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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 13 KB, 432x98, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77307945 No.77307945 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.77308085

twitter post on the catalog that doesn't even have commentary
because this a high quality board

>> No.77308104

Taking breaks is the true HollowLife way.
They love the money but not the work.

>> No.77308202
File: 272 KB, 1746x2048, __shirogane_noel_hololive_drawn_by_aelion_draws__7897371e7d105c8debd16499039a8f03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the highest

>> No.77308226

shes still recovering from surgery and is likely trying to not push herself, all other posts in this thread are stupid

>> No.77308228

its literally the website where vtubers deliver news.
you absolute fucking idiot.

>> No.77308311

Place your bets on how many times the faggot OP will spam this today

>> No.77308335

Great contribution to any potential discussion. I suppose it is easier to just lazily post the Twitter screencap and let everyone else make your thread for you.

>> No.77308378


>> No.77308401
File: 2.15 MB, 1908x943, fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can someone get mad after being implicitly called fat by this guy?

>> No.77308474

yeah right in between people posting ogey rrat or whatever dumbfuck thing people post here. you dont care about quality you are an insincere bad faith turd. you just hate twitter and outgroups because your brain is small and regressed to an ape and you need in-group favoritism to make sense of the world. you are a caricature of a stupid underaged retard.

>> No.77308499

>predicted the hmm
i take it this isn't the first time this has happened?

>> No.77308525

did the ralphamale flame mori or is this schizo

>> No.77308535
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>> No.77308591

do your twitter reps anon

>> No.77308593

damn dude that's crazy
hey wanna take some ibuprofen together

>> No.77308649

Very cool and all, but your break ended five minutes ago, Steven.

>> No.77308656

I was quoting OP, not the anon below me.

>> No.77308687

yeah dude lets seethe at other websites some more and pretend we are superior and care about quality. then jerk off on our fat hairy stomachs.
egotistic fucking retard.

>> No.77308739 [DELETED] 
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>> No.77308750

yeah who'd ever want to spend their time seething about stupid shit like that haha am i right

>> No.77308838 [DELETED] 

considering a certain lolcow's tweet about her less than a day prior, her RM going private on twitter, and her saying on youtube that "something a bit concerning" was brought to her attention, i have doubts about it being because of surgery

>> No.77308871

She got me pregnant
Sorry deadbeats

>> No.77308915


>> No.77308935

Thank you spoonfeeder-kun. That's a great tweet. Too bad Mori's hot no matter how you slice it.

>> No.77309015

this faggot can't event talk without sounding out of air, I don't think he's qualified to say shit about someone's weight
let's not forget he got humiliated and usually made fun of by early Pippa

>> No.77309020

Yep, is about the fat fucker

>> No.77309030


>> No.77309086

Burn it all down king, it needed to be said.

>> No.77309584

think you're right desu

>> No.77309865

4/5 down
Only the orange woman remains

>> No.77310177

what about one block minecraft myth collab streams?

>> No.77310265

You wish you were impregnated by a deadbeat?

>> No.77310526
File: 272 KB, 717x550, 1690338445248778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My ears hurt! My ears hurt! My ears hurt! My ears hurt! My ears hurt! My ears hurt! My ears hurt! My ears hurt! My ears hurt! My ears hurt! My ears hurt! My ears hurt! My ears hurt!

>> No.77310709

>Myth only has Ina and Kiara left

>> No.77310952

>A nobody schizo literally in hiding from the US government with literally 4k subscribers on youtube and a following smaller than literal 2view indies was concerning to mori
This board needs to take a double dose of meds today

>> No.77311061 [DELETED] 

Why'd she private her RM account then

>> No.77311213

Nah, he's not a nobody, pretty sure this guy used to cohost with Nick Fuentes. He has a small but equally schizo following of folks. This dude has doxxed dozens of people, told his followers to find where they live, impregnated an 18 year old girl who he then sold revenge porn vids of, has a child with that girl, later sexually assaulted her, kidnapped another dude's girlfriend and put her in the trunk of his car, along with many, many more instances of general shittery. Schizos who post mean things on Twitter are one thing, people like him who weaponize their audience to actively commit crimes is another.

