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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77082211 No.77082211 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.77082565

I don't really like baseboll, so i don't care.

>> No.77082652

First of all who Mai-san? Second Is she a Hololive Talent? Third when will she Debut?

>> No.77082708

Why is this happening? I'm confused

>> No.77082800

Some suits talked about the money it could bring in and struck an agreement, probably.

>> No.77082857

Hololive is growing stronger.

>> No.77082975

They are going formore normie appeal according to the investor report. So expect more stuff like this

>> No.77083109

Definitely some kinda high-calibre pro translator, she's got newscaster-training vibes.

>> No.77083118


her twitter

>> No.77083153

Gura being so autistic is so incredibly kino, my love grows ever stronger

>> No.77083240

Pretty sure it's bae's natural voice.

>> No.77083308


>> No.77083337

I got second hand embarrassment when bae shion lap and kobo danced for that game convention and everyone just sat there

Im gonna die of cringe if they show holos at a baseball game

>> No.77083355

Shohei Ohtani

>> No.77083407

Sadly, Peko-chan's autism is nerfing her power-levels.

>> No.77083417

Peko is dying from sleep deprivation and gura is reading from a script. I know this is a shill stream but damn.

>> No.77083723

Yagoo met Stan Kasten at a bar in LA and the two hit it off over just how much money they can make together

>> No.77083754
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That's funny, when I look at my status i have
>sperging out about virtual idols
as a skill with a push-back effect on others. It'll be fun to see that unleashed on an entire stadium.

>> No.77083766
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Boomers will die of brain aneurysms from this

>> No.77083798

The fact that the Dodgers Twitter account hasn’t tweeted about this is a disgrace.

I demand MLB fans be extraordinarily confused by this

>> No.77083829


>> No.77083832

Someone explain. Are they gonna force feed hololive to a bunch of American normalfags?

>> No.77083879

>Tfw Uncle is a Dodger season ticket holder
Already got that covered

>> No.77083961

Bro people are going to hate this. Wtf are they thinking?

>> No.77084008

Thanks anon, I'm going to DM her

>> No.77084016

Why does Japan love baseball so much

>> No.77084023
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>Riku pays NBA a merch licensing fee, they don't even know Niji exists
>Hololive actually participates in a real game

>> No.77084053

What's gunna flip their wigs is the number of people who show up for it that normally wouldn't leave their house for a baseball game.

>> No.77084107

If they can survive nogs singing the "black national anthem" or cringe halftime shows they can handle this

>> No.77084152

This is a good thing

>> No.77084198

>Boomers will die

>> No.77084227

They're gonna love the cosplay

>> No.77084241

She doesn't say guras name the same way bae does. It's literally a different read of her name, not just a difference in sound because of any fake voice.
Additionally, she doesn't speak Japanese the same way bae does. She has a wholly different accent from bae in Japanese.

>> No.77084452

>she's failing the quiz

>> No.77084684

The reason I thought this lady was well-trained was that it wasn't Bae doing the job. Love Rat but I don't think she's up to this level of corporate professionalism. This lady has taken classes on interview technique the way Bae has taken dance classes.

>> No.77084754

Almost twenty years of American occupation after WWII. Like literally an Iraq style occupation of Japan.

>> No.77084810


>> No.77084875

Japan has love baseball before american occupation. I suspect because it's modern sport that involve swinging a stick.

>> No.77084902
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>Bro people are going to hate this
Good, the best way for Cover to learn if from their mistakes

How they gonna learn if you don't let them cook?

>> No.77085041

ey fuck you puto

>> No.77085294

Every dodgers fan I've encountered has assumed this is something the Japanese are doing to show support for the two Japanese celebrity players the dodgers have

>> No.77085333

>Ballpark sushi
Even ballpark takoyaki sounds safer.

>> No.77085340

So does this mean gura isn't really back?

She's just streaming again to promote this event and then when its over she will go dark again for months?

>> No.77085397

Did you really believe it?

>> No.77085469
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The baseball player is the modern day samurai

>> No.77085485

Well no shit, but what matters is if enough people hate it enough to not watch. And spoiler: there isn't enough. It's definitely going to be an awkward few minutes for everyone involved though.

>> No.77085680

misread this as
>gura isn't really black

>> No.77085694

Naa she did 2 gaming streams and have another Dark soul speed challenge run vs. Fauna, she's really trying this time.

>> No.77085714
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u sound jealous :3, voxxy my sweetie luv luv darling is the michael jordan of vtubing.

>> No.77085788

other way around- because hololive needed her to promote this thing, they forced her to sober up for a while. During this time she streams again.

>> No.77085883


>> No.77085929
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>> No.77085942

I just wanted comfy streams

>> No.77085988

Dodgers have been really pushing for Japanese advertisement due to Ohtani so it's being recieved relatively well in the sense that Dodger fans thinks it's like a Sanrio.

>> No.77086044

The same reason that everything is going to hell, money.

