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77054804 No.77054804 [Reply] [Original]


If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

ASMR Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Nise Menhera Twitter:https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter:https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead):https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead):https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: soon™

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>76993294

>> No.77054945


>> No.77054979

Miss me wife, simple as.

>> No.77055043

I will endure and my love will prevail

>> No.77055100

whenever you feel like your wife doesn't care about you, always remember that at least she hasn't been forced to ignore you in other streams

>> No.77055235
File: 2.73 MB, 606x416, 1698558350769407.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love the shondo

>> No.77055406
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you *are* prepared to go years without a stream for her, right shogga? you made a promise

>> No.77055431

Not being forced is worse though. It means she actively acknowledges your response and chooses to not respond. She might as well flat out say she wants nothing to do with you at that point. She would never do that of course because that means another potential pay piggy down the drain.

>> No.77055465

can't relate

>> No.77055528

unironically yes

>> No.77055556

Do you even have to ask? Each day already feels like an eternity, it makes no difference.

>> No.77055612


>> No.77055680

i will patently wait as long as it takes

>> No.77055771

At this point i've accepted that this is a cuck marriage. She'll continue to live her life having fun without me while i'm over here alone saying "I love my wife" over and over again in my cage.

>> No.77055808

Man how do you still suck at this

>> No.77055843

Why would I do that. I'm constantly working towards a life where I'll be happy and satisfied without her. I don't want to be dewd years old and still sitting in the same chair watching vods of a dead British woman wondering where my life went.

>> No.77055862

fr he's been practicing these posts for so long too
the good farmers probably retired after ray's melty

>> No.77055906

2 months has been a long time arent you ready to come back home yet wifey?

>> No.77055930


>> No.77055968

Da Klub is her home now.

>> No.77056025

did you figure out who she replied to in Lilys stream? was it some random?

>> No.77056033

Her indifference is simply spiteful revenge at this point. We've caused her grief and this is how she is repaying her husbands. The bare-minimum is genuinely too much to ask of her because we aren't even deserving of that. Even though she'll say we saved her from offing herself. Even though we are the reason her Forest Elder got new fucking teeth. We are not worth the bare-minimum.

>> No.77056061

i promised her eternity and that is what she will get from me

>> No.77056072

get out from under there you look silly

>> No.77056107

yes I think we'll have to derek someone else

>> No.77056225

I'll be there for her return stream no matter what
Unless I'm busy that day
Or I slept in
Or I just don't feel like it anymore

>> No.77056264

seethe manipulator

>> No.77056278 [DELETED] 

75 minutes (shondo time) until an entire month has passed without a stream

>> No.77056383

i think you mean 2 months shiggy unless youre a time traveler

>> No.77056387

No one is seething, shogger. I am just speaking up for those who are feeling the same way. There is nothing to actually seethe about when the feeling is quite disappointing. She could be doing better and you don't feel the same.

>> No.77056449

if that bothers you shondo you should just say so

>> No.77056526

shondo dont give us updates anymore just tweet cat gifs that convey how youre feeling

>> No.77056548


>> No.77056703

shes using likes to convey how shes feeling
her latest main like is her feeling like she doesnt have enough money while also shitting on americans :c

>> No.77056718

>lost track of time
man this hiatus hitting hard

>> No.77056724

it's still a manipulative post and you're lying to yourself or us because the way you're describing it does not reflect the reality of this >>77056033 post

>> No.77056743

I don't know what she is feeling. I dont actually think she hates us but I would be lying If I said I wasn't worried. I have been going through some weird mood swings.

>> No.77056800

You're right. There is nothing entertaining about the facts of the matter. Her apathetic view of her husbands has been rather blatant and straightforward as more time has passed.

>> No.77056829

I miss my wife, but she doesn't miss me. That's what hurts the most.

>> No.77056868

bitch got me like a crackhead with these tweets. where’s my next hit, shondo? i NEED it!

