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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77294339 No.77294339 [Reply] [Original]

I've managed to dig up TLDR of drama behind the lawsuit on 5ch (aka 2chan): Kaida Haru organized a mixed gender Lethal Company collab with two Niji girls (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJUclSYc8sU)), which triggered female unicorns to the point where they spammed his twitter feed and tags, even trying to get Kuzuha involved to get him to kneel

Main rrat: Haru received death threads IRL similar to Vox, but culprit(s) weren't caught so he decided to file lawsuit against everyone through Anycolor (so he doesn't doxx himself in court papers)

That's all I could dig up with google translate

>> No.77294428


>> No.77294496

I don't speak sushi.

>> No.77294618

It's the piece of paper that sisters were shitting up board since yesterday rough translation: >>77283517

>> No.77294811

Pandering to women with male vtubers is the biggest mistake in this hobby.

>> No.77294860


>> No.77295038
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Holy Frankenstein Effect

>> No.77295118

The best part is how Nijisisters waved this around to "own the antis", fucking kek

>> No.77295280

its not just the jap nijisisters
according to matome the person that ran nyfco also got served recently as well

>> No.77295281

He's been having anti troubles since way before that collab but his fans did go schizo over that collab. I forget what triggered them but in 2023 they kept impersonating him in Youtube chats and Ex Albio had the same issue

>> No.77295379


>> No.77295432

So wait...the one being sued all along is a Nijisis who went ballistic because she's an unifag?
You can't make this shit up, in the end the Nijisis were self reporting all along, Niji truly only hurts itself XD.

>> No.77295451

>a Nijisis
It's several people.

>> No.77295466

>I forget what triggered them but in 2023
iirc him and another liver called kei made their fans mad because they took some time off and was planning on scaling down streams
same thing happened with kuzuha in jan this year when he said that he was taking this year easy and with ibrahim in feb when he took a week off

>> No.77295486

Very based, fuck mixed gender collabs. Boys and girls should not mix unless they're planning to fuck. Keep fighting the good fight unicorn sisters.

>> No.77295719

you are making the wild assumption that everyone pays attention to that sort of thing and already knows about it

>> No.77295967

oh nononono.
i thought mixed collab is not a problem for niji?

>> No.77296095

Its actually a different kind of problem in niji since the problem is not gender but popularity
Nijisanji fans get mad if a lesser know nijisanji talent collabs with a more popular one and outshines them in a collab

>> No.77296156

oh no no nijiniggers?!
i thought nijisisters weren't unicorns?

>> No.77296173

fucking KEK. So THAT'S what's getting sued for? And the sisters really think they would be going after dramatubers instead. Hilarious.

>> No.77296241

well yeah. i still remember nijisisters are harassed that less popular dude because he won the tournament lol

>> No.77296243

Is that why they were so fucking pissed at Chigusa for singing virtual to live after debut?

>> No.77296249

It's fine when a boy ruins an all-girls collab.
It's not fine when a girl ruins an all-boys collab.
Simple as.

>> No.77296310

go back and eat your pagpag

>> No.77296311

>The nail that sticks out gets hammered down

>> No.77296324

Why are you guys surprised about niji unicorn?
they are existed and they are the same reason why axia graduated from niji

>> No.77296481

no thats a different one where they hate anyone who does something that they didnt earn to do in their eyes

>> No.77296492

Because homobeggars hold Niji up as an example of how mixed-gender collabs are great actually and totally not an inevitable drama bomb waiting to go off, SO WATCH DA BOIZ YOU INCEL UNICHUD

>> No.77296571

because nijiniggers has been going on about how they are anti unicorns.

>> No.77296744

Pretty much
Lulufags got mad when she collabed with Maimoto and a less popular girl pretty much accusing them of being leeches

>> No.77298132

same with female vtubers who pander to unicorns

>> No.77298357

stinky femcel

>> No.77298481

eh, I don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with the topic, but there's still a lot of people who go too far. Also the whole money thing. Unicorns pay. a LOT. Like the project kawaii girls get thousands of dollars in streamlabs every fucking stream. It's incredible. I wouldn't be surprised if per stream, their donation rates are flat out higher than hololive outside of Rushia. I remember seeing a weekly tally for I think Nene and she was getting several individual donos of 1-4k USD at a time.

