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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76981986 No.76981986 [Reply] [Original]

Did vtubers make you less or more misogynistic?

>> No.76982027

They made me wish women were real

>> No.76982071

way more

>> No.76982090

didn't change my position on women
i am however far more racist now after seeing how chinese and sea people act

>> No.76982091

Probably less
Depends who you watch though

>> No.76982261

Less, until they start streaming way less than they used to.

>> No.76982852

I still get enjoyment out of some of them but the laziness exhibited by most really rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.76982958
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Vtubers? They made me less misogynistic. /vt/ though? Every time I come here I start hating them again. This place is an actual plague. A festering cesspool of degeneracy. For anyone who still enjoys this hobby, is feeling burnt out and is reading this, yes, taking a break from /vt/ will legit make you start liking vtubers again.

>> No.76982968
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>> No.76983056

Vtubers? Less
Nijisisters? Much, much more

>> No.76983147

More misogynistic.

>> No.76983176

More egalitarian in that I've realized men and women have a venn diagram of flaws and shortcomings that is a single, uniform circle. Women are exactly like men, good and bad. And that kinda sucks, it was neat pretending they were magically less messy, fussy, stupid, or neurotic than guys. Oh well.

>> No.76983241

Echoing for accuracy. Not just the people. Companies too.

>> No.76983310

It's a vicious cycle where listening to normie women talk makes me more misogynistic and listening to vtubers talk makes me less misogynistic. I have to maintain a balance.

>> No.76983323

>Did vtubers make you less or more misogynistic?
My hatred of women, previously manageable, has hit new levels of 'blackpilled' disgust, and settled into a longterm simmering disdain for all things female (including animals). There is not a single thing in the universe that females have not made worse, their existence is a blight.

But I like anime, so vtubers are fictional characters to me.

>> No.76983804


>> No.76983878

They made me hate Twitter

>> No.76983963

they didn't have any effect and i only moderately hate women

>> No.76984041

Some make it easier to justify it, others kinda give you some hope

>> No.76984093

they made me realize women can be funny and comforting provided they live under enforced restrictions and rely upon you for money
I already hated koreans and chinamen, but vtubers have added Flips and SEA to my list of hated races

>> No.76984200

OP asks about hating women, anon goes full on racist KEK

>> No.76984508
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Less, girls rock

>> No.76984608

I've always loved women. I didn't used to like nerdy women who played video games though, I thought it was ugly.

>> No.76985130

vtubing hasnt changed my personal feelings towards women. theyve just provided deep insight into how retarded and ungrateful the average women can be. i dont hate them or find them inferior for it. its just the way they are. being spiteful about it would be like hating birds for chirping or dogs for wagging their tails. its just part of what they are.

>> No.76985206

A bit less, but thankfully every so often someone goes full retard and restores my misoginy

>> No.76985382

way more misogynistic

>> No.76985416

Steadly less over time, but when they go full retard i go back to the start

>> No.76985553


>> No.76985655

neither, really
to whatever extent most vtubers are whores, they are like that because that's what men want to watch. calling vtubers whores is basically a form of self hatred

>> No.76985690

The laziness excuse is mostly from paid shills and Cover bootlickers defending their favorite vtuber brand. There is little reason to hurt their own career with frequent breaks unless they are having major disagreements with management.

>> No.76985698

Men dont want to watch male collabs

>> No.76985701

it kind of did, i wasn't very mysogynistic but seeing all the times a chuuba nuked their careers in what can only be called "woman moment" made me think they're all inherently brainbroken

considering male vtubers are FAR worse people 100% of the time though...

>> No.76985807

The most popular vtubing company in the world has a strong stigma against male collabs, so much so that they basically gave up on having them happen regularly.

>> No.76986124

Yeah since regardless of the actual social status of the male whoever collabs with him will be seen as his accessory, taking away all her value as an individual

>> No.76986205

so you agree that vtubers behave the way they do because of their predominantly male viewerbases?

>> No.76986241

Everyone behaves different depending on who they're with

>> No.76986299


>> No.76986576

I like pickmes now

>> No.76986620


>> No.76986658

They make this board misandrist.

>> No.76986747

Less until they play a video game, then I become the most sexist motherfucker, they're all terrible at video games and it can't be a coincidence that none of them are any good at anything (except the autistic ones but that doesn't really count)

>> No.76987225

Vtuber fans make me more misandristic.

>> No.76987874

less towards some women and more towards others

>> No.76988569

It didn't change my stance on women, but I guess it made me a bit less ageist.

>> No.76989089

I guess it's complicated. Maybe less? On one hand, I don't have to look far to see someone being a subhuman piece of shit, and those someones are frequently women. Vtubers aren't going to change that, and in fact, are pretty likely to give me another reminder.
But at the same time, listening to these girls talking about stuff, doing stuff, it got me thinking that maybe worthless pieces of shit aren't all there is.
Like normally, when I see a random woman, I immediately recognize she hates me because I'm a man and would be perfectly content to destroy everything I care about, then murder me. And I still believe that, but I also think, maybe there actually some small potential that she might not. I'm curious. Like, "Have I been too hasty? Could there be something more to these people that I just haven't seen?" I don't know.
Well, in any case, it's just an academic curiosity. It's not likely to impact my life in any way.

>> No.76990116

Sorta both at once. I have much lower expectations for women in general now. But I also have a lot more respect for the women who try to actually achieve something meaningful in their life beyond raising a kid, and even more yet for the ones who are successful in those achievements.

>> No.76990479
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>Like normally, when I see a random woman, I immediately recognize she hates me because I'm a man and would be perfectly content to destroy everything I care about, then murder me.

