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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 564 KB, 587x691, Homobeggartrannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77107355 No.77107355 [Reply] [Original]

now you know why all homobeggars are trannies

>> No.77107386

Every time I see this guy, it's a pic of him saying some gay tranny propaganda shit
Is cover okay with their talents being so political?

>> No.77107523

Yes and that why the homo fanbase is so fucking anoying, there is nothing but faggot and troon and retarded womans in it. Just can't wait for cover to cut their loses with their mistake. HomoEN should NEVER have existed.

>> No.77107613

based groomer accelerating the termination of homos

>> No.77107628

>Is cover okay with their talents being so political?
Homoshits can do literally anything without repercussions. The only one who keeps an eye on them is a manager that is clearly a homobeggar himself (possibly still omegatroon in a demoted fashion after getting kicked from HoloEN management) and he's not going to punish them for anything.
I guess it makes it all the more impressive that Vesper managed to get the fastest suspension in holopro history despite this.

>> No.77107642

The more he tweets like this, the less likely any normie is gonna check out Holostars as a whole.
All he's doing is advertising himself as being a ticking woke timebomb.

>> No.77107692
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one of the most popular clips of this guy is him talking about how once he was mistaken to be a lesbian by some granny btw. saying before some more retarded anons keep sperging about a homo nothing burger

>> No.77107709


>> No.77107880

i dont get it

>> No.77107940

are the jp homos also constantly spouting political bullshit without any consequences?

>> No.77108187

retards sperg about homos everyday this isn't the first

>> No.77108261

What is this meme with gay men claiming to be lesbians? The he/her lesbian shit. I actually saw them arguing with lesbos a while back over it. They have over complicated such simple things with this trans shit.

>> No.77108373
File: 168 KB, 1080x650, IMG_20240601_051137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure attracting the Niji crowd won't backfire at all

>> No.77108382

It will put off normal people but they probably wouldn't watch a vtuber regardless of how they present themselves. The target audience of Holostars is women who spend most of their time on the internet, and there's nothing that group loves more than woke propaganda.

>> No.77108625

Astel with his tweet about McDonald he bought, and every pro-Palestine fan dogpiled him with warning, but he ignored them.

>> No.77108708

I can't believe homostars perpetuate the steryotype of lesbian DV, omg so triggering.

>> No.77108781

why are you described Niji fans?

>> No.77108787
File: 2.64 MB, 2500x1080, whobroughtthemin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've been pandering to them for literal years now

>> No.77108982

because they're the exact same, hololive antis

>> No.77109000

theres a rrat going around that he's an FtM. so basically a Yugo situation

>> No.77109015

I thought Hololive fans love and support lesbians why are you upset? We ship the girls, talk about them fucking each other and draw fanarts of that. Sounds like a very LGBTQBBC-friendly corpo to me

>> No.77109102

We do, not faggots though

>> No.77109112

He told a story once where a stranger mistook him for a lesbian. It's a joke about that.

>> No.77109118

>the less likely any normie is gonna check out Holostars as a whole.
That's a wonderful thing actually. We should encourage him to keep posting tranny shit so they'd be stuck in 3view hell forever.

>> No.77109123
File: 321 KB, 645x823, 1704302392383606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

groombullet is the most blatant but yeah they all pander

>> No.77109124

He's a literal groomer and a pedo. Check archives.

>> No.77109139

you mean all homobeggars are trannies??????? wow I am shocked!!!!!!

>> No.77109200

>first Vesper and Magni
>and now this
why male vtubing was such a big mistake??????

>> No.77109288

Is vtubing the only area where the women have more sense and discipline than the men?

