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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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77060837 No.77060837 [Reply] [Original]

Schedule : https://sched.offkaiexpo.com/

Main Stage streaming at : https://www.twitch.tv/offkaiexpo
4PM PST : v4mirai x Idol concert

Current additional POVs:

Walking around POVs are not going into panels nor m&g area

Last Thread >>77045619

>> No.77060997

oh starting soon

>> No.77061118

phase ads lol
I guess they finally bought them

>> No.77061215

Fuck. A mod in chat just said the V4 x idol concert isn't being streamed. Oh well.

>> No.77061561

>17:23ModeratorVerifiedStreamElements: Now live: Idol x V4Mirai: OffKairaoke Concert! Check out Idol Corp and V4Mirai here:
that's the last mod message
still 9 minutes

>> No.77061625
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>> No.77062074

oh lol
rip then

>> No.77062137

bro at least show V-Dere panel

>> No.77062742
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where jeff

>> No.77063191


>> No.77063378
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>> No.77063419

they're saying in chat ppv tickets will be sold later but i dont know where that information is coming from

>> No.77063597

probably in advance
mint was also part of that relay they did so I was hoping I could catch her live
now that I think about, was the 3d stream yesterday in preparation for this?

>> No.77063655

the pay per view isn't until June 8th
3000 fucking yen to watch smol corpo concert a whole ass week later

>> No.77063824

Where do you watch the panel rooms?

>> No.77063986

What were they thinking? The technology and logistics to make it this live even if PPV was there. All this is going to make people do is to upload and pirate it especially because it's small corpo.

>> No.77064130

idk, it's baffling on every level, pretty sure nothing in all the promotion even said that it was ppv

>> No.77064153

greed, since last year the big concert was completely free to watch on Twitch.

>> No.77064167

the troon with the suisei cosplay will search your ballsack, anon
don't do it!!!!

>> No.77064312

indeed, no post claimed it would either be streamed or that a VOD was to come at a later date
STILL, why not clarify that? I see latinxs flooding the offkai stream due to that
not complaining is just an observation

>> No.77064522

$20 for a 2hr live with 24 talents doesn't sound that bad at all to me

>> No.77064561
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don't be confused by the last year concer that WAS streamed.
I think this year that goes to the one concert that has kiara in it


>> No.77064583

it's not live it's a week old VOD

>> No.77064625

please give me someone other than the stupid chatbot and filian going around the con, already.

>> No.77064677

I dont mind the chatbot, i just really hate filian, and im a twitch native

>> No.77064732
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>> No.77064883

Live as in concert, whatever its the same thing.

>> No.77064954


>> No.77065004


>> No.77065022

true, I'm one of the members.

>> No.77065506

Drop the link, I'm shy around strangers to participate

>> No.77066805

Yeah but I don't understand what is with their online streaming strategy of streaming main stage events but then not delivering and being selective. I understand you want to make things exclusive or paid for people but it makes no sense to loop Vtuber ads end on end along with what >>77064625 mentioned for engagement here for the online Twitch stream. I get that they fucked up last year and want to do better this year with the convention for people on the ground, but what they have now is just abysmal for online. Maybe they got a bunch of money from attendance they don't have to care about online since the money is being more than covered. Just wish they were willing to stream the smaller panel stuff and the stuff people wouldn't be into. Like just looking at the schedule for Friday at >>77063378, they could've done a solid and streamed the design session or the Jeff McBiceps one earlier and then now gave us the V-Dere Game Show. It makes no sense we only got the opening session and Mint and Matara panels only so far.

>> No.77066990

Didn't they only get like 11k attendees last year for all 3 days? For as much attention as it gets, it seems like it was intended as a streaming-heavy event.

>> No.77067367

They sold out really early this year especially as soon as Hololive announced they were coming in replacing Niji dropping out. And then a week after that, tickets all sold out and they wouldn't sell tickets in person which they did last year. They probably have more people this year per day than what they had last year with 11k. We only make it a big deal because it's Vtuber focused but yeah, it's still fairly small all things considered.

>> No.77071201

nice stuff

>> No.77071919

why is everything delayed?

>> No.77073255

Probably a succession of technical difficulties.

>> No.77073342

Wow, slow down, thread. It's hard to keep up with you.

>> No.77073417

So since no one posted in this thread with updates but in other threads I've been monitoring about Offkai, I'll do a roundup post so /news/ or other people who are curious can pick up on this in the obvious place. The rundown if you don't want the details below is that Offkai is having major tech and delay issues mostly with some small wins. Maybe it shouldn't be that surprising this shit has been going wrong but you would think money would solve this. Apparently, that all evaporated to whoever organized the event because it's still volunteer run. Easily the biggest outrage so far is still the idol/V4Mirai concert being PPV and not being streamed despite being a main stage event being a thing only announced like barely an hour or less before it took place to people online which people in this thread already mentioned.
>>77068848 says the schedule at >>77063378 has all the community stage panels delayed by 2 hours from Jeff McBicep's panel onwards.
>>77068496 says people's monitor shut down during the Karaoke concert.
>>77069228 and >>77069866 say Mint's robot didn't work and she can't go around greeting people
>>77070391 highlights incompetency letting a random literal who cap the vendor hall line and then it uncapping and people not being told they can come back.

The small positive things.
>>77066101 says NexStage is no longer relegated to the bathroom. Moving up to parking lot entrance corpo.
>>77068167 says V-dere first panel was a full house and it made them happy.

>> No.77073475

Any other POVs going around?

>> No.77073733

>people's monitor shut down during the Karaoke concert.
>WHERE'S MY OSHI?! chant

>> No.77074103

>>77073475 (Me)
Here's the twitter hashtag since there's no POVs going around:

>> No.77075889
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it was a complete cluster fuck last year. everything from panels to the meet and greets were 30 minute to an hour behind schedule
It's too bad it's not streamed

>> No.77077037


>> No.77078190

Scuff aside, that looks pretty kino

Dare I say, scuffkino!

