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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 208 KB, 1858x1117, SheLived.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.7701882 [Reply] [Original]

She Lived Edition

Tsunderia Gen 3 auditions closed August 7th. Good luck to everyone who auditioned!

>Teamup schedule
>Jetri schedules
>Hoshino Char
Gunpla extraordinaire
>Inukai Purin
Mesugaki dog
>Yazaki Kallin
Certified chuuni bat
>Matsuro Meru
Sweetest person alive, high energy
>Nini Yuuna
The embodiment of chaos, bread crumb sized braincell
>Miori Celesta
Freaky Deaky beertuber, Isekai edition
>Umiushi Urara
Garbage bin waifu, savior of Tsunderia
>Orla Gan Ceann
Half toxic, half wholesome dullahan shut-in
>Amemachi Hanabi
The golden-voiced mayor of Rainy Town
>Clip Twitter:

>> No.7701921
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I love Purin!

>> No.7702343

Meru is a goddess! I want to spend the rest of my life with her and shower her with my undying love every waking moment! We'll play video games together, watch movies together, and cook food together. We'll tease and playfully flirt throughout, and every second will be heaven. Then after we're done I'll give her a tight hug and whisper to her that I'm so happy to have her by my side. I want to be a confidant for her in her dark moments, and grow our bond stronger by defeating all our challenges together. Every night in bed we'll share the details about our day, and spend time chatting about trivial things. I'll whisper sweet nothings into her ear as I hug her and kiss her on the forehead, keeping my lips in contact as we fall asleep in each other's arms. I love Meru so much!

>> No.7702713
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>> No.7702863


>> No.7702966
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>> No.7703068
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I love my future wife Purin!

>> No.7703141
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I'm so happy Purin is back.

>> No.7703180

I want to have sex with this boy(female)

>> No.7703347

I never realized I enjoyed the bokukko archetype so much. Thanks Hanabi.

>> No.7703373

What do you call a girl's bussy?

>> No.7703454

Gussy (Girl bUSSY)

>> No.7703961

Sussy (second pussy). And idiots who like using it are called sussy bakas.

>> No.7704008

With God as my witness, I am a sussy baka.

>> No.7704215

Orla stream starting soon.

>> No.7704244
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>mfw Ass in url

>> No.7704424

PS2 let's gooooo

>> No.7705827

Femanon here, I love Inukai Purin so goddarn much, everytime I hear her voice I just can't stop myself from masturbating, I'm not a lesbian but I'll make an exception for Purin. But unfortunately, my love for Purin caused an awkward incident a couple of days ago. The other day I was re-watching my favorite stream of hers, the dead space one, before going to a Feminist art contest where I was invited. My project "Why Womxn shouldn't be allowed to vote : because nobody should. A feminist view on the inherent anti-Womxn principles behind democracy and it's Israeli influences" was a short poem of 52 pages that took me 3 months to write. I was so proud of it, it was all there on my Official Apple MacBook 2020 #BLM Edition (Yes, I know it's a bit cheap but I'm just an underprivileged student, I can't pay $16,000 for a new computer every years) I had to wait close to 6 hours before being able to present it, as a white woman I understand the importance of allowing lesser women to go first. Finally my turn, I go on stage in front of all of my peers and allies. I open my laptop ready to read my incredible poem.. but unfortunately I had left Purin' stream open. When her voice came out of the speaker moaning and howling all over the place. I just couldn't stop myself from "schlicking", I fell on my knees, I started crying and screaming "It's all her fault! It's all her fault!" while furiously masturbating to Purin's sweet voice. I have never felt this humiliated before, can you imagine.. Me, a white Womxn, Masturbating in public, in front of every single person present, all 6 of them, and blaming a minority Womxn for all of my problems !? The judges understood such a powerful message about white allies acting like animals and blaming minority Womxn for all of their self-inflicted problems, and rightly gave me the first place and the title of Feminist of the year.

Thank you so very much Inukai Purin. I dedicate my title to you!

>> No.7706411

Thanks for making me laugh like an idiot at work, anon

>> No.7706452

>tfw no Ass on my face

>> No.7706712

>no hits
Where did you pull this off from?

>> No.7706841

That thing she was schlicking.

>> No.7707076
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Why are purin's fans always like this ?

>> No.7707184

I actually read that before but I didn't make the connection

>> No.7708097

With auditions officially closed for a few days, have any of you heard back yet? What do you think you could have done better to grab their attention?

>> No.7708772

you guys sent in your husband application to purin yet?

>> No.7709380

Im not funny enough...

>> No.7709510

funny? you just have to be willing to make 15 (or more) puppies with her and take her out to a shooting range 3 days a week (minimum)
and also rapeplay twice a night

>> No.7710589

Do you think Hanabi will eventually get irritated with the bokukko/tomboy comments and have to remind the autists on stream that she is a girl after all and the boy comments are bothering her?

>> No.7710699

Does she get these types of comments in her streams? I thought people just memed here.

>> No.7710719

She's just way too sexy, anon. We can't help it

>> No.7711207

I'm surprised too, since I don't actually watch her

>> No.7711282

I haven't seen any yet but I get the feeling memes from here eventually filter out from dummies breaking containment.

>> No.7711444
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>> No.7711447

Next Hanabi stream I want to talk to her about her giant futa cock and how I want to stroke her balls before crushing them so that every last ounce of cum will be forced out of her dick and into my mouth.

