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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 161 KB, 2084x1935, cropped-Offkai-Logo-Color-Tagline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77285744 No.77285744 [Reply] [Original]

>"No, I don't have proof"
>*Kirsche spends a whole day at OffKai*
>Phase has an amazing wrap party stream at Lumi's house where they made fun of dramaniggers

Fuck Kirsche and every one of her fans. I'd usually say "she ain't gonna fuck you little bro" but I'm pretty certain Kirsche will sleep with anything willing to stick it in her pooper.

Special shoutout to the Nijisisters jumping on this hate train and pretending they're not seething

>> No.77285971 [DELETED] 

we're doing this again?

>> No.77286049
File: 919 KB, 1517x858, 1717368071795346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a skill issue dayo
my oshies panels went smooth

>> No.77286215

>*Kirsche spends a whole day at OffKai*
imagine getting in the queue for the contraband foxu

>> No.77286407
File: 192 KB, 600x275, 1716934326234592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesas. What's the schizo trying to hide?

>> No.77286666
File: 397 KB, 2487x4096, 1696771043178071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn sleep with pippa, smell her hair and feet and look at her cute sleeping face

>> No.77286671

Yeah next to the garbage bins. Where she belongs.

>> No.77286698

dramafags get the rope.

>> No.77286704

Reminder that all this is thanks to Phase Connect, Pippa and Sakana
Thanks for dragging in these retards into vtubing especially Ethan Ralph, thanks a lot Pippa

>> No.77286854

>she farts
>really loud

>> No.77287102

...so you want her close to where you scavenge for food?

>> No.77287214

fuck you on about, ethan ralph was into vtubing even before phase was created
if you werent a newfag you would know he debuted with an avatar back in 2017

>> No.77287481

Sorry offkai janny but i have enough hate in me for phase, kirsche AND you faggots and trannies. Nigger

>> No.77288319

Archiving all these threads for when Sakana sues Offkai and the faggot mod for tortious interference. Lesson learned tho, never do business with leftists, especially in an election year.

>> No.77291137

She spent the entire day OUTSIDE of offkai.
She did a panel OUTSIDE in the carparking space so not to waste her fans money in plane tickets.
Also you are not a phasenigger.
You are a dramanigger pretending to be one to rile people up.

>> No.77291175

Archiving this post to grudgepost you when Sakana sponsors Offkai once again next year.

>> No.77292012
File: 51 KB, 1174x188, kiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pippa and Lia made out last night

>> No.77292104

No one asked for ur opinion, vshitshow tranny

>> No.77292317
File: 178 KB, 433x462, 1633563686530.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worthless fucking con drama

>> No.77294912

What are you trying to achieve?

>> No.77297013


>> No.77297093

phasefaggot is malding

>> No.77297242

making this a trend by counting and listing all the sayu threads is something I think I'm proud of now. I swear it helps get mods to kill spam threads faster

>> No.77297719

God I hate /pol/ and these kind of people who care about any of this and who bring it into vtubing so much

>> No.77299360

I was honesty alright with Kirsche having a panel (with what I did know about her) and even her getting upset about the DMs. But the whole: Off Kai and California(?) are actually bad but were fine before; let's do cancel culture even though we rant about that; all the volunteers are woke and mistreated Kirsche but the director was polite and there are Kirsche fans among the volunteers; don't give them money but why cancel the plane tickets?; me and my wife aren't going but show up anyway with Kirsche on top of a trash can.

I can't stand that type of hypocritical shit the most. That the booths were sponsored this year was really cool but doubt any v-tuber corpo. or any major company will do that again.

>> No.77299620

very convincing, sis (male)

>> No.77300696

Lol are you on the bottle?

>> No.77301602

This retardation is going to go on for as long as the girls don't speak out against that part of the community

>> No.77301774

the dramafags cry out as they strike you

>> No.77301785
File: 82 KB, 577x577, 1670974021252649.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speak out
That's one of the dumbest fucking suggestions I've heard on this board.
Nobody has control of what their fans will do and not a single Phase girl has encouraged this retardation, this is all /vt/ shitposting that for some reason is being taken seriously by twitter retards and a few other vtubers.

