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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 45 KB, 400x400, cqlYMK5G_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77213586 No.77213586 [Reply] [Original]

She was completely right about Offkai. She warned you, and you didn't listen. Now APOLOGIZE. KIRSCHE WAS RIGHT.

>> No.77213759

Fuck off

>> No.77213819

apologize for what, that she's fat?

>> No.77213829


>> No.77213855

I was on foxu's side the whole time though.

>> No.77213960

keep politics out of a vtubing and everything is right with the world.

>> No.77213972

I'll apologize to her when she commissions futa art of herself fucking Pippa in the ass.

>> No.77213991

Pretty sure the fags who hate Kirsche also hate Phasekeks so I don't see why they would apologize for something that's on their favor

>> No.77214023 [DELETED] 
File: 1.53 MB, 260x258, 4ukri9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kirche legal mindset Rev can all tongue my anus after I take a nice after tacobell shit. And Rev fat wife can suck my cock while she plays rubs and tug on my balls. I know all four you read vt so fuck you all and get to the tonguing and sucking

>> No.77214096

Is your skin as brown as that Taco bell shit?

>> No.77214200
File: 527 KB, 1536x2048, 1717311587389699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but the smell of my ass after a taco bell shit smells just about the same where your meet and greet took place you fat bitch.

>> No.77214281

seen 10 of these shitposts and not one gives context to the tard spam

>> No.77214298
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Meet and greet on a trash can
A picture with a pipa fag
shit is too perfect kek

>> No.77214338

OffKai are the ones who brought politics in this case. She wasn't planning to cover political subjects on her panel.

>> No.77214452
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>> No.77214462

That's the irony of this pic save it and cherish it kek

>> No.77214483

Apologize for her being a fat, conceited whore?

>> No.77214536
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this is America, nothing is about politics everything is about business. She was a liability just like Niji en. At the end of the day they were right because look at these retards doing this shit outside like it's manifesto this is embarrassing on so many level and a risk to many people.

>> No.77214537

Top tier quality content that /pol/chuds are willing to die on a hill for.

>> No.77214582

>parkinglot trashcan meetup

>> No.77214632

>everyone got fucked by disorganized offkai
just blow your brains out

>> No.77214671

The faces of /pol/

>> No.77214710

I'll apologize when she weighs less than 130lbs

>> No.77215726
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It's fishman who should be apologising to her for bank rolling that shit show whilst keeping her blackballed. Even Nano is saying Phase got screwed by Offkai.

>> No.77215960

Out of the hundreds of vtubers I've watched Kirsche stands out as the most intelligent one. She's truly high IQ. It's no joke when some call her the Alex Jones of vtubing because she's made some wild predictions that if not because it was clipped nobody would believe it. High IQ and a visionary.

>> No.77215984

Offkai has been infiltrated by literal trannies and woketards who believe vtubers are literally nazis and trump supporters. Also they hate white people.

>> No.77216054

If it's so bad, why did she sneak in? Is having a bad experience owning the libs?

>> No.77216077

>she's made some wild predictions that if not because it was clipped nobody would believe it
Such as?

>> No.77216249

More like shit there shouldn't be grounds for blacklisting, regardless of whether you like her or not.

>> No.77216277

>we have literal twitch tier /pol/fags trying to larp as part of the community

>> No.77216315

Cancel culture SJWs will never be welcome in the community.

>> No.77216342

You can really smell ther ubermensch coming from them.

>> No.77216356

There's something ironic, yet fitting that Nijisisters and /pol/fags are the same group.

>> No.77216385


>> No.77216440

>the Alex Jones of vtubing
When is she going to do a stream where she is crying and shitting because the evil feds are coming to take her studio away? I would even member for that one.

>> No.77216538

I'm sorry Kirsche, I told everyone you are overweight, but I couldn't have known you are actually fat.

>> No.77217266

Is their con you don't like it then you should stop giving money to Trump campaign and use that money to fund a convention for your political and dramafags vtubers at a ball room or something. I don't know why the concept of rules is a foreign concept to you kirchekek.

>> No.77217381

I won't because I was on her side the entire time.

>> No.77217418

Actual /pol/schizo wow. Trump lives rent free in your head. I'm not even American and I think both of your president candidates are senile retards.

>> No.77217648

I am sorry Kirsche pls forgive

>> No.77217657

>I'm not even American
No shit.

>> No.77217774

>I'm not even American
If you speak basic English and have an opinion about Trump or US presidential elections then you might as well be American

>> No.77217795

Literally no one would give a shit about this bitch if she wasn't doing the right wing grift. It's amazing how transparent this shit is.
Failed at comedy? Call yourself a conservative comedian, make the laziest jokes about millennials and pronouns, and just rake in those clicks.
Failed YouTuber/vtuber? Tell everyone you've been cancelled cause your "anti-woke" views, throw out the laziest, most low effort commentary over any "lefty" video, get paid.

>> No.77217903

I mean I'd probably not invite her either if I was in charge of a convention but that doesn't mean she doesn't know something important.