>> No.76990545

Feelings unchanged about women.

Feelings about GFE and unicorns went down the shitter.

>> No.76990870

No change. I know most women are bitches and whores and that vtubers are just hiding what they're like irl in order to keep their paypigs happy.
However, I've come to loathe simps more than anything. I knew they were bad, but hadn't experienced it first hand before vtubers. They're the biggest reason why vtubing is creatively dead.

>> No.76991929


>> No.76992176
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Way way more
We're literally monitoring every of their fuckup, how lazy they are (Hi Gura), how much they despise us (Hi Kronii), the dramas, the manipulation, the black companies (hi Kurosanji), the parasocial
>Skidesu, chu, plz buy my merch, of course I'm your gf
Like how can you follow Dokibird VS Enna shitstorm and not be misogynistic lmao? or notice how easy it is once you're corporated, they can literally seat, play Minecraft, (they can't even play it) and say whatever shit goes through their mind and have thousands of dollars of supas and people throwing
>Fauna cute
>I love you
>Good night :3
Some can't even sing
>Shithoeri Novella
Gura being the biggest proof lmao
>oh nyo
>shows every 64 days
>whacky loli shark model
>is 1st holochuba for reasons
Streamer is literally one of the worst profession possible, it's superficial and based on your image, it's almost prostitution, they're fucking narcistic like most actors and singers. Vtubers is no different than streamer. They just have an avatar and are into weeb shit.
And let's be honest, if they're terrible, /vt/ is even more. We came from a fun trolling board doing references to the most esoteric shit to a containment of schizo unicorns deleting any message criticizing their chuba and retarded mods deleting anything scratching their hysterical butthurt feelings.
Reminding them the mere reality is a blow to their stupid huge ego itself kekmao
>Reminder that Fauna saying "we're not friends" to thousands of people she never interacted with led to the biggest nothingburger drama of the board
Like yeah, no shit Sherlock, she's not your friend maybe because I don't know, she never acknowledgedd your existence, nor talked to your in her entire life?
What a fucking desperate loser you must be to simp over someone you don't even know.
>I paid her so now she's my girlfriend + she said she loved me
Yeah sure, it was clearly real in your head.

>> No.76992249

>needed chubas to hate Twitter
kek, ngmi

>> No.76992364


>> No.76992415

Absolutely not.
I watched vtubers because they made me laugh. If I'm horny I open a PH tab.

>> No.76992588

ironically, watching vtubers made me more misandrist after seeing how women act towards each other in terms of friendships/just hanging out and being cute and unrestrained.
Vtubers made me realize just how hollow, empty and bleak and void of entertainment and affection the way men interact really is (and I guess watching this is actually it's main appeal for that reason).
On top of this, seeing the way male vtuber fans act (especially /here/) has really made me hate them. Actually, the fact that a thread like this even exists is a testament to how fucking annoying men really are, this place has made me notice how I genuinely don't understand what other men find so meaningful and enjoyable about going 'girls bad' over and over to each other.

I don't know what to do with this information being male myself.

>> No.76992771

and yet, you spend all day every day thinking about them and obsessively posting about them here - think about how much more pathetic that makes you. You are wasting all your time thinking about and posting about something that causes you discomfort. Mental cuckoldry.
>What a fucking desperate loser you must be to simp over someone you don't even know.
unlike you, at least those people are happy in some sense. You're just miserable and sad meanwhile.

>> No.76992807

Both. I no longer hate them,but have even less respect.
They simply are what they are, it's their nature.
Much like it would be irrational to hate an animal or a storm it's irrational hate a woman. But that doesn't mean I'm hanging out with feral dogs during a thunderstorm.
Women are natural, like cholera.

But god almighty has it made me hate simps so much.

>> No.76992810
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turns out women are just the biggest drama whores
not very hot on the idea of sharing a board with them, whether it's here or /a/

>> No.76993004

This is what happens when you watch vtubers outside of Hololive, you become a troon

>> No.76993379

I also hate men more now but it’s because male Vtubers act way worse despite being way less talented than any menhera female I’ve seen.

>> No.76993964

I wasn't misogynistic in the first place.

>> No.76994435

This basically and my opinion was going recovered after kpop stan too

>> No.76994938

>I supported 1st&2nd waves feminism
Kpop made me questions my stance on the 2nd
Nijisisters make me questions the the the first

>> No.76995320

More because most of them hate women as well.

>> No.76995472

The women posting on this board made it worse, trannies getting into their spaces is deserved.

>> No.76995475

I wrote this post

>> No.76995693


>> No.76995776
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I didn't hate women before watching chuubas and I don't hate them now.

Hating Chicoms is the natural consequence of having a soul and some kind of internal moral framework. I'll never forgive them for what they did to Coco.

>> No.76995834


>> No.76995904

clearly men are worse than women because based on your post they're retards that can't even spell properly
imagine thinking you're superior to anyone while writing like that, fucking retard fix your shit

>> No.76995952

We already know women check 4chan. I mean, Dokibird uses terms like "fleshies"

I never really hated women to begin with, but realizing that female gamers could be just as toxic as male gamers increased my respect for them.

>> No.76996544
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Kind of but not by much. It made me realize I needed to be even more assertive than I already was, but in a more diplomatic in a roundabout way when dealing with women.

>> No.76997276


>> No.76997288

It made me realize that slapping anime onto anything will improve anything that sucks.
Namely, woman streamer.

>> No.77000969


>> No.77001056

I am now misandrist towards anime men
