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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 212 KB, 1957x783, offkai mod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77214301 No.77214301 [Reply] [Original]

Should people like this be allowed to control vtuber conventions?

>> No.77214382

Make your own convention if you don't like it. Why are rightoids so entitled?

>> No.77214458

>a spic named gustavo, probably fat af, in charge of an event people from all over the world have their eyes on
America has fallen

>> No.77214521

>an event people from all over the world have their eyes on

>> No.77214522
File: 1.44 MB, 500x510, 1642478370910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Chuds need to stay out of our hobby. Any vtubers who Played hogwarts should be shunned out of this hobby.

>> No.77214596

maybe pickme pippa shouldn't keep a neonazi audience

>> No.77214641

The con was an astounding success so yeah.

>> No.77214697


>> No.77214728

Unironically yes

>> No.77214752
File: 371 KB, 1089x739, 20240531_131212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nijin sister in house tonight, nijin sister gonna have a goood time

>> No.77214780

Calm down sister

>> No.77214847

you think a volunteer twitch mod controls the convention?

>> No.77214910

how much does one get paid to mod a twitch chat

>> No.77214974

What's the problem?

>> No.77214987

legit Phase needs to just run their own con next year, fuck OffKai, was a shit show last year and was bound to be worse this year
if your 2view is nice they will meet up and fuck

>> No.77215023

Anon shits on a sister, gets called a sister. Yeah, they are not sending their best today.

>> No.77215147
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>> No.77215166

Gustavo el orge americana

>> No.77215173

Calm down sister

>> No.77215235

I have to imagine Sakana is fucking pissed. By all accounts Phase pretty much bailed out Offkai last year. They had fuck all going for them but Phase put on a good showing. This year Phase invested a fuck ton of money into them and got fucked over. Whether it was incompetence or sabotage I'd still be fucking livid. You'd expect them to roll out the red carpet for you but instead you just get shit on.

>> No.77215237

Will this be the thread where the catalog realises that the stream was killed so that Fish can sell the VOD of the concert at a later date for 30 dollars (same thing Idol and V4Mirai are doing)? Rhetorical question, of course, they won't. There is HOT DRAMA on the log for besties to discuss. SPILL! THE! TEA!

>> No.77215303

>legit Phase needs to just run their own con next year, fuck OffKai, was a shit show last year and was bound to be worse this year
No other significant corpo will attend a phase-run con.

>> No.77215311

>chat moderator

>> No.77215316


>> No.77215328

Fishman should have just shelled out to go to AX instead. Hopefully he takes the hint next year or just hits up more cons in general. In all fairness he has been doing that more this year, he went to Anime North this year but didn't last time.

>> No.77215384

He could easily link up with a few of the smaller ones.

>> No.77215399

>nothing but muscle mommies and balloon tit whores in his likes
this is why lolicons should be in charge

>> No.77215416
File: 55 KB, 591x1024, 1717336184837202m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need a mirror sister?

>> No.77215453

>Whether it was incompetence or sabotage I'd still be fucking livid.
Quite obvious it was sabotage. Fishman should have yelled at them to let Kirsche in and get the hostile volunteers kicked out to stop pissing off his talent.

>> No.77215477

are you calling someone a sister while claiming that they are a large fat guy

>> No.77215482

Define significant. I'm sure Phase could get most other small corpos. Maybe even a few Vshojo members as they basically function like indies. They could definitely get Filian. Obviously they're not getting any Niji's or Holos but Offkai barely got those. Honestly for what they put into this con they probably could have gotten about 75% of the draw with 0% of the headache.

>> No.77215518

Yep the woke californian volunteer twitch mod managed to fuck over their top sponsor's events.

It's definitely a spooky evil liberal and not just typical miscommunication and shit tech support. An anonymous poster leaked it so it must be true.

>> No.77215603

its their convention. if you dont like it make your own

>> No.77215610

could be a trans girl anon

>> No.77215636

They have control over the stream which is what people are upset about, no? e.g. running ads over a specific portion of a panel to fuck over a talent they have a political disagreement with

>> No.77215645

Hopefully not in fucking California if they do something. Either that or other sensible vtuber fans club up and make their own event and show they can run it far better than the Offkai jackoffs.

>> No.77215644

are you retarded

>> No.77215660

Do you realize that running a con is actually really hard, especially if you don't have experience? A first time PhaseCon would be at least as much of a shitshow as this, probably worse.

>> No.77215671
File: 28 KB, 610x170, pippa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is in his likes

>> No.77215688

Why would Phase finance a con of small corpos instead of BRAVE?

>> No.77215700

A single twitch mod runs offkai. Well there’s your problem right there. Get that brother some help

>> No.77215732

they ran ads over the entire hololive panel too. most panels were not streamed.

>> No.77215736

Sister are sister

>> No.77215780

sister means female, seachama

>> No.77215789

>/pol/tards with brainrot want to turn vtubing into the next front on their culture war
>bitch about volunteers at a convention being in control
>never actually want to volunteer because it's free work

>> No.77215820
File: 119 KB, 688x391, 1708000931112487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was also on the hogwarts boycott wagon

>> No.77215826

People who fill the void in their lives with American identity politics have a strange mindset where they're both the eternally persecuted victims and smart gigachads that will win in the end.

>> No.77215880

Just like HoloEN and NijiEN then.

>> No.77215884

You're acting like this isn't the exact sort of petty bullshit that progressive liberals are known for. For example, it's political types like him that block major highways, inconveniencing hundreds of people, to protest over shit like BLM or Israel. This kind of behavior is completely on brand.

>> No.77215889

I will never volunteer at one of these commie cons because I'm not a wagie. Doesn't mean I can't state how their volunteers are objectively silencing dissenting opinions.

>> No.77215937

I believe such people should be shipped to an obscure small african country so they can briefly alleviate the hunger issues

>> No.77215951

Not sure what you're asking. If it's why would Phase do this and not BRAVE the answer is Phase wants a bigger presence on the con scene and is constantly getting fucked over by the biggest one despite investing in it heavily.

If the question is why would they get small corpos and not invite BRAVE the answer is even simpler. Phase is clearly the biggest draw if they have a convention of small corpos and indies. If you're going to start your own con you want to be the biggest deal at the con.

>> No.77215983

well then stop crying you big faggot

>> No.77215994

You know Pippa and all the other girls agree with the spic right? That's why they were silent on Kirsche. They are not le based girls.

>> No.77216005

Eh, that's not a bad sign, it's only one when there's no loli in there.

>> No.77216036

So are these threads made by the sisters or kiwifags?

>> No.77216070

They don't want any association with the fat lard

>> No.77216109

Phasefags, nijisanji shit randomly popped up when the first thread >>77202971 made fun of them so they're trying to slide their shit corp

>> No.77216117

Incompetence on Offkai's part, malevolence on the part of the volunteers. His latest tweet (the one with the middle finger) has a single like from what seems to be another Offkai volunteer.

