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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 16 KB, 593x344, 1717075817638863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76992407 No.76992407 [Reply] [Original]

can someone link me the stream/video tha this happened on?

>> No.76992587

Menhera woman moment?
Menhera woman moment.

>> No.76992865
File: 56 KB, 850x850, towakok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather make fun of you than search for this

>> No.76992910

>im gonna make fun of you hahaa not my mentally ill grifter who has a mental breakdown over some light criticism
lol cuck

>> No.76992985
File: 127 KB, 312x379, 1717085647538336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whole gimmick was being the 4chan epic meme vtuber from kiwi farms who quotes terry davis ranting about CIA glowniggers.
>fans are the ones who spammed her clips everywhere
>Tries to become reddit friendly and grift
>wonder why you get thrown over by your fanbase and cry

>> No.76993407

how many fucking times does this cycle have to repeat
these woman are not your gf’s. they are not your friends. they are using you to launch their careers and then pivot to something more sustainable. if you don’t pivot, you won’t get any sponsors even if your ccv is crazy anyways

>> No.76993436 [DELETED] 
File: 193 KB, 500x500, 1717088158316874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of menhera
>talk with girl (yes female xx) from 4chan daily for months since last year
>everything goes well
>has mental episodes and tells me she is distancing herself a bit to not burden me
>suddenly start being ghosted for months
>still active everywhere
>doesnt respond to my dms

>> No.76993516

>unironically trying to find love on 4chan
surely there are better options anon holy kek, if nothing else go on twitter or something

>> No.76993584
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same energy

>> No.76993617

>>Still DMs the girl Who ghosted him
Just let It go, dude.

>>Verification not required.

>> No.76993663

It's been pretty fucking depressing watching her shoot herself in the foot over and over again this past year because the success is too much to handle and she just has to self-sabotage.

>> No.76993741

I don’t really blame her. The one time I got any amount of efame was super stressful

>> No.76993779
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>>unironically trying to find love on 4chan
>surely there are better options anon holy kek
Did you fucking forgot someone from /vt/ told koopa he liked and she flew out to him to get creampied multiple times

>> No.76993888
File: 1.75 MB, 235x235, 1717089011148276.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have other women who want my attention but I only care about this menhera bitch I fucking wish I could

>> No.76993943

Because internet friends aren't real friends.

>> No.76993975
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Go back to begging for her forgiveness simp

>> No.76994059
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>Because internet friends aren't real friends.
Then tell me how and why all of these girls met up and befriended eachother irl, like many other vtubers and my group of friends did you fucking faggot

>> No.76994114

Get better friends?

>> No.76994119
File: 176 KB, 850x1394, 1654817100905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soemone post the fucking video/link

>> No.76994175

You're a faggot and a troon

>> No.76994245

these are the 4chan tough guys being scared of hurting their vtuber kek

>> No.76994259

Don't bother. She'll do something like this again in another 1-4 months.

>> No.76994353
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Pic related.

>> No.76994451

NTA. because they are coworkers lmao

>> No.76994517

>. if you don’t pivot, you won’t get any sponsors even if your ccv is crazy anyways
Isn't Nyanners the only person this worked for? Everyone else seems to spiral sooner or later.

>> No.76994642

okay what about my friends then

>> No.76994815

what friends

>> No.76994969

my friends that meet up irl and were from the internet first you faggot

>> No.76995496

everyday im glad im not an actual vtuber fan

>> No.76995716

She's supposed to have a stream in 15 minutes and hasn't put up a waiting room or said if it was cancelled.

>> No.76995997

I think people who come here regularly but don't watch vtubers are more mentally ill

>> No.76996377

If someone (who isn't a casual fling) ghosts you then they were trash anyway.

>> No.76996679

phil dindu nuffin wrong

>> No.76997338

lmao pippacucks how do you reply

>> No.76997525

are they in the room with us right now? do they ever tell you to do things you know you shouldn't do?

>> No.76997718

The stream

>> No.76997860

no and no

>> No.76998014

>I take money and run
>You win
Do zogmerisharts really?

