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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 87 KB, 1174x510, 1704277440230129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77154244 No.77154244 [Reply] [Original]

You guys are making sure you stay healthy and /fit/ right?

>> No.77154333

Honestly, this is incredibly based and real good advice.

>captcha: sdxToT

>> No.77154399

i'm morbidly obese

>> No.77154423

I'm built like a malnourished asparagous.

>> No.77154446
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After a major health incidental related to this kind of shitty lifestyle I have been kind of forced into getting in better shape. If you're young, eat tons of salt/fat/calories, don't sleep, drink energy drinks, don't exercise, make a change before life makes it for you.

>> No.77154468

nah most people will do anything but exercise to stay healthy

>> No.77154509

i'd rather die at 43 from eating delicious tostitos with salsa con queso and drinking refreshing doctor pepper than die at 73 from drinking water and eating baby carrots like some kind of faggot

>> No.77154540

>replacing chips with carrots

this is like replacing Hololive with Nijisanjii, just don't fucking eat anything at that point
Just don't buy the chips

>> No.77154566

> Fatphobia in 2024

>> No.77154657
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My hands feel numb when I raise them to the keyboard level.

>> No.77154725

I don't see the problem here.

>> No.77154775

Carrots are nice if you have dip

>> No.77154788

Often times I don't eat for a couple of days and don't sleep at all. I enter this ascended mindset only reached by top gurus. I spend most of that time shitposting on /vt/.

>> No.77154795

You'll say that until you're sitting in bed at 3 AM with your heart beating at 120 BPM unable to sleep and on the edge of a hypertensive crisis, then you'll throw all that shit away without even thinking about it just to avoid being in that spot again.

>> No.77154898

You guys can make fun of this all you want, but I'm down 60lbs after deciding to lose weight to up my odds of fucking my oshi at a con

>> No.77154909
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I lost a lot of weight and I lift because I promised my parents that I'd turn healthier. My oshi however is a Fat Ugly Bastard enjoyer so she probably hates me now.

>> No.77154984
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It happened to me last year, I'm 23, I changed my lifestyle after that

>> No.77155006

Gonna be real with you, I don't know why a 45yo man would go to a vtuber convention while being 300 pounds. If that guy was me I'd be blasting test all year round to stay in peak shape to fuck zoomettes and the aging millennial hos.

>> No.77155010

Jeff McBiceps wins again.

>> No.77155072

Lmfao Mikan back at it again with another banger tweet

>> No.77155098


>> No.77155103
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>Oshi is Pippa
>I am /fit/ manlet but she likes skinny beanpole femboy looking men
>I don't care much for Tenma who salivates over muscles

>> No.77155109

>calling out disgusting fatfucks
holy BASED

>> No.77155289


Fuck fatties, especially fat women.

>> No.77155305

nah, i'll be fine. i count calories. you don't need to eat nasty bland rabbit food to not die

>> No.77155506

You don't see the Japanese insult their fans like this.

>> No.77155588

If it makes you feel better, no girl likes irl FUBs, only the doujin ones.

>> No.77155621

>healthy and /fit/
How about this bitch fit these nuts in her mouth.
I'm not fat, but i do like to drink(alcohol) and eat unhealthy food...so i should take her advice if we are being serious..

>> No.77155689

Tea, fruits and pickles.

>> No.77155977

Why is the assumption always that fat people eta nothing but soda chips burgers pizza etc etc? You do know a lot of people get fat eating “healthy” stuff right? I grew up eating none of the traditionally “bad” shit but I was still a fat fuck because my portion sizes were huge. For a lot of people it’s less about what they eat and more about how much.

>> No.77156055

Most Americans only eat shit food so they believe that if they eat "healthy" food they'll lose weight

>> No.77156316

because those foods are loaded with calories and not very filling so people are often misled just how much they're consuming. combine that with a shitty diet culture

>> No.77156666

I eat healthy and take daily vitamins. I'm just a raging alcoholic and have like 50 drinks per week.

>> No.77157232

They are right though. There are even scientific studies where they put people on a variety of different healthy diets (Mediterranean, keto, low fat, vegan) and tell them to eat until they are full and they all lose weight.

>> No.77157283

>has made me realize
What did she expect? The event is in California, people are fat by default.

>> No.77157738

Straight up calling out the obese whales?
Pretty based literal who vtuber.

>> No.77157926

I made that chance like 5 years ago. I stopped drinking soda and eating chips. I only drink water, eat veggies wit every meal, and at least two heads of lettuce every weak.
I'm still morbidly obese though, cause I don't exercise and eat as much as I want.

>> No.77158007

Wait... This chick really thought vtuber fans were fit and healthy? If that were the case they would not be vtuber fans.

>> No.77158238

She's right, you know. If you're healthy and live a long life, you can spend more time watching and simping for your oshi.
If you're healthy, you'll be spending less money on doctor's visits, and will have more money for simping for your oshi.

>> No.77158246

I eat completely healthy food and I'm fat because I eat too much of it

>> No.77158287

I don't eat chips and drink soda but I have health conditions that makes most diet advice useless to me.

>> No.77158317

Highly based tweet

>> No.77158457
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Based advice.

>> No.77158545

Obesity should be a crime

>> No.77158699

Getting muscles is a struggle.
Not being fat is literally just as easy as shutting your piehole.

>> No.77158713

Im pretty fit but i also dont go on conventions because i hate people

>> No.77158748

Because people have brainrot and are conditioned to think in simplistic terms. If the causes are always simple then you can always sell the same solutions. If it doesn't work then buy more, consume more, subscribe more. You for example, also only think in terms of quantity.

>> No.77158932

This is very based

>> No.77158958

literally just eating sugar with no protein
Just eat proper meals instead of replacing one shitty snack for another

>> No.77159058

This is the opposite of insulting them. This is based

>> No.77159064

Based. Even if you're at a healthy BMI you might have a higher amount of fat on your body than you think. Make sure to love yourselves, anons.

>> No.77159226

You're probably an exception.

>> No.77159236


>> No.77159246
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>put on some watchalong of a camera POV
>all the booths for lolis have the greasiest, fattest, most unkempt and unwashed hamwalkers lining up

>> No.77159264
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t. manlet cope
Getting muscles is easy, the most muscular strongest guys are also fat
keeping the muscle but getting lean is the actual challenge

>> No.77159538

wait is this not normal

>> No.77161037

>only think in terms of quanitity
I mean isn’t that all it is at the end of the day? My main point was more that the average fat person doesn’t have a 500 calorie bottle of soda or pizza slice in their diet to cut out. If it was that simple most people would have zero issues losing weight. What is more likely is that these people would have to cut their 600g serving of cooked brown rice down to 300g and then fill up the space with whatever low calorie green leafy vegetable they can tolerate. One is a completely forgettable, easy to implement change while the other has a significant impact on your satiety (especially if there are no green leafy vegetables you like) and requires actual thought.

