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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77185175 No.77185175 [Reply] [Original]

Another year, another series of embarrassing fuck-ups, and they will inexplicably continue to grow and chuubas will fall over backwards to participate again next year. How do they have this power over chuubadom?

>> No.77185256
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Juices and Trannies. Literally this what else do you expect

>> No.77185650 [DELETED] 

Phase Connect managers need to get their shit together. Maybe hire dedicated staff to run the show instead of half-assing it?

>> No.77185778 [DELETED] 

>second biggest corpo they said
kek, phase can't even run a simple con like this

>> No.77185893 [DELETED] 

Unironically, invite Flayon and let his team do the whole thing.

>> No.77185981

Nobody else is doing it, simple as

>> No.77186045

anon the main purpose of offkai is to get laid and fuck small 2-3 view vtubers behind the scenes. theres a couple of people already getting laid on /pcg/

>> No.77186101

Next year Sakana will completely fund the entire thing and hire a professional team but still somehow fuck it up, the location is just cursed

>> No.77186127

People only go to this to fuck

>> No.77186279

Mixing different kinds of fanbases and groups is probably not a good idea, the purpose of going to the expo got so diluted people just focused on their own interests.

>> No.77186294
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Blame phase for seeking clout from the anti niji con kek lmao

>> No.77186337 [DELETED] 

maybe this incompetent fuck needs to gtfo and let the pros handle it?

>> No.77186444

At least they're not parasocial

>> No.77186483

Everyone was so blinded by Niji's blacklisting that they forgot how shitty this con actually is.
Imagine paying for the entire artist alley and still being sabotaged by these faggots.

>> No.77186496

At least they're not unicorns

>> No.77186578

Just move the convention to East coast where there's less faggotry from Commiefornia. That would filter out a lot of people.

>> No.77186641

There are a lot of vtubers that don't participate and even stream during the event. You're free to attend or not, support it or don't. I have no interest in such events and my mind about western "anime" fandom was made up two decades ago. My mind has yet to change and I have yet to see evidence to change my mind. American so-called "cons" are a completely different vibe and have a different purpose to events and conventions elsewhere like in Japan, where the purpose is more directly linked to the production of the subculture. American "cons" are always second or third hand worshiping of the few scraps that make it to the west. It's always more like a group therapy thing with weird stuff like panels to try and justify their existence, but the panels let just about anyone spread low quality information and advice.
What I'm getting at is that this is not a subculture problem and they have no hold over the subculture at all. It's a western and more specifically American problem.

>> No.77186959

Put a bit of restriction and they'll cry
> muh freedom
So people just let it happen till the eventual degeneration of morality and restraints.

>> No.77187075

Wow, Niji totally missed out at being sabotaged at Offkai. Good thing my boys didn't go there to get groped by con goers. Good riddance,Offkek

>> No.77187260

someone has to be physically raped and beaten in front of an audience while it's broadcast on youtube and twitch for a convention or event to die these days.
anything less and it's swept under the rug while organizers are constantly defending each other with the general public being gaslit.

>> No.77187267

Agreed. I was actually kinda surprised at how many people were shocked that OffKai sucked. All I remember last year about it is how they fucked up a bunch of shit for the VShoujo talents and made everyone upset. People really should have seen this coming.

>> No.77187888

>How do they have this power over chuubadom
The same way that incompetent faggots get power over anything. They see a power vacuum and they simply step in and fill it. It's that simple. The number of people willing to actually step up and do something is so goddamn low that merit is no longer a requirement for things like Offkai. If you're willing to show up and actually get off your ass and do something you can and will be handed power wildly disproportionate to your level of experience and competence.

