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File: 1.56 MB, 801x922, Screenshot 2024-06-02 at 02-21-56 GPDr2TxXwAA-JNM.jpg large (JPEG Image 1191 × 1370 pixels) — Scaled (67_).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77194245 No.77194245 [Reply] [Original]

fishman paid for their vendor hall and everything and this is how they decided to act when handed the opportunity

kirsche still got smuggled in despite everything lol

>> No.77194290

Never trust Californians.

>> No.77194341 [DELETED] 

Phase girls being edgy tried to upstage the organizers by promoting a blacklisted talent.
Guess they got what they deserve?

>> No.77194368

That never happened though?

>> No.77194427


>blacklisted talent.
>Guess they got what they deserve?

if they're blacklisting people, that's a red flag

they didnt even give foxu a reason

>> No.77194480

The Offkai organizers supposedly blacklisted her, not Phase, to be clear because retards are never clear.

>> No.77194515

It wasn't phase girls btw it was Nanobites and some other phase adjacent creators, the main one being Kirsche in her parking lot meet and greet

>> No.77194536 [DELETED] 

Never trust a small corpo management. The biggest mistake Offkai guys did was they allowed Phase Connect to bribe the artists thus it undermined the integrity of the event.

>> No.77194616

i cbf listening to opinions from people other than those who were there in this situation and can tell us what their day was like.

>> No.77194628

Idol Corp was the main sponor last year and was completely upstaged by Phase, remember that funny event anon? Of course you do, your still upset by it.

>> No.77194662

>parking lot meet and greet
This is what shitposters are upset about? It is a parking lot, she is allowed to be there really.

>> No.77194705

What happened?

>> No.77194732 [DELETED] 

Isn't Pippa the 4chan chuba? What were they really expecting?

>> No.77194783


>Never trust a small corpo management. The biggest mistake Offkai guys did was they allowed Phase Connect to bribe the artists thus it undermined the integrity of the event.

what integrity?

now the artists know that offkai is cringe and will backstab people they dont like and that fishman is generous

>> No.77194794 [DELETED] 

Phase girls being retards.

>> No.77194823

Nothing happened, see how >>77194794 can only vaguepost because they have nothing to actually bitch about.

>> No.77194856
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Isn't this the twitch mod who was like "Phase's decision, not ours"?

>> No.77194886

It was always cringe, but you're talking about the parasites of the vtuber art world. They're ride any controversy and any social issue to sell more cheap t-shirts and stickers.

>> No.77194892

Sounds like a trustworthy person, kek.

>> No.77194909

>4chan chuuba
She can barely handle /vt/, and this place is literally just a less sanitized plebbit board

>> No.77194910
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>Nothing happened

you sure about that one?

>> No.77194973

Maybe she should have reviewed the staffer's pet. Just saying.

>> No.77194980

You know what the funny thing is, just switch to Japanese vtuber community, all the old drama is gone. Sure, there is different kinds of drama, but it's not this kind of slurs and nazi shit back and forth every single day for years and year and years.

>> No.77194993

I see, there are a lot of non-holo bait threads being created at the same time right now so i'm going to assume a bunch of holocucks who got previously banned are back.

>> No.77195061

So Phase were actually fucked over by OffKai staff, how does that feed into the bait thread narrative that Phase giving the vendors a freebie is responsible for the event organizers not being great at their jobs exactly?

>> No.77195064

>Last year pippa doesn't get invited to the vshojo afterparty
>This year sakana cancelled anything to do with her
All that's left is for some leeches to shit talk her and it's a full course meal

>> No.77195088


if you're somehow comfortable with talents being banned from places im gonna state the obvious and call you a federally glowing agent nigger

>> No.77195120

NTA but I do think it's funny and kind of expected. I remember some anons arguing until they were blue in the face that Pippa doesn't have a bad rep in the slightest. Now none of them are going to pop up and say it was just a mere coincidence. Time really does blow everyone the fuck out. You just have to wait for it to happen, but I'm sure she'll get over it.

>> No.77195137

I only know Offkai tweet about their failure again this year, but not the details.

>> No.77195190

>sabotaging "kiwiniggers: the corp" even when they try to bribe you to attend
based, fuck this homobegging grifter

>> No.77195287

>When the source is your own posts with a shitty filter over it
We've reached new levels of retardation anons...

>> No.77195291

Pippa should graduate

>> No.77195335

The jews were also sabotaged.

>> No.77195360
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>> No.77195489

Isn't it more likely that Kirsche's fans are the one responsible since she called herself terrorist on X?

>> No.77195576

They ran 10 minutes of ads on the Offkai stream when it was Phase's program.

>> No.77195605


unlikely, offkai tried cancelling pippa last year and whether or not the volunteers responsible for it got fired this year is now suddenly unclear

>> No.77195616
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Unexpectedly, the OffKai Technical Director looks exactly what you would expect the OffKai Technical Director to look like.

>> No.77195682

>imagine throwing random fuel into a fire by lying just because you can
the complete lack of self awareness, lol

>> No.77195839

>this is what holofags are cheering on

>> No.77196053

Matara had sex with me when I was inside Mint's Snake daki so offkai is fine with me.

>> No.77196135

I dunno man, EN drama is mainly just petty twitter shit, JP drama is either like dumb as fuck consolewar and copyright shit from the country's dumbest fans, devs and artists or insane psycho shit from a handful of the talents themselves.

>> No.77196177

>Last year pippa doesn't get invited to the vshojo afterparty
I'm out of the loop, why should she have been invited? Just because a member or two have collabed with her on occasion?

>> No.77196237

You're just too used to EN drama so you don't understand how vile and corrosive it actually is. You call the JP drama psychotic but most of the time it's just disagreements that get blown out of proportion by translations. And the legal stuff is just like follow the rules and you're fine most of the time.

>> No.77196284

90% of what I watch is Hololive, I seriously do not care what happens to phase whatsoever.
I'm talking about shit like Mikeneko and Sio, but the JP fans generally just as bad as the EN fans, they just care about different shit.