>> No.77161854

California would probably be the kindest example of American obesity. Imagine if it was in the south or midwest.

>> No.77162288

I can bench 100kg for 7 reps which has to be pretty good by the standards of someone even even generally aware of multiple vtubers.

>> No.77163283

Go see a doctor anon

>> No.77163447

I have healthy habits with a single exception: sleeping. This will fuck me up in the long run but eh...

>> No.77163504

Are you serious?

>> No.77163605

California has the most fat people and the fattest fat people, it just also has recently imported starving third worlders

>> No.77163999

No wonder Enna falls for dudes like Diego if the majority of American vtuber fans are 38 years old and weight 290 pounds.

>> No.77164087

yeah I'm feeling really good about my chances with my oshi now

>> No.77164520
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God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers

>> No.77165258


>> No.77165347

isnt that a really small amount? or is he just trying to be gentle with the con people?

>> No.77165505

I do not understand how somebody gets fat frankly

>> No.77165605

Japan has an extreme fat shaming culture. I think only Korea hates fatties more.

>> No.77165687

I could see it being a challenge if it's a row thing. Start with 5 jumps, then immediately go to 5 squats, go right to 10 jumps etc.

>> No.77165817
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>> No.77165820

Don't you get extra tax too if you are obese in Japan?

>> No.77165851

who is this roastie to be commenting on others health? what a cunt

>> No.77166015

Your company does, yeah.

>> No.77166090

You tellin me to improve myself? How dare you!

>> No.77166116

Japan is full of fat fuck americans now

>> No.77166268

you're so fucking dumb it's unreal. you do realize strongmen like brian shaw eats in excess of 10k calories per day while lifting nonstop? how the fuck is that easy if you have a normal job and life? rope yourself you clueless faggot

>> No.77166320

fun carrot tip: cut them into thick-ass coins, drizzle some olive oil on them, dust them with salt/pepper/your favorite spice blend, then stick them sumbitches in the oven @ 425 F for 15 minutes. Boom, you got Carrot Candy

>> No.77166348

True, they need kick all of the Americans out of their country.

>> No.77166362
File: 142 KB, 1024x1024, signal-2024-05-30-181133_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got cirrhosis from hep C without knowing I had it and had to go from alcoholic to completely done with it or just actually die, quitting alcohol singlehandledly saw me lose 60lbs and I strongly recommend everyone not drink. How much it hurts you is just ridiculous, my face in the old pictures is like some potato headed Oblivion randomizer thing.

>> No.77166426

i hit the gym 3-4x a week and think about fauna the entire time i'm lifting.

>> No.77166594

>If you're young, eat tons of salt/fat/calories, don't sleep, drink energy drinks, don't exercise
well if you say so!

>> No.77166604

manlet seethe, you dont have to be literally the strongest man in the world to be muscular, your average fat redneck chud is pretty muscular and you'll always be a weedy faggot

>> No.77166816

Why is this not a thing here?

>> No.77166916

how the fuck do you do it is it just "wake up and go" or is there anything else you do to force yourself to go

>> No.77166945

>tax large companies
lol come on son, the government would burn you in eternal hellfire if it made them $2 more

>> No.77167022

Literally, force yourself.

>> No.77167145

dude, it fills you with endorphins. after like 1-2 weeks of consistency it feels great, becomes a habit, and you look forward to it. force yourself for just a few weeks and then run with it.

>> No.77167223

you said it was easy to get muscles. it's not. it's extremely difficult in fact, unless you're literally juicing your nuts off

>> No.77167261

Don't be ridiculous. They'd do it for free. It's literally one of their primary goals.

>> No.77167439

fuck alright ima do it then thanks for the help
Working out itself is not what gets me thats fine its awesome in fact. its just the act of taking myself there that gets me. Kinda like i make excuses or life gives me the excuse.

>> No.77167499

I started working out about 2 months ago. 3 days a week for about 30 minutes. I've already got good muscle definition forming and have made noticeable gains in my strength. It's not hard. You are just looking for excuses.

>> No.77167773

NTA but genetics does play a role in how fast it takes but consistent gym sessions should provide results in 2 months

>> No.77168145

that's called noob gains and it'll wear off very quickly you'll find. enjoy it while it lasts :)

>> No.77168181

Going to an anime convention and seeing all the fat fucks there makes me feel disgusted.

I never wanted to go to any convention anymore. I also can't stop thinking how many fat fucks are the in chat. I can see how Vtuber like Gura lose motivation after attending conventions.

>> No.77168287

Try asking /fit/ how long it took to get past 12/3/4 for reps
It can be pretty hard anon.

>> No.77168304

>I also can't stop thinking how many fat fucks are the in chat
You already knew chat was full of dumbasses. It only makes sense that they'd also be fat.

>> No.77168359

Keep going anon it should make the fatties seethe and maybe encourage them to work out

>> No.77168361

>the incels that call women fat and ugly are actually fat and ugly themselves
Many such cases

>> No.77168502

They're fat, not blind.

>> No.77168720

Walmart would have to fire all their employees or get taxed to death by the government. Plus, America is individualistic wereas Japan and the rest of East Asia are collectivists.

>> No.77169110

>Eat carrots
Bitch you eat them too many of them and you turn into a carrot yourself

>> No.77169229

You're probably a retard with bad health that looks skinny but is still unhealthy. Technically you can eat nothing but cookies and be below calorie count. That doesn't mean you're eating healthy. You actually have to eat a varied diet that isn't carb heavy. If you don't you'll lack some form of nutrition and it'll show.

>> No.77169265

I replace dinner with water and carrots all the time

>> No.77169517
File: 80 KB, 718x387, FrgUHV9XgAE_H33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incels are not predisposed to go to conventions
in fact congoers are predisposed to call people incels

>> No.77170338

She's right. I eat healthy and get lots of exercise so I'm slim and athletic, and as a result I get hit on quite a lot but only by creepy fat ojisans who want my twink butthole, fml

>> No.77170643

If i looked like any of these people i would not leave my house, how do they do it? Self-delusions? Oblivious? Depression to the point they don't care? When a stomach hangs out below a t-shirt; i dunno how a person think that is an okay look at a convention

>> No.77170818

care to elaborate? I'm not overweight by any means but I eat tons of salt/fat/calories, don't sleep, drink energy drinks, and don't exercise

>> No.77170926

i do weights twice a week at the gym(like I do everything at once,not different excercises each day) and cardio maybe once a week at home.

The real trick is once you've got some results you get very reluctant to lose them. If I miss a session I get imaginary phantom feelings that my biceps are getting weaker and it drives me crazy, plus makes the next session a more dreadful prospect.

But more immediately once exercising clicks you get the endorphin effect, or at least most people do, not everyone. Now its now that life won't be able to get you down, but lets say its a palpable plus 50 percent buff on your mood. If you'd feel okay you feel actively good. If you'd feel bad you feel less bad. This always dovetails with the sense of accomplishment such that the relative euphoria is very hard to tell how much of it is neurochemicals and how much is just your knowledge that you did something good.