>> No.77217917

>He now pretends he's not a /pol/fag after being asked to put his money where his mouth is.
He says after he died on a stake for kirche of all people what happened no money to come to america and fund a convention for your drama and political vtuber well too fucking bad until then learn to accept that there's rules and business decisions to be made in a fucking leftist con on a leftist shithole such as California?

>> No.77218150

For me it's Smug Alana the superior EN Fox girl who watches Internet Historian videos. Kirsche is just a Jimwalker but without the thing that makes the hat man the hat man.

Slippa bros are the real winners in all this.

>> No.77218413

>popular vs unpopular

>> No.77218536
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Still waiting for that panel with Sargon next year.

>> No.77219099


>> No.77219386

Why does she want to collab with Anita's husband the Apple Bee's waiter?

>> No.77219519

Kirsche should apologize to Phasekeks for dragging them into this whole mess. This is why you can't give /pol tards even an inch. They want to turn every convention into some kind of protest or some shit. I think there should be a blanket ban in all conventions of anyone that wants to do politics at them. Conventions should be open to everyone from any kind of walk of life. We're there for the anime girls not fucking politics.

>> No.77219526

Honestly? Based

>> No.77219629

And just like that all chances of me caring about her gone.

>> No.77219723

pippa's entire career comes from sucking up to jim newfag

>> No.77219729

Also it's ironic that whoever made the image for this thread put in more effort than Kirsche has ever put in on her model. She has no respect for vtubing or interest in it. She can't even be bothered to commission a decent artist to make her a model that isn't an offense to the eyes. I'll never understand why people watch people with ugly models.

>> No.77219876

Pippa actually cares about vtubing though, unlike this grifter. Kirsche is just a leach who wants Pippa to do /pol content all the time instead of just being herself (an anxious libertarian holofag)

>> No.77219994

>a risk to many people

What's the risk?

>> No.77220106

You don't have to cry about /pol/ to shit on kirsche.

>> No.77220175

A risk of being bored. No wants to talk about that shit 24/7.

>> No.77220362

Honestly, I can understand if you don't want a vtuber that's too political to attend. Are they applying those same rules to all political sides? If not, they are being hypocritical and deceptive, and deserve scorn.
>a risk to many people
lol is standing around a "risk" to many people?

>> No.77220550

I feel like if there were a left wing Kirsche analog vtuber and they were attending OffKai, Kirsche would have made sure everyone knew about it. The Vtubing space is mostly apolotical and more about cute. As it should be.

>> No.77220583

I don't think anyone at risk of getting bored of Kirsche's bullshit was going to show up to her meet and greet anyway.

>> No.77220637
File: 3.88 MB, 1280x720, 1717355343829.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your saviors of the white race, sir

>> No.77220677

Kirsche won.Its great seeing you faggots seethe.

>> No.77220690

this seems pretty tame, who hasn't make fun of pronouns retards and even if that offends you it's not enough to be called a nazi or is it?

>> No.77220721


>> No.77220762

those vomit stains on the ground...

>> No.77220872

No respect for themselves or their oshit lmao

>> No.77220903

anon if you throw enough shit at the wall some will stick, it doesn't make you clever if one prediction out of 100 is correct

>> No.77220936
File: 7 KB, 505x68, rtgjsrtyj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woke fucking kirshe mods banned me for this?!?!

>> No.77221001

/pol/fags all having a sausage fest under tent I don't see no women there I'm guessing the shirtless fat faggot is about to suck and jerk cock with his mantits.

>> No.77221109

oh no she's making fun of pronounfags and DEI she's pure evil and deffo a Nazi. You people don't even know what the Nazi's actually did do you?

>> No.77221196

neck yourself
pippa been a troon enemy ever since she played hogwarts legacy, kirsche or not all the troons would try to sabotage them anyway
also i like how you talk about no /pol/ on conventions but are find with pedo flags? guess it goes one way

>> No.77221294

Only missing a used condom and a herroine needle

>> No.77221303

Joking about rape is against Twitch ToS. They had to ban you or risk getting Kirsche's channel shut down if someone reported your message.

>> No.77221380

what the fuck is with you people

>> No.77221582

Followed a retarded junkie who talked good?

>> No.77221948

Then why do weathermen get paid so much

>> No.77221999

Pippa doesn't like bullies and she's made it clear that she doesn't want to be used to bully people. Only people who think she hates pronoun people are /poltards and twitter trooons.

>> No.77222357

regardless of your tribal corpo wars, pol fags have no place here

>> No.77222393

Offkai was just the funniest self inflicted L. If you hire only volunteers you get people that want to profit off of you, who could have guessed?

>> No.77222398


>> No.77222670

people had fun, vtubers had fun. you sound bitter.

>> No.77222966

Who? Never heard of that person before.

>> No.77222969

Yeah, that's the problem. She was blacklisted over a couple of very mild tweets and one of them was neutral at worst (where she explains difference between US and Canada - how does one manage to consider that problematic?). If she was banned for something actually severe, nobody would bat an eye.

