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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77102266 No.77102266 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.77102307

don’t care, whore

>> No.77102385

Women lie as easily as they breathe
"Umm I didn't tell people that a male vtuber raped me because tee hee I was taken advantage of"
It's a lie nearly every single time, they fucked a dude and we're ashamed so they pretend it was rape

>> No.77102694

the website full of groomers taking advantage of people, I'm shocked truly how could this have happened how could they have foreseen this

>> No.77102717

>groomer coomers all gather together in real life and do groomer coomer things

>> No.77102732

#metoo again

>> No.77102826

shame plays a part on it.
when these people do these things they know they're playing with fire. They do it anyways cuz it's what the cool people are doing and they ain't pussies or whatever but eventually when someone gets burned, they really hate taking in any accountability or any "I told you so".
The weird part is that it's one of the shittest risk/rewards you could take.

>> No.77102858

Reminder that getting roofied is essentially an urban myth because of the suspected cases (i.e. i totally got roofied guys) they find GHB or similar drugs in the low percentages. Like we are talking of the women that say that they have been roofied about 2% have actually gotten drugged. The rest has just imbibed too much alcohol or has taken some other illicit drug

>> No.77103046


meanwhile, i haven't touched another human being in 15 fucking years. being a girl must be so fucking incredible, never a lonely night, constant ecstasy, no refractory, always get hugs, lots of skinship, always praised, always loved, everyone is nice to you all the time, everyone is on your side all the time. and if things don't go your way and your transactional sex wasn't good enough because your female brain is incapable of actual love, you can cry rape and get worshipped for it and send the lonely man that just wanted a hug to dull the pain for just a moment to jail for 30 years.

>> No.77103138

I don't wanna click on a twitch link. Make a soundpost or a catbox.

>> No.77103149

Shylily is giving me some ideas for my next con. Some vtubers are so beautiful that it would literally be worth 25 years of prison. Especially some of the Hololive JP girls or Gura. Anyway girls, you snooze, you lose.

>> No.77103165

>i haven't touched another human being in 15 fucking years
I wonder why

>> No.77103187

It embeds bro. Just like i'd embed my cock down shylily's rufied whore throat.

>> No.77103190

Is it true women desire to be raped

>> No.77103229

why? lost the coinflip and got born an ugly male. not like you're drowning in pussy either.

>> No.77103263

Every single one of them. My 2view begged me to rape her today. There are NO exceptions. They cum from rape.

>> No.77103286

Okay... But why her hair looks like shit now?

>> No.77103289

>majority twitch "vtubers" who barely use a model
>filled to the brim with OF fags and vtweeter grifters
Is it any surprise?

>> No.77103301

Alright which one of you was it?

>> No.77103304

Must be hard being that mentally disabled. And I thought vtubers had it bad.

>> No.77103307

I hate lying whores as much as the next dead souled anger fueled misanthrope, but "getting roofied" doesn't always mean Rohypnol. I'm sure there are plenty of drugs that can leave some stupid slut too fucked up to protest getting drag-walked to some creeps car for a little light date raping.
So "taken some other illicit drug" doesn't mean they weren't forcefed that shit without their knowledge so a guy could speedrun the courtship process.

>> No.77103314

Some of you incels really do prove her point.
That's why you should never attend such events and only go to events like comiket and holofes.
It's not even a streamer related thing. It has been happening at anime cons for years, the western con scene is very mentally unwell. I remember years ago there was a thread on one board where a guy went to a con cosplayed as Kamina and a girl was in the thread trying to piece things together, and it turned out he raped her or something. Never go to western cons and never let your guard down around 4channers in public.
That's just basic self care at this point.

>> No.77103320

>what is lighting.

>> No.77103388

She upgraded to a downgraded model a while back

>> No.77103446

Your attitude is uglier than your appearance, anon. Maybe work on that. Plenty of ugly men are in relationships.

>> No.77103450

all the women in this thread need their jaws rearranged. and they'd probably enjoy it too and beg daddy to spit in their mouths as well. but yeah keep calling us incels, you dick gobbling lying sacks of fuckmeat. all you're good for. Be afraid at cons, because i'm out there, ready to give some nice cuddles.

>> No.77103466

Holy incel thread

>> No.77103480

The question is if you would like to be anally raped by some big guy that smells of Cheetos and unwashed armpits, who leaves you battered and bruised with a prolapsed anus and an STD like AIDS. The other question is why would you want that instead of the comfort of being left alone?

>> No.77103483

>western con scene
Western event scene in general is unsafe, even outside of the geek/weeb culture, worse sometimes.

>> No.77103513

No. I'm not fucking your cheese curd filled rat infested snot cavern, you fucking hamplanet. Men do not choose to be born ugly, but women choose to be fat.

>> No.77103526

The fact is that you're only incels because you constantly repulse people like you're doing right now. Nobody reads your comment and takes it seriously or thinks you're a keeper unless they're joking.

>> No.77103530

Shocker! A con that has the reputation of a gas station gloryhole is actually sketchy as fuck? Who could've known!

>> No.77103594

>Groomcentral con
What else did she expect kek? Didn't some vtuber get railed by 5 guys last time?

>> No.77103602


please just rope

>> No.77103601

it's not my problem that you don't like sex. sex feels good. stop judging men and appreciate how beautiful we are. if you were actually a kind woman, you'd save a lonely man's life. But instead you'd rather be chad's 9th lay of the night.

>> No.77103609

A lot of women have rape fantasies, but if it ever actually happened they'd quickly change their tune.

>> No.77103625

That went from incel to autogynephilia really quickly. Guess the stereotype is true

>> No.77103626

Well, no shit, it’s fucking Twitchcon. The worst humans imaginable are moderators for the streamers in question on that site.

>> No.77103639

hope your rape fantasy comes true. because mine will.

