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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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766661 No.766661 [Reply] [Original]

They hated her because they weren't her. Because she spoke the truth. Because she has magnificent cans. Because she's scissoring a ninja angel.

>> No.766731

Can Coco even be stopped at this point? She's made it to where the bugs are just seething 24/7.

>> No.766762

>persecution complex the thread

>> No.766787

Can you stop the wind from blowing? The tides from rolling? A baby from crying? NON! These things are within the grasp of Coco alone!

>> No.766916

Remember: Every time Coco streams successfully, zhang kills his family and then himself.

>> No.771133
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>> No.771185

would trade reddit dragon for chowa

>> No.771233

How does she scissor a boy?

>> No.771234

Don't let chicken read this

>> No.771242

>ninja angel
gorilla angel

>> No.771277
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>> No.771326

How much, realistically, would I have to pay for this kind of rig, where I would simply regurgiate content created by others, and perhaps translate it to another language?

While looking and sounding like a big tittied anime girl, obviously.

>> No.771359

>Because she's scissoring a ninja angel.
I don't really follow Hololive shit. Are they really dating or is that memes? I hope Kanata has someone to lean on, especially with her health starting to catch up.

>> No.771368

If you want to make the same money as her first you would need to sleep 3 hours a day for 6 months while making your own OC show that is a massive success.
Even some nijis stopped their streams to watch asacoco back in the day.

>> No.771401

There's nothing official either way. The only thing we know is they are very close and they care very much for each other. Whether that involves a relationship beyond close friendship, nobody knows but them.

>> No.771450

/u/-fags are just as bad as /y/-fags when it comes to judging friendships.

>> No.771451

You be the judge, nobody will ever know.

>> No.771491
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Right, and the other faggots on this site are any better at determining jack shit when it comes to women.

>> No.771559

Fucking or not, you can live happy knowing Coco, Comet, and Tenshi all have each other to lean on.

>> No.771655

Coco doesn't care about Taiwan at all
You know that right?

>> No.771758

This fucking dragon is going to be living a life of luxury funded by fans just to spite the seething zhangs.

>> No.771765

I didn't know she was close with Suisei too. I'm glad she's got some strong friendships to support her.

>> No.771868

Trust me she does plenty of supporting herself, like when she practically kicked down Coco's door when she heard her crying

>> No.772427

she's still learning chinese even after the chink arc for the sake of her taiwanese fans who are probably her second biggest donators.

She has never expressed any political opinions about Taiwan but she clearly appreciates her taiwanese gachikois.

>> No.773692

Every hololiver who isn't completely fucking retarded (i.e. Aqua) should be learning the language of their primary donators. It's why even someone like Sora is trying to learn English; she knows where her bread is buttered. Coco would be likewise stupid to ignore a major part of her financial demographic.

>> No.773791

this is some serious delusion cope. japanese girls "learn" english their entire school career and still don't know it. whether it's english or chinese they're both languages that require thousands of hours of serious and concentrated practice. meaning none of the girls are doing shit with them and it's just to console you idiots.

>> No.773861

>primary donators
I think only a couple outside of EN are even near 50% EN donators.

True. I learned French for 8 years and remember like two words.

>> No.773879

You're talking out of your ass; it is /vt/ after all. The reasoning is clear: Cash. Wouldn't you learn Martian if a Martian offered to pay you ten thousand dollars? Following this line of logic isn't trigonometry, Scooter.

>> No.774477

use your limited intelligence and think.

you can say you're learning and not learn it while still making the money. this is like how fat fucks so "i'm gonna go to the gym and exercise so much losing weight" then you look at them 6 months later and they gained weight.

they're not really learning chinese or english, tard.

>> No.774595

Hey dipshit, if they start speaking that language they claim to be learning, and show improvement each time, what does that tell you?

I mean... holy shit, how can one person be this dense? Do I need to draw a diagram for you in crayon?

>> No.774704

holy cope. lol. your delusion is too much.

>> No.774776

>and it's just to console you idiots.
I'm okay with that.

>> No.774782

Did Suisei actually move into the holohouse? I knew they asked basically everyone, but I didn't think anyone accepted.

>> No.774793

>I'm wrong stop proving me wrong!


>> No.774924

>my oshi is totally learning a language that takes 5,000+ hours of dedicated practice by memorizing a couple phrases to say on a stream once in a while
meds. you need them.

>> No.774970

You realize no one here cares if they learn English or not, right? They're being cute, even if they're "pretending," and that's enough.

>> No.774989

>people can't put in effort for things they want it just doesn't make sense!

Go back. Alternatively, you will never be a woman.

>> No.775298

Let's not forget that English language education sucks dick in Japan.

>> No.776005

wait, I thought they lived together

>> No.776181

Not really a lot just depends on the quality of the rigging and model itself. A shit 2d model would probably run you a hundred dollars or so. For a decent 3d model with good tracking probably a thousand or two.