>> No.76998939

when does she break dwon

>> No.76999146

With Koopa's health. I dont think she would even survive the attempt. It is nice that she is making a comeback though.

>> No.76999227
File: 167 KB, 1068x1056, phase connect leak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phase connect sponsors all the vendor booths at offkai
>floor plan shows they have a huge presence there, moreso than any other vtuber compony
>offkai still kicks out kirsche
>now Pippa's doing reddit reacts
>berating people for not signing up for reddit
the leaks came true

>> No.76999519

instead of just apologizing, she made it so that it sounds like it's her viewers fault. Fucking dramatuber.

>> No.76999533
File: 33 KB, 363x334, IMG_6576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is the context to this shit I don't keep up with pippa. Why did she have a meltdown

>> No.76999541

She doesn't, she just does the usual light fighting/complaining with chat when they started complaining at her. The stream was uneventful, the menhera moment came after she woke up later. We were all blindsided by this.

>> No.76999601

>we’re afraid normalfags are picking up 4chan lingo without knowing it
holy kek

>> No.76999783

This shit is why I watch indies.

>> No.76999917
File: 23 KB, 593x344, 56c50b3c1a595dc560f5464ff6604213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No more fan submission streams
>nukes vod
>nukes the reddit
>so angry she ghosts a planned stream today

>> No.77000273

Fucking crazy. They shilled so hard on /vt/ at the start. The whole company is a grift.

>> No.77000611

>Let's throw away our loyal audience for people who will drop us over basically anything! This has never backfired for anyone ever!

>> No.77000769
File: 432 KB, 1920x1079, 1709183459637010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get a gig in a cozy safe-space 2-view micro-corp
>Slowly starts getting bigger but your PR nightmare behavior is grandfathered in
>Sakana starts taking everything more seriously as the company continues to expand
>Asked to start to dial it in
>Asperger struggles combined with the stress of actually being tasked to be PR friendly-ish
>Niji starts to shit the bed
>PC numbers start to sky rocket
>PC is being considered as the second biggest YouTuber Vtuber group after Cover
>Even stricter expectations

Pippa will be graduated or silently shelved (ala certain Niji 'livers') within the next year.

If Sakana has a heart, he'll set her loose with her model and assets. Not like he'd be able to reuse them after all. So hopefully we'd still get indie-Pippa. I can imagine the autistic yabbit taking the pink-slip extremely poorly, though. Like, actively anti-ing her own former employer levels, trying to start drama, etc. It's hard to imagine now, but given her retaliatory nature, the sudden loss of any restriction or supervision, and the feeling of betrayal, we might see Pippa hit her lowest point.

I genuinely hope that doesn't come to pass however. I hope that Pippa is able to thrive and find friends wherever she goes. Whether she becomes PC's dark secret they try not to acknowledge or if she is graduated. I don't, however, believe she'll be able to survive the new era of PC Sakana is manufacturing.

>> No.77000905

Because you send 3 paragraphs of garbage nonsense and expect her to respond to every single sentence, as well as expecting her to spend every minute of the DMs obsessively talking to you as if you were her husband.

>> No.77000962

nothing about that posts indicates he did that bro

>> No.77001098

I know it because I had to deal with so many incels doing the same shit to me.
I really and honestly did try to reply but these assholes write a whole novel then get mad when you don't have time to read it.

Male anons are the black immigrants of the internet. Give them an inch and they expect a mile.

>> No.77001186

Bitch it was you, and you know it's the truth

I'm not even >>77000905
I can just fucking sense what kind of pathetic attention seeking orbiter you are. If she's 'ghosting' you, it's because she doesn't think you're even worth the time it would take to tell you to fuck off.

Try being someone worth talking to, rather than whining about people ignoring you.

No Balls, No Bitches

>> No.77001277

anyone who expected anything different with growth was retarded, and that said I absolutely can not wait to see the cancerous fanbase phase has cultivated slowly turn on them

>> No.77001309

>Bitch it was you, and you know it's the truth

>> No.77001315
File: 208 KB, 200x230, 200w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be a good boy and be one of the first people to post my poocher for Pippa to see and rate
>Skips it

>> No.77001382

>Male anons are the black immigrants of the internet. Give them an inch and they expect a mile.
men literally build the internet for you and do the job to maintain it, nijisister fatty

>> No.77001395

She is not a 2view retard. It's impossible to reply to every superchat now, much less images.