>> No.77223094

Imagine going to bat for a grifter this fucking hard

>> No.77223152

Some /here/ twitch fat /pol/thot
No one of import
Has more live CCV than most of nijien though

>> No.77223199

organise your own convention, beggar

>> No.77223290

it's not the feds it's the state he's just acting for his retard audience to grift off of

>> No.77223515

I can't believe Kirsche condones cancel culture, let the man banter and fight Twitch like you fight OffKai.

>> No.77223555

tl;dr She wants to turn vtubing into /pol/ and everyone outside of kiwifarms hates her.

>> No.77223704
File: 195 KB, 1000x1000, 1645856995385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.77223777

why is there a guy wearing a retard helmet?

>> No.77223849

>Offkai was just the funniest self inflicted L
if you're a ceo with a fishhead maybe, went fine for everyone else. Nice self report though

>> No.77223911

He's a Kirsche fan what do you expect

>> No.77224377

the most you can expect is more of what kirsche did. actually setting up their own stuff means doing more than crying on the internet

>> No.77224506

Kirche - has fans among the Off Kai volunteers who wanted her there, she and Rev threw them all under the bus for a culture war; tried to cancel Off Kai but Phase and Pippa so double back but not really because Kirche happy her fans were harassing anyone even Pippa who promoted the event.

Legal Mindset - use to simp for a Pippa hater fleshtuber but loves Pippa, brings American culture politics into v-tubing but then contradicts himself on those same principles (Off Kai suddenly bad only when Kirche is involved; America is the greatest but I'm never going to live there again; hates the government but lives in SEA, etc.)

A shit show all around.

>> No.77224687

>Legal Mindset
And don't forget he's not an actual licensed attorney, and before he got into grifting with vtubers, he was gifting with MAGA over masks and vaccines.

>> No.77224808

She was literally the one that caused all this

>> No.77224821
File: 336 KB, 614x524, IMG_1281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people in this thread using the term “neo-nazi” unironically just because some girl made fun of pronoun bullshit
When did 4chan get so pozzed? They can tolerate a hundred tranny-pandering homostars and Nijicunts, but then we get ONE Vtuber saying the opposite, and NOW they’re bitching about politics?

>> No.77224918

I'm not surprised. Lawyers don't need to be youtube reaction streamers.

>> No.77224920

>she and Rev threw them all under the bus for a culture war
be being banned after her fans paid to see her and return period was over?
fuck that works you fag, please explain

>> No.77224973
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Turns out Kirsche antis are the real racists.

>> No.77225044


>> No.77225054

Apologize for what? This grifter sounds like a 40 year old smoker with an equally retarded following

>> No.77225092

Instead of asking others to apologize you should reflect on your own words and actions, perhaps you are the one who should take a conciliatory step instead.

>> No.77225126

what you expect, vtubing attracts troons and autists
also no matter how much far left socially you are like pippa, as long as you dont worship the state and feds you are their enemy

>> No.77225131


>> No.77225173

Ok Gustavo what ever you say. We totally believe you.

>> No.77225279

at lest its white than phase meetups, i can see 2 white guys there
phase is literally 90% asian and rest spics

but yeah its hilarious how he calls them crackers

>> No.77225356

why do troons call everybody a grifter

>> No.77225422
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>> No.77225434

I don't apologize to anyone who lacks moral consistency, integrity, or is fat, but if it makes your pussy feel good OP, here you go.

Did I get everything right? I think I did. Fellow asylumCHADS, be sure to drop some spicy reacts on this post.

>> No.77225509
File: 1.06 MB, 4096x2166, PippaHolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool i guess

>> No.77225533

That's twitch's fault being garbage TOS

>> No.77225541

people still regularly mock "for the cause", and there's a thread implicitly complaining about elira tweeting something or other about pride month on the catalog as we speak.
I don't know what board you're on that tolerates holostars and nijisanji, those have historically been the two biggest sources of hatred and shitposting here

>> No.77225627
File: 601 KB, 981x587, spics and grifts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pippa pls collab with me
>mari pls ask your friends to collab with me
Genuinely pathetic, which is expected given the kirsche fanbase is overwhelmingly hispanic and SEA it seems.
Is that you on the left, Gustavo?

>> No.77225680

It’s gaslighting in an attempt to demoralize you
>no Vtuber agrees with your politics
>but if they do, they’re faking it
>so shut up and convert to our side now, resistance is futile

>> No.77225752 [DELETED] 

All SJWs need to be killed on sight

>> No.77225854

Kirsche farming good today, almost 1,5k viewers by talking about current drama.

>> No.77225864

what turn? it already is with all the woke cancer garbage there is
you wouldn't see these in asia

>> No.77225880

Retards look at this picture and don't realize they made their lanyard that long for IRL shitposting purposes. Especially moonshine's.