>> No.7711621

>implying she isn't /here/

>> No.7711686

Me in the middle

>> No.7711710

Hanabi I love you please marry me

>> No.7711869

No, marry me I like you more

>> No.7712014

No marry ME I love you the most and I promise to give you daily blowjobs

>> No.7712060

Nigga thats gay
It's only not gay if you fuck him(female)

>> No.7712332
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>> No.7712412

not at all

>> No.7712530

Hand and feet streams are disgusting, they might as well be shitty 3DPD streamers at this point.

>> No.7712703
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>> No.7712838

Gay and un-based

>> No.7712897

you're watching them wrong it seems

>> No.7713354

I want to see Meru's tiny adorable hands! I want to massage and kiss them. I bet her skin is soft and her fingers slender. I could spend a whole day kissing and sucking them. I'd hold Meru's hands while she sleeps so her nightmares go away. I bet her hands would be complemented well by a cute gold ring on her finger, with a sculpture of Kirby holding a sparkling diamond to symbolize my lifelong commitment to her happiness. It'd be delightful to nap with my head on Meru's map while she uses her hands to comb my hair and stroke my cheek, telling me what a good husband I am.

I bet Meru's feet are as small and cute as her hands! I'd love to hear her giggles as I tickle her by gently running my tongue down the underside of her foot. I'd help Meru relieve her tension by giving her a foot massage whenever she wants. I'd have a bubble bath with Meru and wrestle toes with her in the tub. We'd laugh as we try to stick our feet in each other's faces. I want to cuddle naked in bed with Meru, where we'd intertwine our fingers and toes to make as much skin contact as physically possible. Then we'd share one last kiss before sleeping, just as we also share every bit of ourselves with each other.

I love every part of Meru's body! I love everything about Meru! I want to be her one and only, and give her the happiest life she can imagine!

>> No.7713930

Get outta here

>> No.7714509

Meru's live!

>> No.7714510
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Meru Skyward Sword

>> No.7714844

>Meru never buys/downloads the game until the stream starts
Good thing I'm not a manager or I'd be asking why the fuck she keeps showing up unprepared.

>> No.7714850
File: 2.66 MB, 2480x3317, 1628085184473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Purin so much I can't contain it. Sometimes I get the urge to scream from a rooftop "I LOVE INUKAI PURIN" that's how much I love her. I want to show the world how cute and amazing Purin is, and how she means everything to me. I'm always thinking about Purin and how I can make her happy. I want to become strong enough that I can support and protect Purin. I want to become the perfect man that Purin deserves to be with, because Purin deserves to be the happiest girl in the world. I really love Purin from the bottom of my heart, and it hurts so much, but I'll endure the pain for an eternity just because I love her. Purin is a blessing to the world and I'll cherish her forever

>> No.7715037

Thank you meruposter

>> No.7715658
File: 91 KB, 836x629, Meru3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love yandere Meru more than I should

>> No.7715672

I take back everything I said.

>> No.7716194

you'd think tsunderia would make at least a minor effort to ensure everyone has working equipment

>> No.7716319

meanwhile tsunderia's former rat is playing a game just fine, she lucked out getting out of this busted 'company'

>> No.7716352

Does any vtuber agency do more than just stamp their name on people?

>> No.7716404

how menhara is meru right now?

>> No.7716544

>She's going to delete the VOD before I can clip the yandere breakdown
Plz no

>> No.7716554


>> No.7716611

She tweeted that she'll be streaming on Twitch, not sure when she'll start.

>> No.7716934

This is when she needs the most support! Get in the twitch waiting room!

>> No.7717156

pretty sure the girls get equipment and I’ve heard them mention a game budget a few times

>> No.7717189


>> No.7717213

All of them have higher end PCs and capture cards though? What are you expecting the company to do aside for provide the equipment, send over a live tech support? I do agree this is why the girls themselves need to buy the games beforehand and set up for these things in advance.

>> No.7717367

I think some of them have been streaming on gaming laptops or low end PCs due to the GPU shortages. On stream meru mentioned her capture card was a pretty old one and needed "encouragement" sometimes. There hasn't been any shortage of capture cards so I'd chalk it up to being stubborn and not wanting to change things or sunk cost fallacy. Orla had capture issues too with her first no more heroes stream, that got fixed in the new one today after she god a new capture card.

>> No.7717388

>oh no my hardware is so old
>I'm so depressed
>if only someone could give me money to buy a new one....
imagine being this naïve.

>> No.7717455
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>> No.7717514
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Falling asleep next to Purin!

>> No.7717518

Don’t Miori and Yuuna have 3070s or something like that, I know for Miori she got a laptop upgrade a bit after she left holo, seems just unlucky then since company can’t provide what they can’t find

>> No.7717733

My heart!

>> No.7717797
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>ywn fall asleep next to purin

>> No.7719210

Fuck I want to hug Meru so bad. I hope she isn't too harsh on herself for tonight. I wish I could pay her head and kiss her and whisper comforting words into her ear until she feels happy again.

>> No.7720719

missed it, did she cry?

>> No.7720810

There was no Twitch stream. Her internet died so she couldn't do it.