>> No.77196310

I just think Pippa should stop nerfing herself and ditch Phase already. Fishman already said he will pay for the tables again next year. A bunch of the girls recent Pippa for giving the company a certain image, but Pippa is still trying... to the detriment of her own fanbase too.

>> No.77196354

Honestly, we don't need racists like phase attending our cons.

>> No.77196448

This, on the japanese side it's only stalkers, stabbings, married chuubas killing cats and cheating on their husbands, people getting jailed for tax evasion and some getting sued into homelesness because they said a bad thing about a corpo, but that's about it.

>> No.77196478
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>> No.77196536

Christ, you’re an insufferable faggot. Go back to your hugbox.

>> No.77196627

Might be time for Phase to do their own conventions

>> No.77196641 [DELETED] 

>Honestly, we don't need racists like phase attending our cons.

you're on 4chan, nigger. black people aren't human, jews should be put into the oven, and indians need to learn what a toilet does (and how to use it)

>> No.77196673

Yeah but it's not like EN doesn't have drama about those kinds of chuubas either, and it's also schizo. You can easily just ignore it. It isn't this whole moral high ground existential mumbo jumbo non stop with no purpose or end goal.

>> No.77196675

not surprised that disgusting cunt is involved with this

>> No.77196721

>phase tries to do something
>it's a shitty mess
where's the conspiracy angle? seems pretty par for the course.

>> No.77196722

I think Pippa should spread her ass and let me lick her butthole and fuck it. My demands are most certainly fair.

>> No.77196885

in other words fish tried to use money to force pippa (which is very well known for her affinity with kiwidoxxers) in to the con (thats called bribery btw), but it didnt work and people still opposed to it, ok fish totally deserved that for using classic corrupted moves to get away with his shit like a jew, fuck him.

>> No.77196893


the part where its not phase but offkai doing it

>> No.77196921

Feel free to make your own con.

>> No.77197020

Tell me you know about the chuuba who got bullied into live streaming her suicide...

>> No.77197034

Which is all fine and pretty global, with rape, pet abuse, theft, scamming, pedos, stalking, and so on all occurring with EN stuff. So, we're basically saying that besides the usual human insanity it has no real drama.

>> No.77197049

Of fucking course they're a troon. Gee, I wonder which OffKai staffer spearheaded the campaign to get Kirsche banned?

>> No.77197087

Tell me you know about the twitlonger. Which one? All of them. You fools really try hard to defend the worst community.

>> No.77197159
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I honestly can't tell if that's a crossdressing man or just an ugly woman.

>> No.77197217

>Kevin goes to meeting with Offkai official.
>It's a man in a dress.
>Kevin gives him all his money

>> No.77197326

You're making the mistake of thinking born-and-bred commiefornians are people, let alone sentient

>> No.77197415

OffKai noticed the '''rrat''' pointing out the plan, so now they're counter-seethe operations

>> No.77197561

Paying for goodwill and exposure is cringe.

>> No.77197632
File: 162 KB, 850x1074, 1714763424006352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody fucking E X P L A I N what the fuck supposedly happened CLEARLY?
I've been hopping between thread after thread and there's nothing but the most vague garbage being posted.

>> No.77197765

All of that was just Mike

Shut up

>> No.77197806

The cringe political vtuber wasn't blacklisted, wasn't invited to do a panel. She wasn't smuggled in, is her again dramabaiting, she hasn't banned nor blacklisted and told publicly that she could go to the con and do stuff.

Leftist cringe sisters and alt right drama farmers united to create Rrats over a con they weren't invited to. pathetic to see.

>> No.77197825

OffKai hires californians.

Last time, they got californians that hate pippa, so they worked to sabotage pippa.

Then they got rid of them because "no you fuckwits that's a major sponsor"

This year, they got more californians.

Which included antis of Kirsche - and also, by extension, pippa

So they worked to get Kirsche removed from the guest list, and set about sabotaging pippa and the rest of phase because of that connection.

People running defence went full "no that won't happen, it's all just bs rrats from haters and liars

It then proceeded to fucking happen as everybody knew it would

Despite all this, some actual fans managed to get Kirsche close enough to the venue to do a fan M&G, so now the antis will be working overtime to increase the sabotage

As a result of all of this, and with OffKai running psyops to deflect all blame on Phase, people are now also attacking fishman

Is that all-encapsulating enough for you?

>> No.77197866

U don’t speak for me cracker

>> No.77197878

When your life is something beyond flipping burgers or a similar dead end no responsibilities job, you call that negotiations and leverage, I pay for this shit, I get to chose the conditions
>I need X tons of material being delivered in next month, you dont have enough people for that quota? not my problem, I need that much, either hire more people or I find someone else that can provide
>I want Pippa to perform in the con, you have issues with it? that's your problem, no Pippa, no phase money. You want extra dosh? Fine, but listen to this, Pippa gets a spot, and that's final

>> No.77197900

What are you doing /here/, don't you have 'internal miscommunications' to work out for later?
Did your hormones run out?

>> No.77197917

wow, you can fit more lies between all those spaces reeditfaggot

>> No.77197946

>our cons
You people keep saying you hate colonialism yet you're the biggest proponents of it, chill out or fuck off

>> No.77197967

What was the sabotage?

>> No.77197974

>Is that all-encapsulating enough for you?
It was fairly enlightening, yes.
Just one more thing though. I get that the calafornian trannies sabotaged pippa/phase, but what I'm not hearing is how they went about doing it. Like what is it that they did to fuck things up? Because that's what I really want to know.
What actually went wrong?

>> No.77197995

>All of that was just Mike
wrong, do your reps fag

>> No.77197997

Where did they lie, all that shit was admitted to or proceeded to happen?
Are you calling OffKai staff liars or were you just not paying attention?

>> No.77198020
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You just saw what the effects of harming someone who's garnered so much goodwill from the artists and creators that put western vtubing on the radar to begin with were a few months ago. How does someone look at that and decide to follow in their footsteps?

This is how. This whole thing reeks of Offkai not doing their due diligence when it comes to volunteers, and said volunteers having bad intentions.