>> No.77311230

The absolute state of these united 4channels

>> No.77311281

His few followers are literal doxxpests, wouldn't be surprised if they already sent death threats to her mom or something.

>> No.77311308

Any number of reasons, That literal who is so irrelevant even fucks like rev and hei haven't noticed him, He gets less views than an AI generated piece of fan art and nobody except the schizos /here/ even know he exists (until inevitably some bottomfeeder desperately serves up the attention this lolcow is craving and he gets lynched off the internet), The fucking shizzy stuff was bigger than this and even THAT was a nothingburger

>> No.77311503

Any number of reasons...such as?

>> No.77311518
File: 398 KB, 1280x720, 1563801671404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77311538

This guy has literally been around for years ever since pippa declared a war on him, Him randomly shitting on mori out of nowhere isn't gonna do jack shit, Its kind of insane how people are ignoring the fact she had a REALLY rough surgery and probably just wants some privacy while she recovers, In the absolute worst case where this guy somehow got ahold of her US address all that will do is get the equally unhinged vtuber fans to dox him so he gets lynched by the US government who he is still on the run from for storming the capital, If fucks with way bigger audiences like britanny and visecs can't do shit to holo this guy sure as shit isn't

>> No.77311788

Do the right thing.

>> No.77311846

The difference is that most grifters like Britanny have something to lose. Ethan doesn't. He has no job, he's never seen his kid, and his wives have all left him. He knows he's a laughing stock and a joke, half of his audience does too. They are just waiting to see him snap and do something profoundly stupid and will enable him by doxxing and sending death threats to everyone he puts a target on until he eventually commits the final yab.

>> No.77312020

No need to come back Mori, your career is not only stagnated but already fucking dead anyways, growing less than fucking Gura lmao

>> No.77312167

>Nijiniggers siding with real life rapists and convicted felons
Guess those Vox ASMR vids make sense now.

>> No.77312178

This guy barely has any kind of a fucking audience, None of his tweets about mori or vtubers the past 2 days have over 100 likes, He definitely doesn't break over 100 views, Hell his tweets barely get 5k views and basically every single reply to him are people shitting on him or posting his beaten up face, This is a guy literally nobody relevant will ever talk about, Even pippa won't say a thing because she is being tardwrangled nowadays and has the whole offkai shit to deal with

>> No.77312311

Britanny is a known troll that everybody has clowned on for years and years, This guy is the same but even more irrelevant and worthless, The fucking art impersonator kronii clapped back on twitter has more relevance than this guy

>> No.77312317

Totally pregante.

>> No.77312402

Perhaps you're right. I hope for Mori's sake you are and this is just a break from streaming because of her surgery.

>> No.77312576

The fuck are you schizoposting about

>> No.77312638

I doubt it has to do with him considering he's not only a nobody in this day and age but he's also on the run in Mexico from the feds. Getting depressed because a registered sex offender ducking the law in another country is making fun of you on a 2view podast on a streaming site no one cares about seems like a bit of a reach even for Mori.

>> No.77312746

Even then I remember seeing a cartel video that had mori music in the background of once. I wish i could find it and send it to him. Would probably get an amusing reaction.

>> No.77312954 [DELETED] 

Everybody claiming this is unrelated to the harassment campaign is a Pippa fan. The faggot announced yesterday that he was going to spend the entire day making fun of her, even posting one of her live performances, and yet Pippa/kirsche fans claim it's because of her surgery. The same surgery that healed already days ago and she's been streaming since regardless. This surgery made her close her public accounts, not the group of rumble-/pol/ adjacent faggots that Pippa invited into the scene.

>> No.77313151

Anon, she has been harassed the exact same way by people with much bigger followers. Her knee is far from healed, she been streaming for only 1-2 hours instead of the normal 6-8 and only really came back because she had promote her album.