>> No.77109455

Not a chance, he has the fried voice of a tranny, if anything he's a MtF but is not allowed to say it outright
I remember the "gotta support the cause" clip, it basically killed any chance of HoloEN getting to play Hogwarts Legacy in the future. Is ironic because one of the reasons he wouldn't play HL was because Alter didn't want any hate, but he still managed to say something inflammatory

>> No.77109507

T doesn't belong in LGB

>> No.77110210


>> No.77110233

As a straight guy, there is no real difference between any of you and I see no need to split hairs. It's funny how I supported gay rights before, but now I have to admit the Christians were actually right, I ironically dismissed them because of how hyperbolic they sounded but here we are with "transgender" children and other gross shit being pushed on kids.

>> No.77110549

Cover doesn't give a fuck what Homos do. And, as long as they stay in their lane, I don't really give a shit either.

>> No.77110651

Unironically, half of the things that used to be right-wing conspiracies are just regular LGBT+ talking points these days.

>> No.77110813

>I remember the "gotta support the cause" clip, it basically killed any chance of HoloEN getting to play Hogwarts Legacy in the future. Is ironic because one of the reasons he wouldn't play HL was because Alter didn't want any hate, but he still managed to say something inflammatory
Anon, literally none of this is true. Not even the "clip" part, because no fans even cared enough about that moment to clip it. The only reason people /here/ even remember he said anything is because one guy desperately spammed it all over Catalog to try to force it into a meme.

>> No.77111067

Pretty much. I still think the Christians are retarded, but they were right atleast. It's actually sad how cucked they ended up, how all the institutional power they had in the 90s completely vanished and now they appease the raindbow people. Still if they had their way we would still be a spineless globohomo society, just as long as everyone praised Jesus they wouldn't care. Normies are still more pathetic btw, they saw all this and still haven't woke up and admitted they were right.

>> No.77111094
File: 179 KB, 732x705, aster arcadia final form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>male vtuber
>trying to groom viewers/fuck female vtubers
Why are they like this?

>> No.77111149

Tranny propaganda is happening on a global scale. Somehow the rights of 1% of the population became the most important thing in the world.

>> No.77111424

The target audience of holostars is a general audience (initially a male audience based on what yagoo said in 2022). Goodbullet in particular just happens to be appealing almost entirely to women and gay men, which he didn’t set out to do, it’s just who he is. Compare to Bettel who has a lot more variety in his audience.

>> No.77111557

schizo "unicorn" (nijisister) thread

>> No.77112327

>And, as long as they stay in their lane, I don't really give a shit either.
So it's ok if they develop an anti holo fanbase full of leftist spergs that will in all likelihood act up in the future when another wizard game situation comes up?
After the Astel McD incident I think they would take notice of even JP doing a collab with the "wrong" company.

>> No.77112454

All this guy does is try to get a public suspension, I have no idea why he joined Holostars instead of nijisanji.
He has enough occurrences to put Zaion's termination letter to shame

>> No.77112648

Holo is a joke for letting shit like this slide, just as bad as everyone else. Every second you spend watching the girls is supporting this, it's just disgusting

>> No.77112663

There are gay people and there are faggots like this guy. Actual gay people just suck dick in peace

>> No.77112903

Vesper was unironically too based for Omegatroon to tolerate, despite being a literal fag.
Just goes to show what type of behaviour you should expect from the rest of them.

>> No.77112987
File: 24 KB, 720x723, Luna Suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>honorary lesbian
wtf is this shit

>> No.77113037

So now we know where all the sisters will flock after NijiEN conclusively implodes.

>> No.77113093

Altare did it on purpose.

>> No.77113163

Anon you know how hologirls are comfortable dong lesbian shit and a lot of them are either lesbian or bi.
Its the same for guys, the type of men who is comfortable doing vtubing is often gay or bi curious or comfortable doing yaoi baiting.

>> No.77113307

Meh, that one's easy. Now explain why the opposing faction mostly consists of whiny troons and faggots as well.

>> No.77113335

I never heard of that faggot i thought was the same as the other brown one with giant tits who likes to talk about gay shit too

>> No.77113380

Go back from whence thou came foul wretch.

>> No.77113454

now show any holo girls post thing like this???

