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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 162 KB, 1280x720, Kiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
77022322 No.77022322 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus fucking christ what is this woman's problem? Every other gen has simply just waited for their turn without complaining but she just needs to have a victim complex about every little thing doesn't she?

>> No.77022430


>> No.77022533

Yes that's exactly how she is, how she was, how she will be and why so man people don't like her

>> No.77022542

>y- you're supposed to just take corpo incompetence and favoritism!
Nijitroon moment

>> No.77022596

why shouldn't kiara complain about not getting a 3.0 update? i'm sure all her fans are clamoring to see yet another tech demo stream in which the chuuba shows off
>the new expanded range of motion
>eyes and face darkening when leaning forward
>new innovative eye and tongue toggles
>emotes with an art style that clashes with the base model, never to be seen again

>> No.77022600


>> No.77022635

Nijiseethe deflection

>> No.77022655

Look, I like her because she works hard (harder than Gura at least kek) and she has her moments, but I gotta say: KFPs who act like she isn't incredibly whiny are just denying reality at this point.

>> No.77022672

>sister forgets holochads don't bootlick cover

>> No.77022695

nijiseethe post

>> No.77022706

Me: Yes yes, it's a seething Nijibaiter as usual. I'm just saying what we're all thinking.

>> No.77022712

i dislike kiara but one good thing about her is that she fucking refuses to lick covers arsehole when they mistreat holoen

>> No.77022717


>> No.77022721

What the chance that homo will get 3.0 first? Considering EN management clear homo bias.
Will you riot?

>> No.77022767

Kiara is so irrelevant she has to latch onto Myth to do anything. Ame and Gura don't want anything leave them alone.

>> No.77022798

This but unironically

>> No.77022802
File: 202 KB, 447x377, Kronii love Fauna did a spank Mumei just enjoyers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the chance that homo will get 3.0 first? Considering EN management clear homo bias.
>Will you riot?
Kronii love Fauna did a spank Mumei just enjoyers

>> No.77022809

Why should she complain? There's lots of Holos who haven't gotten it and are just waiting their turn.

>> No.77022842

so who does have 3.0 at this point? gen 0, gen1 and gen 2 right? Also total clipper death

>> No.77022850

Holy ESL. Not you though, anon.

>> No.77022859

They should all complain, they should all get it or none of them should get it. Fuck Cover for favoritism.

>> No.77022946

ID1 has it, ID2 is in the process of getting it (Ollie done, Reine next). Don't know if JP4 got theirs yet.

>> No.77022967

Why would they need 3.0 when half of myth don't even steam.

>> No.77022973

>everyone has to wait 3 years and they all get it at the same time
>they slowly roll it out like they've always done with L2D updates
There's only one smart option here Anon.

>> No.77022988

Jp4 was before en right? So its just chronological order?

>> No.77023031

they are literally all active currently

>> No.77023051

Love how OP didn't link the clip so no one here has the context that she was talking about 2.0 kek

>> No.77023054

Jp4 was before En1, but En1 was before Id2.

>> No.77023096

Gamers, Fantasy, Gen4, Nepolabo and HoloX have 3.0, the only ones without 3.0 are Myth, Promise, ID3 and Advent

>> No.77023146

To be fair I don't think they need an update. Who ever complains about Myth's rigging? Everybody is perfect the way they are.

>> No.77023165


>> No.77023270

She says in the video that advent have 3.0 since their base models were built with the tech.

>> No.77023293

Ah ok i see her frustration now. Though i can see maybe cover thinks that the 3.0 might be wasted since myth is kinda sporadic in their streaming schedule but lets be honest, the whole 3.0 seems like a waste, i have no idea if its rigging or just toggles, and the toggles are literally never used

>> No.77023295

>Ame still checked out
>Gura still checked out

>> No.77023335

Kiara is a niji though, you're not washing the enna stench off of her, ever

>> No.77023491

Suisei, Subaru, Choco, Ayame, Mio and Regloss don't have 3.0 either.

>> No.77023510

>i have no idea if its rigging or just toggles
Some of it is rigging, some things are toggles. Like, the model is more responsive and the face sync is better, but stuff like heart eyes or crying faces are 100% toggles.

>> No.77023546

Choco doesn't have hers yet.

>> No.77023567

Advent is using live2D 3.0 but they dont have full 3.0 model/rigging, they can't lean forward and they don't have full mout-trackng or all the expressions that the 3.0 models have

>> No.77023570

Can't they just commission this or do it themselves? Or are the only custom models they're allowed to make/get meant to be worse than company provided assets?

>> No.77023616

>be runt
>complain about not getting company resources
>yet refuse to suck management dick
dumb bitch. stop being entitled. Cover isn't a charity

>> No.77023724
File: 73 KB, 574x676, 10e99d315697eebb05114ca12e0d3bfe4842e85d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori and Mori have worse solo numbers than her.
>Mori's recent numbers are grea-
Deadbeats are botting her. Look at the graph of all her recent streams.