>> No.77086442
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This poverty franchise is down 4-0 to the Colorado Rockies lmao.

>> No.77086710

this is such a fuckin weird thing to have in the states lmao wtf. going to be so many confused people like what the fuck??

>> No.77086715


>> No.77086746

Where to watch it for free from outside burgerland?

>> No.77086959

Dodgers fans are completely aware that their two Japanese players are JP megacelebrities

Everyone else watching this baseball game will be clueless though

>> No.77087005

>Ohtani will ask for a trade if this fails since no one insults his oshi Pekora

I have conflicting interests in this.

>> No.77087023

Why not have 2 EN and 2 JP holos? Gura is going to have to carry the entire English side by herself.

>> No.77087062

Man I wish they wouldn't have used a loli like gura to promote this thing

Now all the normies are gonna think hololive fans are pedos

>> No.77087093

COVER's LA office finally paying off

>> No.77087163

I was going to say there's only one blue en but I suppose you could stretch kronii

>> No.77087192
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So it's actually gonna be a show using the Dodger venue, they are not just randomly blasting normies on screen mid game, now it makes sense.

>> No.77087286

hopefully the clothing isn't fanatics shit

>> No.77087568

Hololive Football when?

>> No.77087640

do you mean handegg or povertyball

>> No.77088404


>> No.77088453

Baseball fans know about japan, it wont be that confusing.

>> No.77088572


>> No.77088614

She's good. I hope they use her again in the future.

>> No.77088706

OK this has to be a joke. It's too fucking funny and perfect for him to pick the chicago bulls.

>> No.77088726

if ohtani performs with hololive, it will be kino

>> No.77088762

Isn't that the goal?

>> No.77088875

That shit made me cringe out of the video, i love shion a ton but that shit was way too much even for me.

>> No.77093624

alot of money

>> No.77093907

Anime girls dancing in skimpy outfits for the MLB at Dodgers Stadium would cause major backlash but Hololive isn't that stupid. They do understand why that didn't go well at the Riot Games conferences and they have to keep it more casual for an audience that has never watched vtubers.

>> No.77099339
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>hololive front and center on the dodger mlb website
>have tie in goods when buying a ticket using the code hololive
>collab merch with the la dodger
>play ball announcement, stadium performance, hololive drone show and photospot on the stadium

A proper collab


>nijisanji nba collab stream
>nijisanji merch plastered with nba logo
>No advertisement from the nba itself
>merch link is on rakuten instead of the nba website

Nba "collaboration" with nijisanji

Sister think that they are winning this collab battle. kek

>> No.77102884


>> No.77102940

what are all these CARTOONS doing in my base ball???

>> No.77103500

touch some grass

>> No.77103794

Japan loves baseball and Cover is a Japanese corpo, simple as

>> No.77104262

I volunteer to stretch Kronii.

>> No.77105232

That Niji chicken got terminated cuz she asked if you could throw the ball at the opponent... Afaik she knew next to nothing about baseball.

>> No.77105484

le retard de vox akuma is a fucking joke lmao.

>> No.77105630
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yooooo they even got Suisex for this? Nice!

>> No.77106156

Boomers tolerate nogs because of 50 years of programming that niggynoggeralls are the cool guy, hence why all the boomers have their black friend (TM).

Boomers are hilariously and violently racist against groups which they have not been propagandized to dicksuck and the US especially has programmed older generations to view asian stuff with suspicion because of a fear of japanese steel in the 1980s and chinese junk in the 2020s.

>> No.77108269

I hate this. I fucking hate it. why are they doing this fucking stupid ass sports suck

>> No.77112426

fun stream

>> No.77112682

The amount of stupid fuckin shit which has shown up at halftimes, surely they can handle this

>> No.77112905

Kronii has been a blue woman this entire time.
Where have you been living?

>> No.77114152

Oh THANK GOD they're only singing take me out to the ball game. For some reason my head automatically assumed they would be singing the star spangled banner and THAT would have made me die of cringe. Crisis averted.

>> No.77114770
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I genuinely dislike you implying that Gura still drinks when her transformation into Gura at all was defined by her quitting and helped me quit, I would genuinely slap you across the face in real life and probably make you donate to an alcoholism cause if you want to be seen by people again. I'd cancel you to your entire fucking family and work if I could, people like you should just he held in place and very firmly slapped a couple of times like a little boy would be.

Moreover, it is obvious to grown adults that she's a stoner. Kronii too. Like grow up asshole, please, we're trying to talk about shit here.

>> No.77114921

i first thought it was bae
butt thinking bae's english right now not anymore

>> No.77115003


>> No.77115079

this lady definitely has a professional vibe
she kept the flow of the conversation between the two and kept in track of what is happening to both gura and pekora
(i.e if they are confuse on the translation or if she is addressing gura/pekora)

then again is a proper collab outside their "they know what is a vtuber" circle got to keep it proper and professional

>> No.77115143

random question
is dodger a baseball team or a tournament for baseball?

>> No.77115695

baseball team