>> No.77198037

Keep making Rrats out of pure seething that your cringe political vtuber or your tranny shit nijisanji wasn't invited. Ypu are just the laughing stock of the rest of the community.

>> No.77198044 [DELETED] 

phasers chickened out and did not invite holostars

>> No.77198069

just fucking up specific technical support in ways that cannot happen without actively attempting to make it happen because the systems behind it are just that idiot proof now, and only for select individuals that people hate

>> No.77198092

I hope someone pisses in the punch at the Offkai volunteers after party.

>> No.77198120

You mean his cons?

>> No.77198139

What 'rest of the community' you troon, go suck some girlcock, you're clearly missing the nutrients

>> No.77198159

Pippa is the r/4chan vtuber

>> No.77198181

>It then proceeded to fucking happen as everybody knew it would
Only the people with half a brain. Plenty of retards were caught completely off guard when the people who sabotaged pippa last year and then sabotaged kirsche last month also sabotaged pippa today. My only regret is that these victims survived the betrayal and will very likely live to be backstabbed once again.

>> No.77198254

You are full of shit and you know it, the political retard was not banned nor blacklisted, she was not invited to do a panel because vtubing is not about politics. She was not smuggled in, she had permission to do a M&G or wahtever she wanted, she just didn't get invited to do a panel.
You keep saying that there was sabotage with out prof or any complaint made public by phase or sakana.
You just spread lies and rrats you dramafaggot

>> No.77198259

>Only the people with half a brain
Yeah well true, but you get the point and so do the OffKai troons running counter-ops /here/ now

>> No.77198296

So how is Phase responding? Offkai accused them of screwing up their own event. That’s a pretty serious.

>> No.77198327

The DMs from OffKai directly explain that situation and no amount of semantics or linguistic fuckery from an ideology that functions purely off of those things will get away from that
Either get the disability support payments you claim to be entitled to, or stop commieposting you faggot

>> No.77198335

>she was not invited to do a panel
She was kicked from a panel she was already invited to. She was in the staging group, volunteers realized she was there and told the organizer to kick her from the event, and he complied.

>> No.77198349

>negotiations and leverage
no, is called bribery and corruption, fish already showed his true colors like a typical mainland chink and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.77198408

The only thing worse than a mainland chink is the californian
>complain about bribery
>still pocket the money

>> No.77198420

From what I gathered:
>Pippa and Tenma had a panel or concert and it was streamed on the official OffKai twitch as well.
>After one song from Temna the stream started looping commercials for a long time even though Pippa had two more songs and Tenma one more song (plus some skits).
>The stream audio was also fucked up. They caught the room audio and not the mic audio so everything was double.
>These two points above is called the sabotage.
>People in chat noticed the concert was skipped and asked about it; receiving the answer that this was Phase's decision.
So far I have not found a clear confirmation on whether or not it was or wasn't Phase that called it.
>Before the con speculations already went around that the con is staffed by rather leftist Californians that have a personal gripe with Pippa in particular or people like Pippa.
>This was confirmed by Kirsche since she was blacklisted from appearing in a panel she was already scheduled to be at for the reason she made staff uncomfortable with her views. She showed the DM's she had with the lead organizer of the con who confirmed as well that a segment of the staff had wanted Pippa gone last year, but had left when he didn't give in.
These above above two points are the motive that people think could have made OffKai staff commit the earlier mentioned sabotage.

All in all, its still a narrative if there was outright sabotage (though it is a real possibility and it's up to you if you want to give them the benefit of the doubt), though it is confirmed that the OffKai staff will blacklist people for ideological reasons (and yes, removing people from panels or featuring in any official capacity in the future is a blacklist) which some people aren't happy about.

>> No.77198440

>like a typical mainland chink
He got married, wants to have kids, and is against using their lives to derive personal advantage
That's not mainland behaviour

>> No.77198454

>paying for products or services is le bribery!
This is why we need a vtuber con outside of California.

>> No.77198499

>it's up to you if you want to give them the benefit of the doubt
They had to outright admit it was an issue before, and the exact same issue happened again
There is no benefit of the doubt left to give except on whether or not it's because they're commiefornians rather than some other issue - they COULD just be corrupt without being commies

>> No.77198555

At this point the question is whether the organizer is failing to filter applicants because he truly has no better options or if he's in on it.

>> No.77198591

Skill issue. Seems like phase is not ready yet

>> No.77198607

Zhang Connect is rapidly filling the retard vacuum left by the Sisters and Niji EN. How unfortunate.

>> No.77198611

A number of their chat moderation and senior technical staff are 'people' that are not only fundamentally opposed to various guests but also actively attack them on the sly, it's not one or the other, it's both

>> No.77198645

Phasecucks deserve it desu

>> No.77198703

Maybe, but nobody survives that particular spiral towards destruction.
The ball won't stop at the people you hate, the ball does not care who you hate, only that you still exist

>> No.77198746

Can anyone explain how ads on Pippa's twitch channel have anything to do with OffKai??

>> No.77198776

Personally I believe the motives and context prove staff more than likely have sabotaged the concert, but I wanted to be at least a bit neutral in my post by saying that there isn't something like a screenshot, that confirms the intuition for those who lack said feeling.

>> No.77198811


>> No.77198862


>> No.77198887

Offkai mainstage stream was hosting a pippa/tenma concert and cut the stream to their own commercials (not running twitch ads, they streamed commercials) when pippa was supposed to show up on stage.

>> No.77199005

The best dick is in the third toilet of the women's at the back, make sure to stop there before your next technical setup intern-kun

>> No.77199008

>still insisting its bribery and corruption
In any case it would be bribery and corruption FROM offkai's side, as they're milking fishman, and while that's still within the scope of negotiations, its on the dirtier side of exploiting a weakness, namely using Pippa's bad rep to demand more money from phase

>> No.77199013

Link to vod?

>> No.77199016

What is the "sabotage"? A cringe edit of some posts over phase girls doesn't tell me anything.

>> No.77199054

If any of this is true, it's a breach of contract and fishman would not pay them

>> No.77199129

Offkai deleted their own vods, wonder why they'd do that, strange even.

