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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 122 KB, 586x430, Dino soar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77062636 No.77062636 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.77062711

what event?

>> No.77062746

is she a miracle maker or what

>> No.77062756

Extinction event.

>> No.77062811

Wrestletuber 2024

>> No.77063129

If my wife Dokibird want's me to subscribe to Jurard on all my 5 account I will, simple as

>> No.77063179

great success armis 2 debut soon

>> No.77064197

Based bird helping beggars get off the streets

>> No.77064544

I'd expect Bettel to get more since he won.

>> No.77065585

>helping cover this much

doki will not rest until Niji is completely destroyed

>> No.77065660

The fuck? Doesn't everyone always start above 100k at least?

>> No.77065811

Nope, holostarsEn is unironically where cover "accelerated" and fucked everything up, but I guess given their recent statement it was necessary to have some kind of a big roster to close the auditions in boths stars and Hololive for a long ass time

>> No.77065812

>The guy that lost in less than a minute
>The guy with a casting ability that has potential to match Vesper and Magni commentary
Yeah I can see why.

>> No.77066810

Ugh. I'm happy doki didn't unalive herself but imagine giving these irrelevant homos attention.

>> No.77066854

This is why Magni and Vesper left Cover. The girls were too afraid of their unicorn fans to give a helping hand to their colleagues.

>> No.77066981

You need to be 18+ to post here

>> No.77067133

damn that event must be so successful to a point that I haven't heard about it

>> No.77067140

>Who was Mori

>> No.77067323
File: 14 KB, 492x285, 1713058701555630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're more amicable compared to HoloEN who think she and every other indie that isn't VShojo is irrelevant.

>> No.77067540

Listen as long as she keeps the Homos away from the Holomem and instead keeps introducing them to other girls who are happy to collab with males, we should be happy

>> No.77067704

It was a successful EN Indie event, which at this point it's pretty much bigger than a NijiEN branch-wide collab

>> No.77067818

He didn't win though

>> No.77067850 [DELETED] 

Mori didn't do enough, she should've got dp'd on stream.

>> No.77067868

>You are the most popular vtuber agency in the west, you HAVE to give literal woke nobodies attention!
>You just have to!
Get the fuck out of my hobby, faggot.

>> No.77068311

>Thinking all indies are woketards and vtweeters
No. Get a lobotomy retard.

>> No.77068321
File: 494 KB, 720x719, nyanya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dokibird's event
(You) mean, Nana's diss track and the ensuing pure kino interaction.

>> No.77068438


>> No.77068521

And how did they meet??? OH THE EVENT DOKI ORGANIZED. WOAH.

>> No.77068568

The power of being close to a milestone

>> No.77068652
File: 1.25 MB, 1262x700, towanumbersandthenthesenumbers1647913415386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody's somebody, anon.
And I feel sad for even the smallest chuuba's graduation because everybody is somebody's oshi.

>> No.77068703

ARMIS is very much forgotten, that's honestly a good thing since people don't have a reason to seethe.

>> No.77068826

maybe niji can get some help from her kek

>> No.77068976

Uproar started at an even less number before they all got 100k. This isn't just an ARMIS thing.

>> No.77071587

You should get yourself out. The only things you want to see are women, allowing zero ground to men, like ever. And Unicorns dare to use the word toxic. You are the toxine dude.

>> No.77071670

Who and who?

>> No.77071758

homos be leeching

>> No.77072033

Nice, I'm glad she helped the boys out

>> No.77072594

Good for doki's networking but I still wish death upon all homos

>> No.77072756

>The only things you want to see are women
>It is bad to not want to see things
also >toxine

>> No.77075126

>The waste of resources that are the homos need exposure from doki just to hit 100k

>> No.77075441

Stay in your containment thread faggot, no one cares about homostars

>> No.77075699

you're even more of a faggot than the homos

>> No.77079956

/mans/ doesnt allow number posting

>> No.77081208

I am thoroughly convinced that it is Dokibird's personal mission to not just unite the EN vtubing scene, but to also get rid of the stigma against malecollabs.

