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76996943 No.76996943 [Reply] [Original]

>Anycolor's positive reputation and good name
So Anycolor can literally just send Cease and Desist notices to any random Twitter poster now?

>> No.76997009

>telling the truth

>> No.76997086

>So Anycolor can literally just send Cease and Desist notices to any random Twitter poster now?

>> No.76997085

Yes OP. I could send you a cease & desist for this post. It's the most basic legal document.

>> No.76997095

>positive reputation
Or what's left of it.

>> No.76997144

I'm not a lawyer.... bur for me this thing has the enforceability of a wet noodle

>> No.76997249


>> No.76997262

Cool. I'd ike to see them enforce it.

>> No.76997301

>Positive reputation

>> No.76997304

>List the things they take care about.
>Livers come after business and clients, as a footnote.
If self-reporting was a metric, Niji would have beat national television, forget holo.

>> No.76997457

>Anycolor tried to enforce an Expired NDA

Oh god, are they stupid?

>> No.76997556

Will lmao if the doc link is spam filtered /here/ because 4chan admins got the same C&D

>> No.76997592

>positive reputation
>good name
to who? Lol. Retarded nijiniggers deserve death.

>> No.76997654

They have her by the balls since she posted actual stuff owned by Nijisanji like drafts for official art and probably the EN discord screenshots Luca sent her.
You need to play it sly when dealing with these corpos and she played it fast and loose instead.

>> No.76997779

Another case of a retarded Japanese company thinking their laws apply to the rest of the world.

>> No.76997783

Cool. How'd she get it? Did she break any laws or contracts that she signed in order to obtain said information?

>> No.76997907

Yeah, she broke the argument to stay silent she made with Luca by telling everyone everything she worked on in secret

>> No.76997920

Kek they literally can't do anything to her

>> No.76997923

>has a recognized reputation in the industry
That reputation? All black
>takes pride in the care and attention it provides
That pride? All rainbow
>Positive reputation and good name are no small part of its success
Is this success in this room with us?

>> No.76997935

thing is she never had an NDA

>> No.76997996

>Got her by the balls
>Cease & Desist
RUMAO, the weakest law document ever. If thet had her, they would sue and make a show of it.
They hope to silenceher but they are so japanese, they don’t even know how the streisand effect works. Especially on Youtube, C&D is a great way to make enemies.

>> No.76998001

oh nyo she broke the pinkie promise

>> No.76998057
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>positive reputation

>> No.76998059

She wasn't given any NDAs.

>> No.76998083

Man Luca is so retarded he couldn't even manipulate this bitch right. He should've made her sign something, the stupid fuck

>> No.76998098

>Positive reputation
>In the EN sphere

Ell oh fucking ell

>> No.76998133

And this is relevant to a C&D because...?

>> No.76998178

Unironically yes, japs dont care if somethings true or not, if it brings dishonour you can get your ass sued

>> No.76998199

He didn't because what he did with his mod was technically against his own contract. That's basically begging to be fired. Elira clearly sucks his cock and receives hush money so that she plays down the contract breaching activities and hides them from JP managers.

>> No.76998254

You can verbally or agree through writing to keep information confidential which is what by Raziel's own admission is what Luca told her to do. She broke that agreement and leaked company information which is illegal

>> No.76998260

yes. to put it in 4chan terms, if i clicked the report button and reported a post, that would be like filing a lawsuit against you. if i replied to you and impotently told you "stop posting retard", that would be like sending you a cease and desist letter.

>> No.76998289

leakers of secret corpo info deserved to be bombed and maimed.

>> No.76998295

You mean the NDA signed in December of 2021, with a two year term, that expired in December of 2023?
She broke zero contract laws by publishing her document in 2024.

>> No.76998343

sisters can't read, more news at 10

>> No.76998351

Of course you would need a third party to verify anything verbal, which I doubt existed.

>> No.76998355

>anycolor linked to his videos

>> No.76998366
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>ANYCOLOR's positive reputation and good name are no small part of its success.
Maybe they should've thought of that before they carpet bombed their "positive reputation" trying to smear an employee they drove to suicide.

>> No.76998376

Cool. Is Luca specifically the one pressing charges? Because it sounds to me like this is a third party.

>> No.76998404

C&D only means "stop or we'll proceed with legal actions". They could be bluffing, they could be not. Some people get scared either way, some people decide it's not worth to keep shitposting and risk battling for that stuff in legal terms because of time wasted/ stress / legal fees. Most probably Anycolor can't do shit, yeah, but still.

>> No.76998413

Not if the corpo in question promotes the suicide of its employees. Anycolor needs a kyoani attack.

>> No.76998464

Even management is ESL
Now cease this bussy :^)

>> No.76998478

>t. executive

>> No.76998496

What are you talking about? As far as I know she never signed an NDA

>> No.76998518
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>Positive reputation
lmao, it unironically reads like a shitpost

>> No.76998533

This is your fault, Riku

>> No.76998538


>> No.76998552

C&Ds are just formal threats. It's like saying "delete your thread or I'll report you". And of course, just like how a report could get ignored for being nothing, a defamation suit against an American would easily lose if the contents were actually true, which is why they just went "AAAAIIIIEEEE DELET THIS".

>> No.76998567

The agreement between her and Luca would have had no end term for to officially be working as a subcontractor. She broke her oral contract which she acknowledges she made

>> No.76998575

Umm, please format your documents properly!

>> No.76998619

>positive reputation
not outside Japan

>> No.76998629

>no end term
That's literally illegal.

Also she was not a subcontractor. She did not receive a NDA.

>> No.76998679

In that case it would be a contract between her and Luca, not her and Nijisanji. Luca would still be in breach of his contract for hiring her, and though Luca might have grounds to sue her, Nijisanji does not.

>> No.76998743

>you would need a third party to verify anything verbal
You don't. If I tell someone I'd give them 500 dollars if they build me a fence, I can't just call him a sucker then not pay him because I didn't bring some random dick head to watch me say it to him

>> No.76998755

What NDA?
What agreement?

>> No.76998757

>oral contract

A blowjob can work as a contract now?

>> No.76998801

Yes you can

>> No.76998803

>maybe if I use a buzzword it will help
Just answer the question. How is a NDA relevant to that C&D?

>> No.76998813

>So Anycolor can literally just send Cease and Desist notices to any random Twitter poster now?
Literally any company can send a Cease and Desist to fucking anybody they want.

>> No.76998838

But I also hear Japanese Face is unable to swim. That sucks for enforcing defamation overseas I guess :/

>> No.76998841

>I can't just call him a sucker then not pay him
Literally skill issue

>> No.76998878

yes me cooming to my whore online means she's my wife

>> No.76998886

Good thing we aren't in nip land then

>> No.76998892
File: 149 KB, 1074x128, selen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the funniest part. Bastards aren't even hiding the fact that they only started preventing bullying
(while saying it didn't happen in the first place lol)

>> No.76998911

where do you see a C&D mentioned here?

>> No.76998936

That's not how NDA's work. She never signed an NDA with Anycolor or with Luca. Luca signed one with Anycolor but was leaking shit to her the entire time. If anything Luca's the one that would be liable for damages to Anycolor's reputation over this leak. Of course they won't tell her that in the C&D because it's just a scare tactic.

>> No.76998940

Luca is the one who broke the law to give her that stuff. She isn't under any NDA, she has literally no obligations to keep it secret.