>> No.77216120

sisters been at it non stop yeah

>> No.77216151

And Pippa who kneeled to trannies after playing once.

>> No.77216150

How the fuck are their opinions relevant?

>> No.77216153

are phasekeks mad because they accidentally streamed part of the panel that shouldn't have been streamed or are they mad because they didn't stream the entire panel that should have been streamed?

>> No.77216183

least obvious sister falseflagger.

>> No.77216199
File: 8 KB, 1280x1280, 1712080315201496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the same thing as silence is violence shit is it not. Silence = any position you see fit

>> No.77216203

>Stop stating facts that contrast with my worldview REEEEEEEEEE
You will never be a woman, no matter how much you type like one. Your bones, your DNA, and that gaping axe wound where your cock used to be will be the only things that remain when you join the 41%.

>> No.77216218
File: 141 KB, 870x1171, 1691212891153576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about male sisters

>> No.77216225

You dramafags dragging phase into your culture war only harms the girls and gives them a perception they do not want.

>> No.77216232

"i don't want to do anything I just wanna bitch on the internet
>/pol/tarded internet activism
literally the tranny hogwarts protests all over again.

>> No.77216251

the word for that is "brother"

>> No.77216268

>go to American con in the bluest pocket inside a lib state
>be surprised there's liberals
Can someone explain the logic behind being upset here?

>> No.77216270

Do your reps on Pippa.

>> No.77216306

What the fuck are you talking about. Stop poisoning the discourse.

>> No.77216319

Pretty sure it's "monk".

>> No.77216366
File: 61 KB, 519x169, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will this cuck make the video on phase drama?

>> No.77216377

Vtubing is a right wing safe space and all vtubers should be made to publicly declare their commitment to black genocide, hating troons and supporting Israel

>> No.77216389
File: 477 KB, 1280x720, 1674486243059857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont give a shit
just go to cgl

>> No.77216415

>give you the truth
phasefag pls

>> No.77216476


>> No.77216546

"the truth" sister, your efforts have not worked in over 20 threads in less than 24h, how the fuck you think that is going to work now? get the fuck out of /here/ with your falseflagging

>> No.77216579

>not sure what you're asking
Brave has money and they need advertising. Phase needs a reliable organizer that won't fuck them over. win-win.

>> No.77216578

I don't see it. Is it because they both start with "p"?

>> No.77216587

How far we have come from "No politics in vtubing" to "FUCKING NAZIS". Yes, I am a NatSoc Hololive fan, deal with it.

>> No.77216597


>> No.77216605

notice that the only vshojo that's ever done a collab with a phase girl is the ESL one who doesn't know what phase's reputation is
this is not a coincidence, you might disagree with their stance but vsj members are very big on out-of-org collabs so never collabing with phase is an active choice they're making
vshojo wouldn't attend a phase-organized con

>> No.77216608

That image sent my sides

>> No.77216683

It is unfair for Lia and Uruka. They are supposed to be in the vent and it was taken away from them.

Pippa still got to do her stuff so the saboteurs didn’t do anything but fuck over innocent chuubas.

>> No.77216684

Why are leftists so soulless that they can't put their politics aside even for a vtuber convention? Where normal people see fun hobbies and communities, leftists just see platforms to spread their ideology and targets for subversion. No surprise leftists are all fucking miserable with such a bleak worldview.

>> No.77216686

After he's done plapping 2views at OffKai.

>> No.77216783

I miss the height of vtuber around 2022 when a large part of en-vtubing was light hearted and fun, seems like when 2023 rolled around some weird floodgate opened and things just imploded with politics, infighting, everyone becoming coomerbait, scams, etc.

>> No.77216794

"why are they so political that they don't want a politics vtuber on the con"
what a fucking riddle eh?

>> No.77216864

I'm sure Japan, the country that was Axis and never apologized for it, fully appreciates people in the OP.
The terminally online vs virtual entertainers. Maybe YAGOO is right. Maybe we do need the normies to flush these guys out.
God I never thought I'd say that.

>> No.77216866

Which chuuba spread their "ideology" during their panels? Because the only one that shit like that did a meet and greet outside on a parking lot trashcan.

>> No.77216953

None, and that was the point of having her with the trash cans.

>> No.77217003

The pandemic ended and only weirdos like (You) me and extremely online hormonal and political messes stuck around to be loud. Not to say well adjusted people aren't out and about supporting their oshis it's just that they don't speak up and aren't aware of shit like this.

>> No.77217107

No. Even if you hate working with someone, you get out yourself or work professionally and complaint later.
Casuing a sabotage makes you unreliable and earns you a blacklist from the job in the future as the employee can't worry you will have a political schizo moment and cost their money.

>> No.77217153

She was leeching off the con's wi-fi too, it's why they used the trashcan

>> No.77217237

That argument becomes a bit hollow when you take a look at the organizers

>> No.77217263


>> No.77217345

Agreed. Work should be separated from personal beliefs. Especially when it's singular event which you don't have to deal with daily.

>> No.77217390
File: 133 KB, 864x407, Screenshot_20240602-132024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP why post this image that has nothing to do with Pippa when the guy posted this within hours of fucking up the stream and blaming Phase?

>> No.77217399

Collateral damage.
Being Pippa’s genmate must be painful.

>> No.77217413

The argument becomes totally hollow when you see that there were no politics in the con, and didn't give a panel to the one that manly does politics, as simple as that. No politics at the con, nor right wing nor left wing.

>> No.77217447

What a little bitch

>> No.77217522

Please do this, I need to laugh at the unfathomable cringe that will come out of it.

>> No.77217535
File: 163 KB, 509x502, 1699996440666959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brother, the only one shoving politics into a fun hobby is Kirsche and her fans

>> No.77217540

Why the fuck are there unironic chuds in the vtubing community? Vtubing is one of the most pro LGBT “woke” industry on the planet

>> No.77217545

>Sisters found their man to blame and prop up
The only thing really funny is the fact is the sisters are now teaming up with dramafags and grifters that have been trashing the Nijis 24/7 for this.

>> No.77217578

No bro, you don't get it, there were pronoun stickers at stand.
They oppressed them with pronoun stickers, it was literally an attack on their human rights.

>> No.77217623

If you're attending any sort of culture convention in America, you absolutely would shit your pants and cry at the sight of any genuine right-winger. Pretending American conventions are of a quality comparable to Japanese ones is beyond retarded. Japanese conventions are about the product that people paid for. American conventions are about hanging out with your penpals in fursuits.

>> No.77217640

I assume so anyway, not gonna waste my time reading any other posts when it's already been said.

>> No.77217710

>It was always like this
lol, lmao even. It wasn't until Luxiem hit and even then it was contained to them until recently.

>> No.77217719

la goblina

>> No.77217745


Hate that people are trying to relate this to the Pippa situation.