>> No.77103643

Men consistently choose to not shower, not brush their hair, not brush their teeth, not wear clean clothes, not wash their hands, not have anything interesting to say, and they also choose to get fat. Then they say it's not their fault, it's genetics.

>> No.77103664

Holy incel cope.

>> No.77103672

Who the fuck let /r9k/ out of their cage?

>> No.77103678

nigger behaviour

>> No.77103711

A lot of men have vore fantasies, but if it ever actually happened they'd quickly change their tune.

>> No.77103728

Tell that to Jefferey Dahmer.

>> No.77103765
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>I advocate for no interaction with sex pest males
>get accused of being an incel unicorn
>I express that excessive whorish behavior is off-putting and maybe tone it down
>get accused of being an incel unicorn
>same people expect me to care when the logical end result of being a whore happens
Not my problem. They deserved it.

>> No.77103887

Unicorn to tranny pipeline is real

>> No.77103919

You can wash all you want, won't help one iota with your short stature or bad voice.

>> No.77103921

HAVE SEX INCEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.77103953
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why are homobeggars like this??

>> No.77103996
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lily about shit like this while using her fake vtuber voice is insane

>> No.77104061

No, people just expect you to not make it all about yourself. But we all know it probably goes way beyond basic narcissism and you're not as reasonable as you claim to be.

>> No.77104089

Nah yall funny aintnoway. Some kinda edgy competition down in here lmao. Wah wah woe is me type shit fr

>> No.77104243
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>uhhhh maybe don't go to a party full of sex pests
>gets raped

>> No.77104277

>victim blaming
Classic incel-kun

>> No.77104298

this is now /aspsmallcorpolig/ thread

>> No.77104338

Why is her hair red now, it looks silly

>> No.77104362

Wow you guys unironically need a bullet. You are dangers to society.

>> No.77104389

Those are all valid reasons not to date a guy, but the second a guy tlks about a woman being fat, having tattoos or not being a virgin it's suddenly a problem to judge people based on how they live.

>> No.77104391

I just wanted to say I(29) am ugly but still have a cute gf(27). just work out a little and make sure you are clean, women after 25 don't care about your appearance as much as you do about theirs. Just don't be too fat, shave clean if you're balding, shower, brush your teeth and make sure to keep your nails trimmed. Maybe don't talk about cute and funny too much unless she's also into it.

>> No.77104414

>go to the school shooter and incel website
>surprised to find school shooters and incels
why are sisters like this?

>> No.77104444
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There's only so much anyone can do to try to bubble wrap the retardation of whores while they try their damndest to cut through the safety wires anyway.

>> No.77104454

Your stances were never genuine. You're not some tortured hero that distances himself because he was vilified.
Nobody deserves to get raped or assaulted in any fashion, not even if they think you're a bad guy or disagreed with you. You're just a low level scumbag that changed his views at the first sign you weren't getting praise and pussy in return.
Morality is internal to you. It doesn't change because others don't appreciate you, call you hitler, call you an incel, or anything stupid like that. You stand up for what is right because it's right and for no other reason. If you're actually a good person then you don't gloat or blame people for bad things happening to them, least of all because you weren't praised by some internet randos.
And people can tell, they figure it out intuitively, even if they don't work it out logically.

>> No.77104460
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The best argument for the existence of Rape Culture is a five-minute conversation with the average /vt/ poster.

>> No.77104522

>turns out being a huge whore leads you to bad men who do bad things

Gosh who could've foreseen that

>> No.77104525

I've had GHB, on purpose. You ain't hiding that in a drink. Its tastes like extremely salty soap.

>> No.77104539

Depends. It's kind of how you do it. If you asked a girl out and she just straight up said it was because you were fat, had yellow teeth, and rattled off a bunch of reason, people would call her a bitch. Strangers would probably call her a bitch too, or try to intervene if it got excessive.
Here's the thing though, two wrongs don't make a right but in a broader context of being observed by everybody else. If a nice person sees you act like this, then they're going to be more repulsed by you, even if they would otherwise overlook all of those other flaws.

>> No.77104559

>incels are rapists

>> No.77104582

>If you asked a girl out and she just straight up said it was because you were fat, had yellow teeth, and rattled off a bunch of reason, people would call her a bitch.
What fucking world do you live on? People would be laughing with her.

>> No.77104585

Why do Shylily threads always summon all these incels? She’s not even a bad person.What is it about her specifically that makes the ugly incels seethe?

>> No.77104636

Woman moment

>> No.77104659

Maybe you just like in a shithole country, or maybe you barely go outside all year. Anti-social behavior gets treated pretty much the same no matter who does it.

>> No.77104669

stop calling the incel a tranny

>> No.77104689

If somebody online calls you a rapist that is no reason to advocate for rape, especially not as a vague form of retribution against those that never appreciated you.

>> No.77104735

Imagine being this cucked. I hope you are a self-serving woman, because the idea you are an adult male unironically thinking like this is sad.

>> No.77104749

If this is but a glimpse into what it’s like to deal with /lig/ger madness, I shan’t dare to imagine what their chats are like.

>> No.77104756

Act like a whore, get treated like a whore. Real woman moment here.

>> No.77104838

why do you keep making weird assumptions?

>> No.77104962

What is roofying?

>> No.77104966

>rape is bad
This is not the mindset of a real man.

>> No.77105009

>If you're actually a good person
I'm a realistic person. You're just reddit that thinks we can will a bubble gum world into existence if we just say enough bullshit platitudes and come up with enough hashtags.
I can "stand up for what's right" in punishing the rapist after the crime has already been committed. Even then the same hippies will say my prescribed punishment of executing or chemically castrating the guy is immoral and cruel.
But I would prefer if the crime didn't happen in the first place. So don't do things that increase the likelihood of the bad thing happening, like attending a party with sex pests.
This is entirely separate from a person doing everything right and the bad thing happens, which deserves unconditional sympathy.

