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77283517 No.77283517 [Reply] [Original]

fucking get a life


>> No.77283642
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>Not selling out tickets
>What do we do? Seethe on /vt/!!

>> No.77283656

surely this time kurosanji will FINALLY win a lawsuit right?

>> No.77283750
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>we have numerous ongoing legal proceedings against our affiliated live streamers both domestically and internationally for defamatory and libelous acts.

it's so over for you guys

>> No.77283753

people will just shitpost about this in the context of nijien but yeah japanese antis are fucked in the head and probably deserve some legal consequences

>> No.77283775

We do a little trolling

>> No.77283866

>Haru Kaida
>Is on JP side.

JP antis didn't support Selen en masse, will return the favor.

>> No.77283894

That's a Japanese issue. Everyone else gets to watch two monkeys fight, out of reach of Japanese law.

>> No.77283973

>jp law

>> No.77283982

only 3 applies outside japan and japanese

>> No.77283997

What is this? Publicity move? Who the fuck sharing legal proceeding to the public? Even doki more professional by keeping it quiet.
Also, good luck to prove defamation outside Japan.

>> No.77284068

>we have numerous ongoing legal proceedings against our affiliated live streamers
They're suing their own talents? Sounds about right.

>> No.77284082

anyshart has been tweeting about anti-defamation shit for YEARS now, nothing ever happens
for example this shit is from 2 years ago

fucking rushia, a completely mentally ill schizo with 1 random low-pay lawyer, can fire off multiple lawsuits against shitposters in a matter of months (she loses all cases, but still)

>> No.77284099

Actual antis are mental cases. Not console war bs, but actual psycho people.

>> No.77284162

So what's being said is that the only people allowed to harass Niji streamers is Njiisanji?

>> No.77284238

>Tag vandalism
Are they going to sue Elon for allowing bots to spam tags then?

>> No.77284254
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I really do wonder what the long term impact will be by having these litigious tantrums days before the Q4 report release. Surely nothing positive?

>> No.77284375

qrd on the pic?

>> No.77284439

>publicly states loss is negligible
Grants Doki immunity
Thanks Niji for being retarded

>> No.77284553

C&D alone is not enough. When they take it to the court against her then will it have impact.
I doubt they re that dumb but it is nijidumbdumb

>> No.77284567

Seems like most of leftist twitter is wanting to do that despite not giving a shit about it until Elon took over.

>> No.77284644

Anycolor sent this to Raziel...two months after she said her piece about Luca and 5 months after her NDA expired. She responded by saying she would comply as much as she already has with it and forwarded the letter to FalseEyeD.

>> No.77284646

>legal battle between 2 fictional characters
how this will work in court?

>> No.77284717
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International legal system be like: rip and tear until it is done ... and riku will be whimpering in the corner

>> No.77284862

>implying they actually will face consequences
Even if they have an ironclad case, Anycolor’s legal team will find a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

>> No.77284871

the international part is some C&D nobody will give a shit about kek

>> No.77284920

It’s just so stupid that Anycolor is doing this when they have lost multiple cases. All they really need to do is publicly apologize to Selen for her mistreatment, as she has been nothing but professional since leaving the company. They may have a leg to stand on for people assuming that the scammer ASMR dude would enter NijiEN, unless that was true and they did kick him out.

>> No.77285082

I very highly doubt it will be anything more than Cease and Desists internationally. It let's them tell their investors they're defending their reputation abroad and have it not be a lie.

All of this, why it's suddenly happening now, is all because of the Q4 report around the corner.

>> No.77285122

Another negligible "threat" by nijisanji

>> No.77285232

the "our company" bit is because they are paying the lawyers the minimum so they are just copypasting an already existing format

>> No.77285398

>samefagging schizo

>> No.77285423
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>Doing this right before the Q4 report
Well, someone is scared

>> No.77285483

There’s no amount of apologizing that’ll repair their image after that black stream. If they hadn’5 done that, maybe.

>> No.77285529

Are 1 and 2 even illegal outside Japan? They seem more like reasons to complain to YT and Twitter and get an account banned. I will wait and see what country their first international lawsuit is in. The worst offenders are probably in SEA.

>> No.77285699

Point 1 reminds me of that one game dev that tried to subpoena Steam user names because of bad reviews.

>> No.77285774

Maybe in the EU where they police everything you say and you have a better chance of landing in prison for saying something mean then you do for knifing someone

>> No.77285807

>All they really need to do is publicly apologize
Nah, it's already too late for that.

>> No.77285837

The challenge of sending Dokibird a cease and desist letter is figuring out what they are going to ask Doki to cease doing.

>> No.77285838

stay mad nijinigger
can't wait to see nijisanji lose lawsuit again

>> No.77285926

are they trying to invoke the streisand effect internationally?

>> No.77286053

nope, not illegal in eu

>> No.77286103

only against muslim, gays and black huh

>> No.77286159

Weird. Seems like something insignificant enough that they'd conduct a ton of studies on wasting millions and everyone's time and acting like they just saved the world while ignoring all the glaring issues.

>> No.77286183

what bugs me with this one though is that they never revealed who the serving legal counsel was. That should have been public information - that legal counsel is (((supposedly))) competent to defend themselves anyway, why bother censoring it? If anything, getting the counsel info out in public serves to also determine whether they have a foot in this race in the first place, especially if they're serving to a foreign contractor...

>> No.77286281

They already sent a c&d to Lucas groomer and she took the doc down.
The fact that it had been left up for so long beforehand and other people have had the chance to re-post it makes the c&d pretty much useless. Plus they had to pay a lawyer to arrange it for them just makes them look like retards.