>> No.77199156
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Pippa is brand poison. If phase wants to be treated like a serious company, they need to ditch her.

>> No.77199197

Pippa is rat poison. If phase spreads her everywhere, we will be rid of you.

>> No.77199205

Yeah, I wonder why they took down a stream they weren't supposed to be doing.

>> No.77199208

How stupid Kevin should be to rely on some volunteers to do the job. If people are not paid for their time, there are would be inevitable constant fuck-ups and misunderstandings.

>> No.77199356 [DELETED] 

>phasefags are troons
it all makes so much sense

>> No.77199380

>Blaming others for their incompetence
Clearly phase is not ready to be on the big stage kek

>> No.77199536
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this dude really doesn't like pippa

>> No.77199556

"so this one time, I dressed up as pekora..."
Are you already forgetting the deep lore?

>> No.77199583

Offkai staff sabotaging their major sponsor is a huge fuck up. Phase acted in good faith and this is how they get treated. I hope 41% of the volunteers no longer need work next year.

>> No.77199591

whoever made this thread needs to be fucked with a rusty harpoon

Phase and Hololive are the two best companies and pitting them against each other is cringe. Only one group of people obvs behind this shit

>> No.77199595

Kek they won't. They need to leech off the big names to be relevant. Good luck with that cuz I don't think they want anything to do with /pol/ connect

>> No.77199598


for clarity, how many antis from the offkai staff are here trying to deflect blame onto phase for this?

>> No.77199600 [DELETED] 

what does that have to do with you being a troon, faggot?

>> No.77199608

Sounds like they deserve an average day in San-Fran desu

>> No.77199673

oh sorry, I needed to phrase it for a sub-70 iq.
“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”
Monkey see thing, monkey copy thing it like, monkey happy - company not matter, any company fine

>> No.77199750 [DELETED] 

so you admit you're a troon
got it
just wanted you to come out and deflect a second time

>> No.77199787

Seems more like Offkai isn't ready to call itself a big stage.

>> No.77199871

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.77199896

Did they?

>> No.77199912

I don't really care if Offkai sabotaged them intentionally. Pippa getting fucked over is funny and good.

>> No.77200021

Looking at the hours that the anti-phase posts started ramping up, I think its mostly our lovely sisters desperate for any W they can loosely claim.

>> No.77200022

>Still pocket the money
Fucking based

>> No.77200115

>muh californian
Listen anon too much rage, red meat media ain't good for the critical thinking skills. For example when Texas had it's winter power outage with millions affected because of poor infrastructure decisions instead of the addressing and future planning part of the discourse online from people like you was to rant about Californians and force culture politics. You now become part of the problem especially if that power outage occurs again.

Outside of the poor planning shit that goes on at any con. Who benefits the most from Off Kai being a disaster? Is it more likely to be someone who got triggered by one guest and said guest already left or is it more likely to be someone who involved emotions enough to ban to whole event and make things a culture war?

Let's get all the facts first before running spin or projecting.

>> No.77200121

It might appear that way until you remember that the money is going to go straight to rent.

>> No.77200227

>Let's get all the facts first before running spin or projecting
Impossible for these people. These are twitter culture warriors not even /pcg/ entertains.

>> No.77200382


>> No.77200398

>For example when Texas had it's winter power outage with millions affected because of poor infrastructure decisions instead of the addressing and future planning part of the discourse online from people like you was to rant about Californians and force culture politics.
You do realize that the way texas addressed future planning to prevent further disasters was by banning californians from being members of the texas energy board, because the reason the outage happened in the first place is because the head of the board at the time, who lived in california, jacked the price of power to 9000$ per Mwh

>> No.77200427

>So far I have not found a clear confirmation on whether or not it was or wasn't Phase that called it.
Yes, I'm sure Phase wanted to sabotage their top talents just so everyone can experience the same commercial loop that's been going on for the last 3 hours. At best Sakana is helping them save face.

>> No.77200436
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so based sister!

>> No.77200456 [DELETED] 

>average phasecuck trooning out

>> No.77200590

Doesnt offkai fuck up every year tho. Didnt like numi cry cuz they ruined a live show she was gonna do

>> No.77200812

What's the pay for being offkai staff this year?
Any good?

>> No.77200819

>Kiwinigger le based chuuba
Oh no no

>> No.77200851

man, what the fuck is it with californians and ruining energy grids?
First it was the global anti-nuclear campaign because they wanted to keep The Filth(tm) away from their beachfront views, now they're actively fucking up the general grids in other states?

>> No.77200861



it's literally volunteer jannies. offkai could fire these people and hire professionals at any time, but literally choose not to.

>> No.77200889

>offkai trannies are doing this for free

>> No.77200966

This occasion was warranted as no one enjoys politics paired with vtuber content, as these phanenegroes do

>> No.77200976

overwhelming urge to bully anime culture into not being gay backstabber failed men. why is this who represents us? why is this the person who does important work?

>> No.77200991

go back to your containment thread

>> No.77201002

please tell me the execs are at least getting sex-on-tap from them then, why the fuck are they keeping so many 41%ers if not for that?

>> No.77201047

yasss sis, truuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
you tell it kween!

>> No.77201084


they're californians. they do this for free to try and control your mind and soul

>> No.77201085

>why is this the person who does important work?
>important work

>> No.77201087

They do, that's why you only see the ugly trannies on the floor and none of the sexier femboys
t. getting railed by the offkai director of marketing right now

>> No.77201104

you're the one making shit political by attacking people at cons. shouldn't you be attacked, then? shouldn't we just keep you away?

>> No.77201112
File: 32 KB, 592x519, 1717330867478160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this time is a sabotage because... IT JUST IS OK?

>> No.77201155

let me rephrase: why do we let undesirable people represent us at all instead of bullying them out of any chance of doing so? i'm sick of tranny janny, trany janny is a coward in real life with a 3 cylinder car and a 5 inch dick

>> No.77201163

you're trying to reason a npc out of a position they weren't coded to hold in the first place, it's not going to work

>> No.77201188

Are you talking about phasefags or offkai?