>> No.77301930

>court an alt right retarded attack dog audience

>> No.77302292

You realize that some girls live in Cali and Pippa is a lolbertarian right?
The moment anyone "alt right" watching Pippa and realizes she is a lolbertarian they start seething at her, like groypers. They also seethe because she made fun of Nick Fuentes multiple times.

>> No.77302378
File: 2.53 MB, 950x1261, spics and trash cans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.77302443

Terminal internet poisoning. it's fucking over for you.

>> No.77302454

Where did you get that pic of me?

>> No.77303086

>I cum
>Really hard

>> No.77303933

You should be getting legal counsel instead of sperging on 4ch

>> No.77304191
File: 527 KB, 1536x2048, 1705738482580835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forcing her to do her meet & greet on a garbage can was such a chad move by OffKai. The fact that Kirsche kneeled to them and did it made it all the more hilarious.

>> No.77304382

What is all this about? Who are these d list vtubers?

>> No.77304448

Offkai is not leftists they do business with a genocidal corporation. The blood of Palestinian children is on Offkai's hands.

>> No.77304549

For a quick recap of what the drama was about
>Kirsche wants to /pol/ify vtubing and was seething /here/ because OffKai wouldn't allow her to hold a panel and shit things up for everyone.
>Kirsche and her fans then tried to drag Pippa and Phase Connect into her self inflicted drama, and for all intent and purposes she got herself blacklisted.
>OffKai was still nice enough to let her have her meet and greet, in the parking lot of the con.

>> No.77305032

While it's true that they can't literally control their fans they can still chastise them for acting like retards.
>chat we can speak for ourselves
>stop being retarded
>stop listening to grifters who speak in our name
>stop getting riled up by rrats
>all you are doing is cause problems for us
This is literally all they would have to say for most fans who care about the girls to get what is going on and stop with this garbage.

>> No.77305341
File: 683 KB, 2394x1172, 1708647951269760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if you need to know who Kirsche is, here's what she does.
All the shitposting against OffKai listed here >>77285971 comes from her or her small following.

>> No.77305772

It never works and encourages the dumbest and most malicious to do it even more because they are getting attention.

>> No.77306529

Oh she sounds dreadful. A dumb grifter using liberal identity politics to attract reactionaries. I think even they are starting to realize they are being gifted.

>> No.77307949

Are you trying to make kirsche look bad here because you're doing the opposite.

>> No.77308147
File: 955 KB, 400x282, fu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go woke get broke
and good riddance

>> No.77308410

>OffKai will collapse for certain this time!

>> No.77309061

You can thank Pippa and Kirsche's dramafag fanbase from TVA, kiwi, twitter.

>> No.77309777
File: 178 KB, 600x513, 1717445103928046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% is on Pippa, and not the other girls.

>> No.77309947
File: 110 KB, 1194x932, 1699615429068322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, this is on Kirsche. She's the one who brought in these specific grifters

>> No.77310111 [DELETED] 
File: 881 KB, 1298x831, Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 03-14-10 Kick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is some boomer who is doxing Pippa and her family for no apparent reason. All i ask of you is to report his channel for harassment and bullying.


>> No.77310213

I don't care what this irrelevant, as much as he doesn't think he is, cunt has to say about anything.

Stop making dogshit nobodies popular, everything I've had to learn about this motherfucker has been against my own will

>> No.77313555

And this is what happens when you bring american culture wars into v-tubing.

>> No.77316356


>> No.77317929

I am now Offkai fanbase

>> No.77319166


>> No.77319447

broke legal agreement with offkai he signed to volunteer, will probably get sued

>> No.77322466


>> No.77322747
File: 458 KB, 854x917, 1706104310139194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sisters smear Sayu as if their lives depended on it
>turns out she's actually a great streamer
>sisters smear Doki as if their lives depended on it
>turns out she's actually a great streamer
>sisters smear Mint as if their lives depended on it
>turns out she's actually a great streamer
Perhaps I should give Phase Connect a try.

>> No.77322881
File: 450 KB, 606x548, pippa LOVES offkai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pippa loves offkai
Kirschesisters - dramalords ... we lost

>> No.77322892

No worries OffKai; all is not lost. Niji will be back next year.

>> No.77323318

I think you are correct.
Thank you for your service.