The vast majority of cases of sexual assault happen between very close friends and/or relatives. This is a fact that any sexual violence-related NGO will tell you. I have a feeling that a Twitchcon party is very likely not entirely filled with only strangers. Maybe one day we'll have an honest conversation about why that is and the responsibility one should have for their own safety.

>> No.77105052

>Stick a fork into a power outlet
>Blame everyone around you when you get shocked
This analogy is only partially correct because tw*tch """vtubers""" choose to stream soft porn and cultivate coomer fanbases

>> No.77105117

the women staying quiet about it are complicit in the next rape these guys do.

>> No.77105132


>> No.77105144

Why are there so many women in this thread?
Arguably this is like women watching more true crime
trying to learn what went wrong in case it happens to them?
Is it cathartic to know it wasn’t them getting drugged and raped?
Whatever the case this whole thread should post tits

>> No.77105162

>Nobody deserves to get raped or assaulted in any fashion
Well that's just nonsense. A lot of people deserve a lot of horrible shit to happen to them.
The real tragedy is that it doesn't.

>> No.77105182

No, I have never used reddit. I think you're projecting, because you clearly change your attitudes so easily based on the reactions you get. There is no true moral core there.
I don't let anything influence my moral core. There is nothing you can do where I would advocate or condone or say you deserve any kind of abuse. I'm a realist too, apparently more of a realist than you are, thinking you deserve certain reactions and flip flopping as soon as you get resistance. Being a realist has nothing to do with changing my unshakable moral core. I know people won't accept my sense of morality and will argue about it all day, and still I don't make exceptions due to my personal feelings getting hurt.
That's the difference between me and you.

>> No.77105189

>Why are there so many women in this thread?
Luxiem and its consequences had been disastrous for the btubing scene

>> No.77105193

This happened like 5 years ago I don't know why she's acting like it's some deep personal secret. Twitch staff left a bunch of free beers in red party cups on a table unmonitored and some goofball dumped a bunch of benzos in them.

>> No.77105214

This isn't even the first time this has happened.

>> No.77105221
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Get raped then kek.

>> No.77105243

Doesn't she have a boyfriend? Why did they allow her to get in that situation

>> No.77105245

>t. psychopath

>> No.77105272

Fuck around and find out. The victim blaming fallacy falls apart the moment you realize these retarded women just walk into a groomers meeting knowingly without thinking of the consequences. Absolue retardation.

>> No.77105313

So, didnt Stalin, Hitler and Pol Pot didnt deserve death, which is worse than rape?

>> No.77105318

I don't know why people get the idea that vtubing is still whoring yourself out, you just get an anime avatar to do it instead.
I mean, Shilily out of all fucking people talking about this with her avatar is total peak irony.

I could also bring the ironmouse case, but I don't want to get banned against by triggering the usual ironmouse janny.

>> No.77105347

Jesus fucking christ I see why no woman even wants to look in your direction you disgusting fucking incel. I'm relieved to know that you will never touch another human being, let alone reproduce. You are a disgrace to the human race.

>> No.77105394

>That model
>That voice
>That BGM
Am I supposed to take this seriously?

>> No.77105406

Key word being "fantasy", a lot of people forget that!

>> No.77105472

That's why after conventions I go straight home. I never go to afterparties or meet up with strangers. It'd be nice to have a nerdy bf but I'm not going to take my chances and end up with some incel who thinks he deserves sex just by existing. Most "nerdy" men today aren't even actual nerds anyway they're just hentai coomers.

>> No.77105518

>incel-kun really thinks that's what's holding him back instead of his shit personality
You men are so damn shallow.

>> No.77105532

>website trying to pander to women with obvious favouritism is doing so to hide a blatant sex pest problem in their community they don't care to regulate

>> No.77105549

I know right? It's funny how people ALWAYS forget to mention that whenever rape happens, it's usually if not all the time with someone they know, and not some random "incel" that was just lying around.
Incels cannot rape if they've never around women to begin with.

>> No.77105556

Post tits and roastbeef, hoe.

>> No.77105602

Life is not twitter. Step outside and get some sunlight.

>> No.77105639

Damn, now MariMari will use this as her 4th excuse

>> No.77105662

Coomer model. Kronii has the same type of fanbase. I see why she barely streams. I'd hate to babysit these grown ass men that act like the ones in this thread too.

>> No.77105702

Post cock and balls then I'll consider it, pig

>> No.77105820

Pathetic as I may be, threads like this remind me that at least I'm not as bad as some of you schizos. Take your fucking meds.

>> No.77105855

>real man
Show tits, hoe

>> No.77105912

Literally every single woman that gets drunk claims to have been "roofied".
The ugly fat pig that was my brother's GF claimed as such. Why the fuck would anyone want to drug her?

>> No.77106048

>"No, I never was a part of that, it's so gross eww."
>*2-3 months later*
>"Oopsie, I totally got roofied by that twitch staff member haha I totally never spread my legs for him for preferential treatment teehee #metoo"

>> No.77106094

I don't know. What I do know is that to condemn one to death or suffering is the product of an individual's darkness, regardless of context. What suffering will you judge your own dark heart deserving of?

>> No.77106175

In a board where every other thread is from some schizo talking about "how would your rape x vtuber" or "Vtubers go to cons to fuck their paypigs but I will rape her first" you are surprised by vtubers talking about the dangers of cons and being ruffied by incels at an after party. I fell ashamed to have "people" like you cataloged as a man.
The moderation of the board should go harder on anons who make those comments or even report them to the authorities.

>> No.77106211

Just kys at this point, no seriously kys you've got zero fucking hope and im not even joking

>> No.77106231

>moderate me harder, jannies
go back to plebbit if you want a hugbox

>> No.77106247

Ladies, wrong website.