>> No.77225916
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well most of asia is a 3rd world country much like the middle east so that's not that suprising

>> No.77225971

and that's a good thing
poltard sjws need to fuck off and die in a ditch

>> No.77225974

2.5k on youtube but who much on twitch

>> No.77225999

They mock it, but I don’t seem them acting nearly as actively spiteful towards it as they are towards girls like Pippa or Kirsche. Again, people are throwing around “neo-nazi” here like it’s fucking Twitter. And yet I haven’t seen anything to imply that this girl supports actual Nazi beliefs, liking wanting to genocide minorities. It’s all just pronoun jokes that the kinds of people here really shouldn’t get triggered by.

>> No.77226064

we can keep politics out once the trannies get out
no need to discuss politics when everyone has the same views (the correct omes)

>> No.77226219
File: 10 KB, 206x123, 1704031022045940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a great boycott archievebro

>> No.77226233
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my poltical view is that men needs to have their right to say stupid shit revoked for a while

>> No.77226249

Could really use a sharty raid to prune the trannies right now

>> No.77226254

>we were merely pretending to be 40 year old trannies from the philipines and puerto rico

>> No.77226280

>keep politics out of a vtubing
Games and fanbases without these woke cancer faggots end up having zero politics
Funny how that works
Funny how everything the Sjws touch first becomes a culture war zone, it's almost as if they need to be purged to solve all the problems they started

>> No.77226314

post tits foid

>> No.77226344

What if we just enjoyed cute vtubers doing cute things? Instead of all the bullshit.

>> No.77226349

Im ok with this, that means less commies being allowed to speak

>> No.77226389
File: 711 KB, 3840x2300, this goes so hard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuds were here first, vtubing is a far fight hobby
Troons GTFO

>> No.77226409

I know you faggots can't do your own research but it's publicly available information when it comes to what he has worked on you fucking retard

>> No.77226434

you mean the meet and greets that weren't mentioned anywhere before they said they were banned?

>> No.77226467

Not happening if you don't secure the borders, the wokies will always start shit to keep invading and trying to turn everything into some war to push their bullshit

>> No.77226490

Kirsche is about to gain free multiple k of viewers simply by being blacklisted and commenting on the phase drama.

>> No.77226493

hey that's a pretty cute picture

>> No.77226523

Now thats grifting done right

>> No.77226545
File: 61 KB, 480x360, IMG_4310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the “cute apolitical Vtubers” you are supposedly siding with, btw

>> No.77226640

human rights aren't political, they're just common sense

>> No.77226653

I still have no idea which homo this is

>> No.77226687

you will never be a woman thoughbeit

>> No.77226691
File: 64 KB, 206x181, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might find it funny /here/ but don't shit where you eat. especially for two grown ass men

>> No.77226720

No, faggot. I will never apologize to someone with a 20 cent model and the most generic, boring design possible. It's a fucking blessing from god that she got blacklisted so fewer people had to see that ugly face.

>> No.77226729

You’re the one who labelled these issues “gender politics”, not us

>> No.77226756

Political vtubers >>77214452 can fuck off.

>> No.77226763

Yeah you already have human rights. You just want control over people faggot.

>> No.77226770

>Proving their point

>> No.77226816

This. All SJWs need to fuck off and die or get killed painfully. No remorse no mercy.

Unrelated to the woke garbage being pushed. The only right SJws should get is the right to die.

>> No.77226828

/pol/faggots should rope.

>> No.77226859

I don't watch male vtubers.

>> No.77226870

>the kinds of people here
this board is completely infested by twitter trannies

>> No.77226892

Especially woketards. They are the most /polfag/ out of everybody.

>> No.77226927

>It exists! We promise!
Nothing says legit like his imdb page

>> No.77226947

/pol/ is a far right board you fucking retard
no SJW/ there, those keep to twitter, discord and resetera

>> No.77226959

you are so very very very wrong.
human rights are 100% political. most of the world doesn't recognize a plethora of different human rights, and human rights are often political motivation for wars.

>> No.77226972

Is she gonna take a rational stance or is she gonna keep stoking the fire like a good drama chud?

>> No.77227005

Nobody cares nigger
All the same shit to me, all of them get the rope ESPECIALLY woketards.

>> No.77227026

>using chud as an unironic insult in current year

>> No.77227037
File: 420 KB, 800x708, Revived Plapper [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F4pe7ap.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys wha-
Wha... what was that?
Do you guys hear anyth-
>*Boom boom*
Oh... Oh no...
>*Boom boom boom*

>> No.77227085

stop being ableist and fatphobic you fucking incel chud

>> No.77227107

Apologies. Good drama faggot.

>> No.77227111

If she was so right, why was she so desperate to show up at the event? Sounds like she's just desperately trying to stay relevant to me.

>> No.77227127

Politics in general can fuck off. Go and rope.

>> No.77227128

sister? there was nothing wrong with that post

>> No.77227174

Judging by all the tech issues Offkai should try organizing their own convention first

>> No.77227200

>So ESL that he doesn't know

>> No.77227215

Political volunteers should fuck off too then. Be consistent, retard.

>> No.77227217

vtubers colab all the time
fuck is your point?

>> No.77227222

Anon Kirsche was not banned at the time but denied jumping on a panel THIS year. She could have attended and still have a meet and greet.