>> No.77201217
File: 379 KB, 1819x1819, 1699857907035931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(though it is a real possibility and it's up to you if you want to give them the benefit of the doubt)
Nah they're not getting any benefit of the doubt from me, that was a purposeful sabotage. There's no doubt in my mind.

Little leftist faggots.

>> No.77201216

/we/ don't, /we/ never have outside of being apathetic to the slow march until it was possibly too late, which was by design - a design the current pushers of it aren't smart enough to understand, which is why we now know it's even happening

>> No.77201237

I don't like kirche but if she was in fact a factor as to why pippa segment was cut short then good for them. This is what happens when you welcome /pol/ grifters like kirche pippa and the rest of phase into what supposed to be a special day for people going. Nobody wants to pull to a con to hear about fucking political issues. Next year keep phase out and kirche too and every drama stirring faggot away and invite more holo girls. You'll make 10x of what you made with phase and their pol grifting talents.

>> No.77201272

This has always been the case. Sci-fi cons in the 70s-80s-90s were run by pedophiles (and probably still are). Well adjusted people have shit to do.

>> No.77201298

it's time to dilate honey

>> No.77201301

>and every drama stirring faggot
anon, there's already a holofes, are you crying because you weren't able to go?
OffKai exists because there are people outside of holo, what do you mean
Cart go behind horse, not in front

>> No.77201340
File: 16 KB, 300x383, 1712035851164231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bogdanoff had a sister?

>> No.77201357

It was a fucking shitshow kek

>> No.77201386

>OffKai exists because there are people outside of holo
They deserve to be fucked by con trannies then. Don't venture outside the walled garden.

>> No.77201398

Obviously, the answer is for Sakana to team up with Asmon/Mythic and make their own damn con with blackjack and hookers instead of what seems like Dashcon-levels of incompetence but with a worse stench.

>> No.77201399

Yes Numi was completely fucked over last year. Tech issues got so bad that it completely cancelled her performance. No conspiracy, just incompetence.

>> No.77201412

>I've been hopping between thread after thread and there's nothing but the most vague garbage being posted.
You know that just a market of inconsequential shit, right?

>> No.77201419

/pol/ grifters Corp like phaseconnect doesn't deserve to be invited anywhere. You fags can always pony up the cash and do your own con where you can have PC kirche Rev and his fat wife all under one roof. You faggots do it for Trump do it for your hobby and stop ruining other people events

>> No.77201420


>> No.77201426

There's no definitive proof, yet, just hearsay. Offkai claims it was an internal miscommunication problem, but there's lots of circumstantial evidence that it was Intentional sabotage by one or more volunteers.

>> No.77201442

Make your own con.

>> No.77201507


>> No.77201513
File: 171 KB, 800x800, GNiU2E_bcWAI-ZH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they dodged a bullet?

>> No.77201523

Seems to be the word of a day

>> No.77201545

They played ads instead of showing Pippa's performance.

>> No.77201554


if you're so against "/pol/ grifters" or think pippa is one, then why are you even on 4chan?

>> No.77201577

Conservatives are too broke to do their own con they spent all their money donating to Trump campaign and spending hell of money following the orange mango all over the U.S. in gas guzzling pick up trucks while complaining about gas prices and inflation to do their own vtubing con.

>> No.77201616

They are in NijiEN, so no they did not dodge a bullet.

>> No.77201649

Because I can. Don't like it boo fucking hoo /pol/tard.

>> No.77201661

They are NijiEN. They are the bullet other people dodge.

>> No.77201672


>too broke

the jews literally financially blacklist and jail anyone on the right that gets too powerful. dont you dare pretend this is an organic state of affairs

>> No.77201696

It's easy to dodge when you are already riddled with bullets. They have to do something really stupid to go any lower than they are right now.

>> No.77201713

>Offkai hat to cut the event. They decided to cut two of the phase girls out of the whole thing.
>Phase CEO wanted to not stream the whole thing and keep it con exclusive
>Offkai didn't know about that so they streamed a small portion of it until the fish told them to shut down

To put it better a lot of greed by phase ceo and incompetence on offkai ruined the whole thing.

>> No.77201733
File: 467 KB, 592x794, xqKt75G22V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay sure, that's what happens. It's not like you get put in jail for putting up "It's okay to be white" stickers and forbidden from even seeing your children.

>> No.77201788

Why isn't your side booking these events? Why you fags coming to all the leftist events to leave your rotten asshole stench all over the place. You don't like offkai rules then make your own fucking con and fuck off.

>> No.77201789


the ad runs during the pippa stream prove there was malicious intent on the part of offkai

>> No.77201800

>when the people who sabotaged pippa last year
What did they do last year?

>> No.77201846

/pol/ isn't the entire website fucktard. Some of us actually come here for niche interests and hate that you fuckers, including trannies you fight, have to turn every single hobby into a cultural war battleground. When >we said no politics in vtubing, we didn't mean just lefttard politics, but all politics whatsoever. It would be fine if you faggots reaped what you sow, but you're also dragging everyone else in the stupid shit flinging.

>> No.77201853

I don't know who the fuck this is? Why should I care and why lmfao.

>> No.77201859

Source? Or are you just another one of the offkai troons trying to make phase look bad?

>> No.77201893

Reads like the average /lig/ or /vsj/ seethe post ngl

>> No.77201894


>> No.77201942

I find it interesting that the Jews have managed to make people believe that being anti-Semitic is a race issue and not a religious issue, making people care about it more as people hate the big bad racists.

>> No.77201944

>Phase CEO wanted to not stream the whole thing and keep it con exclusive
I like how Phasekeks cut this part when talking about this whole thing. Curious.

>> No.77201974

It was the trailer for 'Buck Breaking'

>> No.77202028

>When we said no politics in vtubing, we didn't mean just lefttard politics, but all politics whatsoever.

>> No.77202174
File: 174 KB, 591x455, 1717331199976559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So maybe you guys have a point.