>> No.76998955

annyy haalf decen corpu wud have fighted back against selene no ? :3 she was soo malicious omg, how dare she recorded my darliiing voxxy without the master's permission :3 meow. its soo disgusting how she took advantage of his easygoing and kind nature to record him and then threatened to dox my darliing voxxy with said info :3 women are so scary, when they want to pull everyone down with them to the noose :3

>> No.76998986

>Nijisanji. Luca would still be in breach of his contract for hiring her
The contract allows subcontractors. She tarnished the image of Luca and Niji both. They can both go after her

>> No.76999007

Anon you've been doing this LARP for a couple weeks now, I know you get off on being called a faggot but go find some findomme for that instead.

>> No.76999012

They have taken steps to prevent further suicides. They are the good guys now.

>> No.76999032

Hey anon I'll give you 1,000,000 dollars to suck my cock

>> No.76999031

Huh? Why did they institute a whistleblowing policy in April? Also corporate-endorsed whistleblowing is always a trap lol

>> No.76999050

She wasn't registered as a subcontractor tho. Luca is kill

>> No.76999099

fucking KEK

>> No.76999119

She was not a subcontractor. She would've had to sign an NDA.

>> No.76999120

read the contract again
and carefully this time
I'm going to quiz you afterwards

>> No.76999128

Go and actually watch the false video then, because he was directly told that an NDA had been signed between her and Anycolor, but since it only had a term of two years it expired last year.

>> No.76999138

If you agree to keep your work with your boss confidential and you don't, you aren't safe just because you didn't sign an NDA. Do you think detectives sign NDAs for every case they work on?

>> No.76999157

Where is Luca's termination for clearly breaching his contract by blatantly spilling company secrets and internal information to his discord kitten?

>> No.76999194

Anycolor has no clue about the west if they think doing stuff like this makes them look favorable. They might as well be pouring gasoline on themselves and begging for a match

>> No.76999202
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're like a big family
>has a whistleblowing policy
>only implemented months after someone nearly killed themselves
>also doesn't even apply to the document that was leaked before said policy exists
>also nobody is allowed to see it

>> No.76999201

Where was this posted? I want to read the full document.

>> No.76999206

My. Goddamn. Sides.

>> No.76999212

Watch the fucking video retards
She signed the NDA HOWEVER the NDA expired already

>> No.76999224

She was never a subcontractor if she never received any contract from Anycolor.

>> No.76999236

I'm not going to watch some half-hour long dramatuber video to answer one question, but this is the first I'm hearing of it. Who told him that?

>> No.76999247

About half an hour ago on False's channel.

>> No.76999257

No, she wouldn't have. The contract only says to put the same restrictions of the contract the person has on the subcontractor. The NDAs aren't required and she agreed to keep things secret

>> No.76999270

Luca was explicitly not her boss. She asked him to write a contract with proper NDA and terms and he refused in favor of just paying her in random paypal gifts. It's literally in her google doc.

>> No.76999272


>> No.76999295


>> No.76999299

Damn I don't want to give that shithead any views. Thanks though.

>> No.76999324

Cool. Do you have this in writing?
Also, did Luca keep his end of the contract or did he break it first?

>> No.76999334

She was given a confidentiality agreement, it's in false's video and he brushes over it

>> No.76999351

THEY FUCKING CONFIRMED THEY DIDN’T HAD AN HR BEFORE SELEN. These motherfuckers are actually confirming they got so selen shokku they actually finally made a working HR department.

>> No.76999350

But she said she never signed any contract with Anycolor? So she lied?

>> No.76999372


>> No.76999378

So which is it? Did she agree not to disclose information or not? You do know what "NDA" stands for, right?

>> No.76999386

No favoritism remember?

>> No.76999394

Thing is it doesn't matter if she had a NDA or not.

>> No.76999424

>your boyfriend can break the law, abuse you, and steal your work for his gain
>but if you speak out about that, you are "tarnishing his reputation" and that's illegal

makes so much sense when you don't think

>> No.76999423

in the new video it's explained that she did, in fact, sign a confidentiality agreement

>> No.76999427

That's because japanese dogs and their shitty work culture means the only existing HR is your boss, and you must spread your asshole in order to receive any favors.

>> No.76999442

apparently, she did but it expired ages ago and thus is no longer enforceable.

>> No.76999457

So she signed something but that thing expired and then she talked?
Luca is still in the mud

>> No.76999474

>Luca was explicitly not her boss
He is paying her for her work. That is a boss. She asked for a contract but she already agreed to basically everything the contract would say. So there'd be no point

>> No.76999505

Oh so they DIDN'T have any sort of protection against internal abuse before April 12th 2024? Before the incident that by their own admission "never happened"?
Good to know!

>> No.76999515

Nijiniggers business is all about using your colleagues as stepping stones. Disgusting pig pyramid scheme business.

>> No.76999553

They forgot to make her sign a new NDA after her NDA expired on December 2023. What a bunch of morons.

>> No.76999555

It's an oral agreement, she didn't sign a contract but she agreed to not say anything

>> No.76999598

>He is paying her for her work.
random gifts is not "paying her for her work". In fact he refused to sign a contract with her, where she actually would have been in that type of employment relationship.
You can't argue that ad-hoc gifts to your girlfriend is "paying her for work", it doesn't work that way because there's no employment contract or even any informal agreement

>> No.76999619

in exchange for....?
If he broke it first by being an abusive shithead and ghosting her, then even THAT is void.

>> No.76999628

>She asked for a contract but she already agreed to basically everything the contract would say. So there'd be no point
serious question anon did you graduate high school

>> No.76999629

Yes. A C&D isn't an official legal document. It's a piece of paper that contains a threat to sue, regardless of if the threat is real or empty, or if they even have a case.

>> No.76999638

Prior to that they had Elira

>> No.76999648

So she lied in her document when she said she never signed any contract from Luca or Niji. So why the fuck would we believe anything groomer hag would say?

>> No.76999696

The oral agreement ended after he threw her in the trash and never cared about her well being.

>> No.76999705

And oral agreement would not fly with Nijisanji. I'd rather believe the other anons who say that she signed an NDA that expired.

>> No.76999732

Any contract that directly violates another existing contract (Luca's) is immediately void. Luca had no authority to subcontract another person that was vetted by anycolor.

>> No.76999739

>That's literally illegal.
Its not retard. Literally most sub based companies feature auto renew stuff which is esentially a contract without a termination date and instead based on if you pay or not. You should read the tos before you sign it.

>> No.76999764

Their whole argument hinges on two facts according to anycolor:
1. She broke her NDA (it expired before the leaks and they didn't have her sign a new one)
2. Her information was not in the public's best interest.

>> No.76999769

New video by who...? Raziel never talked about this shit in any of her streams.

>> No.76999780

>It's an oral agreement
So completely and utterly worthless in court. Even if money was exchanged it'd be thrown out.

>> No.76999820

Yeah, if she did actually claim she signed nothing she's a fucking liar and it's no wonder that it's so smoothed-over by False in this one

>> No.76999824

i think you might be confused with the 1 party consent with recording.

>> No.76999830

>random gifts
He paid her in cash through PayPal
In exchange for the money he'll give her, she'll do shit for him and not say anything about the work she's doing. You can't just break an agreement because you don't like the person you made an agreement with. You sound like you really care about this groomer

>> No.76999875

Doesn't make sense mentioning this because the NDA is expired.