>> No.77078312

idol singing snippet

>> No.77078529

Imagine having all those events happening at the same time, but the official stream is just 3 hours of ads on repeat.

>> No.77079031


>> No.77079202
File: 401 KB, 1652x2048, GO9CskPbQAAhug5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please someone find this girl and take a pic. I want to see how she looks without the filter.

>> No.77079314

without a filter she might not even be a girl

>> No.77079549

Yeah, fuck this and fuck Aviel. I'm not even going to even watch the panel. Thanks for ruining my evening.

>> No.77079645


>> No.77079831


>> No.77080394

not like this...

>> No.77080592

mintkeks wtf??

>> No.77080761
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>> No.77081227
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>> No.77081399

>everyone's a fucking PNG

>> No.77081413


>> No.77081527

I can't hear anyone other than Kai.

>> No.77083072

Unironically, if I was a whore, I'd offer my services during the con. A cosplay special! Dress as your oshi for premium $$$.

You can be sure as shit a bunch of morons would pay.

>> No.77083654

this anon wants to fuck fat, stinky oji-sans

>> No.77083697

bros what floor is the YaoiCon room at this year? I missed out on getting to join in running train on some 1view whores last year, I won't miss it this time

>> No.77083891

Fuck yeah, imagine how much money these retards have! Usually, with escort services, you have to clean beforehand and service can still be rejected if they don't clean properly.

>> No.77084620

Israel Jews and Japan Jews together.
Of course this was getting paywalled and put behind a different channel

>> No.77085108

is there any way to see a pov of the audience too? I guess its fine if there isn"t

>> No.77085493
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Thats a lot of unsold Holos

>> No.77086309

>idol gen 3 teased after the family feud

>> No.77086538
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No more cunny corpo, it seems

>> No.77087227
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Numbermonkey poll

>> No.77089248

what a way to phrase "nijis didn't sell"

>> No.77091410

So... this is the power of the ohmies...

>> No.77093795

I think Clara's singing was the last event for the day. Goodnight anons, sleep well and see you tomorrow!

>> No.77096466

at least 3 of those are probably cunny

>> No.77096553

>all of V4Mirai is still there except for 3/4 of Petalight and even the dead one only has 1 left

>> No.77097425

Man imagine streaming the opening ceremony and two panels and then running ads the rest of the time. I don't even think they hit 4view on Twitch but yeah, honestly deserved.
She streams later, what are you doing? Wake up, dummy.

>> No.77100797

Page 10...where is the hype? This is the even of the year!

>> No.77101887
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>> No.77102215

>even of the year
Not even being able to get that right is a pretty good representation of what most people expect from OffKai.

>> No.77104744

>blue tenshi
We will have our own Kanata

>> No.77106166

Did they have one for Phase Connect?

>> No.77106342

plap connect

>> No.77106419

I guess that's another con that's going on Cover's blacklist.

>> No.77108073

offpako doko?

>> No.77112551


>> No.77114257

friendly reminder: if you meet Sayu at the con, do not post pics here cause >>1 still applies.

>> No.77116151


>> No.77116186

Gentlemen we have our first offpako report, from a phase connect viewer

>> No.77117124

phasefags, not like this...

>> No.77117271

I'm not gay but I'd let someone cosplaying my oshi peg me.

>> No.77118320

fucking gay

>> No.77118871


>> No.77119519

Should've raped them while they're down and slit their throat arteries tbdesu.

>> No.77119892

They charged literally top money for entry fee for a con (and it sold out), charge corpo's, indie's and vendors for space, get sponsored by some corpo's, and they still can't get their shit together in the 3rd year doing this shit making the same mistakes as last year.

>> No.77121861

was it worth it?

>> No.77122082

it's actually day 2 now

>> No.77123551

>people rather use gay purple dots for staff members rather than the homos


>> No.77123591
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fat fuck merch haul

>> No.77126334

there is one?

>> No.77126929

kek wtf Phasechads??

>> No.77127680

Oh hey, finally a streamed event.
Even if it's still 8 hours away.

>> No.77131439

Any chuubas plapped their fans / mods / other chuubas yet?

>> No.77132779

anybody streaming a tour?
fuck me the people that run this place are retarded.

>> No.77134043


Bao wtf

>> No.77134088

Walkalong POV from IdolES

>> No.77134371
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>> No.77134802
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And it's not going better. No response from the ground but Phase's free panel today like an hour or so ago online got interspliced with ads and massive parts of it missed and ruined for any online people. You can take a look at the thread but some choice quotes from how things progressed.
And then the official response. No one even knows if there will be a VOD.
I would say unless you like being tortured, do literally anything else until the schedule says the Main Stage is on and only if they say they are streaming. Literally do anything else including watching the sluts at Vallure debut or >>77134088

>> No.77134943

is there a qrd for the phase drama? everyone is being so fucking vague about it on twitter

>> No.77135403

>I would say unless you like being tortured, do literally anything else until
This should be the given since yesterday's ad fest
I think if they intend to move forward and make it in-place audience first and online audience after in terms of priority then make that clear since the start. I thought it was and just Idol v4mirai thing to paywall stuff but if Fishman is on it too then I don't know what else to say.
maybe link it to have an idea what you are on about? r
eading back on the thread there is only newfags being surprised Airi sending death threats on a twitch chat concluded in a ban, LAST YEAR.

>> No.77135800

literally just es. Mint's yesterday was cancelled, right?

>> No.77136032

this could be massively improved if they just had a plug in mic they could hand to people. this is awful.

>> No.77136179

I think it was due to tech issues?
anon posted about it here >>77073417 https://x.com/MintFantome/status/1796700826381197433
her panel with matara was streamed on twitch with no issues before that
today she's at the m&g booths so no idea if she'll try a robot again

>> No.77136612

there was a 5guys stream bros...