Pippa is a funny idiot kid. Just saying some cringe 4channer shit sometimes doesn't make her anywhere close to Kirsche

Kirsche is an obnoxious hag Alex jones wannabe who was right to be banned. Literally who 2view who profited more from the press of being kicked out than she has ever gained naturally.

>> No.77217778

>well do something about it?
>Fuck no, that's for commies
Your retarded ass is being more limp-dicked than the troons that lived in your head for the last three years.

>> No.77217848

Because this thread isn't about Pippa? I don't give a shit about Pippa or Kirsche, I simply think people likethatGustavo faggot shouldn't be in charge of vtuber conventions as a fan of vtubers in general.

>> No.77217864

Were aware of it, we just have the decency to ignore shit we dont care about and enjoy the mediums we enjoy

>> No.77217884

Start your own con then.

>> No.77217927

Nope, not just them. And in this case in particular, it's OffKai only and nobody else.

>> No.77217965

Anon will soon learn that running an event like this is nothing at all like this

>> No.77218015

Such a garbage retort.

>> No.77218049

Listen if he did something geriatric boomers who watch MSNBC and Fox and anons on pol would call him a fed. He wouldn't dare try to deconstruct the lefties worldview either because that's what they do. Rightoids have been ineffectual since the end of WW2. Leftoids are just as fucking retarded too except they know how to use power in their favor and give zero fucks about the consequences or cultural destruction it brings about.

>> No.77218068

interesting opinion. could you name some en vtubers who are anti-LGBT or were at some point previously? and never talking about it doesn't mean anti, it means they're a corpo so they can't talk about shit either way

>> No.77218140

When they banned Kirsche for being too based you knew the con was too corrupted at this point.

>> No.77218143

Any thread not outlining the most recent nijien yab is a thread sisters can get behind apparently

>> No.77218219

Never banned, just not invited to do a panel, keep trying. NEXT!

>> No.77218358

Yes it is. Pippa is the only one who was actually impacted by this loser at offkai.

You need a tangible non-nazi figure who was wronged by this guy or you are just mad that someone doesn't like Nazis, and if you are good luck ever changing shit about that retard.
No one likes nazis.
The point is that terminally online twitch mods have decided that random people they don't like are Nazis when they aren't.

An actual nazi vtuber is never going to get appearances at events or sponsor deals. The point is that this guy thinks Pippa is one.

Pippa being childish and emotional and growing up online has nothing to do with the op image unless you point out the dots that this guy randomly connected.

>> No.77218418

A vtuber not talking about gay shit doesn't mean anything to me but sure as fuck gives retards like you a blank slate to just throw whatever stance you want on them.

>> No.77218433

Reddit GTFO

>> No.77218458

I'm as big of a Phase fan as you will see, but they are just are not there yet. They have not yet mastered simple things and have poor execution.

They would have to be able to call in favors see if Pippa could get Fillian and Lia could get Mint.

>> No.77218549

Go ahead and try starting a con yourself. You'll realize it's not easy as pie and even as you may succeed you'll then realize that conventions aren't always going to be successful for "dissidents."

>> No.77218555

Wait are they unironically consider phase talents to be "le neonazis"? What is their proof for it? A few mean jokey comments? Is that all it takes to be a "nazi" these days?

>> No.77218596

Question, why are you gay?

>> No.77218621

You need to be 18 or older or 34 or younger to post on 4chan

>> No.77218623
File: 53 KB, 640x682, 1657471110428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you homos not realise that when these people talk about /pol/-adjacent neonazis who must be removed for the greater good they're talking about (You)? There's no huge audience of actual white supremacists in vtubing, there is just people who've spent time on 4chan and people who haven't. No matter how much you guzzle their cum, by simple virtue of being here right now (You) are the chud they want to get rid of.

>> No.77218627

based off of relationships and opinions, not if Holo would allow it, Phase could get some holo for their own con.
but like i said it depends on how much the company itself has to and would approve such a thing.

>> No.77218629

Always amazing that the people who "don't like nazis" fully support Ukraine's Azov battalion, the destruction of Israel and vote for the guys who gave a member of the SS a standing ovation in Canadian parliament.
Why, it's almost like they DO like Nazis but call Kirsche and Pippa that word because they have a limited vocabulary.

>> No.77218637

>vshojo has ex holomems
>other mems mainly watch holo
>most phasemems are holo rejects and also mainly watch holo
Gee I wonder why they wouldn't feel comfy doing a collab.

>> No.77218678
File: 22 KB, 511x639, vince.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pippa is the only one who was actually impacted by this loser at offkai.
In what way

Uruka and Lia got their Offkai taken away from them because of this. They were supposed to be in the event and were not because of whatever happened.
Pippa literally still got to sing and dance terribly. So congrats to him for letting le ebin nazi bunny still sing and dance!

>> No.77218710

American culture used to value ideas like honor and integrity. That we have reached the point where SJWs will actively sabotage even libertarian vtubers has shown that western culture is now ruled by demons. That everything is being poisoned with degenerate filth and that you get canceled if you even speak out against child drag queen shows.

>> No.77218740


Literally no one is ever going to give a shit about your talking point. This happens every time there's a new cringe internet politic event and it always folds against people like you in the end because you take podiums that no one wants to sit in front of. No one is ever going to agree with you that anti-nazi people should be banned from the space.

>> No.77218743
File: 581 KB, 2048x946, 1717349331595109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He made a point look what these two retard did like this some sort of manifesto. They proved offkai that this was the right business decision.

>> No.77218812

I was being a bit sarcastic but it was a genuine request, do you know of any EN 3views who have been clear that they're anti-LGBT or even just anti-trans? because if you don't know of any it's kind of a bullshit claim that being pro-LGBT is some new era thing
and not talking about it doesn't mean anti or pro, it just means that they're probably not allowed to talk about it which is why I want to take that out of them out of the equation, because we don't know their actual viewpoint on it

>> No.77218816

Question, why are you gay?
>A few mean jokey comments? Is that all it takes to be a "nazi" these days?
It takes way way less than that.

>> No.77218825

Why does the one of the right look like a groomer?

>> No.77218878

If you didn't harass pikamee for playing hogwarts you are a nazi. that's their line in the sand

>> No.77218910

based on what I have seen on this board vtuber fans are kinda pathetic so I think they deserve "people" like this running their events

>> No.77218914
File: 242 KB, 512x512, bibooretard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>by simple virtue of being here right now (You) are the chud they want to get rid of.
I'm glad I strike such fear into them that they peek out of their blinds at night

>> No.77218968
File: 605 KB, 2400x3196, 20240602_114454-COLLAGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there it is caught in 4k

>> No.77219018

>they could just get

>> No.77219072

Is there any evidence that it was supposed to be streamed?

>> No.77219088
File: 1.61 MB, 2394x1172, 1705879221741697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy in the OP was talking this lord of the lard here who would unironically was going to hold a /pol/ panel.

