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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76984819 No.76984819 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>76978667

>> No.76984846
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


>> No.76984874

okbh are the same /vt/ schizos though, so they count as one

>> No.76984878

Say goodbye to our schizos
They're about to be busy with far more juicy drama than anything Vtubing can provide

>> No.76984882

She's a grifter, anon. We've had this discussion before. She doesn't do projects, covers, or anything. She doesn't talk about singing or dancing lessons. She just plays vidya for a few hours every day, collects her SC and merch money and then eats her tofu veggie burger while watching Northernlion.

>> No.76984896

Ina was in Henya's 3D live!

>> No.76984899
File: 2.89 MB, 2864x4093, OkayuPocky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife

>> No.76984910 [DELETED] 

the entire vtubing reddit community (r/hololive, okbh, vtubing, and even nijiasnji back in the day when it wasnt locked) hates guras guts
you people are insane if you think otherwise, try posting ANYTHING remotely positive about gura in one of those forums

>> No.76984928

shut up, tranny.

>> No.76984937
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>> No.76984979


>> No.76984983
File: 2.28 MB, 1277x2271, 1714910811292218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ is a Gura board and that will never change.

>> No.76984992
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>> No.76984997
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>be okbh
>*Poop on hololive's lawn
>It's it's just a joke bro. I swear.
>*Piss on hololive's doorstep
>It's all irony. I p-promise.

>> No.76985007


>> No.76985011
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>> No.76985031

He's not gonna go to jail so who cares

>> No.76985032


>> No.76985039

turn on the news, any channel

>> No.76985048

>Its an ironic shitposting forum
>Full of homonigs unironically shitting on the girls

>> No.76985046

To be fair, I've seen a lot of positive posts about Gura in r/Hololive. You're right about the rest though.

>> No.76985059

Orange man guilty of all charges

>> No.76985068

I really wish I wasn't living through a major historical event right now

>> No.76985097
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>> No.76985100 [DELETED] 

I like them, but I wish they were better integrated with Hololive because honestly trying to keep track of anything about them feels almost like following two completely different worlds of existence. Like when did this new gen on the bottom show up? I know there's dumb idol culture bullshit that makes it so the boys and girls have to be separate or else they will have to open a new PO box for the pipe bombs, but I would like if they could at the very least promote one another a bit more openly so it would be easier to keep up.

>> No.76985106

>US politics
Who cares, the whole shit is more fake than wrestling

>> No.76985116

Honestly what is Fauna getting out of hololive that she couldn't just do as an indie other than the numbers boost?

>> No.76985121

Literal nothing burger
Will appeal anyway

>> No.76985137
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, senpai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's ok when pekora and miko do it

>> No.76985143

Mumei sex

>> No.76985150
File: 1.89 MB, 1600x2000, __ninomae_ina_nis_ouro_kronii_nanashi_mumei_hakos_baelz_and_ceres_fauna_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_ricebrush__68e2f5a1ee89df74e35a7a769e44bbcc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

intelligence thread theme before the fauna stream

>> No.76985162 [DELETED] 

Can we not talk about Fauna again this thread
Let's talk about IRyS instead and her failing music career

>> No.76985171
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>> No.76985179
File: 117 KB, 850x1242, __azki_and_azki_hololive_drawn_by_kumarang__sample-7228afe21019c15c8f2c06dc6ca58694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Azki sex

>> No.76985196

Gura hate there is cyclical, okbh niggers went too hard on the raiding so it cycled back to them liking Gura. Guraschizos (plural) used to post with impunity there

>> No.76985204 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 241x270, 1705473486792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep posting these. I want double standards to die forever. All of Hololive are "whores."

>> No.76985208

>She doesn't talk about singing lessons
At least get the basics right

>> No.76985221

>Calm and professional, use it as an opportunity to make light hearted jokes
>deer in headlights, better ignore this and hide it as quickly as possible so my fans don't have a melty!

>> No.76985222

>okbh, vtubing, and even nijiasnji
Don't forget bvtm. They're all the same gutter brained schizos and they're all from the same discordnig circles.

>> No.76985223

If you wanna talk about something negative, there is always Nijisanji

>> No.76985249

We're not having this discussion again

>> No.76985252

ok ken-sama

>> No.76985264

>why does Fauna have any schizos at all? She is entirely inoffensive CGDCT vtuber
Because she's the real ''Gura lite'' but could streams more to equalize Gura's crazy CCV
>highest CCV bar Gura
>ignores the homos
But mostly hates her because of her CCV. They can't fathom how could someone so laid-back be that popular

>> No.76985285
File: 3.11 MB, 1280x720, Korone sing ado cover[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqqnw4a.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

korone sex

>> No.76985293 [DELETED] 
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>VTubing >:(
>VTubing: Japan :O

>> No.76985300

>holo vs holo

>> No.76985308

At least keep it number related, the current stream standings.

MediasTouch: 86k
NBC News: 63k
ABC News: 59k
AP News 36k
Brian Tyler Cohen: 29k
Benny Johnson: 21k
Sky News: 18k
Fox News: 15k
David Pakman Show: 8k
CBS News: 5.1k

>> No.76985315 [DELETED] 

"Don't care, still voting Trump" -Gawr Gura

>> No.76985318

>the double standards of male sprites in a game existing near a vtuber, vs. twitchthots telling in detail of the time they took it up the ass at a party
Why are you literally 80 IQ and how can we retard-proof the internet so you can no longer shit it up?

>> No.76985325

>Another Azki OP
All these Holo girls and the same ones keep getting recycled.

>> No.76985335
File: 133 KB, 512x512, 1712801120230224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Pekora have a lot of schizos on 5ch?

>> No.76985348

You don't get to make the rules newfag. No males are OK at all.

>> No.76985350 [DELETED] 

Gura is an rfk jr supporter

>> No.76985377

5ch no
2ch yes
5ch is normalfag central, it's basically reddit if it looked like 4chan and had no images
All the read schizos hang out on 2ch

>> No.76985379

Giving the third world internet was a mistake

>> No.76985387
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Bakers have their favorite girls and it shows. Variety would be nice.

>> No.76985400

Fuck your double standards. All males are bad.