Kirsche being mad or letting her fans know isn't the problem but all her actions afterward including threats to go public without getting an audience from Off Kai, leaking the DMs, going on some political crusade against a convention her friends were sponsoring and making the event about herself intended or not, lumping all the volunteers (many her fans) and Off Kai workers as one, accusations of mistreatment with no proof. Attending anyway and lurking on the outskirts--which makes no sense if you are trying to make this moral argument about Off Kai being bad.

If Kirsche wanted change or to confront Off Kai there are other routes she can take but this is just ended up a shitshow for the only V-tuber convention currently out there.

>> No.77227298

Not happening if all you do is cry like a fag and not do something about the SJWs who started shit.

>> No.77227354

I wish Kirsche had a higher quality model.

>> No.77227368
File: 276 KB, 1140x798, E268O8CXIAA19Uc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry that you're not even fatter Kirsche. Lemme help with that.

>> No.77227374

You realize he is stepping on dry vomit in his pippa merch

>> No.77227410

So the whole offkai event should fuck off then? The whole premise is politically charged to begin with

>> No.77227428

probably has a ton of diseases now

>> No.77227448

You don't even know how to greentext. You don't get to complain, tourist.

>> No.77227477

>Projection intensifies

>> No.77227510

Hearing kirche talk is like Hearing an episode of the Jerry springer show I can see why a bunch of trashy ass people are seething over kirche being denied a panel.

>> No.77227526

>fascist soapbox speaking
>problems occurred when fascist grifters came in

>> No.77227536

> but this is just ended up a shitshow for the only V-tuber convention currently out there.
said vtuber convention hasn't convinced me it deserves anyy support even and especially excluding the kirsche stuff, so all the stuff with her is just more kindling for why im ok if it flops from here on and/or someone decides to make a more competent one.

>> No.77227618

vtubing went viral in the west because miko said nigger

>> No.77227626

When your only proof of "the real racists" is a tweet with two views, it's not looking good. Keep trying to play the victim though, the wider community will surely take you seriously one day!

>> No.77227627 [DELETED] 

>fascism nowhere to be found in that post
>everyone i disagree is a fascist
how about you hang yourself along with them retarded nigger
you're probably a glowie too, even moreso if you are

>> No.77227634

The joke page looks like a joke imagine that I for one am shocked and appalled and will tell all my Discord mutuals to report bomb it for racism

>> No.77227670

Well, I do have proof. You don't. It's pretty clear.

>> No.77227691
File: 220 KB, 500x600, yagoo-go-back [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzmejg4.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

polniggers, dramafags, frog and wojakniggers out

>> No.77227706

but but.... nijisanji

>> No.77227722

You're all losers and need to get the fuck out.

>> No.77227748 [DELETED] 

>not sjws, nijitroons and all their conglomerates
KILL YOURSELF falseflagging nijinigger

>> No.77227750

Leaking DMs with a commercial organization? Did she sign an NDA or some shit that its bad? Fuck you think, she hurt OffKais feelings? Its a convention, not a person.
She was right to make everything public, what right do you think those troons have to keep it a secret?
> against a convention her friends were sponsoring
Ah, so you mad since nepotism or cronyism didnt make her stay quiet?

>If Kirsche wanted change or to confront Off Kai there are other routes she can take
Name them. What other choice did she have than literally begging some faggots to unban her?
If you have a platform why not use it to help highlight a problem you see?

>> No.77227794

No, it's you who need to go back to tumblr. Oh wait, it died. To nyfco... that's dead as well. Kill yourself maybe. You don't belong here.

>> No.77227830 [DELETED] 

Fuck off faggot you don't belong here, you belong dead in a ditch somewhere.

>> No.77227836


>> No.77227858

Rope /pol/faggots

>> No.77227879

Never seen a pic of her, so where does the fat meme come from?

>> No.77227888


>> No.77227905 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself SJWfag
Cancer like you need to fuck off and die

>> No.77227941

They need to get out and so do you. ROPE FAGGOT.

>> No.77227951

/v/ isn't the correct board for that discussion either, its unfortunate that off topic behaviors form other boards are spreading here

>> No.77227980

Why you inconveniently left out the shirtless fat burger and the peep squeak burger to the right?

>> No.77227987

You first faggot, you faggots started shit
Kill yourself

>> No.77228016

Political vtubers deserve the rope

>> No.77228042


>> No.77228056

But enough about the entire EN community

>> No.77228080

That seems like a political statement.

>> No.77228095

>/v/ isn't the correct board for that discussion either
its where these faggots come from, all day going 'god i hate politics in video games, time to spend all day posting twitter screencaps about some guy on twitter that said something retarded" or theyre some fucking brainrotted faggot going "gosh i wish there was a based and redpilled tradcath vtuber that talked about the jewish question and called people slurs because i am completely incapable of watching someone that doesnt share my personal political opinions"

>> No.77228096

>/pol/retard can't read

>> No.77228116

Kill yourself faggot. You're a disgusting invading piece of shit who should be killed on sight.