>> No.77137104

It seems like it's a bit better from >>77134088 but could still be scuff. I hope so.

>> No.77137239

>creep cam stealth-placed on top of speaker stands

>> No.77137247

they're already done walking around.
what now

>> No.77137430


I don't understand, is this gonna be streamed live, simultaneously with the actual thing? Or you're just paying for the recorded show, after it's taken place live?

>> No.77137640

Stuff like this really reminds me why I don't like Western weeb subculture. Does anyone watch these girls and think they're relatable or what they associate with anime, manga, or even vtubers more specifically? To me they just sound like unfunny and overweight consluts.

>> No.77137684

Thats Aniclover, a dj otaku group from Bay Area, theyre doing main stage event after the concert tonight. Synthion was there last night too (and is cute). They also gave out free food and drinks there (including steak). I would have gone but was too sleepy to stay late in room.

>> No.77137709
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I guess tweets like this.

>> No.77137955

Western side is all ironic weebs, normalfags, and redditors

>> No.77138027

cosplay thing? that says main stage
>inb4 not streamed again
Spwn is the VOD platform hololive uses for things like concerts and fes
that idol v4mirai even was yesterday and the ticket is for the archive
maybe they should talk to their fish >>77132127

>> No.77138271
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the cosplay event was delayed

>> No.77138557
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>> No.77138797
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Damn, what are these retards doing to the girls?

>> No.77139149
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why are they sadposting? shouldn't they contact their own manager?
any response from them?

>> No.77141474

Holy shit reading through the threads is brutal.
Apparently Pippa sang the Ripper live and it wasn't streamed at all.

>> No.77141688
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Oh, even worse, it was a new original.

>> No.77141837

This fucking cosplay stream man
Holy kek the cringe, the bad audio mixing

>> No.77141947

what a complete shit show

>> No.77142083


>> No.77142098

Yes, but there is just something about it that feels and sounds "fat" and tacky. Like the way that cons are always all about panels and artist alleys with low quality scuff merch and over-priced resellers. It's like they're all just pretending to pretend because they're lonely.

>> No.77142174
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>> No.77142358

missing a digit there

>> No.77142410

Sayu doing irl impromptu meet and greet at the atrium now, huge line already

>> No.77142531


>> No.77142589

It's pretty much always like this yes.
Unironic Tumblrwhales that collect lots of pastel color plushies
This seems especially true at burgercons, you don't see much like this even in the UK cons, never mind greater europe

>> No.77145234


>> No.77145325

Post his pasta. I wanna laugh but I forgot the words to search for it.

>> No.77145612
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>> No.77145841
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They officially responded here, linking since no one else posted the tweet and sorry for reigniting the embers but needs to be done for posterity.

>> No.77146152

>Will also be streamed here
Sorry Auwa, I kinda doubt that.

>> No.77146366

Sakana calling his bank and telling them to cancel the check

>> No.77146426

>As always.
wtf is this passive agressive tweet lol

>> No.77146893
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If you see this guy around, punch him for me.

>> No.77147043

Why would I punch my fellow jewbro

>> No.77147400

henya panel on

>> No.77147742
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>> No.77147819

Woah, a stream, and it's working too??

>> No.77147960

I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that period was supposed to be a comma.

>> No.77148003
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OffKai POV starting soon
Apologies if the quality sucks.


>> No.77148124

spoke too soon

>> No.77148377

how has no one left a tribute on that thigh?

>> No.77148380


>> No.77148607

stay near people with wide clothes to cover the cam

>> No.77148989

>Streamer con
>can't into streams
Am I wrong in feeling your average 2view would be better at setting up streams than whatever they have currently?
Hell, let them shill themselves in a little countdown pre-show before the event they're managing the stream for and Offkai would be swarmed with skilled people.

>> No.77149656

I'm so disappointed. Last year had massive issues but there were dozens of streams.

>> No.77150227

The fact is, the whole EOP westoid scene has only ever been pretending. It's telling that almost all big indie EN vtubers are on Twitch and are lewdtubers. The only reason they have cons like this is so they can tell each other "remember that one time when we were internet superstars?" in about 5 years.

>> No.77150380

But who can forget the indie vtuber choir prancing around like hippos?

>> No.77150437

Wait what

>> No.77150701

It's the fact they are doing it still with a volunteer basis and didn't upgrade the venue while getting more attendees and money. It's more embarrassing given the location is in the SF Bay Area which is where all the tech companies are. I can understand the fact that the hotel couldn't be upgraded to another venue when sold out but it clearly just buckled under the load. I live here for work (but didn't go partially because of incompetence and time issues) and it's a completely avoidable problem when there are a bunch of conference centers built just for tech companies to do their thing exactly for this purpose. It would've been worth it to splurge and hold the event there instead.
I think people would've been more forgiving with less streams and issues if word on ground was that the actual physical experience was a lot better but currently, it's super hit and miss as you can read through the thread. It's still half-way delivering for some people and panels but if I was sponsoring this, I would have very big reservations about doing it again next year. All the panels with a talking head has gone fine, every single concert event outside of the more private panel ones have gone wrong to various degrees as you can read in the previous posts in this thread.

>> No.77150777
File: 1.09 MB, 488x648, Country rabbit has had enough of your shit [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5nebmx.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about the theory that the Phase shit was intentionally sabotaged? Do you think it's legit or just a conspiracy theory?

>> No.77150901

I think it's just massive incompetence.
Hanlon's razor and all.

>> No.77150950

I think mexicans should learn how to read
is in this very same thread!

>> No.77150988

I'm asking what you think, not what's in this thread.

>> No.77151015

sounds based

>> No.77151062

Just a bunch of cringe 2views off-key singing led by that amateur vtuber vocal coach who is severely overweight. All in person, too.

>> No.77151143

They make good bed fellows. Figuratively, but also literally.