Also personally I don't just go after waking. I only work 3 days a week(pseudo-neet) so I can just wake up and wait a few hours before going a lot of the time. I find I'm weaker immediately after waking up but this probably varies person to person.

>> No.77170940

I'm 30 and 300lbs and have been in and out of the hospital for the last year because of my shitty lifestyle
I can only hope that once I slim up I can be normal again
Too many people like me think they can do whatever they want into their 40s and be fine

>> No.77171079

Based. And yes, I am.

>> No.77171176

Women are lying when they say they like fubs. They like the idea of a romantic one but in reality the disgust they feel at the sight and smell is primal.
You will never get your oshi as a fub. You made the right choice.

>> No.77171703

I remember being behind someone in an AX line and I saw them on their phone calling someone a faggot on 4chan in the same thread I was reading in /cgl/

>> No.77171873

Too much salt elevates your blood pressure and gives way for heart problems. You can meet your daily calorie levels from eating shit but without proper food you're just going to suffer from malnutrition. Same reason why alcoholics are fat and they're pretty much walking dead from decreased organ function. Don't eat store bought ready meals that shit is like 90% carbs and chemicals.

>> No.77171961

as long as you're consistent and eating enough protein, it's actually very easy to get enough muscles to attract women
women don't actually like big bulky roided strongmen bodies, they just like muscle definition

>> No.77172024

If she’s going to be judging people’s appearances I need a full body picture from her

>> No.77172124

genetics do play a role but people exaggerate how important it is to cope

>> No.77172262

Why? This logic is one of the shittiest logic ever, take 1 second to think and you will realize what a fucking retard you are

>> No.77172430

post physique retard

>> No.77172637

Love you Mikan!

>> No.77172656

please take one look at a midwest con and revise your opinion

>> No.77172711
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>> No.77172850

So you're saying that she has purely selfish motives

>> No.77173176

As best as I can. I'm sick as shit and the doctors can't figure it out, but I lost all of my muscle over the last few months from appetite loss. I still do cardio everyday though.

>> No.77173224

californians have such fragile egos when you bring up their 35 million fat fucks and the leagues of hollywood pedophiles

>> No.77173561

90% of the time you see someone shitting on california out of nowhere, it's from someone that's never stepped foot outside the borders of their midwest flyover state. it's pretty clear where the fragile ego lies

>> No.77173869

"A fat person can't identify when another person is fat"
"An unhealthy person can't identify that another person is unhealthy"
"Only a fit person is allowed to identify unhealthy person"

Do you understand how retarded you are yet? I am not a better F1 driver than Pastor Maldonado but i am sure as hell able to tell that he is one of the shittiest drivers in the history of the sport

>> No.77174061
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>tfw have been doing everything to lose weight because I want to actually be a good looking person for my oshi
Vtubing is the biggest motivation to lose weight man....and the economy...

>> No.77174161
File: 652 KB, 2708x2032, 1688329723425247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really must be such a fucking depressing feeling for vtubers to see what their fans actually look like, especially for indies who probably know and have a mental image of most of their regulars.

>> No.77174323

I think the only vtuber fans I truly respect are the ones who become /fit/ to avoid embarassing their oshi

>> No.77174398

I was still ugly as hell even when I was a normal weight so I quit caring. Fast forward a few years and eating and drinking are my only coping mechanisms for my crippling depression because I have no friends and no family, and there's not a lot of motivation left to reverse the slide toward oblivion. They're just gonna find me as a blob of melting viscera in my bed someday when my landlord comes to evict me.

>> No.77174402

Moit of the people here ain't too bad

>> No.77174454

>vtuber disappointed when they see their fans' true appearance
What is this, bizarro /vt/?

>> No.77174464

The La+ cosplayers actual face looks like La+ actual vtuber face, wtf

>> No.77174505

most people here look fine desu, maybe a little on the chubbier side but that's not a big deal

>> No.77174607

>pic unrelated
Hololive even wins on having the least ugly fans.

>> No.77174674

>95% of the audience are male
>50% in the photo are female

>> No.77174724

i lift for ina and for my brother tako

>> No.77174879
File: 1.56 MB, 720x720, shuba_wawa_dance[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffno1s0.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No excuse for not at least doing your ring fit reps, its literally a fucking vidya game

>> No.77174905

Alot of females don't bother creating accounts for some reason, i have only met 1 girl out of maybe 25 that have bothered creating a YT account to the stats is heavily skewed if this is a more widespread trend than my small sample size

>> No.77175063

Anon, most of the females in that picture are men.

>> No.77175104

Yes, I'm /fit/ but I rarely go out to socialize anymore

>> No.77175227

That clip just makes me feel happy.

>> No.77175627

starting my diet tomorrow

>> No.77175674

I'm not scared of you lardo. I'm homomesic, transmesic, and fatmesic, and I'm proud.

>> No.77175823

Buying on sale in bulk makes it easy to eat well for relatively cheap. It's the premade store shit, fast-food and restaurants that are cancer on your body, wallet, or both.

>> No.77176554
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>> No.77176641
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>> No.77176682

I'm losing weight, down a good 30 lbs or so. Stuck in the rut of gaining 2-3 lbs after losing a bit so I'm hovering around a certain number. I should probably do more exercise than just walking for 3-4 miles a day.

>> No.77176728
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This board still isn't even close to American only.

>> No.77176746
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>> No.77176831

I want to die

>> No.77176842
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>> No.77176932
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>> No.77176952

Have you seen the average person at OffKai? Hell the average person /here/ would struggle doing it.
It's honestly a really smart way of boosting a person's confidence to have them work out more. Since the crux is unlimited pushups.
You can do 5, 50, or 500. It's relative. But the end result is you did as much as your body could handle and you can train up from that.

>> No.77177014

The biggest indie is obese, why can't I be too?

>> No.77177035
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Gay as fuck.

>> No.77177107
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>> No.77177222
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>> No.77177306
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>> No.77177312
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I started getting /fit/ ever since my height plateaued and I decided to go the twink route. I hope my oshi rapes me.

>> No.77177321

I'm /fit/, however I fell off the band wagon a year ago. I know I should be working out, but my schedule changes on a whim and I can't get a consistent schedule.

I'm planning on buying a house soon, and putting a weight room and shit in there so no matter what I can workout

>> No.77177392 [DELETED] 
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>> No.77177452

It's incredibly fucking stupid because the people at the con are already stinky and heated enough without doing that crap.

>> No.77177499
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>> No.77177577

Do as much as you can when you can.

>> No.77177578
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Whoever it is posting food pictures you better stop now

>> No.77177590
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>> No.77177706

Most people are smart enough to have deodorant these days. And if they start smelling like shit, staff normally drags them off until they get cleaned up.