>> No.77228183

>>Alex Jones of vtubing
Oh, she watchs trans porn too?

>> No.77228182

So angwy

>> No.77228250

>another /pol/ drama thread
tourists pls leave this board has enough drama mongers among its regular userbase

>> No.77228337

Except faggots aren't the ones ruining shit this time. Is you chudfaggots bringing your shithole American politics into vtubing. Those troons you're seething about are unironically gate keeping hard for retards like you. You've already seen a glimpse of what hololive under the influence of western politics would look like with mori the fags and kronii. Do you really want to normalize politics into vtubing then making all the cdgct you love dissappear because politics infiltrated hololive and then it ends up like what nijien became.

>> No.77228339

sorry anon, this is the new normal, you're gonna have to leave or adapt.

>> No.77228342

From my understanding: there are fans and non-fans of Kirsche among the volunteers. There were talks back and forward about the different people to be involved including her during the pitch phase. They finally did the background check on Kirsche. She turned up controversial. Because of the Niji fallout and drama they didn't want to risk giving a panel this year. Fallout ensures.

>> No.77228361

why? Her muppet model is hilarious.

>> No.77228437

Human rights are literally a man made political concept.

>> No.77228483

Be fat woman who no one will ever watch? Use a sexy anime avatar to atract the incel crowd.

>> No.77228556

Thank OffKai.
They had all the community buffs in their favor but got drunk on power and decided to be political against Kirsche and cancel her for daring to not be a woke faggot. Now her fans are rightfully pissed and unfortunately come here to do their war.

>> No.77228584

>sexy anime woman
Not going to lie but kirche model look like she bought it at a dollar store. Is basically a dollar store version of what their rig would look like if they sold it. I'd buy one no lie.. gotta start somewhere.

>> No.77228635

Shouldn't you be fucking the 13 fans that showed up for you Kirsche?

>> No.77228663

>unfortunately come here to do their war.
the only thing those people are fighting is type 2 diabetes

>> No.77228726

Learn how read retard.

>> No.77228772

>All 13 fan of her fans are here to shitpost on /vt/
Ooooo scary.

>> No.77228806

Kirsche fans don't even exist on this board. /lard/ lasted for all of four days and that's solely because of it running of the fumes of the previous "drama." The fucking baker was a holo viewer who made the containment threads in the first place so retards would stop shitting up catalog. If you're so incessant about talking about your oshi, at least have the ability to keep her general alive for a week.

>> No.77228908

>not mentioning multiple SJWfags who instigate bullshit and thousands of predebut wokies infesting vtubing
>cherry-picking one right winger out of all the thousands of SJW niggerfaggots already crawling like maggots in the EN vtuber "community"
Politics would seep even deeper into it with you showing full support to SJWs like the flaming faggot you are. Stop falseflagging and blast your head off with a shotgun retard.

>> No.77228990

It literally won't matter anon. Conventions don't turn a profit. Cutting out large chucks of the population until you have your own perfect convention in a sphere that is this small is imposable. Also you will have accommodate the way Hololive, Niji, or V-Shojo wants to do things all whom have their own wildcards running about.

>> No.77229102

So you have nothing of value to add? I accept your concession chudcel.

>> No.77229144

Isn't that redditors and the leftards
The 4chan meetup had all of them pretty lean but very brown

>> No.77229177

>basic decency, respect and tolerance are fake and don't actually exist, I'm very smart
>t. chuddus maximus

>> No.77229210

You're nothing of value and should be killed off. Die cancerous faggot. You and your politics will never be welcome.

>> No.77229260

I know they don't exist here but I assume some did come over due to current situation. Most of people defending her here probably never watched her and are simply tired of woke faggots cancelling people.
>your oshi
Oh wait, you're a retarded schizo too.

>> No.77229397

Sister, stop projecting.

>> No.77229452

I think more than anything today has revealed most of them are nijis waging a proxy war against phase

>> No.77229454


>> No.77229474

>Niji doesn't/can't come
>Kirsche can't get a panel
>communism, woke left, SJW, California rraaah!!!
It's pretty clear what type of people are trying to force American cultural war politics into this.

>> No.77229536

Niji being a black company has got nothing to do with politics. They're just bad political or not. You're a retard.

>> No.77229549

>he says as he wants politics in vtubing.
You are an unironic retard why is it that you Maga chuds always end up contradicting yourselves? I don't want no fucking politics of any kind in vtubing left or right. I made my stance clear plenty of fucking of times already and yet you are either unironically illiterate, or you're choosing to be retarded just to he retarded which one is it I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt. WHAT PART OF KEEP ALL POLITICS AWAY FROM VTUBING DID YOUR FAT ASS DID NOT FUCKING COMPREHEND? Jesus christ what a fucking manbaby.

>> No.77229624

Is this the best you sisters can come up with? You do know that neither lefts nor rights are gonna defend nijitroons right? The only ones who do are sunken cost delusional fags

>> No.77229685

chill your axe wound, filian dosnt have a general and shes one of the biggest western vtubers
faggots and troons infiltrating everything, but dont you dare be right of stalin, you clowns are everywhere i swear

>> No.77229714

Where did he say that he wanted politics in vtubing? Bash your head with a hammer retard, maybe that will fix your retardation.