>> No.77106255

>all rape accusations are lies by default
t. rapist

>> No.77106314

Incels raping women? The sky is blue and the water is wet

>> No.77106321

I don't have to wonder about it when various whoring apps publish their statistics on successful matches.
I just know, it's empirically proven.

>> No.77106353

By your same logic, if you are in shorts "showing skin" and a 6'4 300 pound gay man thinks that you are a whore man he is free to just butt rape you in the street.

>> No.77106411

maybe dont go to parties like a retarded whore
that's like locking yourself into a rape dungeon and saying "oh no why am i getting raped???"

>> No.77106416

Not wanting women to be raped is not a hugbox you retarded child incel. Do your self a favor, and go talk to your mother about this topic, have a look of what she thinks of your views on her body and rights.

>> No.77106447

This will definitely fly in a courtroom when you are on trial.

>> No.77106451

go back, sister

>> No.77106527

That wasn't my logic at all you dumbfuck.
But you're still actually right. I'd equally call any guy an idiot for wandering in a gay parade shirtless with boxers after 2 AM and not expecting to get touched. Because you know what? Anyone with above average IQ knows that it'd fucking retarded to bend over to pick the soap in a jail. Common fucking sense. But somehow common sense is a problem whenever it's about women blueballing people in skimpy outfits. Funny how that works.

>> No.77106560

I still don't know what it means to be roofied.

>> No.77106562

I'm not defending rape, I'm saying you should have basic self-preservation instincts
women will travel third world shitholes and trust every stranger they see then wonder why they're getting raped and murdered

>> No.77106598

Drugged and taken advantage of in the vulnerable state.

>> No.77106634

So you're saying acting like a whore on stream and then going to a party with the degenerate coomers you attracted ends up badly? Crazy. And women are staying quiet instead of outing the guys doing it, allowing them to continue to get away scot free and do the opposite of making the parties safer.

>> No.77106662

They keep quiet because that way at least somebody will fuck them.

>> No.77106672

Saying those things isn't illegal in sane countries you fucking subhuman troonoid niggerfaggot. Not unless they phrase in such a way that it can be interpreted as a direct threat. Not every place is the fucking pajeet client state of Canadia. Fuck off back to lereddit then kill yourself.

>> No.77106725

wtf i love twitchcon now?

>> No.77106731
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>> No.77106761

>water is wet
Most controversial post in this thread.

>> No.77106795

>are staying quiet
Because the ones doing the raping are the ones who helped them established themselves as vtubers, it's as simple as that, and that's the problem. I already mentioned that earlier, rape cases and accusations always happen with someone close to the victim, not random guys.
If it was just a random fan, he'd be absolutely annihilated on social media in the next hour.

>> No.77106842

This thread is great.

>> No.77106900

How come it's the problem? Bitch is just paying for services rendered.
Next time you'll tell me Weinstein did something wrong.

>> No.77106936

Don't want to defend that sister, but by sane you mean third world? that type of comments in the internet are a criminal offense in most 1st world countries.

>> No.77106948
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I'd like to get roofied by a hag vtuber (female). Will that happen if I go to one of these cons?

>> No.77106983

No. You may get raped by a homo though.

>> No.77107022

Homo (female)?

>> No.77107051

Only if you're a femoid yourself. But have you ever seen actual lesbians? Some fantasy monsters are prettier.

>> No.77107097


Whinestein is my favorite.

It's like crying that the spyware that's required to play Valorant, is in fact spyware, when you could just not play Valorant.

It's like if I made a rule in my house that anyone who enters needs to suck my dick, a sane person would just turn around and leave, but there are some who think "I bet there's something really cool inside that house!" and they suck my dick only to find out it's full of cumrags and empty milk cartons. And somehow I'm the rapist now?

>> No.77107099
File: 15 KB, 340x296, 1690867087554846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to try new experiences with females (female).

>> No.77107120

t. Retard who got their info about free speech and threats from reddit and who thinks "hate speech" is a thing
Unless you outright post " I'm going to rape x person" it isn't a threat and is protected speech. Saying "I hope x gets raped" or "I'd rape x" is completely legal.
Unless you live in a police state Communist shithole like Canada, Germany or the UK where you can get arrested for thought crimes.

>> No.77107127

StarControl is surprisingly okay as a stream game, maybe more people should play it

>> No.77107139

You're better off paying a prostitute then.

>> No.77107146

Just step in, go meet your fans, interact with other content creators, buy some merch of you want, and then step out.

Unless you actually want to be a train conductor, that's all you need to do. Why is that so hard?

>> No.77107170

And then murricans wonder why do they get beat up everywhere.

>> No.77107186

Women need attention.

>> No.77107191

>being a girl must be so fucking incredible
>12 years vs 40 years (maybe more) of prime times

>> No.77107204

Because you have to "network" and theres a shitload of parties for "networking" ran by sponsors who probably invite skeevy dudes outside your usual scene.
Nobody is about to say they got raped at the gamersupps party because they'd get blacklisted from a big sponsor.

>> No.77107205

Fan adoration is a hell of a drug. This is more male attention compressed in a few hours than they get in a year.

>> No.77107243

Buy a rope, find a tree

>> No.77107252

You don't have to network though.

>> No.77107269

Define prime times. If it's just getting laid, she's got more than enough opportunities to find a decent husband that will do the deed for decades more along with other perks of proper family life.

>> No.77107283

>Because you have to "network"
No you don’t, try having fun

>> No.77107296

Do you really think all /lig/gers became famous by being "entertaining"? It's ALL about networking and sucking the right dicks (literally and metaphorically).

>> No.77107303

And hang you on it, yes.

>> No.77107362

Yeah but they didn't have to.

I have to drink water. I have to eat food. I don't have to suck dick for retweets.

>> No.77107373

This is why I'll always argue that the whole vtubing, at least in the West, is a huge hypocrisy fest.
You can't on one hand stream with over the top boobs physics, make crude cooming jokes or pretend how you'd suck a dragon d-banana in all of your streams, then suddenly act surprised when everyone treat you like a whore. It doesn't fucking compute.

