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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77198051 No.77198051[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.77198122
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>> No.77198151
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>> No.77198184
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>> No.77198211 [DELETED] 


>> No.77198265

But I thought phasebros were holofriends, were they just lying all this time?

>> No.77198368
File: 1.84 MB, 2080x1250, 1706968454315666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you using sora's image phasenog.

you brownvtmeme lovers should be labeled the next nijiniggers

>> No.77198463

They are "friends" only when they need holochads to protect their skinny asses, such as when fighting Nijiniggers.
Make no mistake though, every phasenigger is a subhuman, holo-anti, and brownVTM shitlicker.

>> No.77198518

doxxsisters are the biggest femcels prove me wrong

>> No.77198588

Phaggots are good people. Why you nijiniggers do this?

>> No.77198660
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>> No.77198705
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>Phaggots are good people.
They're pretty much all fruitfags, the world would be better off with all of them on pikes.

>> No.77198766
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>why are you using sora's image phasenog.
because I'm a hololive fan, moron.

>> No.77198767


>> No.77198806
File: 2.15 MB, 1200x1909, 1699552831950141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for confirming that you are a sister, moron

>> No.77198860

phasemems generally are vtubing fans, overwhelmingly of holomems
phasebros are not phasemems, nor part of the company, they are just random fans out there in the world
Nijisisters and commiefornians share the same thing: a craving for endless amounts of dick that isn't their own, preferably brought on by setting other sides against each other, to distract from their latest total fuckup

>> No.77198892

Uhhhh based

>> No.77198904

OP can you make it less obvious it is sisters shitting up the catalog please. I feel bad for the last of the good communities stuck in NijiEN & all of NijiJP. Not that you sisters care in the first place.

>> No.77198961
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you phasenogs will be the next nijiniggers like the little brownvtms you are.

>> No.77199037
File: 55 KB, 728x515, hololive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care, you are cancer and I don't want you here. Go back to r*ddit

>> No.77199056

Could go on, but this is such an organic and very much not brigaded thread OP, good job.
Jannies, do your job it's been even worse today than usual and that's saying something.

>> No.77199102

Nigger I'm whiter than you. Full western Euro ancestry kiwi

>> No.77199119

>crying for jannies.
lmao Fucking faggot. Finally got a taste of what you have been doing to others and you turn in to a little bitch. kek

>> No.77199149

I haven't been spamming dogshit threads to shit up the catalog and samefagging with my brigade, no.

>> No.77199155

why are you like this hooman

>> No.77199158
File: 119 KB, 1025x1025, 1717326945654955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd empty a whole mag to your head, you little phasevermins trying to hide behind le unity meme. filthy fucking phasebrownvtm rats.

>> No.77199189
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You first.

>> No.77199198
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kys newfag

>> No.77199221

phaseniggér are insufferable

>> No.77199274
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newfag,hololive also has a subreddit.

>> No.77199309


>> No.77199320

Maybe get your other little bitchfags to stop if you don't like it then instead of crying for the jannies like a little fucking faggot.
You first, thin skin.

>> No.77199331
File: 19 KB, 500x300, Gura Close.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much seething and he fucking watches Lia kek

>> No.77199364
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So much projection, no?

>> No.77199366

I like how you have a single hololive image, you can't even put effort into your falseflag

>> No.77199393

>thin skin

>> No.77199397
File: 411 KB, 1602x1548, Fuwawa Yandere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhh dont tell him he havent realized it yet

>> No.77199401
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watch your back though, the average phasecuck might track you down, they look real intimidating

>> No.77199440


>> No.77199445

I like to pretend people who make and post in these kinda threads are AIs

>> No.77199455

whoever made this thread needs to be fucked with a rusty harpoon

Phase and Hololive are the two best companies and pitting them against each other is cringe. Only one group of people obvs behind this shit

>> No.77199486

Sister... being upset that people want to rub your nijigay's latest yab in your face because it's funny isn't the same as this shit, this is just the same shit you always do anyway
pick a different tune for a change

>> No.77199489

Its funny to me that phasekeks keep saying holofans wouldnt hate phase just because pippa apparently loves hololive. What the fuck is the logic behind that? I genuinely hate phase for this shit >>77198660

>> No.77199530
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the phasebrown says, as he larps being a holofan mindlessly spamming holo images, disregarding every phasenog activities in pngs.


>> No.77199622

>It still doesn't have a different image

>> No.77199640 [DELETED] 

>I watched one match involving an Asuka cosplayer once
Wait wait, that's the Pippa doxxed a Holo member incident the bronies keep crying about? that's like fucking nothing. The way they acted its like she posted personal info all over a stream.

>> No.77199666

That would be true if you didnt shit talk Hololive. I don't see fans of other small corpos doing that.

>> No.77199682

What's wrong with your head that you're alogging this hard anon? Nobody gives a shit what you want or think.