>> No.77327937


>> No.77330870
File: 2.04 MB, 950x1261, spics and tricks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you trying to make kirsche look bad here because you're doing the opposite.
No worry, that fat grifter has that covered themself

>> No.77331209

I feel the same and am so tired of drama. Im also so tired of people blanket blaming Californians. Speaking as a California native here. Every other local i spoke to at the con was sick of drama, cancel culture, and stupid politics. The only ones making the drama are far right people with hate boners for cali and the stupid twitch chuubas and their fans who make a big deal out of their race/identity when the whole point is to be free from identity.
Please tell me there is no way I am a minority of the fans who were local to the con. Hate drama, hate the politics, hate cancel culture… man i just wanna enjoy some escapism with some anime girls being goofy. sorry for the long schizo rant

>> No.77331977

Sorry commie, we're taking you down and all your tranny allies. Shouldn't have censored kirsche for not agreeing with the cult

>> No.77332107

I mog every single person that lined up for this panel

>> No.77332426

Thank you gustavo I hope you enjoyed the trash can & greet
Jokes aside, how did they censor kirsche?

>> No.77332631

Cancel culture isn't real Unless you defy the orange, everyone who does that gets canceled.

>> No.77332646

Kirsche deserved to be executed by hang in public for dragging pippa into whatever shit drama she's creating into

>> No.77332689

they should both be hung

>> No.77332858

We need more pippa and henya mahjong collab more

>> No.77333168

They cancelled her m&g at the last minute because one of the volunteers "felt uneasy with her presence".

>> No.77333657

>immediately to only blame the right for causing drama
ok commie

>> No.77333766

Offkai organiser showed 7 tweets to kirsche that she posted which offended majority of their volunteers.

>> No.77334204

Imagine pushing this lie when she had a M&G on con property still
Kirsche kneeled to OffKai after they rejected her /pol/ shitpost panel.

>> No.77334279

as a californian, ya, extreme right ringers cause a majority of the problems with their attention whoring. it always has to be about them and them fighting against the system. literally nobody cares, you arent a hero, your not wearing a cape, you're just being annoying. if you have a problem being it up with someone in charge stop having public freak outs. i have literally never seen a "woke" person irl, only on twitter how real are these woke people of i live in the bay thats supposedly woke and yet i never see them and i see a loud obnoxious right extremist in the streets yelling every other day? i feel like the people that trash california simply have never lived there and like to cause drama over it. people just love to hate on the biggest states in general to be fair, its an inferiority complex, same as how every other country hates on the US in general due to our wealth and importance in the world

>> No.77334302


>> No.77334313

Bumping this thread so the catalog surfers can see your retardation

>> No.77334356


>> No.77334400

I still have no idea what happened at Offkai other than people saying "Haha, vtuber fans are FAT and WEIRD" which I already knew (I am fat and weird)

>> No.77334545

According to what I heard, they played ads during Pippa's panel.

>> No.77334606

the main panel and super community stage had malfunctions just like last year interrupting some phase, idol, jeff mcbiceps, holostars panels timings and connectivity, but some phase fans and rev (whos deleting dissenting opinions on his video) are trying to push the narrative that they were targeting phase due to one extreme leftist on the volunteer team and his cronies. seems unlikely considering it happened last year and to multiple parties, again. thats why theyre changing venue next year

>> No.77334915

Why do you keep trying to /pol/ VT bro?

>> No.77335008

Why didn't her manager even waste her time attempting to go? You're not gonna get away with telling people you're the Alex Jones of vtubing without ruffling feathers, especially cons run by lefties

>> No.77335179

except, kirche and rev werent banned, ifs on twitter the public message saying they are still welcome to attend, and they actually did attend

>> No.77335306

she got better treatment than she would've gotten from Anime NYC then

>> No.77335629

beleive it or not, california has a 30-40% republican rate on average, its actually home to a lot of republicans, more than many states combined. many of the democrats are fairly conservative as well since californians tend to be rich and get taxed a lot. the reason why california stays blue is due to many of the biggest businesses in california being blue. what a lot of the public dont realize is the difference between the parties elites is not so different, idk why people fight rich peoples battles and peddle their values.

>> No.77335777

Wtf I love Offkai now

>> No.77335897

None of the leftists here know what grifter means

>> No.77336159

Yeah, for some reason I don't believe you.

>> No.77336212

blame Nijien and all the twitch indie ENVtubers for bringing the Tumblr sjw cancel culture bullshit into Vtubing. it started with them

>> No.77336423

She was banned. Why do you keep being a retard.