>> No.77298594

So they're just like us?

>> No.77298748


>> No.77298905

o7 lulu model, may you rest in peace and be immortalized in hentai.

>> No.77299019

I don't really see that too often within Holo at least. Holo seems to prefer to build up the stragglers rather than to abandon them and keep pumping the breadwinners. Regloss and helping girls like Aki regain her footing is a great example of that. You got the occasional schizo seething at the stars, but among same sex collabs it's usually fine unless there's a major, major disparity, and even then it's more about the collab itself and the audience gap rather than anyone ever "outshining" the bigger talent.

>> No.77299021

a worse version since they actually doxx and harass the liver irl rather than posting messages in a basket weaving forum
iirc hoshikawa was stalked because of this when she went shopping a few months back because she interacted with salome
salome also lost a number of subs for interacting with hoshikawa

>> No.77299075

What the fuck? Why is hoshikawa an issue? The only bad thing I've heard about her was that weird time she ntred matsuri so hard with gundou that matsuri went on an apex sadbinge for like a month.

>> No.77299283

She also admitted to kind of sealing boba tea

>> No.77299317

>pander to their unicorns
>they become mentally ill
how the fuck is Niji the only one who keeps doing this?

>> No.77299391
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>What the fuck? Why is hoshikawa an issue?
multiple things ranging from the tea stamp yab and collabing and affiliating with hololive
good example of how bad it gets in nijisanji clip channels with her interacting with haachama compared to holo clip channels from the same clip is pic related

>> No.77299456

I remember back when Anya still had her own general the posters there were actually pretty happy when she collabed with the Shork just for the extra exposure.

>> No.77299522

Wait, doesn't Anya have two generals?

>> No.77299714

god, it really is a completely different mentality over there.

>> No.77300209

Female fans in general are far worse even when they aren't unicorns. Remember who dominates those anti and dox dens like suki and nyfco and ruin many other sites with witch hunts.

>> No.77300229

Anycolor especially nijisanji jp fanbase operates on very different rules compared to other vtuber fanbases in japan which is why you'll sometimes have drama thats unique and only happens to them like the virtual to live singing yab or the train yab

>> No.77300333
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Bear in mind that pic related happened in Japan, a country where vandalism is considered only slightly less bad than murder.

>> No.77300384

This board is pretty much on the same level though

>> No.77300441

When women or "women" go out of line with doxxing and get banned, yeah.

>> No.77300514

It's absolutely not.
Here you might get a mean word said about Mori or Bae because she talked to a dude.
On Nyfco? The girls' comments sections would be FLOODED with doxxshit and about how X hologirl is a whore who should have their facebook spammed and reported because they had a boyfriend 6 years before debut.
This isn't an exaggeration.

>> No.77300630

>This board is pretty much on the same level though
not even close
sisters managed to stalk and find vox new home address after he posted apic of a spagetti using a post in his personal Instagram and managed to mail stuff there which prompted vox to go on a hiatus to fmove
closest thing to that is actually 5ch and mito

>> No.77300763

>vox new home address after he posted apic of a spagetti
I think I vaguely remember that. Was that around the time the sisters issued a Fatwa against Reimu, and her Twitter feed ended up full of Chinese femcels telling her to kill herself in broken English?

>> No.77300912

This was actually the year after, for valentines

>> No.77300917

no that was a few months after that since that happened in june and this happened around sept or october thoug he was also doxxed by the sisters before that so that might be the one you are remembering

>> No.77301161
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I mean, the fact that there are multiple doxxing incidents such that people mix them up really says it all.

>> No.77301373

valentines one was a different event
the one im talking about was the dox of the place he stayed in while in new york

>> No.77301686

I'm pretty sure that was also around the time Sayu was doxxed.
I'm not even sure if it was unrelated, but it wouldn't be the first time Niji's mishandled personal documents. I wouldn't be surprised if the wrong management got it somehow, which led to the organs somehow, which led to one of them leaking the whole fucking thing on twitter or to the sisters.