>> No.77151195
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>the only stream that is not fucking delayed or broken from offkai
Get in here bros

>> No.77151342

Gentlemen, we have our 2nd report of offpako, from a /lig/ger

>> No.77151436
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qrd on the happening?

>> No.77151463

i think the theory is retarded and it's just usual con fuckery. i could claim i'm actually Mr. Offkai himself and fags on this board would believe it

>> No.77151686

Doesn't hold water, because we have two prior years of Offkai fucking up and given Fishman himself haven't damaged controlled yet and let their statement stand, I am willing to believe incompetence and miscommunication is the cause here.

>> No.77151787

Almost everyone got fucked so it's just incompetence. They probably DO favor certain vtubers who are close with the organizers and probably funnel their limited resource to help those vtubers

>> No.77152582

I don't understand why they only had one person to coordinate and do tech stuff with the equipment, where did all the extra money from selling out go to? They had at least a month from selling out until Offkai started to find more people but apparently, they're all just volunteers? Why?

>> No.77152608

anyone recording the OffKai Live?

>> No.77152898


>> No.77152928
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Does anyone know what this is about? I know she got barred from being on panels, but I'm wondering what's up with this.

>> No.77153383

See? It's totally possible for other chuubas to do this.

>> No.77153979
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>> No.77154062

She's just getting streamed on a tablet to people.

>> No.77154183

Nice. Any pics?

>> No.77154265

made a big deal out of being dropped from a panel, tried to leverage her phase connection but got ghosted then proceeded to go anyways since shewas indeed not banned.
somehow even to the signs are there, most of the phase community on-site still believe the "banned " rrat and are paying the con bill
grift successful

>> No.77154343

No the best move now, is stay quiet, a bunch of Phase Connect event will still happen, the moment you blame them they will make worse.

>> No.77154400
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Most likely accident/confidence. That being said it does take place in Commiefornia and I would not put it past any of those faggots to be petty just to "own le ebil nazes XDXD".

>> No.77154843

>an unintended broadcast and poor stream experience, as always.

>> No.77154949

Funny but I meant it the other way.

>> No.77154956
File: 1.47 MB, 2124x2730, IMG_1953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is exactly what I told some “executive” with OffKai. I had absolutely no idea how to find the people I wanted to see, after standing in a line for 45 minutes. And this is exactly what I told him as well: Hire professional management; increase the size of your venue.

a lot of shit is gonna have to change for me to do this next year.

>> No.77155071

get in here chuds





>> No.77155087

There's gotta be a better place elsewhere. Hell Vegas would probably be cheaper and better to move around.

>> No.77155116

doesn't stop the numbskulls from throwing rrats all over the place, unfortunately; given the multiple technical fuck ups that happened over the years at this con, it's most likely just that
just crumbs of a rrat, and there's plenty of people that eats it up

>> No.77155189

Cool for her, don't give a shit.

>> No.77155882

Dude half the audio from their own fucking stream was fucked up.

>> No.77156300

it's a strong theory but nothing confirmed. Could just as easily be plain incompetence.
Remember Kirsche's logs? Remember Offkai CEO leaking that volunteers had already mutinied because of Pippa last year but failed?

>> No.77156347

top kek

>> No.77156416

the Razor is reversed when dealing with clownworld stuff.

>> No.77156603

that already happened anon. Kirsche. And Pippa (unsuccessfully so). And that's only the ones confimed. Who knows what other commie fuckery do they got going on behind the scenes?

>> No.77156762

>me when I twist the truth beyond recognition
nice try Kirsche schizo

>> No.77156998

it's the same thing at TTG shops. Place reeks because nerds don't know what soap is.
Brought a girl to play there once but instantly regretted it because it was a particularly 'bad' day that day

>> No.77157098
File: 159 KB, 1470x980, rrat king2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just don't understand the rrat economy, peasant

>> No.77157305

I never understood this shit, how are they so comfortable smelling like literal shit.

>> No.77157451

Never expect this shit to work day 1, simple as

>> No.77157541

Anon... It's day 2/3

>> No.77157643

It's more than that. You know, you smell depending on what you eat and even the medication you take. Most of them are barely alive and walking around like decaying meat sacks due to their bad diets. It makes it smell so much worse than if they only didn't wash. Their clothes are musty too, because they don't hang it up to dry properly, and they're often fat so they sweat from all crevices and folds in their body. It all comes together to produce the most putrid odor you can imagine. In the worst cases their dehydrated and kidney damaged pee leaks out and mixes with the rest of the disgusting cloud.
I know this because I knew a guy that washed and used deodorant but his place was still unbearable, because the way he lived was so unhealthy.

>> No.77157727
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Fuck, been working the whole week, even today

>> No.77157826
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>> No.77157869

They are so locked up most times nobody tells them they smell like shit.
They hang around other people that also smell like shit
The average person doesn't stop to say "bro you smell like shit"
Their own family (who they almost always live with) rarely do as well, just silently show disappointment through passive remarks.

I fucking love TTGs (not same anon), but fuck me the community at large are disgusting as fuck.
Bring Back Bullying.
I'm a turbo nerd, I even helped my school set up after-school clubs with the teachers, but fuck me at least I washed and took care of myself, these fuckers have no excuses.

>> No.77160328

Anyone got a list of more or less all the streams walking around the con? I would like to skim through some of them in my free time.

>> No.77160355
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> Rest well for tomorrow's monday

>> No.77163312

Does she like the V-Dere girls now?

>> No.77164392

The concert is starting soon?

>> No.77165800


>> No.77166252
File: 927 KB, 1166x748, average Ludotek goer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what >>77157869
that and those kind of nerds don't get any kind of positive female attention so they stop trying, which makes them even more repulsing to women and people in general, reinforcing the cycle.
They even cope in amazing ways such as
>hurr I don't wanna be superficial like 'THOSE PEOPLE'!
superficial as in "learning to take basic care of yourself so you don't reek and are a sore sight to everyone around you"

>> No.77166258

99% kfp 1% othet fanbases

>> No.77166369

There's actually not that many KFP

>> No.77166691

makes sense. My mostly all organic diet severely reduced my body odour. When people say they can smell the doritos out of you, they mean it
Diet makes or breaks a person's living standard, more than exercise does.