>> No.76985404


>> No.76985414

EOP please

>> No.76985415

>Why are you literally 80 IQ
He's a vshojo fan.

>> No.76985421

Not my nigga Virtual Gorilla

>> No.76985429
File: 1.54 MB, 1548x906, Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 2.28.35 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bot really ran for 5 hours. lol.

>> No.76985430

Does that include you?

>> No.76985436
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A year later and I still subscribe to the Rrat that someone in homopro was behind the account.

>> No.76985440

>Male Collab >:(
>Male Collab, Japan >:O

>> No.76985445

Go the fuck back you retarded election tourist, lurk 50 years and then kill yourself.

That isn't a double standard, it's "your girl is literally a skank, now fuck off back to twitch because vtwitchers are not vtubers".

>> No.76985447

aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie caramba

>> No.76985460

>MediasTouch: 86k
Not so fast.

>> No.76985473
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some males are ok.

>> No.76985486

95k right now

>> No.76985491 [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 1024x937, 1691222764976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No M*LES belong in my VTubing.
Get the fuck out

>> No.76985493

100%, they even slipped up and posted something about Gura that only a mod could see. The damage control about it was crazy too, and effective.

>> No.76985497 [DELETED] 

>ENkek discovers that Japan is superior when it comes to vtubing

>> No.76985501

I kneel...

>> No.76985514

It's almost like there are cultural differences between the two. Do some research. Watch some streams. You will understand.

>> No.76985525

Emperor and King are the only good ones

>> No.76985530 [DELETED] 
File: 335 KB, 640x832, 1706156394833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then admit you're just a cuck and not a real unicorn
Fuck off cuck

>> No.76985550

i feel bad as a holochad and a music listener that i can't listen to idol music. for some reason i think of it as cringe. maybe it's too "bright and fluffy" for my taste.
anyone else feels this way?

>> No.76985555
File: 2.50 MB, 2348x3508, 170126389674311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my number family

>> No.76985563

that's not what Connor implied though KEK

>> No.76985575

The only unprofessional scenario related to homos that EN had was the Fuwamoco thing, the rest that don't interact with them just say something and move on

>> No.76985594

>he wasn't an IM@S/Love Live/Walkure Chad before Hololive
I have no respect for you. That means you probably came from the Twitch side.

>> No.76985599

epic meltdown

>> No.76985609
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I just like CGDCT
Most of Holoslop is pretty boring anyways

>> No.76985617
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You're retarded and lack taste

>> No.76985623

That was sad.

>> No.76985648

whoa, I didn't know /#/ was a homo-compliant thread. Guess I'll take my cunny pics someplace else

>> No.76985672

Oh no what are we gonna do without you

>> No.76985681
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>> No.76985696

I can easily go from listening to something like Iron Maiden or Black Sabbath to Smile & Go. Skill issue.

>> No.76985702

don't let the door hit you on the way out falseflagchama

>> No.76985707
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>Stardust Song

>> No.76985716

I get not listening to any EN covers because they suck ass, but a lot of Hololive originals are pretty good.

>> No.76985730

>MeidasTouch: 93,138
>MSNBC: 92,231

>> No.76985733

All of these songs suck except for Suspect

>> No.76985741

actual idolshit is basically cheerleading, so yeah it's bad music
the holo girls mostly do japanese pop, which is mostly very boring (and the songs are all too long) but sometimes very cool
risu, marine, mumei and kanata tend toward "darker" stuff, if that's what you're looking for

>> No.76985740

Did the shark flake out again? She did it when doki mogged her and she did it again the last time Mousey mogged her. I guess a second beating from Mousey was just too much for her. She'll be back in a month or two, I'm sure.

>> No.76985742
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>Daily Diary

>> No.76985750


>> No.76985755

lol, lmao

>> No.76985756
File: 219 KB, 621x635, 1693188445924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QRD of the past 20 hours?

>> No.76985757

The EN music is the only sovl music out there
Release the Full Color MV pls

>> No.76985762

There's no ''idol music'' genre. They're basically the same as every other music genre out there. But of course if you're mostly into hiphop, you wouldn't like the music that Holos produce

>> No.76985778
File: 98 KB, 1598x320, Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 23.37.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First ASMR

>> No.76985781

>the shark

>> No.76985787

>Vivi and kunai graduation (both hinted it on their pl)
>pippa meltdown over her schizo fanbase
>Niji want a fuwamoco
>niji new gen flopped hard (aster levels)
>Falseeyed mega yab on niji TODAY
>Filian is charging for her discord
>mint and matara sided with Doki
>3d homos got mogged by advent announce
>jp homos got cancelled
>enna is a 3 view
>NBA collab flopped
>meloco and luca love
>idol gura graduation
>the new niji loli is a holofan
>kuzuha is losing ccv daily
>iron mouse and hassan friendship
>niji going full retard on luca exmod

>> No.76985788

Fauna is a grifter

>> No.76985793

it's not like i hate it, it's just too bright.
it's like looking at a British person and wondering why he didn't smile when you said hello with your pearly whites.
maybe i am british or euro deep inside

>> No.76985804
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>Blue Clapper

>> No.76985829

>and the songs are all too long
What type of music do you listen to that 3-4 minutes is considered "too long"?
Prog rock would blow your mind if that's the case.

>> No.76985856

>every streamer wants kaela's body
t. polka

>> No.76985865

>idol gura graduation

>> No.76985882
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>> No.76985884


>> No.76985886

>Filian is charging for her discord
Every time I see this girl she's schmooving like her guide to Vtubing was playing Reccetear.

>> No.76985892


>> No.76985908

Oh that's simple anon, you just don't cheer them on, as in literally
It's music crafted explicitly for you to wave you arms and shout for at specific points while your oshi is singing it, without it it's easy to not get it, after all it's like listening to one dude doing a choir song
I recommend starting with at least trying to put in はいs into the chat, but remember to actually cheer them on rather than just copy pasting shit into chat, you got to feel the burn of cheering them on!

>> No.76985910

Yuko from IdolEN

>> No.76985934

Communism > Capitalism confirmed.