>> No.77202180

Phaseniggers did nothing when Kirsche got blacklisted because "not Pippa-sama's problem!" ?
Seems like karma to me, now that Pippa got backstabbed too it's suddenly a problem. But the corp/fandom is totally more than just Pippa/Pippacucks I swear, totally.

>> No.77202189

Everything is political. Cry.

>> No.77202249

so if the only issue here is that politics are bad then why is it an issue for a "/pol/ grifter corp" to have a concert with some skits
are you scared they're gonna say gas the jews unprompted or some shit in the middle of their timeslot

if I like pippa am I required to like kirsche? I don't care to watch her.

>> No.77202265

From what I have seen everyone has been having serious technical difficulties, isn't the more likely answer that at the end of the day the con is run by amateurs and it simply got too big for them to handle? Every panel that I was paying attention to was completely fucked, Friday concert was fucked, everything an hour behind schedule at least. That's just how cons are, it's tough to believe it's directed at certain individuals

>> No.77202296

If the sabotage theory is true, I imagine they would get fucked with if they attended, yeah.

>> No.77202306

Cons are almost always run by majority volunteers. This is because between the venue, paying for the big guests, and the con organizers siphoning money off the top they always end up losing money every year. VAs often make most of their money from getting invited to cons as opposed to actual voice acting.
This is why every almost every con is a disaster, they're all run and organized by retarded minimum wage activists except for like two people at the top.

>> No.77202335

I haven't seen Kirsche on a Pippa stream in like a year, so no?

>> No.77202354

Phasenigs are retarded please understand.

>> No.77202365

The saboteurs that have been uncovered so far appear to be nijifriends.

>> No.77202377

>the convention known for making dozens of indies cry last year due to their incompetence accidentally streamed a few minutes of panel that was meant to not be streamed
aiiiiieeee it's a heckin sabotage those damn californiolios save me trump

>> No.77202388 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 1192x828, 05692AB1-96D8-44BE-A47E-1D86E4AFDED0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Offkai Holobronies are so hung up over this vid that they are still attacking someone over it

>> No.77202416
File: 527 KB, 1536x2048, 1717311587389699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The irony of picrel

>> No.77202417

it wasnt very intelligent from fish to force-feed a bunch of alphabet people with some kiwippa shit, tenma is not very different thanks to her tendency to pickup fights for no reason, plus its practically a slap in the face for the most talented members to be relegated by people without talent, blue bear and even thunder hag were better options.

>> No.77202424

>doesn't know what an ethno-religion is

>> No.77202452


>> No.77202474
File: 152 KB, 400x378, 1616620463651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just can't hate phasekeks enough.

>> No.77202484


>> No.77202485

Well that mod certainly doesn't seem particularly trustworthy...

>> No.77202509

Jewish propaganda is what that is.

>> No.77202510


>> No.77202520
File: 13 KB, 209x248, 175984519123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>squandering all good will

>> No.77202530

phase's fanbase is comprised of /pol/ schizos who hatch a conspiracy theory about how every time a website goes down for a few minutes it's the government shutting it down to remove proof that aliens exist. they're literally retarded.

>> No.77202559
File: 37 KB, 802x624, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like Offkai has been in the red both years it's been run. This is without paying for competent workers.

>> No.77202568

Holofags shriek at the sight of this pic.

>> No.77202574

damn, reminds me of /vt/

>> No.77202575

I was talking to the faggot asking anon why he's on 4chan. Off-Kai faggots, if it was actual sabotage, are actual faggots but I'm withholding judgement until the CEO actually says anything because it could still be a million other things.
But if it were true then unfortunate and I hope those con fags get their just desserts, but also lmao get fucked.

>> No.77202576

>phase vs phase

>> No.77202597

>pitting against each other
Ah now it's not okay but doxxing and bankrolling anti for years was ok uh, don't try to associate hololive with your disgusting corpo.

>> No.77202600

Public video she put out herself, that's not dox. Stop false flagging with Koro too, nigger

>> No.77202647

Seems like a perfectly normal well adjusted Californian who would never do anything malicious.

>> No.77202658

Nah you don't have to watch her, she rarely does conventional vtuber stuff so if you don't care about politics it's prolly not that fun compared to Pippa desu.

>> No.77202660

He's a last samurai and has no idea what the term doxx actually means.

>> No.77202679 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 308x308, 1670558105617596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna make a public video of me sliting your fat fuck throat pagpag connect.

>> No.77202736

Literally rule1

>> No.77202737


>> No.77202742

The sooner holofags are eradicated, the sooner the scene will improve.

>> No.77202775

>pol/ grifters like
>the rest of phase
It's another retard seething about people they never watched episode

>> No.77202789

Just because janitors don't know what dox means either doesn't mean public information is now magically dox

>> No.77202792
File: 12 KB, 236x236, 17165498713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Phasekeks really running headfirst into turning the company into a pariah.

>> No.77202860

mental illness. chill out sis no one is doxxing you freak

>> No.77202900

Did everyone forget WHY they were kicked out?
There was already the rrat that the volunteers were seething nijitrannies trying to blacklist everyone who talked shit about niji even before any of this stuff happened

>> No.77202903

The ex-tsunderia and MyHoloTV ones are fine.

>> No.77202933
File: 908 KB, 2304x1792, Kirsche bridge connections.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, I love Kirsche, but Kirsche doesn't work for Phase and Fishman had no reason to drop everything after having already put in a significant cash investment into the event.

>> No.77202981

Maybe because that's a taboo in the vtubing community and the board follows those rules. Complaining about it makes you a tourist that doesn't care about vtubing.

>> No.77203032

>Complaining about it makes you a tourist that doesn't care about vtubing.
He is a phasefag.

>> No.77203043

>t. never watched any phase chuuba stream

>> No.77203067

Yeah it's so taboo that several high profile vtubers reveal themselves and the board discusses them just fine but selectively enforces the rule for corpo vtubers.
Feel free to kill yourself anytime janitor scum

>> No.77203076

>get kicked out of an event they signed up for AND have their lunch money stolen
Maybe if plappa connect didn't anti the entire vtubing sphere (especially holo), this kind of incident would have actual negative repercussions for the "perpetrator". But don't worry, I'm sure your hero brownVTM will shine enough of a spotlight on it to cancel OffKai.

