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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 171 KB, 1104x652, phaseconnect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77183944 No.77183944[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>collabs with holostars, everything is a-okay
>collabs without holostars, many many wrongs
Phase needs to professionalize the team. The way they handled Offkai was such a shit show regardless of whose fault it was. Some of them need to learn to shut the fuck up and let the pros fix it. Maybe they should start hiring full-time managers instead of delegating everything to its talents?

>> No.77184101

But enough about nijisanji

>> No.77184273

just small corpo things

>> No.77184627
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>> No.77185216

What no standards, no professionalism and running on unpaid volunteers does to a con...

>> No.77185532

Bribing attendees won't help run the con itself. At the end of the day, they need to get professionals to organise stuff.

>> No.77186107

phase bros cant get a break...

>> No.77186139

Can I get a recap of what the hell happened, I see multiple posts shit talking offkai but no one is saying what happened

>> No.77186499

Okay I'll bite, what happened today?

>> No.77186607

Rumors going about that someone might be sabotaging phase panels

>> No.77186702

as much as I dislike pippa and her kiwi/pol/fags I think its Offkai that has the blame on this

>> No.77186772

Okay, but what was sabotaged?

>> No.77188337

Phase sabotaged Pippa cause she's a NG for the brand.

>> No.77189586

Pippa was streaming some event on twitch, and people got a ton of adds, way more than normal, and on twitch you can manually play adds for everyone in the stream, so do to this, (and maybe some other stuff) people think Pippa might have been sabotaged. Also went the fox lady (I forgot how to spell her name) talked about her blacklist she mentioned how some of the Offkai staff had tried to blacklist Pippa the year earlier but weren’t able to cause Phase has an all or nothing policy when it comes to events like Offkai.

>> No.77191719

Phase connect management literally aloowed it to happen.

>> No.77193407

Based Fishman putting Pippa in her place

>> No.77193688

At a glance from what I've seen /here/
>Shit internet
>Cutting performances short
>Running ads over Pippa iirc since someone didn't like her
>Kirche went anyways after being *blaclisted* and did a meet and greet outside
>There was more but I didn't keep reading(got bored)

>> No.77193956

phase con management being bitches sabotaged the talents cause not talking about politics is hard

>> No.77194159

Offkai metaphorically robbed "Sakana" of his shirako and impregnated Plappa themselves

>> No.77194689

This larp doesn’t understand how values work in USD.

>> No.77194769

It is hard to prove any interference, but a lot of points make a line.

>> No.77196642

Everyone had fun including Kiara.
Maybe Fishman should stop being a cheapskate and hire professional to run his con next time?

>> No.77197199

Moral of the story: Pippa can join vshojo now

>> No.77197621
File: 130 KB, 1200x1200, Pippa Smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best collabs is when pippa and tenma collab :D

>> No.77197737

>Kirche went anyways after being *blaclisted* and did a meet and greet outside
I mean, I have no idea who this Kirche is but sounds based. 'Fuck you I'm going to meet my fans anyway.'

>> No.77197759

>Maybe Fishman should stop being a cheapskate and hire professional to run his con next time?
But then who would pay for his $1000 Prada sneakers?

>> No.77197830

You don't need to seethe that bad just because they prefer Hololive over Nijisanji

>> No.77198366

Would vshojo even take someone like her? I figured vshojo had a more strict standard than some almost no-name vtuber corp that has nothing to actually lose. Pippa gets away with it because phase is pretty small and the only one with any clout in it is pippa herself. Vshojo is actually huge and pippa would just be another vtuber amongst the ranks of people that are way more popular than her, so she could not get away with as much.

>> No.77198455

Fuck off and keep your kiwifarms whore

>> No.77198460

A political vtuber and nijisanji weren't invited to do panels, so the "based" fans and the sisteres are making up lies and shit yo stir up drama.

There was scuff like any other con run by volunteers without the fund to hire a professional production, that is all.

>> No.77198538

No, it's just a desperate Rrat, twitch is fucking up putting too many ads lately and people think that the OffKai volunteers control twitch or pippa's twitch account.

>> No.77198570

Sure, OffKai volunteers now run twitch and even pippa's account to put more ads! the power of volunteering!!.

>> No.77198580

>t. offkai troon volunteer sabotaging phase

>> No.77198605

It is for kirche or whatever the name of that old fat lady is

>> No.77199071

How retarded are you? It was offkai's channel running offkai's own ads for attending companies. Buy a brain before you hurt yourself you goddamn clown.

>> No.77199648

phase fans aren't the brightest, pls understand

>> No.77199725
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Kirsche(picrel), misspelled it since I only see her pop up /here/ or around Pippa sometimes.