>> No.76985938
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>>jp homos got cancelled
lmao what

>> No.76985942

>Filian is charging for her discord

>> No.76985944

And what does she have to do with Gura

>> No.76985945

change it to ghost gura then next time you post it so the retards stop being confused

>> No.76985960

you are missing fuyo, poko, momo and coni from idol are all pretty obviously going to graduate
coni and poko have new PL models and signalled on PL twitters, momo has streamed 6 times in as many months and fuyo is in the dumps because all her friends are leaving or have already left

>> No.76985961

She was probably groomed by someone really high on the OTK hierarchy

>> No.76985964
File: 49 KB, 625x776, 15490393452810061141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirameki Rider >>>>>>>>>> OurBrightParade > Prism Melody > Asuiro Clear Skies >>> SSS

>> No.76985974


>> No.76985977

the thing is, i CAN listen to holo music/albums like the one mio released.
it's just the bright poppy "idol" music i don't like.
PARE PARE PARE is something i can listen to, but some of the "very" bright ones that feels like listening to a blinding light from heaven are the ones that make me feel overwhelmed.

>> No.76985978

holos should cover galneryus songs

>> No.76985981


>> No.76985997

>idol gura
>idol EN
>Gura wannabe
>idol gura

>> No.76986011

I believe you, but let's wait until actual graduation notices.

>> No.76986015
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>> No.76986018

They have 1 good song

>> No.76986036

It ran for 6 hours on her previous stream before they ran out. Ended up being about 1k maybe 1.2k bots

>> No.76986072
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>> No.76986073

should I start watching Kaiju No.8?

>> No.76986080
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>> No.76986088
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>Say fanfare

>> No.76986100
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, I will have her as a wife too.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76986102
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>> No.76986104

ryeschizo won (?)

>> No.76986109

Well that's easy to overcome then, your issue is the fact that you care too much about societal expectations even when alone, you should at the very least be able to unironically enjoy things like this with no worry when alone otherwise your stress levels will continue climbing so just let yourself go into this overwhelming felling, consider it a form of meditation where you drop anything dragging you back from enjoying it while listening to them if you need an extra crutch

>> No.76986111
File: 98 KB, 995x649, 1717015769241951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the AI tiers

>> No.76986123
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I love Fauna

>> No.76986131
File: 10 KB, 497x47, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, anons?

>> No.76986139
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>> No.76986144

No way this isn't real

>> No.76986149

How do I join?

>> No.76986150

I don't get it. Is it onlyfans lite?

>> No.76986152

This is way better than goofy bidibi

>> No.76986157

He lost the moment she joined idol Corp and somehow lost harder the moment she graduated idol.

>> No.76986162


>> No.76986169

I wonder if one day a Holo will lean hard into more niche genre like Jazz and Techno

>> No.76986181

What a filthy bitch.

>> No.76986190


>> No.76986195

Full Color is the best and only pure SOVL song in Hololive
Prove me wrong

>> No.76986210

You are not blending in sis

>> No.76986215

Seethe here leading to yet another Discordnig raid

>> No.76986218

Do homofags and poor grammar go hand in hand?

>> No.76986220

kek no fucking way

>> No.76986226

from out here it looks like there's been some kind of continuous intense internal turmoil at idol since last fall, but the girls who show outward signs of it are all pretty serious menheras (love 'em) so it's hard to tell if it's real
nothing ever happens? nothing after yuko leaves, i'd guess
but if almost everyone left that wouldn't be a surprise

>> No.76986259

Filian is by far the best example of
>the most amount of money you can possibly make as a Vtuber without being a corpo or a grifter
She'd be a grifter if there was even a smidgen of attempting to fool her audience about anything when it came to this, but she's just so absurdly open about
>yeah we like money here
that I can't call it a grift

>> No.76986263
File: 15 KB, 531x578, 16736638585639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aqua iro pallette

>> No.76986277

She's based and doesn't collab with males
Skill issue, cuck

>> No.76986288

What do you mean? You're the one discussing doxx like the vermin you are

>> No.76986291

Nigga read what I just said and realize I didn't insult her in any way

>> No.76986294

Eh, vsingers can rack in more cash when hosting lives and shit

>> No.76986295


>> No.76986303

some homo pandered to the sisters (estrogened males) and at the same day astel got canceled for eating fries

>> No.76986311

I think you should reword idol gura to Idol's Gura

>> No.76986310

it's a great pop song, but still waiting for the official release before judging. I want to hear the studio version first

>> No.76986322

I think he means that in the latest Cover interview Yagoo said he will be debuting like 1 more gen and then stop to focus on their existing taletns because they noticed how fucking hard is to get everyone to do shit together. In said document there was 0 talk about the homos, so we can conclude that the homos are canceled until they start putting the numbers, they will use (the girls') money to support them more and reach new heights.

>> No.76986325

at least now he can have better chances of grooming her instead of a sexpest jew manager doing it

>> No.76986335

How does Kanade talk like that? It's cute retard English like Haachama where it seems like she doesn't understand any words but every now and then a statement comes out with perfect pronunciation.

>> No.76986339

You are really not blending in

>> No.76986343
File: 42 KB, 739x415, 167366385856323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Say My Name

>> No.76986351

I didn't like the whole idol music side at first, but the music they all put out is more varied then that really. I also just stopped being uptight about it and view it more as lighter entertainment, just take it as it is and enjoy or don't.
Our Bright Parade is kino though, you are wrong if you think otherwise

>> No.76986358

You proved yourself wrong.

>> No.76986372
File: 3.99 MB, 1280x720, StarGamers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76986373

yeah about that no he won't

>> No.76986388

Filian will basically do anything as long as the pay is worth it.

>> No.76986406

Lol. his chance of grooming her got lower as well

>> No.76986418
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>Lifetime Showtime

>> No.76986424
File: 3.96 MB, 640x360, Bijou Transformation.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76986429
File: 947 KB, 3000x2107, GMzc2tTaAAA8yFu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's catchy, I will listen to it. I still bop to
But many of those recent "tiktok dance bait" songs don't do it to me. My taste is all over the place too, especially now that I'm still on my nostalgia dive because of the whole goth/emo wave, so my playlist might just look like this:

WIth some Holo songs and covers mixed in. Try finding a common ground in this mess.