>> No.77313357

Harassment campaign?, This fuck literally has no viewers, His twitter space had 25 listeners, He can't even get 100 likes on his big inflammatory shit, This is like the ugly nigger vtuber who doxxed ame's old RM in his "vtubers are RACISTS" video only with 10x less relevancy and without the support of black/woke twitter

>> No.77314025

The dude is also just posting shit you can find with a single Google search. Dude just picked the easiest target, saw the jump in engagement because Mori's antis will latch onto literally anyone who hints to be on their side and decided to roll with it. I want to see what happens if he goes after another soft target like kiara/nerissa or FWMC since they don't seem to have nearly the same amount of twitter schizos.

>> No.77314148

>Ethan starts shitting on Vtubers after he saw Gator was at offkai, Gator is a former co-host and now sworn enemy of him
>It MuSt Be PiPpA's FaULT!
Kill yourself, shit-eating nigger

>> No.77314678

Also 99.99% of people take this guy seriously even compared to the black smash player that was crying about racism. The guy isn't a minority trying to rally people to fight "racism" it's a lolcow whose a convicted felon that's wanted by the police who also got his ass beat a few years and had to be sent to the hospital.

>> No.77314776

By me

>> No.77314847

Exactly, This guy is hated even by his on /pol/tard side, Shizzy fucking made a video with ame's god damn face in it calling her and a ton of JP holos racists, This guy is a LITERAL 1-2 view that nobody with relevance has ever cared about except pippa who trolled him to the point he hard dooxed her... only for her to keep making fun of him so he gave up until that gatortard made fun of him at offkai

>> No.77314848

The surgery failed. It's moriover

>> No.77314935

Also I know most people in the catalog don't watch her streams, but she's been complaining about her knee hurting the last few streams. Probably wants to rest it properly now that promotion for her limited edition version of her album is finished

>> No.77314974


>> No.77315058

there were 700-800 viewers on his rumble stream

>> No.77315072

I agree, but the guy has a tiny but disgusting fanbase with a history of doxxing and swatting his "targets". The way she put it in the community post seemed like this period of no streams wasn't her choice so probably her managers and Cover being extra careful

>> No.77315130

I checked his stream earlier and the first thing I heard was him seething about how much engagement Mori got on the tweet in the OP lmao. The dude is desperate for any sort of relevancy.

>> No.77315224

And his chat was going like 1 message every few seconds, they ain't real viewers. Rumble is notorious for faking views.

>> No.77315414 [DELETED] 

Mori took the RalphaD? Now her hospital stay makes sense.

>> No.77317233
File: 229 KB, 1743x506, IMG_0349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed. this dude is irrelevant. her youtube community post makes me think this might be something more personal though. maybe issues with her family. I doubt it's some fat fucking lolcow tho.

>> No.77317557

Probably her knee tbhdesu
Might've tried to rush herself back to streaming full-time too quickly

>> No.77317757

I'm kinda pulling this out of my ass based on random stream comments, but she mentioned her bio dad having health issues before and she's been visiting him and him visiting her while she is in the states much more often recently. I hope it ain't related to something like that.

>> No.77318081 [DELETED] 

Why did she private her PL account then? Just a coincidence?

>> No.77318201

might be used it to vent to friends.

>> No.77318398

Her last post has like 1k comments before this even started for another very silly reason. Wouldn't be suprised if it was to stop comments on that.

>> No.77319438

nothing crazy has been posted lately so yeah, probably. or maybe she's just under stress. I just really doubt some fat retard is causing her to freak out, she has to deal with fat retards from /vt/ all of the time

>> No.77322432


>> No.77323035

it's funny reading the archive and seeing all the pippa/kirsche antis who are very obviously redditors larping as 4chan users

>> No.77324193
File: 204 KB, 750x421, morileech_120431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori gone
Based, she won't get to ruin collabs.

>> No.77324322

He may be a massive retard and literal who but his frothing mongoloid followers will do anything to create content for him, including doxxing and hatemongering at other personalities in his circle who may not be literal whos. It's probably safe that she steps out.

the swine master wins this one

>> No.77327694

fuycking retarfd