>> No.77113471

Always been the same audience and it's funny both sides of sisters feel ashamed to admit it here. Or at least outside of /cbdct/.

>> No.77113518

>NDF is now defending homo
LOL, cant be this obvious

>> No.77113621

>check cartoon sock puppets drawn like giant anime fags
No heterosexual man would watch Holostars, in SEA/Mexican groups you can see all types of brown Males defending them and making memes, but if you check their profiles all are faggots or at least in the closet.
Is like a dude reading bara hentai manga, there is 0% chance the guy is straight

>> No.77113802

Moids are a mistake, they are the worst feminist/woke freaks
Even the Megalia man-hating shadow government cult was leaded by a man

>> No.77113858

cry about it, chud
Drumpf is going to jail

>> No.77113872

Male bisexuality is literally nothing like female bisexuality and you shouldn't conflate the two.

>> No.77113927

Oh, the blame everything on niji trend didn't die down yet? Guess I'll check again in a couple months.
But I mean just look at OP. To care enough about random twits of a known faggot it has to be either a trannie, a fag or woman (unlikely). There are literally no other options. Heterosexual men don't behave this way. And this goes for the majority of /vt/ catalog posters.

>> No.77114037

Doesn't Kiara do the same shit when she tweets sometimes? Her chat was full of faggots going "lesbian pride" or whatever last year.

>> No.77114182
File: 38 KB, 819x354, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heterosexual men don't behave this way
>cried on stream like a faggot
you mean Axel and all holostars are not "Heterosexual men"

>> No.77114256
File: 296 KB, 1080x817, KiaraSanji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shoud know why people call her Kiarasanji

>> No.77114488

Wasn't he the only one who was actually shown to be /here/? You're not helping your point, moron

>> No.77114803

I only watched homos due to vesper being amusing, but then the blue faggot did his shit and completely sent me again, and now this shit happens and it just kills for good any intention of ever giving the homos a second chance.
Just fucking nuke the homos, they've enabled the alphabet warriors, cull the whole homoEN branch like a gangrenous limb before it takes root and extends, there's no redemption anymore, they're not just a money sink anymore, but an active hazard, and this open culture warrior who thinks he has any authority to speak on behalf of the whole company is nothing but a ticking time bomb

>> No.77114946

groombullet is also the absolute bottom bitch of all cover talents, nobody earn less than him, maybe there's a correlation or something

>> No.77114999

these fuckers are completely rotten, I'm so glad they been exiled

>> No.77115100

lmao no
But when you move ridiculous amounts of money, your tardwanglers are definitely going to whip you into shape so you dont do retarded shit that costs everyone MASSIVE money

>> No.77115267

I hate to break it to you but only trannies with vaginas watch the stars. Troons watch Hololive.

>> No.77115341

I'm revoking his honorary lesbian card because men cannot be lesbians.

>> No.77115461

Vesper probably said he's a faggot and he got offended.

>> No.77115469

>As a straight guy, there is no real difference between any of you and I see no need to split hairs.
Personally I don't wanna be associated with the radical beliefs the T people have.

>> No.77115607

>a walking /pol/ billboard advertising homostar as alphabet communities
Actually i want him to advertise his faggot fanbase to homostar, maybe we can get a 2nd mcdonald sperg like astel fans did.

>> No.77115650

There's a difference between expressing interest in the same sex and pandering to an ideology to get brownie points from your female audience. It comes across and cringey and fake like, "Look at me ladies I support what you support!"

>> No.77115916

>After the Astel McD incident I think they would take notice of even JP doing a collab with the "wrong" company.
Astel already got "attacked" for playing the wizard game, and guess what? Nothing happen, he played the game the most of all the company.

>> No.77116046

Search Kiara and/or Nerissa TLs. Lmao

>> No.77116303

>Easy pussy already filtered to idolize you
Wouldnt you? Are you an actual homo?