>> No.76986435 [DELETED] 
File: 680 KB, 558x884, 1717023997386389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76986450
File: 785 KB, 1575x2100, 76ef1276f456cb18a301b31e7b50f1d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Electrical Surfing

>> No.76986455

Some anon earlier in the week mentioned momo has been active on her rm instead of her corpo.

>> No.76986460

>skill issue
when every Holo chuuba out there rake in more money without resorting to what she did LMAO

>> No.76986462

A failed project that should have been dropped years ago.

>> No.76986481

>the flicker frame stuff partway through to mimic real animation
oh this shit's LEGIT real

>> No.76986485
File: 5 KB, 236x300, 19064446774333264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76986493 [DELETED] 

Holy shit thank god hololive doesn't pander to ENshart normalfags like you

>> No.76986513

>Not Find your Flame

>> No.76986556

Polka Fauna Mention

>> No.76986563
File: 38 KB, 481x543, 1626542395886899909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76986569

fauna with a single song became the world's greatest light electronic bossa nova singer, and then...no more songs
the girls rarely follow through on anything, unfortunately

>> No.76986571

Aqutan no koto suki sugi song - most fun song to sing along to along with Ahoy!

>> No.76986574

>half of idols roster is set to graduate
oooh no that is so unexpected really, who could've predicted this
That is so wacky, i never expected them to graduate, it almost looks like they were always grifting from the get go, so unexpected

>> No.76986586

Bros I thought it was wild to look around and mess around with 2view Vtubers
1views... oh God, it's scary how deep the hooks can be, you can't leave once you get seen, the relative importance you have is too large

>> No.76986587

Yeah shit's top tier

>> No.76986619

Is she gonna raid fauna?

>> No.76986651


>> No.76986663

Oh, what was the context?

>> No.76986667

No but really, where the fuck are the CtW orisongs? It is absurd how slowly EN management is. Or maybe it's more than just EN management, seeing as they keep delaying Myth's l2d model updates.

>> No.76986685
File: 2.76 MB, 1248x1824, 1717058684866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those were days ago... i thought it's something new
getting my nipples hard over nothing...

>> No.76986714
File: 20 KB, 228x379, 1717011187770521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check archives
Wtf the filian paid server shit is crazy

>> No.76986722

She said she plays a lot of Balatro on the steam deck and someone in chat said Fauna's the same way and she was like "HAHA FAUNAAAAAAA"

>> No.76986751

they would never.
they would go towards the swing side of jazz instead of the traditional or big band jazz.
i said it above.
i liked bright parade and other holo music, it's the bright, happy sun in your face type of "idol" music that i don't like as much.

>> No.76986768

I feel like idol corp had a good thing going for it with Gen 1, but then leaned into literally every worst instinct possible with Gen 2 (and that kyoresu girl's solo debut) and it obliterated them so badly that they ran all the way to the other side of the spectrum with ES and stuck to reliable talents

>> No.76986781

2k waiting

>> No.76986784

>it's another why doesn't hololive make normalfag westoid music timeloop

>> No.76986785


>> No.76986786

Americans should make a law so a president cant run for office if his age is over 75 years

>> No.76986793

This looks like it's basically
>memberships but on Discord

>> No.76986799

Yeah I mean Juna has called out management on stream for being incompetent fuckers that cannot even mail a parcel to her

>> No.76986809

156,676 waiting

>> No.76986837

you will never be japanese

>> No.76986841
File: 71 KB, 599x680, 20230508_192110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dream Shower
>Baby don't stop
>Mosh Race
>Sweet Appetite
>Lip sync
>End role

>> No.76986851

a-are you retarded and miss the point of anons post?
or are you purposely being obtuse

>> No.76986858


>> No.76986879

back to bed seagroid

>> No.76986883


>> No.76986896


>> No.76986903

>hating greyfags is not based
For how many threads are you gonna cry about this poorfag

>> No.76986912


>> No.76986913
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>> No.76986932

To be fair I think Hololive should try making a really fucking basic bitch Western Pop song at least once
I'm talking, bitch-ass Katy Perry Firework levels of basic white woman

>> No.76986939
File: 74 KB, 234x194, 1712964501591353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna sweep

>> No.76986941

when are we getting a brit that does electronic music
real british drum n bass and the like

>> No.76986957

Don't worry bro I get you, I'm sure it must suck to spend your time pretending to be an idolfag to win /vt/ console wars and dab on le cringe niji sisters while not actually enjoying hololive but keep fighting the good fight

>> No.76986964

That would be generic pop or rap, all the rock/metal that people post here is still niche. Not like hololive has any problems producing basically kpop style songs instead.

>> No.76986963

I think the groomer might've unironically been the only competent one.

>> No.76986970


>> No.76986980

You mean like Moona has made like three times now?

>> No.76987030


>> No.76987031

I expect you to keep up with this shit when the Fauna/Mumei orisong drops and not pussy out

>> No.76987049
File: 5 KB, 198x255, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've listened to all of this probably twice, and the fact that none of these are in my hololive playlist says that your taste is mid and you're the reason hololive won't grow faster

>> No.76987050

not botted, but definitely linked somewhere.

>> No.76987066

It's called La Roja, threadshitter

>> No.76987077
File: 59 KB, 536x670, 1611797699012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76987092


>> No.76987098

the further hololive stays from westoid cancer the better

>> No.76987114


>> No.76987123

no no it's different because Moona is too sexy
It needs to be the girls that aren't sexy like IRyS or Mumei doing it

>> No.76987122

Princess Fauna my beloved

>> No.76987127


>> No.76987134

Why is Fauna a princess

>> No.76987164

Snail, you little shit.

>> No.76987179

>Fauna flexing hairstyle from first casual, cape and tiara
she will never upgrade to 3.0

>> No.76987182

So true Hololive should ditch the problematic idol culture and make more diverse music to reach a wider audience beyond the usual incels and neckbeards.

>> No.76987183
File: 459 KB, 590x679, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mint in EN4

>> No.76987193

>For those that are curious.
>Filian hired a couple of jews, without telling her mods or anyone, and put them in management positions. They are working on how to monetize her discord and milk the "community" for cash. Putting in exclusivity and the like.