>> No.77056935

i liked the one about being an npc. shes just like me fr

>> No.77057098

it's okay guys she'll tweet something in 54 minutes

>> No.77057155

my anxious shaking like a leaf scared wife

>> No.77057273

its okay
nade nade
youre alright
nade nade nade
everythings okay

>> No.77057323

thank you shondo :>

>> No.77057376

why like the elden ring message?
it wasn’t very funny and she didn’t care for ER all that much.

also what is up with fags that act like they love and miss her so much when they haven’t even seen her live? shigger you’ve barely been around for a month, you’re not missing shit

>> No.77057445

>why like the elden ring message?
it's a lotr joke anon

>> No.77057455


>> No.77057688

>the only people that love and miss her are tourists
strange narrative but ok, shogger

>> No.77057695

honeymoon phase is real anon

>> No.77058084

Yeah, but it’s like if I said “uuuuuuuuu i miss going to mars uuuuuu”. How can miss something you never experienced?

>> No.77058191

open xitter
search shondo
click like and retweet on every post you see

>> No.77058580

why did you want me to see this?

>> No.77058585

yes, absolutely

>> No.77058939

hey look it's dewd!

>> No.77059226

fuck he makes me wet

>> No.77059295

he looks so round
like a giant boob
fuck that turns me on so hard

>> No.77059606

no, I mean you. you are boring

>> No.77059697

farmerkun your entire post falls flat because you didnt watch the lotr stream

>> No.77059786

slowly figuring out the people in this community that are two faced or passive aggressive horrible people. sadly it's the people that i have the most fun with. im pretty certain they're all scheming behind the scenes. remember to trust no one. they're all keeping logs, they're all just waiting for you to mess up, they all hate you

>> No.77059832

i was there for whole stream
i thought it was a meme like “press Q by lava” in minecraft

>> No.77059937

>two faced or passive aggressive horrible people
That's what the antis want you to think. I am none of those things and I hate nobody

>> No.77059964

No shit. This is a rat race and i'm going to win.

>> No.77060079
File: 446 KB, 511x549, 1684203671521123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's my fute bagel

>> No.77060168

This is what shoggers say publicly
This is what the same shoggers say privately

>> No.77060199

your kind are always the worst ones

>> No.77060276

you dont know the half of it
im watching your every move
i have PI's staked outside your house
i am tapped into your router

>> No.77060308

this is a farmer

>> No.77060398

this is a two faced slimy cunt. I'll never trust you again

>> No.77060506

take your meds

>> No.77060697

This is also what I'm saying here. Obviously I can't prove anything but I genuinely believe from the 50 people here it's only a small handful who are assholes and hateful.

>your kind
people who don't act like assholes and dont think everybody around them has to be malicious and two-faced? ok

>> No.77060731

Thanks. I try to stay blunt and honest. It's more healthy that way.

>> No.77060859

I am so sorry guys, her family will give a statement in 2 days. Stay strong....

>> No.77060861

so fucking fake. you are truly the worst

>> No.77060913

why are they always trying to get me to lower my guard. they're trying to lull me into a false sense of security for some reason. they're planning something. they're all working together on a big project

>> No.77060959
File: 1.04 MB, 220x220, 1713870333700310.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naur...she was just in Nina's stream

>> No.77061004

Funny because I'm trying to be pretty honest here. I dont know what to tell you but I guess stay paranoid and sad if you love it so much...

I am not saying you should tell people your secrets and personal data

>> No.77061036

That was what crossed the line for me. I had to kidnap her after how she acted so whorish to nina but not me.

>> No.77061043
File: 212 KB, 558x513, 1701360871523161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77061091

The worst part with you guys is this could either be someone trying to get everyone paranoid making them the exact type of person theyre fearmongering about, or it could be someone like shondo having a real paranoid meltdown.

>> No.77061109

shut the fuck up cunt
you wasted all of your goodwill already

>> No.77061142

I said stop!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.77061237
File: 2.64 MB, 498x284, nadenade.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok shonshon. I know even chatting in other streams is nerve-racking for you. Stay strong.

>> No.77061253

I don't want to know how you're fucking feeling in the form of stupid memes or twitter likes. Speak to us or end this garbage excuse for a marriage already.

>> No.77061262
File: 9 KB, 128x128, 1700347396272971.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad I learned to just stop thinking. Never been happier. Also, I love my wife very much.