>> No.76999894

FalseEyeD's latest video

>> No.76999925

>auto renew
Why would it have to renew if it never ended?
Auto renewal implies that it can end. No matter what cope you decide to stick with, that little verbal "I pinky promise I won't tell" became moot once their business relationship ended due to him ghosting her.

>> No.76999988

oh so it's completely worthless.
drama tourists were the worst thing to happen to this board.

>> No.76999989

Do we actually have Lucucks here defending the sexpest?

>> No.77000004

She was running his whole career basically
His personality? She designed it.
His merch? She chose it.
His schedule? She crafted it.
His projects? She did them.
For all intents and purposes she was "Luca" in reality, he was just a middleman.

How much did Anycolor value that work she did? Well just look how much they were paying Luca. She should have been getting 100's of thousands of dollars.
also look how Luca's channel imploded as soon as she left kek

>> No.77000048

That’s all? My god she should SLAPP them hard, too bad they will probably hide behind japan cucks the entire time. If this was full american Nijisanji would be railed publically for this BS.

>> No.77000064

She said she never signed any contract from Niji or Luca and instead that Luca insisted on paying her through PayPal even though she asked for a contract. Turns she did sign a contract. Which means she lied and that entire section of that document is full of shit. Why the fuck should I believe anything she says?

>> No.77000066

If kpop sisters can sit around and defend a convicted sex trafficker and he still has fans. So can luca

>> No.77000083

In most sub based companies you need to click in the "I Accept the terms of service", that's the same shit as sign a contract.

>> No.77000112

I'm sure Niji renewed the NDA with her, it's not like they've ever dragged their feet in getting a contract signed before.

>> No.77000116

What is False's source for her signing an agreement?

>> No.77000183

You have to be of working age to post on this board, and the fact you are so retarded to think a contract is just payment proves you are not.

>> No.77000188

because you can look at your luca merch you have next to your desk and see that the handwriting matches hers
and then realize you were meant for each other

>> No.77000212

idk man her presumably because she gave him the cease and desist

>> No.77000222

You shouldn't believe everything she says, nor should you believe what nijisisters say. I'm more on the belief that both she and luca are at fault

>> No.77000223
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Dunno. The dogs are streaming and I ain't leaving them even to watch Nijisanji collapse.

>> No.77000224

Just like every one of his sources, a random post on 4chan at best and "I made it the fuck up" at worst. Why hasn't this monkey been run out of the vtuber community yet?

>> No.77000229

Or that she's a lying menhera who defamed Luca and by proxy, Nijisanji through calling him a sexual harasser when her own screenshots prove she clearly consented to E-sex. That one is easier to prove

>> No.77000304

It's either her, or anycolor who has a reputation of smearing and posting conflicting statements about their own talents and company activities.

>> No.77000310
File: 2.91 MB, 1400x1400, 1714112684231241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn nijiniggers are angry today

>> No.77000348

No, she didn't sign a contract, she signed an (now expired) NDA.

>> No.77000352

Luca literally used her for free labor and then ghosted her after he got tired of her and sent lawyers after her when she dared to complain? Narcissistic abuser behavior.

>> No.77000358

Sis the cocksucking is on NSFW boards, leave.

>> No.77000359

So something you pay for has an indefinite length, and this is comparable to an NDA with an explicit end... how, exactly?

Contracts are written agreements between two parties and are repeatedly built upon as bussiness progresses. This is why you're not signing a 20 year contract to work at a specific job, you're signing in 1 or 2 or even 3 year increments.

>> No.77000378

i can't stop laughing at how that C&D implies that anycolor has a good reputation in the industry

>> No.77000399

The best part is that they act like this is Luca's only "controversy".

>> No.77000437

The source for her her signing any kind of NDA is a guy who is proven to have zero credibility. Even Anycolor never claimed she signed one. Why do Niji sisters choose to believe False in this one singular instance?

>> No.77000451

This would be a complete nothing burger if anykuro didn't decide to send the C&D since everyone collectively forgot about the document after 3 days.

>> No.77000465

Considering nobody got punished for the Selen yab I'm guessing the whistleblowing policy is just a funnel into Elira's inbox so she can stay on top of everything.

>> No.77000471

Payment is a type of implicit contact for one-off type of work, like paying for a phone repair or oil change. In this case where she was doing constant work for Luca, it doesn't really count as a contract.

>> No.77000484

Alright, so let's assume this C&D is completely fake. Now explain to us the facts in Raziel's documents, such as the Luca voice pack's being written by her, or her logging into the server as him, or her writing his signature for him, or her-- you get the point.

>> No.77000513

Which would be a contract, you retard. One she said she never signed because she was supposedly being hidden from Niji by Luca

>> No.77000555

They just really like the feeling of bullets in their feet

>> No.77000593

I think it's obvious that False is just an idiot who assumed you can only send a C&D to someone you had a contract with.

>> No.77000607


>> No.77000633

i actually forgot about this lucuck shit until kurosanji bring this up again

>> No.77000700

Luca is million baby boy who needs to protect his income.

>> No.77000704

False helped write the document and spoke to Raziel multiple times. He even got what the cease and desist said. It's either False is full of shit who leads him to getting hit by defamation or Raziel is full of shit

>> No.77000753

No, it pretty clearly did some form of damage. How much is unknown but Luxiem are 3views now.

>> No.77000778

Let's assume False got a real source on that
She signed an NDA that expired but not a employee contract to work for Luca/Any color ?
They can't touch her

>> No.77000843


>> No.77000887

A literal nothingburger

>> No.77000894
File: 30 KB, 720x720, 1715471953163002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ANYCOLOR's positive reputation and good name are no small part of its success.

>> No.77000909

Except the truth is an absolute defense.
They can't do SHIT.

>> No.77000917

oh, hey anon, you make a promise for me to burn Singularcolor building last month
why the building is standing out there?
I have to make a lawsuit because you broke your promise

>> No.77000927


>> No.77000971

(((Japanese))) """Defamation"""

>> No.77000988

Defamation for what? It's the truth.

>> No.77001036

Yes she did so much damage to luxiem and not because selen alluding to killing herself due to nijisanji's practices.

>> No.77001040

Oral contracts aren't worth the paper they're printed on.

>> No.77001054

This aint Japan sis.

>> No.77001072


>> No.77001105

This and basically every exniji saying that past work environment was toxic

>> No.77001127

This is an EN civilized board, truth is not defamation sis, go back in your hut serving your master.

>> No.77001142

>False helped write the document
No he didn't lmao
>spoke to Raziel multiple times.
>He even got what the cease and desist said.
or he made it the fuck up
>He even got what the cease and desist said. It's either False is full of shit who leads him to getting hit by defamation
this is exactly what he wants, another strike on his channel by Anycolor because he got a huge publicity boost from the last one. He's just a fucking grifter. He started his career reporting on Holo doxx and drama and pivoted to reporting on Niji when he got backlash for reporting on Holo. The faggot has no fucking morals and is just desperate to make money off any drama.

>Raziel is full of shit
We know she isn't full of shit because she showed proof of writing Luca's birthday merch signatures. Not sure why False is trying to worm his way into the conversation. Wait for her to actually talk about it herself.

