperging out on cooldown
>Trying to bring up years old drama and bait
>"Mori hates Hololive!"
You fucking lost and your latest "champion" against her is going to actually be skinned alive, and I can only hope the cartel doing it blasts her music while filming it.

>> No.77328568

Deadbeats really are 12 year olds huh. Nobody is going to kill someone for Mori.

>> No.77328608

>deadbeats wishing death on another human being

>> No.77328712

Mexican souls have been taken over who's the strongest in Dragonball.

>> No.77328757

>another human being
This >>77313619 thing barely counts as "human"

>> No.77328796

looks like Mori

>> No.77328812

neither does mori but I don't see anyone wishing death on her

>> No.77328843

you blind?

>> No.77328870

Ironic considering who your oshi is.

>> No.77328915

The grim reaper?

>> No.77328932

>watching non vtuber stream
>Fucker mentions gayor/ralph
>Muh vtuber lolicon convenient its bad yadda yadda

>> No.77328975

Looks more like your mother desu

>> No.77329045

I don't know why this faggot is getting so much attention. Like what's the end game here? He keeps posting the first result for "mori calliope real face" on google image search? He sics his fanbase of three people on chat to be immediately drowned out? Who fucking cares.

>> No.77329088

seething manbaby lmao

>> No.77329113

>I mean, that's what I do every day! It's not a big deal

>> No.77329169

>seething manbaby
Don't sign your post

>> No.77329230


>> No.77329241

Attention and hopes that he can become a martyr to other fags who complain about anime in general ALL THE TIME. The minute he gets his twitter threatened or a video taken down somewhere, he'll fly into a rage and try to springboard off it with that community of anti-anime retards.

>> No.77329250

>so much attention
Outside of bait threads clowning on him instead, there's really just no attention outside of a handful of people calling him a retard on twitter

>> No.77329404
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Anon. There's more than one chumbud in existence. That's an anti.

>> No.77329453

>There's more than one chumbud in existence.

>> No.77329511
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Is it time?

>> No.77329549 [DELETED] 

Ok, but why did she private her RM account though?

>> No.77329578

>Attention and hopes that he can become a martyr
Seems like a massive failure of a plan since he keep reiterating that he's the one taking the first shot, and he decided to attack a vtuber he has zero connection to and who likely doesn't even know he exist

>> No.77329595

No correlation, obviously, why would she bend over for a literal who

>> No.77329677

Let him go after Kobo and watch what happens

>> No.77329816

He got exactly what he wanted, a reaction and attention...

>> No.77329880
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>> No.77329898

Great news

>> No.77329930

Im a unicorn and I pray cartelbeats are real. All I'm going to say.

>> No.77329945

Aloggers GET OUT

>> No.77329979

I always wish death on her

>> No.77330005

I didn't say it was a good plan, but his MO is to take potshots and then cry when people slap back. Only difference is there's a nice little community of schizo retards who despise all anime, and it's easy to try and parlay it into that.

>> No.77330263

The hobby is already filled to the brim with “Right Wing Guys”, dummy. And it’s fine because we’re not retards. Ethan Ralph, however, is an untouchable that not even us want near.

Sadly, vtubing and Hololive has gotten big in the west, so it was just a matter of time before the drama subhumans came around to fuck everything up. Expect more drama amd “antis” the more people become aware of what it is.

(The correct way to deal with it, btw, is to ignore, report, block. Don’t give them any fucking air. It’s what they want. And I hope that fat retard stumbles into traffic and dies.)

>> No.77330342

>ignore, report, block
try telling that to the retarded deadbeats giving him more attention than he got in his entire life

>> No.77330470


>> No.77330479

We should. Everyone should. And then just cross your fingers that people will listen. It’s the only thing worth doing about this. Making a big deal of it will only fuel the fire until it reaches the rest of us.

>> No.77330587

Doxxbeats are like the first line of defense, they are doing the dirty job for us LOL!

>> No.77330590

holofags have been antagonizing absolutely everyone for a long time now. it's going to fall on deaf ears.

>> No.77330719

you're on 4chan now, my reddit friend, and you can say those words

>> No.77330733
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>> No.77330819

B-but i didnt even make a spelling mistake yet

>> No.77330834

Alright, start handing out the good stuff, pankophile

>> No.77330850

>deadbeats giving him more attention than he got in his entire life
Is anyone even giving him any attention like that?
His twitter space topped out at sub-30 listeners, and all his tweets struggle to get 100 likes despite having like 80k followers (most likely bots)
The most attention I've seen him get is that Grxit account screencaping his post to make fun of him
Dude can't even attention-whore right

>> No.77330871

Jim has been one of the most consistent personalities on the entire internet. Calling him a grifter of all people is hilarious

>> No.77330916
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>> No.77330933

Dick understands the power of the Gunt. Ralph is unstoppable.