And I fully support it.

>> No.77081314

He's so lucky. I bet if he played Russian roulette he would survive 3 trigger pulls. He should do it.

>> No.77085998
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>> No.77086113

I hope a drunk driver runs you over

>> No.77086250

Says the family leech

>> No.77086406

>Western indie sphere is not unicorn friendly by default
>Complain that it isn't unicorn friendly
Unironically go back

>> No.77086591

holy fucking kek. nobody watches these shitters

>> No.77086937

100k is not 0 retardchama

>> No.77087233

My man Uyu is still less than 100k…

>> No.77087631

tempus members who participated didn't get too much of a boost, probably bc whoever came to watch were already subbed to them. octavio got about around the same boost as his genmate, jurard's just more visible bc he was close to the 1k milestone

>> No.77087768

>bragging about 100k

>> No.77087786

I watched the following stream he made after Wrestletuber. Apparently, he was fucking dying with fever and that was actually him being *low* energy at the event.
What the fuck

>> No.77088086

His usual streams are so high energy and loud, you can charge your phone holding it next to your screen.

>> No.77088731

Hololive is popular in Japan, outside of Japan is still relatively small. This is the reason most Japanese people watch HoloEN instead of the main branch.

>> No.77088874

As long as it gets rid of "walled garden" in HoloEN I'm up for it.

>> No.77088899

He should play 5-bullet Russian Roulette with a Smith & Wesson Model 638.

>> No.77089069

Will this be the new Mousey buff?
of course not don't be silly

>> No.77089362

I get the impression you're trying to anti him but this is genuinely the kind of thing his own fanbase says about him.

>> No.77089417

She's not doing a very good job.

>> No.77089468

Getting HomoEN to 12~ members is needed to get them to a large enough number for group events to work out.
HomoJP was at 9 members for a long while and with the addition of Uproar they got to 13 members.

>> No.77089523

Bet there will be more holo collabs now

>> No.77089665

Armpiss did worse than uproar right? I wonder how the 4 homojp fans feel about getting shafted for years with no new JP gens

>> No.77089703

>tries to anti Jurard
>somehow sounds exactly like Sorwarity
The irony here is palpable, fantastic job Banchou, you magnificent bastard.

>> No.77089940

what does Hajime have to do with homostars

>> No.77089988

The event also turned Nana into a 4-view in the karaoke she did afterwards. I'm really glad, she put in a ton of effort into making a Dinosaur vs Asteroid matchup actually deliver

>> No.77090005

Congrats to him. He's loud and funny.

>> No.77090262

Didn't this faggot debut half a year ago or what? That's fucking sad

>> No.77090575

Are you sisters really coping that 100k matters?
Literal fucking who's can get that on debut...

>> No.77090984

True, I'm glad the event introduced me to her. She is a really good singer.

>> No.77091114

>They're more amicable compared to HoloEN
That's not an accomplishment. They literally endorse people who bullied an innocent girl into attempting suicide multiple times. Obviously the whoros are going to be scum.

>> No.77091146

He was entertaining. People like that

>> No.77091248

I agree, nijicollabers like nijirissa and kiarasanji should be terminated

>> No.77091495

>100k after six months
sisters...i thought you supported DA BOIZ?

>> No.77091725

Yeah, that was only about 50% of his usual power level.

>> No.77091777

I'm surprised homofags still haven't fucked off yet

>> No.77091804

Took him less time than your organ failures that debuted like two months before him.

>> No.77091969

You sisters are in for a rude awakening when nijiEN gets folded

>> No.77092065

Couple months late on that one zhang LMFAO

>> No.77092071
File: 330 KB, 724x665, dingo stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so tired of you faggots who think shitting on the girls to bait catalog monkeys is some hilarious shit.

>> No.77092138

We hate nijis here, simple as

>> No.77092193

There's nothing wrong with shitting on nijiniggers and their clique. It's always morally correct.