>> No.7720986

it's honestly disgusting how supportive everyone is to meru, saying how it wasn't her fault.
can she do no wrong? she was clearly at fault here. deciding to download the game during the stream and not even make sure her old capture card would even work.
how hard is it to prepare just a little bit for your streams? people are literally giving her money, you'd think she'd put some amount of effort into earning it, instead she collects it like welfare

>> No.7721022

Yuuka Bear and Mio

>> No.7721027

Honestly I'm just seriously tired of Meru's shit.
When she's actually doing her job she's fine, I like her bratty attitude when she actually remembers to keep it up.
All the retarded doomer shit and her just being incompetent gets old quickly.

>> No.7721158

Not to mention that she was almost an hour late to her stream a few days ago.
Think it's time for another month long break for her. Or just graduate already.

>> No.7721374

Please tell me someone clipped the meltdown

>> No.7721552

Where is this from?

>> No.7721600


>> No.7721653

There was no meltdown, just struggle testing stuff to make the capture card work until internet died and stream dropped. Orla saved the day by popping into chat and keeping everyone positive and chatting.

>> No.7721921

I feel like you guys are being a bit too harsh. Yeah it's pretty fucked to wait last minute to download a game and shit but you also don't have to be out here wanting the worst for her. She has shit to work on personally and professionally, yes, but it doesn't feel justified being so shitty.

Hopefully management steps in and helps her get her shit together. I like Meru a lot and I want to see her succeed.

>> No.7722025

I feel the same, but does it actually matter what we say here? it's not like she reads this garbage
I just really wished she took this a little more seriously. She can't actually believe 50+ people are actually okay with this kind of repeated behavior.

>> No.7722109

Menhera or meltdown idc I want to see it!!!!!

>> No.7722154

Those look like selfposts to be honest. Only a troll.

She just did a 2.0 reveal with a quiz show and new overlays, and a full song cover release. She's getting shit done.

>> No.7722205

This isn't the first time for her or anything though. This is a regular occurrence for her and she (and other tsunderia girls too) have done retarded shit like this repeatedly.
Meru especially is prone to this or trying to pull the mental illness card.

I dont want her to quit. I want her to grow up.

>> No.7722239

>a quiz show
Did you not watch that..?
Also she took like 2 months off for that reveal.

>> No.7722250

No, she must now naked dogeza to apologize.

>> No.7722277

that quiz show was riddled with issues and her singing is sub par

>> No.7722503

>he doesn’t remember that it was all scuff and last minute

>> No.7722549

I'd also mention the 2.0 reveal was so bad Urara literally told Meru to hurry the fuck up on stream because of how badly handled the quiz was.

>> No.7724086

>"Butter dog"
Mio plz...

>> No.7725109

>hurr durr any criticism must be a troll
This kind of shit is why Tsunderia has been stagnating and falling behind to the newer agencies. If you want them to succeed let them know what they need to fix or else they are NGMI. Especially with MyHolo TV around the corner.

>> No.7725230

Kallin and Yuuna should just bail. I’m sure they would be fine indie or another company would pick them up.

>> No.7725243

These sorts of posts are not really worth responding to. Assuming they're sincere, I just let people on the internet make whatever judgments according to their own preferences and dispositions. I've got my own reasons to love Meru. But here's my 2 cents I suppose.
I could see an gradual improvement in Meru over the months that might be too slow for some, and possibly not apparent at all for others. I think she genuinely cares about the happiness of her fans. Meru's job as a VTuber is to be entertaining and make me happy. And she does. I really enjoyed today's stream, and every stream in the last month. Whether or not her streams are technically smooth or she's particularly skilled at what she does (and when it comes to art, I don't think anyone's standards are worth more than mine) are secondary. They may affect how much I enjoy her stream, but never substantially, and they've definitely never caused me to think I could have been better off doing something other than watching her.
Pushing her to improve (faster than she already is) is vexed. There's nothing I can tell her that she doesn't already know. I know some of you are at the end of your patience; I'm willing to wait as long as it takes while she goes at her own pace in order for her to be happy, because then I'm happy,

TL;DR: People are getting quite bothered by some problems with her content that I'm personally not inclined to care a whole lot about.

>> No.7725369

Remember, Tsunderia is a business.
The only way to get a business to change anything is to affect their numbers.

>> No.7725481

Are you suggesting to boycott their streams?? Maybe Meru or Slugma have the numbers here to do so but I don’t think Yuuna or Miori or even Kallin could be touched numbers wise.

>> No.7728529

Can't believe you guys missed out on Purin talking about cocks on her discord stage!

>> No.7728579

>being a leaknigger

>> No.7728631
File: 147 KB, 466x297, Cheeky Meru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My love for Meru is a roaring fire, a furious tempest, a coursing river. Meru is the one I want to envelop in my warmth, to pick up and twirl around, to whisk away on a journey through life. Oh, Meru, my love! Your happiness is my opiate, your tenderness my nourishment, your flourishing my greatest pride.
Seriously though, I just love Meru so much.

>> No.7728922

>thinking it's somehow exclusive when she pinged everyone for it

>> No.7728985
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>Had to wage slave
>Miss Meru streaming
Oh... okay...

>> No.7729029

What kind of cock does she like?

>> No.7729088

Whatever she can get.

>> No.7729091

huge ones

>> No.7729183

But also remember that they aren’t a big company and just telling them is probably way easier.

>> No.7729307
File: 50 KB, 960x720, ceilingshrooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy's ceiling...