>> No.77107374

Supposedly there's a difference in youtubing because you can kinda sorta do it on your own. I doubt it will work like that in next five years anyway, it's a corporate game now.

>> No.77107403

In femoid brain it somehow does. But then it's the ad/showbiz as a whole, right?

>> No.77107411

And 1k+-viewers-tier streamers have to suck up at every opportunity for clout to stay relevant and get sponsors.

>> No.77107439

Some anons will disagree but this is not such a bad option, some prostitutes out there are healthy and offer high quality service. Finding them and being able to afford them is an entirely different story though.
Nta and not a burger but that anon is right, it all depends on the way you phrase it. That's how some lawyers manage to win over the jury

>> No.77107472

I wonder how many dicks asmongold has sucked.

>> No.77107568

The average incel won't hire a prostitute because they don't even shower so their dick stinks and is encrusted with dick cheese and even a prostitute won't go down a stinky dick. Yes they'll fuck and suck anything but a stinky dick is the exception. Last thing they need is a prostitute bailing out of them because of their body odors.

>> No.77107653

>But then it's the ad/showbiz as a whole, right?
To be fair, kind of. That's why the showbiz has always been fucked up but that's another discussion.
But it does reflect on the vtuber sphere. Just look around, it's all fucking drama. That's the showbiz alright. And just like in showbiz, there's a LOT of behind the scenes happening.

>> No.77107669

Muhammad moment

>> No.77107729

>clout to stay relevant and get sponsors.
Again, no you don’t. Perhaps if one views life as a constant struggle for validation or material goods.

>> No.77107784

Sweetie, you're weirdly specific. Bad clients?

>> No.77107847

You could just take a shower, anon. Then you might not have these problems.

>> No.77107958

>Open thread
>it’s exactly what I expected

>> No.77107964

>blindly taking eWhores at face value

>> No.77107984

Nobody is going to suck your smelly dick wash it incel.
I do shower and no I don't hire prostitutes. Don't need to.

>> No.77107989

That's why I said high quality service, the lady will gladly give you a bath before and after. Some places even offer a complete massage and haircut for an extra fee

>> No.77108003

>they don't shower!!!!
That's oddly specific.

>> No.77108029

Sad but it's not just vtubing. It's clubs where that shit is common and concerts.

>> No.77108041

Those Chinese bathhouses are a catch 22 girls might pass as jap because they're cure but you weren't the only dick in there during that day. You're risking an stds

>> No.77108046

This thread made me feel better about myself, thanks

>> No.77108069

You sound trigger so I was right about you not showering? Oof no wonder you won't hire a prostitute.

>> No.77108197

That's oddly projectic.

>> No.77108198

181 replies guaranteed 150 of them are fatties that just stink bad baka

>> No.77108277

Ah, you're one of those. Happy pride month! You should watch Goldbullet, his content seems like it'll be right up your alley.

>> No.77108351
File: 244 KB, 1000x1000, 1703959731930938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are easy, just drug them.

>> No.77108392

>181 replies
All me btw.

>> No.77108412

Answer the question as asked, sweetie. Bad clients got to you?

>> No.77108425


>> No.77108433

Just because you are a lonely incel doesn't mean you should project your personal experiences onto others. Keep crying. I'm sure one day you'll find a crackhead toothless prostitute that will suck your smelly ass unwashed dick faggot. And stop trying to drug women so you can rape them if I were to catch you on the act I would beat the shit out of you then beat the shit out of you some more when we share a prison bunk fatass.

>> No.77108437

Just hire hispanics, they fuck you for pretty cheap.

>> No.77108462

>triggered because his dick obviously stinks lmao even the sisters take better care of their vags.

>> No.77108475

Indeed but that's why you go early, praying to be the first one and even then never go in raw, always use a damn condom

>> No.77108489

to be fair a vag can take care of itself.

>> No.77108503


>> No.77108561

Nta you are fighting with but making up violent scenarios and delusions is not good for your mental health anon, please take care.

>> No.77108570

It's also kind of funny to complain about """incels""" when they're basically the audience feeding you. You seriously think happily married couple watch vtubers? Like fucking Shilily to boot?
>inb4 the couples that are streamers themselves, completely missing the point

>> No.77108576

There might have been more instances of “incel” used itt than the board saw utilized in the entire year prior to it. Really makes you think.

>> No.77108620

Do what I do I schedule an appointment always for the closest time to business hours. That way I can get there and wait in the car 15 minutes before they open the bathhouse. And be one of the girls first customer.

>> No.77108623

Just answer the question as asked.

>> No.77108686

Women live in delusion, there's nothing surprising or new.

>> No.77108740

>a vag can take care of itself.
Thank you for confirming that you never had sex or a proper relationship with a woman in your entire existence.
If it weren't true you and the rest of unwashed angry incels on this thread wouldn't be angry about being told the obvious truth

>> No.77108775

Her "fans" are the definition of a basedboy, selfhating guys, they are fine with being degraded like this on stream because they think they deserve it

>> No.77108776

Awwww, femoid is upset.

>> No.77108795

Go wash your dick with isopropyl alcohol you pig.

>> No.77108796

Quality thread

>> No.77108837
File: 53 KB, 714x576, raped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet your uncle must've been really rough with you. Or was it your daddy?

>> No.77108862

>he says as he chimping out about being told his dick stinks.
Water and soap won't kill you pull the skin and wash rinse your penis thoroughly as long needed until the smegma smells is gone.

>> No.77108882

You're an idiot. Look at Ukraine, since then I have had women in my own country (UK) talk about war with Russia and how they expect men to accept being drafted, while they work in factories or some shit. Women still expect men to die for them and to uphold this liberal, anti-male shithole society.
Women are INSANELY privileged if they live in western nations.