>> No.76987195

>snail doesn't want to watch the witcher
>fauna's audience doesn't want to watch the witcher

>> No.76987199

Snail is such a little bitch

>> No.76987204

Fauna is wearing her tiara

>> No.76987208

you don't even watch JP seamurai wannabe

>> No.76987222

God Fauna will always make me happy

>> No.76987224

If she uses her 3D she'll use her 3.0

>> No.76987231

if you grew up playing burnout or any racing game, those 2 genres were 100% in.
everyone probably heard Killswitch Engage - My Curse at least once

>> No.76987259
File: 29 KB, 526x582, 1626542395886899905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Candy Go Round

>> No.76987261


>> No.76987285

Iron Maiden played Budokan

>> No.76987288

yandere holoEN chuuba when

>> No.76987287

>holocure ost

>> No.76987289

ruh roh

>> No.76987290

Cats hate Geralt

>> No.76987295


>> No.76987322

3.0 is for the default model, retard-kun

>> No.76987335


>> No.76987338

anon she used so much non-default that management forced her to go back to it weeks ago, jumping to 3.0 means she's stuck with default for months at best.

>> No.76987349

Yeah, they’re abandoning the Israeli company to support Palestine.

>> No.76987361

lmao she was really set on joining vshojo only to get cold feet once she saw her audience's reaction

>> No.76987377

It's so over

>> No.76987399

that's my point

>> No.76987416

Anon? 3D is superior to non-3D in most aspects

>> No.76987434

She’s Korean. Being a native Japanese speaker is a debuff for English pronunciation.

>> No.76987436
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>> No.76987451

>Fauna got multiple demonetizations for her Witcher Playthrough
Fucking seriously

>> No.76987501
File: 300 KB, 312x479, 16900367226352856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder that Qilins are Chinese unicorns.

>> No.76987509

Y'know what I'm sayin'

>> No.76987521

She's really killing her channel with this slop

>> No.76987527
File: 293 KB, 377x436, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76987528
File: 161 KB, 319x242, 364dc15554f52ee8d2cf2c4a5c6bdb8d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76987532

from RRRRRRRRRRing to Pi

>> No.76987538

>Fauna shows homos on stream yesterday
>Now she's mocking unicorns

>> No.76987539

I unironically thought you were talking about the fucking dingo for a minute there

>> No.76987541
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>> No.76987543
File: 14 KB, 390x109, unicorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76987569

Ui mama did her 3d birthday on cover studio?

>> No.76987595
File: 928 KB, 1080x1080, Fauna Love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76987594

She's been on a roll for us, specifically these days, huh

>> No.76987596
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>> No.76987603

All me.

>> No.76987608

>clip title says she met marine
>nerissa actually says that biboo met marine

>> No.76987629

numbers the numbers what do they mean?

>> No.76987634

>IRyS or Mumei
>not sexy

>> No.76987654

my youtuber friends think that strikes/etc. are auto-dispensed based on who your subscribers are
like if your fans are also fans of razorfist, you're fucked
fauna fans are algorithmically identified as chuds

>> No.76987656

>the numbers are starting to take over personalities

>> No.76987658
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>> No.76987665

>/#/'s is taking on personalities in my head

>> No.76987676

>unicorns X3
kek this dork

>> No.76987677

Why not nude unicorns?

>> No.76987686

Guess it wasn't a nothingburger after all.

>> No.76987691

>strong unicorns
She's so here

>> No.76987724

She will get a State of Play funnel

>> No.76987725
File: 440 KB, 680x680, 1689406351276318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I'm a bit of a music autist. Grew up surrounded by musicians. And while I enjoy the idol aspect for providing some interesting events and hype opportunities I genuinely can't listen to jpop. Everything sounds like a boring isekai opening. There are some interesting covers here and there but nothing groundbreaking.
And the production on most originals is atrocious. You have talents like Mumei and Gura who would be perfecy for some sadgirl indie pop but got completely wasted and autotuned into oblivion.
And from a number perspective the success of peak Mori is enough to prove that there is a massive market for something different. Anything. Especially when you already have JP shitting out a fuckton of songs with most of them struggling to gain any traction.

>> No.76987742
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>> No.76987748

I thought they were giraffes.

>> No.76987750

skellige sucks

>> No.76987773

I am also a music autist and I love hololive music because I actually have good taste and dont sniff my own farts

>> No.76987775

It's color coded, she met Suisei

>> No.76987779

Fuck you

>> No.76987786

so true phasekek

>> No.76987811
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>> No.76987813

Have you ever seen a clothed unicorn?

>> No.76987822

Oh I completely forgot about that

>> No.76987890

Whiny Fauna my beloved

>> No.76987904
File: 246 KB, 720x720, 1683919573514294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am currently wearing underwear

>> No.76987931

Ui mama did her 3d birthday on cover studio?

>> No.76987957

Fauna is handsome

>> No.76987969

>Fauna stream keeps fucking up
>Don't want to refresh because if it does the rewind feature will be on and I'll stop being counted as a viewer (unless I already wasn't despite having premium)

>> No.76987991

>no shortage of beautiful ladies

>> No.76988004

So true sister I hate holoslop music too, I recommend checking out the stars boy, did you know that Hakka is a badass metal vocalist? He has a bunch of great metal covers and even originals that I'm sure you'll love

>> No.76988007

Try switching to 720. That sorted the stuttering out for me for now.

>> No.76988015
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>> No.76988026
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>> No.76988039

The most handsome brotuber in the world.

>> No.76988038

Just like
Disable the DVR script

>> No.76988066

>The legendary image of the qilin became associated with the image of the giraffe in the Ming dynasty. The identification of the qilin with giraffes began after Zheng He's 15th-century voyage to East Africa (landing, among other places, in modern-day Somalia). The Ming Dynasty bought giraffes from the Somali merchants along with zebras, incense, and various other exotic animals. Zheng He's fleet brought back two giraffes to Nanjing and they were mistaken by the emperor for the mythical creature, with geri meaning giraffe in Somali. The identification of qilin with giraffes has had a lasting influence: even today, the same word is used for the mythical animal and the giraffe in both Korean and Japanese.