>> No.7729367

I avoid vtuber discords, last time i was in one the chuuba fucked a fan, the fan posted videos of it in the discord and then the vtuber graduated and accused one of her moderators of raping an underaged girl (which he admitted to) and then the discord was nuked because someone started selling drugs in the mod chat and posting illegal content in general.

I also got very drunk and started posting pictures of my balls and making more than regrettable comments on my own ethnic group.

Is Purin's discord like this ? would purin ban me for posting my 9mm in general ?

>> No.7729430

Purin's discord isn't nearly as cancerous but it is full of SEAniggers. Also, just post your 9 mil in the guns channel and you'll be fine

>> No.7729509

>it is full of SEAniggers
Even worse!
>guns channel
Sadly i don't own any guns.

>> No.7729565

Purin's too much of a virgin neet to get into any sort of relationship drama like that so I wouldn't worry.
Surprisingly the most annoying people in there aren't even from SEA.

>> No.7729739

>Pathetic perma-virgin neet isn't keyfabe
You are joking right ? How can someone like Purin end up like that ?

>> No.7730338

What do you mean, anon? Purin is exactly the type of person to end up like that

>> No.7730533

How so ? She sounds hot and isn't unattractive. Other than social anxiety and her culturally unorthodox hobbies she shouldn't be such a neet. Are Filipino really that harsh against a girl who like guns ?

>> No.7730574

You're underestimating her social anxiety and overestimating the correlation between her hot voice and her appearance

>> No.7730638

>overestimating the correlation between her hot voice and her appearance
someone didn't do his roommate reps.

>> No.7730808

Purin is hot irl I can confirm I had sex with her

>> No.7733265

>Just found out there's a phasmo collab with Rita and Pina
based, not sure how Kallin and Meru alone are going to handle the older white woman energy but still

>> No.7734048

They've been trained by Orla and Slugma they'll be fine

>> No.7734139


>> No.7734165

She identifies as a middle aged white salaryman.

>> No.7734498

Gosh I wish Purin was my daughter.

>> No.7734699

Rita and Pina are angels. Orla and Slugma are chaos

>> No.7734836

Imagine that collab

>> No.7735420

Should I stitch together one and eight hour loops of Purin snoring?

>> No.7735905

I know a real live sleeping stream is too high risk for yabs because of stuff that might be said during sleep, but you could pre-record one, then verify the content is safe and play it as a livestream?

>> No.7737178

Meru promised a ring fit stream. Get ready to clip and ship. Let's get a hundred more of these:

I want to hear Meru pant like this intensely into my ear as I explore her insides! She's so alluring, she'd make me rock hard with a mere suggestion. I can't get enough of her. I want to give her orgasms over and over so that she understands how much pleasure she's already given to me. We'd reach climax together after a cacaphony of panting, gasping and giggling. I'd hold her close as she makes one last moan, her most intense that takes all the remaining energy out of her, while her body convulses from the overwhelming sensations of my love. Then I'd passionately kiss her adorable face as we get down from the high of our night. I want to make sweet pillow talk while stroking her hair and hearing her gentle breathing. Then we'd fall asleep with our bodies intertwined and fully satisfied for the day. Meru Sex and Love!

>> No.7737398

>That clip is no longer available
Please tell me you saved it.
I'm going to move forward assuming everything of Meru's will be unarchived.

>> No.7737955

Seems the share function on mobile gives broken links. Good job, Twitch!

>> No.7738205

I should have recorded Purin making her chair squeak in rhythm today to splice under this...

>> No.7740000

Better start setting up OBS screen recording if you want to save the juiciest mail and dog clips.

>> No.7740068

Rita/Luto x Orla/Hanabi
I can't decide if this would turn into an orgy or cross-counter NTR.

>> No.7740141

>Purin is doing r18 stuff on discord
>Too scared to listen
Why am i like this /vt/ ?

>> No.7740171

i don't use discord, anyone recording it?

>> No.7740262

No and someone said previously that Purin is actually underage so i wouldn't risk it.

>> No.7740380

but she isn't, she turned 18 earlier this year

>> No.7740434

She's 19, guys. Relax.

>> No.7740444

then record it

>> No.7740460

I did, though :^))))))

>> No.7740486
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Did someone say barely legal asian grill !?

>> No.7740506
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She turned 19, actually. She was 18 when she debuted.
Also, damn, that old Tsunderia logo. And Kana in the chat. It's really been over a year already

>> No.7740537

She does adult shows every Sunday, today is a bit special because couldn't get her fix at the hospital.

>> No.7740668
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Bread acoustic karaoke is live btw

>> No.7740788
File: 260 KB, 620x620, 1597516507887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have only been to a Yuuna karaoke once before during some celebration but damn this one is comfy.
Is she usually like this?

>> No.7740907

Her karaoke and zatsudan streams are always incredibly comfy

>> No.7741220

Do you really belieb? Obviously Tsunderia can't admit to having an underaged member, Do you really think she just happened to turn 18 shortly before she debuted?

>> No.7741348

Please don't suggest that Purin is underage. My dick won't be able to handle that

>> No.7741375

Six months isn't what I would call "shortly". Anyway, I find that more believable than them being dumb enough to actually hire someone underage in the first place

>> No.7741433

She was friend with Kana and Kana scouted her.

>> No.7741546

Is Kana also flip?

