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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77215949 No.77215949 [Reply] [Original]

For 6 weeks and up until 10 minutes before it started, both Phase and Offkai had been advertising that Pippa, Tenma, Uruka and Lia as appearing on the main stage.
Only half of them did, leaving the fans of the vtubers who didn't appear mad.

Is false advertising now an acceptable practice?

>> No.77216011

Offkai is guilty of by deception.

>> No.77216034

What did Niji do this time?

>> No.77216062

still going? you should ACCELERATE

>> No.77216076

Theft by deception

>> No.77216155
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>> No.77216234


>> No.77216339

Phase is a black company
Offkai is a black convention

>> No.77216498 [DELETED] 
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The seats poster is confirmed to be a phasecuck

>> No.77216713

No, it's just everyone hates nijiniggers

>> No.77216784
File: 3.00 MB, 1120x630, Reddit Frog Spammers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reddit frog

>> No.77218092

we need more wars

>> No.77220527

Sister or /pol/tard
You decide!

>> No.77220669

Blocked from offkai

>> No.77220885

Lia was there. That's all that matters.

>> No.77221521

Well? File the class-action lawsuit against Offkai. We're waiting

>> No.77221726

It wasn't Offkai that blocked their appearance it was Phase supposedly who decided to let their girls no-show. Class-action against Sakana lets fucking go.

>> No.77221862

They're not sending their best sisters...

>> No.77222122
File: 383 KB, 399x450, 1704957778637103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's what Offkai staff said. You won't get a more direct source than that.
I only added "supposedly" because I don't trust anything anymore when it comes to vtubers.

>> No.77222404

Go to the con to see the full concert, crying over a fucking stream of a con that your are not going to because you are a poor fag, I fucking hate phase, but you retards looking for drama for a stream of a con is sad bait.

>> No.77222659

>Retard with an axe to grind says it wasn't him

>> No.77222961

As a canadian, i would rather castrate myself than go anywhere in the states

>> No.77222996

blame that phase's ceo he wanted to monitize the stream so he requested it be taken down

>> No.77223225

Ah yes, Phase's CEO John Phase. Thank you well-informed sister, have this 2025 offkai badge in thanks.

>> No.77223789

>As a canadian
Don't worry, you already have

>> No.77223847

Worked 4 times plapping to your sister yesterday, i dont think they are inert yet my dude

>> No.77227682


>> No.77231241

the plot thickens!

>> No.77235263


>> No.77238234

Normal Phase grift

>> No.77241020

That's sad.

>> No.77241052


>> No.77241842

>The Disappearance of Pippa & Tenma
>Pippa and tenma were there
>Lia and Uraka were not

>> No.77242203

>phasefags blaming a random volunteer mod for shutting down an entire event because he said he doesnt like pippa over a year ago or nazis in two separate statements
the guy has poor optics but this is peak retardation. not everything has to be a conspiracy, anime cons are just notoriously incompetent when it comes to A/V.

>> No.77243343
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weird how so many "conspiracies" around woke shit all turn out to be true in time?

>> No.77243780

So why hasn't h2osakana said anything about this yet? Is it because he was the one who actually fucked up and is trying to figure out how to word his response to a bunch of angry fans?

>> No.77244070

>why hasn't Fish pour fuel into the fire like a fucking retard?
This is why he's CEO and you're not

>> No.77244332

It's the Sisters and that /pol/fag vtuber who streamed in a trashcan who are responsible.

>> No.77245679

>In time
Come back and gloat when it's actually true

>> No.77246336

so why this fag making statements on behalf of offkai?
if his claim is not collaborated by phase then there is a serious problem

>> No.77248998

it's all true

>> No.77252109

Did anything actually come of this?

>> No.77254021

No, just phasekeks swinging at ghosts.

>> No.77254748

No because he was the mod and is a marina simp and when push came to shave "blamed phase connect". Every single "volunteer"(aka activist) should be thrown out.
But you are also disingenuous.

>> No.77255038

The leftist faggot shouldn't be a mod in the first place, regardless.

>> No.77255838


>> No.77261453

That's a LOT of activity.