>> No.77092428

Same here, dumbass.
(1) collab doesn't mean a holo is suddenly in a niji clique. Literally could've been just pity.

>> No.77092501

sister...nobody is watching the homo except nijinigs, who are you trying to fool KEK

>> No.77092575

yeah, 1 offline meeting and flirting session on twitter, kiara was already pretty much a niji lite, meeting enna at the height of her infamy just solidified it

>> No.77092641

Now, how many are going to continue watching him after? Did people forget the time that vtuber were shilling subs on youtube ads? That one bag face girl got her 100k subs but nobody really watched her videos and she just left.

>> No.77092699

>someone that bullied someone else into attempting suicide
Helping them save face makes them an accomplice.

>> No.77092812
File: 119 KB, 1941x1064, 1715504965721624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't hidden, sis.

>> No.77092923

Still posting this months after it got debunked lmao

>> No.77092941

alright, lets make you leave the thread when you cant answer this
you're pretending you like hololive, right?
then why are you supporting the fucking sexpest shitters?
concession accepted in advance sister.

>> No.77093098

>then why are you supporting the fucking sexpest shitters?
What are you even talking about? None of the stars boys are sex pests.
You know what sex pests look like. They're the face of Nijisanji. The stars guys are just bros.

>> No.77093218

I don't. That's why I vouch for the total death of the clique, their sex pests and those that support them. Holostars is the opposite of that.

>> No.77093298

>the sister is samefagging in a desperate attempt to still DEFEND DA BOIZ
holy fucking shit this is so funny
keep dancing monkey, i love having to see you shit on niji just to fit in. it must actually hurt you so bad KEKAROO

>> No.77093310

Why do you think nobody from hololive collabs with them anymore, cover actually takes this shit seriously

>> No.77093345

Why would it need to be debunked, sister? Holy fucking shit they really are this stupid, aren't they?

>> No.77093350

>S-same fag!
Concession accepted, sister.

>> No.77093379

>supporting the sexpest shitters
It's not our problem your idea of sexpest is "interacted with a holo girl, ever".

>> No.77093401

I never said it was an accomplishment. They're just an easier group to connect with since they're very open

>> No.77093428
File: 683 KB, 1920x1080, 1698533547761562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starsister are nijinigs

>> No.77093430

homosisters and nijisisters calling anyone else sister and immediately outing themselves is hilarious every time

>> No.77093449

can you tell me more about how shitty niji are? i was enjoying that part. can you tell me all about their sex pests?
mix in some enna cucking her viewers too please, fellow holo fan

>> No.77093451

Usan won

>> No.77093503
File: 8 KB, 726x136, 1S7cxzhLPT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, and I don't have a problem with that. If they don't want to collab for whatever reason, then nobody should force anybody to collab or not to collab.
I just don't see the point of hating them for existing. At least not until a single stars guy actually does something worth hating on them for.

>> No.77093511

>Nijis can't even get that on debut anymore
>Indies don't get to 100k when they start off and need to collab/cheat the algorithm to even get to where they are
Yes it does.

>> No.77093520

That was so funny, even on the verge of getting a single w, the universe just course corrects

>> No.77093576

Dokibird won

>> No.77093580

No just saying that 100,000 subscribers is not 0 subscribers.

>> No.77093637

>vesper and magni making mori and kronii ruin their careers and then leaving everyone out to dry
>lgbt ruze spiel
>support the cause

>> No.77093688

so the homos are as useless as niji?
both complete wastes of money and space
glad you agree with me sister

>> No.77093705

Yeah that's pretty good.

>> No.77093758
File: 138 KB, 512x512, 1717200559705970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, i'm glad she did. What the fuck are you on about

>> No.77093765
File: 62 KB, 480x264, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starsister are nijini-ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.77093778

I'm surprised you haven't died of organ failure.