>> No.77061316

that bag of bones? my oshi

>> No.77061349

>The worst part with you guys is this could either be someone trying to get everyone paranoid

Could be but I wouldn't be surprised if there are people who are so jaded and bitter they genuinely think everybody who doesn't act abrasive and hostile like them is fake

>> No.77061392

shhhhh nade nade its okay dont listen

>> No.77061402

he's not completely wrong, there are shoggers doing things like that
they're not being serious if you couldn't tell

>> No.77061527

it's not a meltdown. im not paranoid and i don't need to take my meds. you seem like the paranoid one to me. Im just telling you the things i see. the ones at fault are the ones trying to shut me up and call me crazy.

>> No.77061606
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE fallenshadow!!!! i miss her a lot!! im happy shes doing well lately!!!! im happy that shes feeling good enough to chat with her friends and have fun in their streams!! i cant wait for us to have fun together in streams together soon!!! i love you shondo!!! keep inclining!!! youre the cutest youre the greatest youre the most precious and nisest and best girl ever!!!!

>> No.77061645

right, you're trying to plant a mind virus that will cause more fighting

>> No.77061777

i actually like the worm farmers now
i think its a good way to filter all the newfags and weak shoggers

>> No.77061910
File: 847 KB, 506x587, 1706731746835321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo if you're here I just want to say I hope you enjoyed watching Nina's stream. Don't stress yourself out too much over the shoggas complaining. They just don't understand proper streaming etiquette.

Also say hi to Otis for me.

>> No.77061925

Most shoggers barely post. I think the normal off-stream numbers were 20-28 and that was without a long hiatus.

>> No.77061936

no it isnt, you havent filtered any newfags. tha

>> No.77061969

you're always doing this to me and they always take your side

>> No.77062029


>> No.77062034

real question dewd, why are you so blasé with how horny you are for asian women?

>> No.77062096

i only come here to say that i love shondo and sometimes to say hi to thread reading shondo. hi thread reading shondo! i love you!

>> No.77062113

just dm him bro

>> No.77062226

fucking fibber

>> No.77062379

dm me

>> No.77062404

i am le hecking wholesome totally not faking my entire personally

>> No.77062474

I don't actually have a personality and I change my opinions depending on who I'm trolling

>> No.77062519

what do mean? she tweeted on the alt?

>> No.77062640

sorry you feel that way

>> No.77062755
File: 41 KB, 506x443, 1715986678693104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i'm pretty tame about it? the things i like/follow on my private account are far more blatant lol. but racial preferences are based and i like sharing those preferences with my wife.

>> No.77062803

kill yourself i'm not reading all that

>> No.77062854
File: 154 KB, 1318x1068, 1706283341205838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77062897

we are the true husbands
anyone not there is an irrelevant poser and likely a cheater

>> No.77062941

even here people are trying to take the spot light away from where it should be. i mention you and your team briefly and all of a sudden these people appear. copying my writing style. telling me I'm crazy and then making fake posts pretending to be me to take away my credibility. how far does your influence reach. stop following me.

>> No.77062944

you wont make it to the end of summer before being banned again

>> No.77062947

nta or on topic but why do you hate me

>> No.77062977
File: 3.82 MB, 1920x1080, KiiroKuma - 104073664 - doodling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she knows much more about the sort of people who's complaining than we give her credit for. She grew up surrounded by that sort of attention, to say they give her the ick would be an understatement. She probably enjoys watching them squirm.
Just don't get too carried away, Shonshon. Everyone is genuinely starved for some of your affection.

>> No.77063077
File: 17 KB, 353x556, 1712549773920330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't even know who you are shiggie

>> No.77063167

cute glasses nerd (non-derogatory)

>> No.77063307

Goodnight chat
Hope you get the help you need. Genuinely.

>> No.77063352
File: 360 KB, 1536x2048, GIMRfGeXIAAP_nt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you and your team
Im putting together a team. You in, you sick sonofabitch?

>> No.77063423

i WILL have sex with * while she is wearing her glasses.

>> No.77063535

she does cares

>> No.77063588

>does cares

>> No.77063640

you saying she doesn't? Kill yourself

>> No.77063658

lol irl

>> No.77064863
File: 493 KB, 684x727, IMG_3176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats my cute nerd of a wife. I love love love love love her.

>> No.77065721


>> No.77066622

I know it's friday night but why isn't anyone posting. what are you all doing.