>> No.77170111

Concert starting in stream.

>> No.77170196
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>> No.77170377

>kiara didn't write a pre-concert message

>> No.77170668

Oh wait look at all these vtubers on my screen at this vtuber convention. I've never seen so many vtubers yet so few at the same time.

>> No.77170703
File: 9 KB, 431x64, dasc_1824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spica still liveposting in chat

>> No.77170963
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>> No.77171116

Who the fuck care about this cringe fleshchoir

>> No.77171184

I'm gonna need a couple more swigs of vodka for this shit

>> No.77171255

they're wearing masks while singing...

>> No.77171451

I've seen worse choir performances desu

>> No.77171489

>crowd cheer more for Phase song than Myth group song
I fucking hate browns

>> No.77171607

This is a Phase con after all. For some reason, hololive doesn't wanna partake in the only EN chuuba-focused convention.

>> No.77171657

Is some woman just squeaking rather than singing?

>> No.77171688


>> No.77171713

yeah kek, some of the girls DO NOT know the songs

>> No.77171778

An hour delay and they are wasting even more time.
Cut it short

>> No.77171866


>> No.77171880

>hololive doesn't wanna partake in the only EN chuuba-focused convention
I think we're seeing EXACTLY why Hololive doesn't want to take part in this shitfest. Give me Super Expo West.

>> No.77171913


>> No.77172090

At least the room is full.

>> No.77172196

Believe it or not but most of the vtuber community doesn't like Hololive. I mean the vtubers, not the fans. But also a lot of the fans too. In Japan it almost killed them but the hardcore unicorns took over when another group caved.
Not out of jealousy, but because Hololive are insular as fuck and don't interact with outsiders as much as they used to, and shunned entire groups of people they used to hang out with.
Only a small number of them still actively interact with the greater community at large
If you knew how much hate Miko got back then you'd shid and piss yourself, because she got a lot of it for basically doing a Nyanners. Shuba as well, but less so because the majority of the fanbase are now unicorn tier listeners
Hololive lost so many friendships over the past 4 years.

>> No.77172236

I would be very surprised if they showed up next year for this or anyone else to be honest.

>> No.77172258

They'll delay the DJ dance party at 10:30 PM originally for this, but they were only late 30-40 minutes so not that bad. Also, it was mentioned that this "choir" would be the opening act, see >>77134802 for the day 2 schedule to coroborate that. I am watching the opening of the mini Phase concert in the meanwhile and keeping the concert muted and at minimum quality.

>> No.77172269

>few words

>> No.77172270

Nah, most volunteer-run conventions are full of scuff, it's just super obvious here because a lot of events are actually being streamed.
Last year, they didn't even let the homos show up.

>> No.77172317

what the fuck are you on about

>> No.77172366

Why not? The event sold out.

>> No.77172370

What the fuck are you talking about.

>> No.77172429
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x720, vtScreen--OffKaiExpo-Twitch-52’19”.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77172535

I think I understand. They don't want to give perms to collab unless the talents push for it? It's true hololive is pretty insular. They're protective of their throne, I guess.

>> No.77172763

>most volunteer-run conventions are full of scuff
Yes, that's exactly my point. Kiara is there and I bet anything it was Kiara requesting to go rather than Hololive sending someone on their behalf. Hololive isn't going to put its fate in the hands of a bunch ass-scratching volunteer apes and who could blame them? We've already seen a major agency's experience ruined.

>> No.77172810

good good, i was about to rrat

>> No.77173086

so is this live?

>> No.77173140

Yes. The stream is on right now.

>> No.77173276

Fuck off ENSharts
True. It's kinda sad to see.
Some companies basically disowned them entirely, like 774. Even Norio stopped interacting with them for a large part. (mind you a lot of that could be over Rushia)
Things were so much better...

>> No.77173430

Even if you're right, it's the only EN chuuba focused convention with a pretty decent attendance, so it's only going to grow from here.

Phase saw it as an opportunity, and despite them being shafted by the scuff, I'm pretty sure they'll keep supporting the event as it grows.

>> No.77173542

How many vtuber-focused conventions are there?
Most just sneak into normal anime conventions.

>> No.77173853

As far as I'm aware, this might be the only notable one. There's no real comparison in JP, unless you consider HoloFes as one. Some other countries might have very small events though, that I won't be assed to look for.

>> No.77174091


>> No.77174241

Definetly didn't talk with Mio before preparing the introduction script, otherwise she would have told the among us to kys if she was bringing some NTR joke about her cover

>> No.77174354

Didn't she also say that they surprised her by making her the first singer?

>> No.77174472

Yeah, I believe there's a nicely sized Vtubing convention in Europe now, but as for notable ones, OffKai is pretty much the biggest one that's focused on it

>> No.77174477

Thats actually good since she is supposed to have an offcollab in an hour and she is in some backroom right there at the con

>> No.77174489

A passionate audience makes it all better

>> No.77174568

It's still pretty fucked up if she would've sung different songs. But yeah that Among Us faggot should rope.

>> No.77174595

>she is in some backroom right there at the con
Yeah, with me

>> No.77174743

If your oshi is in this picture I literally JUST finished tugging my unprotected cock out of her creampied pussy

source: me

>> No.77174822

They found out one of her super bestie is now working at twitch and can kill their channel if they ruin Mio performance

>> No.77174907
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for me it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oCIRxBGgPc

>> No.77175371

Oh I'm sure Kiara will keep being involved with it because this kind of shit is her grindset. I just don't envision Hololive becoming more involved in OffKai and if anything I'd sooner believe that they were going to organize something like Super Expo now that Cover USA is in the works.