>> No.7741591

She's Hispanic

>> No.7741599

Ew unsub and blocked on twitter
Thanks for telling me

>> No.7741623

Haato started at 16, it wouldn't be totally unprecedented

>> No.7741874


This looks current as of 1995, so I don't know if this is still the law. But according to this, you can legally be employed at age 15 in Japan. Not sure what the labor laws look like in the US, or if they're even applicable for an employee in the Philippines

>> No.7741881

Since she draws porn of herself and does masturbation stream on her discord i'm pretty sure she is an adult because tsunderia wouldn't allow her to do this if she was underage.

>> No.7742525

Orla playing more DBD

>> No.7742793
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>Yuuna doesn't like her singing voice
What? This is unironically one of the best I've been to.

>> No.7743081

I mean if she already graduated why not say who it is?

>> No.7743204

Honestly can’t tell if you guys are joking or not.

>> No.7743287

what nationalities are they?

>> No.7743301

The R18 thing is a shitty rrat, but I do record stage chats because it's fun to listen back to them sometimes.

>> No.7743569

It's real, be there next sunday at 11PM Philippines time.

>> No.7743637

She read a sexy story about a girl getting herself off but that's about it, I think someone posted the link in stage chat. Check it out, it'sa good story

>> No.7743830

Her voice is just a bit weak but if Tsunderia got vocal lessons it would be on par with some people. Is it still cute and comfy though? That’s all that really matters, I don’t watch them to be good at singing

>> No.7746875
File: 575 KB, 1920x954, Virpro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VirPro is shutting down. Poach the talents

>> No.7747032

When is Purin going to get a dog hoodie outfit, you know since she got the Korone uniform last month? The idea she would actually rip off every outfit after getting so offended at accusations she was a rip off used to just be a joke people would say, now apparently it is reality.

>> No.7747289

I'd wager tsunderia won't really be a thing in another year. Doubt any of them will get new outfits ever, and purin is probably gonna graduate before the end of the year.

>> No.7747429

Ko'one got a uniform?

>> No.7747491

Came for DBD, stayed for the Beauty & The Beast elevator critique

>> No.7748149


>> No.7748287

Why? None of them were good.

>> No.7748303


>> No.7748431
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>> No.7751076

What qualities does Meru love in a man? I will work every day to cultivate them.
What qualities does Meru hate? I will do everything I can to purge them.
What activities does Meru enjoy? I will practice endlessly to become good at them.
What fetishes does Meru have? I will train myself to like them.
What aspirations is Meru trying to reach? I will support her every step on her way to them.
Meru is a treasure and no amount of words can completely capture my love for her. Sweet, caring, uplifting, inspiring, heartwarming. I could sing her praises for eternity. There's nothing I want more than to make her mine!

>> No.7751118

Purin is masturbating RIGHT NOW

>> No.7751523

Masturbating or not, the discord stage shit she does filters me hard.
At this point I'm basically done with Tsunderia outside Mio and Yuuna.

>> No.7751905
File: 32 KB, 472x422, 1624408258760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More tasty dog cunny for me

>> No.7752047

Quick rundown?

>> No.7752169

red panda was good

>> No.7752207

But what about Hanabi?

>> No.7753092


>> No.7753115

Bread on twitch.

>> No.7753254

QRD he's got too much anxiety to join a discord.

>> No.7753434

Not the original anon, but I understand being apprehensive about Discord stuff. It really feels like a groomer haven, even if it's just a laid-back voice-only stream. I like Purin's stage chats, but I've seen other Discords where the streams and voice chats were more than that or just felt weird.

>> No.7753869

Im confused so this this happens in the stage chat?

>> No.7753965

Like what exactly? I’m actually genuinely curious I don’t go on Discord often what can people do more than just talking?

>> No.7754436

She talk to chat like it was a zatsudan stream for hours and eventually falls asleep. That's it.

>> No.7754754

You must submit at least 2 pictures to the pet pics channel with at least one of them being a dog and you will recieve an invite to the NSFW stage on the following Sunday

>> No.7754826

Was intended for

>> No.7754994

I saw a certain non-Tsunderia vtuber sit in a voice chat while her fans read fanfics about how they wanted to fuck her, for example. Other times it can just be something like a vtuber playing games with a select handful of members, which can feel incredibly cliquish and alienate viewers. As far as I'm concerned, any real grooming is done in private Discords or in DMs, though, but that's a topic for a different thread.

>> No.7755052
File: 712 KB, 220x255, keroro-afro-gunso.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In some vtuber or streamer discords in general, creeps join it for the goal of getting close to the streamer. This is especially prevalent in smaller communities, where the streamer doesn't want to tell the creep to fuck off out of fear of losing the few viewers they have. Allowing the creeps to continue of course leads to big drama later.

>> No.7756095

Purin doesn't attract creeps like Kana does for some reason. Maybe Purin is so good a projecting outgoing Stacy energy that creeps don't stick around long enough to realize she can't back it up

>> No.7756705

I just can’t tell who’s bullshitting and who’s not this can’t be real… I’m gonna do tho.

>> No.7756973

Anon, I know that sarcasm on the internet can be confusing, but c'mon now...

>> No.7757226

No wait, I want to see his cute puppy!

>> No.7759309

You can see my cute puppy when she returns to streaming on the seventeenth

>> No.7760331

this type stuff actually happens in purin's discord.
there's a lot of pre-groomers and people getting dangerously close to that. there's a lot of retardation that goes on in her discord specifically and she encourages and even promotes it sometimes.