>> No.77219204

why are you bringing holo into this when they have nothing to do with it? vshojo members watch indies, I only see them talk about holos that they're friends with or collabed with which is rare because it's painful to get collab perms with them
try giving an answer that doesn't involve a totally separate company

>> No.77219219

I'm going to put some beauty filters over this and spread their pictures with the she/her pronouns tags they are wearing around. maybe fake some nail polish too while I'm at it.

>> No.77219220

ok but ignoring who it was about,
>random last minute scratch setup in some corner of the convention has less technical and connection issues than major con events.
will never stop being funny to me. bros there were working off the same poor overloaded hotel connection as the rest of the building, unless they flipped on a phone hotspot or something, but that just brings up other questions con how the con was trying to work things.

>> No.77219302

Because he is most likely a groomer.

>> No.77219308
File: 19 KB, 256x273, 1604687851016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you guys who came to vtubers to escape politics feeling right now?

>> No.77219322
File: 159 KB, 452x396, korook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything that isn't queer marxism is /pol/

>> No.77219370

Here's why this hobby was never for you. Now scram.

>> No.77219397

>politics is you doing what I don't like
>me doing whatever I want is non-political
Well the answer is because they don't want to

>> No.77219418

Fuck off with this false equivalency faggot. Not everyone is a maladjusted 2016 election tourist like you are.

>> No.77219423


>> No.77219448

Obviously not. Put a 24/7 stream of someone eating McDonalds and playing the wizard game up like some kind of mystic ward.
Like we need another crusade. These people are fucking annoying little insects.

>> No.77219475

that was a pipe dream to anyone who even halfway saw what was going on and how both sides operate. you leave some hobby to escape it, they take it over, ruin it, then move to the next one.
every. time.
anyone who thought they wouldn't try it here is an idiot.

>> No.77219511

>normal people
There's a reason why conventions are made by leftists and not rightoids, because that IS normal. You think anyone would show up at an openly rightoid convention besides a dozen mentally ill neo nazis? Righoids don't even attempt it because even they know that it would result in a financial loss so there's no point trying. You're just bitching at the political leaning of "being a normal decent person" and how you feel so excluded even though you could just do as you say and put your politics aside and then nobody would be none the wiser. Kinda hard when your career is being a righoid grifter I guess but that's what you should expect for choosing such a career path.

>> No.77219557

>but that other vtuber was right to be banned because assmad leftoid retards running the con can't fucking handle anyone who is openly against their shit
Fucking kill yourself along with the tranny organizers, you absolute failure. These overgrown children shouldn't have any decision making power for anything, much less events like these.
Now they've shit the bet and any future endeavors they had planned are dead.

>> No.77219562

Go ahead and try saying what she said in public then

>> No.77219619

Any hobby involving women was inevitably going to have these bottomfeeders political grifters who either think they're women, want to be women, or will pretend to agree with everything retarded in an attempt to sleep with women. Throw in money and you have the perfect formula for mentally ill evil.

>> No.77219630

Oh like what you did yourself retard?
Leftoids and rightoids both deserve to have good things taken away from them. This isn't an "escape" this is a medium that doesn't have to be about nor remind you of extraneous bullshit like American politics.

>> No.77219715

>conventions are made by leftists and not rightoids, because that IS normal.
Mental illness will never be "normal" no matter how loud they act.

>> No.77219724

You can easily do that anywhere that's not violently blue though? Half the shit she said wasn't even moderately weird.

>> No.77219743

You're free to support male VTubers then

>> No.77219746

Make your own Vtuber convention
With crypto slots and groypers

>> No.77219783

this >>77219418

>> No.77219809

How in the world did you get that from my post

>> No.77219821

I'm sure going around asking people about if the Holocaust ever happened would be well-received by a large number of people in a public space you utter muppet.

>> No.77219882

holy moly random projection.
i've always kept politics separate from my hobbies, dunno who the hell you think you're talking to but it must be yourself cause it certainly isnt me.

>> No.77219951
File: 58 KB, 456x502, ame pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew this would happen when Pippa started pandering to Kiwifags

>> No.77219955

Most default opinions are left-leaning and democratic. It's only culture war cancer that seperates the right and left

>> No.77219965

The fuck made this guy sperg like this from the right pic ??

>> No.77219984
File: 416 KB, 1280x720, glows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most default opinions are left-leaning and democratic.

>> No.77220019

>Random Holocaust seethe
I don't see anything about that in that image though?
>Two pronoun jokes
>A joke about trannys in women's sports
>Something about their retardedly long acronym
>"Terminally online twitter people are mad because I said those same people were coopting an anime wiki"
>Talking about Timcast who's a very well known centrist
>Literally just something about fucking fruit farmers

>> No.77220053

so are you going to make an actual argument against his completely true point or just resort to namecalling, because that's the same as conceding

>> No.77220082

>it's not easy as pie
It actually is. Hire experienced events managers, and by that I mean people who've organised large-scale concerts and corporate events, not some rando who brought the ballpit for ponycon. That's literally all it takes. It's not easy as pie if you leave everything to some random faggot who has no idea what they're doing, so don't leave it to some random faggot who has no idea what they're doing.

>> No.77220097

Because you're inconsistent on your word. If you only watch female VTubers but you resent the whole of those that support them even as you didn't implictly say so, maybe you should try male VTubers, see what the other side is like. Maybe next time don't hold such contempt for your brothers!

>> No.77220099

OffKai did the right thing trying to gatekeep shit like this >>77219088

>> No.77220116

You'd need to start an actual argument instead of making up rants about "rightoids" first.

>> No.77220126
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Several reminders

>> No.77220134
File: 72 KB, 335x365, burgerqueen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remembered im still in a discord with her, lmao

>> No.77220160

I'm fairly certain there will be another Offkai anon

>> No.77220167

No they're not retard
>wanting any of this unironically
Begone tourist

>> No.77220195
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>> No.77220197

burger queen indeed lel

>> No.77220225

>but you resent the whole of those that support them
Nigga what kind of words are you trying to put in my mouth? Reread my post after practicing your English comprehension.

>> No.77220234

That's just Niji and parts of vshojo

>> No.77220237

Let's see you try it out then. I'm sure no one will want to do business with your autistic "know-how"

>> No.77220302
File: 236 KB, 553x533, 1710255158630312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sure going around asking people about if the Holocaust ever happened would be well-received by a large number of people in a public space you utter muppet.
I can tell you don't go out much, but people really don't care and will just ignore you 9/10. They would not like it if you asked them anything at all.

>> No.77220303

I thought rightoids thought safe spaces and trigger warnings were for pussies, why are they now arguing that they need a safe space away from things that upset them?

>> No.77220329

When did I say I wanted it? I simply stated you could say any of this in public without much if any scorn. I tell jokes about trannys and pronoun shit at work all the time. I personally avoid politics in my entertainment, but the problem is faggots like OP decide they have to make their opinions everyone's problem.