>> No.77001159

I want to know what the NDA was for because how much did Anycolor know about what she was doing for him?
As we saw in the Selen shit show, they are pretty retarded and don't care or know what anyone is doing at any given time. Not to mention that Luca is protected by the company and broke his contract many times without no one giving a fuck.

>> No.77001199

When it's already proven she lied about Luca trying to keep her under the table and not getting a contract? Or her being sexually harassed by Luca despite her screenshots showing her clearly consenting? She'd get mauled harder than Amber Heard

>> No.77001274

you can't make a contract requiring unlawful conduct. a contract calling for anon to "kyoani" anycolor would be invalid because it calls for a criminal act.

a contract calling for raziel to perform subcontracting work for luca without prior authorization from anycolor is probably valid, but it has another different problem. that subcontracting agreement creates a material breach of luca's earlier talent contract with anycolor the moment that he forms the contract with raziel.

>> No.77001286

False dealt already with Nijilawlers twice and he’s still around gaining subs.
They just gav ehim more content on a silver platter as usual. Niji can’t stop self-reporting.

>> No.77001303

>because how much did Anycolor know about what she was doing for him?
You wanna know the funniest part?
Luca was still leaking shit to Raziel in 2022. They didn't know jackshit because otherwise it'd have all stopped right when the NDA was signed.

>> No.77001305

>it's already proven
fucking where lol
all you have is the word of a dramatuber without a source

>> No.77001431

That's what a cease and desist is, it's essentially a threat telling her that if she carries on saying things they don't like their legal team is going to fuck her. It's not meant to be enforceable by itself, it's just an attempt to scare her into shutting up so that they can potentially avoid actual legal proceedings.

>> No.77001446

>that subcontracting agreement creates a material breach of luca's earlier talent contract
The leaked contract shows they allow subcontractors. That's what the artists and mixers are classified as

>> No.77001448

you guys are all retarded
they sent out CDs to self report that they now have an internal affairs department
it was a bold move

>> No.77001447

God they got such dogshit lawyers they couldn't even format the link properly without the massive gap.

>> No.77001471

>When it's already proven she lied about Luca trying to keep her under the table and not getting a contract?
Source? And no, the white version of Depressed Nousagi is not a source

>> No.77001521

What's already proven? You're assuming False's video is proof? Or alternatively, the contract she was talking about was a work one. An NDA is a contract but not a contractor contract. And I quote:
> My Work For Luca
>I was paid in cash or gifts for everything I did for Luca, except for mod work.
>I tried to make a simple contract with Luca later on, as he wanted to pay me a monthly salary to more or less be his assistant and work on various projects for him
>in which he denied the contract and wouldn’t allow me to send invoices for the work.
>I would have to remind him monthly to pay me the amount he said he would
>and he would send me the money via PayPal and label it as “commissions” or as my birthday [gift]

>> No.77001530

Luca went out of his way to pay her under the table with payments mislabeled as "gifts".
There was no contract between them.

>> No.77001545

yes, with prior written permission. if you want to advance the argument that anycolor authorized luca to hire her as a subcontractor, then produce the document showing the written permission. until then you are just guessing.

>> No.77001561

more than sisters? i dunno about that.

>> No.77001566

She was a mod for Luca in the early days and appeared in his chat a lot (which caused friction with his audience). It's probable that Anycolor was aware of her moderating his chat but not the behinds the scenes work she did for other aspects of his channel.

>> No.77001617

that's why Nijisanji is sending CnD
allowing subcontract on materials promoted as "created by the talent himself" isn't good for their positive reputation

>> No.77001623

Screencaps here

>> No.77001625

Yeah, with anycolor permission. Luca received no permission.

>> No.77001655

Actually she did mention that she reached out to Anycolor for a proper contract so they did know what she was doing, but chose to sweep it under the rug.

>> No.77001702

I guess the guy in contact with Raziel who helped her write the document is lying about her lying in the document. Sure. That sexual harassment accusation she made with the proof being her going
>I'm sorry we got interrupted, we can continue later XOXO" proves she lied about sexual harassment though

>> No.77001790
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the source for the claim that raziel signed a confidentiality agreement is this text in the C&D, written by anycolor's outside counsel, and is the first time that anyone has ever claimed that a contract ever existed between raziel and anycolor.

if she knows that she didn't sign one, then this passage is extremely funny, and basically turns the rest of the document into a joke that she can immediately leak to a dramatuber without risk.

>> No.77001808

isn't cease and desist letter not confidental? why Raziel share it? she should be put on charge

>> No.77001846
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just repost it lol

>> No.77001884
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>> No.77001918

>if you want to advance the argument that anycolor authorized luca to hire her as a subcontractor
She was officially credited for work multiple times on his videos. Why would Luca credit someone live on camera he's trying to hide from Nijisanji? How did his manager not see that? How was she a mod without Niji's permission?It's almost like they knew about her

>> No.77001934

Where all the sisters...
Defend our reputation now dumbass..
And buy niji merchandhezzz nut

>> No.77001950

They were 3views before this doc leaked. The selen shock happened in Feb and this doc leaked in March

>> No.77001961

Sure, but they'd need to send her a C&D about it first.
Then she'll just show that and the cycle loops.

>> No.77001980

>nijisanji's legal team copypasted boilerplate legalese and ended up lying about having a contract they didn't have

>> No.77002001

No, she is not a lawyer or doctor bound by regulations. Something you send to a normal person can only be confidential if you have prior written agreement from both sides to its confidentiality. They just served her the paper, she is bound by nothing.

>> No.77002004

Pagpag-chan, if it's not confidential that means it can be shared. And there's no reason to believe this document is confidential.

>> No.77002078

fuck, forgot to delete the last not when adding isn't

>> No.77002084

Or he is trying to dodge taxes and not report he is paying someone a salary for consistent and timely work versus normal subcontract work

>> No.77002113
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IANAL but how can Anycolor even legally prove that the document was not disseminated in public interest.

>> No.77002132

Nta none of that matters when favoritism is involved. They just let him and luxiem do whatever because they made money. You think they even looked at anything Luca did? They only cared about the views and donos as far as his streaming content went

>> No.77002137

They implied Vtubers have laws to follow. This outside legal firm absolutely does not know how bad it is.

>> No.77002181

They'll have to do it in court and if it ever gets to court they've already lost

>> No.77002196

I've seen more drama monkeys accusing everyone who calls them out on their bullshit a "sister" than actual sisters on this board. I've been to the Niji threads, the sisters know they lost the PR war. They don't even try. These bait threads are manufactured by redditors to farm (You)'s. A few weeks ago there was even a retard spamming his own 2view dramafag videos to "own" Niji aka boost his own channel. It's fucking pathetic that these people just view calling out Niji as a way to make money. Completely dishonest behavior, and as an OG Niji hater and sister harasser I feel they poison the conversation by tying being a Niji hater to their own personal financial gain. Whatever happened to not using 4chan as your personal army? Scumbags.

Really convenient that False is using his own lies about Raziel to hijack the conversation. Now instead of people talking about how Anycolor stupidly sent her a C&D despite never signing any kind of NDA or contract with them, False has sucked all the attention towards himself by completely contradicting the existing narrative and claiming to have "top secret information" that he totally made the fuck up. Fuck off False your game is too obvious.