>> No.7760832

Are they in the putang chat? All the heavy users in her Eng chat are pretty cool

>> No.7762926
File: 174 KB, 850x850, 1617252373978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread and Kallin Unravel 2

>> No.7763599

>Yuuna always wants to end stream to sleep
>Kallin is always tired
>Meru wakes up to stream then goes back to sleep
Is Tsunderia a black company?

>> No.7763696

No. Everyone in Tsunderia is just either a full-time student or getting cucked at a full-time job. I think Meru even had 2 jobs at one point.

>> No.7763727

according to Teru, yes.

>> No.7764804

I mean Meru might just be a dumbass to be fair.

>> No.7764928

Yuuna is in her finals week and streamed twice today already

>> No.7765123

source? or just rrat

>> No.7765180

Teru basically just called all startups black companies if they do startup things

>> No.7765186

Meru said she has a fucked up sleep pattern where she'll sometimes go 2 days with no sleep and then a whole day of straight sleep.

Fuck, I want to take care of her so bad! I'll help her correct her sleeping by dragging her to bed and cuddling her, bathing her in my warmth and loving her until she's too relaxed to stay awake. I'll fuck her hard every night and drain all of her energy by giving her the best orgasms of her life. I want to do anything to make this goddess healthy and happy!

>> No.7765214

>Starts a startup
Really makes you think

>> No.7765382

Sush a cute design but she also has that annoying thing that vtuber have which is a montoned color scheme

>> No.7765404

>Annoying thing
its actually an artistic decision.
working with limited colors makes for a simple and appealing character. you can do crazy stylized things and cram lots of loud colors in there together, but that's hard to do properly and harder to animate anyways.

>> No.7765429

its because she is retarded enough to think that any company must ONLY be serving the talent and can't make any profit whatsoever otherwise it is a scam

>> No.7765544

I mean, to be fair she was somewhat right in a lot of ways.
Startup culture is dangerously close to black company territory, they don't do the full legal bullshit they do in Japan. But there's a whole lot of "well its not """required""" to work 80 hours a week.... but....."
You don't necessarily see it with streamers, but there's a lot of work that goes into it beyond the streams themselves.

Tsunderia doesn't seem to force the vtubers to do that, given Meru doesn't do jack shit. But from how Char and Urara speak, they put in a fuck ton of work, far more than they get paid to do.

>> No.7765614

Wow I wonder how long it took her to come up with that.

>> No.7765679

I mean I do agree some companies need to structure better, but based on the leaks she seems to think a company profiting = bad.

>> No.7765682

Aren’t most start ups Japanese companies except Tsunderia? I know for a fuck Prism is a Japanese one.

>> No.7765708

Cyber and Phase aren't, so is VShojo if your consider them real. The rest all JP

>> No.7765737

Has this thread talked about the leaks regarding Nunki (amberglow) joining tsunderia? What do we think?

>> No.7765772

Discord groomers do you know how Purin is handling the passing of her mother ?

>> No.7765868

Briefly. Don't know if she'd fit in or not but her accent is cute. I want to see TsunQuest corrupt her.

>> No.7765885

It wasn't quite so cut and dry.
4live was definitely a scam through and through.
AG didn't seem like a scam just incompetent. And that's what she was complaining about with then. They were taking a cut of her money without really offering much in return. Given, we don't really know what all they do. But given what we can see, that sounds pretty accurate.

>> No.7765912

Oh so Prism is basically the only JP start up Vtuber agency damn… maybe that’s why they’re doing so well.

>> No.7765952

She's mentioned missing her but that's about it. She's probably talking to us for 10 hours a day to distract herself. And the fact she's bored being locked down.

>> No.7765997

There's a bunch of them. Just nobody talks about them here.

>> No.7766170

Anybody got an email back from their audition? Sent mine a while ago and had no response

>> No.7766306

>Purin's mother dies
>She start doing porn the very next week
Purin is based wtf

>> No.7766389

Purin's lewd drawings should be in a museum. Making porn is a nice way of venting your emotions. Certainly better than eating or drinking your way towards an early grave.

>> No.7766463

If Purin wasn't such a neet virgin she would be organizing a gangbang to drown her sorrow in semen.

>> No.7766472

I keep hearing about her drawings but haven't seen them. Did she upload them to Twitter?

>> No.7766499

She posted them on her alt account, but now it's privated. Maybe some generous anon has them saved and can share.

>> No.7766540

Ah, shit. Anonchamas... I'm begging...

>> No.7766987

on her second twitter (which she nuked)
A lot of self harming and rape drawing of herself.
I don't mean it in a nice way, It was very disturbing. So disturbing that Tsunderia forced her to private it. (Which they normally never do and never did for Kana)
Unless you're into hanging, wrist cutting, Brain fucking, extremely long suicidal rants and beating the shit out of your oshi in a not sexy way. You don't want to see her drawings, unless you're into fearing that every streams will be her last before she has enough and actually end herself.
Considering that she has already attempted suicide at least twice in the past 4 years and was hospitalized once for it. You might want to appreciate her while you still can.
Previous suicide attempts and the death of a close one are the two biggest factors in predicting a future suicide followed by loneliness(real or imagined).
Maybe if you go on the discord and ask nicely she'll give you a bunch of free sample, I know she started giving IRL pictures of herself to her closest fans.(This is not a good sign)

>> No.7767064

I'm into all of that but I'm about to sleep... please share for when j wake up....