>> No.77175510

I fucking cutout of mint with penlights

>> No.77176101

Who is on the stage with Koe that voice sounded familiar and I'm having a stroke.

>> No.77176182

Just another "vtuber"

>> No.77176276


>> No.77176286

Is there a picture of that?

>> No.77176368

I didn't took a screenshot in tine

>> No.77176410

I made this post

>> No.77176471

when is Phase singing?

>> No.77176488

I am actually afraid Kiara will be the worst singer in the concert now

>> No.77176710
File: 844 KB, 1280x720, OffKaiExpo - #OffKaiGen3 | May 30 - June 2, 2024 | !schedule - Special Events.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77176818

Mint is an huge Mio fan too so this is quite kek

>> No.77176827

Who knows, but it's not an exaggeration to say most of holo are at the level of random picks of the very few that were competent enough to not mess up their audition form. Corpo prestige tends to be retroactive after they debut, not predictive of their debut.

>> No.77176874

>they rainfurrest their own convention over sensitive volunteers
lmao, hope the fish just cancels his check. In the business world you have to sometimes bit your tongue and smile if you want to succeed. californians are so used to being handed money or political correctness they don't know how to do business

>> No.77176893

>most of the vtuber community doesn't like Holo
Ah you mean the good old jp full of niji fag and nijisisters? Now? Nah, they aren't hated because insular but because they are nijifag tribal enemy and they refund to kneel for retards like woketard and unity fag with grifter and now tell me how big of "failure" Because of that? Oh wait they are become successful, lost friendship? Pfft more like lose retards, good riddance.

>> No.77177064

look anon i'm sure you've put a lot of effort into learning english but sometimes it's just better to find other ways to spend your time and cut your losses

>> No.77177125

I'm Convinced the staff is just a bunch of no name indie vtubers who want to suck as many dicks as possible in hopes that someone popular will make them popular cause they invited them.

>> No.77177140
File: 68 KB, 600x580, 1697892519928545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Believe it or not but most of the vtuber community doesn't like Hololive

>> No.77177213

Anon, the rest of the vtuber community thinks Myth is mid and watch Promise/Advent if they do watch holoEN.

>> No.77177247

Isn't that the case though? 1view and 2view indie vtubers and their mods.

>> No.77177436

>Super Expo now that Cover USA is in the works
Not to say it's not going to happen, but I'll believe it when I see it

>> No.77177482
File: 27 KB, 559x549, 1692086011123583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

staff is shit but still picrel

>> No.77177601

Yeah I love how all these people are forced to sing hololive songs even though they hate them. Cover is so evil.

>> No.77177642

>Super Expo
>In NA
That would be a HUUGE feat for Cover if they can get it done. But doubt it will be possible for another 5 or so years.

>> No.77177803

Is the video stuttering for anyone else?

>> No.77177829

I'm laughing at him anon, not with him. Only retards think people don't like Holo when they're literally the sole reason they exploded in the west in the first place.

>> No.77177871

holos are great. holofags are a fucking blight.

>> No.77178167

No, working fine for me, seems like whatever streaming issues they had earlier is gone.

>> No.77178334

I've never understood why people say this, holofags are mostly the most casual/normalfag type of vtuber fans meanwhile nijifags and phasefags are actual cancer but especially nijifags, literally the worst vtuber fanbase

>> No.77178815

holofags are extremely into idolfaggotry and think kpop is a good model for vtubing, are extreme casuals and tourists as you mentioned, have nothing but disdain towards the literal sources of their own chuubas, has flooded the hobby with dramaniggers and redditors, and their tribalniggery is from my perspective by far the worst out of any large group of vtuber fans: the vast majority of them oshi the company, not the chuubas.

>> No.77178908

but you just described Niji?

>> No.77178997

this is such a delusional take lmao
basically all vtubers outside of Hololive follow it religiously and want to be like Hololive in many ways e.g. the fact that every vtuber seems to know holo songs, knows who all the holomems are, has to have lore just like Hololive, even the way they debut and the formats they use (like schedules and the way said schedules look) is just like Hololive
Hololive is pretty obviously the most well liked and culturally influential vtuber company on the scene and its delusional to claim otherwise
>If you knew how much hate Miko got back then you'd shid and piss yourself, because she got a lot of it for basically doing a Nyanners. Shuba as well
it's funny how your only proof is shit that is ancient
>In Japan it almost killed them but the hardcore unicorns took over
>the majority of the fanbase are now unicorn tier listeners
this is also delusional considering how like half of JP collab with and interact with males now regularly
retards like you seem to base your impression of the Hololive fanbase entirely on a tiny microscopic bunch of schizos here for some reason even though it's so obvious when you look at just the level of popularity that Hololive has and how any casual fan acts outside of here that it can't be true that the whole fanbase is full of unicorn schizo incel types

>> No.77179000

i obviously did not. and there are 10x as many holofags as there are nijinigs, so obviously they're more annoying if you aren't invested in the tranny console wars shit.

>> No.77179085
File: 380 KB, 1019x480, 1691716793765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but it was when this meme began to make the rounds that I realized I wasn't a holofag anymore. Scapegoating all 2views, such as the sweet girl we're watching now, because of internal rot as a result of their numberfaggotry and idolfaggotry.

I'm not a holofan anymore. I'm a chuuba fan, numbers and clout be damned.

>> No.77179158

Sounds like offkai fishing for any excuse for their incompetence yet again. I don't think the fish bit the bait.

>> No.77179157

Again, describing nijifag behavior, especially with what happened with Selen this year. But keep going anon.

>> No.77179245

There are 10x as many Nijifags as there are Holofags? Guess you're one of the smarter Holofags.