>> No.77066661

feeling bad for myself because i did something stupid

>> No.77066663

asians have the best abs

>> No.77066712

thinkin about wife

>> No.77066797
File: 3.34 MB, 600x340, 1715436667424158.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77066857
File: 1.57 MB, 960x1660, 105_copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo i want to be with you forever and give you everything you ever want or need

>> No.77067454
File: 761 KB, 960x1234, 1689380649364869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm depressed and i miss my wife. i hate not being able to even hear from her at all like this. i hate reading up on chatterino logs to just catch a small glimpse of her saying anything to gauge if she is doing alright. i hate not being able to make her laugh and i hate that i feel selfish for even thinking this. it sucks. it all fucking sucks. i miss my wife.

>> No.77067675


>> No.77068261

grinding against shondo’s ass at da klub

>> No.77068280

playing a video game

>> No.77068784
File: 327 KB, 984x841, 1709627479324289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's so fucking funny, jack?

>> No.77069268

nah nothing. I wanted to be mean but what's the point. you enjoy yourself

>> No.77069578

>i hate that i feel selfish for even thinking this
I feel the same way. I guess I just have to be patient and hopeful for the future. Things are going in the right direction even if I feel lonely and everything sucks now.

>> No.77069731
File: 522 KB, 757x657, 1706883737432632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i appreciate it. enjoy yourself too.

>> No.77069794

it feels like pre wife time for me, 0 energy and my room looks like a garbage dump

>> No.77070403

the people to have the most fun with are entirely nise shoggers some just have a bit of menhera
i wont list them cause thats gay but they definitely arent two faced

>> No.77070492

Did Shondo ever finish Simulacra (haunted phone simulator)? I can't find a continuation of it on the vod channel.

>> No.77070774

You're probably right. I was just having an episode I think.

>> No.77072222

moobie in 1.5

>> No.77072512

I think she just didnt want to continue it if there was more but i could swear there was a second game she tried.

>> No.77072559
File: 3.92 MB, 560x350, whoawow[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fnme3mc.ogg].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77073969

shondo if she real

>> No.77074117

i would love to unload my semen all over my wife’s cute boychest.

>> No.77074180

hory sheet

>> No.77074341

shondo could have gotten a real job

>> No.77074504

You better not be fibbing...
Otherwise I'm gonna cry :(

>> No.77074536

pretty sure ive seen the top left cutting herself on twitter
she went REAL deep like down to the meat

>> No.77074737

I feel really fucking dumb letting my t3 sub renewal go through given the present situation.
Oh well, not next time.

>> No.77074748

Is breast size equal to milk quantity? Will flat chested womens breasts grow much with pregnancy or will their nipples just grow? Can they even produce milk?

>> No.77074987

Not equal no
I think shondo does have some actual breast tissue (not just fat)
No glandular tissue though like loli then no milk

>> No.77075109

Thanks for passing your knowledge down.

>> No.77075124

she might have still padded a little for babymetal, but it seems like she has some titty meat

>> No.77076242

I restarted my t3 6 month sub while she was on hiatus oops

>> No.77076759 [DELETED] 

Wow that's awful, got any pics?

>> No.77077064

nah i didnt save it and i dont rember the name
you could probably find it by just searching for the japanese word for self harm

>> No.77077896

ur rong

>> No.77078035

desperate men give women the ick. its scientific fact

>> No.77078622

i made this post

>> No.77078862

I just party timed to the one photo I said I'd never party time to
this hiatus has me messed up real bad guys
does anyone remember which stream Shonshon spoke about washing her feet in extreme detail during?

>> No.77078994

>ruri moving on to draw the new AVtuber
looks what happens when you can't satisfy your husbands shondo
they're all leaving one after another

>> No.77079042

dunno the date but it was the stream where she went out with mama and FE and stepped into a puddle

>> No.77079087

which photo?

>> No.77079150

that's her goal, there are only 150 or so husbands who regularly give her money. she's trying to trim as much fat as she can

>> No.77079172 [DELETED] 


>> No.77079258

>trim as much fat
no matter how hard she tries she'll never get rid of the groomsquad

>> No.77079263

thank you, I think this was around her last birthday? time flies


>> No.77079681

but that’s the best one to party time to? what do you usually use?

>> No.77079861

Going through one of my biggest episodes ever but if a stupid bitch from England can do it then so can I.