Pippa also has to realize this.

>> No.77001412
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>> No.77001515

I kind of get it. This is how emotionally immature people behave. They've gone their whole lives without any friends or feedback, and then comes along vtubers which is the closest thing to a friend they've ever experienced and it's actually available to them. They can't navigate jealousy or envy or any of that stuff because their emotional regulation is the same as a 5 year old's.

>> No.77001520

"Ummm, I manufactured the bed, isn't it natural that ' I ' am the one you should fuck on it?" -Obese Ikea Employee

>> No.77001563

Nerds in the 80's built the internet. Male anons don't even know how to torrent anymore. All they do is use ipad and beg for a crumb of pussy.

>> No.77001585

>ikea analogy
drop the chips whale

>> No.77001661

What part of being one of the first people to post their pet on Reddit and got fucked by fuckers who posted their Pets in the last minute and had Pippa rate them did you not understand? Pippa needs to take a minute before stream and organize her shit, that is all.

>> No.77001687
File: 105 KB, 1021x1024, 1723893869917873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5/10 femoid using the word incel unironically complaining about the free validation she gets daily
Im glad as I get older the easier it is to get some dumb zoomette girl's attention and realize retarded and not worth listening to women like you are, especially the kind who is just a /vt/ tourist like you

>> No.77001810

I wish Yae fucked me with her mean dick.

>> No.77001853
File: 22 KB, 863x151, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all those nerds were male you dishonest mental illness basket
>Male anons don't even know how to torrent anymore
shut up, you know even less women know how to

>> No.77001854

0 Balls and 0 Bitches

>> No.77001978

the simp retard coming to defend the sister, im talking to 2 girls currently but enjoy your made up mental scenario

>> No.77002039

>retards don't know reddit doesn't even have the capability to sort by oldest first

>> No.77002057

>Super Mario
>Smiling Friends
>Fate - SR

No wonder she ghosted you

>> No.77002101

wtf pippa is a fag now?

>> No.77002138

Yep, the site doesn't even let you do that by default.

>> No.77002146

im not the OP of that post

>> No.77002165
File: 152 KB, 640x820, Charles_Henry_Bennett_-_The_Pot_Calling_The_Kettle_Black_(coloured_engraving).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incel using femoid unironically

>> No.77002247

Yeah, reddit is so shit.

>> No.77002309
File: 23 KB, 321x326, EbYrE4IWkAEa9Cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hating on The Somnium Files and smiling friends
if simps couldnt be any less kekked

>> No.77002404

>femoid using incel unironically

>> No.77002542

oh my god you two get a room

>> No.77002837

>I absolutely can not wait to see the cancerous fanbase phase has cultivated slowly turn on them
In what way? Like just look to this thread? We're just complaining and nothing else, it's not like this place would do anything if PhaseConnect goes aggressive more restrictive and less based. As much would be a lost of the 3% or less of the audience of Pippa, Lia and Tenma

>> No.77003476

has watching vtubers made anyone else more Misogynistic?

>> No.77003534
File: 165 KB, 337x349, 1694090390541808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess you were always the one to dm her first? she smelled the virginity on your beta autism messages and knew you weren't worth the time and was stringing you along for months
she was just too nice to shut to be upfront, lol loser that is what happens when you cheat on your hand girlfriend you silly little simp

>> No.77003580

i dont think thats gonna happen.
that said, shes been consistently more active on her PL, though just for bird/owl spamming. probably just her way of de stressing.

also the people who think her friendship with Kirsche is over are dumb, though it certainly probably took a hit.

>> No.77003754

You need to smell my ass

>> No.77003830

Did anyone tell him Soon™ is 4chan lingo too?

>> No.77003942

wait, surely you are the menhera in this situation

>> No.77004128

I still have absolutely zero clue what the conflict point was. Were people upset that their submissions weren't getting reviewed? Were they upset over what types of submissions were picked?