>> No.77093825

>>vesper and magni making mori and kronii ruin their careers and then leaving everyone out to dry
What... exactly did they even do other than collab for a few streams? Did Vesper kill Mori's cat or something?
The rest are you just getting mad at random snowflake shit. It's EN. They're gonna have snowflake shit.

>> No.77093840

homosisters fighting nijisisters is always funny, please keep entertaining me, monkeys

>> No.77093856
File: 466 KB, 680x671, 1713230374389048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't realize nijiniggers watch Doki supporters. Curious.

>> No.77093923

That troon and >>77093449 are the least mindbroken NDFshitters left KEKEKEKEKEK

>> No.77093970

>Another goalpost
Whole other sentence. Holostars are growing. Nijisanji is flopping.

>> No.77094002

Dokibird won
She's mogged your entire fucking dead branch sister KEK KEK KEK

>> No.77094012

>Holostars are growing

>> No.77094048

Don't you have a baseball game to watch or are you further proving you really don't watch streams?

>> No.77094082

>still defending DA BOIZ
NDF, at least put the mask on before you let it slip, nobody gives a shit about the faggots

>> No.77094126

Yes. Glad you agree.

>> No.77094180

>100k shitters

>> No.77094203

Now that's real funny >>77093856

>> No.77094274


>> No.77094292

I like how sisters are only capable of posting 2 images that don't prove anything

>> No.77094329
File: 223 KB, 800x903, 1716035118570922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no matter how much you samefag your shitty doxxsite picture, it won't make you fit in nijinig
focus on buying seats for your failing fucking branch KEK KEK KEK
Dokibird won btw KEK KEK KEK

>> No.77094332

The TikTok generation doesn't even know the word suicide. Even "kill yourself" is too much. Based Chinamen purifying our children with their brainwashing.

>> No.77094351

All the proof you need >>77093856 >>77092812

>> No.77094394

Bro you didn't have to destroy the sister this hard

>> No.77094397

Then fuck Doki. Fucking up Nijisanji is fine but don't mess with Hololive you faggots.

>> No.77094409

No wonder spic hate him, he only cater to latinx

>> No.77094408

Better than Whorosanji sisters that think "DOESN'T COUNT" is a viable argument to evidence

>> No.77094410
File: 133 KB, 500x500, dokiDum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck even is this thread?

>> No.77094488


>> No.77094493


>> No.77094506

sister meltdown #2232

>> No.77094554

>Dokibird and Holostars slaughter Niggersanji and their whoro plants
God I love winning

>> No.77094564


>> No.77094568
File: 196 KB, 475x442, 1716963673690040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters larping as unicorns and vice versa. Here's twobert staring at you at a distance.

>> No.77094592
File: 457 KB, 1587x1403, 1701140780546812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look

>> No.77094627

/MANS/ (AKA NDF) really can't deal with this image, can they?
total homo/niji death

>> No.77094626

>1 minute apart

>> No.77094677

>Nijichink gets exposed
>swings in every direction hoping no one will notice and laugh at xer
An average thread now that their home base was destroyed.

>> No.77094689


>> No.77094696

>The person who defends and loves Enna is currently shitting on NDF
the NDF didn't send their best today, did they?

>> No.77094761

This wont make your faggots successful sister

>> No.77094793
File: 29 KB, 1145x56, 1691148394373044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shut up ennacuck we know it's you

>> No.77094815

>t...two more weeks and it'll be sold out!

>> No.77094858
File: 91 KB, 687x500, 1714210530148847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77094863

Do homosister really think homostars are a success?

>> No.77094886

Everyone has been so busy hating on nijisanji homosisters got a little too comfortable

>> No.77094935

Don't know about that. They look more successful than you.

>> No.77094951

this cant be real, i thought the nijicucks tongued rikus asshole so much itd sell out instantly?

>> No.77094993

I don't really care since homos get that treatment anyway

>> No.77095016

>the sister, after being exposed, reverts to NO U
oh god this is so funny

>> No.77095020

Say that without crying about your faggots, tr00n

>> No.77095037

/mans/ supports doki

>> No.77095061

Glad you agree your life is a joke.