>> No.77079877

the "fat" she just trimmed was one of her most talented artist who drew her nipple while she was in the bath

>> No.77079878

the blurred pic, the last two handcam vods, and the concert pics. those are the only media I could be certain of her age in

>> No.77079941

there are other artists, and ruri will eventually want to draw her again

>> No.77080321

Hey that's faulty logic but good luck all the same.

>> No.77080408

>caring about your wife’s age

>> No.77080414

you are so obsessed with blowing this stuff out of proportion i'm starting to think you really believe it's as bad as you want shondo to believe

>> No.77080496

he's just a desperate worm farmer, that's the only kind we get these days

>> No.77080621
File: 515 KB, 400x300, 1713877971331323.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miss me wife, simple as

>> No.77080665

explain why you lied to your fellow shoggas, you fuckin rat.

>> No.77080705

He's just trying to teach you not to believe anything you read her, shiggy.

>> No.77080781

It's on her new alt

>> No.77080816

i didnt like
it could be in 1.5 days, weeks, months or even years from now

>> No.77080908

for me it's the bathroom knee pics

>> No.77080909

I cried the first time I did it

>> No.77080952

shondo loves desperate men because she can bweak them :)

>> No.77080983

from the concert? or am i lacking critical information?

pussy (non-derogatory)

>> No.77081088

its so fucking hot god just imagine shoving her against the wall with her leg pinned and having your way with her

>> No.77081104

untrue, otherwise she wouldn't ignore the husbands desperate enough to harass her in other streams

>> No.77081174

loving my wife doesn't mean I want to take the noncepill

>> No.77081280

she was not prepubescent in any of her pics (she’s not chunky enough in them)

>> No.77081371

I appreciate you trying to comfort me but my country's morality doesn't really work like that unless you're rich enough to hide it

>> No.77081377
File: 19 KB, 236x460, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me its this one

>> No.77081451

clown face?

>> No.77081459


>> No.77081488

no i didnt save those

>> No.77081579

Shes so cute in this one. Imagine thats how she looks all the time day to day. It makes me want to kill myself

>> No.77081662

>at least a year until I have a chance of eskimo kissing her
existing hurts sometimes

>> No.77081688
File: 3.64 MB, 1978x2048, 1707656059511427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77081699

then what tf is >>77081377 supposed to be? i hate not knowing if i have everything.
the peace sign clown emoji is cute though. her hair is so pretty and you can see a couple of scars. also i like how poorly she does her fingernail polish.

>> No.77081893

this is really good bait but i simply don't care if i have them all, she'll take plenty more for me

>> No.77082282

Alright shondo add another month to the hiatus.

>> No.77082331

Id be fine with that

>> No.77082513

Thanks I knew you'd agree with me, shondo.

>> No.77082520

I just added another 9 months to the hiatus. sorry but she hates condoms

>> No.77082700

she comes back for her birthday though.

>> No.77082785

I made peace with never having them all when she mentioned sending comparison pics to the barbies

>> No.77082794
File: 125 KB, 850x850, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk we might be talking about something different

>> No.77082946

thats closer to it
i guess ive never seen the other one (unless you meant ‘rawr’ but you probably didn’t)

>> No.77082952

This is a really good rendition

>> No.77083026
File: 83 KB, 320x293, 1693988468954542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77083066

hi shondo
go to bed

>> No.77083076


>> No.77083095

Aaaaaaaaaaaa I saw this when I was a newfag and didn't realize who it was so didn't save I AM SEETHING

>> No.77083221

i love you shondo. you are beautiful and i cant wait to make you a mommy
please give a goodnight tweet/discord message before you go to sleep

>> No.77083244

Shondo I'm sorry about that email and underestimating your opsec I just got so scared please don't be mad at me

>> No.77083367

Stop lying

>> No.77083430

stop pretending to be me
and her opsec is garbage if she cares about her extended family’s privacy

>> No.77083511

she ignores them to break them

>> No.77083649

cute doggie!!!

>> No.77083768
File: 31 KB, 112x112, 1715394153218845.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's working uuuu

>> No.77083786

I wish I were so I didn't have to fight the urge to try and rediscover it in the archives

>> No.77083843

U r my favorite poster I really hope I don't hate you

>> No.77083910

Whatever. I have the sholy grail pic already. I don't need that one. I don't need more. I am totally content.