>> No.77203118

Our hero is working on it! The pagpag warriors are ready to strike!

>> No.77203157

man you sisters are really bad at this

>> No.77203161

>Reveal themselves
Name seven

>> No.77203254

This kills the KFPiss.

>> No.77203265

Why would Phase connect even go to a convention in california? Would be like if the israeli idol Corp chuubas went to a ani-convention in the Gaza Strip or something.

>> No.77203266

How about this, I'll keep discussing whatever I want without playing your little game you already know the answer to, and you kill yourself.

>> No.77203284
File: 535 KB, 2480x3507, fishman dizzy marine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when did Phase Connect hate/anti Holo? Most of their members and Fishman are huge hololive simps.

>> No.77203326

>phasekek conceded

>> No.77203337
File: 191 KB, 1032x1200, Fmpt20YXkAIQxAv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's totally real and organic and not weird antis pathetically trying to stir up drama, honest!

>> No.77203342

If they were nijitrannies they would've done their best to block biboo kaela kobo and Kiara from offkai because nijisister hate hololive doofus.

>> No.77203381

that's lots of words for admitting you're a tourist.

>> No.77203435

Explain bvtm and other phasefag accounts Mori, Kiara and Shiori hate then.

>> No.77203505


>> No.77203531

Should've attended offpako instead.

>> No.77203593

>Faggot nijisissie claims that Mori hates Phase

>Mori and Pippa both outright confirmded that Mori's been trying to nudge Pippa into a collab for well over a year but Pippa is too fucking autistic

>> No.77203629

Moving the goalpost, eh? First it was the Phase members being antis, now its the Phasefans. Nijisister, please go back to your board.

>> No.77203638

He didn't say that. He said that bvtm posted Mori Kiara and Shiori slander and doxshit multiple times.

>> No.77203658

>kirsche still got smuggled in despite everything lol
yeah by child groomers and rapists that spend their days samefagging this board lol
great company she and the rest of you retards keep

>> No.77203667

>Making shit up
You don't even watch Mori streams.

>> No.77203728

>Everyone is one person
It's not mutually exclusive anyway.

>> No.77203734
File: 165 KB, 1190x489, phaserat seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brownVTM doesn't exist and phaseshitstains totally don't simp for him

>> No.77203786
File: 1.14 MB, 1531x1080, happy birthday pippa from calli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the poster you were responding to but, they tweet at each other and even have spoken about each other on stream.

>> No.77203809

This is so fucking stupid. You can disagree all you want about Kirche being banned from offkai, I might even agree with you. But AFTER she has been explicitly banned, trying to smugly sidestep that ban like Pippa tried and then be shocked that shit happens? Oh Fuck off

I know for a fact that none of you faggots that are crying about this would object for even a second if NijiEN was explicitly banned from a con and then Kiara got in trouble because she tried to circumwent the rules just to have Pomu on or something. Not a single fucking one of you would object to it

>> No.77203820

>follow my nonsensical rule or you're a t-tourist!!
Why do you think your labels matter to me at all. You are impotent.

>> No.77203836
File: 466 KB, 498x498, 1680028422370176.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77203866

Retarded pol connect

>> No.77203900

Mori never said about collabing with Pippa. Mori drawing Pippa because a phasefag asked for it is completely different to what he claimed.

>> No.77203905

Stop samefagging

>> No.77204045

Retard. She literally said it while drawing Pippa, and has mentioned wanting to collab with her previously. Why do you lie

>> No.77204061

>he conceded

>> No.77204096

Stop samefagging

>> No.77204113

Calling you a tourist is just an accurate descriptor to weeds invading a hobby. Happened in DnD. Happened in Warhammer. Happened in every fucking thing. It doesn't matter if they're leftards or /pol/niggers tourists are tourists.

>> No.77204158

Bump limit btw so you can stop samefagging and replying to yourself

>> No.77204188

Stop samefagging.

>> No.77204219

>you're invading because I personally disagree with you!!
Your labels don't matter. Feel free to end your life pathetic janitor

>> No.77204227

Post the fucking timestamp because she didn't. She just wished her a happy birthday. Why shit on Hololive while also begging for their recognition?

>> No.77204270

Don't have if you're just a small incompetence org kek

>> No.77204324
File: 709 KB, 1536x2048, 1717191317476800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your labels don't matter. Feel free to end your life pathetic janitor

>> No.77204402

I’ve spent the whole day looking for proof but I only found that one (1) staff might not be too fond of Pippa, so apparently the reasonable conclusion is that Offkai purposely sabotaged their main donor and not some unepected technical difficulties, especially when all the other Phase events went perfectly without a hitch. I know it’s pride month but there’s a limit to being this much of a whining faggot

>> No.77204492

>Pippa hates Hololive, because of x
>Nooo Pippa loves Hololive because of y and z
Cant you faggots see that she is like most fans have some she hates but she likes most holomems? Be honest, do you like every single HoloEN member? Just because Pippa doesnt like Kiara doesnt mean she doesnt love Fauna and Mori and Gura and Ina and Biboo etc etc
Making fun of Kiara a couple of times doesnt erase the 100 times she has shown love to Hololive

Just because you shitpost about Kronii doesnt mean you dont love Mumei you know

>> No.77204494

Is that Runie video they delete on sight not dox too?

>> No.77204531

>do you like every single HoloEN member?
Yeah, pretty much.

>> No.77204566

Completely different and you know it, you disingenuous fuck.

>> No.77204623

It was on national television though.

>> No.77204642

Truly phasecucks moment

>> No.77204647

That is the most retarded solution to not running proper maintenance in your power grid

>> No.77204672

The amount of falseflagging of sisters in this thread is amazing, faking fights between holos and phases. you sisters are very sad

>> No.77204679

fuck phasegroids

>> No.77204743

Pippa is a grifter whore

>> No.77204755

Literally the same thing. The furry suit video is a no no too I guess?