>> No.77188078

But Commiefornians run the convention. It's fucked and stuck in a shit hole

>> No.77188344

>Imagine paying for the entire artist alley and still being sabotaged by these faggots
Intentional or not there is not a fucking chance I would be showing up next year if I were fishman. They couldn't pay me to be there. If there's one thing that you absolutely, positively DO NOT fuck up it's the showcase of your largest donor. They fucked up the entire reason that Phase Connect was there in the first place. All that advertising money with the corner booth, all that goodwill from buying out artist alley, and all anyone will remember from Phase's involvement in OffKai '24 is what a complete abortion it was.
Like I said, you couldn't fucking pay me to show up next year and I'd be putting my money behind some competing con instead.

>> No.77188378

sadly they’re still legit the 3rd strongest en corpo right now legit.
Nijisanji is literally out of the map now and they are still leagues above idol.
Just goes to show how bad is the state of en vtubing is

>> No.77188500

this offkai was the best offkai yet with more varied merch, better meet and greet rules, more organized lines, and most panels were sort of on time except for phase connect and jeff mc biceps panels. the hotel also madd themed food and goods exclusive for the event. they set up 14 ps 5 setups in thr arcade so they could hold tournaments and people could play offline friendly matches while resting inbetween matches. the main downside was that too many people came and made lines longer, but overall its a huge step up from last year and it makes me more hype for next year. it sounds like most of the people shitting on it here are just coping or toxic phase connect fans

>> No.77188596

Kek, that's what happens when you treat the top runners like trash. Treat Vshoujo like garbage? Kick out the biggest Vtuber corporation, Niji , for brownie points? That's two out of the big three they've fucked over. Now they got stuck with a runt corpo like Phase then they start sabotaging them too. And NijiGODS are supposed to be upset that they weren't at this shit convention? We call that dodging a bullet


>> No.77188687

Because they're the only people trying

>> No.77188901

Because in a way, it exactly captures what it's like to be indie. You are always gonna start out short and scuffed. The journey to grow, rooting for them to succeed and celebrating small victories encapsulates the heart of it all.

>> No.77188914

you will also mention they anon got pegged instead and the thread is now trying to dose the male pippa cosplayer
any time now...

>> No.77188924

i just checked twitter, and i see as usual phase connect fans and grifting flipsie are starting chit making unproven claims and passing them as fact. as someone that watched pippa when she was smaller and uruka from the start, these new fans are embarrassing, idk if any conventions would want to deal with new school phase connect fans anymore

>> No.77188943

It's not even about that. It's literally homegrown fail and cringe. It's like the controversy at anime cons that apparently happened a few years ago surrounding so-called yaoi paddles. They were paddles with "yaoi" printed on them or something, and con goers would buy them and then run around paddling and hitting eachother, then strangers, and random cosplayers. They even had whole events and panels where they would use these paddles.
The thing is that this was an entirely non-existent phenomenon in Japan, and in Japanese BL groups and events. It was an American invention out of fucking nowhere for no fucking reason and no relation to anime or yaoi/BL. Just like most of what you're seeing here now for vtubers.

>> No.77189096

Since at least a year or two ago, you mean. It's always the justifications, this time it will be different, and then well never again. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.77189100

you have to earn people wanting you to succeed though. plenty of indies dont, and honestly offkai is at best struggling to convince people to want to see them succeed too.

>> No.77189199

i feel like the phase fans were not nearly this toxic offkai, and last offkai they fucked up even harder

>> No.77189340

> no bid'ah from the holy nipponese texts

>> No.77189363

correction, phase fans were not nearly this toxic LAST offkai. anyway i need to sleep, i want to go to more panels tomorrow. its been great so far, though i liked the 1st offkai the best when it was small comfy and no long lines. Pippa was real chill back then too, still bantered about california and her fans took it as fun banter, not her current fans go full /pol with it

>> No.77189402

gotta get gangbanged somewhere

>> No.77189531

alot of sayufags getting laid at that con thats for sure

>> No.77189703

I went to the first con in 2022 and it was pretty good for a low key event. This was back when Ironmouse and Nijisanji were still seat sellers so they stole most of the show, but phase booth was small and very kino. No raging autists to be found.

>> No.77189739

Quinn and Sayu banged. You can't change my mind and I refuse to elaborate

>> No.77189773

she seems like the type who would.
careful though, shes probably clingy and is likely to snap a bit during the act.