>> No.77330937

Yet he got mori's attention and got her to lock her rm

>> No.77330941

That’s good, then. Let’s try and keep it that way.

>> No.77330990
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>> No.77331029

you know she's not actually a child right?

>> No.77331048

Didn't she just have a surgery? Maybe that shit is still acting up. When I had a knee surgery it hurt like a bitch for at least two months.

>> No.77331096

There's no correlation to that though
This isn't first time she's been doxxed by a semi-large account, so I doubt she'd start caring now

>> No.77331125

sure buddy

>> No.77331196
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>> No.77331220

This is also true. Maybe we’re all too fucked in the head with twitter and YT bullshit and are just catastrophizing because we’re aching at the BS drama bit like in every other fucking place in the internet. We should act as if this was a nothingburger and move on, instead of bringing in more shitty flame wars.

>> No.77331240

>leftist doesnt know what grifter means, uses it as a generic insult
every single time

>> No.77331244

or she was already having pre-existing issues like her last tweet which had 1000 responses for some weird reason, She could have privated it so she could use it as a personal account to talk with people, She mentioned on stream some stuff with her dad telling her to stop working so hard, and you know... her fucking knee surgery which she has been struggling to recover from ever since she came back, But no it was totally this literal who that is about 10x less effective at being a mori hater than literally all of twitter or mori's biggest anti brad taste in music

>> No.77331295

Gator from what I see seems to be an "anime first; muh politics first" type of fan. Of course the guy gravitates to the v-tuber/corpo that uses the most culture politics. V-tubing seems to be an extra hobby for him, not his main ones.

If >>77310472 is right that is two influential media people that Gator is connected with who hate v-tubers and have done active damage to the community. One Gator apologies for/tried to defend and the other Gator ended up egging on (intended or not) into attacking v-tubers and threating to dox them--all within the same week. This and the stuff with Kirsche and Off Kai further goes to show the problems with Phase orbiters and them dragging their American culture politics/war into v-tubing.

>> No.77331324

>A hit dog will holler.

>> No.77331435

im right wing, but not a grifter. ralph is a degenerate faggot

>> No.77331498

>right wing retards
every time

>> No.77331545

They did nothing wrong. They were trained to scope out a situation before rushing in and getting more people killed. Freaking armchair cops are becoming a nuisance, go back to youtube comments sections.

>> No.77331571

shut the fuck you retarded faggot

>> No.77331591

But right wingers are the real pedos.

>> No.77331601

>Retards doxxing her, calling her racist, calling her pedo/shotcon, harassing her with horse porn, with post getting 10k-30k likes
>*Zero response, continue life as normal*
>Fat retard grifter post an old doxx pic, 70 likes, replies full of people clowning on him
It's very obviously not connected and more likely has something to do with her knee or maybe some personal shit we don't know about

>> No.77331623

Lets just ignore all the retarded things that have come out of vtubers about culture wars and politics on the other side. You know, like the anti-white shit and anti-isreal shit brought in by some of NijiEN's finest.

>> No.77331635

>CTRL+F "gunt"

We need to shore up these numbers and throw in Ralph's restraining orders into the mix. Also the part where he's living out of a shed in Mexico because he's got a warrant or something back in the States.

>> No.77331731
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You guys see muyu's daki design ToT

>> No.77331769

>calling her pedo/shotcon, harassing her with horse porn
Hang on, I have an idea. But first I gotta dig through Derpibooru.

>> No.77331775

what the fuck happened to jim's cancer? is he still around?

>> No.77331869

The attention from Shiggy's sperging was literally a bigger deal than Ralph's, as embarrassing a thing that is to say.

>> No.77331878

one cancer cell dies every time somebody buys a hat. he streamed like a week ago or something

>> No.77331944

Right-wingers are a plague on society and ruin every single hobby they find. Fucking vermin.

>> No.77332144

It sucks because I like reading retarded shit, but the kind of people that have stayed at that place ovee the years are just as retarded and obsessive as the people they obsess over.

>> No.77332225

He’s not dead yet. Streams only sporadically, unless he’s on a new platform idk about. Afaik still has the cancer tho.

>> No.77332313

Vtubing started in Japan and they're all right wingers. Technically you're the outsider.