>> No.77229763
File: 1000 KB, 1950x1181, 1712220485571875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pippa been a troon enemy ever since she played hogwarts legacy

>> No.77229859

Get out /pol/ tourist. This is a board for vtubing, not whatever brand of mental illness you have.

>> No.77229877

>muh maga
>muh chud
Unironic brainrot
The only cure for your kind is a bullet to the head

>> No.77229933

>shes one of the biggest western vtubers
You tourists are fucking obvious. Get the fuck out.

>> No.77229934

>he says as he does all the SJW faggots infesting this hobby
Not so subtle now sister, how about you kill yourself first.

>> No.77229949

Everyone in this thread is retarded

>> No.77230056

>ESL retard
Remove yourself permanently.

>> No.77230076

Funny how you're not telling the woketard defenders that here when they're trying to push their garbage politics
Almost as if you're one of them

>> No.77230081

Wait... She's based af

>> No.77230085

I didn't say they were fake. I said they're a man made political creation. That's why different societies have different ideas of what are and aren't human rights. Declaring anything a human right is inherently a political statement.

>> No.77230210


>> No.77230220

I think we can all agree that troons are fucking insufferable at the best of times and the worst mistake the lgb community ever made was to add the t but I have serious reservations about them having much impact here. they may have posted a lot about something but posting is all they're able to do. if they tried to attend and cause problems they'd get crossdressed and put on womanface and call an uber (since they're all somehow disabled and can't drive) and when they realize the driver immediately clocked them run back inside and spend the week crying into a pillow and posting lies about how they were looking so cute before their day got ruined

>> No.77230225

you are crying like a bitch and throwing every single lefty buzzword and yet you claim to be neutral, KILL YOURSELF SUBHUMAN.

>> No.77230295

Kek not even a direct reply to them
Almost as if you're condoning their garbage

Kys hypocrite

>> No.77230372

Take your mental illness back to your usual board.

>> No.77230381

I don't see where you told any SJW or nijitroon here to fuck off. The reply wasn't clear enough bud.

>> No.77230450

How about you take your woketard mental illness first to the grave

>> No.77230462

It's all phasefags.

>> No.77230542

Not beating the retard allegations, /pol/faggot.

>> No.77230571

Yeah that could be the case too.

>> No.77230582

What allegations to beat when it doesn't exist to begin with
Meanwhile woketards are always confirmed retarded

>> No.77230614

>n-no u

>> No.77230663

Yeah you kill yourself gross faggot
You should be thrown off of buildings

>> No.77231102
File: 276 KB, 463x724, 1698797100996297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't celebrate when we're still in the war. we can win, but we need to stay vigilant and not rest on laurels that don't even exist.
and people tell me i should branch out of only watching hololive, no thanks.

>> No.77231222

My oshi is the catalogue.

>> No.77231230

Outside of Asian vtuber culture, it's all just politic sjw and American trash.

But at the same time we still remember hololive allowing someone like omegafaggot to infest EN almost bringing woke pol in.

>> No.77231302

Fuck off with all of this shit. Left, right, it doesn't matter. America is a failing empire in its death throes and good riddance, the American people aren't worth saving.

>> No.77231531

no mercy for chuds

>> No.77231631
File: 126 KB, 293x312, 1000009231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah she still deserved everything that happened to her lol
Offkai is shit for what they did to Phase, but any con organizer with common sense would ban Kirsche on the spot. It's like the only good thing that shitshow did this year.

>> No.77231691

It's amazing that every single anime fanbase that becomes political is always started by some SJW and then reactionaries (no pun intended) react like being the immune system inflammatory response. I've never seen it happen the other way around. I think it's because reactionaries don't instigate, they merely react. We know who instigated it first and they're to blame really.

>> No.77231794

being a reactionary is good actually
i don't want this hobby to be infested with California tier garbage

>> No.77231894

if she's supposedly libertarian she was a fag about being blacklisted, it's a private event right to refuse service.

what they did to phase + fans is a different deal.

>> No.77231901

The point is lots of other people have been denied, both with and without the platform Kirsche has. But cultural politics suddenly became a thing when she was involved. Not exactly complicated.

I'm not even going to pretend to understand that buzzword but if they cause problems they should be kicked out too. No damn politics in v-tubing, no tree hugger or right wing grifter exceptions.

>> No.77231971

The fact that they did that to phase nullifies any "good deed" they did, and should not be treated as good in any way. They can all burn down to the ground for all I care.

>> No.77232047


>> No.77232075

So ban every westerner then?
Cultural politics are everywhere in the Western Hemisphere. You're talking out of your ass.

>> No.77232128

Banning someone because you disagree with them is scum behavior.

>> No.77232200
File: 139 KB, 322x395, 1000009241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah mate, having the balls to call out Kirsche on her bullshit is always a win in my book. Hopefully this'll set a precident and she's no longer welcome at the inevitable future replacement for Shitkai. Or any other con for that matter.

