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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 749 KB, 1000x1000, Machina_X_Flayon_-_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77286540 No.77286540 [Reply] [Original]

So is this faggot the new Luca? He is getting spammed everywhere and in collabs with other girls and even going irl with them.

>> No.77286677

he's not the new luca because he has the hololive name attached to him so he's automatically good, please refer to the hololive fan manual before making threads thanks.

>> No.77286725
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I don't know but I'd suck his balls dry

>> No.77286872

As long as he stays away from Holo girls I don't mind

>> No.77286946

Well, when he started and was solo he didn't do too hot. All of these collabs tell me he's not going to give up and go quietly into the night. Kudos on that. Giving up is for losers.
He's still an unlikable and overbearing faggot, however.

>> No.77286973

the bane of flay's connect

>> No.77286983

unless he gets caught masturbating in front of another girl without her consent he's not a sexiest like Luca

>> No.77286995

Flay for the FlayGOD!

>> No.77287013

He goes after girls from other corpos and indies so he's based. A king. A fucking legend.
You made an attempt, sister.

>> No.77287052

He's collabed with Ollie though.

>> No.77287130

Ollie is barely a Holo

>> No.77287484

Ollie collabs with just about anyone who's nice to her or bothers to give her the time of day, it's part of why she's so flawed as a Holo

>> No.77287629
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do not fear anons, I will milk him dry till his libido is completely non-existent. You will have nothing to fear anymore

>> No.77287967

>he grooms other girls and stays away from holo like you wanted do you accept us now holobros same team r-right?
>look the boys mogged the corpse of niji haha.. what's that? holostars will never be hololive.. o-okay I like it at the back of the bus anyway
sad pickme behavior from the homofags tbdesu

>> No.77287996
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Learn the difference retard.

>> No.77288555
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they don't call him the cucker for nothing

>> No.77288612

>phasecuck melty again

>> No.77288708
File: 119 KB, 1941x1064, 2o2qjfobsmc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, nijinigger seethe

>> No.77288737

The manual rule number 3 paragraph 8 says if vtuber is a male than he's automatically bad (Towa is an exception)

>> No.77289047

He's too focused on getting into Bettel's clown bussy to have any actual intention to sex up women.

>> No.77289346

Least this twink has a good ass worth pounding.
>t.Homo tourist

>> No.77289650

It seems more like he's the new Aster? Not too familiar with all these faggots but Luca was the guy who would literally enter random girl streams for attention and the girls would just be like "ah yes luca-sama let's make the stream about you"

>> No.77289747

Flayon is a turbo autist to the point no one in Stars knows how to deal with him.
Everyone always calls their oshi autistic for being a little awkward, but he's a genuine level 100 sperg.
That doesn't make him any less of a sexpest, it just helps understand his actions better.

>> No.77289840

Phase Offkai damage control in full effect LMAO

>> No.77289850
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preasu andastand...

>> No.77289907

he got the phasecuck rattled.

>> No.77289987

I vaguely remember /MANS/ kind of hating him for being a femboy and "too Niji-like" but that was over a year ago

>> No.77290036

He knows his place and isn't trying to leech off the HoloEN girls so I can't hate him. Hell he hasn't even collabed with homolovers like Bae.

>> No.77290068

Goldbullet has taken that role now

>> No.77290124

I made this post

>> No.77290173

To be fair the holos (including the homolovers) seem to have kinda blacklisted Stars after the Vesper/Magni fiasco so that's the lack of collabs is most likely not by his choice, but it's also nothin personal.

Also I literally just remembered that Mori kind of vagueposted about the "burnt bridge" after the two fucked off, I totally forgot about that

>> No.77290285

>I vaguely rremember /MANS/ kind of [no citation]
>[no citation] has taken that role now

>> No.77290490

The archive is right there, dumbass-chama

>> No.77290665
File: 142 KB, 596x918, 85d35f93ddc1f193660411bf60c76a8d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah tell me when the small corpo girls are buying the merchandise. I don't pay attention to the scene enough to know who they moved onto after his yabs though.

>> No.77290906
File: 19 KB, 400x400, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buying Nijimale voicepacks
How do phasekeks even defend this

>> No.77291121

Simping for Nijimales doesn't even top the list of ways Lia has cucked her fans lmao

>> No.77291348

>Also I literally just remembered that Mori kind of vagueposted about the "burnt bridge" after the two fucked off, I totally forgot about that
mind linking to it cause I don't remember anything like that until quite a while after they dipped (Specifically Mori talking about how betrayal is super common in this industry when breaking down the lyrics in You're Not Special)

>> No.77291921

I don't watch males but my straight female friends that watch holomales are obsessed with him and think he's the funniest person alive. He's probably not sexpesting, just has one of those "magnetic to straight women" personalities and knows collabs are ultimately how you grow as a male. As long as he leaves my oshi alone I applaud him.

>> No.77292259
File: 1008 KB, 1163x1440, 1698127154643346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not sex pest if all girls want to suck his cock.

>> No.77293931

The toxic nature of the beggars also makes it a no-brainer for the HoloEN girls to avoid the ENhomos. They use any kind of ENhomo/HoloEN interaction as a means to boost the homos while stomping on the girls and their fans.

>> No.77294188
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1717296214565477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He sees your pussy

>> No.77294379


>> No.77294662

You know what, I've never even considered that, there's no evidence as far as I know but it's entirely possible that they saw beggars shitting on IRyS/Kiara/Fauna etc. one time too many and decided to put the entire rotten branch on a blacklist.
I still think the rrat that Vesper/Magni pissed them off is more likely but this is possible.