>> No.77023729

Anon? These are 25+ idol wannabe women. Do you think they have any level of technical competence (except Ame)?
As for taking a direct commission, that's basically coming up to your manager and taking a shit on his desk. I'm not saying it's not based, but circumventing coprorate structure doesn't translate into a prolonged stay at the company you do it in. Which is basically what both girls and Cover want.

>> No.77023870

KFPiss enable it that's why. Companies have fired people for less.

>> No.77023887

>Do you think they have any level of technical competence (except Ame)?
>circumventing coprorate structure doesn't translate into a prolonged stay at the company you do it in
And the other part in the equation that you're ignoring about them occasionally using their own custom models anyway?

>> No.77023916

And what? Better than being niji obedient lapdog that for sure.

>> No.77023919

Jup, your guys get kicked out if they make demands, my oshi gets things done for her gen, seethe about it, sister

>> No.77023939

Let's face it, Gura is probably the one who need 3.0 in the company. But then she barely streams and actually likes being a rhombus for some reason.

>> No.77023967

Vtuber clips are rivaling Mr Beast clones and /v/tard fleshtubers in having the worst thumbnails humanly possible.

>> No.77023999

You missed the part where Myth doesn't even have 2.0 and according to management they have to get 2.0 before they can be upgraded to 3.0? I'd be annoyed too

>> No.77024018

>try and find the clip
>its a clickbait thumbnail
>she never said any of that
Why is this so common with egg threads?

>> No.77024089

???? you are stupid

>> No.77024114

sister if you want to shit post at least provide a link to make it seem believable

>> No.77024208

Nah not gonna spoonfeed you

>> No.77024431


>> No.77024741

If you are a dramatuber then Kiara is the most important member because she's always the one that spills the beans. A miracle Cover hasn't fired her yet.

>> No.77024910

She is free to air out her frustration. Just don't be an idiot by becoming False or any dramatubers' whistleblower by leaking NDA shit

>> No.77024953

Why is that indies have better models and rigging than all of Hololive? When are they gonna get to Shylily's level? I've even seen 3D models made by randos that are better than the official ones too.

>> No.77024974

Well she hasn't

>> No.77025036

>Myth doesn't even have 2.0 yet
>forced to get 2.0 before 3.0
Justified complaint, OP is deflecting

>> No.77025037

How do you even "fix" the literal face of the brand

>> No.77025050

Holy shit, did you watch the fucking clip? We need a new term for fuckers that aren’t even clipwatchers but just look at the thumbnails.
Think about it, you are BELOW a clipwatcher.

I’m not denying that Kiara whines but she’s not even whining about the 3.0, she’s just explaining why they don’t have it. She even says their rigging was good anyway.

>> No.77025095

The actual face is the design, not the crappy rigging, you tard.

>> No.77025105

Niji is getting called black company for so long that sisters will try everything to prove Holo is the same as them

>> No.77025123

She doesn't even really care about the 3.0 itself because she doesn't use her default outfit much

>> No.77025160

Why the fuck would I willingly watch a clip of Kiara?

>> No.77025208

>enters discussion without knowing what you're talking about

>> No.77025234

I'll actually laugh if they give it to council first because they stream while myth besides kiara and mori are all lazy coasters.

>> No.77025285

Kiara = bad is all I care to know

>> No.77025323

Then don't complain about being called a retard and go play outside

>> No.77025346

Point blank if it takes three years to implement tech you've already developed to assets you've already made you don't deserve to call yourself a tech company period

>> No.77025615

Everybody knows their tech company shtick is just a big larp

>> No.77025963

updates only being for default outfits is dumb

>> No.77025979

>just waiting their turn.
The problem is that that turn is seemingly completely arbitrary.

>> No.77026024

Kiara even said she doesn't really care for herself to get 3.0 since she barely uses her default model, but retards still managed to turn it into orange woman bad.

>> No.77026121

>Deadbeats are botting her.
We know it's you, go back to /#/ and cry more about them ignoring twitch numbers.

>> No.77026167

I find it funny how virtually all EN clipfags are the most ESL of ESL's imagineable.

God I hate spics and seaniggers. The internet was better off before they finally discovered smartphones.

>> No.77026190
File: 30 KB, 461x461, EYwvSKXU4AEJ9yL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, why do I keep reading her name as Nakadashi Kiara?

>> No.77026231

>Antis are making the Mori astroturfing threads
>Antis are spending loads of money on botting Mori
Deadbeats are beyond retarded.

>> No.77026277

It does make sense since ID gens are always three instead of five people.
Just less work and in Myth you have two people that barely stream anyway, so it is wasting more resources.