>> No.77108933

/pol/ is one click away sir.

>> No.77108981

>If it weren't true you and the rest of unwashed angry incels on this thread wouldn't be angry about being told the obvious truth
??? I was talking about your delusions of beating people up and beating them again later, that's poison for your mind...
That's what I try to do, problem is that the best place that I know off is thriving, business is booming and the best ladies are reserved for the next 2 or 3 months, worth the wait mind you but... Yeah...

>> No.77109038

I like how obviously it pains you when asked. Now answer the question asked, sweetie.

>> No.77109048

honestly i expected worse

>> No.77109070

Awwww, femoid is still upset.

>> No.77109105

It will be extra funny when britcucks are sent to die under russian bombs while their slags fuck some abdul. Well deserved removal of trash.

>> No.77109134

Found the SEAscum.

>> No.77109138

Any big group with drinks flying around is going to have at least one or two freaks trying to drug and rape. From the biggest normalfag clubs to BO stinking, no AC having cons

>> No.77109164

S oy gets edited to based? Or i fucked up onions

>> No.77109243

Greetings, newfag

>> No.77109276

Been like that for a year or two now at least. It's usually circumvented by posting pictures.

>> No.77109310

Wrong continent, if you want to call me something spic will do. Have a nice day anon.

>> No.77109347

I don't have to answer shit but you should wash your penis otherwise prostitute won't suck you off unless you pay some disgusting aid ridden crackhead.

>> No.77109404

You've already answered by your hysterics over a simple direct question. At this point I'm asking it to simply inflict more of your delicious pain.
Bad clients, sweetie?

>> No.77109412

I'm, you know, not the one to hear it from, do the virtue signaling a lot, have my imperfections, continue to try and earn the good boy points and whatnot, but
People who hold this intention, they have to research it or learn in some way, procure the materials to do so, go through the action of placing it in the drink, perhaps while having talked to their target the entire time, like the degree to which this method of violating someone is premeditated is fucking insanely frightening to me.

>> No.77109483

And you seem upset at being told you're an unhygienic pig. Lmao you think college girls who do escorts services are going to go down your unwashed dick? You're delusional. Your only options are dirty crack heads.

>> No.77109512

Eh, it's really not that much. Just distract the whore for a few seconds with something.

>> No.77109581

You keep providing details about yourself I didn't even request. Please do tell more, maybe I'll pay a visit and we'll test how much of dick cheese you're willing to eat for additional dollar.

>> No.77109611

Do you look people in the eyes when you talk to them?

>> No.77109618

All the time, and don't blink.

>> No.77109623

>No. I'm not fucking your cheese curd filled rat infested snot cavern, you fucking hamplanet.
but women should be grateful that creatures of the same criteria wants to rape them? the hypocrisy....

>> No.77109650

we do a little trolling

>> No.77109672

the classic /vt/ thread experience

>> No.77109712

This is why I find the "incel" allegations surprising, a so called incel has the social grace of a newborn giraffe, low income or none at all so procuring all the materials, getting close to the victim and then distracting said victim. That needs practice, planning and effort.

>> No.77109733

I'd say it's very bland so far. Just one upset femoid in hysterics.

>> No.77109743

Or maybe because you are extremely misogynistic and angry?

>> No.77109779

Protip: he doesn't even exist.

>> No.77109839

I was at the store with my mom shopping and there were two girls trying to decide which snacks to get. I was also trying to decide and not be distracted by how cute they were, and when I made my choice and walked past them, they said to my mom "I like your tattoos by the way." Why would they say something to her, instead of me? It made me feel weird.

>> No.77109870

Meaningless gibberish.

>> No.77109882

Fuckin whores, talking to strangers like that. Should've raped them.

>> No.77109912

Why did you expect them to say something to you in the first place? It's her tats, which is by the way a reliable whore tell.

>> No.77109985

so is it? i still dont know what was the ultimate conclusion

>> No.77110033

I never have any expectations, made it did make me think, "Why am I not worthy of being complimented?".

>> No.77110073

I just turn my head nowadays. I’m much too timid in spite of my love of women.

>> No.77110077

I don't know, hit the gym maybe? Women rarely dispense compliments to men, even those they know well.

>> No.77110141

Why did this board get infiltrated by /qa/

>> No.77110231

>hit the gym
I should, my mom is heavier than I am though. And she's 62.

>> No.77110241

>covered in water or another liquid
Water is always covered in more water so I'd say that yes, water is indeed wet.

>> No.77110274

I've heard the arguement that water is sticky.

>> No.77110298

I'm not dying for shit, I'm declaring myself a refugee and getting free gibs and greencard. Libs only have themselves to blame #refugees welcome

>> No.77110452

Women try to lower standards by normalizing bad behavior. It's the same as them saying fat women are pretty, or complaining about slutshaming. If they normalise being fat they look better by not being fat, if they normalise being a whore. they can't be shamed for being whores, etc. Women's compliments towars one another mean nothing. The women probably had tattoos and are trying to normalize their poor choices to escape judgement. It's just IRL trollshielding.

>> No.77110460

You can declare yourself whatever, abdul is getting gibsmedats and you're getting bombs. Such is the western program.

>> No.77110465

with shyWHORE, it's rape unless you're the twitch CEO, simple as.

>> No.77110529

>something about chemical bonds
Does being sticky necessarily mean that it's not wet? Can water be both sticky and wet?

>> No.77110533

I see

>> No.77110552
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I will rape western women they are easy females HNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

>> No.77110661

Irrelevant to this but I remember during the production of the Barbie film they made a big deal with the scene where Gosling and Robbie skating through Venice Beach and how men would give compliments and small talk to Gosling but ignore Robbie. They perceived that as some kind of sexism and le evil men are ogling Robbie!!, but in actuality it was probably because the men were more comfortable talking to another guy because there's no fear of being perceived the wrong way or expectations of sexual tension or anything like that. Most average women probably feel the same way, more comfortable to give out small talk and casual conversation to female strangers because there's no expectation of your casual smalltalk with a guy being perceived as flirting.
Basically that theory of women and men can never truly be friends with each other in action, y'know?