>> No.77004146

>they actually fell for the grift
lotta stupid folks around here eh

>> No.77004156

>autists sperg the fuck out because a streamer with 300k+ followers couldn't spend 15 minutes talking about their cat specifically
Jesus, is PC's fanbase entirely manchildren? I'd think this would be literal common sense.

>> No.77004238

Pippa had a woman moment and her reaction was incredibly overblown compared to the people who were slightly miffed

>> No.77004300
File: 98 KB, 247x248, 1273546187334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for adding to my list of insults Anon

>> No.77004304

She's probably stressed with the whole offkai shit

>> No.77004362
File: 154 KB, 225x350, 1713907122049181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let me guess you were always the one to dm her first?
Nope, I always let girls chase first, she frequently dm'd me, so youre wrong demoralizer and smartass Kisekifag .Eat shit.
fraudulent assumption, but no, she is unquestionably a menhera, and I don't want to share the messed-up, insane things she has done for privacy's sake.

>> No.77004460

>janny is lingo for 4chan mod
So close yet so far.

>> No.77004480

I can't believe people still think this unironically happened

>> No.77004534

Nta but sometimes women want a sign that you earn money and aren't a cheapass.

>> No.77004545

please stop being delusional for your own well being and believe the fantasies of your hugbox general

>> No.77004642

explain why did she had to make a whole paragraph trying to defend herself and her freedom of choice when it happened

>> No.77004681

I wanna pretend

>> No.77004832

You are on her shit list what's hard to understand you probably make her uncomfortable for exhibiting good traits and her little bit of empathy doesn't click with you anymore. let it go the roller coaster isn't worth it.

>> No.77004856

She doesn't want to fuck you, just move on and stop being such a embarrassment bro

>> No.77004966

nta but its not like hes denying it he just calling out the people trying to make him feel worse

>> No.77005053
File: 215 KB, 549x562, 1461969955209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vt/, the place that uses vtubers as gf replacement, suddenly experts in solid relationships and on girl advice
lmao anon please dont listen to these uber fools

>> No.77005078

This as well, if all signs point to a meet up to fuck its all on you.

>> No.77005322

He's expecting sympathy in a Phase shit post thread. The best he'll get is the harsh reality of move the fuck along she wasn't worth his attention in the end.

>> No.77005398
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>> No.77005473

>realistic in any sense when theyre the most le epic schizo thread

>> No.77005521
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>> No.77006048
File: 141 KB, 398x443, 1692596657324198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter thread unrelated to him
>proceed to cry insistently about unrelated ME ME ME tfw no internet gf :(((( shit
>has the audacity to pretend like he's not a perma virgin faggot who gets ghosted because he makes people uncomfortable
i bet you you wear man liner and listen to pierce the vial too you little homo

>> No.77006166

she can only cultivate the le 4chan /pol/ and kiwifarms audience until it blows up on her face

>> No.77006227
File: 137 KB, 321x289, 1694020055316476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pippa will be graduated or silently shelved (ala certain Niji 'livers') within the next year.
You fags have been saying this shit for almost three years.

>> No.77006236
File: 142 KB, 480x401, 1640707917987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coping this hard and making your replies all ME ME ME when you accuses someone else of doing it
you're the saddest one here sister

>> No.77006299

>he thinks myth dosent hate each others guts behind the scenes

>> No.77006330

so true sister

>> No.77006346
File: 462 KB, 926x731, 1748001008514315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically things a girl only ghosts you because she is uncomfortable
Outed yourself as the biggest virgin here that doesn't talk to enough women lmao

>> No.77006364

I've seen a similar woman moment a while back with Lia. She got some complaints in her maros about genshin streams and then she tweeted that she'll never do genshin streams ever. When she came back on stream a few days later, she changed her mind and told those people to fuck off.

I hope pippa comes back around soon.

>> No.77006420

Shh they didn't realise what happened

>> No.77006560

Lmao dumb fag.

>> No.77006574

Try 85% lmao
Anons are to phase what sisters are to nijisanji and unicorns to hololive
That is the main audience. And besides people who turn in their audience NEVER end well.

