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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77243714 No.77243714 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.77243836

There's already a thread for this

>> No.77243878
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>> No.77243884

Yawn. Follows are cheaper than words. Let's see a collab at the very least.

>> No.77243936
File: 1.42 MB, 1109x1719, ax week 2 sales seats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread's about to max out.
Unlike Niji's AX concert

>> No.77244111

Go back to /vg/ faggot. Don't make new threads just because old one has many replies. One thread was enough.

>> No.77244510


>> No.77244743

Follows are a cheap first step. Matara following Sayu back is a huge leap towards healing another niji scar.

>> No.77245349
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The one with doki's mouth, please
I already have this one

>> No.77246564

When Sayu was having her meltdown weeks ago, you nijiniggers created 500 posts about this same shit. You fuckers have no right to complain about this.

>> No.77246678


>> No.77247084

So she pity baited and cried to Matara in person to get a measly follow? Funny. Isn't she the same bitch who said Matara wouldn't allow her into Vshoujo and that the whole Ex-Niji clique wasn't as nice as everyone thought?

>> No.77247558
File: 519 KB, 995x649, Hameln1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mata is the literal rrat catcher at this point in time.

>> No.77247974

You know who else is about to max out?

>> No.77247995

I think they're just acquaintances

>> No.77248252

Oh nyo. Looks like the Sisters were completely wrong. Again. Who could have foreseen this?

>> No.77248376

Sayu's womb is about to max out with my seed

>> No.77248697

Weird, I don't remember making this post

>> No.77248699

Wrong about what? Sayu literally said it herself

>> No.77248772


>> No.77249489
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If Matara's not ghosting her anymore, that's a win to me. I'm so happy they probably were able to talk.
They don't even need to collab or anything professionally. I'm just happy that there's at least SOME progress on the ghosting front, and I think being able to talk directly with Mata probably took a huge load off of her mind.
Hopefully now she can finally start really, truly healing and growing.

>> No.77249532

I’m pretty sure that was (You) who said that.

>> No.77249636


>> No.77249701

Man, X is truly the modern Facebook, huh?
However, good for them. Good for Matara to slay another rrat and good for Sayu to see that a certain group of people doesn't ignore her.

>> No.77250110

Anyone have a link to this?

>> No.77250533

Matara Kan, Slayer of Rrats

>> No.77250613

the seating stuff? It's on the AX website. Just go to where it says to buy a ticket and it'll show you the available seats remaining.

>> No.77250687

I'm not a nijinigger you retard.
People were happy Sayu and Matara reconciled in the original thread, you don't have to turn everything into drama war.

>> No.77250969

NTA but I agree with you
The last thing Sayu needs is more drama, and we shouldn't stoop to the same level as those subhumans

>> No.77251832

As long as Sayu dumps the drama tubers, disavows the right wing grifters and finally moves on from her past with Nijisanji, no reason she can't renew her dialogue with Mata.

>> No.77252871

You sayufag kept posting rrats about matara manipulating mint into hating doki, about matara approving of quinn's "doxxing", about her blocking sayu from opportunities. I hope you are ready to eat your words. I will accept naked dogeza as an apology.

Although it may have been just one schizo. In which case, i apologize. Btw fuck you piprup i hope you kys

>> No.77253197

This is honestly some of the best news. Even if they never collab they are at minimum sharing info in private which is all people wanted anyway

>> No.77254130

The first two were done by random schizos /here/, Piprup and the other Sincroknights had nothing to do with that. The last one was guesswork based on what little information we had at the time but it's still an L on our part. I apologize, Anon, I was wrong about Matara.

t. Sincroknight

>> No.77254435

Yeah. I'm just happy that all the rrats between the two are slayed and there's no animosity between them anymore, whether it was real or merely perceived by fans. Now we know they're fine with each other and that's enough. Peace restored.

>> No.77254979

Does sayu follow her? As a momo I am very very surprised if they "talked things out" at offkai. Maybe this is matara just reaching out now.