>> No.77302198

(You) shouldn't eat pagpag unless you're planning to kys, and yet.

>> No.77302625

>tea stamp yab
the fucking what
>pic related
sorry, the translation is so bad I struggle to understand the point

>> No.77303084

>the fucking what
hoshikawa fake some a couple of stamps from a bubble tea shop and nijisanji fans equated that to robbing the shop
>sorry, the translation is so bad I struggle to understand the point
hoshikawa gets shat on a jap niji clipper while getting positive comments in a holo clipper with the same clip

>> No.77303736

why are you pretending pagpag isn't your favorite food nijinigger?

>> No.77304426

I don't understand why you guys are surprised that the bigger Niji JP males have unicorns, those have always been a big part of their fanbase. The beggars who try to paint Niji as the peak of "anti idol culture" don't actually watch Niji. It's similar to how stars collab beggars don't watch stars while the actual stars fans don't particularly want female interaction either.

>> No.77304647

No, that one was because retards have an idea that VtL is a song about "the unity of Nijisanji", despite the fact that Chigusa was already basically Nijisanji (and Hololive, and Animare, and Honeystrap, and--) before she was Chigusa. Like out of every person to get mad about doing it "too early", why would you get mad at the person whose literally had more interaction with Nijisanji than any other new member?

>> No.77304936

>I don't really see that too often within Holo at least.
At risk of sounding like a homobeggar, this is literally the biggest issue and reason why Holostars are eternally falling to the bottom of the charts with only a handful of people actively reaching any form of real growth.

>> No.77304979

Because according to nijisanji logic she didnt earn the right to sing it probably because she wasnt that popular
Though to be fair the selejo wave have some pretty weird stories like how Akane mentioned that majority of the time she was forced to record her parts for nornis by herself while toko and chima recorded together

>> No.77305020


>> No.77305097

you are joking right? a good number of bottom and middle nijis would kill for the exposure cover gives the homos despite their place in the charts

>> No.77305204

The point was that there's plenty of people who get mad at homos for collabing with so and so, hell Astel's lost basically every other person he's ever collabed with because

>> No.77305323

Isn't Kaida Haru more popular than the girls?

>> No.77305325

I just can't wrap my head around that because everyone was bitching about her "not knowing anything about Nijisanji" despite her fucking tagline pre-niji being that she's a part of every company she's ever interacted with, and interacted with niji the most out of any of them. I'm pretty sure there was a time when she collabed with Kanae more than Kuzuha for fucks sake.

>> No.77305367

nah astels problem specifically is also a unique one since the root problem of what you are describing isnt due to popularity but due to suntempo not collabing as much despite being a favorite

>> No.77305369

I know 4chan has this boogeyman reputation about being a lawless den of degenerates but ironically it's still very heavily moderated. Even gay shit like "racism" gets you a 3 day ban, in 4chan. Nyfco and other places dont really have the same rules as here, you're fooling yourself if you think we wouldn't be as toxic if we weren't as moderated as we currently are.

>> No.77305496

>. Nyfco and other places dont really have the same rules as here
protip they actually had the same rule but the problem is that the mods and jannies wanted to doxx them as well

>> No.77305583

Well 4chan is unique in the sense that it actually has moderation to begin with, and in boards like this one focused around random people, there's even more than usual.

Except /cgl/. That board was abandoned by mods for some reason so it's become a cesspool the doxxsite can only hold a candle to.

>> No.77305697

1. That's in Taiwan
2. That was by one of the aliens femcel fans

>> No.77305935

The guy who ran that site was a huge Laplus anti after all. He only maintained her page for the longest time

>> No.77306107

I always find it amusing that any female-dominated social network becomes a fucking vipers nest where people will gleefully bully others into self harm or suicide for the most petty of resons.

>> No.77306319

It's wild to me because whenever I hear about cosplayer drama, literally everyone involved is a horrid person at some point. Either before, during, or revealed long after, but universally they're all vile at the end of the day.