>> No.776295

Same apartment building and I assume they have keys to each others' apartments, but they don't technically live together.

>> No.776313

Dual computer setup is optimal if you want to stream. (One computer to game, the other to handle the encoding/streaming and drawing your avatar.) Both computers with a GTX 1070 would probably be as much as you need, and that's perfectly affordable.

>> No.776406

They do live together in the same apartment but they have their own rooms and consider privacy very important they so they mostly keep to their own and talk on Discord. Suisei and her sister are in the same building but different apartment.

>> No.776537

Korone is dedicated to that shit anon.
She pays for a fucking tutor.

>> No.776583

Ah the privacy thing was what confused me. The way Coco talked about it made it sound like they had separate apartments.

>> No.777041
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The only good bug is a dead bug

>> No.777148

She and her sister moved into an apartment in the same building, I think.
They're pretty close by.

>> No.777396

Do you actually like her or just hate China?

>> No.777503

shes pretty cute when she sings
all the fame chinks and idolshit is frying her brain

>> No.777572

This thread is being observed in real time at NGA as we speak btw.

>> No.777573


>> No.777668

telll them to suck my dick

>> No.777853
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Coco huh? Coco has changed.

She... used to stream and transmit so much confidence, like if she was invinsible, respected among vtubers inside and outside hololive, like some kind of genius, hardworking because almost everyday she streamed Assacoco and nobody asked her to do that at 6:00 am, at some point even her senpais thought that she was the real senpai, since the company started in 2017, she was the first holo skyrocketing in subs, because she was the only one that could seek actively the overseas audience, it seemed like she was destined to be at the top of holo, starting a trend with ARK, even giving advice and helping other holos here and there, validating the trust and admiration of her peers.

But soon bit by bit, she started to fall in the trap of your typical youtuber, searching for the next big thing, and making mistakes, like that Asacoco cm joking about suicide with Kanata, or shaving her crotch, sure for many autisitcs anons here or in 5ch that's quality content, but she wanted the top, so she needed to reach a bigger market, then her youtube ban came and those who crityicize her first came for not being seizo enough, but what could do to her a few dozens of antis against thousands that supported her, she used to disregard her antis, belittle and make fun of them.

Her skyrocketing sub count started to decline, and so was the ARK fever, the new audiences started to discover her colleagues and were them who started to rise, soon she reached reddit and then her 3d debut was her highest point untiil now.

Then the Taiwan event happened, in both sides some said that it was intentional, others and later she herself confirmed that it wasn't, but that doesn't matter the damage was already done, that same day while streaming getting over it, she experienced for the first time what it truly means harassment on the internet, the real thing that has drove many to take their lives, facing the hatred and persistent tenacity of so many people, she could no longer disregard them, and in consequence Hololive operations in China had to end, many paths, plans, projects, investments, efforts, fans and jobs were cut, how that weighted in her concience, only she knows, even if the real people responsible were those who reacted in the worst possible way, they cut their official supports to their owns idols like Aqua, Fubuki or Suisei, leaving them with nothing but hatred and depression.

The later developments are known for almost everybody, collabing less with the holos and being mentioned less by them too, she brought success to Cover but also damage, and from a business perspective unpredictable risks are discarded fast, some rrats here even though are rrats have some truths in it. Her recent meltdown on stream that nobody would expect in august didn’t surprised me, she gave some signs of stress and preassure during these months, multiple streams and for several hours during the day, like not wanting to think and spend the time, not knowing how to react fast enough when antis slipped in that among us stream, and the most noticeable that most people laughed about, those two times she was blown up by creepers in Minecraft, the first was a nervous overreaction for something unexpected, and the second time she couldn’t even hide her sniffs between laughs and curses, ending that playthrough right there, that confidence she used to exibit before, was nowhere to be seen.

She reached 1 million subs recently, but projections tell that she should have do that sooner last year, if not for the Taiwan problem, before Aqua, and not been overtaken by Marine and Haato, even with all that has happened she won’t graduate anytime soon, she is not stupid, someone stupid wouldn’t have the early great success she had at the beginning by accident, and she knows that hololive is still growing, even though lately hololive is losing steam I believe that the market is reaching it’s limit and holo is capping.

Still I remember her, she is not my Oshi, and I’m not a tatsunoko, but I’m grateful to her because thanks to her I got to know my Oshi of the same gen nanora, for that reason and how Coco supported her at the start with asacoco commercials and English class, I will support her by extension.

Yonkisei Love.

>> No.777955

>Yonkisei Love
These guys are the most delusional fans in all of Hololive

>> No.778018


>> No.778060


>> No.778129

kys fag

>> No.778148

Given her $9000 bed, she's already living luxuriously.

>> No.783513

i just want to have normal threads about coco without the OP having to be some obnoxious chinkbait shit