>> No.77332318

Watched a bit of this fat fucks stream. Picking on Mori over some tangential drama that had absolutely nothing to do with her, calling out simps, all the fire and brimstone about vtubers being satanic pedo shit. Then some grifter whore appeared in his chat talking about how being a vtuber paid the bills. Decent body, covered in tats. You could hear the hunger in his voice
>u-uhh well I guess you are one of the good ones
>I could probably have a decent conversation with you where do you stream?
Absolutely shameless, converted into a simp in no seconds flat. Nobody should take this fat cunt seriously

>> No.77332350

>all right wingers

>> No.77332439

It's ok, I can hear your tears from behind the fake laughter.

>> No.77332466

Not that anon. You can't just shout "lefty" everything "your guy" gets called out on something with receipts and act like a victim. The stuff you mentioned for example are common SEA things(look up the problem with Asians and their own racial bias with themselves and the west; look up Malaysia, Starbucks and Israel). There is no big political football game going on in the community, stop dragging your culture war into this.

>> No.77332469

The tourist is you, actually. But stop giving this bullshit so much air.

>> No.77332525

i doubt that he had cancer in the first place

>> No.77332559

Yeah the island nation full of small dicked pedos who invented tentacle porn and vote almost 10% of their legislators from a legitimate are really traditional, sure…

>> No.77332613

japan is definitely not all right wingers
their culture may be fairly conservative overall, but they're also kind of live and let live
of course they have conservatives, but they also definitely have progressives too. hopefully they can shrug off the west's influence and retain their culture's overall conservatism

>> No.77332700

Why is this thread still up? Nobody wants this culture war bullshit on here.

>> No.77332764
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>> No.77332771

i doubt sea people have even heard the word grifter before. nah this is 100% a twitch leftist thing. watch some streams and youl notice they throw grifter around like the word itself is an insult even in situations where grifter is used along with a directly contradictory insult. for example hasan calls ben shapiro a zionist grifter. those two things are directly contradictory. everybody knows ben is a genuine zionist, he cannot be a grifter for israel.

>> No.77332881

That's why I like Hololive. They curbstomp almost all of this shit at the door and make sure their talents know not to get too lippy about their ideals. I don't give a fuck about your politics.

>> No.77332910

if you look at the OP (and ignore virtually everything that follows) it's just a thread about a holoEN member announcing a break

>> No.77332960

didn't no one in EN play hogwarts

>> No.77332971

nice comeback faggot lolololol

>> No.77333037


>> No.77333039

>a hit dog hollers

>> No.77333075
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>> No.77333119
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>> No.77333150

Because it would have been a complete shitshow if anyone did. It was exactly the right decision to make to avoid bullshit drama. It wasn’t any kind of statement; your brain is broken by political larping.

>> No.77333305

It makes you wish cow lolis were real

>> No.77333394
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>> No.77333514

There's no potterheads in EN

>> No.77333619

>a dozen and a half women
>several of whom are white
>zero potterheads
are there no potterheads in EN, or is EN not allowed to have any potterheads?

>> No.77333776

If they had streamed the game the troons would have gone batshit with the harassment, just like they did Pikamee and others, that’s why they didn’t do it. To *avoid* bullshit, not to reinforce it. It’s not about any kind of political statement you idiots.

>> No.77333845

Considering they're White women, I can see them willingly choosing to not play the game in support of trans people, even though they wanted to.

>> No.77333874

Legitimately, there's just no potterheads
They're weird fucking weebs that prefered jap shit growing up

>> No.77333967

Lmao no

>> No.77333983

>anon did not grow up around white girls presumably because he is brown

>> No.77334045

It was just radioactive. It had nothing to do with anybody’s beliefs.

>> No.77334087

I wish 2020 never happened

>> No.77335673

>this thread
Yeah 2020 and 2024 were massive mistakes
Vtubing should have stayed small and gatekept

>> No.77335745

nope, sorry, idolfaggotry means anyone who gatekeeps is an anti. remember to buy ads on reddit and twitter since they have better marketability than here

>> No.77335969

Literally all of them got fired you retard. Not even like /pol/ licks boots this hard.

>> No.77335980

2020? The problems started in late 2019.

>> No.77336000

Anon you are literally dragging outside shit into this. Nobody here cares about Twitch, Ben Shapiro, Hasan, Zion who is not-Zaion or Isreal. You are part of the problem.

>> No.77336044

define grifter right now

>> No.77336213

>people whose hobby involves harassing and ridiculing niche internet micro-celebrity women take the high road against /pol/tards

>> No.77336226

There nothing wrong going big but that also mean you need more gatekeeping than before.

>> No.77336538

Why doesn’t some Mexican deadbeat get the Cartel to behead this guy?