>> No.77177719


>> No.77177726


>> No.77177830
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Well, people have been complaining about people be stinking up the place

>> No.77177853
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There is no fucking way anyone under the age of 50 would have any trouble doing any of that apart from AMRAP pushups, but doing anything to failure is hard.

>> No.77178085
File: 164 KB, 348x360, the face of regret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had paid cosplayers at CtW who probably didn't even know who they were cosplaying as.
And one of the IRyS cosplayers probably actually was IRyS cosplaying as herself.

>> No.77178242

Wait, is your post implying that the they hired a female Gura cosplayer? 99% sure the Gura cosplayer in your pic is a dude

>> No.77178460

It takes a lot of time eating and lifting in the gym. For the better ones that reach official cosplayer and paid cosplayer they're doing too many to expect them to pass the deep lore sperg test.

Only a dude can properly convey Gura's sex appeal through cosplay.

>> No.77178554

I mean, Kronii and Rushia both stalk their main paypigs on social media (no idea if Rushia/Mike/whoever the fuck she is these days still does that) so they do 'know' but they probably only saw a sapient ATM in the first place.

>> No.77178847

mooner was so real for this

>> No.77178947

Moona truly is best grill

>> No.77179034

>Only 4 complaints

>> No.77179137

I eat 3500kcal a day, don't exercise & yet i only go to the toilet about once a week and it's not alot that comes out either, maybe i have a tapeworm or something?

>> No.77179146

There's plenty more. You do know how to use a search bar, right???

>> No.77179183
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>> No.77179234
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>walking for 3-4 miles a day.
at least your ticker will be in good working order

>> No.77179339

>He uses twitter

>> No.77179388

Look up Jim Fixx

>> No.77179593
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Brisket buger with caramelized onions and a regular patty and stuff <3

>> No.77179733

There was a period in time where I was doing 45 minutes on the treadmill before working out and when I hopped off, I felt that amazing runner's high that you can't compare to. But that was a year ago. I was going once a week at most, working out for 20 minutes then going back home. My gym plan is currently locked, I hope that after the 90 days pass, I'll be able to force myself to do it again. I don't know, I just felt so damn miserable sitting there counting the seconds, then the mind numbing walk back of nothingness.

>> No.77179756
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Is acai bowls overrated or actually good & healthy? Or is it just a fad from hipster californians to sell 50 cent ingredients for 14 dollars?

>> No.77179792


>> No.77179959


>> No.77180050

>just a fad from hipster californians to sell 50 cent ingredients for 14 dollars?
That one, except the ingredients aren't really that cheap but they're still ripping you off further

>> No.77180055

>you're young
>eat tons of salt/fat/calories
I like meat, does that count? Only fried on special ocassions.
>don't sleep
Kinda, ye.
>drink energy drinks
No, never could stand the flavor
>don't exercise
Yeah, I don't.
How fucked I am?

>> No.77180065

Do you really need to ask that about a $14 breakfast? Go have one once for the experience, or don't.

>> No.77180087

>James Fuller Fixx (April 23, 1932 – July 20, 1984) was an American who wrote the 1977 best-selling book The Complete Book of Running. He is credited with helping start America's fitness revolution by popularizing the sport of running and demonstrating the health benefits of regular jogging.
>He died of a heart attack while jogging at 52 years of age; his genetic predisposition for heart problems and other previous lifestyle factors may have caused his heart attack.
>Fixx died on July 20, 1984, at age 52 of a heart attack, during his daily run on Vermont Route 15 in Hardwick.[1] The autopsy, conducted by Vermont's chief medical examiner, Dr. Eleanor McQuillen, revealed that atherosclerosis had blocked one coronary artery 95%, a second 85%, and a third 70%.
>In 1986, exercise physiologist Kenneth Cooper published an inventory of the risk factors that might have contributed to Fixx's death. Granted access to his medical records and autopsy, and after interviewing his friends and family, Cooper concluded that Fixx was genetically predisposed—his father died of a heart attack at 43 after a previous one at 35, and Fixx himself had a congenitally enlarged heart—and had an unhealthy life: Fixx was a heavy smoker before beginning running at age 36, had a stressful occupation, had undergone a second divorce, and gained weight up to 214 lb (97 kg). Medical opinion continues to uphold the link between moderate exercise and longevity.
Fuck that's hilarious, morbid, and extremely sad, all that the same time. I am so happy I quit smoking in my 20s.
Eating too much sugar in one sitting is bad for you, doesn't matter how healthy the individual bits are. You could probably make an acai bowl that was terrible for you. And yes, it's a ripoff.

>> No.77180133

Açai is basically Icecream, anon. There's no point to eating it. If you want to treat yourself on a weekend, something like your pic related is obviously better than regular icecream, but don't fall for their lies. Take it from a Brazilian. Açai is just icecream that has been paid to be promoted as healthy

>> No.77180604

Anon she lies to herself as easily as she breathes. What she actually likes is the idea of being degraded and forced into a sexual situation and you can do that for her in any state of weight loss.

>> No.77180669

try posting your muscles in a tenma twitter thread and see if pippa gets jelly

>> No.77181745
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Down 50lbs. 1/3 of my goal, still have a good way to go but working towards it. wagmi

>> No.77181879

You can eat whatever you want, just less of it.
It really is that easy.

>> No.77181923


>> No.77181975

Just excercise tho

>> No.77181990

It's nice to see people succeeding in their fitness goal BUT it is wild to me that some people target a loss equally to a whole other person (150lbs), i've seen "My 600lbs life" and some people target a loss of 2 whole person, it's wild to think that some people are walking around carrying the load of 2 people

>> No.77182053

>i've seen "My 600lbs life" and some people target a loss of 2 whole person, it's wild to think that some people are walking around carrying the load of 2 people
and then I guiltily post in the architeture general lmao.

god its funny how I can go "oh thats gross" to "oh hey, I like seeing a vtuber chuby"

>> No.77182106

The funny thing is you need to eat more (Protein) to gain muscle. It seems crazy to eat more to lose weight and gain muscle but it works.

>> No.77182295

I know my old man died in the ER due to his poorly maintained health. His body just wasn't strong enough to fight off a disease that flared up yearly.
I've already done the damage to my system / widen body parts that shouldn't have been stressed. When you get fat you can feel your bones crack and the squishiness around certain organs is troubling. Gravity hits harder and you move slower. Only death awaits.

>> No.77182358

>My main point was more that the average fat person doesn’t have a 500 calorie bottle of soda or pizza slice in their diet to cut out
Honestly, I don't think this is true. American fatties eat like shit, even if they have a fruit every now and then and say it makes them "healthy". I get your point, someone can get fat and stay fat eating big portions of non-junk, but most obese people eat the big greasy appetizers and huge desserts.