>> No.77255042

>Does sayu follow her?
Look at the OP image

>> No.77255130

>Even if they never collab they are at minimum sharing info in private which is all people wanted anyway
who exactly wanted this? what possible info do you think they'd even share? Matara isn't gonna give Sayu secret drama deets she can leak to her chat again.

>> No.77255216

>piprup defense
Anon, maybe you just want to defend your fellow fan but I have seen that person at other places too. Sorry, My opinion about them is not changing. As for you sayu I hope we see some hag sex art in the coming weeks. Not to be crude, but she has a very sex model.

>> No.77255336

Ah, I'm retarded. Sucks finding out that way.

>> No.77255505


>> No.77255512
File: 74 KB, 1024x576, 1688119466938486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure it happened like this
>Sayu buys her way into Offkai because they refused to invite her
>Sayu shows up and spends the entire convention trying to find Matara's rm to beg her for a twitter follow
>Matara is creeped the fuck out and gives her a pity follow hoping she'll go away
>They go their separate ways
>Sayu logs onto /vt/ to spam threads about how Matara follows her so shes officially one of the cool kids now
This is where we're at now

>> No.77256051

I wonder if Matara finally found out what a scumbag Quinn is.

>> No.77256336

Well if what you say is true then I think he deserves a chance to apologize for engaging in rratposting, at least as long as he promises not to do it again. Also yeah, Sayu is absolute sex and needs much more horni art.

>> No.77256365

An acceptable outcome.

>> No.77256497

Cool story, bro

>> No.77256509

If she did, then I'm glad she didn't have to find out the hard way like Sayu.

>> No.77256884

Find out what exactly? Do you really think sayu just went up to matara and went "ooga booga quinn doxxed me" and matara went "okay?". Half this board doesn't even believe the doxxing rrats because no one ever points to the proof. Even less so outside /here/.

>> No.77256980 [DELETED] 

I'd be more inclined to believe she found out stuff about him on her own a week ago and let sayu reach out because of it.
She seemed strangely defensive and distant about him.

>> No.77257153

Whatever it is, I don't care anymore. As long as he doesn't try anything again, I just want shit to be over and for people to not have to worry about sabotaging each other.

>> No.77257198

I never mentioned Quinn doxing, Sayu. But I did see him using his RM twitter siding with the hate mob against Zaion, and the streams where he continued making fun of her twitlonger and sarcastically mentioning how he'll "help" you out behind the scenes while you're being cancelled, yet unironically joining the mobe cancelling you.

He's scum.

>> No.77257535

Matara the rrat slayer

>> No.77257655

Do you think Sayu and Matara had sex?

>> No.77258096

I know you are shitposting, but matara talked about her offkai schedule and she would have been extremely busy to properly have a talk with sayu. Assuming this was the event where they made up. That's why I am confused?

>> No.77258112

I don't think so, but I'm going to imagine it anyway.

>> No.77258114

NTA but Yeah

>> No.77258199

You can figure out a lot of things in a 10 minute face-to-face, private talk.

>> No.77258279

>one of them could only last 10 minutes
Who was top and who was bottom?

>> No.77258306

Her schedule is just things they are doing in character. They definitely got some off time at the convention otherwise what's the point in even going?
I highly doubt Matara made up with Sayu after all Sayu's done to her. But she probably calculated that it's easier to just take pity on the menhera girl so she doesn't end up on the kill list when Sayu inevitably snaps.

>> No.77258321

afaik Matara has an ovipositor and sayu's a dwarf so

>> No.77258338

they had make up sex i guess

>> No.77258728

>all Sayu's done to her
Divide and conquer didn't work the last 100 times you tried it, sister.

>> No.77258758

good now go apologize to matara sayufags

>> No.77258760

>off time
Bro she had to sign a million post cards did you even see how high that stack was?

>> No.77258961

On my way to do just that. Sorry Momo, we were wrong.

>> No.77259000

Yeah... he's not doing that
He's kind of a loose cannon there.
I do agree on the horni art tho, shame the best I can do is probably just a butt shot.

>> No.77259083

Does drawing her massive badonkers count?