>> No.77026333

But she's right? JP members--lot of the same ones--get a lot of shit like promotion, events and deals others don't . Hologra almost refuses to use EN, even those already in Japan.

Point is what Kiara says can be reasonable sometimes.

>> No.77026353

Do not forget that Live2D was always, and still is, the low budget option that is accessible and easy to use for anyone willing to invest a small amount of time. If a "rando" is pulling off decent 3D then they're probably a lot less rando than you think they are, and definitely less rando than most Live2D model riggers.

>> No.77026534

Anon I'm looking at streams up recently. Are you blind or think people are stupid?

>> No.77026596

Because JPs are more popular simple as, there's not some company-wide sabotage campaign against EN like fans seem to think.

>> No.77027329

>more popular
>still not Number One

>> No.77027375

Look at the amount of shit Gura gets, because she's popular and Kiara is not.

>> No.77027611

>Gura won't stream again until next month
>Ame checked out
>Ina with irregular schedule

>> No.77027689 [DELETED] 


>> No.77027738

Does anyone actually care? I haven't seen anyone really use 3.0 features anyways. But I don't understand why Advent and ReGloss don't have that by default. Why debut with 1.0? Or maybe the have it but they are not allowed to use it.

>> No.77027799

Gura has 47 vods with over 1,000,000 views. 35 are solo streams. 10 of are collabs and 2 are 3D lives.
Pekora has 50 vods with over 1,000,000 views. 27 are solo streams. 23 of are collabs (2 with her mom and 6 are huge events) and 4 are 3D lives.
Marine has 36 vods with over 1,000,000 views. 22 are solo streams. 14 are collabs and 8 are 3d lives.
Miko has 23. 3 are solo streams.
Fubuki has 7. Aqua has 14, almost all apex. Subaru has 12. Koyori has 4. Mori has 8. Fauna has 10, almost all ASMR
Kiara has 2. That puts her on the same level as Shion and Nene.
Haachama, Aki, Polka, and Lui have 1 and Matsuri, Sora, AZKi, Roboco, Choco, FLARE, and Luna have 0.

>> No.77027813

EN will always be second class citizens for Cover. I will say that it's sad that ID get even more shit than EN, but for geographical relations and general ties already made, it makes sense that it's easier for Cover to do things in the SEA region than NA or EU. We have the Cover expansion into CA in the states, but I don't expect much to come out of it. I'm still mad that Cover hasn't even tried to do a booth at cons in NA, I'm sure plenty of fans would buy out backstocks/continuously stocked merch at these cons if they had presence, because it's almost all impulse purchasing.

>> No.77027825

Catalog readers don't like facts just their rrats on repeat.

>> No.77027847

Yeah like I said >>77027375

>> No.77027913

Do it anon.
Paint her walls white.

>> No.77027946

The impressive thing with Shark is she's able to get these on solo streams, with a much smaller box, next to no funnels and nerfing herself several times over. Just insane.

>> No.77028037

That's less of an excuse in the internet age. It doesn't take a mailman to send a voice line for Hologra for example.

Although Cover seems to be trying to get better at least.

>> No.77028126

Faggot posting the thumbnail of a clipperfaggot, and a bunch of faggots comment without context. Another day in this board with business as usual

>> No.77028216

This but unironically

>> No.77028229

Reminder that Brave somehow is competent enough to get shit and merch to cons in Europe and USA
Cover just sucks at shit like this because their DNA is a tech company and not an entertainment company and it is evident in a lot of shit that they do

>> No.77028231

>man people
Im a man people and i do like her

>> No.77028529

What's this then?

>> No.77028656

Does anyone care about VOD views? They're streamers, live viewers are all that matter

>> No.77028658

Pekora waited years for a new outfit, imagine not being able to follow the example of your "supposed oshi". Lying bitches stay lying.

>> No.77028711


>> No.77029242

LMAO Kiara caught with her foot in her mouth again

>> No.77029362

Orange woman is simply someone who wish to be Japanese but feel entitled enough not follow their ways. She'll never be anything but a small cog in hololive, with her only barging point being the first gen in EN. She is nothing and will remain a nothing.

>> No.77029794

>Myth doesn't even have 2.0 and according to management they have to get 2.0 before they can be upgraded to 3.0
That is the part which makes it sound like management is angry with Myth since they are forcing them to get the Live2D 2.0 update before they can get the 3.0 update. For all the merch they sell it's getting suspicious how often Cover ignores their gen when they need studio time for a 3D anniversary or being on the list for model updates.

>> No.77029858

maybe they're not selling as much as you believe they do, I don't think Ina and Gura can make up for the rest

>> No.77029917

Nobody cares and this thread is full of people lying about a thing they also don't care about because the drama is what's actually fun. The 3.0 thing literally only mattered for like a set of Gen 1 streams and never again.