>> No.77002204

they might as well have dated the "Internal Whistleblowing Policy" as of April 1st

>> No.77002232

I'm waiting for her "I have receipt" moment
inb4 discord screenshot is not a receipt

>> No.77002253

I mean, why wouldn't they. It effectively unpaid free work under no contractual obligation. It's risk free. Slimy fucking pig corporation.

>> No.77002260

It's the same NDA Sayu received and was covered in Legal Mindset stream?

Looks really similar.

>> No.77002297

So they'd be going after her for defamation and not breaching contract

>> No.77002344

Sorry that's what i meant- how could they? They literally can't, it would be up for the judge to decide.

Unfortunately this is the normal corporate legal bullshit of burying a case by means of bleeding the individual dry.

>> No.77002371

>The contract
>You signed with us
They wouldn't just say she signed a contract and lie like that right?
They're not that stupid

>> No.77002373

If I did unpaid work for someone who ghosted me, I'd speak out about it too. In fact, isn't one of Anycolor's talents doing something like that right now on their alt account? kek

>> No.77002411

They "could" argue that only the parts of Anycolor mismanagement is of public interest, not the parts where she complains about their relationship troubles and dramas, because that was half the document and basically their private problem.

>> No.77002419

Oh okay, there's the NDA. She fucking lied in her document. Remind me why I should trust pedo hag again?

>> No.77002422

>Really convenient that False is using his own lies about Raziel to hijack the conversation. Now instead of people talking about how Anycolor stupidly sent her a C&D despite never signing any kind of NDA or contract with them, False has sucked all the attention towards himself by completely contradicting the existing narrative and claiming to have "top secret information" that he totally made the fuck up. Fuck off False your game is too obvious.
Where the fuck did he even say this? He showed her NDA, he showed the expiry date, and he showed the C&D.

Stop trying to deflect nijisister.

>> No.77002431

i think there are a few possible explanations.

1) maybe she signed a narrowly-written agreement to perform moderator duties. this is doubtful, given the multiple selen moderators who affirmed in february that they signed nothing at all before beginning their work as moderators. has anyone ever produced evidence of nijiEN moderators receiving any kind of contract?

2) maybe anycolor is deliberately lying, and falsely informed outside counsel that raziel was party to a contract with anycolor. this seems stupid and insane, perhaps even to a degree not yet observed in anycolor's stupid and insane behavior.

3) anycolor is mistaken. this is extremely likely, given the multiple independent affirmations from artists who were unable to receive correctly-addressed NDAs from anycolor in a timely fashion. there is no reason to think that anycolor has any clear idea of which contracts they've sent for execution, to whom, or which ones were returned with a signature.

>> No.77002433

>It's risk free
well, until she leaks your secrets

>> No.77002461

Because you're a nijisister?

>> No.77002463

>So they'd be going after her for NOTHING and not breaching contract

Here, i fixed for you.

>> No.77002499

>She fucking lied in her document
Where, specifically?

>> No.77002533

you cannot prove that it is true either

>> No.77002539

3) anycolor is mistaken. this is extremely likely, given the multiple independent affirmations from artists who were unable to receive correctly-addressed NDAs from anycolor in a timely fashion. there is no reason to think that anycolor has any clear idea of which contracts they've sent for execution, to whom, or which ones were returned with a signature.
Kek now that would be hilarious. They could have done this

>> No.77002559

Because it'd be a bunch of lies. Spreading lies is not in the public's interest

>> No.77002591

>pedo hag
Ah yes, the pedo that groomed a 18 year old boy that asked her out on a date and obsessed over her after telling him to fuck off nijisister we are trying to have adult conversations.

>> No.77002616

kek imagine if the Raziel NDA got sent to some random artist

>> No.77002630

I mean anyone can send a cease and desist. Would it stand up in court? Not in the US. But they can still make it pricey.

>> No.77002672

Lucub... I'm sorry you got scammed but denial isn't healthy

>> No.77002695

It is true because Nijisanji is trying to silence her.

>> No.77002703

Is there any proof that any of that is authentic or is it just a "trust me bro" situation? I believe Raziel because she has firsthand receipts and is credited by Luca in ways that can't be easily deleted. I have zero trust for a dramafag like False that has been caught using 4chan posts as his only source before.
Nice try but people aren't retarded enough to suspend their critical thinking just because you used the sister word. Your grifting is still as transparent as ever False.

>> No.77002705

I don't know if you know this, but an NDA is not a legal document you discuss. Even just saying you signed one can be a breach of it depending on the clauses.

Does anyone have Sayu's offhandedly? It might be a boilerplate NDA and hers could confirm that theory.

>> No.77002750

oh yeah, the small print thingy

>> No.77002754

Its not defaming a company to expose how a worker abused company policy. Luca is not the company of nijisanji and it is nijisanji themselves that are going to bat to defend a worker that harmed them.

>> No.77002882

lies that threaten positive reputation should be ceased

>> No.77002908

The funniest and most likely scenario is that Luca fabricated giving her an NDA because he was so vehemently against the idea of signing a contract with her. Now Anycolor's lawyers are using that fake NDA as proof that Luca did everything "properly" and are completely unaware that they got duped.
Or FalseEyeD completely made up the NDA and is a faggot.

>> No.77002944

What do you mean any proof? You think Raziel just typed up a false C&D and NDA and sent it to False for funsies? If photo evidence isn't proof, I don't know what is, sister.

>> No.77002951

Low effort troll (I hope)

>> No.77002964
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Sister we've been over this. She literally did not know Luca until after he already turned 18 and was in an 18+ VRChat group, so there's no pedo allegations to be had. Maybe if she had known he was underage and had been following him since he was 16 or 15, then you'd have a point, but they only met after he became an adult. He was the one who went after her as well.

>> No.77002969

third worlder here, is cease and desist request means that person who receive it have to hunt every incarnation of things asked? or they just need to stop talking about it

>> No.77002996
File: 633 KB, 909x1031, 1708627519087522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, like saying that Selen didn't pay artists, or that she's a bpd menhera who can't be trusted, or that she blackmailed Niji, or

>> No.77003087

I've seen how this plays out. Report an issue with your boss, they report that you reported it to your boss. Boss starts putting you in shit positions go fuck you over from then on. That kind of shit is just for PR.

>> No.77003089

First worlder here, I literally have no idea what you mean. Unless you're talking about the discovery phase in which case that only applies in litigation and also gives plenty of leeway to both parties.

>> No.77003092

>She literally did not know Luca until after he already turned 18 and was in an 18+ VRChat group,

>> No.77003107

Posting here in the hopes that someone calls me a sister in broken english

>> No.77003108

Neither. It's basically a legal threat and holds no actual power beyond telling them to prepare for a lawsuit if they don't do X or Y.

>> No.77003117

You talk like a drone. Start using your own words instead of parroting Nijidocs you monkey.

>> No.77003189

They literally can not make it pricey. Raz can not be compelled to travel to a court in Japanese jurisdiction. Even if Anycolor attempted to take legal action in America, Raziel still isn't compelled to appear in court until the prosecution can provide a judge with something resembling an actual criminal case in order to secure an arrest warrant. This is impossible because Anycolor does not have a criminal case, their feelings are just hurt.

>> No.77003195

sister show bobs

>> No.77003208

They want her to stop publishing stuff about Luca... which she already did 2 months ago

>> No.77003254

Anon, luca is literally a 7 year old child and you are a criminal pedophile unless you bring me his birth certificate. If there is no proof you go to jail.