>> No.77220340

>immediately jumping to a holocaust denial strawman

every time

>> No.77220352

>grr why am I in a hobby where women dominate the content creation
>grr those trannies, simps, and cucks
My suggestion for you was male VTubers or else maybe VTubers are not for you. Maybe weapons are a better one for you?

>> No.77220353

>Keep politics out of vtubing!
>But not MY politics. They're not really political you see, just about being a nice person :)

fuckin tired of this shit man.

>> No.77220384

Jesus, you are retarded.

>> No.77220415
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>> No.77220423

>missing the point entirely
It's all about what you invite retard. Kirsche inviting these spergs to the community is why she is not allowed.

>> No.77220455

wasn't my post, I just noticed how you dodged giving a reply with any substance and thought it was funny that the retort is "well... wELL THEY'RE MENTALLY ILL" as if that changes the fact that all major hobby conventions are LGBT friendly because they're run by leftys

>> No.77220464

What's a safe space? Is that like a gun free zone?

>> No.77220469

>Fat beaner
more likely Vshojofag.

>> No.77220471
File: 984 KB, 400x211, 1447111233689.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not everyone is
It's irrelevant what you are, this is how they see you. Go ahead and tell all your tranny friends how much time you spend on /vt/. Show them your reaction folders. See how it works out for you.

>> No.77220493

Didn't they oust their more passive members to the point of supporting their bullying and death threats? The one who dared to play wizard game?

>> No.77220502

Well that's what you said faggot, so if you hate the fans of said hobby, what are you even doing here?

>> No.77220515
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>> No.77220529

Cuckstavo is in the thread KEK.

>> No.77220546

This, like how all normies see all autistic people as a collective blob whether you're a train worshipper slobberer or extremely good at masking it. You are just an autist to them.

>> No.77220564

>projection and whataboutism

>> No.77220581

I mean, his initial claim is that mentally ill leftists are "normal" and that anyone right of that is abnormal. That's a pretty hard burden of proof.

>> No.77220632
File: 3.14 MB, 1278x2874, 1714143036213285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus the latest one of one of them talking about how his channel is a "safe space". Didn't save that one though.

>> No.77220639

Are you really defending transexuals and wannabe groomers as "fans" of the hobby?

>> No.77220643

>no please be a TPUSA normalfaggot frat boy like me!! Nothing is sacred!!
Fuck off. You're called tourists for a reason. VTubers are not your culture war battleground.

>> No.77220652

I think you're lying, anon

>> No.77220655
File: 165 KB, 581x452, 1702365637138100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its pride month. Troons alway get pushy on pride month. They roam to witch hunt non believers. So you are walking on egg shells as a content creator. They could be boycotting something this week and you better be paying attention.

>> No.77220657
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>> No.77220666

Why are you assuming they're rightoids? You really are brainrotted by your internet war.

>> No.77220691

My exact point was that my (and your, and any other fan's) autistic know-how is irrelevant, ESL-kun.

>> No.77220703

Are these transsexuals and wannabe groomers in the room with us, anon?

>> No.77220732

Annoyed more than anything but why run away from these freaks? A lot of people go along to get along and leftoids like the good golem they are have brutalized this gay shit into people for generations here in America. The reason you see more of it now is because of terminally online zoomers and older gen alphas are being loud and obnoxious about it while millennials have standard fuck parties with "diverse" peoples. What I'm saying is that it takes top down power to get rid of these faggots but nobody but the most mentally ill libtoids have the stones to put in the work while rightoids buy into the belief that it's worthless to go to college and take positions of power afterwards.

>> No.77220755

Jesus this retard is probably /here/ and crying like a bitch for being called out

>> No.77220763

Hang on a second. This isn't a thread about vtubers.

>> No.77220794

Okay. You can think that if you want. I'm still going to tell you you can say this stuff easily without getting stoned for it, most people won't care. In fact a lot of them, right or neutral will laugh if the joke is funny enough even if it's not "politically correct", it's only the weirdos who seethe about it.

>> No.77220795

Gen X accomplished nothing but endless complaining about everything. You're way too old to be on the Internet if this is how you feel.

>> No.77220818

According to you they're the bulk of the fans of the hobby, and if disagree I must be forced to watch male vtubers.

>> No.77220825


>> No.77220843

Or jerking off due to his 2 seconds of fame (in niji deflection threads of all places)

>> No.77220854

there's a current vshojo member who played the wizard game and she's deeply loved by all members and audiences
the former member who played the wizard game was warned by management and other members it would probably be a bad idea to play it on stream. she chose to exercise "talent freedom" boo hoo so sad for her facing consequences of that choice she made

>> No.77220863

No shit it isn't. Now if only the mods did their jobs and cleansed the board from needless drama or kept it contained to one thread.

>> No.77220877

So are you saying Offkai is rather a LEFTIST con than simply a vtuber con? God, what a retard rumao

>> No.77220888

Personally I think autism doesn't exist and those who are diagnosed as autistic are just bad people.

>> No.77220891

>so sad for her facing consequences of that choice she made
...for playing a Harry Potter game?

>> No.77220910

Oh please, we're talking about vtuber fans here. If you didn't want spergs showing up, you wouldn't hold the convention at all.

>> No.77220967
File: 41 KB, 1117x254, 1714165758179163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're performing a coupe
Meanwhile this thread is pretending nothing is happening and clearly everyone is imagining things

>> No.77220978

Is he an ironmousefag?

>> No.77220996

>Pippa Pippa Pippa
>she was not effected in reailty
>meanwhile her genmates got fucked over

>> No.77221021

Not at all what I'm insinuating fool. I know your deep-seated contempt for the actual fanbase of the hobby you've invaded is there because you're jaded and lack the joy that your oshi would want you to have.

>> No.77221029

holy shit kek

>> No.77221036

Oh fuck, when did Henya get ousted from Vshojo?

>> No.77221045

worse, a marinafag

>> No.77221087

>vtuber fans
>the same thing as 2016 election tourists
Fuck off

>> No.77221104

Why did I even bother typing a response when All I get is shit like this.
>Identified the problem and how it happened and implicitly telling people that if you want this shit to stop you have to put in the work to obtain said power
>Well actually Gen X and you're too old
Ogey. Sasuga 4chan.

>> No.77221138

They all smell the same, dude

>> No.77221152

This is you. This is what you sound like.

>> No.77221165

everybody was well aware what the response to a streamer playing that game was going to be, otherwise management wouldn't have said anything ahead of time. she still chose to play it. it's like management saying "hey that game made by a racist might be smart to dodge" and then the streamer plays it anyway, like yeah man good choice

>> No.77221173

Is offkai really that scuffed and poor they rely on volunteers to run their shit? And vtuber corpos like Phase are ok with it?