>> No.77030023

EN (and ID) in Hologra is always awkward as fuck because they do this dumb shit where everyone is required to speak in their branch language even when many of them can speak Japanese. ID sounds terrible as a language and the EN shit is always horrific voice acting (which is a big part of why dubs suck).

>> No.77030064

>horrific voice acting
Not an issue when the worst offender of that is Pekora.

>> No.77030085

Kiara dropped pretending to care about Pekora years ago.

>> No.77030134

Pekora isn't the face of Hologra. She's one of the last JP's I would associate with the program.

>> No.77030468

??? What are you on about

>> No.77030548

Is Gura's base model even on 1.0?

>> No.77030817

>where everyone is required to speak in their branch language
They stopped this and now everyone is required to speak Japanese. So now only certain ID and EN members will be featured more and everyone else will be forced to speak really bad Japanese. Its pretty stupid that Cover doesn't do an ID and EN HoloGra or have one that at least combines them since most of ID speaks English.

>> No.77030950

>youtube recommend me kiara play an interesting game live
>oh cool why am i not subscribed yet?
>she start randomly rambling about shit and being vocal about stuff for strong 10 minute
>fast forward months later
>youtube recommend me kiara play an interesting game live
>oh cool why am i not subscribed yet?
>she start randomly rambling about shit and being vocal about stuff for strong 10 minute
>rinse and repeat
i'm all in for european vtuber but she really makes it hard for me to support her and i don't even hate her or anything.

>> No.77031005


>> No.77031153

That's more because she's a normie

>> No.77031185

>all of her fans

>> No.77031221

But you do bootlick for cover you do this every day 24/7 on your /v/ niji and holo console war

>> No.77031222

She also says that she doesn't mind since it would only be for the original outfit which she barely uses.

>> No.77031249


>> No.77031557

Bitch, what am I even supposed to be angry about? What exactly did she say? Is this shitty clickbait thumbnail your only source?
If you're going to make obnoxious drama-bait OPs at least put in the tiniest amount of effort or better yet kill yourself.

>> No.77031681

You'd absolutely hate Tekken.

>> No.77031692

Is she called wawa because she does nothing but throw tantrums and cry?

>> No.77031913

You seem angry, sister

>> No.77032065

Oh no, 3.0 they will use once and never again.

>> No.77032715 [DELETED] 

Guess the skin colour of the OP. I bet a dark swathy brown.

>> No.77033057

only proves you made this random shit up sister

>> No.77033082

Kiara must love him

>> No.77033126

Still not watching the pro niji whore buy an ad faggot

>> No.77033233


>> No.77033238

Holochads bootlick cover but KFPiss bootlick Kiara

>> No.77033280

>Kiara says literally anything
>/vt/ flips their shit
Not sure if women or autistic.

>> No.77033309

>posts on a board that literally only consists of people talking about drama and complaining
>complains about a women being dramatic and complaining

>> No.77033377

she’s what im trying to avoid by watching hololive
same goes for ravencroft

>> No.77033408
File: 672 KB, 1400x965, 1717164854925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know that women can be autistic, right?

>> No.77033465

You bootlick anybody if you think it spites her, even homofaggots, so I don't think you can talk

>> No.77033608

And "or" is logically inclusive.

>> No.77033707

she is bitch, but our bitch

>> No.77033792

That's Coco.

>> No.77033926


>> No.77033964 [DELETED] 

You fucking wish shitbird

>> No.77033976

I remember Gura mentioning how she doesn't really want her Live2d to be fixed back during the first Mortuary Assistant stream so I wouldn't even be surprised if they're just waiting for Gura to give them the OK to actually change it. You can even see in the Ochame Kinou MV her misaligned Eye rigging was fixed there and she even has bottom teeth that a visible for a small portion of it.

>> No.77034063

Every other gen except Holox*

>> No.77034076

the whining is the best part of her
it makes me really horny to imagine denying her things she wants

>> No.77034158

coco's words

>> No.77034399


>> No.77034437

coomers are destroying this hobby

>> No.77034472

What is it with KFPiss always being crabs in the bucket? Kiara is getting good numbers on her Fallout playthrough, but other than that her numbers are mostly bad by Holo standards. I'm going to need some proof on her totally mogging Shiori and Mori now that doesn't involve pretending every success they get is bots.

>> No.77034474

coomers built this hobby

>> No.77034510

unless you're offering to make me cum instead, i don't care

>> No.77034694

Already posted the proof it's bots.

>> No.77034795

Gura was breaking Hololive sales records with her merch and the leaked sales data from the official website shows that Myth was doing better than most of the JP gens. For all the money that Myth earns for Cover they are treated worse than most everyone in JP and ID.

>She also says that she doesn't mind since it would only be for the original outfit
Sure, but Kiara was hinting that some other Myth talents would have liked the 3.0 model update. Corpo bootlickers on /vt/ keep finding excuses to defend management but it's suspicious how often Myth receives the short end of the stick.