>> No.77006577

>replying on cooldown

>> No.77006578

The dude said he got ghosted, why would that have happened? If your middle ground is she's an introverted thot buddy you got issues.

>> No.77006600

>PC is being considered as the second biggest YouTuber Vtuber group after Cover

>> No.77006655

>n-no dont insult me you must be a samefag
lol cope

>> No.77006777

Name another
Go on
Even the small phase girls easily break 1k CCV regularly
Meanwhile Niji can barely pull 1 finana on their new debuts

>> No.77006855

Why do I feel like sisters fall for each others shit posts instead of actually larping half the time. So silly to watch.

>> No.77006936

you are mentally ill

>> No.77006978

Of all the things to have a breakdown over this is one of the dumbest.

>> No.77007114

> Pippa clearly not at fault
> /ReeeeT/ takes opposite stance
too predictable

>> No.77007120

Man i miss the simpler Koopa

>> No.77007154
File: 15 KB, 520x174, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont project your issues on me, women ghost for numbers of reasons, one that would be likely for that guy is that he made clear he liked her and she got bored of it like most girls do and ignore the guy because they think "he's easy" until they fear losing him sometimes, retarded thinking of their part but that's how they work

>> No.77007254

It just sounds like a dumb power fantasy to assume anyone from here could ever fuck their oshi. Like yeah, if I believed it were true I'd hit her up and try and do the same thing. But I don't believe it.

>> No.77007459

There's literal proof it, check the archives, and if it wasn't for that happening she wouldn't have made those post regarding the drama and going in hiatus all the time

You just admitted you cant believe it because you didnt do your research koopafan

>> No.77008483

NijiJP numbers are still on part with holo and after them it's vshojo, without pippaconnect it's yet another 3view org

>> No.77008816

Guys I can't for the life of me find the Pippast life account

All I'm finding are those photos of that balding slavic girl that were already debunked

If her PL isn't some private life doxx that'd buy you a vacation, could someone spoon feed me? That fake leak shit has clogged every normal source for this stuff

>> No.77009105

If this is real and you treated her good and right and then were just ghosted out of the blue. You gotta know she was not worth it and she was not the right one its not a you issue its a 100% them issue. Some woman are just damaged emotionally manipulative and have no respect for men or themselves. Someone else mentioned it but it sounds like she was just using you. my advice is to learn to look out for obvious conversational red flags woman give off and if you find enough of them run the other way those types of woman are not worth it and no you cant fix them.

>> No.77009226

This is the only hint I'll give you
She was a moth girl

>> No.77009406

Damn-near half of all internet slang either originated or was popularised here. Are they going to fucking ban people for celebrating Caturday as well? All you need is to rein your fanbase in enough that they aren't calling each other niggerfaggots and you're good to go. This shit is bewildering.

>> No.77009598

people have been saying that about blizzard since like 2008

>> No.77010148

>advice is to learn to look out for obvious conversational red flags woman give off
what are some exmaples of this

>> No.77010744

>shits on everyone and starts drama for years
>folds at the slightest hint of criticism
Quintessential /here/ chuuba.

>> No.77011884

>>PC is being considered as the second biggest YouTuber Vtuber group after Cover
This is fucking delusional as fuck. You Phasefags are the worst fanbase. KYS.

>> No.77012354

Trust me i know its a stupid girly site but the advice has been genuinely invaluable

>> No.77012573

>pc considered the second biggest vtuber group after cover
The only people who think this are phasefags

>> No.77012587

it takes less than 5 min in the first place youd look fag

>> No.77013050

Yeah bullshit, /pcg/fags were crying like little bitches for not getting their image of Mr. Pibbles reviewed. Like, their entire mindset was fucked from the beginning. You have to go into these things expecting not to get picked. I don't give a fuck if you posted your image 0.1 seconds after she announced it, there's still a chance you won't be picked and you have to be prepared for that. There are hundreds of submissions, do you really think all of them would be featured on stream? Bunch of babies. Then they go whining to Pippa causing her to have a woman moment and blame her afterward. Brilliant.