>> No.77179359

>holofags are extremely into idolfaggotry and think kpop is a good model for vtubing
wtf are you even talking about, no they aren't
>are extreme casuals and tourists as you mentioned
are they idolfag/unicorn types or not? both of these things can't be true at the same time, retard
also casuals are not the worst kind of fans - the worst kinds of fans are the toxic harassment-obsessed and vitriolic purity testing freaks like what Nijifags are
>and their tribalniggery is from my perspective by far the worst out of any large group of vtuber fans
Nijifags are bigger tribalfags by fucking far, it's not even close
meanwhile there's actually some crossover with certain holofags and other groups e.g. deadbeats tend to also be phasefags, KFP has overlap with literally anyone Kiara interacts with
>the vast majority of them oshi the company, not the chuubas
this is not remotely true and the proof of this is how holos that have left the company still maintain their fans and whales e.g. Rushia and how many holofags brazenly follow the other accounts of holos even outside of vtubing

>> No.77179440

>the worst kinds of fans are the toxic harassment-obsessed and vitriolic purity testing freaks like what Nijifags are
>Nijifags are bigger tribalfags by fucking far, it's not even close
all of you trannies need to rope

>> No.77179504

What kind of small world do you live in?

>> No.77179548

>I'm not a holofag anymore because of a few shitposters on a niche basket weaving forum
wow you're retarded
maybe don't spend all day on here and take this little place seriously? Dumbfuck

>> No.77179626

Lotta retard arguments
anyway, fun performances so far.

>> No.77179644

I sleep

>> No.77179708

>are they idolfag/unicorn types or not? both of these things can't be true at the same time, retard
Unicorns make a small portion of the sea of casuals/tourist
>also casuals are not the worst kind of fans
I would bet money you're one if you're saying this
>>the vast majority of them oshi the company, not the chuubas
>this is not remotely true

>> No.77179716

>the worst kinds of fans are the toxic harassment-obsessed and vitriolic purity testing freaks like what Nijifags are
after seeing how nijifags have been this year with all the drama bullshit I have no idea how anyone could not come to this conclusion
it's literally just true, nijifags act this bad openly on twitter it's as clear as day not to mention how they're well known for things like harassing Aloe into graduation

>> No.77179728

Most holofans might be casuals, but that doesn't prevent them from also fielding most of the uber tribalistic retards who spend more time shitting on everything that isn't their company.

>> No.77179737

enough about nijisanji sisters, you are SUCK at this shit.

>> No.77179799

>nijifags are a fucking blight

>> No.77179876

so you agree that most holofags are not unicorn types then?

>> No.77179905

I hate all of you trannies you stupid fucking tranny. You're so blinded by it you can't even comprehend that someone who doesn't like you isn't from your designated list of enemies. Of the two, holofags are worse because there are far more than them. That's it. If there were more nijiniggers or phaseniggers, they'd be worse.

>> No.77180021

>a few shitposters
I disagree. It's extremely prevalent, even today.
Holofags are everything they claim the other fanbases are, to absolve them of their own behavior. I agree with the other anons that the tribalism made me nope out of the community.

It's much comfier in the 2-3view world where there's much more /unity/ to be found.

>> No.77180036

>it's another episode of nijifags projecting and doing the 'well holofags are tribalistic so therefore that pre-emptively justifies our shitty behavior and shitting on holos somehow' routine
every time lmao

>> No.77180160

>tranny tranny tranny tranny
actually obsessed lol
stop thinking about trannies all the time you weirdo

>> No.77180162

look sister, i'm sure you've put a lot of effort to shit offkai thread with shitting on holo because your garbage niji got kicked, but use something more realistic than "everyone hate holo" which is the dumbest shit any vtuber fans would say because thats not true at all KEK

>> No.77180247

Where do I fuck sluts at offkai?

>> No.77180254

bau bau go back to your subreddit if you're squeamish about getting called a tranny, nigger

>> No.77180268

>It's extremely prevalent
it's not really prevalent outside of here and letting shitposts here affect your own behavior and what you watch is retarded

>> No.77180308

You're not far off. At least one of them is literally a member of a tiny indie group and that group has reserved booths in the Vendor Hall. Pretty easy to figure out who staff is from the Discord.

>> No.77180368

>I'm not a holofan anymore
you never a holofan to begin with LMAO
>scapegoating all 2 views
sister pls stop being a retard for a sec.

>> No.77180370

anyone who thinks about trannies that much and sees them everywhere probably is one themselves

>> No.77180414

Can you fanbase warriors take this elsewhere? You literally drove this thread to bump limit over your petty bickering.

>> No.77180509

I'm also a holofag but you need to learn English you fucking retard, your posts are a mess to read
and stop using buzzwords all the time, it makes you look like a low iq midwit

>> No.77180723

listen retards, you faggot claim holo is insular "walled garden" then their fans goes triballistic over other company, thats not possible retard, because holo fans are in the walled garden they dont give a fuck about other company, let alone "triballistic" and spend time shitting on other company fuckng dumbass.

>> No.77180811

>I hate all of you trannies you stupid fucking tranny. You're so blinded by it you can't even comprehend that someone who doesn't like you isn't from your designated list of enemies. Of the two, holofags are worse because there are far more than them. That's it. If there were more nijiniggers or phaseniggers, they'd be worse.
an actual retard holy shit, take your meds, like for real, your logic is beyond retarded.

>> No.77180844

like FOR REAL for real?

>> No.77180915

>i'm a retard and i leave holo community
good riddance, never come back, holo comunity even better now.

>> No.77181111

you want to range ban the entire seamonkey pagpag region? or start deleting all nijis thread? go ahead, thats how you do it, after nyfco down and offkai kick niji, what do you expect?

>> No.77181145


>> No.77181194

>I'm also a holofag
sure you are but i'm not holofag sister, too bad, now look for less retarded shit to use for your bullshit

>> No.77181198

>skits by overweight indie vtubers irl
This is what you get.

>> No.77181211

holo had a brown branch before it had an english branch too.

>> No.77181317

No, I'm requesting nicely for the people who were discussing off-topic fanbase warring to leave the thread especially with bump limit activated so the people interested in the topic at hand can still do so and have some peace and quiet now that the thread is sinking into the archive inevitably. It works in both our mutual interests.