>> No.77199709

You are in a cult. holycorpo get off their dick stop riding it so much

>> No.77199723

i do, and i asked
get back to your chair phasecuck

>> No.77199732
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>> No.77199743


>> No.77199761 [DELETED] 

Yes, explaining why it's a dox is far far more dox-y than vaguely mentioning an asuka cosplayer

>> No.77199793

tranny communist faggot. kys

>> No.77199795 [DELETED] 

KFPs are truly the most thin skinned and emasculated fanbase in the vtuber community. At least capipis just laughed at Pippa getting pseudo doxxed by coomalot

>> No.77199825

One of Pippas first streams was literally her vagueposting about Kiara doxx on stream and making fun of her getting abused.

>> No.77199830

>Please respect us we don't mean any harm
>Your a Cult111!!!
Ironic that you don't see your own proselytism and accuse that of others.

>> No.77199847


>> No.77199855


>> No.77199872

Don’t forget BTVM starting the whole “Shiori said she’s going to do male collabs” thing.

>> No.77199879

>it's fun to tell blatant lies and misinformation on the internet because my parents never loved me

>> No.77199881
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I'm not any of those three things, sister

>> No.77199915

Not even trying to hide being a kiwifag, huh Phasefag?

>> No.77199934

Even if you ignore the dox part it's also making light of someone's traumatic experience, so don't hide behind the "were not supposed to talk about it so it never happened" angle.

>> No.77199949

sure thing faggot, whatever you say. cut yourself more

>> No.77199990 [DELETED] 

Real or fake doxx, who cares?? In the end we just laughed at her retardation and Tenma and Lumi's seething. KFPs delude themselves that they're gonna get that austrian pussy by taking her trauma and making it their own

>> No.77200011

Phase browns are so shit not even other phase browns like them, that's why there's a good bunch of splits

>> No.77200012
File: 374 KB, 1381x775, 1707799722243760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok sister, keep crying

>> No.77200023 [DELETED] 

Has Kiara actually gone out and said that it was traumatic or something she regrets? I see you anons keep saying it's the worst thing ever that happened to her, but does she actually think that way?

>> No.77200034

No, why would I. At least I don't waste my time making shit threads and furiously samefagging for hours on end.

>> No.77200043

Wasn't bvtm just copying what half of /vt/ was saying?

>> No.77200054

are runie and plappa's coffee blends made specifically to be blacked only from fishman?

>> No.77200067

I agree because they are embarrassing the girls with the conspiracy theories.

>> No.77200068

>making light of someone's traumatic experience
You have to go back, or better yet just kill yourself so you're removed from our hobby permanently.

>> No.77200091

>Girl got assaulted and is crying
>m-m-maybe she's okay with it
okay anon I believe you

>> No.77200130

nijitranji are literally the ones making all these anti-Phase threads like the desperate bitter little troons they are. Incredibly cringe

>> No.77200140

No, maybe one or two people might have said it (probably one of them astroturfing), but it blew up after they posted that “Respect My Collab Choices” image. It’s pretty hard to draw that conclusion if you actually watched the stream.

>> No.77200141 [DELETED] 

make sure you come shit on phasecucks in these other catalog threads to
we needs to teach the a lesson

>> No.77200149

Underrated post

>> No.77200201 [DELETED] 

Every Capipi knows that it was a fake dox. Coomalot thinks vtuber fans are simp cucks and wanted to make them go mad with jealousy. There's quite a bit of info on Pippa irl and the coomalot woman just isn't Pippa as she was too attractive and also the woman is a friend that regularly featured with him online years prior to the Coomalot situation.

>> No.77200208

yes, they are no longer hiding 77200141

>> No.77200215


>> No.77200220

That is footage that's all over yt btw. Meanwhile sayu her address her social security number date of birth posted all over the internet. Kfp are thin skin fags

>> No.77200282

You weren't here 15+ years ago, stop larping. hurrdurr internet hate machine is the only side normalfags see in 4chan and come here to act out this misconception. Electiin tourists are worse than summerfags.

>> No.77200297

phasejanny deleting them for no reasons typical
someone should make more
phasebrowns are the worst posters on this board and need to learn thier place

>> No.77200302

I just wish these weirdo freaks trying to ferment drama and hatred would finally anhero and stop shitting up the board so much with this rabid nonsense.

How many threads have to die for these delusional faggots

>> No.77200326

You are a newfag, also holofans do not defend the hate that Sayu received.

>> No.77200327


>> No.77200336

>phasekeks don't even know about the moomposter
They can't help outing themselves

>> No.77200371
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>> No.77200391

You are not the moomposter,nigger

>> No.77200401

she really did die for our sins

>> No.77200415

Phase and their fans are the biggest scum of the vtuber community (both fans and actual vtubers). They have replaced NijiEN as NijiEN is mostly irrelevant now. The entire Phase fanbase basically spawned from Kiwifarms and the Ethan Ralph "circle" so I'm not surprised they are so terrible.

>> No.77200421

Obviously posts calling for raids would get deleted, retard.

>> No.77200443

And you are not a real woman phasekek.