>> No.77034804


>> No.77034805

It's just basic German autism. She can't help it.

>> No.77034844

Fuck off with this meme already
This isn’t a European or ESL thing, she’s just a rude bitch and that’s all there is to it
t. yuro

>> No.77034926

Ah yes. Gura's bi-yearly merch shill stream. How could I forget.

>> No.77034939

Gura is getting proper treatment though.

>> No.77035173

just watched the clip and she wasn't even complaining? what the fuck is this thread?

>> No.77035228

coco is step above bitch

>> No.77035238


>> No.77035411
File: 27 KB, 263x263, bibsip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>victim complex about every little thing doesn't she?
I mean, she's the same girl who turned what should be a fun event of Advent and other girls being in Japan to be something about her, which she implied that everyone was blaming her for ruining the surprise, when it wasn't even a problem in the first place.
Worst of all is she did this while 3 of the girls are having an offcollab stream.

>> No.77035437

I'm just farming

>> No.77035517

Every thumbnail thread should be deleted because all it does is attract retards like the anon above me
Hilariously enough some guy tried to make a thread with this topic yesterday and only got 2 replies because no clip thumbnail and he gave a timestamp

>> No.77035641

Based Kiara. Someone has to take one for the team and call Covers bullshit out since they clearly don't listen the fans who pay all that shit.

>> No.77035664

Timestamp so you can call OP a retarded woman

>> No.77035687

She's taken 5 magazines worth by this point dude.

>> No.77035839

I know, "dude". She knows, "dude". Everyone knows, "dude". If only Cover could get their shit together, "dude".

>> No.77035930

Maybe she should say it directly to management instead of complaining on stream.

>> No.77036029

Maybe you should go put a bullet in your head, corpo bootlicker.

>> No.77036106

Lol Kiara's grandstanding hasn't changed anything with all these complaints she should take the fight where it matters

>> No.77036117


>> No.77036161

>complain to management
>management ignores it or punishes her

>complain on stream
>fans echo the complaints on social media, chance for complaints to become too loud to ignore

>> No.77036235

Why are nip hours always full of Yagoo dick suckers? Are nips and last samurai really so spineless?

>> No.77036247

kiara is already too loud to ignore

>> No.77036274
File: 389 KB, 220x195, whoreofbabylon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've said this in another thread but it's just plain humiliating how the STANDARD for indie vtubers is pic rel, she already has a 2.0 and Gura has a fucking jpeg as a 2D model.
Marine spent more on her Treasure Box MV than what cover would spend on properly rigging for the complete en branch.

>> No.77036316

>punishes her
She's not in Niji my man

>fans echo the complaints on social media, chance for complaints to become too loud to ignore
Hasn't happened for anything she's complained about so far

>> No.77036383

Why do you care what she says in her streams? Why do you get pissy about what Kiara says? Are you that fragile?

>> No.77036459

something something nail that sticks out gets raped by limp dick nip manager...
respect their retarded culture, anon.

>> No.77036507

You're Manchurian?

>> No.77036509

Pekora had her meltdown about management fucking her over already in 2021 and Cover actually made a special statement about her outfit getting delayed for extensively long time.

>> No.77036560

Her meltdown wasn't about that retard

>> No.77036567

you can also be a SEA ESL monkey this things often come hand in hand

>> No.77036593


>> No.77036782
File: 580 KB, 1200x955, 1685112439345345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at what her fanbase is mainly consisted of Euros like this guy and the Philippines.

>> No.77036886

Nah they (or should I say, you) can kill themselves. Caught them too many times

>> No.77036935

it was about a lot of different things triggered by Cover refusing to allow her do the gameshow idea but it's not like she cried just because of that. Coco decided to leave hololive like a month later.

>> No.77037022

are you telling me that catalog is more interested in manufactured drama than actual context? first I've heard of it.

>> No.77037038

You've posted this photo so many times that I only associate it with you. You're ugly on the inside and out, though

>> No.77037075


>> No.77037081

>Post body + timestamp

>> No.77037134

>yeah boi
>oh baby
Holy mother of cringe

>> No.77037156

>vt is one person
Kfpiss seethe

>> No.77037241

Okay autist.

>> No.77037345
File: 31 KB, 388x386, ppeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just noise, and bait.
I think the only time I really felt disappointed with Kiara was when she didn't even care about Laplus cover of her DO U.
The kid was just showering her with love for months, did she care?
It was just a tweet "Laplus stole my uniforms!" and later some remarks about the uniform itself again.
I later watched Bae's reaction to Kobo's Play Dice and her happiness watching it was just precious. Why Kiara couldn't be like that?