>> No.77221221
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>the former member who played the wizard game was warned by management and other members it would probably be a bad idea
Okay? Does that somehow justify death threats and her own coworkers endorsing her open harassment?
>she chose to exercise "talent freedom" boo hoo so sad for her facing consequences of that choice she made
Yeah, fuck that. "Talent freedom", who told them they had that am I right?

>> No.77221228

Definitely some leftist projection from this post, because you've very ham-handedly tried to foist this around to "actually YOU'RE the bad guy because you don't want SJW style grifters", strange logic there

>> No.77221243

I'm at offkai right now too, I just spoke to the main staff after I got a blowjob from a girln in Pippa cosplay, although she had a weird jawline. Anyways, they told me anything is fine but some schizoid Kirsche fans are running around in the building trying to steal food and screaming at women to show them their genitals to as proof they are cis.

Now, do you believe this literal who in the screenshot or me, an anon that has gone through thick and thin with you?

>> No.77221247
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>> No.77221255

>someone who chooses to watch VTubers after a long day at work is the same thing as a fat Qoomer on welfare

>> No.77221323

There's nothing wrong with playing games about wizards, sounds like the problem is with the mentally ill.

>> No.77221331


>> No.77221337

>someone who chooses to watch VTubers after a long day at work

And you believe this is the portion of the audience that shows up to conventions?

>> No.77221348

>reading comprehension
Favorite phrase of niji sisters after they spout most retarded accusations.

>> No.77221355

Like half the vtuber fans are some kind of LGBT, this goes doubly for the male vtuber fans. It's more pragmatic than political to pander to them.

>> No.77221364

On /vt/? Almost certainly.

>> No.77221367

>Is the volunteer convention really run by volunteers?
are you serious

>> No.77221375

Yeah, to my knowledge they try to get as much of the staff as possible to be volunteers to skimp on hiring actual staff. It's mostly just indies trying to shill themselves and worm some connections in, but evidently it's also a lot of activists.

>> No.77221374

I'm right of center, faggot. Doesn't mean I'm a leftoid if I think culture war optics and endless complaints about company are unproductive and needless.

>> No.77221395

"astounding success" literally all drama and fucked up panels/streams/tech that didn't work. Vtubers getting their cars broken into and peoples shit getting stolen. Ahh yes astounding success...

>> No.77221415

It's great that we live in a society where phasekeks and nijisisters should be bullied into never leaving their mother's basements. Nothing wrong with facing the consequences of your own actions kiwifags and BVTM ball sack lickers.

>> No.77221426

Shame such a good model is wasted on an awful person.
Also why did she rip off shylily's voice?

>> No.77221430

>Vtubers getting their cars broken into and peoples shit getting stolen.
Beautiful Californian culture...

>> No.77221436

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.77221482

It's amazing how much people will twist the narrative to suit their purpose.

>> No.77221503

Then leave, retard.

>> No.77221502

It doesn't matter what you are. The point is, you shouldn't talk about that garbage. Kill yourself, activist.

>> No.77221547

If they choose to, yes? Did we conveniently forget about Hololive Expo?
I don't know, 4chan is the last place I'd expect these freaks to be.

>> No.77221555

>Like half the vtuber fans are some kind of LGBT
wtf I hate you guys now

>> No.77221562

no one cares about nazis that kills russians, sweetie

>> No.77221592

No, anon, playing le ebil wizard game justifies harassing women online

>> No.77221595

it doesn't justify anything but I consider vshojo's hands clean. they don't control what their talent plays and so they did their due diligence in advising it was a bad idea but let her do it anyway because talent freedom. claiming another member saying "everybody makes mistakes" not in the game player's chat is endorsing harassment is hilarious
the entire thing was a case of fuck around find out. I feel bad for henya because she went into it completely unaware of what the backlash would be and it wasn't her fault at all, silver knew exactly what she could be up against and went forward anyway

>> No.77221603
File: 74 KB, 700x848, 1690625953665546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fags boycott something new each week. Gonna be walking on egg shells all the time. Fuckers got called out for enjoying a coffee from starbucks.

I want to play this game this stream. Hol up let me check if its safe ah 3 tweets from some troons saying they found a girl who did VA was a terf. Its a no go lads

>> No.77221604

Obvious KF tourist is obvious

>> No.77221656

No I don't think I will because I still enjoy Hololive among the other hobbies I have.

>> No.77221661

No one cares except for you and the other color warriors. People just want to watch their oshi and be happy. Begone.

>> No.77221666

>"Tranny pandering, pronoun talk and other leftists stuff isn't political and everyone supports it, it just so happens you and the majority of people you know don't. Supporting it isn't a problem at all and it's perfectly tame and nonpolitical."
>"If you say even one small thing slightly against it including a simple joke though you're a nazi and we want to ban you from streaming or showing up at cons."
>"If you play a video game about a fictional universe made by someone we don't like we're sending you death threats too lol"

>> No.77221717

Why doesn't he try to link-up with AnimeRevo his home con?

>> No.77221731

It increases his paycheck and the only ones who get upset are nobodies on 4chan so yes, it's in his interest to talk about it.
Clearly you care

>> No.77221750
File: 165 KB, 1200x800, KirscheHelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77221768

>I care, therefore so do you
Fuck off

>> No.77221796

>devil trips
Words of truth here

>> No.77221829

You know that vtubing is a normie mass hobby now when there is a fucking political vtuber with 1k viewers like Kirsche

>> No.77221837
File: 32 KB, 600x336, 1717035477938387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and another I forgot that maybe you have was a bunch of people screaming at Astel and Miyabi for performing the dreaded deed of
>eating some McDonalds
while calling for others to "educate them".

>> No.77221859

ESL purease to undelstandings

>> No.77221867

LMAO he's not earning much. Don't talk about shit you don't understand, retard.

>> No.77221872

Anon, be realistic. The people who actually show up to conventions aren't normal people who casually watch streams. You have to be some level of obsessive weirdo to jump through all the hoops necessary to come see your favorite anime girl streamer "in person" (i.e. still through a screen).
They're all spergs. Always were.

>> No.77221894

a whole 1k huh. Well thats it. Everyone is in to vtubers now and its just common place

>> No.77221896

Pippa is a fucking burger, don't blame the leafs.

>> No.77221902

>please fight my nonexistent Internet war

>> No.77221956

can someone do a thread recap

>> No.77221972

They always have to lie while justifying their various crusades.

>> No.77222004
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1152, front_c2db5fff3f62ad19363012cfa890c4a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing ever changes

>> No.77222009

Off topic but i can see someone who was SA as a child getting a eating disorder. But anyways sh2 remake look like a cheep cash in

>> No.77222011

Who fucking told your useless ass to do anything, main character-kun? I'm just calling these faggots out.

>> No.77222021

You're clearly too myopic if that's what you get out of it. Holofes and Offkai are apples to oranges. And I've been to both in person and can tell the difference right away.