>> No.77294704

Bae has collabed with them post graduation and also ID so what's the next cope

>> No.77295327

>I still think the rrat that Vesper/Magni pissed them off is more likely
>two girls extend an olive branch to help new starts in unfamiliar waters
>they decide to fuck off even after receiving support
>they also turn around and spit on your company and the fans on their way out
I'd be leery of getting involved with any of them after that too, those two grifters didn't just poison the well, they salted the fields too

>> No.77296625

Vesper left Bae holding the bag because they were supposed to release a cover together and he left without telling her. The only time she’s collabed with them since is that Bettel/Shinri collab and that was because Bettel’s fans kept annoying him about the watchalong that Bae promised. Bae said she was gonna stop making offhanded promises cause of that.
Bae had always been a fan and supporter of the JP homos and that still hasn’t changed.

>> No.77296758

It's ok when Hololive does it.

>> No.77299374

he stays away from holos, uses the holobug to get vpussy from indies and lowviews, so everything is good

>> No.77299681


>> No.77299773

He's exacting karma on BVTM/Phasebeggars, and for that he's actually based.

>> No.77299954
File: 883 KB, 1198x1079, PomuUnimpressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca was bothering relevant people, this guy just goes slumming with 2views. He's more like the Ver (that's a guy from Niji EN that grooms 2views) of Holostars

>> No.77302341

We call it a rrat but the only reason that it isn't a fact is that it can't outright be proven without a hard official statement. Literally all the evidence we have about Vesper and Magni's exit is that everything about it was their fault and a lot of other people got fucked over, and half of that evidence comes from them in some form. Like Altare got raked through the coals over his weird episode with Vesper for ages and we know now that Vesper was just fucking high all the time and volatile when he couldn't get drugs. How anyone defends this I don't know.

>> No.77305278

Why are nijisisters spamming him so much he hasn't collabed with a girl in a month.

>> No.77305678

Still want shota x shota art of these two

>> No.77305840

You niggas really want a Holostars member to be revealed as a sex pest so the branch can die now rather than waiting for this ship to completely sink since Holostars has been doing worse and worse daily.

>> No.77305847

I want to swallow his cock

>> No.77306277

Ollie is the town bicycle, we don’t care if she collabs with males because it already tanked her career

>> No.77306368

>literally one guy’d by a post with 3 likes
Oh well i guess that means everyone is in on it

>> No.77306418

This guy is so fucking gay I really want to know what kind of person is super threatened by his presence.

>> No.77306553

>magnetic to straight women
>sample size: 1
Yeah i’m sure he’s a total gigachad, there’s no way someone on vt is just friends with a fat ugly femcel

>> No.77306681

I watched him after debut because I liked the mech pilot lore they gave him. the guy gets very loud and didn't tone it down at all in collabs

>> No.77306715

Yeah but the important difference between him and Luca is that he’s an effeminate male. Effeminate males and femboys pretty much get a free pass to be sexpest by society so he’s basically invincible.

>> No.77306765

he can sex my pest if you know what i mean

>> No.77306774

A. We’re talking about EN, not ID
B. Bae has collabed with the en homos like once in the past 8 months, and it was because homofans were pestering her to

>> No.77306812

Gay men are more threatening than straight men. There’s no rules about when someone is gay versus bi so they could be ether. Also straight men have to play by the same rules as you do so it feels more fair losing to them

>> No.77306882

Hakka > Shinri > Flayon > Axel > POWERGAP > Bettel > Altare > That failure of a 3rd wave

>> No.77306934

>Holostars has been doing worse and worse daily.
People here were chimping out because they just got a merch restock after selling out the first one.

>> No.77307029

Vesper somehow was able to build a fanbase that astroturfed him into "heehoo silly gwampire Florida man" when he was always a giant asshole. And it was noticable far in advance. I forget the timeline, but his story about fucking around during a hurricane and essentially laughing at the friends who were losing their minds trying to find him and then going MIA the weekend Altare and Magni were meeting up, leaving Axel to stream alone for 2/3 days showed he didn't give a fuck. Magni on the other hand got lucky with building himself up as the "sleazy alchemist", so his more menhera/narc shit always got brushed off.

>> No.77307164

>rather than waiting for this ship to completely sink since Holostars has been doing worse and worse daily.
People have been waiting for four years now

>> No.77307259

Ankoman's Astolfo doujin have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.77307304

Magni drama being less popular then vesper helped him too. It’s like how samurai shodown didn’t get raked over the coals with how violent it was being mortal kombat was taking all the heat

>> No.77307916


>> No.77309361
File: 40 KB, 853x163, 21047264010833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77310198

maybe you'll be the one to stop his constant assertions that he's straight

>> No.77310374


>> No.77310644

He gets spammed everywhere because of that one Phase collab. Anyone who suspects a thread is made by a Phasefag (typically, this is any advertising thread, because Pippa advertises smaller chuubas) will mention him offhand.
However, he's actually a master networker. He's aiming to be a voice actor after this all blows over, so having anyone and everyone who could get him there in his pocket is useful.

>> No.77313268

If that were true he could just go to Mori who is friends with fucking Amalee (an actual vtuber/voice actress)

>> No.77313366
File: 45 KB, 191x183, flayboobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can fix him

>> No.77313640

The fact all those hotties at phase love this guy. I think you nijisister should give him a watch since you love posting about him so much

>> No.77314353

Holostars is a separate agency under Cover.

>> No.77316741


>> No.77318673