>> No.77232229

Kirsche has been so unprofessional about the whole thing that she's going to start wondering why no corps are ever going to want to work with her again. Hope the grift was worth it before she drowns in obscurity like Silvervale did.

>> No.77232260

>if she's supposedly libertarian she was a fag about being blacklisted
Libertarians are the dumbest fuckers on earth. They only cling to their principles so long as they aren't getting bitten on the ass by them, and then all of a sudden they start whining about the exact same things they try to espouse when it's anyone else getting screwed.

>> No.77232353

Fuck off wyatt. You did some funny shit back in the day but don't ruin Vtubing

>> No.77232360

What bullshit has she done that some other retard wokie hadn't done before? She talked about politics just as much as the lgtv pride / Palestine war vtuber niggers are during this month. They don't have an excuse apart from being total scumbags lol

>> No.77232549

Stop falseflagging with rie and kys faggot

>> No.77232775

I don't think she's a lolbert at all. Pippa is the libertarian one that's why she didn't defend Kirsche.

>> No.77233280

>private event
retard it's public, not some epstein invitation only shit
she can walk in there and do what she wants and so she did
just no support from offkai and nobody cares
offkai sabotaging phase is what's the harshest

>> No.77233335

Banning someone who thinks they can have their cake (be hyper political as a vtuber) and eat it too (be a part of vtuber related events and cons) deserves a much needed wakeup call.

She can join the rainbow flag wokies in getting gatekept completely from this industry, until they invebitably go back to being flesh streamers.

>> No.77233409

How am I falseflagging?

>> No.77233586

She singlehandedly made vtubing worse of everyone and tried to use Phase as a tool to further her own career. Fuck Kirsche and fuck politics.

>> No.77233907
File: 110 KB, 1194x932, 20240602_163610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what her and her retarded fanbase are causing btw, weren't they supposed to be the gatekeepers?

>> No.77234178
File: 461 KB, 734x676, 1717161920341284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, a quick lookup to see who that retard is, and apparently he's a sex offender
Like clockwork
I don't think anybody unironically defends that literal who nigger and he should kill himself

>> No.77234385

I remember this dude being idolized by Kiwi farms back in the day. Pottery

>> No.77234599

Everyone was having a good time until Kirsche decided to throw her tantrum.

>> No.77234635

Kiwiniggers idolizing known groomers while attacking vtuber/anime for fanservice or sexual content is already widely known. They're all projecting groomers who should be shot on sight.

>> No.77234831

Causing what? Starting a war between her fanbase and that disgusting predator?

>> No.77234872
File: 601 KB, 659x810, 1717343850621609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the only one.
She's running with some /k/ pedos buddies as far back as Nuggetfest for this one.
Dude in the image deleted evidence and CP for the ones in court docs below

>> No.77234974
File: 415 KB, 512x768, KirscheAI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirsche says she will have more tomorrow. But she (usually) does not stream on mondays. Is she streamming in her channel or collabing with someone?

>> No.77235446

I will probably assume it will be a tweet about it.

>> No.77235716

lmao, you can't make this shit up, actual horrible people shitting up a con, amazing

>> No.77235718

Lighten up, it’s vtubing. Go jerk off or something

>> No.77235787

>Guard bro
Isn't he a certain recent graduated vtuber groomer?

>> No.77236363


>> No.77236582

Rev is unironically based for exposing disingenuous retards tho

Seethe more sister, your head is on the chopping block

>> No.77236611

The only trannies here are the ones in your browsing history, anon-chan. Go 41 % for the good of all mankind

>> No.77236647

/pol/faggots need to rope.

>> No.77236784

You're the SJW polfaggot, neck yourself first.

Lmao an unironic Kiwifag child predator is here, neck yourself too.

>> No.77236887
File: 213 KB, 1080x723, 17101636797616346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, Pippa fans are angry at this offkai mod.

>> No.77236952

Kirsche has no attachment to Offkai but Phase just got mega-backstabbed after paying for everybody. Of course they would be very angry.

>> No.77236980

extreme far-right nazi Pippa deserved it

>> No.77237026

>left wing grifter is a nazi
Kek, no surprise left wingers are nazis tho

>> No.77237043

academics please respond.

>> No.77237103

True if you kill all leftwing sjwtards, you also kill all projecting nazis in one swoop.

>> No.77237220

happily married anon, nice projection

>> No.77237278

Lying on the internet is not a good thing

>> No.77237331


>> No.77237476

>seriously posting one of the biggest lolcows ever
I knew Kirsche antis must be retarded but you exceeded expectations.

>> No.77237539

Yeah, main groomer of Yuko Yurei.

>> No.77237976

Yeah but trans are barely even people so do they really deserve human rights? The obvious answer is no.

>> No.77238154

Tell me you have an inferiority complex without saying it

>> No.77238886

Lmao, I just don't consider degenerate freaks real people. They're just caricatures of real people

>> No.77239997