For whatever fucking reason they find it very hard to cut down on these foods and will come up with all sorts of coping mechanism narratives like MUH METABOLISM MUH ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS to avoid having to try

>> No.77182362

Gluttons can't moderate themselves. That's like telling a porn addict it's okay to watch yank videos once in a while.

>> No.77182445

lean protein, everything should be cooked by yourself. healthy food tastes different but you will smell different from it. Also the sweat from exercise helps in detoxing the body along with outdoor activities as well.

>> No.77182488

Working out unironically helps with my depression

>> No.77182520

The strongest exercise is not putting it in your fuckhole to begin with. If they had the will and discipline to go sicko mode they wouldn't have trouble not eating it in the first place. They wont even do bodyweight exercise at home let alone go on a real weightlifting regimen to increase their muscle so their body consumes more.

>> No.77182664

What I never get my head around is the smell.
Genuinely why do so many men not realize that they should take a shower before going out especially where there will be a lot of people.

>> No.77182723

I did that. I went from several times a day to only once. I could go lower but I dont see the point.

>> No.77182796

You just have a weak nose. Stop being such a pussy, its just a smell.

>> No.77182797

You don't really need more exercise than that for weight loss unless you want to for it's own sake. If you want to lose weight faster, focus on eating a little less. But honestly, if you're down 30, keep doing what you're doing. Your weight will vary day by day so it's normal to see a small increase some days. As long as the trend is down you're good.

>> No.77183011

There's a lot of fat people out there who aren't so far gone that they couldn't will themselves to eat less, but they haven't really tried to do it because they think it's too complicated or hard. Fat people love to tell each other about how hopeless their situation is, and a lot of them get really stupid ideas about weight loss (like how you can only do it by going keto or eating whole foods shit). They try shit methods, fail, and assume it's impossible.

>> No.77183233

Yeah, I hit 350 last year and decided "enough" I think my weight at my height (6'1") should be about 200lbs give or take. So that is my goal. When I get closer to it I will evaluate exactly what weight I should be at for my size and body shape. For now I'm just loosing as much weight as possible. Under 300 now!

>> No.77183254

You acclimate to your own scent. It's just like if you have scented soap or one of those room freshener plug-ins. 97% of them just don't know or don't care (fatties). 2% defeated their deodorant's power between the heat, the heat from the crowds, and all the moving around. 1% of them are legit broke ass mfers that don't even have indoor plumbing.
Most people also don't go hey faggot, you stink fucking fix it for a number of understandable reasons.

>> No.77183305
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>tfw hypoglycemic but not diabetic
y'all will never know the struggle of needing garbage ass sugar to survive. Always stuck at skinnyfat.
>just eat less
bitch my body starts failing when i eat less.

>> No.77183309

Fucking based, recognizing the majority of vtuber fans are obese and ugly to look at.

>> No.77183373

Yeah I try to cook everything myself, Although I do get precooked rotisserie chicken alot due to the convenience. My trainer has me eating a ton of protein a day. I basically eat one of those things a day in protein.

>> No.77183419

I got to Anime Central every year, and the amount of fat people was miniscule compared to what I used to see at texas cons.

>> No.77183456

Fuck Weight Loss. It's time for Weight Gain. See how much muscle you can build. Go beyond baking a cake, build a whole damn bakery.

>> No.77183509

I'd be shocked if there wasn't some diet plan that could get you in calorie deficit without fucking you up. It might have more carbs than some /fit/ optimizer would want but fuck 'em.

>> No.77183539


>> No.77183572

Literally all that matters for weight loss is calories in, calories out. I lost 20 pounds eating fast food every other day. Count your calories, overestimate how many calories are in your food, underestimate how many calories you burn in a day. You'll lose weight.

>> No.77183715

If you're still here, what were you going for? I'm in my 30s too and not healthy by any means, but I haven't been forced to the hospital at all except for acid reflux because I thought I was having a heart attack

>> No.77183721

This so much. The exercise burns calories meme trapped so many idiots. To say nothing of the rash of vanity 'calories burned' readouts. They'll eat 1,800 calories in liquor and pizza, jog a 23 minute mile then bitch.

>> No.77183736

Talk to your doctor, but you can look into a macros diet. My trainer has me doing 60 grams clean carbs, 50 grams clean protein, and 15 grams clean fat, 3 times a day. Heavy weight lifting and cardio 5-6 times a week. seems to work.

>> No.77183830

Is a macros diet literally just a diet where you track your macros?
I mean yeah that works kek. CICO

>> No.77183839

This is the gayest thread of the week.

>> No.77183849

Do you need to wash it in vinegar to get it clear or something?

>> No.77183854

Exercise does burn calories but it's so hard to track how many calories you burn exercising that you should just assume you're sedentary for the purposes of calculating calorie budget. Just treat any calories burned through exercise as a nice bonus.

>> No.77183912

>being attractive to women is gay

>> No.77183940

just bulk and work out and you'll be normal
>t. once skinnyfat

>> No.77184003

Me? I eat crab legs.

>> No.77184015


>> No.77184037

better to be muscular and fat than skinnyfat, you should consider bulking. some women actually prefer the chubby/muscular build but nobody likes skinnyfat

>> No.77184159

What do you consider healthy?
If its mashed potatoes and baked chicken, you might as well just enjoy those burgers and pizzas.

>> No.77184334

chicken and mashed potatoes are pretty healthy though, people just overstate how unhealthy burgers and pizzas are
burgers are pizzas are only considered unhealthy because of how packed they are with calories. you can enjoy them as long as you count your calories

>> No.77184466
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That's a westerner problem

>> No.77184503

I feel like this is truly a westerner problem

>> No.77184509

based, I won't do it though

>> No.77184629

You're not going to maintain a healthy weight eating it, though. Not without excercising. If you want to sit on ass and not gain weight you gotta live like some coastal asian.
Fish, rice, and maybe some pickled veggies to not go insane.

>> No.77184890

What is that, chimichurri? Fuck

>> No.77184934

NTA but that isn't even true. Average calories burned per day for a 30 year old male is 2400. You can easily eat under that per day eating a variety of foods. The diet restriction people are just retards looking for a quick fix rather than a lifestyle change

>> No.77184962

It do seem that way.
Anyone have the gif of the smol cosplay girl walking down the con hotel hallway followed by two jacked dudes crossplaying?

>> No.77185015

/fit/fags are animals beneath contempt and should be burnt alive like the AIDS-ridden freaks they are.
That being said, Mikan is right about Soda. Don't drink your calories.