>> No.77189851

Yeah, didn't they screw up the volume on Uruka's concert last time, which got Airi banned from the twitch chat? Didn't go this year because I didn't expect tickets to sell out, but it was that perfect level of small con last year. Just enough activities to keep yourself occupied without being hellaciously overcrowded.

>> No.77190027
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phasekeks are unironically fucking this thing right now

>> No.77190541

>idol has an event stream in the evening
>gets pushed back hours from delays from the previous stage delays
>it gets delayed another hour while they try and fix shit
>they have to say fuck it and go ahead because it's past 9pm now and the convention is clearing out and the waiting is filtering stream viewers
>stream/event starts
>everyone involved has to use pngs and there's literally no audio balancing
>the scuffed ass stream goes on and filters even more viewers
>they announce their new en gen at the end
>no one is there to see it
if ANY of these corpos make any major investment in offkai again I will be astounded

>> No.77190553

also what phase fans fail to mention is that many super community stage and main stage things got delayed in general, its not like it was targeted at phase. they delayed the main conert by 45 mins, is it because they hate kiara? they delayed mc biceps by nearly 3 hours, is it because of politics? of course not

>> No.77190646

i didnt go to any idol panels because i dont watch them, but this just proves that its clearly not politically motivated and all those anon posts were shit stirrers

>> No.77190700

I was honestly surprised Phase and Vshojo were even willing to give Offkai this much effort after last year. People saying there are staff sabotaging Pippa are just falling for a LARP that was in their general, Offkai was always a incompetent, poorly run mess.

>> No.77190753

You have to be incredibly useless and awful to make Japanese subcultures seem holy.

>> No.77190776

i mean im not at all sure its intentional myself, but Idol isnt a good metric for that because the same types who would be upset at others supposedly being targets also dont like Idol and tossed them under the bus not all that long ago due to them being an Israeli company.

>> No.77190937

me on the left handing this thing a cup of cum

>> No.77190974

nearly all the issues with offkai have to do with its location. the hotel simply doesnt have the infrastructure to host an event. their internet is fucking dogwater, and add in talent error, and things will never be on time. part of why kiaras karaoke started so late was because of her struggling to setup her 3d, which she herself let the audience know and apologized for it.

>> No.77191029

why did they choose a hotel that has shit internet infrastructure for an event exclusively centered around internet activities

>> No.77191133

probably cost and/or location.
also incompetence, but incompetence based off said above.

>> No.77191151

cons are always for faggots and whores, I dont know why people care about this shit

>> No.77191219

Someone make a offkai expo cringe compilation video and post it on youtube like in the old days

>> No.77191489

some of us actually have social lives. its fun meeting people.

>> No.77191551

Is there any other vtuber-focused con that happens in the USA or at least the West Coast of the USA? Because if no one is up to take OffKai's spot in vtuber cons, then OffKai can just continue on living as normal, since many small corpos and vtubers will continue to see it as their only avenue for their con needs.

>> No.77191665

>hurr durr im a normalfag
you're in the wrong hobby and the wrong site then faggot, go back

>> No.77191722

why does it being west coast matter?
for the ones not attending in person, the location doesn't matter. for the rest, most are used to flying out for overnight stays anyhow. same for the fans.
only excuse is possibly infrastructure but god knows thats not true, least not with the locations offkai has been picking for sure.

>> No.77191723

any stories of people fucking 2-3views?

>> No.77191785


>> No.77191825

check /pcg/

>> No.77191880


>> No.77191937

what did the original anon say

>> No.77192032

those are not women who went to offkai, this is a larp

>> No.77192324

Those aren't vtubers.

>> No.77192392

Do you genuinely believe truly in your heart that anyone menhera enough to be a Vtuber would have a manicure, painted nails, would wear heels to a convention and be chain-smoking cigarettes?