>> No.77110665

>unironically believe in whatever a woman tells you
unless they have an actual proof dont believe them, women tend to take their delusions and fantasies seriously, the simple act of saying good morning is enough for them to believe that you want to fuck them, and that without drugs or alcohol.

>> No.77110688

Your Catholic trauma is showing, sis.

>> No.77110731

>Strangers would probably call her a bitch too, or try to intervene if it got excessive.
except it never happens. look at all the simulated public domestic violence videos: the guy gets laughed at if he's the victim, but gets attacked if he's the perpetrator.
gynocentrism, not even once.

>> No.77110766
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Not catholic or female. Just have an interest in the engoodening of hearts, as all humans should for their own benefit.

>> No.77110859

>Nobody deserves to get raped or assaulted in any fashion
I wanna see you campaign against female pedo school teachers tomorrow.

>> No.77110891

I was great friends with a girl in high school, in fact she was almost like a sister. But I started to have feeling I didn't expect and it made me confused and anxious about what to do with them. I broke the friendship off so many times, appoligized and she accepted me back until she just couldn't anymore.

>> No.77110892

You are hurt does any of what I said applies to you? If not why are you self snitching on yourself everything I said regarding you unhygienic pigs is based on common sense. But you will continue to ignore it just to make it about you because you don't shower and want everyone else to accept you and your body odors lmao get fucked and take a fucking shower with a garden hose and scrub yourself with car soap because you're too far gone for a regular shower

>> No.77110912

>She’s not even a bad person.
she's a stuck up bitch

>> No.77110914

>Lightweights drink more than they think they can
>Start to scream roofies and rape
Happens all the time, actual roofie shit happens very fucking rare and in underground clubs instead of your le streamer elite club

>> No.77111021

Your sentences keep getting more and more disjointed as I proceed, so it's pretty obvious you're the one being upset with a simple direct question. Bad clients, sweetie?

>> No.77111145

>They perceived that as some kind of sexism and le evil men are ogling Robbie!!
How does that work if they all interact only with Gosling and ignore her completely?

Actual intention IIRC was to show how in le real world men all hate whamen or something.

>> No.77111189

You are worthy of your insecurities and isolation.

>> No.77111258

Yeah it's kinda humiliating they have the legal right to speech when THIS is what they're using it for. Holy fuck.

>> No.77111316

In these cases I always assume it's
>I was doing drugs with someone but they gave me something I didn't know/understand the effects of
ok don't do drugs with strangers in the first place then.

>> No.77111322
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>Why did this board get infiltrated by /qa/

>> No.77111332

And you weren't of your dad's dick, but he still shoved it up your ass.

>> No.77111395

>this WHORE is lying! vtuber fans would never rape!
>so anyway here's why i support rapists

>> No.77111405

naah that is wrong roofie is person who is enthustiac fan of roofs

>> No.77111471
File: 45 KB, 162x157, 1698158520120462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.77111551

I don't support rapists, I support women getting raped. There's an important difference.

>> No.77111555

>the place full of unicorns actively supports rape and shaming the women who got raped
Showing your true colors again I see.

>> No.77111619

I misremembered it slightly, apparently it was just "looking at her", which they interpreted as some kind of sexual leering because she's a woman.
>But when we were actually shooting on Venice Beach, with Margot and Ryan in neon rollerblading outfits, it was fascinating because it was actually happening in front of us. People would go by Ryan, high-five him, and say, “Awesome, Ryan, you look great!” And they wouldn’t actually say anything to Margot. They’d just look at her. It was just surreal. In that moment, she did feel self-conscious. And as the director, I wanted to protect her. But I also knew that the scene we were shooting had to be the scene where she felt exposed. And she was exposed, both as a celebrity and as a lady. To be fair, Ryan was like, “I wish I wasn’t wearing this vest.” [Laughs.] But it was a different kind of discomfort.
That was the interview quote from the director.

>> No.77111672

You're the only one here comparing incels to rapists.

>> No.77111701

I'm not giving views to twitch whore
transcribe it

>> No.77111707

I was at a music festival and a friend said her drink tasted weird so I downed it. I blacked out 30 minutes later except my friends told me I was a 'zombie drunk' and followed them around the whole night for 3-4 hours and didn't pass out. I can't remember any of it except for the one minute of leaving the car to head to our hotel to sleep. I had 3 drinks the whole night on a full stomach when I can normally handle 10-12. The only times I felt this type of drunk was the two times I took drinks intended for female friends so I'd say it happen more than you think

>> No.77111798


until it isn't, then it's not their fault.

>> No.77111812

Man you sure concocted this story without having any idea what date rape drugs actually do. Stick to writing what you know, sis.

>> No.77111818

People spike random drinks all the time and it usually has absolutely nothing to do with daterape. People just do it because they enjoy ruining other people's nights. If you regularly go out to party there's a pretty high chance it's happened at least once to you, regardless of gender, especially if you don't practice some extreme drink discipline

>> No.77111824

Open any porn video with "degrading" or some such in tags, it's the same thing verbatim.

>> No.77111830
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Ill just be real with you anon, all the sex and attention is skin deep and as soon as single women hit the wall they will be as empty and unloved as the average incel.

>> No.77111865

>and never let your guard down around 4channers in public.
Stay away from their brownies as well.

>> No.77111888

This anon gets roofied by his female friends

>> No.77111889

I simply don’t care what happens to anyone that puts themselves in these situations. I’ll always consider it like painting a target on my chest and pretending to be a mark down at the range.

>> No.77111915

Fucking kek, I forgot that director of this tripe is a libshit femoid herself. Figures she'd interpret men being understandably apprehensive of lawyered-up bitch as some kind of harassment.