>> No.76988080
File: 236 KB, 1911x1074, ToT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76988082

Fauna sticking it to unicorns even harder now kek
She definitely saw the anger about the Stars stuff

>> No.76988088
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>> No.76988092

it's not hard when she's the only brotuber that exists

>> No.76988097
File: 40 KB, 1000x1000, 1714442413446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll probably drop the game before she ever gets to Toussaint.

>> No.76988105

It has nothing to do with snobbery. To me it's just white noise. Then again very few Holos genuinely give a fuck about music and those who do tend to find some success. You can't expect me to give a fuck when they don't give it themselves and just spam the usual jpop fotm covers on repeat.

>> No.76988118

That literally says they existed before they knew what a giraffe was?

>> No.76988159

You stand out sister. White noise is white noise. Music is music. Hololive music is good. Your taste is bad.
It's not complicated.

>> No.76988165
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>> No.76988193
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>> No.76988198

Holy nijiseethe

>> No.76988203
File: 1.28 MB, 1063x987, 17908544687327951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76988227

Gave him a try. He sucks and it's mostly gay ass metalcore. Ironically Mori is the closest one right now to a decent metal chuuba. Overkill and Wanted, Wasted are pretty cool.

>> No.76988235

>waifu galactus

>> No.76988246

And they decided when they saw a giraffe that it was a Qilin. Bringing this back to vtubers, this does make it ironic that Fauna’s character model has a thicker than average neck.

>> No.76988274


>> No.76988296


>> No.76988307

Premiere. Doesn't count.

>> No.76988321 [DELETED] 

Oh so you're an incel unicorn? Yea I figured

>> No.76988392
File: 3.77 MB, 720x480, Rebellion[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4kw5zm.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76988424

These used to get a 1million ccv. What went wrong.

>> No.76988445

No one likes your faggots sister.

>> No.76988457

Sony went woke

>> No.76988487

Microsoft won the war

>> No.76988494

Yes, the Chinese Emperor was royalty, therefore he uses royal pronouns.

>> No.76988495

Overlap getting rough these days

>> No.76988500

ABSOLUTE State of Play

>> No.76988550

>monster hunter wilds

>> No.76988565


>> No.76988617

So how much does the demonetization stuff hurt future streams in the series in the algo?
Or does it not effect it

>> No.76988649

yenfag fauna strikes again

>> No.76988652
File: 35 KB, 456x336, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredible numb-

>> No.76988675


>> No.76988757
File: 7 KB, 303x166, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QRD on Zen of VShojo?
Is she unicorn-friendly?

>> No.76988778

FINE looking girl

>> No.76988798
File: 172 KB, 1080x1154, Screenshot_20240530_183445_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76988811
File: 269 KB, 1280x720, lmao[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftyq7yt.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76988844


>> No.76988847


>> No.76988854


>> No.76988858


>> No.76988862

Fauna pls... Stop drinking so much tea.

>> No.76988865

Rip 6k

>> No.76988866

>pissing after 36 minutes

>> No.76988869

Just wear the diapers

>> No.76988895


>> No.76988896
File: 84 KB, 703x709, 1704160452673406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished state of play, the PS5 truly has no games

>> No.76988906

State of Play just ended btw

>> No.76988910

Perfectly timed post

>> No.76988939

Why would flips and Zhang sisters care? The schizos aren't going anywhere.

>> No.76988968

>Fauna climbed to 6k while gone
Legitimate Absolute State of Play funnel kek

>> No.76988995

Microsoft won

>> No.76989000


>> No.76989023

Wtf sony that was shit. Fauna time now

>> No.76989044


>> No.76989058
File: 73 KB, 318x181, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>state of play funnel

>> No.76989059
File: 636 KB, 1028x691, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't even see the drop lol

>> No.76989076

>no games vs no games (and spent multiple billions of dollars to get them)
No one's winning in the console market other than the nintendo

>> No.76989095

>numbers boost
she increased her ccv by TEN THOUSAND
at that level there's no "other than"

>> No.76989110

Are they going to cry to the regulators about being unable to compete with Sony and Microsoft without acquiring major publishers again?

>> No.76989137


>> No.76989145

rpg viewers are not tourists

>> No.76989159
File: 3.63 MB, 1920x1080, 1717071447326437.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76989160

5ch is closer to JP Redditt, 2ch is schizo central. The 5ch worldnews subs are amusing, though.

>> No.76989193

>fauna timed the pissbreak to get the state of play funnel

>> No.76989218

Fauna's creaky chair

>> No.76989245

>The 5ch worldnews subs are amusing, though
Why, are they really racist? I hope so, that'd be funny

>> No.76989254

I only hype for Dynasty warriors origin but the graphic doesn't feel right for an old fan like me.

>> No.76989261

Fauna should use me as a chair instead

>> No.76989292

Meanwhile I'm here absolutely fucking seething at the Marvelous Showcase. They decided to use Rune Factory's name to peddle some garbage that just istt' Rune Factory.

>> No.76989351

Lol you can tell that people are only interested in the story (and Fauna).

>> No.76989365

Anon you know Rune factory is dead the moment they release 5

>> No.76989375

>Fauna is a sub 7k shitter now, in a completely empty timeslot an hour away from NA primetime
Oh how the mighty has fallen

>> No.76989388

I was genuinely hoping they'd get their shit together after that fucking blunder, but now Rune Factory is just dead to me I guess.

>> No.76989401

>fubuki early morning stream
anyone know why?

>> No.76989434

Fauna should have been like that...

>> No.76989453

Silent Hill showcase

>> No.76989457
File: 7 KB, 788x125, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from neet

>> No.76989460

Mori or INA gold today

>> No.76989476

Is Rune Factory the Story of Seasonslike or is it the one that took the name I forget

>> No.76989500

lmao just saw the trailer
where is the farming? this looks like another zelda genshit clone

>> No.76989503

Looks like Fauna got a 1k funnel from it ending despite the piss break

>> No.76989523

Helmite is the batman of watamates.

>> No.76989559

>1views will straight up read every single thing you say and pay mad attention to you
Bros convince me not to go down this path I'm in extreme danger right now

>> No.76989589

My problem isn't even that, it's the lack of theme. Most of them just feel like shovelware fotm

>> No.76989662
File: 126 KB, 916x992, wobot dinig - by inugami korone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs a list of reasons why two views indies and small chuubas are always shit people tr0ns and have the worst traits of attentionwhores

>> No.76989685

You are gonna feel like shit when you miss a stream, you are always going to remember her thinking about how you abandoned her.