>> No.77003273

oh no, Raziel cannot go into Japan anymore

>> No.77003282

In a lot of places but specifically her tweeting that she never got a contract from Niji or Luca then saying in her document that Luca denied giving her a contract at all and hid her from Nijisanji management to pay her under the table. Oh and that sexual harassment accusation

>> No.77003283

Just ask Rolfgator about this, his streams are all 18+ and no underage can appear.
Raziel and Luca first meeting was in this stream.

>> No.77003292

Who do you think received the brunt of that so far? Petra or Wose I should think.

>> No.77003322

So why did niji's lawyers decide to send out a C&D with the misspelling of merchandiZe? I thought most document editors have built in spell check. Did they just buy this template and forgot to reformat stuff as well given the fucking link insert is terrible

>> No.77003341

please reread this passage from the C&D. the source for the claim that she signed a contract is text in the C&D written by anycolor's outside counsel.

this raises an interesting problem with anycolor's C&D. in the united states, there are people and entities that are "defamation-proof" because they have so poor a reputation that it's impossible for any words to damage it further. the outside counsel breathlessly asserts that anycolor enjoys a positive reputation in the industry, but there's no reason to just accept that. in US defamation law (which would be the relevant jurisdiction here, and absolutely not japan), anycolor isn't automatically entitled to just assert that they have a good enough reputation to actually suffer damage from defamation. if they're despised widely enough, then it becomes impossible for them to claim that words have hurt their reputation further. there is at least some chance that a judge would find that anycolor was already defamation-proof before raziel published her document.

>> No.77003426

He's working a job that requires him to be an adult. Raziel met him while he was still in highschool. Prove he was 18

>> No.77003434

I thought Japanese were supposed to be smart.

>> No.77003470
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It was linked in the last thread about her, just look up VRchat. If you can't find it then tl;dr is that Luca joined first in September 2018 and Raziel joined in December 2018 with the two not interacting meaningfully until January where he got Roflgator to "set up a date" between the two of them.

If you're going to call anyone a pedo, call Roflgator one. He's the only possible person who could have any responsability in knowing if Luca was or was not 18 at the time of joining, as he's basically the only one who could'va ID'd the lad. But I don't know the guy and I imagine anyone doing that weird VRChat shit at least tries to run a tight ship, so I've got no reason to disbelieve Roflgator or Luca when they claim he was 18 when he joined.

>> No.77003482

An NDA is not a a contract, it's a non-disclosure AGREEMENT. It's simply a "please do not leak things". That's it. It's not a fucking contract, so no, she did not lie about not receiving a contract.

>> No.77003495

Roflgator is a freak in his own right. His word means shit and his streams being 18+ is as effective as a warning on porn hub

>> No.77003500

Zaion, really. Her new hire was incompetent so she tried to talk to her other manager that she thought was friendly, and all they did was report her for breaking rank.

>> No.77003502

I think he is saying False is an inherent liar because he quoted 4chan in the past? In which case why should we listen to this faggot saying this in the first place? Like he undermines himself with this statement no?

>> No.77003539

Saar english is bladdy hard bastard language anykara not pay us enough to install benchod word we write all document in notepad.

>> No.77003558

>specifically her tweeting that she never got a contract from Niji or Luca
Can you link to that tweet you are talking about?

>> No.77003565

they become idiot after joining niji

>> No.77003576

Those aren't even the real lawyers, don't expect too much from intern-kuns.

>> No.77003581 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.16 MB, 320x180, 1717118946742490.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh nyo sisters,what we gonna do?
Buy the merchandize with all our money?

>> No.77003578

>Raziel met him while he was still in highschool. Prove he was 18
We already did a few threads ago, sister, can you give up? Go back to sleep? Raziel stated herself he would talk about high school in the PAST TENSE, meaning he graduated and talked about it, not that he was currently going. Either way, mute fucking point, go back to Twitter.

>> No.77003604

>a written or spoken agreement,especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law.

NDAs are contracts

>> No.77003612

Nijisanji has hired multiple people under the age of 18 and even has clauses in its application forms for Nijisanji (this one is defunct), Nijisanji EN, and VTA specifically for minors joining with parental approval.
Try again.

>> No.77003616
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how does one even defend a degenerate subhuman sexpest thats so lazy to the point making his cumdump sign his merch scamming his fanbase?

>> No.77003634

That's even worse, anon! Now you have to prove that luca is above 18 right now or else nijisanji is illegally profitting off the forced labor of a 7 year old child

>> No.77003643

>please reread this passage from the C&D. the source for the claim that she signed a contract is text in the C&D written by anycolor's outside counsel.
Yeah, I'm saying that Luca could've fabricated her signature and gave it to Anycolor to pretend their interactions were above board. In reality he was paying her under the table and she was not under any kind of NDA. But he didn't want her to be "officially" working for him since that would mean he can't just ghost her whenever he feels like.

My assertion is Luca fabricated the contract and Anycolor are under the impression that the contract is authentic and using it to threaten her. She doesn't care because she knows she never signed any contract. She might even think Anycolor are lying about it. It's pretty unlikely but it would be a very funny turn of events if both parties were duped by a retard.

>> No.77003662

I had in mind the new "whistleblower policy" that was just implemented this April.

>> No.77003666
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>> No.77003717

>Luca could've fabricated her signature
oh, how the tables have turned...

>> No.77003719

>denying the proof

Typical nijisister tactic.

>> No.77003721

>ib4 they also send a cease and desist to Hiroshimoot

>> No.77003727

From this thread it seems their cope is that she made it all up. It takes a serious level of delusion to still support nijiEN at this point, but you knew that already.

>> No.77003797

Vivi probably, then. She REALLY doesn't seem to like it there.

>> No.77003855

I wonder how riku-sama feels about nijiEN as they've been causing all this damn drama and ruining nijisanji's reputation

>> No.77003869

So let me get this straight.
Luca was lying about being 18.
Roflgator is a lying fraud so even if he did say something about it, it's not to be trusted.
Raziel, the person who only met him months after he joined and within her first few weeks of being in said group, is a pedophile for not knowing this person in an 18+ server was not actually 18+.

Even mister Hansen himself would say you're delusional.

>> No.77003876

Deflect by calling Raziel the sexpest of course. It's the Nijisanji go-to method.

>> No.77003887

She talked about not getting a contract in her document

>> No.77003933

Whatever the fuck you want to call it, it's a moot point, because it expired last year before she started yapping.

>> No.77003967

see >>77001521

>> No.77004007

She is specifically talking about not seeing "the Nijisanji [employment] contract", not *any* contract from Anycolor.

>> No.77004067

She is specifically talking about a contract where someone gets paid for their work, not just any contract. You'd have a better argument saying
>Luca paid for her Netflix sub one month as a gift!

>> No.77004097

>Raziel's words
>Still have to take them in the most favourable way possible for her to not be a pedophile
Keep on working for that jail bait cock, Raziel

>> No.77004127

>She lied
So why should we believe nijisanji? They had a track of lying already.
Why would she say that she DIDNT sign a contract if she actually did? Like, that's super easy to proof? And would make her look bad? And why did nijishit waited for 5 months to send this to her? Sounds Like they're full of shit.