>> No.77306895

Men are too logical to be as toxic as women.

>> No.77307065

>would kill for the exposure cover gives the homos
And people get mad about it. That's his point. Part of it is due to the girls-only culture in the company, but don't act like a lot of it isn't about the gap in popularity. It's seeped outside of Cover too, there are vtuber fans who just know Holostars as "that taboo group" in Holopro. Inami Rai wanted to do a SF6 tourney with them and he had people in his comments telling him not to because it'd bring trouble.

>> No.77307270

Astel's problem is that he repeatedly does shit to piss off his fans on purpose. Him flirting during his "creep" phase turned off the fans of a lot of the girls he collabed with as well.

>> No.77307638

>And people get mad about it. That's his point. Part of it is due to the girls-only culture in the company, but don't act like a lot of it isn't about the gap in popularity. It's seeped outside of Cover too
Anon thats the whole fucking point
Its pretty unique in nijisanji because their own fans shit on the livers for not being popular
The equivalent would be /stars/ shitting on uyu for interacting with astel or roberu because he hasnt passed the 100k sub mark or /pcg/ shitting on someone like nasa and iori for interacting with tenma

>> No.77308648

>Inami Rai wanted to do a SF6 tourney with them and he had people in his comments telling him not to because it'd bring trouble.
it would bring him trouble because jap nijifans would crucify him for interacting with hololive
same shit happened when shiina and ookayu relased a music vid some weeks back and some of the early top comments were telling shiina to stop associating with okayu or else her fans will ditch her before it got cleaned

>> No.77308889
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>sisturds: "its SO over for dramatubers kek! niji is gonna sue them into oblivion!"
>niji: sues sisturds

>> No.77309330

You are right but no one will accept it because those unicorns keep their oshi afloat with their money

>> No.77309438

it was in taiwan you dumb nijinigger fuck.

>> No.77312327

hmm funny

>> No.77313592

Malecorns? Femcorns? What's the difference they're both terrible

>> No.77313679

The difference is that the males just leave while the females plague your very existence even after your graduation.

>> No.77315936

so when will Doki sued for her lies?

>> No.77316272

Malecorns cry on anonymous forums while Femcorns will make your life a living hell.

>> No.77316381

>Leaves and crying/shitpost vs dox,anti,death threat etc.
Yeah fem is that bad

>> No.77316442

Yuko Yurei

>> No.77316514

(You) Should show her how nijisis

>> No.77317053

I vaguely remember people being pissed at him for putting words in Kaida's mouth. Don't remember what.

>Ex Albio had the same issue
I remember that fake Ex Albio was in Lilith's RM's chat right after she got terminated.

>> No.77318419

Dang. I guess you have to be a salty and thin skinned to be a nijishin. It all makes sense with demographics, Nijifans are often between 18-26, ie when people are the biggest douchebags and have pointlessly extreme opinions. Holofans are 30 somethings that have long lost the plot on what to care about and act like dweebs.

>> No.77319449

2022 is less than two years ago unicuck...

>> No.77319518

Maybe Nijisanji is really trying to help their livers. These fans have been a thorn and have caused breakdowns more than outside antis ever have.

>> No.77319665

I don't see threads being spammed making fun of her current numbers or anything like that. And you're beyond retarded for calling her "unicorn" pandering, do you even know what that word means?

>> No.77320304

t. Kronii

>> No.77322490


>> No.77323854

They're going scorched earth against their critics, with just over a week remaining before the Q4 report is published. And everyone has known since February that this report will be significantly worse than the Q3 report was, and the Q3 report was already significantly worse than what people were expecting back then.

The Q4 report is gonna be an unmitigated disaster for Anycolor. And the traders who are going for the old "Pump And Dump" have 6 and a half days of trading (actual) or 5 and a half days (effective) to pump the stock as high as they can before they dump their shares. The report will be published immediately after the market closes on 6/12; some traders might dump early in an effort to get ahead of the inevitable sell-off on 6/13, so 6/12 might not be a "pump" day.