>> No.76989695

Once the 1 views have perceived you, you can never escape. It's too late for you anon

>> No.76989694

You can only groom 1 and 2 views if you have money
make sure that the 1/2view is in your country so you can go visit her when you successfully groom her. To save yourself time also try to get a face and body pic before you actually visit her

>> No.76989711


>> No.76989714

Groomer bros...

>> No.76989733

>I want the OF money without showing my vagana
Based if it works.

>> No.76989738

Is there anyway to undo the "Don't recommend channel" thing?

>> No.76989746

fuck them babies

>> No.76989774

isn't that awkward? I'd die if some 1view started talking to me specfically

>> No.76989780

Don't look at Papa Meat numbers
They are the same as Fauna

>> No.76989807

Miload... no.....

>> No.76989809
File: 1.32 MB, 3962x4096, GAg_BQ-aAAASS90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76989861

It's only awkward if you don't have "it"

>> No.76989863 [DELETED] 
File: 338 KB, 973x790, 1716745151430979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okbh niggers are the blacked/cuck posters, i'm hundred percent sure now ever since their mod got caught being here

>> No.76989871

watch some videos from that channel

>> No.76989881
File: 267 KB, 334x630, 1690152734492526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76989922

It doesn't work, I did it last year to Korone and I never get shown her stuff without searching it

>> No.76989935
File: 192 KB, 484x482, 1702536472916598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fauna should do sea shanties karaoke

>> No.76989964

"You're an earthmate but instead of connecting through farming you connect through DANCE"
Yeah it's a fucking joke, I hate it, I hope it goes under.

Rune Factory was always billed as "A fantasy Harvest Moon (Story of Seasons)" where you both farmed but also dungeon cralwed and killed monsters. They completely removed the farming.

>> No.76989973
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>> No.76989977

Yes, super nationalist and they get butthurt at any perceived slight. My personal favourite was an OP who thought Japan should make an alliance with NK and Russia against China and the West, just because Zelensky was ungrateful about Japan's help early in the war. Everyone, in the comments agreed with him.

>> No.76989994

if it's nijisanji or vshojo, just wait a couple of weeks/months and the channels will be back

>> No.76989993

even if you are subscribed?

>> No.76990003

Why would you want to have so much attention? I prefer to turn on a stream with good content and just let it play by itself. No attachments.

>> No.76990024
File: 412 KB, 1119x828, Japanese fumo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm, but 2ch poster are schizo by default, this is what they usually post

>> No.76990070

One could convince me that Suisei posted that

>> No.76990151

Something is precious because it's rare, anon. You feel great when your oshi read your chat comment because it's not common. Will that even feel special anymore when a chuuba just reads everything you say? Might as well talk to a close friend IRL (Unless you are that lonely)

>> No.76990178

Yeah, even as a member. I can't find any option to undo it.
I regret it but at the time it made sense to do so.

>> No.76990207
File: 642 KB, 956x559, asmongold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come Holo X got barely any viewers? That's not a good sign

>> No.76990209


>> No.76990280

the name doesn't mean anything outside of japan and us
americans know "hololive" not "holo _whatever_"

>> No.76990300

dead genre

>> No.76990323

its mid and compared to holocure its shit

>> No.76990356
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>> No.76990360

Jeralt is pussywhipped...

>> No.76990361
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>get my wife's name out of your mouth

>> No.76990363

Not enough shilling

>> No.76990367

Fauna fell off

>> No.76990376
File: 423 KB, 1300x877, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now if you venture into the general Vtuber board there, it's pretty funny
Apparently someone actually change Anycolor name on Japan Google Map to "Slave Company" (Deleted now)

>> No.76990383

That's wholesome

>> No.76990405
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>> No.76990436 [DELETED] 

I love how I could shit on a holo and people will always assume I'm a fan of phase or niji and never suspect I'm a fan of a different holo.

>> No.76990440
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>> No.76990442

Looks like Polka didn't raid anyone today

>> No.76990448


>> No.76990486

what if none of anon's friends are cute women

>> No.76990506

Fauna wants a baby (mine)

>> No.76990509

wait let me get this straight
>niji wanted their own gura
>realised that was impossible
>now settling for trying to get their own FWMC/Raden
What next? are they going to try creating a niji equivalent of Mori/Fauna

>> No.76990515

Don't type in chat or SC, just buy bots or something.

>> No.76990536

Elira what happened?

>> No.76990551


>> No.76990568


>> No.76990573

Don't worry, everyone just thinks you are mentally ill. And they are right.

>> No.76990579
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The BEST response I got from that board to Niji looking for people in pair

>> No.76990596

I'm surprised they haven't tried to push a mori or suisei in either branch.

>> No.76990618

da baby

>> No.76990626

*fake fan

>> No.76990652

>Anons would rather talk about whatever they're talking about, instead of talking about how Korone played a South Park game, and already knew all the songs.

>> No.76990675

Yeah that's just too much attention. I don't want to feel as though I'm obligated to say something in chat or else it feels awkward

>> No.76990678
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false advertising

>> No.76990682

They already have chuubas who are Raden, but better.

>> No.76990698
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>> No.76990720

She always lists her genmates but her changing it to include IRyS changed the format of the links to their channels so it always shows @IRyS @HakosBaelz etc which throws that shit off. It was like that yesterday too

>> No.76990721

I love Korone

>> No.76990724

holo fantasy or sankisei more is popular?

>> No.76990726

Aw that's cute, our schizos are just annoying faggots. Fucking js

>> No.76990731

The power of Konami.

>> No.76990760
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>> No.76990762

you think the hanamori clique just sit in discord seething about their own failures and recline when compared to hololive

>> No.76990781
File: 25 KB, 403x532, 1762792954038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gimme qrd on the happening in the last 3days or so

>> No.76990810

I hate Cover and their spats technology.

>> No.76990845

I love Fauna

>> No.76990847
File: 75 KB, 404x391, 1714489650792308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fockin hate pats

>> No.76990848

Dude, that's a rapeable indie, not hologirl

>> No.76990852

wait did ui do her live at the cover studio?

