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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 32 KB, 585x265, offkai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77069646 No.77069646 [Reply] [Original]

So why do people even bother about this con other than to rail some 2views?

>> No.77070292


>> No.77070593

>So why do people even bother about this con other than to rail some 2views
Isn't that the entire point?

>> No.77072002

This is an issue for most cons though, isn't it?
Every time I go to one my data gets absolutely fucked due to the number of people packed in one area, all trying to use their phones.
Western countries gotta get their cellular infrastructure up to East Asia standards for this to stop being an issue.

>> No.77075851

Like this anon mentioned >>77072002
it happens at every type of con that's packed, or have you gone to some type of festival it's the same

>> No.77075860

Well it's supposed to be offkai not onkai

>> No.77076541


>> No.77077168

Sounds like average American internet

>> No.77077182

Con internet is mostly at the mercy of the venue and they mostly suck.

>> No.77077622

I'm there how do I fuck 2views?

>> No.77080185

Maybe the organizers should have spent more time worrying about that than seething and making a big spectacle about Kirsche.

>> No.77081408

my little techno-challenged zoomer, you are not going to get a good wifi connection in a place full of smartphones, tablets, etc. the bandwidth its limited and the connection will get interrupted quite often, stop being retarded.

>> No.77082704

anime NYC was terrible for wifi but anime boston was fine

>> No.77083767

Nothing they can do about it, the sheer amount of B.O messes with the signal

>> No.77085844

>rail some 2views
do you need something else? what else matters?

>> No.77088156

Dont forget the occasional 3view, those also get railed

>> No.77088823

What's this I keep on reading about Offkai having orgies and shit? Is there actual evidence of it happening or is it all just shitposting?

>> No.77090655

What about 4views?

>> No.77090861

Considering how you have vtubers saying they're going to be there in person, and people meeting up for casual sex at any conventions is not completely unheard of, it's not that out of pocket for some people to assume you're going to have some losers there who think they'll get to fuck their 2-3 view oshis IRL.

>> No.77093450


>> No.77093592

4views are the railers, not railees.

>> No.77093769

it does unironically happen from time to time but 99% of the permavirgins showing up are gonna be disappointed. and if you want to rail your 3 view oshi you better have been an oiler

>> No.77094156

They're trying it from the hotel, which is one of the last places you should be going to find decent internet. As a person that lives in the SF Bay Area with a tech job, to get that, any convention center that regularly hosts tech conferences where multiple journalists will be streaming and online at the same time to get scoops and etc. from tech companies will be able to handle Offkai's internet workloads where the demand is going to be a fraction of that. Doing this from a hotel is understandable because they started small but the fact they sold out and despite that still had multiple time and tech issues and are still volunteer ran mostly screams incompetence in this area that won't be fixed anytime soon. All that upgrading the venue would do is bankrupt them via driving the price of entry even higher.

>> No.77099985

fuck you

>> No.77103749

Even outside of 4chan, phoneposters ruin everything.

>> No.77104021


>> No.77105142

No one will ever forget

>> No.77105345

cons need to have separate internet for attendees and hosts otherwise shit gets way too congested.

>> No.77105417
File: 4 KB, 225x225, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy ... I can't really think of ANY reason why they aren't able to setup a wifi correctly and ensure a stable connection

... no reason at all...

>> No.77105516

I'm not there and would like to know this.

>> No.77105618 [DELETED] 


>> No.77105829

mostly faggots who want people to think they're hot shit for banging a 3/10 they met at a convention and incessantly post about it every time a convention is mentioned. other incels repeat to sound like they're in the 'in crowd' and have totally had sex at a convention

>> No.77107680

why does it matter?

>> No.77108593

It doesn't, but it keeps triggering people so that's that

>> No.77110323

It's not impossible, it's just expensive. Most purpose built event spaces have proper connectivity setup for both cellular and wifi infrastructure even with large crowds. You can always add additional infrastructure just for the event as well, but it's still a cost issue.
Comiket with their insane crowd still had serviceable connection.

>> No.77110611

Eh, it's mostly a networking convention where 2 views get to meet each other.

>> No.77113516


>> No.77113665

hate that word

>> No.77114485

People are gross. They're even more gross when they're expected to be gross.

>> No.77116306