>> No.77116754

Kiara loves yuribaiting, but she doesn't constantly go political. It's a small portion of her fans who take it in that direction. The Homostars, however, take it there themselves.

>> No.77116805

>troons giving out honorary lesbian badges to men
It's actually, unironically over for real lesbians (female).
JK Rowling was right.

>> No.77116823

Guess why nothing happened? It was like 10 people complaining and they all gave up real quick because they didn't have hundreds of other retards telling them how valid their "concerns" are.
Wizard game was a much bigger deal than shitting on people for McDonalds yet the latter got a reaction that was a thousand times worse than before.
Times have changed and it's entirely due to the new homos making a home for the niji fans and other trannies.

>> No.77116901

Despite being right about trannies you need to remember that she still a radical feminist who paved the way for this shit.

>> No.77116998

You are the reason why male vtubing is a joudan.

>> No.77117505

If the EN Holos thought their audience would react the same way as the Homo fanbase, you'd probably see a few of them saying the same bullshit. I don't think all of them are purely acting on the principle of keeping politics out of their content. They just know that it would cause a career destroying shitstorm like what happened when Finana attacked people for using the word trap.

>> No.77117854

>the latter got a reaction that was a thousand times worse than before.
No, it got basically the same reaction. The girl was mostly just shitting and pissing herself because he blocked her.

>> No.77118515

Holostars are not Hololive, they are hololive productions, which is shortened tk holopro not holo, get it right or kill yourself.

>> No.77118731

That's because you're fucking retarded

>> No.77118745


>> No.77118923

Why are you pretending like the hundreds of tweets with hundreds of likes that are either "educating" Astel or otherwise commenting about the situation don't exist?
NOTHING comparable to this happened with wizard game. Like I said, it was literally about 10 people that all gave up immediately.
You wouldn't even know about it if you had not been browsing this board.
If the same nameless account popped up to complain about getting blocked, it would have been seen by nobody.

>> No.77119101

Even Flayon earns more? Grim.

>> No.77120026

Kiara just acts like a horny lesbian, she doesn't get involved in the politics part of it

>> No.77120289

Woah another real lesbian on /vt/ I thought I was the only one.

>> No.77120566

Anons, question. If you are a tranny but is sexually attracted to women, what are you called? (Aside from mentally ill)

>> No.77120697

They're okay with Kobo representing the opposite end of the spectrum, so.

>> No.77120822

Can you not tell when someone is clearly taking the piss? I know all of you sisters are SEA but c'mon...

>> No.77120880

The women fuck up all the time nigger
You just forgive them because a girl is arguably cute when she's being retarded. It's frustrating to see your fellow lad step into rakes and get caught pants down dicking the family poodle.

>> No.77120906

Nijisanji deflection thread

>> No.77120924

>It's Adam and Steve not Adam and Bob
Kek, that was funny was fuck

>> No.77121047

degeneracy isn't funny

>> No.77121128

really? is he worse than Vesper? QRD?

>> No.77121256

Ruze would be such a good brotuber if he wasn't a woke tankie.

>> No.77121364

Looking back, the most tolerable homo from Armis was Jurard of all people

>> No.77121418

a heterosexual man

>> No.77121719

>Trooning out so you can join the more popular female branch
This guy's a fucking genius

>> No.77122079

Jurard is pretty good

>> No.77122275

I truly believe Hololive will never admit a troon. Too many drawbacks with no upsides.

>> No.77122408

Stop trying too hard. You embarrass everybody by posting on the same board.

>> No.77122464

>Holostars are not Hololive
So... hololive antis?

>> No.77122479
File: 1.99 MB, 2900x1632, pray to her to receive her protection #KFPicasso F9PfTSHbIAAqYH3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77122491

It's not political. America politicizes everything, but you can't expect Cover or any JP corporation to keep up with all the unintelligible shit American politics spews out. To them it's just social stuff and decency.

>> No.77123455

You are trying to hard.

>> No.77123622

You are ignoring reality.