>> No.77336627

I see, the con company Leftfield Media which runs a lot of cons from Texas to New York is also run by ruthless conformists to whatever the current thing is, people like Vic Mignogna or whatever his name is was automatically banned from everywhere despite not actually doing anything.
Did she have some kind of invoice or registration for officially being at the con? Was she "banned" from even attending like certain right wing voice actors?

>> No.77336787

Why did you tell such an easily disprovable lie?

>> No.77336832

Tim Pool is a giga faggot larping as a tough guy rightoid. Kirsche is a fucking land manatee one donut away from a heart attack. Fuck both of them.

>> No.77336851

Yes. She literally was banned from having her panel there. I'm sorry your a retard and apparently think she gave the staff pictures of her face? My dude the guys themselves said they banned her, hell they wanted to ban Pippa last year too. You really like trying to twist things and just make shit up. I know phase fans are a bunch of inbred retards constantly screeching at and harassing other vtubers to join the company, but they deserve at least a little of your effort if your going to try and shitpost about them. I can tell you now that cunt sakana isn't funding offkai again after they fucked him.

>> No.77336991

Holy fuck this rightoid crazy is just going schizo on everything vtubing. Did Kirsche bring this fucker's attention to it? Bringing American politics into vtubing is the worst time line.

>> No.77337009

>I'm sorry your a retard and apparently think she gave the staff pictures of her face
Where did anyone say anything remotely close to that, gustavo? Are kirsche tourists fucking braindead 40 year olds like the meet & greet suggests?
I asked a question, like any kind of invoice of registration of actually setting up anything, none of which implies I give a fuck what your fat landwhale cunt does or doesn't do.

>> No.77337225

So how would they keep her from going to the con retard? Do you think they would somehow know what she looks like to physically kick her or stop her from setting her shit up. And no I'm not a fucking kirsche fan don't put me with those fucking chimp brained retards. Glad to see you don't have any defence for your retarded shitposts you've spammed everyone of these threads though.

>> No.77337608

>Did Kirsche bring this fucker's attention to it?
She did

>> No.77337708

The samefag blogging is off the charts in this thread. Jesus Christ, what are you doing with your life?

>> No.77337883

Wait how? I thought she and Pippa hated this guy because Metokur made fun of him.

>> No.77338221

I mean pippa did like 2 separate streams making fun of the guy so her stance on him is quite clear

>> No.77338446

It’s the only joke they have pls understand

>> No.77338516

She did as much as Ironlung brought Hassan in

>> No.77338569

Kirsche effectively made a call for all /pol/fags to shit on OffKai, and the 3 in >>77309947 were all people who heeded her call.
The guy might have an axe to grind against Pippa, but Kirsche is 100% the reason he's talking about vtubers right now.

>> No.77338705

I hate Ironmouse and Connor for bringing normalfag politics into vtubing as well tho

>> No.77339496


>> No.77339788

B-but she totally stuck it to OffKai.

>> No.77339948

Rev rescinded his invite, he even posted in on Twitter.

>> No.77340798

you must have missed the part where rev and kirche were still at offkai unofficially (albeit digitally, but most vtubers were). but ya rev wasnt blacklisted he just didnf want to go out of solidarity. though kirsche still ended up having an unofficial meet and greet, which btw wasnt against the rules anyway. all they did was take away her panel, it even says in the screenshots she provided that she wasnt banned from coming just that her panel was being taken away. i swear, do you guys not do your reps at all? just mot by knowing this its clear you didnt even read kirsches post she made on her own twitter, basic reps please. btw this 2nd statement is aimed at the anon claiming she was banned from attending offkai

>> No.77342332

She never had a meet and greet or guest status or even an announced panel. She had a friend who was going to ask her to be on her panel and it never got to the approval stage. The only meet and greet she had was through a 3rd party vendor and that wasn't restricted. The trashcan was her choice. She could have gone inside in public spaces. She's just grifting

>> No.77342438

If she had an appearance agreement don't you think that fox would have released a copy of it? Even in draft state? She has no concept of professional educate. It would be easy damning proof. All the others have signed agreements.

>> No.77342734

While it is funny to imagine that they forced her ontop of a garbage can, I think you misunderstand. She probably chose the garbage can and was disappointed she couldn't fit inside.