>> No.77204766

‘Ate dramatubers, ‘ate chuubas talking politics, ‘ate kirsche. Simple as

>> No.77204769

I'm glad more people in and out of /vt/ are becoming cognizant of how consistently shitty phasefags are
they have never archived vods, you retard

>> No.77204861

>Be a pol and drama grifter
Karma hits you back how sweet.

>> No.77204893

They're running full damage control here while pretending to be holo fans. They're afraid. Maybe you shouldn't have banned Kirsche and sabotaged Pippa if you don't wanted everyone to be over your ass, offkai trannyjannies.

>> No.77204955

>if you don't wanted
Hello I am unda the watu. pleas help me

>> No.77204971

Sister, your bait is running low

>> No.77204996

There is none

>> No.77205021 [DELETED] 

Pippa doesn't hate anyone, she is just a completely soulless grifter who turns in whatever way the wind blows
She's proven that over and over again. Like when she tried to be le epically rebellious and play Hogwarts only to fucking kneel to trannies like a bitch and beg people to stop harrassing "our valid kweenx" a week later.

Just like brownVTM who pretends to be a holofan when it's convenient, only to dox, spread gura rrats, make fun of Fauna's dead cat, or whatever else his subhuman seanigger brain comes up with.

>> No.77205075

Fucking bullshit disingenuous take

>> No.77205119

Fuck you and kirche make your on con

>> No.77205133

>nooooooooo it's not possible that many people think I'm an annoying retard it has to be a conspiracy!!!!!!!!

>> No.77205271

offkai seems like a grift if they can't hire proper employees instead of relying on volunteers despite ticket sales, sponsors, etc.

sabotage or incompetence, both are a scam to talents, fans, brands and corpos investing time/money in offkai

>> No.77205362 [DELETED] 

pls understand seaniggers are incapable of acting like normal human beings

>> No.77205418

I don't even hate Pippa but anything she touches unfortunately comes into contact with her fanbase, which is probably the worst of any chuuba

>> No.77205495

>I know for a fact that none of you faggots that are crying about this would object for even a second if NijiEN was explicitly banned from a con and then Kiara got in trouble because she tried to circumwent the rules just to have Pomu on or something
Pomu doesnt even exist anymore anon....

>> No.77205588

What'd they even whack this for?

Which is weird with how much she's flipflopped, virtue signaled, and generally grifted it.

You can start your own con if you want. ~150 bottom barrel employees for 3 15-hour days is going to run you a cool 100k before facility, design, compliance, loicenses, fees, and every other cost. It's ulcer inducing if you're trying to actually break even let alone profit.

>> No.77205686

>Thinking Holochads care about phase any more than laughing at you for a few minutes while you all seethe
Winning that award at those pointless "Vtuber awards" really have you fuckers a big head huh? Go fight with idol or some shit, challenge someone more at your level.

>> No.77205744

I dont get why phase is even trying with these vtuber con shit. Isnt the whole entire point of Phase connect that they arent like other corpos? Like why try for the same faggy places that normal chuubas goes to. Advertise in a gun convention or something

>> No.77205830
File: 177 KB, 1290x1338, 1687261376975278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What sabotage? The Mint & Matara panel and Hololive concerts went extremely well and that's all that matters. Maybe phasecucks should first have some real talented vtubers and not a bunch of grifters then they will be treated with respect.

>> No.77205900

i don't tho lmao

doesn't change the fact offkai is a scam to fans and talents if they have issues every year

>> No.77206062

Yeah it's weird so many came back. I'd like to believe this is the straw that breaks the back but then snoy still exists so~

>> No.77206092

This is like one those retard tests where low iq tards cant comprehend hypotheticals.

>> No.77206109

>What'd they even whack this for?
probably racism

>> No.77206243

Funny because those panels also had audio issues, but of course PCfags doesn't know that because they don't bother watching streams at all.

>> No.77206293

God yea pcfags am I right?
Could you imagine if somehow an ad reel just suddenly started up in the middle of those? That would be fucked right haha good thing it didnt happen to hololive!

>> No.77206310

>Con is held in California
>Started in California
Who the fuck did you expect to be staffing the fucking convention? Yeah they're going to "hire" a bunch of people out of state. The staff are largely composed of local volunteers.

>> No.77206389

If I saw these faggots at my venue I would just roll ads to hide the embarrassment

>> No.77206419

>Everyone I don't like is a tranny
Unironically woman behaviour

>> No.77206465

Kirsche got banned? good

>> No.77206517

Phaseniggers aren't people

>> No.77206574

ESL chama your ranguage reps

>> No.77206586

Kirsche ban gud. She really needs to knock it off or graduate.
Kirsche ban for a panel they signed on only after the refund period ends, still not refunding, and doing it for retarded commiefornian volunteers bad.

There's a professional way to handle things and this wasn't it senpai.

>> No.77206590

I don't think anyone can say she hates 'hololive', she acknowledged she fangirled over fauna acknowledging she existed.

>> No.77206635

Buy him a slimekin slippa keycap for his broken w key you heckin bigot.

>> No.77206713

Isn't offkai being staffed completely by volunteers? I think there's a very good possibility they're just idiots. You get what you pay for

>> No.77206773

this ain't it, chief

>> No.77206886

Offkai is just fucking incompetent, you're not special

>> No.77207033

They sabo'd last year and were very vocal about it being sabo.
They were being vocal about saboing again this year against talents in their book of grudges
The CEO outed that it was indeed sabo in the Kirsche dms
Kirsche gets kicked anyway only after the refund period's over
Nijicuck volunteers have been malding the entire time that those in their book of grudges were there
Then coincidentally the talents in their book of grudges have problems that can't happen by accident.

No one gives a shit about the internet hiccups. It's the shit that can only happen deliberately and only happened to Offkai Enemies that got people riled up.

>> No.77207079

>Hololive had no problems
>Vshojo had no problems
>Idol had no problems
>countless indies had no problems
>only phase did
Seems like a phase problem to me pal

>> No.77207628

