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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77145248 No.77145248[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

the king and queen of /vt/

>> No.77145327
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The dukes of /vt/

>> No.77146594

are we mocking white people?
post hands

>> No.77146819
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>> No.77147415
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>> No.77148312

Always knew you were brown

>> No.77148865
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>> No.77152476

this is who is calling you an incel chud on /vt/

>> No.77154583
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>> No.77155255

I should go to one of these conventions to feel the ego boost of being the only remotely fit and reasonably well-groomed person in attendance.

>> No.77155328

christ i thought that was my screen, wipe your screen for fucks sake

>> No.77155521

I'll plant your finger print on a murder scene enjoy your 8 life sentences chud

>> No.77155656

Who shit in your rice this morning SEAbug

>> No.77157238
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>> No.77157440
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>> No.77157894

I thought /pcg/ had femanons but the con pics have been grim

>> No.77157989

i look like and dress like and act like every person posted itt

>> No.77158056

I heard there was a big breasts femanon that want to breastfeed talents

>> No.77158303

Your fingernail shape has the telltale signs of inbreeding btw.

>> No.77158881

isnt that guy one of marimari's 5 guys from last year?

>> No.77159109

40 year old hands that have never picked up a tool or touched a female. Thumb bent out of shape by vitamin D and calcium deficiency and videogame control sticks.

THESE are the fags who call you a chud. An incel. Who demand you return to pol.
Treat them accordingly.

>> No.77159147

The incel to Phasefag to tranny pipeline is real!

>> No.77159280

He looks fucking based. And look at his eyes. Unironic schizoid eyes.

>> No.77159575

isn't that the tiktoker that got sent to jail saying he's gonna kill sleepy Brandon?

>> No.77159762

nigga lose some weight
cover corp could build a whole new studio on that thing

>> No.77159809 [DELETED] 


>> No.77160059

i just bite them a lot

>> No.77164179

I kneel.

>> No.77164231
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>> No.77165336

a lot of potential images to crop and become filtered with a perma-ban by butthurt mods like that dude with the Bae cosplayer

>> No.77165520

God I'd be so fuckin mad being there and seeing all these sandals and crocs

>> No.77169436


>> No.77170124

>first guy in 2nd pic
is this what passes for white in the US?

>> No.77171653

fucking jump scared me jesus christ

>> No.77173107

>ITT: Don't be fat, don't be bald
Fuck off guys, I can help my weight but I can't help my hairline.

>> No.77173230

Jesas do burgers have any shame

>> No.77173259

just shave it off brother

>> No.77173347

Emperors get to eat this good and be this confident 3rd world starvecuck

>> No.77174201

Once it starts to go just shave it. It's more shameful to desperately keep whatever little is left of your hair.

>> No.77176748

Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha. Fucking amerilards retards. You are whales.

>> No.77177012
File: 37 KB, 292x768, gaytor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77177268

All talk and no show. Post yours, faggot.

>> No.77177594

No man laugh at male pattern baldness, anon.
That thing scare me, even though i would never got it.
Anyway, just shave it off, some of my friends do that.

>> No.77180856

It's also
>Keep yourself well groomed
The guy in the pic has a scragglyass beard poking out of his mask. Properly maintaining a beard takes a bit of effort. If you don't want to go through that effort, then shave it off.
>And much more importantly, don't wear a fucking uoh shirt in public

>> No.77181018

>doesn't wear their masks properly
Jesus. What is wrong with these people?

>> No.77181309
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hands too scary to post online here is an arm

>> No.77181612

It's 2024 and these people still don't get it, they never will

>> No.77182719

we should be able to mock everyone, including ourselves

>> No.77184010

It's not that hard to make bald look good. Half of these guys look like shit after putting negative effort into their hairstyles and fashion in general anyways, being bald gives you a leg up on them already

>> No.77184340

damn that is a big greasy balding dude
i hope he had a good time

>> No.77184548

Dude just shave your head...

>> No.77184554

consider minoxidil & microneedling

>> No.77184559
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>> No.77184853

minoxidil will fuck up your bloodpressure it's not worth it

>> No.77185846


>> No.77185882

those meat curtain bitch tits deforming the uoh emoji is peak mericakek

>> No.77186315
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>holotrannyfags laughing at phasenigs

>> No.77186409

is hitting the thread's "update" button taking an incredibly long amount of time before it loads for anyone else?

>> No.77186450


>> No.77186564

A third of all attendees seem to be trannies. I have never seen so many in one place. It was crazy

>> No.77186691
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Where is this guy's poor chin??

>> No.77186889

>these are the ugly balding landwhale incels calling you a fat femcel just for liking anime boys and not 3DPD
I never want to see a single insult against fujoshi on this website ever again.

>> No.77186981

They absolutely mog the phasers because the bar is in hell

>> No.77187009

What a depressing thread. America really needs to be nuked. These cons in Japan at least have cute cosplayer girls and somewhat modest looking Japs. Every time one of these vTuber American conventions is posted, it looks like a gathering for a freak show. I wouldn't even dare leave me house if I looked like these people, absolutely revolting.

>> No.77187018

All that I take away from this is that only fat and ugly people (male, female, transformers) are hardcore vtuber fans.

>> No.77187054

Given the landwhales at cons it's better not to throw stones in glass houses.

>> No.77187231

see >>77147415
however, i do think that a lot of dudes here are hypocritical

>> No.77187313

>that size difference

>> No.77187436

Whoa Juan leave some Panko manko for the rest of us.

>> No.77187488


>> No.77187624

Imagine being surrounded by a zoo of filthy sweaty fucks breathing their braps, couldn't be me.

>> No.77187686

Show dick

>> No.77187736
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>> No.77188027

Wait are phasefags actually trannies?
Makes a lot of sense now

>> No.77188218

>phase monkey is actually real

>> No.77188342


>> No.77188366

It's sad that even a woman looking like this is more likely to have at least one orbiter than a decent looking guy who is ignored and rejected.

>> No.77188462


>> No.77188532

>He shaves the knuckles on his feet
Phasetranny confirmed

>> No.77188613
File: 1.42 MB, 1536x2048, Girlyinji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her so much bros.

>> No.77188679

Christ there's so many obese ppl at the expo.

>> No.77188776

>he has hairy foot knuckles
hobbit confirmed

>> No.77189001

Don't let architects see this pile of fat

>> No.77189459

There's an 80% chance that this man is from either SEA or Eastern Europe

>> No.77189532

Can't you take blood pressure meds to counter that? I mean, at least it's not finanasteride.

>> No.77189554

>Reddit bookmark

>> No.77189603

oh boohoo faggot

>> No.77189653

Holy fuck if you're losing your hair just shave it off and go completely bald

>> No.77189742


>> No.77189868
File: 2.63 MB, 4080x3072, 17264858367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too late anon.

>> No.77189959

That's essentially what it is, it was first made to be a blood pressure medication it just happened to slow hair loss. If your BP is normal you'll get low blood pressure and feel like shit

>> No.77189967

why is your hand so fat

>> No.77190104

I've fucked girls as fat, or fattier than this.
I am an inadvertent architect.

>> No.77190111
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>> No.77190172


>> No.77190594

Calm down anon, it's just a foot

>> No.77190764
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>> No.77191894

Ay who let that garden gnome in there

>> No.77192093

i want the tall, tan mori cosplayer

>> No.77192292

As a fellow bald dude, if the guy in pink sees this, just shave it bro.

>> No.77195058

Head shavers are cowards, hiding their shame
A king wears his crown with pride
