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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77273090 No.77273090 [Reply] [Original]

>Flase and kyo copystriked by anycolor Dramafags BTFO
Backtracked and failed
>"we are going to report you, anycolor is coming for you >:)"
oooooh scary
>anycolor tries to silence japanese keemstar
fails (again)
>mocks kuzuha, "The jap sisters are the scariest people on twitter you dont wanna mess with them >:) and they are coming for the drama channels
Where? Still waiting for them
>sends NDAs to artists on their nonexistent payroll
Plenty of spellibg mistakes to downright using wrong names
>sends C&D to luca's girlfriend
Took a year (prob screwed up names and addresses [again]) and is now reaching new eyes who has never heard of it before

>> No.77273184

anycolor is coming for the dramafags

>> No.77273250

Dramafags getting BTFO? GOOD
Can they also sue that popular japanese dramatuber.

>> No.77273537

arimiri down, p2y down, nijianti matome blogs down
holofags now having to resort to spamming yahoo finance pages
seems like it's going pretty well

>> No.77273630

>Took a year
Japanese Fax Machines, purisu andastando

>> No.77273701

which one

>> No.77273762

Narukami? Didn't they shoot themselves in the foot on that one by still merchandising Roa during her hiatus and the case?

>> No.77273797

And when would that be, sister?

At this point what other idle threats can Anycolor make and still be taken seriously?

>> No.77274597

>Salvi, Lidia, False & Khyo still on-line, still taking a big shit all over Anycolor on a daily basis
>/vt/ still taking big shits on Kurosanji on a daily basis
>r/kurosanji still live

>nyfco doxx site down, permanently
>Streisand Effect bites hard
>Kurosanji EN talents continue to be cancelled from expos, having been replaced by ex-Niji talents
>Kurosanji EN new generation getting 300-500 views per stream

That's not "going pretty well".

>> No.77274832

Wait they got removed from another con?

>> No.77274871

And he still got demolished. NijiGAWDS keep on winning

>> No.77274882

weebcon gave them the boot. Dunno about others. They're gonna have to deal with Doki at AX though.

>> No.77274928

Wouldn't it be fucking funny if whatever Doki's doing at AX ends up having a bigger crowd than the niji concert? I feel like it's probably not a panel since it was too sudden, but it'd be funny to see her at the artist alley or a meet and greet

>> No.77275042

You can't sue in the US or Canada for defamation when they are reporting facts. Did false make a few videos out of spite? Yes. Are they defamation under the law? No.
Sisters think they are winning without knowing anything about the law, and not remembering that their beloved leader only hires minimum wage bottom of the barrel lawyers.. sad... very sad...

>> No.77275077
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Sister, I agree that dramafags should be purged. But Anycolor is beyond incompetent and will probably dig themselves deeper.
Your management are cartoon-villain tier retarded.

>> No.77275087

It would be great if she went in person, dropped trou and shitted all over niji's booth

>> No.77275466

>You can't sue in the US or Canada for defamation when they are reporting facts
Good joke. Almost missed the punch line

>> No.77275617

sisters are from china, please understand

>> No.77275848

It's possible for Kurosanji to sue, but it's nearly impossible for them to win. They'd have to prove that what was reported was provably false and that the reporting was either malicious and/or reckless. Kurosanji claims would likely be frivolous and dismissed with prejudice.

>> No.77275990
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Please understand, minimum wage high school students can only do so much.

>> No.77276018

The Offkai Ethryia shit is the most clear cut case of defamation I have seen in my life. It could have only been clearer if False up and said "Nijisanji is preventing vendors from entering Offkai through bribery "

>> No.77276295

thats it your sued

>> No.77277882

No judge would take the case beyond preliminary hearing, reporting is not defamation
That was reported with evidence too.

I hope they sue False so he can counter sue and get a paycheck out of Anycolor, he wouldn't even cash the check, he would frame it and laugh until he chokes.

>> No.77277895
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Still waiting sister

>> No.77277913

I'm just waiting to hear the reports about the sisters sperging out and niji finally being blacklisted from the west.

>> No.77277954

kek. Nijisisters??

>> No.77278019

The fuck can Jp Nijisister even do? Mass reported shit they don't like? Lucubs discord already been doing that since forever.

>> No.77278022

>That was reported with evidence too
He was fucking begging for anyone to give him evidence it was real. There is none. He's fucked

>> No.77278345


>> No.77280902