>> No.77192478

not vtubers but troons larping as one and these /pcg/ nerds are too desparate that they are willing to get pegged by dudes in wigs
then again sayu is legit desparate enough

>> No.77192622

All the corpos have gotten tossed under the bus. And not even the big chuubas like Mint escaped incompetence, she couldn't tour on her robot the first day because the connection crapped out. About the only things that went smoothly was the M&G and the non-streamed non-concert event panels which is why Holo escaped unscathed because they didn't hold a concert outside of Kiara's appearance. All the concerts have had some incompetence behind them but the first with idol and V4Mirai and then the one today with Phase Connect got the most affected. As >>77190541 said, it would be astounding if any corpo gave Offkai another chance after this year. They had more money and sold out at least a month if not more before the convention was held. Where was the investment to make it better run? Even if the wifi was still bad, that would be a small issue which would be understandable by the venue. But it's the fact all of the prior years' problems keep happening and aren't solved at all. They don't have enough paid competent staff and all the volunteers are crap and threw their hands in the air when asked on how to fix/solve problems when they came up and were no better than headless chickens.

>> No.77192859

Phase doesn't run the con, it's the con management that's absolutely braindead

>> No.77192902

retard it's just a shitpost, stop being a pagpag for 10 seconds

>> No.77192937

"Men" like that is part of why I lift. So I don't end up as some bottom bitch.
And to princess carry chubby girls and to hopefully move furniture without needing to pay someone to move things into the house

>> No.77193028

>sayu is legit desparate enough
lol, sayu is a conventionally attractive asian girl, calm down with the larp

>> No.77193063

didnt she just say shes gonna go do porn if vtubing didnt work out lol

>> No.77193078

exactly, Offkai was a total mess aswell last year and this year their staff was super autistic and stopped most from streaming from the event and they fucked up their schedule and a lot of people had to cancel, it's not just Phase

>> No.77193099

>phasekek seething form being exposed as a betacuck

>> No.77193114

next year they all need to learn their lessons and just run booths instead of trusting Offkai faggots to run anything. Just sell some merch and have the girls stream instead.

>> No.77193125

You should stop believing everything you read in catalog bait threads

>> No.77193135

its the con where indies go to get gang banged by paypigs and moderators, who cares.

>> No.77193140

no, you're just a retard reading too much into a shitpost

>> No.77193149

She's more likely to run to Quinn and beg for him to pass her some clout. Though she might offer her ass for it

>> No.77193279

in short Meet & Fuck with your favorite Content Creator.

>> No.77193356

I like going places and meeting people, but what does that have to do with OffKai and cons in general?

>> No.77193372

>People complaining about smells
How is this real? I have never attended a con, but I travel for work via train often and never noticed anything aside from people wearing way too much sauvage but maybe it's because I'm from the UK. How are people somehow smelling so bad yet I never find this in public? Is it hyperbole or are cons really that bad for some reason?
Like I'm a loser who plays vidya all day after work, lurks here and I used to watch anime but I still bathed and I'm going to get alzheimers from deoderant use.

>> No.77193383
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> they anon
> trying to dose

>> No.77193474


>> No.77193657

Have you seen the people at Offkai? I don't even want to be in the same room as them, nevermind socialise with them. What do you have to say to some balding guy with long hair hanging off the back of his head, glasses and a skin condition in crocs and a hwaiian shirt? I guarantee you that won't be a fun conversation.

>> No.77193698

It is real. Like you I also notice people on trains with too much perfume or axe body spray so you can notice it a few cars further up. Usually people don't smell so bad themselves.
Change the comparison and start thinking of them as old people with malfunctioning bodies. In a similar way most of these fans live extremely unhealthy lifestyles. Diseased livers and kidneys, diabetes, obesity, and various other conditions. On top of that they have terrible diets, don't wash their clothes regularly and don't dry them properly, and they might be skipping showers. All of this combines into a mixture of odors that is multiplied when you have many such individuals packed into a tight space. Their bodies are malfunctioning in real time and the stench of decay mixes with sweat and old t-shirt musk. There is nothing that deodorant or showering can do to completely stop it when the room temperature goes up and they've been on their feet for the day longer than the time they have stood up for a month combined.