>> No.77343089


>> No.77343159

>S-s-s-she choose the trash can!
Now this is a fine specimen of cope

>> No.77343221

so she is based

>> No.77343533

so, if you cancel hiring black worker after you hear your staff does not want to work with, but you have already singed contract with. but you tell him he is allowed to visit your shop, it is not racism? that is what you are saying

>> No.77343710

I agree that kirsche and her dramnigger faggot fans should get the rope but I doubt that was all people talked about. Most people aren’t terminally online politic brained retards.

>> No.77343739

You mean the Kirsche simp you're replying to? His side is full of lies. They still believe the lie that Pikamee graduated because of harassment when she planned it in advance

>> No.77343770

Kirsche, RevSaysPedo, Pippa, yadda yadda, are known grifters. Don't expect ANY of them to be honest about anything

>> No.77343875

You do not know what the word means and you're just parroting twitter shitlibs.

>> No.77343878

this right?

>> No.77343881

Kirsche and Pippa actively condone their reactionary fanbase. Neither of them have any personality beyond stale ass alt-right memes

>> No.77343911

Says the one parroting whatever talking points that lardass Kirsche is parroting from people like Tim Pool

>> No.77343914

I'm not her fan, I just recognize that she's a trash person and would associate with trash to be "funny" and make it seem more than it is.

>> No.77343970


>> No.77343980

Massive cope, and likely projection as well. What fucking shitter are you parroting from, huh? Vtweeter retards?

>> No.77344022

You know there are a lot of streamers like this. It's because they're literal nobodies with no clue how to behave, but they got catapulted to popularity. Anyone that calls people freaks and ignores their chat's comments, even if they're pretending to offer "legitimate criticism" knows that they're feeding into this. It can't be that almost everybody knows what they would be doing if they acted similarly, yet streamers genuinely don't understand. They know, and they actively feed in to it.

>> No.77344094

You should get into vtubing for Phase Connect! You already got the obnoxious sealion gimmick down >>77335897 >>77343875
You're defending reactionary edgeladies with a fanbase of shit-eating retards. OffKai were based for kicking them out and Marina is based in general

>> No.77344302

Their claims are even more bullshit when you remember the guy who supposedly tampered with their streams? He was asleep. Continents away.

>> No.77344770

Be careful. Phase Supremacists don't like when you call a spade a spade. You get NPCs going "you don't know how what it means, you're just parroting vtweeters" as if they don't swallow whatever empty load RevSaysPedo jizzes out in his countless "last video on the subject" essays about anything

>> No.77345215 [DELETED] 

>I'm not..
And this is how we know you are one.

>> No.77345454

>I'm not..
And this is how we know you are one.

>> No.77346767

Hololive has no competition

>> No.77346787

Wow, they totally lost out on such a big and important public figure appearing

>> No.77347022

Without them, she'd have never made it big

>> No.77347824

There would be a burden of proof on the black person to prove that the contract was canceled because of his race, which would probably be pretty difficult; particularly as about half of the states are 'right to work' states and can terminate employees, both full time and contracted at will, altho the contractor may have stipulations that come into play in the event they're fired before the contract was set to expire.

>> No.77347949

Good. Fuck Off kai. They consistently fuck over the indies they invite

>> No.77348551

I'm also a Californian and I'm tired of the drama and politics from both the far right but even MORE from the far left you see everywhere in San Francisco and Berkeley.
Politics has no place in the anime/weeb community. Not from woke trannies trying to impose their gender/misandrist propoganda down my throat or from mentally ill schizos who insist on being offensive to everyone because it's "funny".

>> No.77350074

It's so obvious that this board is full of twitter tourists and redditors because there are people who are unironically seething at Kirsche and trying every lie they can come up with to smear her.

>> No.77350151

For a quicker recap to correct the lies this guy is peddling
>Offkai has a bunch of volunteers who are stereotypical Californian SJWs and they were seething at someone who doesn't fall in line with their cult
>this anon is one of them and is now lying to save face

>> No.77350228

These people are always the ones to call everyone who disagrees with them grifters but they are the ones who always keep falling for actual grifters. It's just pure projection as usual. Since they don't have any actual beliefs or convictions they project that onto everyone else as well, so it's just them self reporting. It's always guaranteed that whenever these people call someone a grifter it just means "has an audience and I haven't been able to cancel them yet".