>> No.77004161

the third paragraph of her tweet says that when she contacted them to arrange a proper subcontractor agreement, they completely ignored her. if that third paragraph is true, then the C&D's claim that she was subject to NDA is necessarily false.

>> No.77004168

they gotta buy tickets first.

>> No.77004184

She literally said Anycolor didn't know she existed and that she reached out to get a contract but they ignored her. She signed an NDA

>> No.77004208

No, we referenced wikis and outside sources, such as roflgator's streams as well. Sorry you couldn't suck Luca's "shota cock" since you're so obsessed with it and talking about it, sister/

>> No.77004244

>if that third paragraph is true, then the C&D's claim that she was subject to NDA is necessarily false.
I'm hoping you're that anon who forgot their "not" earlier in this thread.

>> No.77004379
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>>77004168 take all my money
>2D karaoke spinning

>> No.77004388

Well, it's still up to them to prove that an employment relationship was intended and existed. There are probably several ways to do this. Things Luca could have:
1. Deducted expenses for contract labor when reporting taxes
2. His ex could have reported income on her tax returns
3. If he was in the US, he could have issued Form 1099. Australia doesn't look like it has an equivalent, so he might be out of luck.
There's also two factors that could be working against classifying their relationship as some type of work.
The first is whether it was actually contractor work or an activity not engaged in for profit (hobby). In the US, it's 26 US Code Section 183. I'd imagine Australia would have something similar on the tax code to combat similar tax evasion issues.
The second is that per this thread, it really sounds like that Luca determined that a "business relationship" was against his best interest and worked to make sure it did not become one. His actions and intentions will work against him in this case.

>> No.77004391

Find me a single stream where Luca says he's 18. If he was already in Roflgator's stream on his supposed birthday, he'd have been 17 on a 18+ server. I've yet to see anyone actually post a clip of his age being acknowledged

>> No.77004419

Luca isn't the only one who ruins the company. Uki too
>completely unhinged and racist
>larping as Korean
>Kyo makes an innocent non-harmful Korea joke
>Uki runs crying to his top niji managemet sugar daddy who pounds his fag ass
>Goodbye, Kyo

>> No.77004469


>> No.77004537

>Find me a single stream where Luca says he's 18.
The one where he joins the 18+ server...? Otherwise Roflgator knowingly let a child into his server which again, is not Raziel's issue and not something anyone would have known outside of Luca and maybe Roflgator.

>> No.77004674

>larping as Korean
Is he not ethnically Korean? Or do you just mean he is American-born?

>> No.77004677

The discord is 100 percent over this thread.
So they don't feel bad at all.
They want "all out war" unironically.

>> No.77004769

girls why are you so viciously defending a guy who lied to you about signing the stuff he sent you

>> No.77004777

NTA but the wiki has plenty of citations. The only thing we don't know for sure is if they met in November or December of 2018, or January 2019.

Unless you're asking "where's the clip of Luca's past life explicitly saying 'i am 18 in this 18+ server, for reals'" which isn't exactly something an 18 year old would do. You just have to assume he's 18.

>> No.77004865

We already know he let someone not legal in his server if that birthday date is real. Raziel would have known his actual age through him spilling his life story to her. She just wanted some easy to groom teenage boy to make into her future husband

>> No.77004887

Nah, he 100% joined the server as a minor. His 18th birthday was in October and he was already there 1-2 months before.

That said I doubt he went around telling people he was a minor. Who goes on a porn website as a teen and tells everyone that you're a minor?

>> No.77004910

>1. Deducted expenses for contract labor when reporting taxes
He tried and failed as he didn't get a proper invoices from her, as he tried to contact her months later after cutting ties to ask for this.
>2. His ex could have reported income on her tax returns
Sounds like she did when she tweeted about above.
>3. If he was in the US, he could have issued Form 1099. Australia doesn't look like it has an equivalent, so he might be out of luck.
Not in the US and he was unwilling to sign a employment contract with her, so he's fucked.

>> No.77004922

This is the most confusing part. Even if they wanna delusionally argue someone's a pedo or not, that doesn't change the fact that there's literal proof that outside of streaming, Luca Kaneshiro was actually Raziel skinwalking.
Maybe they're in fear of Allah thinking they're lesbians for falling in love with a woman and are trying to fight back?

>> No.77004929
File: 228 KB, 1197x383, 1717117185737136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We at Nijisanji own the drama, please cease and desist to take our credit.

>> No.77005110
File: 199 KB, 1395x1698, F9LB1V2boAA0Jlh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never heard of this October birthday of his, but even presuming that's true you do realize November, the month Raziel joined, is the month after October right? There'd have been exactly ZERO interaction between Raziel and Luca at the time he was 17 so the pedo allegations die then and there.

>> No.77005248

>doxxsisters reveal they knew lucas birthday
>it's actually before raziel even met him
holy shit

>> No.77005286

being 1 day over 18 doesn't mean you're okay to groom someone

>> No.77005354

Please be patient I have retardism but what is the whistleblowing policy and what it do?

>> No.77005430

How about at least a month and up to 4 months? Presuming that he told her his birthday was only a month ago the very day they met, which is something you've certainly done before right?

>> No.77005506

it sounds better than internal disputes get emailed to Elira

>> No.77005510

We don't know, it's the first time they have mentioned it. My assumption would be that they can now report bad internal behaviour to the company.

>> No.77005558

It's an internal company policy.
And since it's kurosanji that means it does fucking nothing, or maybe targets the whistleblower for termination.

>> No.77005596

She claims they met in December of 2018 which means there's multiple weeks if not a month of time of him being 18. There was a comparison made in the last thread where you sisters had a meltie, saying something like
>if he went into a coffee shop right after graduating
>flirted with the 20 year old barista
>and got her number
>is she a pedo?
which I think is a pretty apt analogy.

>> No.77005625

>he was 17 so the pedo allegations die then and there.
The point is we don't know if he's actually 18 or not. His age was never brought up in conversation and we know he was in highschool

>> No.77005631

the only evidence that it exists is that passing mention in the C&D. no one has ever mentioned it before, and no one has produced any text from it to the public.

>> No.77005640
File: 3.10 MB, 498x482, 1717030320253068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anycolor tried to enforce an Expired NDA
Stupid movement and self report again

>> No.77005761

>he as in highschool
okay that seals it then
she's a groomer

>> No.77005781

>and we know he was in highschool
In 2018 specifically? Is there a citation for this? Because there's really only two options here: he was 16 going on 17 in October 2018 or he was 17 going on 18 in October 2018, both of which are still highschool age.

>> No.77005832

I think it's a good thing that they introduced it. Isn't this pretty big to have in a jaapnese company where you're not supposed to go over superiors? The question is just whether they actually execute it well instead of it just being there for the looks.

>> No.77005862

>he was in highschool
this you?

>> No.77005895

>and we know he was in highschool
>we know
Who the fuck knows he was in high school? Where is this ever cited? Give. Me. A. Source.

>> No.77005905

But is he 17? The only source of him being 18 on the dot is Raziel. Roflgator lets whoever the fuck in and if we believe Raziel, he let a 17 year old in. So it being an 18+ server means fuck all. We know he was still in highschool so he could be 16 turning 17 instead

>> No.77005938

i don't believe that it exists unless someone produces a copy of it for me to examine. the only evidence that it exists is the text of this C&D, and the C&D contains many objectively false statements, including obviously false claims that anycolor enjoys a positive reputation in the industry.