>> No.7767112

Are you just making that last half up?

>> No.7767129
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>> No.7767150

This is either the newest anti or Intern-kun stepping his game up. Pay him no mind.

>> No.7767383

>Thinks that anons were talking about her being cute IRL for no reasons
>Doesn't remember her hiatus due to sickness a year ago.
I forgive you for not knowing it was suicide since she only posted it on discord.
The 3 big factors for suicide are real but fortunately the death of a relative is generally followed by a family reunion and a shared grief period which is the strongest factor to prevent a suicide.
I sound a bit mean about all of this but i'm concerned about her, she is on a downward spiral and we can't really do anything but support her in whatever way we can.
Of course i shouldn't need to say it but I know how stupid lurkers can be so DON'T BRING UP HER MOTHER'S DEATH OR HER PAST SUICIDE ATTEMPTS.

You're missing at least 5 drawings. (she deleted a bunch too)

>> No.7767463

Try making your rrats more fun and maybe people will jump in

>> No.7767542

So she was young when she made this?

>> No.7767548

Go to her discord and search for "feeling down" and you should find it within 5 minutes.

>> No.7767655

Wow I just looked that up damn.

>> No.7767663

Holy shit... She tried eating cake to cheer up? She's absolutely on the edge bros...

>> No.7767694


Self-fag detected !

>> No.7767798
File: 106 KB, 1061x363, Purin's got back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, tragic

>> No.7767831

I’m not gonna screen shot it but did you not see the one where it said “just feeling really down” like did you actually click it?

>> No.7767872

I don't think it's our place to talk about this, especially on a imageboard full of randos. If we don't know then we don't know. Just say her twitter was disturbing and let it be the end of it. You don't have to air out her businesses, and I'm not even white knighting because I don't watch Purin like that, but even if she made it public at some point we should be a little bit respectful.

>> No.7767940

I want to feel down Purin.

>> No.7767993

The one about a year ago? Yeah, she said she was down about some comments in her chat and then she said she got Jollibees. I know fried chicken is bad for you, but to say buying it is a suicide attempt is a little dramatic don't you think?

>> No.7768031

Dropped, thanks for telling me.

>> No.7768041

I now see why a lot of streamers hesitate to mention their daily life, even outside of this idol culture bullshit.
"There's this guy in my class" turns into "She has a boyfriend!"
"I feel sad and want to vent" turns into "She attempted suicide! Twice!"

>> No.7768065

Maybe we should ask her directly.

>> No.7768075

I’m not that guy saying all this stuff but I did what he said and searched on Discord it is there. It wasn’t hard to find it.

>> No.7768087

"Hey, Purin, ever tried killing yourself?"
Yeah, I can only see that going over well.

>> No.7768189

>she is on a downward spiral
You really missed that time recently where she said "ever since I experienced the loss of close family I've decided to treat my life preciously", huh. She's even been in her discord stage these past couple days talking normally with her flans for hours on end, even made some lighthearted phasmophobia ghost jokes about her recent loss. Fake purinbros GTFO

>> No.7768255

>jokes about a close one's death
>jokes about joining them soon
That's not a good sign anon..

>> No.7768273

If dark humor is a sign of pending suicide, this whole damn site is on watch.

>> No.7768276

It was literally sadboi lain art tier, it's literally jealous woman gossip. Fucking pathetic

>> No.7768345

Not that guy but you are a tremendous faggot, please kill yourself

>> No.7768403

I want Kallin to mother my children.

>> No.7768461

It's not in a vacuum.
>Talks about wanting to kill herself for years.
>Talks about having attempted suicide on stream.
>Shows a suspiciously low amount of grief over her own mother's death
>"Haha wouldn't be funny if i joined her in the afterlife?"
>Seems way too overjoyed and generous compared to her normal mood
There is so many redflags
I just wish retards here would stop talking about it since it would only make the situation worse.
Case & point, this fucking retard >>7768065
I honestly don't know what anyone could do about purin other than be nice to her and keep her from being lonely.

>> No.7768566

But Anon it is there.

>> No.7768675

>Changes story when people call him out
Kill yourself tranny

>> No.7768926

>for years
>suspiciously low amount of grief
kind of normal seeing as recently deceased are buried or cremated asap, so she wouldn't have been able to see her while bedridden

>> No.7768999

Literally nothing he said was true, she was sad, she got cake. This melodramatic garbage is so fucking stupid, I used to cry myself to sleep like once a week in college because I was lonely and felt like I was fucking everything up. I will tell you even more seriously, please hang yourself

>> No.7769475

But it’s literally right there she says literally in her words she wants to but not act on it. I’m not saying she’s in that mindset rn I’m not agreeing with everything that guy said. Literally nothing they said has anything to do with me I’m just going off what I’m seeing. Some guy asked for proof and it’s there why bitch about it? Seriously I have no idea why you guys are ignoring all those messages to focus on cake. That was months ago anyway it’s probably not even that deep now but accept she was in that mindset instead of acting like a dumbass.

>> No.7769517

Because anyone who's been a teenager has had those thoughts at some point.
We're sperging out over normal human emotions.

>> No.7769768

Production Kawaii is also an English language Japanese based V-Tuber startup agency. They are also doing well.