>> No.77185041

*Average calories burned per day doing nothing, just existing

>> No.77185054

Horseshit that number isn't close to accurate. It's gotta be blown up by athletes or hell knows what kind of error. I can't even go near 1600 without gaining weight cause my body's too tore up to exercise

>> No.77185062

Google megacolon

>> No.77185166

I thought this stuff happened when people are super tense all the time and after it builds up they get like a panic attack or some shit. Not because of food

>> No.77185268

>Average calories burned per day for a 30 year old male is 2400
this varies a lot based on height, that number is too high unless you're like 6'5. a medium pizza from dominos is 1600 cals though and that's going to be under or equal to your daily burn unless you're like <5'4

>> No.77185362

>waaah why do nerds look like basement dwellers and not fit chads
I feel like most of these girls dont understand that their fans are lifeless otaku who dont even try or care about being normal and having a normal life

>> No.77185460

The number is estimated based on no activity at all. Basically if you were braindead you would burn that many calories just through body operation alone.
I've been told this by a personal trainer as well, but if you have counter evidence feel free to post it. However I've lived this myself too, I lost 80 pounds doing literally fucking nothing except eating somewhat less. But I was still eating junk like instant ramen, mac and cheese, pop tarts, and drinking on weekends.

>> No.77185475
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>> No.77185561

you burn more calories when you're overweight since your body needs calories to support your fat, unfortunately your daily burn goes down as you become skinnier. that's why it's important to build muscle

>> No.77185580

It can but it can also be purely physical no real stress. Moderately overweight, poor sleep, caffeine, 5 to 8k mg sodium per day will fuck you up over time.

>> No.77185589

I, Shiina, and others gained weight at much lower amounts but whatever. I've gotten old so maybe it's kid metabolism**** somewhere in the fine print. Used to be able to guzzle food, now just thinking about it manifests +5lbs

>> No.77185619

im not fat, and while not at all strong i at least seem to have solid stamina/endurance.
but thats it honestly, im a godamned toothpick...

>> No.77185744
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I self studied nutrition and lost 30kg in a year.
- Cut ALL sugar, this is easy.
- Cut the bread as much as possible, this is hard.
- Do time restricted eating (not intermittent fasting).
- Cook your food.
- Have meat as much as possible, even your snacks

>> No.77185782

>I've gotten old so maybe it's kid metabolism**** somewhere in the fine print.
your metabolism doesn't really go down much when you age, that's just a meme. older people just aren't as active and you also put on new fat in less flattering places as you age, which gives the perception that you are growing much fatter

>> No.77185788

nah, after watching a good chunk of my family dying from cancer around 50 after months or even years of a pointless fight being perfectly healthy and fit before it, i decided to just die early of a hearth attack from eating greasy and delicious shit, fuck normies and their pathetic morals i will die happy.

>> No.77185812

Well it varies a bit based on googling. But let's say you burn 1500 calories being braindead, that's still a lot. And it turns out that demanding mental activity like playing a highly competitive game burns more calories than was ever thought in the past, so one could conceivably bump that up to 2k with some sweaty gaming.
As far as I'm concerned that's more than enough leeway to lose weight if just a little self-control is practiced

>> No.77185869

>And it turns out that demanding mental activity like playing a highly competitive game burns more calories than was ever thought in the past, so one could conceivably bump that up to 2k with some sweaty gaming.
source on this? this sounds retarded but it would be nice to believe if it's true

>> No.77185907
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Imagine not being jacked for your oshi

>> No.77185962

Yeah it's pretty doable to lose weight by just not eating shit and doing any exercise. 2,400/day by existing was just pure horseshit. That's youngun or athlete tier.

>> No.77185986

I have the article on my PC but I am phone posting right now so I can't help you. Search around, there's been a couple studies done on brain activity influencing burning calories

>> No.77186016

Nah, I'm trying to speedrun dying from health complications before my oshi graduates.

>> No.77186133

Actual heart problems
I've had hundreds of tests and multiple physicians and no one can diagnose it
Most I've gotten is "well it could be arrhythmia" but no medication for it has worked
The only thing that has consistently helped is physical activity. If I get my blood pumping then the symptoms are relieved. If I laze around then they get worse
My only hope is that getting into a normal BMI will make the symptoms go away

>> No.77186212

You fat fuck

>> No.77186307

Part of why westerners are fat is the food here is shit and unless you commit 100% into dieting (which includes cooking organic and clean food) and exercise here in the states it's very easy to get fat. Like the united states has the worst standards when it comes to food you can bring up that other places have processed food but you can have the same people go from living in Europe to living in the United states living the same life style and they will gain weight here and lose it all in europe

>> No.77186449

>Have meat as much as possible, even your snacks
>I started losing weight so my heart doesn't blow up so I can clog it up instead!

Great job anon, next you should replace alcohol with ethanol!

>> No.77186538

Maybe you have acid reflux too. I experienced something similar when I was consistent on a treadmill and I chalked it up to promoting faster digestion with the cardio so my chest didnt feel like a bonfire.
Either way good luck, as I'm sure you know being overweight is the number 1 cause of other health complications, so hopefully you can fix your issue.

>> No.77186623

Nta, but you can just eat lean meat instead. Meat itself isn't bad. The fat is what causes the heart problems and shit.

>> No.77186644

Nah it's not just chest pain, it's my actual heart rate with palpitations
For example, a few weeks ago I was just sitting at home, I felt my heart start palpitating, and then my heart rate shot up to about 150 bpm. In my chair

>> No.77186675

Organic's not a big deal. You just have to be aware of the rough calories and what's in your food in general. Oil, cheese, and sugar pump it up. Retards don't stick to reasonable portion sizes then guzzle soda/liquor then have massive dessert plates late in the day. It's nuts.

>> No.77186760


I bet it's just your heart skipping a beat, and you being the pussy you sound like, getting into a panic about it and thus the adrenaline jucing up your heartrate.

>> No.77186828

American bread has way more sugar in it, and they also think ketchup is a vegetable.

>> No.77186841

I want to die, but I'm too scared to instantly kill myself. Instead I passively make poor health choices in the hopes that one day I'll simply have a heart attack and drop dead.

>> No.77186886

you can literally eat meat, eggs, dairy, honey, some veggies and still be alive for as long as humanly possible as long as you keep exercising, sleep properly, stop eating literal cancer inducing garbage, and eat real food.

>> No.77186890

You can make bread homemade easily. I don't know why people buy store shit when it's jacked up in price and full of fillers and all sorts of trash.

>> No.77186908

To give some context, a single cinnabon is 1000 calories. That's half your daily calorie budget. Most people will knock that out as a "dessert" and not think twice.

>> No.77186925

The oil is probably the problem. For example I was watching a guy who makes shorts on good food and dieting and he recommended a virgin olive oil only to find out that the majority of olive oil is cut with seed oils and other crap the body can't process. I myself are going to stick with coconut oil and tallow and try to avoid other oils all together

>> No.77186953

post body

>> No.77186969

This is such silly logic.
Someone who is too scared of death to die thinks they won't freak the fuck out and change immediately when they get an actual heart problem is laughable.
It's actually less anxiety inducing to just take the first step to fixing your life

>> No.77186983

Holy fuck why so many grown ass dudes wearing vtuber cosplays? I fucking hate gay people.