>> No.77259097
File: 21 KB, 112x112, saywucomfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll apologize if either Matara does or Sayu sounds like she has a weight off her shoulders when she comes back.
Hell, I'll even buy a Mata sub if it turns out well. I don't even need bestie status, I just want Sayu to stop being so depressed about it.
Thenagain the worst I ever did was shut up when I saw schizos spreading rrats about her. Pretty sure the only people who went after her or her fans directly aren't exactly stream-watchers and just drama-hungry people or sisters trying to force infighting.

>> No.77259114

Yay we can all get along now

>> No.77259767
File: 223 KB, 428x512, 1000009175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some indie and a Vshojo talent follow eachother
So what?
Are we just making threads on anything nowdays?

>> No.77259793

Why tf would I do that now that we're so back. Ultimately, this is a small first step. I'm ready to apologize for the last thing but I stand behind what I said about her shilling Quinn. Also, I never said she manipulated Mint into hating Doki

Honestly, that's ok. I was pretty vocal about some stuff a lot of people wouldn't be. I'm not likable, but I don't think I need respect from a random person on 4chan

If this is the beginning of mending the broken bridges I'll have no reason to rrat post about it again. I went pretty far with some of the stuff I said but I was simply saying what I thought was happening

Also, I know revealing that I'm /here/ is not the greatest idea but I think hiding behind anonymity in this case isn't the right thing to do

>> No.77259896

Why are you people responding to a niji sister?
Only they use "sayufags".

>> No.77260184

Sayufag is a neutral term, Anon, remember we're on 4chan and fag is used as a suffix here. Sisters usually opt for Sayucucks or deliberately misspelling Sincroknights.

>> No.77260229

I have always called you sayufags because you were too late in deciding a fan name and now the name itself is hard to type due to my issues. And what are you mad about the word fag, you little chicken? This is 4channel, not reddit, you fag.

>> No.77260305

No but they should stream it if they do

>> No.77260359

Sayu's pretty much the last gigantic elephant in the room for ex-nijis. The last loose end. The ignored middle child who everyone lampshaded and tried to forget ever existed.
Her getting at least acknowledged by Matara after having a falling out is huge for her mental state and will likely reduce or prevent future breakdowns.

>> No.77260368
File: 142 KB, 600x600, pep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sayu doesn't collab with any ex-niji for the next year
>has a meltdown ever few months over not being able to collab with any ex-niji
>wrestletuber 2025
>sayu hijacks the main event after doki wins
>'Selen, I hate this idea that you're the best. Because you're not. I'm the best. I'm the best in the world. But there's one thing you're better at than I am and that's kissing Elira's ass.'
>steals the title from doki after matara turns heel and gives sayu the VShojo™ in the Bank briefcase

>> No.77260427

I know it's generally neutral but in this case specifically I've only seen it used by obvious haters over past few weeks.

Like, only a drama stirring nijinigger would behave this way
After both talents have reconciled.

>> No.77260538

>this guy was doxxing someone
>prove it
>I cant post the proof because that will be doxxing someone
>so he didn't do it then
What kind of logic is this

>> No.77260584

Fair. I'm just hesitant to jump at shadows considering everything that's happened.

>> No.77260812

>I can't post the proof because xyz
>"okay send the proof to false eyed D so he would cover."
> I can't, because I just can't
>"doxxing is an incredibly serious offence, how do I just believe you? Give me something man"
>just trust me bro..
>uggggghhhhh sister sister.

Far more apt. And even if I did believe your ramblings do you really expect matara to come to this shithole and go "Ohhhhh!! My eyes have been opened!! I always knew quinn was a rat reeee"

>> No.77260950

>>"okay send the proof to false eyed D so he would cover."
False doesn't cover doxxes like that.
He avoids interpersonal spats in general. That's why he didn't report on the kenji crap, either.

>> No.77261170

Ok but why should any of us care about her mental state? She's not even in Hololive.

>> No.77261257

Yes, Matara laid her eggs right into Sayu's cyber-womb

>> No.77261311

> with passport
>interpersonal spat

Good lord man do you hear yourself ? This is 100x more serious than anything that the fag kenji did. And false would have eventually covered it if kenji kept escalating.