>> No.7769848
File: 530 KB, 651x629, 1628215933278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The concernfagging in this thread is filtering me hard but these threads introduced me to Hanabi, so thanks and fuck you faggots

>> No.7769932

When is my boyfriend (female) going to post a schedule?

>> No.7770228

Stop posting mean spirited baits about Purin and start posting about her sexy voice!

Purin's voice make me so hard I can't control myself, I just have to fap, even if I don't want to, it's like if it was my destiny to blow a load while hearing Purin's voice it's incredible I just can't live without hearing her "FUCK ME~" and her "Stoopeed dog" it's unbelivable how much I love her voice it's like ecstasy meets crack cocaine, my life wouldn't be complete without her voice, I am fully addicted to it and I feel better for it, I can feel my heart pumping when I hear her moaning it's unstoppable and i'm on the verge of heart attack everytime she whimpers and my stick becomes the Nyoi-Bou everytime I hear her speak in her adorable broken japanese, is this what EOP feels when they hear a japanese girl speaking broken english ? It's incredible and I feel like I can't survive without that in my life, it's just so righteous, pure righteousness, it's unreal and I must be dreaming but I hope I'm never waking up, everyday I rewatch her VODs on youtube and I can't stop myself from crying because of how cute she is and crying because of her voice, is this normal ? Do you guys think I need help ? What should I do, I can't just stop myself from loving her..

>> No.7770298

Every time Purin replies to something I said with words that should be talking down to me, but you can hear the smile on her voice, it makes my heart so happy.

>> No.7770487
File: 236 KB, 1782x2048, 1615561301998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hearing Purin's voice makes my day so much better. Her laugh is so joyous and it just melts my heart. My favorite moments are when she laughs and smiles so much that her cheeks hurt and she says "you guys are so stupid" but you can hear in her voice how much fun she's having. I love Purin so much, bros.

>> No.7770745

It's time for your 3AM stage chat!

>> No.7770783
File: 7 KB, 128x128, 1613911563834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't need sleep or anything

>> No.7770832

>tfw you're too shy to go on discord
social anxiety bros onegai..

>> No.7770925

Just do it. If you're a flan, you don't want to miss them.

>> No.7771046

Her new alerts are so amazing, I can't wait to hear them again soon

>> No.7771084

I got banned for calling another user a nigger and a faggot
Fuck discord holy shit

>> No.7771085

there's people in there who don't talk at all, no one's gonna notice or care

>> No.7771103


>> No.7771127

Good riddance you tryhard edgelord. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.7771274

You'd get banned from almost any public community for that, retard

>> No.7771301

How old are you?

>> No.7771344


>> No.7771377
File: 986 KB, 3840x2160, 9864856837568236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsunderia love!

>> No.7771384

stop giving the obvious bait (You)s

>> No.7771391

Valefor is a saint for this artwork

>> No.7771421

Valefor might be retarded in some ways but he is a real one ;_;

>> No.7771711
File: 464 KB, 1057x780, Comfy Meru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Meru is having a good sleep right now (or at the very least, she's actually sleeping). I wish I could be with her to kiss her goodnight and hold her. I will content myself with thinking fondly of her as I drift off. Good night, Meru!

>> No.7771769

>Join stage
>"My only way to get human cum was to let these stupid kids to have their ways with me. I was so angry."
>Leave stage
>Quit the discord server
She is just too much for me guys..
I'm so sorry.

>> No.7771771

I've said it before, but I absolutely love the mouth sounds Orla does from time to time (tongue clicking, that sort of thing.) Gives me hardcore ASMR vibes. Orla LOVE!

>> No.7771830
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1017, 1628103223241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't handle this smug dog pupupu

>> No.7771841

This isn't the vshojo thread

>> No.7771997

No need to apologize. It's better for us that you get filtered so easily.

>> No.7772251

Purin in her microkini... fan artist... onegai...

>> No.7772306

>The Dungeon In Yarn draws Purin wearing a micro bikini

>> No.7772418

why is she looks so chubby?

>> No.7772528

Teaching a young woman about hallucinogenic drugs feels weird...

>> No.7772550

I'm honestly surprised with how little she knows about it

>> No.7772564

Better to learn from horny groomers than horny college fuckboys.

>> No.7772599

Might be her location, but it ain't like it used to be. Can't walk into a bar and ask the right looking people and walk out with some LSD like you could 20 years ago...

>> No.7772658

Fair point. She also seems very disinterested in it so that's probably the main reason. Maybe it's a cultural thing

>> No.7772660

One of you should teach her what "anterograde amnesia" means.

>> No.7772738

I haven't visited the thread since she started vomiting blood, Can i have a quick rundown of what happened to Purin?

>> No.7772782

>Went to family gathering
>One of her cousins had Covid, her family got it too. Especially her and her mom.
>Purin also caught pneumonia at the same time for a super double whammy
>Purin went to the hospital, had to be put on oxygen and meds to save her.
>Mom died while she was in the hospital (from Covid? Hazy on this.
>Purin recently got out of the hospital, but is still on meds and has to keep track of her oxygen levels. She is recovering well though

>> No.7772805

>from Covid?

>> No.7772948

>Mom died
No fucking way right after their relations started improving, What did she do to deserve this ?

>> No.7773034

My dick can't handle Purin I think i'm going to leave soon.
How can you guys survive this. Is there a trick ?

>> No.7773038

Better when their relations are mending rather than having it broken and wondering what could have been.