>> No.77013490

not that anon but thanks for sharing

>> No.77013529

You think Pippa would orchestrate some mastermind revenge scheme? LMAO do you even watch her? She's a total doormat. If she were fired she would either kill herself or spend weeks crying in bed before actually doing anything.

>> No.77014409

Total /pol/nigger Death, I'm glad you obnoxious containment breaking faggots are getting kicked out

>> No.77014629

the idol pivot must continue!
sorry chuds

>> No.77014941

only jobless, terminally online schizos would think someone finding success should die on the hill of saying things like janny and nigger.

>> No.77015784

We tried to warn them that they were a bunch of grifters but they never wanted to listen, now get fuck with what you have.

>> No.77016414

Quite literally the only thing she had to do is say "Teehee Sorry, ill sort from oldest next time" and it would have blown over last night. I simply don't understand this overreaction.

>> No.77016445
File: 1.06 MB, 2292x2500, 1709539797349744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny because Momo mentioned she watches Pippa .Wish she had Pippa's work ethic but no

>> No.77016525

Bro you got cucked by Reddit ROFLMAO

>> No.77016793

Nice twitter screencaps you got there anon! I guess saving archives is something you are familiar with. Care to supply OP so can fuck off? Surely the archives are not only full of gotchas for when somebody DARES to call the BASED /here/ chuuba a grifter.

>> No.77017189

>tfw dramafags don't know this is years old and has been repeated on streams multiple times by multiple talents including Pippa

>> No.77017463

Anon... it's literally posted to her main mod's youtube channel and linked in this thread, are you bad at reading comprehension?

>> No.77017863

The latter, sure. What's wrong with janny though? Even normies have zero respect for internet mods.

>> No.77018060
File: 223 KB, 2538x572, 1715552424387086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Care to supply OP
It's funnier to watch you swing in the wind than to help

>> No.77018636
File: 130 KB, 1500x509, koopa_vt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah okay

>> No.77019267

I see pippa doesn't want kronii to overtake her as the queen of melting down over nothing

>> No.77019409


>> No.77019422

so why did she have a melty this time?

>> No.77019664

do they not have more important shit to care about? "nonono you can't say jannies or based" seems retarded when half of their talents rant about completely disgusting and/or deranged shit every other stream

>> No.77019769

Funny. Figured Aquantis would have been in the flight logs.

>> No.77020182

ITT: people reacting to this image as if it isn't older than they are. Reps plox

>> No.77020277

I know it's old as fuck. It still shows the direction the company's going in.

>> No.77020303

you tell 'em sis
you look so empowered when you mass reply

>> No.77020415

>ancient artifact from a period when Henri was still around.
>shows the direction the company's going in.

>> No.77020419
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I'm still thinking about this

>> No.77020422

I mean, I told them and others told them. They got told countless times and always defended it that she's just genuinely like them and thinks the same things. Fool you once, fool you twice, fool you however many times, it doesn't matter you keep supporting it.

>> No.77020508

Pippa changed when she got actual friends

>> No.77020562

People have said that since the 90s.

>> No.77020615

>"HA! imagine not falling for the phase shilling. newfags!"

>> No.77020802
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tourist central up in here.

>> No.77020969
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Pippa fans are some of the most confusing fuckers out there. They bitch and moan about male collabs, her politics, how she handles getting one guy'd like this constantly as if it's some surprise betrayal. Pippa will then peoceed to not give a fuck, ignore the hate, and capipitalists will just memoryhole the yab until another one comes. Rinse and repeat.

How many times does this need to happen before her mental handicapped audience realizes that she's just another sanatized normalfag now? She chose to end her friendship with Kirsche instead of backing her during the Offkai event, of course she's not some fucking based 4chan martyr willing to throw her career away for /here/ points.

>> No.77021008

Yeah Pippa isn't at fault cause she didn't do anything wrong. She's just a menhera retard who makes mountains out of flat ground

>> No.77021016

>not give a fuck, ignore the hate
you can see how much she doesn't care from orbit

>> No.77021214

it sounds like all she had to do was go in order of oldest post to newest post. I thought that was just a given when you look through shit? I mean ultimately I don't care it's just weird you would do anything but that.