It would be good for her career too, making a cover together with laplus the buff "big" holemens get when they pair up with a cunny one (think Kaela and Biboo) is true, but seriously, she didn't even care.

>> No.77037346

the fact ID2 has it before myth is a little crazy ngl

>> No.77037356
File: 33 KB, 627x305, 1715720392318101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is incredibly ironic

>> No.77037369

And then you skip a cutscene of Lars and Victor shaking hands and you're now kazama fighting the god damned devil.

>> No.77037407

they're punishing myth because they don't fucking stream

>> No.77037446

This is also noise and bait because she literally did for months (yes, months)

>> No.77037620

if your only argument is "no u" you lost before it even began

>> No.77037648

How can you blame Kiara on that. Of all the members she could've had for her cover, she got La+ "I Hate Hololive" Darkness from ShilloX.
That would bring anyones mood down.

>> No.77037693

lol, laplus loves hololive more than kiara

>> No.77037745

Show me, seriously, because this left a bad taste in my mouth, maybe I missed, but if I did, then show me I'm wrong because I'm really hoping I am.

>> No.77037754

You clearly didn’t watch any streams because Kiara talked about Laplus all the time.

>> No.77037757

And yet...

>> No.77038243


>> No.77038349

Laplus started practicing DO U and praising the song on her alt twitter multiple times and Kiara replied and talked about it each time. If you search "kiara laplus" on youtube you'll get many clips. It made her want to do an offcollab with her which they did, and Kiara even shared a preview of her upcoming music with her then. You didn't get the reaction you wanted because it was like nth time at that point. I also just remembered she mentioned laplus as someone she wanted to male music with during the watame holotalk

>> No.77038368

nta but the custom models that they currently have don't circumvent any corporate shenanigan, outfits and the smol models still have to go through corpo bureaucracy/approval, just like anything else.

you don't simply go to a random tech consulting company, pay them for a new dashboard, and then email your boss saying "hey you can cancel all the future meetings for our project, i've paid someone else to do it already", there are steps (be they reasonable or not) that must be followed, rules that should be obeyed. it isn't much different in Cover

>> No.77038448

NOBODY here will make an educated take on this, so here goes: She has EVERY right to complain because V2.0/V3.0 doesn't exist anyways, it's literally a fucking illusion, there's no such thing as a Live2D v2/v3 tech. That's something that's made up by vtuber companies when people were still figuring out how to push Live2D to its limits, a "wider" range of movements is just a product of manipulating the model better to give a better sense of fake-3D and working around the absolutely mongoloid simple engine that is Live2D, (imagine, they literally gave a new name to the live2d technicians getting better). I can say this because I used to tinker with the shit circa 2021, there is no new tech involved at all, there's a reason why VShoujo girls just start with a perfectly updated animated model, there's no reason not to

>> No.77038482

No shit retard

>> No.77038614

Faggots here don't know the obvious, if they do they'd know how dumb it is that we're still supposed to pretend this is a real thing

>> No.77038689

She's in fucking Europe. She is the most isolated EN girl. At least Hololive is opening an office in California next month.

>> No.77038782

The most isolated EN girl is Gura. It's lonely at the top.

>> No.77038887

The Strongest Vtuber of Modernity.
Is she the most famous because she's Gawr Gu/ra or is she Gawr Gu/ra because she's the most famous?

>> No.77038963
File: 825 KB, 144x192, fridge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It smells like crazy in here

>> No.77039003

I mean what did you expect honestly

>> No.77039047

There is some truth to it. True fans wouldn't get upset at her fighting for the talent's side.
Siding with the corpo is a Nijibootlicker thing to do.
Someday you'll understand, sis.

>> No.77039165

"fighting" lmao she's just being bitchy to let off steam

>> No.77039250

Sis, Hololive members are allowed to bitch without repercussions from the fanbase and company.

>> No.77039256

I was hoping for some actually juicy drama, but instead it's just another orange woman bad nothingburger seethe thread.

>> No.77039325

Yeah and that's fine but don't try to pretend she's trying to lead a crusade

>> No.77039384

That's Gura's job.

>> No.77039673

Is there any timestamp of what she said? Or is this another clipper thumbnail seethe thread for the sake of orange woman seethe?

>> No.77039941


>> No.77040069

Nah, making noise is good, japs are bug hive mind people and if you don’t raise a stink they will gleefully pass you over and hand everything you’ve earned to another slant.

>> No.77040448

Kiara also said that La+ is a fucker because she always uses her alt account to post the DO U stuff.
And she hoped that one day she'll be main account worthy.

>> No.77040532

She's been doing this for years without any changes made by the complaints and it just paints her as a dramafag

>> No.77040586

It's fucked up that she chose to make Ollie's 3.0 about Myth and their lack of a 2.0. She got raided by her and the first thing Ollie gets to hear this snarky, underhanded "Everyone who came after us has 3.0 before we even get 2.0" comment.
No offense to Kiara for being hurt by what seems to be Cover neglecting Myth, but she's really fucking burning every bridge for herself with her attitude sometimes. She's already feeling isolated and alone with Myth more or less being soft-retired and all of them never getting around to doing anything with each other - why does also deter other members from reaching out to her with that attitude?