>> No.77083986

She doesn't post in these threads. Fucking take your god damn meds.

>> No.77084048
File: 254 KB, 522x478, IMG_7242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erotic doggie!!!

>> No.77084126

ive been here all year

>> No.77084181

bros the new skibidi toilet drops in 20 minutes are you ready?

>> No.77084325

Is skibidi biden going to make a cameo

>> No.77084429

No Joe Biden, no watch.

>> No.77084530

god i wish
skibidi biden is unironically kino

>> No.77084805

watchalong tomorrow

>> No.77085072

Do you think she has a set date she wants to come back by? Or is she just winging it?

>> No.77085370

We're a Subway Surfers + Soap Carving ASMR + Funny Animal Video Compilation zoomercore general. Skibidi Toilet is too Gen Alpha.

>> No.77085402


>> No.77085532

why is this picture associated with shondo being in the thread

i always assumed it was someone else

>> No.77085695
File: 176 KB, 680x551, GKNXyRFXoAE-yaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo please the aminal chama stream shondo uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu i need you i medically need you uuuu

>> No.77085821

If you buy into the very plausible theory that she reads /here/ this has often been posted during particularly stupid times during threads that involve things she wouldn't be entirely mad at, but would still evoke some sort of "i'm watching you retards" vibe.
She's like the Cheshire cat of /shon/ basically.

>> No.77085836

ngl my mental health has plummeted since april
but i will push through because that's what my wife does and would want me to do!

>> No.77085971
File: 460 KB, 726x778, 1688063825461676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shondo is always here. She's a spirit in this thread. Always watching, she knows what you did.

>> No.77085995

it's fun to play along. the idea of everyone spazzing out over shondo allegedly being here while she's likely lying in her bed wearing a single sock playing blue archive while otis rests on her chest makes me giggle

>> No.77086026

its just a meme like the frew up meme or medsposting or sealposting

>> No.77086200

medsposting is not a meme and treating it as such is going to lead to more rays
but that's what you want, isn't it john otter?

>> No.77086283

no i don't want more fucking rays >:c

>> No.77086317

>a single sock
I'm imagining her with nothing on but a sock I don't care if you meant it that way

>> No.77086315

who? maybe you should take your meds.

>> No.77086322

but WHAT exactly did she mean by otter posting!!!111(one)one1!!!

>> No.77086419

otterposting was fully known
dogposting has a plausible explanation
capybaraposting is gort
WHAT was sealposting.

>> No.77086525

ask a mod to explain

>> No.77086577

dogs bark
seals bark
shondo is white
she is 25% of the females in her generation that live in the forest
she likes beaches
come on anons do I have to spell it out

>> No.77086607
File: 1 KB, 65x46, 1690615800993933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought it was the poster of this

>> No.77086651


>> No.77086664

john email gave himself away when he described how he wrote. i have played the long game crafting the most believable alt of the false king. i will make him ruin himself. he will long for the days when ray was his only skinwalker c:<

>> No.77086828

she fucks dogs on the beach?
typical white girl

>> No.77086839
File: 430 KB, 1318x1068, 1707464606141725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up bro

>> No.77086858


>> No.77086923

Don't ask me how I know this but she came back from Paris.

>> No.77086956

good one shondo

>> No.77087030
File: 893 KB, 851x771, choke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lil baby hand

>> No.77087064

No that's me I don't post the cute doggie. I can start posting these again if you want

>> No.77087154

thanks shondo

>> No.77087168

NTA but they're one of the few posts that deserve to be looped in these threads

>> No.77087195

what gave it away? the pic of her working at her desk

>> No.77087358

her head is just that massive

>> No.77087453

she should post an rtx ahegao but only in my DMs

>> No.77087472

if she actually lied to us about her mental health to take a safe trip with her family I don't think I could ever trust her again
it would be INSANELY arousing and I'd party time to the thought of being emotionally manipulated by her forever. I'd also respect the lengths she'd go to so that her family would be safe from groomer squad
but my faith would be irreparably broken

>> No.77087515


>> No.77087605

>tfw you realize that when she did ahegao on stream she must have also done ahegao irl

>> No.77087652

i’d rape the shumpy if she lied to me

>> No.77087821

ahegao does nothing for me unless it's real. If shondo was cumming her little brains out and made that face then that would be something

>> No.77087913

She likely made that face during the asmr stream where she was spoolie-ing herself.