>> No.77350278

>Marina is based
This REALLY tells you everything you need to know about the people who keep seething at Pippa and Kirsche. Just the worst kind of people imaginable.

>> No.77350345

Stop trying to infiltrate hobbies that were never meant for you and your ilk then.
>The only ones making the drama are far right people
You can't possibly believe anyone with working eyes and brain is going to fall for this, can you?

>> No.77351186

That's why political vtubers should be banned in all conventions

>> No.77351322

I didn't know that threads could be bumped from page 11, this dogshit board really makes it too easy for bait threads to thrive.

>> No.77353209

Pretty much. Missing the - threaten to go public without a different result; got an audience with the Off Kai director; leaked the DMs afterwards; dragged dramatubing right winged grifters from outside; v-tuber convention almost got turned into a mini American culture war.

>> No.77353287

Vic Mangina had a really bad reputation for at least a decade due to constantly being rude to other guests of honor as well as being rude to con staff, the whole Vic Mangina drama only exploded BECAUSE of how much of a self obsessed asshole he was for many many years and everyone was just waiting for the straw that broke the camel's back.

>> No.77353734

>Kirsche spends a whole day at the back alleys of offkai using a trashcan as a table

>> No.77353844

Don't know the guy well aside from the voice acting. But apparently he got grifted BIG time by a right wing, Pippa hater, "pope" of lawtubing who got arrested last week for child abuse. Vic got really bad legal advice, some 200k raised for legal defense gone into thin air, even more absurd bills from another case he was convinced into take on. He got screwed. Also Vic bolted after hearing about the Pippa hater being arrested.

>> No.77354499

So you're telling me he was in asleep when he blamed phase for the fuck-ups in the twitch chat?

>> No.77354610

I am only loosly following things, what the fuck does that fat drunken retard have to do with vtubers?

>> No.77354674

Kirsche did the right thing and brought the fact offkai is political to our attention.

>> No.77354889

I fucking hate /pol/ chuuba and their subhuman fans.

>> No.77354962

Except that's not what Offkai claimed. They claimed that they blacklisted Kirsche, not for being political, but for saying unsavory things. They even listed some of the things she said. Nothing to do with politics.

I think you're a fucking liar.

>> No.77354970 [DELETED] 

>other people and corpos get denied
>ring wingers attend the convention saying they had good time

>> No.77355039

>other people and corpos get denied
>right wingers attend the convention saying they had good time

>> No.77355099

Quads for truth. Thank god.

>> No.77355188

>Kirsche and Pippa
No. Just Kirsche. Pippa is fine.

>> No.77355301

They really want to pretend Kirsche was blacklisted for being a supposed /pol/tard because they are lefty/pol/ faggots themselves.

>> No.77355352

Pippa and Lia tongue kissed at Offkai

>> No.77355358

Nobody signed a contract with Kirsche. Nobody told her she could come.They just hadn't audited her. There is no evidence of her claims, and PC members all laughed at you at the post con stream. You're grasping at straws. I was very amused that a lot of clipping channels exclusively put out PippaXKirsche content for weeks after that, though. Nobody is going to help your trailer park hog queen, and she will never have the success that Pippa has. Counting down to Kirsche becoming an anti.

>> No.77355547

>They really want to pretend Kirsche was blacklisted for being a supposed /pol/tard
It's as clear as day. She has the same annoying personality that niggers making their whole identity being a rightwinger do. You don't understand because you are an autistic faggot.

>> No.77355619

Kirsche faggots are quickly becoming the #1 worst fanbase in vtubing, surpassing every single sister.

>> No.77355643

You've never watched kirsche have you? You're just some lefty /pol/ faggot who thinks anyone who doesn't suck your dick is a Nazi.

>> No.77355696

Kirsche doesn't have fans, just opportunists looking to bring their ideology into someone else's hobby. There are many vtubers that probably have right-wing opinions. None of them make it into a pseudo-activist cause.
>We haven't won yet
That's still the must kek-worthy post.

>> No.77355709


>> No.77355755

No, I've watched her streams and every collab with Pippa. I stopped watching her because almost every time I tuned in, she was talking about some stupid shit and has whole streams about muh DEI and BRIDGE. Her collabs with Pippa were fine, but that's about it. Pippa can do better than that and she will thanks to Kirsche's retarded freak out.