>> No.77323973

bomb threats are a bit more than just critics

>> No.77324580

P2y, Raziel, and the few redditors they hadn't yet permanently banned from their subreddit before locking it, were not sending bomb threats to Niji.
If they want to treat people speaking unflattering truths as though those comments were bomb threats, that's on them. And they can send a C&D to every last one of /us/ if they want, but it won't save them from the investors' wrath next week (even ignoring the cost of postage, and the fact that those C&Ds would not be enforceable).

>> No.77324600

I really wonder how they're gonna explain NijiEN and their concert barely moving tickets.

>> No.77324639

the image is about bomb threats, death threats, and gore spam, the world does not revolve around your monkey language, it's a nijiJP issue

>> No.77325392

Poorly. Very poorly.

>> No.77325815

>Implying that's not Riku's true intention in the first place
Riku needs a concrete proof that nijien is dead branch, low ccv and sc are not enough.

>> No.77326517

One of them broke into Nina's house when she was om vacation too. I think they either stole stuff or vandalized it. She stopped collabing with Luxiem after that

>> No.77326766

>implying Retard-sama has an actual plan

>> No.77326878

Her old asshole k fans aren't unicorns they're schizo pedos who hate gfe/idol shit

>> No.77326950

Maybe the sharty/kiwi is the "4chan" male version of sisters. Full of deranged underaged squizos who post gore, doxx, and groom each other.

>> No.77327064

Anon, just look at his track record.
Dismantling companies and selling their assets/claiming it as "losses" and getting tax deductibles from them.
Unfortunately, in terms of making hard cash, Riku's kinda good at it.

>> No.77328633

No, we don't consider holos collabing with each other as leeches

>> No.77329014

STFU, faggot. Hope you're ready for you dramafags to handed a defamation suit

>> No.77329100

I mean, some schizos /here/ would call anyone collabing with Pekora or other first army as leeches, but unironically this board is a minority.
Not so in nijisanji fandom, sisters even flamed Kuzuha's own clique member -on their own chat stream no less- as late as last August.

>> No.77329185

Holy ESL sister.

>> No.77330203

This board is the only board on 4chan that goes less hard than its equivalent reddit sub.

>> No.77330890

She posted her own work how is that doxxing?

>> No.77331212

If I got a C&D letter from Anycolor, I'd frame it and hang it up as I managed to shitpost hard enough to get a multibillion yen company upset with me

>> No.77331864

We have some schizos around here that do and fortunately they still contain their schizo activities here

>> No.77331909

>I'm not sending bomb threats, I'm just trying my hardest to obstruct your business
You get what you deserve and that's a fat lawsuit. Hope you try to look pretty for when Riku fucks you in court

>> No.77332642

Niji vs Holo
Niji vs Vshojo
Niji vs Phase
Niji vs Indies

Niji livers vs Niji livers
Niji livers vs former Niji livers
Nijiniggers vs former Nijiniggers
Nijisisters vs female livers
Niji femcel unicorns vs male livers
Nijisanji vs former livers
Nijisanji vs dramatubers

>> No.77335139

Anycolor can't even win against some wannable JP keemstar. Why would anyone on this board be scrared of people that can't even fill the legal forms right lmao

>> No.77335268

Riku hasn't won a single court case.
If he can't beat the fucking japanese Keemstar, how the hell could he beat someone in an international court with a far weaker case?

>> No.77336037

To be fair, they could have won since Narukami's argument was not very good. However, Riku was too greedy and kept on selling the related liver's merch, thus throwing out their case, which was "bitch can't make us money"

>> No.77336085

S1: All Out War
S2: Invisible War
S3: ???

We need a name for this one.

>> No.77336219

Civil War.

>> No.77336291

Civil war sounds about right

>> No.77336528

The War To End All Wars

>> No.77336871

Looks like they're trying to report anyone who says anything negative about the company on Yahoo's stock board now.

>> No.77337028

No, those are fine. Male fans don't perpetuate online violence unlike female fans.

>> No.77337064

wasn't kiara from /cgl/ lol

>> No.77337121

she was also a lolcow farm poster, along with mumei