>> No.77194281

Get fucked phasenegroes

>> No.77194358

Welp, phasefags? You acted like you getting into Offkai while Niji got booted meant you were hot shit. How does it feel to get monkey paw'd in real time?

>> No.77194399

Yeah he's fucking a hoe he found on street

>> No.77194476

That is a random house party.

>> No.77194590

If you stay in discord for long enough, you'll realise most of the girls are like this or worse, and they still have an army of simps
Speaking from experience

>> No.77194631

you aren't helping... you just make it sound even hotter, anon.

>> No.77194753

You really have to wonder if it's most girls, or it's most girls you know or have any contact with. In which case it can't be helped.

>> No.77194780

I'm a Euro, isn't this right next to an international airport?

>> No.77194832

The only reason offkai exist is because there isn't a better vtuber only convention out there, all the small corpos should maybe chip in and hire their own management to make their actual own convention, literally just build it and they will come

>> No.77194897

you mean the one with actual proof she was talking on her own voice on her own stream that she took down? lol

>> No.77194925

nah quinn is a shitty 2 view nobody begging that wiglet for shit but an STD

>> No.77194927

roastie hands typed this

>> No.77194934

All that they need to do is hire a bunch of smallcorp official shills as staff and wrest the con away from the volunteers. From the sound of it the top level organizers are even tired of the volunteers' shit and would support this.

>> No.77194966

so thats why kiara was there

>> No.77194995

so basically your average vtuber

>> No.77195145

Holofan here, i didn't care before because Holo wasn't in it, now upon further digging jesas, this con and the organizers are such fuck ups, someone, please make their own Vtuber con and show them how it's done

>> No.77195283

Wtf is wrong with her knee?

>> No.77195675
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>have experience working in a field
>can hire tech tards for literal pennies
>current tech is retard proof, you need to try REALLY hard to break it
>guys working behind the scenes grew up with technology
>can't perform basic tasks
I fucking can't, i refuse to accept what is happening right now. All people are completely retarded when it comes to technology. I thought my parents and their generation was bad, now fucking zoomers cannot properly test things before starting an event. This is a psyop, this is not real.

>> No.77195724

Americans have their Cons in Hotels
Euros have their Cons in Convention Centers

>> No.77195883

it wasn't even that big of a technical problem, it's mainly a planning issue, on day 1 they were 2 hours-ish late and on day 2 nobody on the outside had any idea what the fuck was going on and nobody could stream from the con

>> No.77196409

Zooomers and millenials have never been good with tech. I'm one of those people simply because these days tech changes too often to keep up unless you're dedicated (I fully expect to lose all my MS office skills becuase I'm not paying a fucking subscription or using some browser bullshit), and modern tech is OBSESSED with mobiles. If something works it will be fucked with until it's designed for mobile phones, with the entry barrier being can they use a phone. Now everything is done through apps and not only is everything done through apps, it's done at the expsense of other alternatives pushing people to just use the apps. No one will invest in learning about tech when it's so dynamic and they not onyl make the apps convenient but they force you to go down that road.
>Current tech is retard proof
You may be talking abotu specific things but I've had shit straight up break after MS forced updates on me, the youtube search function is totally useless, etc. The idea things are retard proof is what let people get sloppy and now tech is a shitshow.
>Games then; limited resources, streamlined to make the best with what devs had to work with
>Games now; bloated as fuck, need day 1 patches, devs just assume people are ok with it due to SSD size, CPU, GPU and wifi advancements.
When you only need to be "good enough" you build up trash until everyhting collapses and you can't fail. Oh and this con was run by volunteers, not people who depend on providing a good service in order make money, thus they are less invested. Kinda funny how the leftists who banned Kirsche prove why communist/socialist economics don't fucking work.

>> No.77196516

>Americans have their Cons in Hotels
lol. lmao even.