>> No.77095106


>> No.77095131

Doki's termination exposed everyone's alignment
>whorolivers support their fellow organs
>Holostars proudly supports Doki and the death of the clique
Vtubing has finally healed...

>> No.77095136


>> No.77095164

W-wait... i got lost...
The "Dokibird won" guy is correct, but was he spamming that while grouping nijifags and holostars fans together or not?
I got confused because he gave me a (You) as i shat on NDF.

>> No.77095207


>> No.77095326

You better not spend all these (you)s in one place, maybe you can use them to bring homos out of irrelevance!

>> No.77095387

>So succesful cover has to hide their performance
LMAOOOO. Go back to the trannycord and ask your fellow 41%ers for a better cope

>> No.77095471

Dude don't bother, this entire thread is a mess.

>> No.77095625

It's an NDF sister trying to get holofags to attack Holostars instead of Milost. After her falseflag was exposed, she attempted to larp as a DraGOD in an attempt to pit Holostars against Doki. She forgets that
>7/10 Holostars members openly collabed with Doki
>0 holosanji members have collabed openly (or on a rm) with Doki

>> No.77095740

You're next after milord, sister

>> No.77095814


>> No.77095920

You are the enemy too homosister

>> No.77095980
File: 83 KB, 288x319, 1717136489574689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, faggot, you're not based just because you shat on the girls to enrage some catalog monkeys.

>> No.77095984

This is possibly the most retarded thread I have ever seen.

>> No.77096064

Imagine if sisters actually put half the effort they put into seething at hololive into supporting their failures instead

>> No.77096120

>Doki and Holostars
>Niggersanji and Whorolivers
Yeah these two groups are enemies. That's what I said.

>> No.77096148


>> No.77096189

If that's how you see it.

>> No.77096203

Autism and SEA

>> No.77096233

We've been over this, anon. >>77092193

>> No.77096253

The tickets are still available. Maybe you can catch up

>> No.77096661

another failed falseflag attempt, you'll get it one day sisters

>> No.77100515


>> No.77102893

Unicorns are a mistake.

>> No.77103093

You do know you can say 'kill' here right? This isn't tiktok or twitter or whatever shithole you came from.

>> No.77103613

The Legacy of Magni & Vesper WILL BE RESTORED

Male Vtubers are a force of nature

His climbing yo windows, He snatching yo people up ^,^


>> No.77104197

No you faggot YOU get the fuck out of MY hobby. I fucking hate you goddamn Myth secondaries. I've been watching these fucking anime fuckers since 2016 and posting on /jp/ in the threads. Those threads used to be nice, no one really gave rats ass about MUH MALES. Holofaggots got uppity but things chilled when holo got it's own thread. Those threads were pretty nice too. Everyone actually fucking watched streams and was supportive of each others oshis. Fucking holostars were allowed in the threads and no one gave a singular fuck except literally ONE faggot that self doxxed himself and got laughed out of the threads constantly. Shit went down hill when myth debuted and amelia did the ryan gossling movie watch along.

I will never stop seething that faggots like you took over and think you're the OG fans. Fuck you.

>> No.77105835

>tempus members who participated didn't get too much of a boost

>> No.77105898

Just like altare and kobo collabs but it doesnt translate

>> No.77105949

get with the times, holostars are not welcome anywhere

>> No.77106177

Hitting 100K after several months thanks to an outside event really shows how much the hololive audience distanced from the homos. It's also funny to see nijisisters and homosisters fighting. Both sides sit around the same viewership and share audience. Meanwhile no one in advent is below 500k since hololive fans actually wanted them.

>> No.77106186

Uproar are part of Holostars in the way Regloss are part of Hololive (as in not at all). They don't do events together.

>> No.77106378

The managers allowed it, therefore the whole company is in league with yacht man.