>> No.77355816

You have your facts wrong. Lia sucked on Pippa's chocolate bon bon factory and kept saying "Exit only, Pippa!" Now I'm convinced that Lia is not, in fact, an island Mexican but a German.

>> No.77355983

Thanks for telling me that you're a tranny.

>> No.77356124

>retard runs out of arguments
Although if I was one, I'd definitely be a ZF 8HP.

>> No.77356126

With the amazing legal material of a post on 4Chan said so.

>> No.77356207
File: 1.82 MB, 2130x1544, ok2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa had the most fun weekend of her life with her friends making lifetime memories.
Meanwhile Kirsche was doing a meet and greet to 5 people on top of a trashcan outside of Offkai still seething.

>> No.77356298
File: 1.10 MB, 2224x570, B55ABBFB-C69E-4BD6-8D3B-31F3589B987C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you and your sad grifter can fuck off to whatever hole Milo Yiannopoulos fell down.

>> No.77356362

it it weren't for nijisanji, kirsche would be the favorite to win vtuber KWABOTY

>> No.77356432

The year is only half done, anon. There is plenty of time for her to fuck up way worse.

>> No.77356431

41% yourself Tranny, we all know what you did.

>> No.77356509

This isn't a debate, I know you're a reddit tranny and I don't believe you actually watched kirsche.
Have you watched those videos or did you just post them thinking they were /pol/tard tier instead of just mildly conservative at best? Then again, everything is nazi to you reddit faggots.

>> No.77356683

I don't even like Kirsche, but the tranny and shitlib invasion these threads always become are telling. Is it just one assblasted faggot? Half the replies all have the same writing style.

>> No.77356700
File: 22 KB, 572x223, a97922f03135c53c53900f751529a27c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that fuss over nothing and the girls just avoid the conspiracy theorist dramafag fanbase kek

>> No.77357006

this doesn't even involve her she wasn't even at the panel she has nothing to be upset about

>> No.77357236

>prevent phase connect from getting publicity.
>instead phase connect gets more publicity than before if you didn't pull such a stupid stunt.
Falseyed had a twitch stream saying Offkai did what? So he might cover it next later.

>> No.77357345

The problem isn't with Kirsche or what she does at the ballot box. Her style of presenting her content cuts off large chucks of population with a combination of straw man; using one example or person as a fit all for a whole issue or group (ex: this girl totally slept her way in my gaming group so women gamers are bad); and leaving out/not seeing context (ex: volunteers hated her but she had fans among them?). Pippa does the "apply a right/political take" a lot better and got it to fit more naturally into v-tubing entertainment.

>> No.77357454

Beaners are not that bright.

>> No.77357535

Shiina was in the room with Pippa, Tenma, Lia and Uruka when they got fucked over by Offkai. Based on everything weve heard, outside of maybe an hour the talents moved on quickly and werent shook. They had an amazing weekend together

>> No.77358046

Wow thanks for confirming you don't watch Kirsche since that's now how Kirsche presents her content at all.

>> No.77358172

Pippa literally said offkai is magical. They will be there next year again and you will pretend you didn't dramafag up a storm over nothing.

>> No.77359217

Pippa doesn't. With a few exceptions here and there, she stopped openly engaging with that type of content in like early 2022 and has been mostly a generic twitch-streamer-esque chuuba for most of her career. Mentioning drama shit in her chat usually gets you a time-out and she constantly yells at her chat when they get too edgy. Pippa's big problem really is that she is nice to everyone and doesn't have the heart to tell to people who like her but are constantly causing problems to fuck off.

>> No.77360056

>This isn't a debate
You're right. Debates are had between people making good faith arguments and presenting facts to base them on. You're just arguing with a person you made up inside your head. Thanks for playing, dipshit.

>> No.77361595 [DELETED] 

A real mindfuck is rural white areas with a meth problem. Junkies will break into cars, but most of them are just friendly. It might be because I'm not white, but those niggas will straight up approach you for cash. I know what the cash is for, but having a white dude be nice to me so he can do nigga shit is too much to bear. I give them cash every time. Fuck my good nature. They're only ever rude to each other. I think there would be less racism if actual niggas were only rude to each other but nice to everyone else.

