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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77105660 No.77105660 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck and why have they groomed and fucked so many chuubas? Koopa, muu muyu and now yuko yurei

>> No.77105689

Reminder that this board is filled with glowies for the past 2 years

>> No.77105692

that board is a literal pedo groomer nest with lots of namefagging, 90% of the posters are in the same discord clique

>> No.77105810

You're forgetting Froot.

>> No.77105933

It kinda figures that a lot of gun enthusiasts are both more likely to be single and more likely to be kinda weird terminally online types, and the board is ancient and has long has had ties to /a/ from such heritage.

On thinking about it a bit I think know what it really is, is that egirls might think that out of all groomers flocking to them all the time, maybe the military / vet guys are at least more likely to not be fatass neckbeards. If they are the only actually-attractive groomers in the picture they have a massive leg up. You might assume /fit/ would be in this position but apparently they are too normalfag + probably all manlets too and girls often don't actually what a guy to be some wacky super saiyan looking thing but just be thin or at least natural-looking strong.

>> No.77105983 [DELETED] 

>ancient hallowed pedophile tripfags left over from the mootian /a/ge

>> No.77106014 [DELETED] 

>girls often don't actually what a guy to be some wacky super saiyan looking thing but just be thin or at least natural-looking strong.
What you actually mean is that women don't know what they want/want a guy who checks some of the top checkboxes who is still pathetic enough he can't leave them

>> No.77106027

Guns = based and redpilled
Dangerous strong men have guns and money

>> No.77106439

Koopa was more of a case of them failing to groom her since she backstabbed them mega hard to chase 1view dick

>> No.77106515

Yuko's groomers haven't go for a walk a single time in like 10 years. They're not just fat, they're obese. Specially one of them.

How can you be so obsessed with the military theme, and life styles that requires discipline, a be such a lazy piece of shit yourself? He has photos on his twitter profile, flexing muscle? What muscle bro? That's body fat, my guy. The oil to build up a gun? He doesn't need that. Just by his hair and hands are more than enough. Man, this bastard is UGLY.

>> No.77106919

At least for Rye(yuko) it was because she used to stream stuff like tarkov and that's where her viewers came from.

>> No.77106934

/k/pedos have groomed more girls than Epstein had ever dreamed off

>> No.77107135
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>dreamed off

>> No.77107405
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>/vt/ vs /k/

>> No.77107808

3 in a row is very suspicious

>> No.77108027

Bro, almost every image you see of /k/opemandos is them being fat fucks. They always talk about surviving "in da woodz" but most of them couldn't hike a mile and would die after a month because they can't get their diabetes medicine.

>> No.77108060

This isn't vt vs k, you have to find one where both of them are fat.

>> No.77108100

Koopa too?!

>> No.77108409
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>> No.77108558

Gun autists cling onto any female that shows even a shred of interest in their hyperfixation. Look at the /tactical/ thread on this board for example, they're so starved of on topic vtubers that they'll allow someone that said "I like guns teehee" once on stream.
The majority of /k/ posters are fat never-served neckbeards, there's many, many IRL meetup picks as proof. And if you spend any time on /k/ you'll realize that guys in the military are retarded and autistic too

>> No.77108681
File: 147 KB, 626x626, soldier-sits-woods-with-gun-his-hands_878402-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize your hatred for us comes from jealously because we do what you couldn't with your chuubas

>> No.77108814

remember when froot was fucking a guy while her boyfriend was deployed in somewhere? lol happens a lot more than you think, i'll just wait until we fight russia or something

>> No.77108817

didn't know spacer was one of the /k/unts

>> No.77108819

I don't know what happened to /k/, but the people there today make the average redditor look good. Any vtuber who gets groomed by these chumps might as well just be a prostitute.

>> No.77109254

The board aggressively glows now. Like you got straight up propaganda/counter propaganda bots glowies in there for the Ukraine shitshow and the Israeli shitshow. And that's not counting the usual bots and shit
Glowies being tourists or redditor types is pretty predictable

>> No.77109322

>fat never-served
I have a perfect solution for them. Join the $18k ALPHA MALE BOOTCAMP. They will become GIGACHADS after 75 hours training.

>> No.77109627

every recent /k/ screenshot I saw is filled with leftist lingo word by word you could find that on a leftist xitter account/leftypol shilling Israel and Ukraine
it's sad how easy it's to take over boards if you think about it

>> No.77109840

You could literally just google for an image of a soldier sitting in a forest, why tf post a shitty AI image

>> No.77110012

except none of the /k/ groomers even get to fuck Yuko, they are all cucks since shes taken by someone who was outside of their fan group

>> No.77110498

from where are you getting this intel from?

>> No.77110514

how did they manage to get her to abandon vtubin then

>> No.77110580

reading countless dogshit threads
shes retarded

>> No.77111136

vtuber fans groomed /k/, so really this is your guys’ fault. and this shit would’ve never happened if drake was still blessing us with his deck. old /k/ is dead and and so is this website

>> No.77111310

Wait, when did they groom Muu Muyu? Do I need to do watching her?

>> No.77111356

When will they groom leaf and her mom?

>> No.77111594

QRD on Muyu please

>> No.77111667

Plenty of them regularly exercise and have careers to fund an expensive hobby, is it really that hard to understand?

>> No.77111727
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Reading this makes me want to do my reps again. Lifting for Gura has made me a happier person

>> No.77112003

Yo you can't just say that Muu Muyu is being groomed and then not elaborate.

>> No.77112607
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Could you imagine if they ended up catching all of Yuko's groomers this way and then she ends up losing all financial support she might have from graduating?

>> No.77112703

since when did purin have anything to do with /k/

>> No.77112765

>because we do what you couldn't with your chuubas
you're right, i'd love to fuck a doe (kirin)

>> No.77113286

she's obsessed with americans

>> No.77114542

discipline is the very first base of self respect, go grab your dumbells o7

>> No.77114942

Post-trump leftists all went and bought guns, ironically enough, to defend le hecking illegalrinos! that trump was going to send to new-auschwitz or whatever the fuck they thought was going to happen. Besides the influx of reddit trash, you had increasing federal shillage and atf dicksucking. People use "2016 tourist" to mean only migatards, but it was pinko trash as well adding to the 2014 reddit tourists.
>a magical place
Not for a long time now. No surprise yuko was groomed there.

>> No.77116543


>> No.77116817


>> No.77120184

Weird, I've seen this happen even just from random discord servers where a girl was into guns

>> No.77120292

I got involved with /k/ during the GuP days and they really encourage the mental illness and grooming.
I saw first hand them turning normal dudes in trannies.

>> No.77120631

Unironic pickme hobby that transcends Vtubers

>> No.77120696

/k/ is a glowie board, they study for that shit

>> No.77121062

Wait, Muyu? Tell me you're lying, right fucking now. I don't want that cinnamon roll going the way of Yuko Yurei.

>> No.77121200

chuubas get held at gunpoint by them, nothing they can do

>> No.77121247

The real dangerous men are the ones wearing suits and genuine expensive watches.

>> No.77121405

Source: you made it the fuck up.

>> No.77121608

Retards who compensate their insecurities with powerful modern weapons are predators and pedophiles who prey on mentally weak women and children, who could've guessed? Also keep in mind that a non-negligible portion of this board is also composed of actual zoophiles.

I have nothing against people who buy guns to protect themselves and their family, I just hate LARPers.

>> No.77121636

damn chill out peaky blinders

>> No.77121847

Any druggie on welfare can get guns.

>> No.77121873

Looks like it was a successful bait to draw /pcg/'s attention.