>> No.77222022
File: 964 KB, 1196x895, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The queen is already addressing the issue and admitted she screenshotted all the tweets and chats.

>> No.77222054

>why are you gae?
>who says I am gae?
>... you are gae

That about sums it up.

>> No.77222065

not when vshojo and their army of troons and whores was set up?
says a lot

>> No.77222086
File: 231 KB, 584x563, 1685039771090130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this to fucking end

>> No.77222090

Then ignore them retard

>> No.77222096

I would like if she chose another language for her name. What is her problem, did Cherry sound too much like s stripper?

>> No.77222125

You are mindbroken.

>> No.77222133

The gays and the chuds ruined it

>> No.77222138

>the smelly spergs at Convention A are proud and noble beings while the smelly spergs at Convention B are disgusting abominations

Look, I'm sure Convention A is run by more competent staff and such, but that doesn't mean the attendees aren't still smelly spergs.

>> No.77222146

Well, one thing is clear: vtubing should've never been a thing outside Japan. They're the only civilized society left in the modern world.

>> No.77222159

Link to the stream?

>> No.77222169

>you're either this obnoxious faction or the other
Fuck off already

>> No.77222193

And yet Yagoo keeps hiring more and more of them, and they keep saying that stuff with zero pushback. So who's clueless here, the multibillion corporation or you?

>> No.77222194
File: 728 KB, 1172x3374, Astelschizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have Astel and Niji examples. Maybe someone else has Miyabi.

>> No.77222197

She had my goodwill. I tuned in to her stream. She does a stream now to tease her info that she gets tomorrow? That is literally grifter behavior. Fuck Kirche. You are either saying stuff or you tease shit and get fucked.

>> No.77222221

>not american
>still forced to listen to "le cultural war" shit
>even in fucking vtubing
Surreal, do you guys go to restaurants and before sitting down you ask all staff to give you their political spectrum before ordering food? Need to confirm with the waiter if the cooks are affiliated to the wrong party before getting your burger shaped slop?

>> No.77222238

>projecting because he's either too poor to attend a con or hate the other people that like said subject of matter
And there it is

>> No.77222243
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>> No.77222249

>They're the only civilized society left in the modern world.
The guys that go on full meltdowns when a idol gets a bf

>> No.77222295

i mean the schizos were right
the fag literally has full history of attacking phase and its talents and saying how much he hates them
then he comes out and makes a statement on phase behalf? without permission of their ceo?
dont need to be a genius to put it together

>> No.77222311

And they keep flopping. Yagoo having fetish for da boiz doesn't make them good thing.
Unlike nijiniggers like you, Holo fans can admit flaws of Cover.

>> No.77222318

No. They use that as ammo later every time.
>"This is the norm, everyone thinks like this"
>Someone speaks against them
>"Shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up stop talking shut up"
>People gradually stop talking to them as they realize they don't want a dialog and just want to yell at everyone and drown them out
>"See? No one is objecting it's the truth no one cares, it's normal and we are the majority. You're just crazy"
>Repeat until everyone who isn't a rot brained freak like them leaves to greener pastures and then they follow

>> No.77222335
File: 1.16 MB, 2488x3624, f59b4fef206b3e61cf8d57c668b3f52b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ignore the faggots killing each other and enjoy your oshi

>> No.77222365
File: 49 KB, 605x276, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, Israeli bros, your response?

>> No.77222389
File: 78 KB, 700x572, aABnNEae_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a reason why conventions are made by leftists and not rightoids, because that IS normal. You think anyone would show up at an openly rightoid convention besides a dozen mentally ill neo nazis?
This is you

>> No.77222396

And yet that's somehow more civilized than the retarded culture war that burgers have manifested which resembles rival sport teams more than it does actual political discussion.

>> No.77222423

They wouldn't hire them if they didn't make them money, come on. You know you're being a retard right now

>> No.77222426

>"it's not just the volunteers that are the problem with Offkai"
>Promising big bombshell proof of stuff tomorrow

Dramafags gonna be eating good

>> No.77222478

Americans can't go one week without having a meltdown over something. Hysteria is your default state.

>> No.77222489

Tribalnigging is horseshoe theory in action, imagine defending twitter troons meddling in paid-for events to virtue signal against a dying dead company that already got run out of the con months ago. Social media brainrot is truly a disease.

>> No.77222536

he should love Phase Connect then because their talents share his views

>> No.77222542

I hate Israel as well, the only good opinion this freak has. Fuck, agreeing with him for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.77222597

Damn that's based. I will give her a view

>> No.77222640

>They wouldn't hire them if they didn't make them money
You're retarded.
It's a well known fact that Holostars are Yagoo's pet project regardless of performance.
That said, he DID cancel their concert in response to terrible financial results so at least he realized that he can't get away with pissing money away on these worthless faggots. Hiring them doesn't cost much money compared to how much Hololive girls are making.

>> No.77222697

Oh yes, I'm simply too poor to attend the conventions. I'll just take your word that the spergs at your conventions are less smelly than the other ones.

>> No.77222723

A con being a shit show because of inexperienced organizers is nice compared to being a shit show due to malicious organizers.
In the latter case it's deliberate.

>> No.77222736

Based. You give forum the far right and before you realize you have the next Hitler on your hands.

>> No.77222745

*I mean, concerts are fucking expensive and Holostars getting them same way as Hololive members can no longer be justified.
Streaming costs are peanuts compared to projects like that.

>> No.77222779

why are the phasekircheturds talking shit about literally every other vtuber group in this thread about some powertripping con staff retard?
can they not restrain themselves from being subhuman bvtm fags for 5 minutes?

>> No.77222793

>You think anyone would show up at an openly rightoid convention besides a dozen mentally ill neo nazis? Righoids don't even attempt it because even they know that it would result in a financial loss so there's no point trying

Do you not know how big gun conventions and shit are?

>> No.77222800

I was at most conventions last year, they stink at all of them. It's not even because they don't shower, as I had thought before, but because they wear the same stinky shirt for the whole 3 days, so it gets more rancid every passing day.

>> No.77222802

>slippery slope
Get a rope.

>> No.77222859

I knew it was only a matter of time, which is why I give my thumbs up to Kirsche and her politispergs. I don't want to sperg online about le culture war, but I know what side actively comes after my hobbies and what side doesn't. If she wants to be a bulwark for me then all the power to her
>but it is le chuds that are-
No it isn't, stop coping. Hope Phase actually pulls out next year, Offkai has quite obviously abused their position of relevance, and not even because of OP, but trying to ban fucking Pippa previously.

>> No.77222874

>the next hitler will rise from the vtubing community

Hold on, I wanna see this unfold

>> No.77222905
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>> No.77222933
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Even worse people control this board and have intentionally turned it into what it is. GG. It's like the mods want for this board to turn into twitter/reddit/modern /b/. No idea why tho, makes no sense, but I barely even come here or watch vtubers, kinda boring and the community on EN side just kills appeal in every way possible.