>> No.77040589

I see, I took a break last year and only came back on february of this year, what I searched was "laplus kiara do u" and there was (and stil is) basically nothing, my mistake was not searching about events before the medley.

>> No.77040592

That is such a shitty thought process lmao

>> No.77040614

>watching kiara
pff no thanks

>> No.77040633


>> No.77040763

What do you want, for her to punch them?

>> No.77040780
File: 738 KB, 1248x652, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Laplus hands on the right.
Kek, she's probably taller than most holos.

>> No.77040881

What's the difference between 2.0 and 3.0?

>> No.77040886

Complaints to management can be safely ignored but complaints on stream are far more likely to be addressed. A major reason that Cover doesn't allow talents to complain about sexualized designs or lewd concerts is because that might cause backlash. The Hololive business model requires fans to like the company so they don't want a public fight over a feminist issue especially in the EN market.

>> No.77041020

That or Kiara's hands are really small.

>> No.77041105

>man hands
Bros ...

>> No.77041162

I think Kiara is just fishing for events that could bring her gen back into the spotlight, since they've been dead and mostly irrelevant for a good while now.
It's a valid complaint, but also a waste of resources.

>> No.77041191

Are you italian?

>> No.77041254
File: 60 KB, 369x391, soover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gorilla's Hands
>Positive Canthal Tilt
>Hunter Eyes
>Commander (leader status)
>Has an Harem
>Ikemen Voice

How do we compete? It's so over bros.

>> No.77041436

whatever shit is happening over at niji today deflection thread

>> No.77042039

Ina isnt a lazy coaster. Shes an over worked coaster where vtubing is a hobby

>> No.77042629

This doesn't work because they have the same brainworms

>> No.77042921

Alright that's it for today, good night /vt/

>> No.77045071

>Hololive members are allowed to bitch without repercussions from the fanbase and company.
Winter of 2022 had Vesper getting a public suspension and long radio silent health breaks for Ina, Gura, and Laplus. That all happened within a 3 month month time span and they can easily get in trouble if management gets angry.

>> No.77045228

Kiara is the original Collab beggar
Begging is in her genes

>> No.77045541

Nothing gives me greater joy than seeing the whores and their tranny "fans" suffer

>> No.77045637


>> No.77047046

Vesper got suspended because he (by his own admission) basically baby raged at his manager. And you have to wonder what he did behind the scenes and how bad it was for Cover to decide that handing down their first public suspension was warranted.

>> No.77048618

they are never getting the 3.0
why waste money if the girls don't stream and are just a depressive-episode away from quitting, even kiara, the poster girl of hard work, took a a break to rest from her vacation.

>> No.77048845

also to add, the last thing cover may want is to repeat the magni-vesper episode by giving the girls too much negotiation power.

>> No.77051513

A model redesign shouldn't turn into a full on war. Cover is the only major vtuber corpo that acts like these characters will be around for 50 years. If a vtuber really hates their model they aren't going to feel any personal attachment to it and Cover will be lucky if they can keep them for 5 years.

>> No.77051774

How do we save kiara?

>> No.77052497

I dont know about whiny but every single collab she just talks over everybody else and it gets grating.

>> No.77055029


>> No.77058379

based kiara

>> No.77059880

That's just her being a normie, they tend to do that.

>> No.77063155


>> No.77063531

the mouth tracking in 3.0 is a real improvement, but besides that, your description is spot on

>> No.77063559

>took a a break to rest from her vacation.
That was her moving out of an apartment that her stalker showed up at to a house that she bought. She moved in secret as not to be stalked further. Atleast get your shit right.

>> No.77064279
File: 873 KB, 1105x1090, 1674958640939622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sleep very comfy at night knowing this bitch is unhappy over the pettiest reasons

>> No.77064708

based nanora

>> No.77064808

Does La+ WANT ME to hate her?

>> No.77067975

based wawa

>> No.77068727
File: 309 KB, 1000x1000, 1710683219513573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch clip
>she's not whining or complaining
Kiara has had this board in a fucking chokehold for 4 years now.
Find a different target already nijifags.

>> No.77070835
File: 96 KB, 1080x757, GJS7r95acAAzrLI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.77071180

This is clearly Kiara trying to be polite without saying anything of substance about Enna

>> No.77075509

She continued hints at being miserable and eventually, possibly graduating brings me immense joy.

>> No.77076970

You must be living in last year

>> No.77079086

Clearly, the solution is to make the 3.0 model all about skin walking, and AI mimicry.