>> No.77362740

Thank you. Yes, everyone (I'm not even in CA) is just tired of all this bullshit. All these teenager-mentality right-wingers (who always think they're being masterful "trolls" and "owning the libs" when in reality they're just being transparently obnoxious and embarrassing themselves, as well as having trans people living rent free in their heads 24/7 to the point of randomly injecting the subject into unrelated conversation) and leftist purity police (which will pick literally anything you say and declare it evil, racist, ableist AND transphobic at the same time, and then smear your name endlessly for it, no matter if you considered then friend or foe before). Both groups lack the critical ability of fucking off and not being an obnoxious menace inserting themselves into shit they have nothing to do it and thinking they have to make it their jurisdiction. Yes, I typed this whole thing because I am annoyed as fuck about it, America was a fucking mistake man.

>> No.77362845

Drama fags attempt to drag phase into the culture war has failed, stop trying you low T retards, she puts her coworkers whom she considers her friends before some grifters peddling gossip

>> No.77362944

I'm sure GooberGay 2.5 being surrounded around Phase Connect won't have any negative repercussions at all. Being the anti-tranny company in current year is the association all companies want.

>> No.77362948

>kirsche and dramatubers are trying to drag pippa and phase in the mud with them and use them for clout
>pippa is busy doing the cutest shit ever and having so much fun

>> No.77363110

What if Lietnam never happened

>> No.77364826

Is she not allowed to talk about shit that interests her? Who the fuck are you anyway? Who made you the arbiter of what's allowed?

>> No.77365540

Trying to tie DEI and the bridge collapse together is literally retarded-maybe she should've said they were targeting her for being disabled

>> No.77366113

OP here. Didn’t make it clear i’m tired of the extremists on both sides and seem to have started a flame war. Was referring to the far left when talking about twitch people who care so much about identity. I just want my chuuba hobby space to be where it was a few years ago where we all went haha funny anime girl streamer.

>> No.77366162

She's allowed to talk about whatever she wants. The people who can hear her are allowed to decide whether they want her around or not. I thought Kirsche was a libertarian; does she not believe in the freedom of association?

>> No.77366237

and yeah i’m even more tired of the idiot woke people as I see them far more frequently and they do more stupid radical things

>> No.77366313

She literally told the guy she was gonna talk about it.

>> No.77366325

>On /vt/ of all places.
Yet another reason why neither you or the fat blob belong here and in the entire niche.

>> No.77366371

Yes, as a threat when they didn't give her a reason, and when they complied, she proceeded to leak DMs anyway. I watched the same VOD you did, anon. Stop trying to re-write history.

>> No.77367608

I hate how they made the bridge with ironic weebs.

>> No.77367618

You'll never be Hololive

>> No.77367659


>> No.77368923

No one went to offkai for her

>> No.77369911

This. no one even knew she was going until she made that little announcement that she was “blasklisted”. Wasn’t even her panel it was a friend’s panel.

>> No.77372486

she had a couple pippa fans show up. but yeah they obviously werent at the con for her.

>> No.77372607

I've had the unfortunate experience of learning about Kirsche against my will from everything here. Just drop the fucking vtuber stick and fleshtube like the faggot she is and fuck off out of this space, her followers included

>> No.77373014

>Kirsche was blacklisted!
>Just ignore that she was allowed to hold her meet & greet and wasn't banned from the property
Imagine peddling such obvious lies.

>> No.77373607

>if you don't jerk off our fat retard of a vtuber on a trashcan, you're a tranny
Kirsche cucks have overnight become the bronies in a medium that has furries

>> No.77374098

full stream

>> No.77374223

It's still on hotel property, which is Offkai. If OffKai really did ban her, they could have broken up the meet up and panel.

>> No.77375193

those feet look FUCKED up

>> No.77375512

I love /pol/ but i don't want /pol/ shit mixed in with my waifus.

>> No.77375589

I mean you can push the false equivalence narrator. But the problems pushed by identity politics brought into v-tubing during Off Kai are being caused by a certain type of people. The act of Niji not coming/not being allowed or Kirsche not getting a panel this year is not political just a result of Capitalism. Trying to cancel a whole convention or some flesh guy getting mad at some anime outsider and trying cancel and dox all v-tuber in response is not a result of Capitalism.

>> No.77377667


>> No.77380145

You're the one who made a thread about it so you're the one seething