>> No.77111920

My friend, the grass is not greener on the other side

>> No.77111947

Hey, a bit of extra protein never hurts.

>> No.77111959


>> No.77111998

>underground clubs
Roru, I hope you keep an eye on your drinks because it can happen to men too.

>> No.77112038

>Didn't some vtuber get railed by 5 guys last time?
Yeah there's even footage of it https://streamable.com/4hnsc6

>> No.77112125

Get back to us when you can police thought for moderation. Otherwise common sense reigns and do your due diligence to protect yourself. The world isn't some fucking soft place you idealists make it out to be that nothing should happen to me, it's a fucking privilege. Plenty of places are shit holes where authority falls through the cracks and you better have the smarts or brawn to get the fuck out or avoid it.

>> No.77112140

Probably are the same incels that invaded the yuko threads

>> No.77112197

I can assure you, the basement dwelling incels that are all words in this thread (probably just doing it as bait) aren't the ones spiking people like shylily's drinks.

>> No.77112201
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>Mom! The 4channers are being mean to women!

>> No.77112254
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>> No.77112313

I would say the school shooting part is gone from the site and migrated since people on /pol/ got arrested for saying they gonna to shoot somewhere or some senator

>> No.77112331

Wash your dick incel kek no amount of seethe is going to help with your issues

>> No.77112375

A widespread epidemic of roofies is about as real as that time when people were reporting some guy injecting people with drugs at parties. I don't doubt that some people thought it happened but the reality is that when tested about 80% of the cases end up being in the "i drank too much and had sex with some guy/ended up cheating" and about 20% end up being the same but combined with some other drug that they voluntarily did. You can count on the fingers of one hand the actual yearly cases of surprise ghb/benzo cases. You can go look it up.

>> No.77112401
File: 129 KB, 898x875, 1700642892677072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is too busy eating a woman's starfish to be in this thread

>> No.77112470

The majority of people don't know what it feels like to be drugged with roofies anyway, maybe they really do believe they were genuinely drugged when they got blackout drunk or something
Sounds stupid but sometimes people are.

>> No.77112474

If I'm a cave dweller of sorts, and haven't had sex for like 5 years because I'm lazy and socially retarded, but I don't dislike women and don't think I'm too unattractive or whatever, would I still be categorised as an incel? Is it something that one has to identify as or is it just a descriptive label?

>> No.77112493

My issue right now is making fun of your hysterics over a simple direct question. You keep telling me things about yourself I didn't even request, you're that distraught by it.

>> No.77112511

just SEA things

>> No.77112530

>get blackout drunk and act like a giant whore
>I was roofied!!
shut the fuck up

>> No.77112545

Funny thing is, Shion is far younger and prettier than Gura, even with the japoid debuff. She's not a hambeast for starters.

>> No.77112581

At this point in time it's just a meaningless insult. Historically it was a specific self-designation by men who couldn't get laid despite all their trying to. Then the drift started.

>> No.77112612

gura is like 90 pounds

>> No.77112656

>Gura is a hambeast
What is this rrrat now?

>> No.77112678

She wishes, the lard monster.

>> No.77112685

The evening is only starting now for them and the thread was made 5 hours ago so it can't be just that.

>> No.77112718

At this point it's not a speculation anymore, just hard fact.

>> No.77112739

you are mentally ill

>> No.77112809
File: 390 KB, 615x615, 1697995505597536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic of the average anon in this thread

>> No.77112844

bro some women are such thots they think if a guy hasn't been getting pussy in 6 months they are an incel. but you wouldn't want those type of women in the first place they are a town carousel until expiration date.
There are also genuine woman who should never have such a label applied to them and everyone between and worst or better.
The fact is >>77112197 has it right. The real rapists are most likely highly sociable, on the prowl and can be a chameleon. They sniff out for multiple weaknesses.

>> No.77112880

Proof next thread?

>> No.77112888

how did you find a picture of me?

>> No.77112912

kek ok

>> No.77113000

It's on specific cords right now.

>> No.77113044

nobody is spiking shylily’s drinks, she’s obese

>> No.77113076

If you think obesity is stopping anyone you are an idiot

>> No.77113096

IIRC there's a video of her whoring it at some con with other sluts. She's in a mask.
Didn't look obese there.

>> No.77113147

Would definitely stop me. What's the point of fucking or even raping a disgusting stinking pig?

>> No.77113173

nta but if you are gonna talk then leak that shit I wanna have a good laugh if not then fuck off

>> No.77113213

You need to have some social game to even reach a woman. "Incel" don't have any. And no, life is not like your TV movie when the "incel" is going to be some super secret evil villain making his own drugs in his basement and putting them skillfully in close bottles.

>> No.77113252

She is a whore so it's her own fault tbqh

>> No.77113279

Lol oh no moral police, everyone scatterrr

>> No.77113320

Hey, I'm not going to do all the work for you!

>> No.77113383

Yeah, he's going to go for something over the counter in a big dosage, so bitch could even croak. Or time tested vodka plus citrus juice recipe.

>> No.77113509

Stalin was the best of three, hands down.
But then all anglos everywhere deserve death by rape.

>> No.77113525


>> No.77113564

You need game to even be invited to the drinking party. I have no idea why everyone completely ignore that obvious part.

>> No.77113608

He'd probably try a bar or some such place. Game can be built up.

>> No.77113743

Now I'm tempted to go to a bar just to see if women get absolutely scared of me just because I exist.

>> No.77113773

You're the one mad friend.

>> No.77113843

Why? Because I derive enjoyment from some femoid seething?

>> No.77113847
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>> No.77113891

You may be pleasantly surprised instead. Or beat up. Maybe both.
I think I saw a manga with this premise. Or maybe porn.

>> No.77114009

A silent voice

>> No.77114499