>> No.77286358

Given how incompetent Niji is I would be willing to be a large amount of money the notice they sent was just a photocopy of a previous notice they've had served against them or from an action they took in the past and are trying to scare people into shutting up without spending the money required to hire a law firm

>> No.77286369

An apology won't immediately work, but the situation is fixable if they overhaul management, rebrand, and get rid of the Livers who caused the problems.

However, that would take months of work, and frankly the whole company seems too malicious and incompetent to do it. Instead they're focusing in harassing ex-talents and empty legal threats against people who criticize them online.

>> No.77286438

Now, I may be a retard who is wrong a lot, but part of me believes this is some 4d chess move on Raziels and Falses part to put Niji under even more fire

>> No.77286520

>Get BTFO for 300 replies in a post.
>Repost it again faking this is the first time.
>Get BTFO again.
The life cycle of a Nijisis. Also Jannies are Trannies for allowing this threadspam.

>> No.77286539
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they are suing over
let me get this straight... a lawsuit over being trolled on twitter?

>> No.77286567

we have other issues to deal with like rise of antisemism that is not by far right

>> No.77286703

Yeah, and if discovered, that would be tantamount to forging a legal document - which is why I think having that information public would have been very helpful in verifying whether it was Anycolor itself or some sis posing as them.

>> No.77286780

Thing is, that might ***actually*** work in JP.

There's there are kind of insane.

>> No.77286849

A C&D is not a legal document at all. Anyone who is literate can write and send one

>> No.77287164

This is Nijisanji we are talking about though. If this was Phase, Hololive or the Ironmouse friends society I would expect an actual law firm to have written this up, with Niji I'm 50/50 at best on it.

>> No.77287370

I am going to shove the constitution down your open mouth pacman motherfucker

>> No.77287944

Not gonna lie it would be funny to see dramatroons get hit with a SLAPP

>> No.77288275

legal or not, the point still stands though - having the sender remain unverified weakens this claim since it could now be purported that some other malicious party is faking C&Ds on Anycolor's behalf.

>> No.77288491

that's cool OP! Noe mwntion the part where the "antis" end up being their own fans and only because that homo DARED to do a bit better than the rest
anytime now

>> No.77288560

Literally the only reason this is happening is because Israel can't go more than a few months without committing war crimes against civilians.

>> No.77288758

>Corpo trying to sue someone in EU
The reason it's as you say is because EU is strongly in favor of individual rights, they BTFO Silicon Valley, Niji coming here with censorship would be ass blasted so hard they may even get range banned.

>> No.77288878

>Doesn't know what a SLAPP is.
A SLAPP works the other way moron, it's when you sue someone for defamation to silence them trying to drown them in debt to win.
SLAPP makes so you have to pay all the costs so people can defend themselves against being unjustly sued. Niji would be the one SLAPPed in USA.

>> No.77289010

>randomly using terms you don't know the meaning of
Nijisissy moment

>> No.77289030

Everyone in this thread is losing their mind about EN when this is about Kaida's fans who threatened to bring weapons to his liveshows because they're pissed off that he hates his genmates

>> No.77289148


>> No.77289246

The guy being talked about in the post. He recently had a collab with Suisei. A NijiJP male. His antis are both in Japan and overseas.

>> No.77289314
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A more coherent TL

>> No.77289534

Kaida could just apologize with a seppuku, like what his ancestors would've wanted

>> No.77290008

It was probably censored by False, and probably under the advice of his own lawyer. He's competent, and generally redacts legal documents as needed.
If Niji takes Raziel to court, then the name of their lawyer and law firm will become part of the public record, and will not need to be redacted any more, but that has not happened yet.

>> No.77290063

Nah, you can literally gorepost during election season in the twittertags without consequence if you want too for example.

>> No.77290112

>All they really need to do is publicly apologize to Selen for her mistreatment,
Apologize for something that never happened? You mean say sorry for not handling her with baby gloves

>> No.77290210

They should do that, I'm sure it'll go extremely well

>> No.77290511

Yeah, and knowing him he could probably be also doing further due diligence for another scoop down the line - it would really be funny if it turns out its some fujo just barely managing to put together some legal-looking document (noting the misspellings and all!)

>> No.77291188

>fanboying over a dramatuber
almost as embarrassing as when you did it with the ladyboy lawyer

>> No.77292511

>worshipping kurosanji
get a mirror sister

>> No.77293610

Did he say he actually hates them or is it just assumed since he avoids them now

>> No.77294303

>Take one year to act
>Liver who was affected had to apologize to "those who gave discomfort"
Basically, fuck the liver, company could not abuse him for gains so we needed to lawsuit, he's sorry for not having been a good pig meanwhile. Great to know.

>> No.77294433

He doesn't hate them but they went schizo after he was put in a different unit without him. Basically if you were ever in catalog threads in 2021 anons would discuss how Kanae and Kuzuha's fans are schizo and hate each other, VALZ fans, Kaida's unit, make those fans look like fluffy bunnies.

>> No.77295132

Didn't Chad Warden end up in jail?

>> No.77295527

>Turns out the schizo being sued is a Nijisis all along who hated Hada because femcollab.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH FRIENDLY FIRE, thank you sis, it seems the only thing over is you as always!

>> No.77298312

This is funny if some of the lawsuits are for losses incurred. Because, when Q4 comes up, whatever loss they got there can be used in court proceedings as the negligible Anycolor themselves stated. So any reported loss would have to be bigger than that amount to count as non-negligible per Anycolor's own words.

>> No.77302187

Oh no... anyway