>> No.77261366

>false doesnt cover doxes liek that
Is that why he covered the dox video someone made on froot

>> No.77261419

I hope they can heal.

>> No.77261459

Cuz if Sayu ends up happy, the sisters lose their last easy target and suddenly they have to find something new to cope with

>> No.77261636

Hopefully they'll just move on to kpop shit. most of them already did judging by how ccv kept dropping from 2022 over 2023 to what it s now.

>> No.77261642

Yeah, but putting more eyes on real doxxshit just attracts actual schizos and bad actors. If there was evidence that hard it would go to a lawyer instead of a dramatuber anyways.
Wasn't that dox shit fake? AI generated fake nudes or something along those lines and a bunch of smear shit. That was spreading awareness on it for people to not believe it iirc.

>> No.77261764

KYS frog poster!

>> No.77261842

No it was real
Either way he talked about in explicit entire situation that was entirely considered dox for Froot, while also doxing the Seasister who made the video.

Really strange video

>> No.77261847

The poster above me was implying that he has proof but can't post it /here/ because that would be doxxing. So I told him to send it to false. Like shit man, you cant just point at someone and accuse them of something so serious. And even after that expect other vtubers to take it seriously.

>> No.77261955

Pretty fucked. I must've missed it. I'll have to check it out later. He commented on why he didn't talk about the kenji sayu shit on a stream and he said it was because he didn't cover interpersonal shit and because the situation was over, he didn't want to start up any more fires.

>> No.77262064


>> No.77262217

Most of these cunts came from Kpop to begin with so they'll just be going back to where they belong.

>> No.77263467

would this be a good time to revive the general?

>> No.77263792

>who exactly wanted this?
Their fans. People who want the two of them to be happy. People who would be pleased to know that they don't hate each other.

>> No.77264387

No? She's not even streaming until tuesday

>> No.77264520

last couple of streams there was no thread i belive and i think a saw the baker say hes going on break because of all the antis. i could be wrong.

>> No.77264588

I've baked it a few times and yeah that was my logic too. No point when it's just gonna get drowned out in the hate threads. It's not like there's anything to discuss right now.

>> No.77264836

so coming back to my question we're baking for next stream?

by 'we' i mean (you)

>> No.77264851
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Matara was the true ex-Niji unitychad we needed. I kneel.

>> No.77264997

ah yeah, then probably on tuesday.
And I'm only one of the dudes who just grabbed a random template and used it for the thread. I'm not the one who does it most of the time.
God, I hope she sounds happier. Clearly some crazy shit happened at Offkai and I'd love to hear about it.

>> No.77265077

The West is healing.
Love feel-good stories.

>> No.77265362

>Clearly some crazy shit happened at Offkai
me, sayu and matara had a threesome
shit was cash money

>> No.77266255

>logs onto /vt/
she probably has a secret 4chan gold account too

>> No.77266309

They really just needed to meet in person. Shit just gets done and heart to hearts happen that way, its worth nothing over discord in comparison

>> No.77266416

Dimes desu

>> No.77266437

And people say Mint is a fucking fence-sitter. More like peacemaker

>> No.77266771

She might even own the 4channel dot org website

>> No.77266988

no need to brag Mint

>> No.77266994

Sayumoot, bring back IP counts please.

>> No.77267148

And add fucjing flags to /vt/, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD

>> No.77267276

I hate niji but I hate sayu even more for being drama and a person who openly said she would sell herself for sex. Ugly ass person on the inside and it speaks more about her cuckfans. She can be near the roach but I hope doki and mint stay away from this drama queen whore.

>> No.77267506
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>> No.77267560

You aren't fooling anyone sister. Nyfco lost by the way.

>> No.77267622

>sayucuck hands typed and posted this

>> No.77267673

>sayucuck hands typed and posted this
>I hope doki and mint stay away from this drama queen whore
Get their names out of your cunt mouth

>> No.77267798
File: 27 KB, 254x212, 1709822690302324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate niji but

>> No.77267824

Fuck you faggot, sayu is a shithead who was rightfully terminated within a month. She just wants to ride the coattails of Doki.