>> No.77021243

Qrd? I don't watch Phase.

>> No.77021296

if you somehow don't know Pippa's PL despite her probably having the worst opsec of any vtuber you might just be retarded

>> No.77021350

Imagine having the hardcore unicorn fanbase of a GFE chuuba, while doing exactly the things they hate the most on a weekly basis. That's Pippa in a nutshell.

>> No.77021406

>while doing exactly the things they hate the most on a weekly basis.
the real GFE

>> No.77021465

nah, I think all social media is sorted by recommended / most relevant / higher engagement points by default
that would explain why they threw a fit
is kinda like oldfags here seething because the slop they choose to gatekeep is not relevant / known

>> No.77021572

doing something like that via social media is retarded. you either make some form ala google or a discord channel.

>> No.77021677

It's more likely than You think.
>find chuuba with just the right kind of brain damage where it pulls me out of permagrind mindset
>start to watch more frequently, engage in chat with others and get positive responses from Her for my points & stupid jokes
>sunday after especially bad xp irl enter stream carrying some seriously bad Mojo
>after 2 hours of keeping it together I get mildly annoyed at ninjas in chat and drop "Naruto is the gatewax anime of worts kind" completely with all [bundle of sticks] bombs and get (understandably so) timed out by jannies AND catch 7 day account suspension from Twitch for hatespeech
Dude I have never though I would get so attached to my internet alias or any stream like this. Sheer stupidity I put on display in my name, wish that post was autoboted but i know from chat's and her reaction that they noticed and it makes me even more emberased. I count every day till i get my account back which is so weird as I never before treated any of mine as anything but burners.

>> No.77021737

I mean tbfdesu only a possesive retard would think he should go before others just because he's been watching her longer. It's just cat pics too, not fan submissions that tend to have alot of effort put in like room/PC setup reviews. That being said no one in chat was being a dick about it at all and Pippa just decided to massively overreact for no reason.

>> No.77021763

so what you're saying is her fans are into cuckoldry

>> No.77021961

well I mean chronological order of creating some list. Anyone who thinks they should go first because they've been watching longer is fucking dumb. it's always in order of submisisons.
t. someone who watched pippa.

>> No.77022120

Imagine liking a vtuber because she owns "the others" whoever they are at the moment, making fun of how they get upset for death threats and all that. Then having a collective meltdown in your own community over the order in which she reviews your pets. Holy shit.

>> No.77022252

Damn son, you need a psychiatrist. I'm serious, please seek help in getting your life straightened out.

>> No.77022278


>> No.77022453


>> No.77022628

What happened phasekeks? You should treat your wife better

>> No.77022714

>Comments blaming Reddit
They're the problem.

>> No.77022818


>> No.77022898

Is this supposed to be the Pippa yab or was there something else? There is no way something this boring can be considered a yab, right?

>> No.77023002

selling out is easy and keeps your income stable.

>> No.77023033

It is when you're emotionally damaged.

>> No.77023462

Let's be real here, pippa's le edgy based content wasn't why she got big at all. It was because she knew how to play the youtube shorts game and is a level 100 master when it comes to networking with other vtubers and fleshstreamers.

>> No.77023509

>Second biggest vtuber group after cover
Fucking hell phasekeks has smoked some good shit lately.

>> No.77023676 [DELETED] 
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no troons allowed

>> No.77024130

it's fucking nothing and she's a retard that was swinging at windmills in the thread at 6am instead of sleeping or getting off her ass to do offkai prep

>> No.77024131

Mindbuckbroken so fuckin hard. Keep at it, lol

>> No.77024441

This was a valuable lesson that all /here/chuubas are trailer trash, no exceptions.

>> No.77024768 [DELETED] 

>Anonymous Hi, Pippa, don't you have another reddit thread to seethe about?

>> No.77025025

Motherfucker it took me 2 tries to find name, family pics and profiles with very basic Google search. (You) are clearly room temp and don't deserve to know jack & shit.
Kinda wish I didn't look. I should know better, attaching flesh face to chuubas really does break immersion.