>> No.77186993

i will not be your weird fetish material.
you can jack off to this post instead, best offer.

>> No.77187041
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Cute, but nah, I'm a fat fuck and given up at this rate. If I reach 40 it's a win.

>> No.77187045

>replacing soft oils with hard fats

I just can't this board anymore. I thought you guys were only retards when it comes to vtubers, but you're just regular fucking retards in everything.

Go back to school.

>> No.77187092

Yeah the olive oil scam is real.
Just dressing your pasta, vegetables or salad adds so much calories. Processed food is jacked up with an insane amount of fats and sugar that are all absorbed in it. You can eat massive plates of plain pasta, bulk sale chicken breast, and plain spinach/broccoli and still lose weight cause it's so short on calories. but if you sauce that shit good lord!

>> No.77187137

Nobody thinks that ketchup is a vegetable. It just takes alot of effort to go find good food compared to the rest of the 1st world. Plus once you get the type of oils and fats that fast food has it fucks up your gut biome literally if you are here do not eat fast food or processed food it is poison

>> No.77187179

You eat tallow and coconut oil over the other oils cause your body can process those fats correctly

>> No.77187181


>> No.77187256

The school was bought. The facts are lies to shift profits to a different pocket. Wake up thinnies, you've been weaponized. Why do you think the rise of the obesity nuke corresponded with the assault on animal vats by Big Rapeseed (Frmly cENOLA GAY)? You didn't even realize you've become the vector willingly propagating the disease!

>> No.77187271

What tactless advice. I'd phrase that as doing more excercise, drinking more water and eating healthier. You can have soda and chips every so often as long as you do those 3 above.

>> No.77187282

>No one has mentioned the best way to lose weight
Smoke cigarettes. You won't be hungry so you just lose weight by semi-starving :^)

>> No.77187336

Yeah, it processes them correctly by breaking them down into cholesterol. You massive fucking retard.

>> No.77187418

If they could do that, they wouldn't be fat and smelly showerlets
Caffeine is addictive
Fatties snacking is literal terrorism on their weightloss.

Fucking gigabased. smoke 3 packs a day and shoot up your ozempic once a week. Lose 80lbs a week or your coffin back

>> No.77187478

Nah if you are going full hunger supression go on ozempic

>> No.77187558

nah, you're the retard. most oils are basically poison. olive oil is the only common oil that is even remotely good for you, with coconut oil being the only other one most people might even be aware of.
the few other good oils are all obscure and sometimes hard to find.

>> No.77187585

How much tallow are you using? And what kind of food was the cow feed

>> No.77187681
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>actually start reading calories on sweets
Also I hate that shit they do in America where they list the seemingly small calorie content of something, then have "x servings per container" in small print.

>> No.77187758

Reminder that most American food is unironically poison. Make sure you cook everything you can yourself

>> No.77187852

the most terrifying thing to me is those stories of euros coming over here, doing jack shit different activity and diet wise, yet putting on weight they quickly lose once back home.

>> No.77187919

>Give them diebettis, heart disease, and high blood pressure
>Schizo them out with media until they're on head meds
>Give them cancer with sugar free shit
>Pocket the 3 rounds of chemo profits
>Pocket the burial costs
Literal cash factory

>> No.77187931

yooro cities are also more walkable

>> No.77187970

Burgers are cities are sprintable. You sprint or you get stabbed/raped. World's most successful fitness pogram btw

>> No.77187987

That isnt enough to make a difference, trust me. American food is just tailor-made to make you an unhealthy, lethargic creature.

>> No.77188165

Like anything it depends on how it's cooked and what ingredients. Wood fire pizza is alright. Eating healthy doesn't mean you can't eat 'junk' but its generally prepared properly not slapped together in 4 mins.

>> No.77188244

have you checked for postural tachycardia syndrome - still, lowering BMI is never a bad thing if it's too high.

>> No.77188310

This is why there will never be a change, too profitable to feed the populace their own deaths

>> No.77188343

Slow disgruntled unconfident workers are easier to manage than strong men networked who would riot and rise up against slow burning abuse.

>> No.77188377

viva la revolution~

>> No.77188504

Thing is you likely won't die at 43. You'll start having more and more problems of increasing severity until you slowly die in your 60s and your final years will be miserable. You won't be able to enjoy your favorite foods and likely won't retain any semblance of dignity. Health related death is only fast if you're extremely lucky.

>> No.77188577

This. And it's not even like he's in good enough shape to foreign legion into some cesspool's conflict so he can at least get a leg blown off by a drone

>> No.77188634

not enough, if at least euthanasia were legal then a healthy life would be worth it, but since its not the best is to enjoy what you can while you can while destroying the body before 50.

>> No.77188873

Might be afib ask for a 2 week Holter monitor from your cardiologist

>> No.77188910

>could have just given the generic bullshit 'i love you all just the way you are and thats why I'll never talk about any of this again' stock lines like Kiara/Kaela
>instead tells an unpopular truth because she's actually concerned
Credit where it's due - that was ballsy.

>> No.77188930


>> No.77189006

this thread is pure reddit

>> No.77189029

It really is a shame that speaking about health has been turned into a weird moral thing. It's never okay to be a fatass and everyone should be saying as much

>> No.77189032

I would think you’re right. I’m an incredibly sedentary bloke and I’m overweight to boot but I can easily do the exercises listed there, besides push ups of course. However there are plenty of people way fatter than me who have really shitty health problems on top of that so maybe there really are people who would struggle really badly.

In the end the point is to get people to do at least a little. Even a bit of exertion every day is enough to put them on the right track.

>> No.77189054

>actually concerned

>> No.77189309

>I only work 3 days a week(pseudo-neet)
Stop calling yourself a neet. You don't know what that word means. Retard would be more fitting.

>> No.77189334

>like Kiara/Kaela
Why name them specifically?

>> No.77189441

I used to think this was exaggerated until I learned American bread is legally classified as cake over here.

>> No.77189563

A healthy diet has lots of fiber, which make you feel fuller so you don't eat as much.
If you eat plenty of fruits, veggies, and other high-fiber foods, you'll simply feel satisfied and not want to constantly engorge yourself.

>> No.77189613


If it's not okay to shit on people for being stupid/depressed, it shouldn't be okay to shit on people for being fat.

Stupidity and depression are just fatness of the mind.

>> No.77189696

>Stupidity and depression are just fatness of the mind.
Retarded analogy.

>> No.77189700

It's ok to shit on them for all of those things

>> No.77189734

You should shit on people who are stupid too. And when you stop being fat and stupid the depression will sort itself out.

>> No.77189735

Exercise is mostly for development muscle/strength/endurance, and calorie/weight loss secondary. An exercise session might burn you only few hundreds calories, which is only a small meal or a single dessert worth of calories. Therefore, exercise doesn't allow you to "cheat" in your diet that much. Often, you have to resist the extra hunger you felt when you exercise.
Professional athletes are different. The amount of training/exercise they can do is very time consuming/intensive and also boosted by PED's so it's not something average person can follow.