>> No.77181334

Jesas this Vivi person is fucking cringe

>> No.77181367

>it's only /here/
No, it's not. hololive subreddit banned anything not related to holomems, and fancords don't have other chuuba channels.

Honestly, I'm glad I left. I probably wouldn't have discovered as many amazing and talented chuubas as I have, if I had stayed insulated or hateful of the "out-group" like a lot of the hololive community.

>> No.77181460

and what? "hurr durr its holofag not niji who shit on holo, create holo vs holo literally everywhere because now everyone hate niji" you gonna pull the classic sister retarded move?

>> No.77181533

>male "pinoy" gone
I awake!

Listen, I don't mind Bao, but this girl is a fleshtuber

>> No.77181631

how much fleshtubing shit has she done? I remember seeing her do irl cooking with squchan recently

>> No.77181638

like i said its IMPOSSIBLE and ofc you can see it yourself always the typical "but holo is bad, holo is actually hated, they are triballist, muh unicorn" then followed by the same typical, this will never gone from here, not during luxiem/niji rise years ago and not after their downfall.

>> No.77181678

>I derisively point out that both corps had a brown branch before an english branch
you trannies are literally incapable of deviating from script

>> No.77181721

You can imagine she caved to pressure when they told her to play along and hype up the crowd, gassing her up and gaslighting her too. Never put yourself in that situation is the lesson here.

>> No.77181805

its amazing how a retard be like "i'm glad i'm retarded, look at how retarded i'am" holy shit KEK and yeah lucky for holo community free from you LMAO

>> No.77181816

I don't fuck a flying fuck to engage in your off topic issues, I want it taken elsewhere and since we're talking past each other, I'm don't care to engage further. Go sink with this thread, and may the records show you and others that ruined the thread are faggots through and through.

>> No.77181897

>Bao's tits flying around
>Niggas would rather argue with each other
so sad...

>> No.77182136


>> No.77182200

w-what is this?

>> No.77182238

>asking question why thread full of shit
>then bitching when ppl giving the answer
fckng retard go cry somewhere else

>> No.77182261

she accidentally flashed her ass during an IRL stream

>> No.77182277

>hololive subreddit banned anything not related to holomems, and fancords don't have other chuuba channels
literally wtf is even wrong with this? Why would they have offtopic things anyway? What a strange complaint

>> No.77182310

1077 it is, then

>> No.77182312

>you trannies
the classic

>> No.77182334

thanks, i guess?

>> No.77182398

he is retarded, pls andastand

>> No.77182547

threadly reminder she used to hang out on this site with Nyanners

>> No.77182819

Without context? Nothing.
With context? Indies can't post tributes or covers or anything hololive related, because doing so can be considered "advertising vtubers outside of hololive" by the mods or "leeching" by /here/.
Same for fancords, the only harm in allowing chuuba discussion is their fear of "leeching".

I've seen so many great covers of holosongs done by geniune fan chuubas, gone unnoticed by everyone but their own community.

Like I said, the holo community is too insular and I'm glad I'm no longer a part of it.

>> No.77183018

Wtf is this shit. No Bao fan better ever talk bad about Mori's music.

>> No.77183144

They're fine with it because the literal company is their oshi. They value the success of the company more than they value vtubing, which is why they're so aggressive about any perceived possible competition.

>> No.77183185

>he actually did it
I fucking hate KFP

>> No.77183290

>With context? Indies can't post tributes or covers or anything hololive related, because doing so can be considered "advertising vtubers outside of hololive" by the mods or "leeching" by /here/
fancords aside I still fail to see what is wrong with this, the Hololive subreddit is specifically just for discussion of Hololive and its members themselves and trying to go there to shill for your own shit outside of that seems pretty straighforwardly offtopic/bad and the Hololive subreddit isn't unique in being like this
I don't think you're even right after about the fancords either since I'm pretty sure some of them even have 'other vtuber' chats in them

anyway, changing your media consumption and interests based on the fanbase of anything or what certain sites do just seems retarded
your opinions on things and what you choose to watch is literally being ruled by other people, that's stupid

>> No.77183499

>if you're a fan of Hololive you have to also go out of your way to support random other vtubers for some reason
literally why
what kind of victim complex shit is this? What obligation does a fan of one specific thing have to also support unrelated things? It's not a fucking charity
also people being fans of Hololive vtubers but not non-Hololive vtubers doesn't mean they oshi the company it just means they are fans of those vtubers specifically

>> No.77183532

I will never associate with the Western "vtuber" community.

>> No.77183838

I used to defend hololive like them, back when Coco was still around. But vtubing is no longer hololive and vice versa. I feel like I'm not alone, since a lot of small corpos and indies have grown a ton recently. So in some respects, they should be afraid, but I also think it's a good thing because competition drives change for the better.

There's the poisonous word. Everything is a perceived "buy an ad" and a "who?".
Not everything is an ad, and not everyone is shilling. That's the real problem with the mentality of hololive's community. Most of the time, it's fellow fans trying to share their passions, and just because they're chuubas themselves, they're forbidden from doing so with fellow fans. If you want to be cynical and claim everything everyone does is for self-gain, then that's your prerogative but I am not because I actually watch them and know what they're like.

There's absolutely no obligation. They're free to do what they want and to keep doing it, but their reason for doing so is the reason I'm no longer around. I appreciate chuubas of any stripe, as long as they align with my values, and so I refuse to partake in being part of a community that is adverse to chuubas not part of hololive.

>> No.77183896



>> No.77183995

She's so gigantic...

>> No.77183999

>vtubing is no longer hololive
>Kiwawa is on the telly at the vtuber expo right now
what did he mean by this

>> No.77184062

You know what I mean. Bach then, it was much more straightforward.

Now shush and let's watch Kiara. I said I was a chuuba fan, and I like Kiara!