>> No.77223004
File: 32 KB, 753x508, gunsgunsguns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and most of the people attending are middle of the road conservatives or even leftoid gun fans.
It's true that the right owns twice as many guns as the left, but not all conservatives are rightoid nutjobs. Honestly, mods should move this thread over to /pol/, just for the giggles.

>> No.77223011

Get back to me when guntoids start doing vtuber conventions.

>> No.77223030

I doubt that was the reason but I don't pay attention to male vtubers so I can't comment on that. All I know is that Bettel pulled like a 20k stream so clearly there's an audience there.

>> No.77223043

>zero pushback

>> No.77223046

It's just how every nerd-adjacent convention goes. That's just the sort of people who are invested enough to attend conventions, by and large.

>> No.77223084

Is there a version of this shirt with "gay homies"? I have a gay friend and would buy this for when we go fishing.

>> No.77223085

Technically it's all still about vtubers and their content.

>> No.77223087

idk who is to blame I just want to know why Lia and Uruka were advertised to be there but weren't. No answer has been given.

>> No.77223150

Why does this man not have any muscle.
The biggest problem moob boy is going to have is a heart problem.

>> No.77223161

>but not all conservatives are rightoid nutjobs
People who consider pronouns dumb aren't "rightoid nutjobs" either. They are normal people.

>> No.77223211

>leftist hates normal people
wow, imagine my shock

>> No.77223286

So if a gun show doesn't count as a rightoid convention, what counts as a leftoid convention?

>> No.77223362

maybe in your shithole but in civilized countries nothing will happen lmao
or you just hate that you're a such a beta cuck that a literal woman fucking destroys your ego

>> No.77223434

Sakana is a leaf.

>> No.77223687

Yuri is not lgbt. Neither is Yaoi. Both of these appeal to straight men and woman respectively.

>> No.77223745 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 700x966, leftism in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's funny how only authority leftists have is due to the fact that corporations and criminals align with them
yet they're too stupid too see that they're just tools for the elite

>> No.77223755

A vtuber or anime convention, apparently.

>> No.77223843
File: 94 KB, 1200x600, 1696747076626842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erm discordxisters why are we so mentally ill?
why is everyone on the right of us so much better in the head???

>> No.77223887

>Yaoi appeals to straight women.
No. Fuck no. All the straight weebs I know are repelled by that shit so hard. Fujos aren't, but not yumes, that HATE that stuff.

>> No.77223907

And that's bad because...? Like we are not in desperate need of another Hitler.

>> No.77223943

>People who consider pronouns dumb
It's funny how it got reduced to this, and all the harassment her fans have done to the fans of other chuubas(which led to her being uninvited from the panels) is somehow completely memory holed. She was also never banned from attending, she just didn't get a panel, like most other 2 views.

>> No.77224035

LA just held the largest gay pride event in the world. I don't think they'd fair much better there.

>> No.77224058

The right just doesn't visit a doctor for mental health issues retard, they shoot up a school or kill their spouse instead. You are the same as the people saying men don't get raped/assaulted just because they almost never report it.

>> No.77224103

What are you even trying to say femoid? Fujos are gross? Yes they are. But if they are sexually attracted to men that makes them straight and my point is right.

>> No.77224210

>The right just doesn't visit a doctor for mental health issues
Then why isn't the number zero?

>> No.77224254
File: 239 KB, 2048x1131, IMG_9676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Uki saying “I hate white people” isn’t political or ban-worthy, then neither is anything Kirsche could’ve possibly said. Anyone attacking her right is a Nijisister trying to deflect from their own hypocrisy.

>> No.77224366

Using ad hominem to refute sourced statistics isn’t a good argument, sister

>> No.77224442

Stop using hologirls, be a man and use your real "oshi"(Pippa)

>> No.77224533

OffKai blacklisted based on her making fun of pronouns. Nothing else. That's what they presented as arguments.
Yes, she did other stuff too. However OffKai got butthurt at her for pronouns. They are the ones who set this as a topic. There was no reducing here.

>> No.77224615

Rushia isn't a hologirl.

>> No.77224671

Apparently harassment was such an awful thing last year during the HL shit, but now that it's one random guy who doesn't like Pippa it's suddenly okay to harass him, makes sense.

>> No.77224697

Unironically, yes. It's that bad.

Restaurants regularly, and oft deliberately, garner reputations for being either left or right wing, and get abandoned by the opposite clientele, sometimes protested against and shut down.

Heck, the bar next to me put up a sign saying, "If you can't prove you HAVEN'T been vaccinated, you can't have a beer here."

>> No.77224709

Isn't this statistic based on a questionaire? So people have to answer themselves instead of data being sourced from hospitals or something?
Because in that case it's worth as much as those penis length statistics where everyoen adds an inch or two.

>> No.77224711

Point still stands

>> No.77224943

All conventions are staffed by volunteers, anon. It's the only feasible way to keep them running
That's cool but what does this have to do with vtubers

>> No.77225286

All of these conventions are like 90% local volunteer labor, especially if you include the volunteer labor the booth buyers, etc, bring on in turn. They are far too large to be viable otherwise.

>> No.77225388

Time to move out of California, Anon

>> No.77225394

Kirche roasting sisters now too, im laughing

>> No.77225442

kill yourself jakniigger

>> No.77225556

>Im not a nazi! We just HAPPEN to rent the same house!

>> No.77225740

Why won't Sakana stop being a cheap fuck and do a PhaseFest?

>> No.77225763
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But it's OffKai trannies who are harassing Kirsche and her fans?

>> No.77225841

Retard wanted happy multi corpo event and gave shitload of money to OffKai. They thank him by sabotaging his segment.

>> No.77225978

Phasefest in toronto next year? Please?

>> No.77226177

Interesting. Now face the wall.

>> No.77226231

It's funny that moonshine is in the same groomer discord as notyuko and her pedo groomers.

>> No.77226324

Hah, man. I sometimes forget people here aren't actually pretending to be pro-troon and globohomo just to create discord and troll.
How's your relationship with your father?

>> No.77226441

Ah yes, the 0 like 2 view reply from an account that is clearly just bait. Definitely comparable to the amount of harassment the volunteer is currently getting. It's insane how you people try to constantly play victim, despite always being the ones doing the most damage.

>> No.77226500

The volunteer is getting his just desserts for being retarded SJW calling everyone he doesn't like nazis. All faggots like him should be stoned to death.

>> No.77226723

At least he went out and actively participated in an event with the community. What have you done today other than whine and come up with insane schizo theories? Because it seems like his life holds a lot more value than yours.

>> No.77226740

The best part about Niji collapsing, homos becoming irrelevant, and vtubing dying is that all these fucking whiny will find something else to queef their diseased period blood on. Go the fuck away sisters, your estrogen poisoned minds are antithetical to enjoyment.