Who knows, maybe it'll even have an actual personality, unlike Ame!

>> No.77079152


>> No.77079503

Ame has a personality, it’s toxic gremlin masking deep self-hatred. I love her

>> No.77081571

Jesus fucking christ what is this anon' problem? Every other anon has simply just waited for the rrats without overexaggerating nothing burgers but they just need to have a victim complex about every little thing don't they?

>> No.77085474

haha you got me

>> No.77087167

Fair enough, atleast you're admitting to being a fucking idiot and slopping up whatever shit gets thrown to you.

>> No.77087950

Thanks for the bump

>> No.77089762

>Favoritism is only bad if it's Nijisanji
Holocucks are hypocritical

>> No.77092651

yeah right, kiara who is constantly spoiling her location wanted to move in secret, I'm sure gura is also working when she doesn't stream.

>> No.77094642


>> No.77096930


>> No.77097009


>> No.77097436

thanks for confirming

>> No.77097867

Kill all double standard faggots

>> No.77099904

Imagine being the one virgin commenting this on every holothread. Like, activity searching through the catalog to reply nijiseethe. Bro get a fucking life lol

>> No.77101078


>> No.77103241


>> No.77103556


i think they need to be upgraded as a group
and upgrade event is cashgrab event, so no jumping the line here. need cash from both 2.0 event and 3.0 event.

gura absence i think causing them to hold off the group upgrade. gura is abit more active and if this keep up after gura birthday, we may got myth upgrade event.

>> No.77105252


>> No.77105431

yes dumb nigger, now cry

>> No.77105529

Your “people” don’t count xister

>> No.77106366

I don't think I want to imagine the smell. If I did, I might throw up.

>> No.77106467

Typical KFP copium

>> No.77106474
File: 209 KB, 647x415, 1715102894886116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Gura is more popular and entertaining than any of those Indies will ever be. Indies and Vshojo over compensate for lack of personality by having expensive "impressive" looking rigging.

>> No.77106535

I'm not gonna watch your fleshtuber whore

>> No.77106835

Even Nerissa will play the fucking game tho instead of obsessing over chat while pretending to be interested in the game.

>> No.77106870

In b4 OP was banned for replying to himself about 30 times
kys retarded egg

>> No.77106916

kys pagpag eating retard

>> No.77107389

That's Kiara's fanbase

>> No.77107597

will kiara play wuwa?

>> No.77107790

wow gee anon almost like these twitch whores are compensating for something

>> No.77107816

This is it, really. Someone should seriously go through her New Vegas streams and just use an eye tracker to compare what percent of the time is spent looking at the game vs. what percent is spent looking at chat. Anyone actually interested in the content of the games played will constantly be disappointed by Kiara.

>> No.77107867

Oh really so when mel bitched about hololive to kotoka why were they repercussions?

>> No.77108115

There are always people complaining the streamer pays no attention to chat. And there are also people always complaining they don't pay attention to the game. You can't never win against internet people. And since you can't win then Kiara made her choice to always pay more attention to the chat than anything else and is always been like this you know.

>> No.77108666

I don't even hate Kiara you niggas just bit the bait a lot more than I thought you would kek

>> No.77109002
File: 3.56 MB, 1080x1920, SayuTracking[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgoqlj0.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have no idea if its rigging or just toggles
both. you'll also need VBridger for ideal results

>> No.77109115

nowhere near as good as Sayu's model/rig.

>> No.77109181

It isn't, but ShyLily is a fantastic pilot in her own right. She's a lot better at body motions and responsive stuff like winking than anyone else I've seen with her model.

>> No.77109384
File: 515 KB, 374x498, catJAM.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayu would probably beat her, she's truly the best one out there. if I had to guess, some of the indies that avoid her are doing so out of sheer envy.

>> No.77109610
File: 3.09 MB, 640x360, donkeybounce.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, when it comes to something like this I don't like using words like "beat." They're both at the top for models and their usage as far as I'm concerned. No reason to compare or belittle one or the other's efforts. They're both fantastic.

>> No.77109612

This is a goddamn lie because chat was constants yelling VATS

>> No.77110176
File: 493 KB, 1218x1600, Austrian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not German though...

>> No.77110294

I do wonder who #3 is.

>> No.77110600

What happened OP? Kiwawa didn't responded to your superchat? or they banned you for being a creep? what hurt you to be posting so so sad anti threads like this? need a hug anon?

>> No.77110910

What kind of cope is this?

>> No.77111078

Unironically there is one guy that makes threads because he got banned

>> No.77111668

Cope? 90% of hate threads on this board are from anons who were sexpests on a chat and got banned, you must be new /here/

>> No.77112505

Who tf watches this shit

>> No.77112619

Same thing. Everyone knows it but we all pretend that Austria's different because otherwise they'd screech all day until they pass out.