>> No.77087949

if she made that face infront of me i would punch her in the stomach for doing such a shitty meme irl
so yeah she would do it

>> No.77088065

I feel bad for you if you've let normalfags coopting ahegao ruin it for you

>> No.77088088

she made that face for real when nina was eating her out, followed by aggressive fingering, followed again by nina using a vibrator directly on her clitty.

>> No.77088170

dubs confirm

>> No.77088317

>the faggot rtx poster is the olivia poster

>> No.77088349
File: 316 KB, 1738x1498, 1704004528659286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo are you reading game of thrones digitally using microsoft word?

>> No.77088394

where did you get this information

>> No.77088412

normies didnt ruin it
it was always shitty
same with that stretched ass blowjob face

>> No.77088508

It's probably her script for the lore video

>> No.77088552

>stretched ass blowjob face

>> No.77088600

pretty sure it was on her iPhone
looked like the books app

that face sucks(heh). i hate it

>> No.77088613

if you're talking about that anteater looking shit for blowjobs i hard agree

>> No.77088646

oh right

>> No.77088776


>> No.77088939

p2w chat

>> No.77089114

oh lol
but what did that have to do with rtx?

>> No.77089152

OH, thanks for clarifying. I didn't know anyone actually found that arousing. I agree with you there

>> No.77089238

mate if youre gonna post here you gotta brush up on your dereking
d > rtx poem > dropped oli in p2w > oli poster /here/

>> No.77089375
File: 141 KB, 1005x966, 1695587642028886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the twitter likes stopped after that retard said something mean about it. you're not gonna stop now are you? :(

>> No.77089488

we dont call namedoxxing “rtx”
but i like the dereking, keep it up ;^)

>> No.77089504

Nta but thanks I'm in bed and couldn't check

>> No.77089838

can’t believe dewd is that blatant…i knew he sexpested in Oli’s chat (while shondo was there no less) but he’s posting rtx and about Oli too?
i had such high hopes for him too

>> No.77090137
File: 228 KB, 841x476, 1687957790875111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey shondo wanna watch youtube in bed

>> No.77090357

This was such a good bit, it genuinely made me happy

>> No.77090417

I hate water. I hate waves. I hate how many islands with towns they destroyed in the Middle Ages.

>> No.77090478

is this the one from the stream or is it edited at all? she’s so silly and loves winking at me


>> No.77090537
File: 1.05 MB, 1184x714, 1692274946482151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.77090662

This autistic nigga doesn’t learn does he

>> No.77090703

that baby? the child of me and shondo
picking up where i left off? me picking her up and slamming her into the gym mat over and over
otis threat? going to get gunk all over my things

>> No.77090845

just stopping by to say I really like fallen shadow! I hope she’s doing okay! I’m looking forward to her coming back and streaming again!!

>> No.77090850

They're going away regardless if she stops or not because of Elon's changes.

>> No.77090895

wtf is this lmao

>> No.77090977

but he's never sex pested in Oli's chat mr derek.

>> No.77091061

>Sir, a second tranny cosplay just hit the main tag

>> No.77091119

what the fuck, dont subject my eyes to that shit

you lack critical information

>> No.77091346

you can already pay to make them private, so the implementation is already there. in that case, why would they give up a revenue source and why has it not already happened if its going to? I dont think that claim was accurate.

>> No.77091521

it was literally a head twitter dev who said it

>> No.77091541

It's from the extra long shonmart stream during the break room part.

>> No.77091622

>I dont think that claim was accurate.

>> No.77091760

yeah thanks doge

>> No.77091779
File: 3.94 MB, 480x426, eepyshon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight shoggas

>> No.77091805

15 secs in and she’s already being bratty
funny how she made a returning night bus and forgor to use it
i love that scatter brained baby

>> No.77092140

nini shiggy

>> No.77093007

Male vtuber

>> No.77093164

i want another watchalong :( uuuuuuuuuuuuu spending comfy time with her just watching movies is so nise

>> No.77094392

wife doko

>> No.77094613

dead (in bed)
hopefully she was reading a bunch today and got a ton of work done

>> No.77094999

shondo, this could be us >>77094330

>> No.77095823

no shondo, it could be us