>> No.77005978

C&D doesn't have any weight till they can actually have the ability to file a case against her it only equates to a fucking conduct slip issued by a school for infractions lol

Also kurosanji is way too late to silence her she already said everything in that document weeks past imho they should have sent that when she started posting shit against luca

>> No.77006075

I keep seeing this "we know he was in highschool" thing but I've yet to see a single source and clearly other anons are confused too. I even checked the doc myself, since that's probably the only place that has highschool mentioned, and the only mention of it is talking about him after he graduated highschool. I also haven't seen a source for his October birthday either. If you want me to work with you, you've gotta work with me.

>> No.77006202

If you have his birthday you should have the year too doxxsister. What are you not telling us?

>> No.77006242

>talking about him after he graduated highschool.
The word "graduate" was never in the document. She said he encouraged her to talk to girls after school. This was in 2019

>> No.77006315


>> No.77006476

Wow, turns the jailbait hunting menhera stripper wasn't a trust worthy source of information. Who knew?

>> No.77006501

see >>76968512, or copypasted
>I would heavily encourage Luca to go out with his friends IRL and even meet with girls he still talked to after highschool who were still interested in him
>This entire sentence basically proves definitively that she's not talking about him coming home from school on a Tuesday but instead that she's talking about reconnecting with people after graduation.

You're actually the same exact woman from last thread. Holy shit.

>> No.77006619

So by the end of 2018 he was in highschool, and in 2019 he graduated... doesn't that mean he was in his final year and that he was 18 years old? Can you not count?

>> No.77006656


>> No.77006765

They claim they provide training on the laws the talents need to follow, yet no one complies with FTC regulations on disclosure of sponsored content. Sure, that isn't really a regularly enforced law, but it is clear evidence that they are full of shit and not informing the talents on applicable laws.

>> No.77006798

>october birthday
>aussie school ends in december
>meaning he's on the latter end of the 17-18 last year scale
>graduated from final year of highschool
Yep, that confirms he was 17 when he joined and 18 when they met. Presuming he wasn't held back that is.

Thanks sister for putting all the pieces together and definitively proving Raziel's not a groomer.

>> No.77006898

So lemme get this straight... Luca was born in October of 2000? That explains so fucking much, god damn Gen Z.

>> No.77006949

When did she ever say he graduated? Sounds like an assumption you'd make to defend pedo hag from being called a pedophile. If he graduated in 2019. And they started e dating in 2018. And people usually graduate at 17-18. Then he must have been 16 - 17

>> No.77007022

>And they started e dating in 2018
Where is the proof of them "dating"? There was RP dates, which is that, roleplay, it's fake, not real. Also see >>77006501

>> No.77007137

>There was RP dates, which is that, roleplay, it's fake, not real
Kek. Your honor, I wasn't actually dating this 16 year old. It was rp, you see. Don't question the private rooms and calls we had

>> No.77007171

Oh wow, your reading comprehension really does suck. I didn't say he graduated in 2019, I said
>by the end of 2018 he was in highschool, and in 2019 he graduated
The aussie school year ends in December. Thus he graduated in December of 2018, not December of 2019.

>> No.77007231

Keep aging him down. It really makes your argument stronger.

>> No.77007298

>When did she ever say he graduated?
Literally in the quote >>77006501 grabbed from her doc. And speaking of, you still haven't provided any proof he has an October birthday. Despite the fact that if you do so the only thing you're proving is Raziel's NOT a pedophile but you put yourself in this position sister.

>> No.77007370

haha you got tricked they are manboobs

>> No.77007476
File: 41 KB, 700x669, dumb asshole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Setting aside the part where her NDA expired months before she published her documents -

If the stuff she published was false and defamatory, then publishing it does not violate the NDA, since that would mean that the documents she published were not documents covered by the NDA.
If the stuff she published violated her NDA, then it was not false and defamatory, since the NDA only covers true documents and not forgeries of the same.
And they went to great lengths to pretend not to notice that Luca violated his own NDA and did other contract violations.

Also they spent a lot of ink talking about how her documents would cause the company reputational damage, only to send the C&D to someone who lives in a jurisdiction in which truth is an absolute defense against claims of defamation.

She might as well use the C&D as a sanitary napkin for how actionable it is. Here's a template her lawyer could use to respond to their lawyers, acknowledging their request that she stop publishing a document she already published months ago.

>> No.77007484

wildest part of this thread was definitely learning luca was 17 for a month when he joined that server, on one hand roflgators kinda based for giving him the early beer treatment but on the other hand vrchat is full of degens i wouldn't even want a 20 year old to experience
fuck sisters tho, retards disproving their own points lol

>> No.77007562

The word "graduated" was never said once there.
>In 2019, he graduated
Then you say he actually graduated in 2018? Way to dial back

>> No.77007672

Sounds like a whole lot of larp from someone who knows nothing

>> No.77007734

Reading comprehension, SEAsister

>> No.77007786

Your reading comprehension is genuinely terrible. The way Raziel wrote that message implies a sense of time away from highschool, because you wouldn't say "talk to girls who are still interested in you" when you literally saw them that day and will see them again tomorrow. As for my post, I did say he graduated in 2018: at the end of it. He was in highschool at the end of 2018, when he was freshly turned 18 (by your own admission mind you), and when 2019 came he was graduated. As in, he graduated December of 2018. I do not know how I can make it any clearer.

>> No.77007862

>>I would heavily encourage Luca to go out with his friends IRL and even meet with girls he still talked to after highschool who were still interested in him
>still talked to after high school
>after high school
The implication here is that high school is over and he no longer visits it.

>> No.77007885

>SEAtard can't read english
more news at 11

>> No.77007923

The C&D doesn't even cover or care about Luca. It cares about what she said about ANYCOLOR. So anything about Luca is a moot point anyway.

>> No.77008011

Oh no the entire conversation about Luca is absolutely pointless, save for shoving a retarded sisters face in the dirt because she had the stupid idea of leaking personal information of Luca without realizing it could be used to easily disprove her pedo claims. The thread already ran its course, we're just having fun with it.

>> No.77008095

That's not sisters
That luca himself

>> No.77008166

>The implication
The implication is only what you want to see. If those birthday posts are to be believed, he could have been as low as 16 to 17. The only person claiming he was 18 on the dot when he met Raziel is Raziel. Who is a proven liar

>> No.77008207

Luca was a high school drop out. Still in high school when on that server... Um girls and guys?

>> No.77008406

>If those birthday posts are to be believed, he could have been as low as 16 to 17.
But combined with your claim that the conversation happened in 2019 according to >>77006949, that means the conversation happened at... the end December 2019? At absolute most he'd have gone a month without seeing anyone from there, which isn't really long enough for a "get your head back in the dating game kid" speech. Your post makes significantly more sense if you assume he graduated at the end of 2018 and then got that pep talk from that duo at any point in 2019, from January to December, rather than in the literal last weeks (or week singular).

>> No.77008473

Doesn't that make it worse because then he never graduated and he could have been any age between 16 - 18 when she said he was still talking to highschool girls?

>> No.77008479

>>77008406 (me)
Sorry, tagged the wrong post, meant to hit >>77006242 though I suppose both apply?

>> No.77008579

sister it'd be really funny if you proved he was born in october this wouldn't go bad for you at all please sister do it