>> No.76990856


>> No.76990902

Y'know, I had never looked up anything about hanamori before. I didn't know that the dude that gigaleeched Luxiem was parr of it.

>> No.76990905

still funny that Ui could just use cover studio like your regular holo

>> No.76990912
File: 1.11 MB, 158x158, 1712252631805422.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone: Protect my balls!

>> No.76990918

Announcement with multiple ui

>> No.76990925

>another idol meeting

>> No.76990935

>Fauna couldn't handle all the excitement from the quest

>> No.76990937


>> No.76990939


>> No.76990946


>> No.76990948

Fauna why the fuck are you like this

>> No.76990952

In my mouth btw

>> No.76990953


>> No.76990964

Damn this woman cannot retain liquid

>> No.76990988

I don't think they're capable of seething about it because it would require a certain level of self awareness which they clearly don't possess.

>> No.76990992

im so sick and tired of spats when i start seeing them everywhere in censored games

>> No.76990998
File: 128 KB, 1089x739, 1717108222898133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does fubs feel right now

>> No.76991002

Fuck it, we ball!

>> No.76991023


>> No.76991043

She just knows we secretly enjoy it, huh?

>> No.76991044
File: 166 KB, 1280x720, ENgold240530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>05/30 TALLY:
19,655: Mori (Hololive) | Surgeon Simulator 2 w/ Ironmouse
12,200: Fauna (Hololive) | Don't Scream
11,039: Fauna (Hololive) | Shinkansen 0
10,648: IRyS (Hololive) | Undertale
7,180: Shiori (Hololive) | Teach Me
7,136: Nerissa (Hololive) | The Game of Sisyphus
6,067: Kiara (Hololive) | Fallout New Vegas
6,022: Mint (Indie) | VRChat
5,640: Ina (Hololive) | Death's Door

1) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 11,879 - Shashingo
2) Shu (Nijisanji) - 38,756 - Outfit Reveal
3) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 24,304 - Content Warning Collab w/ Haato, Polka, Mococo Side
4) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 20,825 - GO! With Kanji
5) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 15,060 - Clubhouse Games w/ Watame
6) Bijou (Hololive) - 14,786 - Lethal Company w/ Haachama, Kaela
7) Bijou (Hololive) - 17,359 - Monster Hunter World w/ Iofi, Zeta
8) Nerissa (Hololive) - 9,580 - Offcollab w/ Shiori
9) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 18,158 - Touhou: Mountain of Faith, Fuwawa Solo
10) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 14,313 - Hitman, Fuwawa Solo
11) Kiara (Hololive) - 14,837 - Holotalk w/ Watame
12) Baelz (Hololive) - 32,169 - Outfit Reveal
13) Kronii (Hololive) - 37,795 - Outfit Reveal
14) Ina (Hololive) - 15,776 - Minecraft Hardcore Server
15) Bijou (Hololive) - 17,065 - Offcollab w/ Nerissa, Shiori
16) Bijou (Hololive) - 21,074 - The Game of Sisyphus
17) Baelz (Hololive) - 7,450 - Princess Peach Showtime
18) Bijou (Hololive) - 23,358 - Another Crab's Treasure
19) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 11,109 - We Missed You Zatsudan
20) Baelz (Hololive) - 7,444 - Just Chatting
21) Ina (Hololive) - 22,040 - Birthday
22) Mumei (Hololive) - 13,768 - Karaoke
23) Baelz (Hololive) - 20,093 - Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
24) Bijou (Hololive) - 35,274 - Another Crab's Treasure
25) Klara (Nijisanji) - 16,802 - Debut
26) Gura (Hololive) - 32,210 - Subnautica
27) Mumei (Hololive) - 22,529 - Unarchived Karaoke
28) Gura (Hololive) - 26,067 - Kingdom Come: Deliverance
29) FuwaMoco (Hololive) - 20,580 - Advent Offcollab w/ Afterparty
30) Mori (Hololive) - 19,655 - Surgeon Simulator 2 w/ Ironmouse

28x: Hololive
2x: Nijisanji

8x: FuwaMoco
6x: Bijou
4x: Baelz
2x: Gura, Ina, Mumei
1x: Kiara, Klara, Kronii, Mori, Nerissa, Shu

>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
50p: FuwaMoco
33p: Baelz
31p: Bijou
24p: Fauna
17p; Ina
16p: Mumei
13p: Kronii
12p: IRyS
11p: Mori
10p: Bijou, Gura, Nerissa
9p: Dokibird
6p: Kiara
5p: Klara, Shu
3p: Amelia, Luca, Shiori, Twisty
1p: Meloco, Reimu, Ryoma, Shinri

>> No.76991059

I prefer it when she doesnt use a brb screen

>> No.76991080
File: 129 KB, 949x926, 175630099749615478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niji want a fuwamoco
>VTA open for audition
huh? didn't they nuked the VTA channel? or was it already being cancelled? idgi

>> No.76991107

She's watched a fair amount, at least up to the Black Friday episodes

>> No.76991111

More have joined the fray.

>> No.76991140

They always wipe their channel whenever a new group debuts or don't make it through

>> No.76991182
File: 39 KB, 706x474, 1717060443537031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opened auditions for a fwmc killer

>> No.76991229
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>> No.76991277

I don't know either one but Jacob's Ladder is more chuuni sounding so that

>> No.76991285

Will they both get equally killed or will one of them receive both the killing curse?

>> No.76991288

>Niji want a fuwamoco
Kek got a source?

>> No.76991324

Wonder if that couple that seethed at FWMC that one time will audition.

>> No.76991343

jacob's ladder is much better and mori's fans have terrible taste

>> No.76991348


>> No.76991365 [DELETED] 

Glad Witcher is proving Fauna isn't shit unless she plays fotm

>> No.76991371

>non-stop talking about movie instead of the game

Classic western industry

>> No.76991385

Jacob's Ladder is a pretty good mindfuck. Lucky Number Slevin is a pretty run of the mill thriller.

>> No.76991388

I can't believe NijiJP has been reduced to copying HoloEN

>> No.76991448
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