>> No.77196705

It's just like everything in vtubing: everyone sees hololive do something and tries to emulate it.

>> No.77196714

>'embarrassing fuckups'
>Phase Connect managers

Yeah, just blame phase - not like the organisation has an enduring legacy of keeping completely replaceable antis on staff

>> No.77196918

Socialists are allergic to work. No other reason to be a socialist otherwise.

>> No.77197891

Genuine question. How did this kind of reputation even happen? What Vtuber got fucked?

>> No.77197919

It's all anime cons. If your oshi likes cons, she's either into getting a train ran on her or a literal whore.

>> No.77197925


>> No.77197954


>> No.77197963

Dude, he's white.

>> No.77198045

That 5guys girl last year. If you do any research on offkai last year you'll find discussion of that.

>> No.77198052

Anons literally every convention that isn't business or trade related has had people banging like rabbits since the marvil comicons of the 70's. This isn't exclusive to vtubers.

>> No.77198168

What kind of desperate person goes to an anime convention to get laid?

>> No.77198208

what happen

>> No.77198283

Have you not seen some of these bitches roommates?

>> No.77198346

Exactly, why the fuck would they be so desperate that they want 500 pound weeb cock?

>> No.77198385

A political vtuber and nijisanji weren't invited to do panels, so the "based" fans and the sisteres are making up lies and shit yo stir up drama.

There was scuff like any other con run by volunteers without the fund to hire a professional production, that is all.

>> No.77198439

Only smaller to most mid sized cons do
Some larger mid sized and Large ones do use convention centers.

>> No.77198516

It's simp farming. They show up irl, feing interest and guys follow.

>> No.77198577

everyone has their own fetishes and most vtubers have issues as well.

>> No.77198578

But the point of simp farming is that they never fuck them or get even close to it

>> No.77198678

If the simp in question is connected to a big sponsor, they will suck their dick.

>> No.77198803

As someone with extensive con experience, it is much closer to
>americans have their cons in hotels
>europeans dont have cons

>> No.77198833

I dunno, desperate people?
Skanks who find the idea of men simping for them hot?
Social akward dudes who know this is probably the only chance they'll have of getting laid?
The list goes on

>> No.77199248

>Go to site that tracks all Cons in 2024
>Select USA only
>Ctrl+F4 "Convention Center"
>104 results. Subtract 3
That's discounting sites that are just named 'Center'. I'd say stop being full of shit but you're Euro so you must be surrounded by it because you pissed off all your farmers.

>> No.77199304

I'm so confused, is this Phaseconnect convention and they're sabotaging their own convention?

I just hope Pippa doesn't act more tame and corpo because of this gayass cancelling shit

>> No.77199315
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Skill issue

>> No.77199434

It's an American thing, they simply don't shower

>> No.77199437

No the con is independently run and phase is the main sponsor but the volunteer staff can't help but fuck it up.

>> No.77199499

whoever made this thread needs to be fucked with a rusty harpoon

Phase and Hololive are the two best companies and pitting them against each other is cringe. Only one group of people obvs behind this shit

>> No.77199748

go kill yourself phaekek you faggots dont even deserve to be mentioned in the dame sentence as hololive.
Go fuck with your coal miners vtuber shithole somewhere else like /trash/

>> No.77199767

So true sister. Can I interest you in >>>/lgbt/

>> No.77199786

you made the same comment in the other thread, newfag

>> No.77199832

you tell him sis!

>> No.77199908

Have you never been to a sport event at a stadium?

>> No.77199958

I have. It didn't smell.

>> No.77199986
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>these are the hands seething and calling your oshi a whore

>> No.77200488

One thing you have to consider is that most of the time people just walk around, either to meet friends, new people, go from event to event, etc. Walking is exercise even if light. Exercise makes people sweat. Sweat smells.
Yes there are some slobs who outright do not shower or wear deodorant and/or fatasses where this is their first time walking more than a flight of stairs to eat food. It's not some genetic imprint that Americans smell.