>> No.77189738

Eat more fiber.

>> No.77189869


Stupidity, fatness and depression can all be cured with some strenght of will and selfcare.

>> No.77189892

I wore a holter for a month bro

>> No.77189932

Then you must lack strength of will and self-care, because you're decidedly stupid. :/

>> No.77189991

You need to go back

>> No.77190057

This. A real fan wants to make his oshi proud.

>> No.77190056

Did I... get under your skin?
Maybe you'd wanna... cut me some slack?
Have you tried just relaxing and... hanging around?

>> No.77190350

if you (or your parents) grew up poor then you are more likely to be fat. culturally speaking being fat is celebrated in america as a sign of success and health (you shouldnt be skinny, no one will respect you). throw mcdonalds and pizza hut in the equation and then your brain cant distinguish whats right or wrong, it can only see one option. truth is being fat isnt a choice and a fat person cant choose to change. a fit person doesnt need to convince themselves to diet or skip dessert just as a fat person doesnt need to convince themselves to buy 2 for 1 big macs and an oreo slushie. i fucking hate fat people.

>> No.77190385

No, the faster I get something terminal that gives me a guilt free excuse to kill myself the faster I'm off this hell planet.

>> No.77190460

Bafflingly incoherent post

>> No.77190510

Then do it now

>> No.77190629

Naw doing it now just brings more of the same harm into the world that I'm disgusted with. If I'm terminal this isn't an increase of harm just a net zero.

>> No.77190638

The fuck are you rambling about

>> No.77190820

>i fucking hate fat people.
only read this so I agree

>> No.77190822

If your principle is harm let me ask you, do you think it's ok if someone had sex with a dead body and no one found out about it? There's no harm done.

>> No.77190841

>Actually concerned
If she cared she'd do Ringfit streamalongs every other day and nightly showeralongs. With weekend meal-prep budget cookalongs too.
It's easy to talk shit, it's hard to gaslight her fans while building a self-help vod library

It's not a moral thing. It's deflection cause occupy wallstreet had the kikes shitting their pants. All the identity politics to distract erupted after they used the feds to bust the movement up.


>> No.77191021
File: 180 KB, 362x300, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had plenty of meat all my life and my cholesterol level was perfect even while being very overweight.
Now I'm eating MORE than before and I'm still losing weight thanks to organization and knowledge.

Meat is a superfood. And no shit I'm referring to healthy cuts of lean meat. Not processed shit like all the derivatives from minced meat.

>> No.77191084

Man I have the opposite problem, I'm trying to stop being a lanklet but gaining weight is so difficult

>> No.77191096

Sir, this is a generic store-brand hot dog thread, move along.

>> No.77191128

shit, chew some aspirin and take a chill pill - literal or figurative. my heart is fine but I can very much panic myself into tach

>> No.77191173

Can you research traditional sumo diets and cross-reference with your trainer or family doctor?

>> No.77191329

Smoothies are the key. A smoothie is basically solid food turned into liquid, so when you combine a regular meal with a smoothie, you're basically eating 2 meals.
I recommend Venezuelan chicha. It's a smoothie made with rice or pasta and milk. Very delicious, nutritious, and calorie-dense.

>> No.77191396

>actually concerned
she's disgusted

>> No.77191523

Seconding this. Smoothiemaxxing helps pack it in.

>> No.77191797
File: 2 KB, 128x128, 1000164277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ever since hitting 22 i started to develop skinny fat, im 26 right now and i have no idea how to get rid of it. im 6ft and last i checked im 84kg. bmi calc said im in the lower category of being overweight.

>> No.77191855

Stop bodyshaming me

>> No.77191905
File: 770 KB, 654x707, 1610941626161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just cut out soda and fast food and focus more on home cooked meals. The moment you realize just how fucked up soda is for you and just how much you're overdosing on sodium each day with fast food, you'll be able to be responsible and change your ways. Some people are just too self-indulgent in garbage foods and it hurts them in the long run.

Of course you're gonna be a fat fuck when you eat bad foods and you don't lift weights or burn the fat from the terrible foods you've been eating. Not only would your oshi appreciate you taking care of your body, they'd also appreciate you learning how to make a healthy fucking meal too.

If a vtuber/your oshi says to take care of yourself and eat better, you should probably treasure that and follow through because she gives enough of a shit to realize her fanbase is a bunch of fat shits that are leading a bad life. Get your shit together, you don't do anything else except watch vtubers and jerk off, you have no excuses to sit there and do nothing. Why would you ever give up and not take care of your body? Lift weights, make some food at home, and stop being fat and retarded. You could probably be one handsome motherfucker if you turned that fat into muscle.

>> No.77192192

True, but bulking is a chance to eat some good foods and eating smoothie slops seem like a waste unless you really struggle with finding time and money to cook good foods.

>> No.77192358

Learn actual portion sizes. If you have to cuck out, get smaller plates, bowls, and glasses if you're a dumb ape that can't not fill it.
Don't snack all the damn time or if you want to, you have to reduce the size of your "meals" correspondingly.
Knock off the processed food and fast-food. A double quarter pounder is 750 calories for example. A large coke without ice is >300 calories. Large fries is 500 calories. Slice of apple pie and two scoops of ice cream for dessert....

If you're going to have dessert, liquor, juice, soda, etc. reduce or cut the side dish with your dinner. That rice is just fattying you.
Foods with butter, oil, sugar, and cheese easily pack in ridiculous amount of calories very quickly.
Drink a glass of water a half hour or so before meals.
Have oatmeal with breakfast every other day until you can gaslight yourself into every day.
Get into meal prep if you have time issues.
Buy a chest freezer and buy in bulk on sale.

Get into a regular exercise schedule. Proper weightlifting to build muscle is the best but just doing bodyweight exercise in the garage or outside the apartment in short shorts and a slutty loose wifebeater two sizes too big is better than nothing.
Stay consistent in meals and exercise. Your body is schizo as fuck and will resist rapid changes. You need to gradually work off that ~25lbs or so. If you just starved your body would schizo out and think it's dying so it'd try to store every calorie it could helping keep you skinnyfat.
Bear in mind that weight is just a number. A meme number. Hopefully you just build muscle until you're healthy and happy. bmi calcs are also a meme for overgeneralization reasons.
The water, oatmeal and exercise will help you clean the literal shit out of your sedentary bowel landfill.

She isn't bodyshaming you. She's health insurance premium shaming you for impacting her budget.

>> No.77192445

nice gay post

>> No.77192453

As much as I want Yagoo to collab with Peleton to release a fitness package I expect Gunrun to do it first

>> No.77193191

I've drank 4 sodas today

>> No.77193264

My brother in christ, your kidney stone called. The state approved its emancipation request, you must excrete it within 90 days or it will force its way out