>> No.77125017

>The only one who keeps an eye on them is a manager that is clearly a homobeggar himsel

>> No.77125368
File: 156 KB, 512x512, 1700621919076422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has he? saying gay shit is different from saying gay movement shit

>> No.77125588

being gay isnt the problem, its promoting the current mental illness ridden movement. the lgbt in the west is mainly a political movement, and those fuckers over there are the kind of people who would push a law to allow kids to transition.

>> No.77125715

The gay pride in my country literally became an orgy in front of kids

>> No.77125779

(me) sorry for frog language but I had to give a source

>> No.77125853

Yikes why are you being ableist?

>> No.77126354

In Groombullet's case, he is 100% pushing alphabet soup propaganda and pandering to twittertrannies. Not just "gay people are ok".
It's honestly a pretty fucking huge yab, but I guess homos are so irrelevant nobody cares now. Despite his comments being way more explicit than blue faggot's "gotta support the cause"

>> No.77127319

Even if they're irrelevant by themselves, they're still cultivating one of the worst cancers no fanbase would ever want, and much like the chinks were immediately severed before they could spread any further and do any real damage, you've gotta address this shit before it festers and spreads into the actual money making branches

>> No.77127682

What means "lesbian" when he is a guy?

>> No.77128299

its really weird how men usually should be more familiar with cases like these, specially when it comes to knowing what kind of behavior proliferates the unwanted. but i never really hear the girls doing this, only from holostars en.

>> No.77129758

>You wouldn't even know about it if you had not been browsing this board.
Yeah, just like the McDonald's thing. It ended with Astel ignoring the whole thing and the one girl who actually cared about it deactivating her account after countless people told her she was being an idiot.

>> No.77130135

that just says more about women being shit leaders

>> No.77131657

Isnt he just saying that he is straight...?

>> No.77131896
File: 703 KB, 1170x1202, 1694700952973743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its called being based faggot.

>> No.77134964

>but i never really hear the girls doing this, only from holostars en
Because the girls have actual tardwranglers that give a shit, they're in charge of people that actually carry their weight, whether they do good or bad and keep them from shit like this has actual repercussion in their income, while the homoen managers are in charge of literal deadweights, money sinks, there's no real difference whether they slip or not (or so they thought)
The girls are definitely under a more strict regime than the guys, even their training periods before debut take longer

>> No.77137572

That he's likes girls but he's more special

>> No.77138265
File: 72 KB, 226x189, Smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Cover is a woke company. (They) will eternally seethe over it.

>> No.77140429

You're missing the point which was that it has only gotten WORSE. In a year from now these freaks will be an ever larger part of the holostars fanbase.

>> No.77140631

Yeah nijisisters hate heterosexuality. See: Altare, Axel, Vesper, Flayon, Jurard, Ruze, and now Goldbullet.

>> No.77141709

is this why he ate a suspension?
based yagoo
graduation next!

>> No.77143456

>Terminate Goldbullet and Flayon
>Forbid Ruze and Altare from saying the term "non-binary"
>Forbid all of them from collabing with Nijisanji
>Spank Hakka into submission, just for good measure
Holostars problems = Solved

>> No.77144672

Just fucking nuke the whole homoEN branch, its a huge slap in reputation, but the lesser of all evils in the long run

>> No.77147843


>> No.77148002

i wish this were true, then i wouldnt need to see constant het ships with the males i watch for fujobait

>> No.77152006

I don't think "burying your male branch for no reason" is a huge slap. It's going to have unintended consequences and it will make others lump Cover with Anycolor because they unjustly got rid of their low CCV employees much like Niji already do

>> No.77152166

Maybe he and Kronii should switch places

>> No.77152366

>Cried because his best friends are leaving
I'm so glad your family disowned you

>> No.77157160

You'd think Cover runs background checks but if after shit like Rushia, Mano aloe, Hitomi and almost all the Chinese girls is not evidence they don't, I don't know what to tell you.