>> No.77025103

Would you date or have sex with her?

>> No.77025887

Shouldn't have shilled on /vt/ every single day when she wanted to grow then.

>> No.77026060

I can tell you watch Pippa

>> No.77026068
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>he doesn't know

>> No.77026110
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Why do you care about Pippa drama if you don't watch her?
Very weird ngl.

>> No.77026188

She's still friends with Kirsche

>> No.77026233

Pippa is not even close to being normal

>> No.77026270

>The thread full of antisocial losers is the only thread not going so they post about it

>> No.77026310

What's that mean?

>> No.77026381

Nyanners was lucky in that she was the first and had the right connections. Still this only proves that none of these girls are "just like me fr". Even the supposedly based and epic 4chan girls are just grifters taking advantage of easily manipulated terminally online edgelords for clout. Just like Nyanners. Just like Pippa.

>> No.77026396

He's not wrong. Anyone who has had a girlfriend knows that Pippa is the truest GFE. She's retarded and has consistently bad takes about everything. She argues about shit that doesn't matter and seems to be constantly trying to make you angry for her personal amusement, but sometimes she's also cute and sweet.

>> No.77026531

Where do you think sakana found him? Why do you think he took him on?

>> No.77026766

If she got her teeth fixed, somebody picked her nice clothes and done some make up I might take her on date.

>> No.77026855

So that's what happened. You guys wasted a thread over a nothingburger (woman moment)

>> No.77026950

That's literally just women in general how is that the girlfriend

>> No.77026959

Pippa did nothing wrong until she decided to have her melty hours after stream ended.
And if autists in chat get uppity, that's what mods are for.

>> No.77027027

he didn't even get uppity, his point was peetty valid

>> No.77027055

To be fair it's not just women who do this. Mentally ill and terminally online men with feminine tendencies tend to be the same way. The amount of times I've been ghosted by 4chanfags for the most banal or non-existent reason is remarkably high among all online communities.

>> No.77027262

I hate to break the bad news, girlfriends are women.

>> No.77027297

I met my girlfriend(male) on /soc/. She's a chinese tranny and she smells bad but I'm happy. Getting married in August.

>> No.77027326


>> No.77028103

Pibba makes a subreddit for people to post pet pics for her stream.
Pippa checks by newest to oldest instead of oldest to newest.
Retards dramabait that she skipped them.
Even bigger retards bait that she didn't hecking chungus 42069 sort by oldest to newest so the "entitled" capipis didn't get reacted to first.
Other retards complained that she was using reddit in the first place.
Nukes the vod, the subreddit and the comments on the twitterpost.
It's her (or one of her) latest stream.

>> No.77028204

Does someone track Pippa's period? I have a suspicion...

>> No.77028753

Bruh, reel in the autism a little, lmao.

>> No.77029023

this post reeks!
bpd femanon, just because pippa is "litereally you fr fr" doesn't mean you have to come to /pcg/ to white knight her whenever she has a woman moment

>> No.77029454

>non-holo catalog thread
>it's awful
pick both

>> No.77029893
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>> No.77031063

This thread and board is depressing to watch.

I'm more happy not being much online anymore.

I wish you all to be better then your parents, have a nice life.

>> No.77031989

Anyone expecting organization from a chuuba that ghosts her friends' PMs for months and random friendly streamers for over an year is delusional

>> No.77036269

>catalog thread
>not cancer

>> No.77036687

momo was not bad until she made bank in her bday or anniversary live last year and then fucked off. worthless

>> No.77036751

truth is outside of /vt/ no one really gives a shit
this is a big nothing burger

>> No.77036836

>Even the supposedly based and epic 4chan girls
But she made a video thanking us anons for everything.

>> No.77037392

This sister begging thread is still up lol

>> No.77037408

Holy Molly VoD is kill. You actually managed to trigger Moldkin this time, Anonymous.

>> No.77039972

>Actual context: Pippa didn't manage a stream the way her viewers want, viewers mad
>Discussions in this thread: ?????