>> No.77267938

not giving you a (you)
Least delusional sister

>> No.77267956
File: 302 KB, 1167x1200, 1712900359371982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to do that but I would appreciate it

>> No.77268023

You know I’m right anon. Sayu is a manhara who has melties daily.

>> No.77268139

How many times are you sisters going to try the same tactic? We know you cunts falseflag to try and get fanbases to fight each other, you've been trying with Sayu and Doki since fucking February. And that's not even getting into all the attempts (lmao) you've made with Hololive fans. Did eating all that bat soup rot your brain or are you more of a pagpag person?

>> No.77268152
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>> No.77268161


>> No.77268167

Nijisisters clearly

>> No.77268175

I just don’t want her to poison the water well. You’re a fool to think every nay sayer is a sister faggot.

>> No.77268192

I'm really happy for Sayu! But I just hope she won't have another menhera attack and ruin it.

>> No.77268197

Your parents did, unfortunately.

>> No.77268264

Nyfco lost.

>> No.77268610

Funny that sounds just like what a seething nijinigger would say

>> No.77268894

So, we all can get along now?

>> No.77269070

Sure, after your oshi sucks my dick.

>> No.77269121

What if my oshi is aster?
Does he get to suck you off?

>> No.77269211

God forbid someone deems Sayu a drama queen who had the worst meltdown and an awful person to be near their oshis. She sure doesn’t love to stir the pot or talk shit about people.

>> No.77269278

See I told you it's a nijinigger

>> No.77269353

See he spoke the truth? Anon?

>> No.77269503

That much was obvious from it's first post. Nyfco refugees aren't smart, just very loud.

>> No.77269650

NTA but that little femboy slut can get his bussy crushed by BWC. He's an emotional brat in need of immediate rape correction.

>> No.77270408

If they were smart they wouldn't be nijiniggers

>> No.77270596

god forbid someone gets emotional after a smear campaign of a multi million dollar company followed by nonestop harrasment.

>> No.77271701

its been nearly 2 years and she's still being a cunt that's not being emotional it's being a landmine.

>> No.77272430

>nearly 2 years
It's barely been a year and three months since her firing and hitpieces. And like the other anon said, her harassment has continued to this day. By SEETHEters. Like you

>> No.77272771

So since there's no general for you lot how was the offkai?. Did you go there?

>> No.77272841

Her most recent stream before she went to Offkai had a bunch of retards in YouTube chat spamming 'divorced lul' right when stream started. Just emphasizing your point about her still getting harassed.

>> No.77272896

Nyfco lost. Nijisanji is dying. Deal with it.

>> No.77273523

Our grandparents' generation will find a nice guy/ girl, get married and stay married to them for life. Now people have multiple partners and get divorced at the drop of a hat.

What's the world's coming to.

>> No.77274693

You can't just ask a menhera to stop being menhera. She'll inevitably find something else to get depressed about, but in the meantime I'm also happy for her.

>> No.77274818
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>> No.77275165

That's pretty cute.

>> No.77275474

kek thats quite the match. they should make out. on stream.

>> No.77275521

Losing this mouth is the only big downside of Doki getting a new model.

>> No.77276427


>> No.77277009

Did Piprup apologize to Matara already?

>> No.77277072


>> No.77277192

No one knows if she'll lose the mouth yet

>> No.77277266

Impressive cope, sister.

>> No.77277281
File: 1.49 MB, 1800x2400, 37c2fa4647ba03837c935bf83b076728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wake up
>See that someone actually answered

Thank you anon

>> No.77277440

thread ids too

>> No.77277468

Doki doesn't seem to mind.

>> No.77277599


>> No.77277897

He better have or he's getting plapped by me. The need for correction plays no favourites.

>> No.77279698

You cant correct a hateful personality and self righteousness. Once sayu gets better he will probably go saviourfag some other chuuba whose misery he can use to spew hatred at others. That's just who he is.

>> No.77280208

Anon, spamming and forcing rrats, you just being cancer behind a mask of moralfagging at this point. That you admit your not likable, then use Sayu as a shield is telling.