>> No.77200446

>Phasefags don't know avatarfags from hololive generals
Complete Shock

>> No.77200483

I genuinely wonder what kinda mental illness would compel you to make posts like this. Do you even watch VTubers or do you just come here to shit up the board with your tribalfagging?

>> No.77200514

dumbfuck, its obvious to anyone and everyone that some weirdo troon who has an agenda against Pippa/Phase is using one of the chillest hololivers and fun poster avatars to stir up shit.

BIG MOOM wouldn't approve of this faggotry.

>> No.77200521

its funny how they act like the biggest /pol/-lite corpo too, then you turn round and see them trooning out at conventions
and er, then they 'support' runie and pippa's taste
hypocrites and cucks in equal measure

>> No.77200531

Holobro here, I think phase fans are the guys too spergy to be accepted by any other fanbase so they all cluster there. Type of guys who were wearing fedoras in middle school and shit

>> No.77200580

Another holobro here, I think your mum's anus is broken it felt too loose on my cock

>> No.77200597

good one bro

>> No.77200620

How do you know they're a tranny from >>77198051 >>77199530 or that they're specifically anti-pippa?
You have to have pre-knowledge of the avatarfag to know that shit, and why would phasefags know a holofag avatarposter?

>> No.77200621
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think you're right

>> No.77200632

Holobronies are tribalist monkeys that ride the dicks of everything that align with their tribalism. First you all shat on selen for years then the shit went down and you pretended you cared all along you fags even doxxed pomu tits over the all out war discord comment and you also riding her fanbase dick just like you're riding sayu dick now after you fags shat on her the moment she was fired only to suck dicks yet again by riding her too. Fuck off with the newfag shit you fucking faggot

>> No.77200677

phasecuck melting down in real time
you LOVE to see it

>> No.77200678
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>> No.77200708

You are the newfag, I was there before this board existed.

>> No.77200716

and yet the dramafag channels's chatters are filled with phasefags, even as much as to throw SCs to shill Pippa. Curious, is it not?

>> No.77200723

Funny you mention NijiEN since Phase (and their fans as you say) are everything that that NijiEN haters on here claim NijiEN to be. Phase is the worst.

>> No.77200731

i'll sew your hands, and stapler your mouth, little phasevermin. what an abhorrent post. you nogs should really be labeled the next Nijiniggers.

>> No.77200736

>Npc tier response.
You wiped the cumstain off your lips yet?

>> No.77200750

ESL-kun, I know this is hard to grasp, but people can like multiple vtubers and watch multiple streamers. I've enjoyed Korone and Okayu's streams, Pekora's,Fauna, Gura, Baubau etc etc. Just like I've enjoyed Tenma and Pippa's streams.

And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know OP is a faggot

>> No.77200753

Yes, you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.77200776

95% of anons were, being from /jp/ before /vt/ existed isn't a flex, it's only been what, 2-3 years??

>> No.77200784

>All this drama content
It's the Phase fans who did this and are doing all of this. You guys are the one who live on drama channels and basically spawned from Kiwifarms. You have faggots like Ethan Ralph's towel boy Gator shilling you on streams and twitter.

>> No.77200789

>no argument
oh god you're actually fucking seething KEK
i thought you phasecucks did the cleaning up of your BVLLs after your whores got railed by flayGOD?
nice projection little cuck

>> No.77200791

Seething exposed chomolive fans

>> No.77200797

yea definitely a holobro and not a falseflagger

>> No.77200843

uh-oh, meltdown alert, female hormones detected

>> No.77200846

Genuine mental illness at work here

>> No.77200855

I don't give a fuck about phase you mongrel and there you go another cock in your mouth now you're riding the homo dick too? Damn not beating the dick rider allegations.

>> No.77200871

What is even going on in this thread

>> No.77200876

I'm not sure if it's still there. When Kiara was poor and stranded in Japan she took part in some e celeb vs cosplayer wrestling match wearing asuka cosplay and one of the guys kept groping her ass and tits and tried kissing her on the neck, and Pippa made fun of her saying she had seen a video of an asuka cosplayer getting groped, and that if she hadn't wanted this to happen she shouldn't have such a nice ass and perky tits and learned to wrestle instead of dancing.

>> No.77200881

I think you're the ESL unable to grasp my point, or rather, maybe you just have too low of an iq to understand to concept of generality. Yeah, you might be a phase fan who uses /hlgg/, but you are the exception. Why do you assume Phasefags, as a whole, would know hololive avatarfags? It's like assuming someone should know a /jidf/ avatarfag; it's retarded.

>> No.77200895

>95% of anons were
Unfortunately it is not true, the sisters are all newfag and only use this board.

>> No.77200898


>> No.77200902

>cucks losing their minds over being called out
back to the chair faggots, uncle tyrone needs to meet up with plappa and runie

>> No.77200939

discord raid

>> No.77200942

That sounds like something dramaniggers and pippa haters would archive frame 1, proof or GTFO

>> No.77200957
File: 32 KB, 592x519, 1717330867478160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened here phasebros? Aren't you holo allies? Why is the homobeggar shitting on the girls siding with you?

>> No.77200958
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