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File: 440 KB, 2048x1152, 1714964643113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76907169 No.76907169 [Reply] [Original]

How hard will sisters seethe when this collab inevitably happens?

>> No.76907279

Sisters will deflect to Sayu first

>> No.76907296

>entire thread will be about Sayu
there. I've made my prediction.

>> No.76907302

NijiEN may actually be gone by the time that happens

>> No.76907346 [DELETED] 

You mean Sayucucks?

>> No.76907476


>> No.76907503


>> No.76907535

Why would you include the wigger

>> No.76907567

>Sayuschizosister didn't even bother reading the first two replies and did it anyway
Kek they are even lower IQ than I thought

>> No.76907569

I don't think neither Doki or Mint gives a shit about mysta and kyo

>> No.76907935

I'd be the first to seethe if my oshi had a collab with fucking Kyo.

>> No.76907981

How hard will Sayu seethe if this happened?

>> No.76908304


>> No.76908523

They'll be too busy schlicking to Sayu's meltdown.

>> No.76908714
File: 13 KB, 603x139, wosemi bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post about how nijisisters would seethe about a collab of former nijien
>everyone except sayu depicted, even michi thrown in
Least obvious bait, kys

>> No.76908835

It's incredibly funny how much Sayu lives rent free on the sisters' heads. And it's not like spamming random clips will hurt her either, they are just proving everyone how fucking awful they are.

>> No.76908887
File: 651 KB, 1344x906, your likes are public.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the person who drew this is a sister too

>> No.76909216

remove quinn then its good

>> No.76909349

man i wish it was random clips instead of the same damn streamable that janny has been keen on nuking (lately) every single time.

>> No.76909427
File: 1.22 MB, 1073x837, DokiMint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can deal with Kuro if I absolutely have to but I wish Quin would get hit by a bus.

>> No.76909563
File: 1.03 MB, 835x789, Selen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doki singlehandedly destroyed the company's future and served legal papers to 3 of the biggest female talents. Sayu got fired with almost no consequences for Niji and only slagged two relative shitters on the way out. But somehow she's the antichrist to these people.

>> No.76909666

They'll pull out all the "SAYU BTFO'd" bait threads and spam them over the course of at least a week
>Verification not required

>> No.76909737
File: 145 KB, 778x1200, 1688187620033427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of feel like Michi, Kuro, and Matara just give Quinn pity collabs every now and then at this point. Matara said she didn't consider Quinn a friend but an interesting collab partner the other day, and no one has invited him to the VShojo Minecraft server yet.

>> No.76909803

>Matara said she didn't consider Quinn a friend but an interesting collab partner the other day, and no one has invited him to the VShojo Minecraft server yet.
Sayu and Matara deserve each other, they are both too honest for their own good.

>> No.76910044

I would watch them make out unironically, it would be quite interesting

>> No.76910139

Sisters won't give a fuck, they're banking on mumei not being able to work with her unless rm.

>> No.76911173

Quinn will bring his entire fanbase of 30 ppl to pad the numbers.

>> No.76912977

Who cares tho?

>> No.76914140

Niji Akatsuki LET'S GOOOO!!!!

>> No.76914284

>served legal papers to 3 of the biggest female talents
Sir, you've gone into fanfiction territory.

>> No.76914728

There's a simple explanation for this.

Sayu is the easier target. Doki is huge and every time they go after her something new comes out that obliterates their rrats.

>> No.76917194

hopefully it will never happen, I only care about Doki x Mint (Matara was a nice bonus)

>> No.76917296

did you not watch the black stream?

>> No.76917380

Mint won't ever collab with males again

>> No.76917550
File: 71 KB, 654x318, 1715530379745586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think neither Doki or Mint gives a shit about mysta

>> No.76917746

She said mentioned along other livers, didn't say she served them documents. The documents were exclusively for the corporation and there has never even been a mention of Doki targeting individual livers with legal papers.
Holy shit, with both anti-whatever and pro-whatever people being this stupid it's not a mystery how this shit has been on the catalog for months.

>> No.76918384

Sayu will kill herself if this happens.

>> No.76918888

>No Sayu
yeah it is actually possible it happens.

>> No.76918963

Why am I supposed to be upset?

Someone tell me why they think I would be upset.

>> No.76919363

>No Sayu

Yeah, this image sucks.

>> No.76919914

The sisters are already broken and demoralized. They lost Nyfco, they lost their subreddit, they lost their comfort narrative of mint hating Dokibird.

I say smash what's left of them.

>> No.76920078

Ok what did Sayu even do that made her so hated by everyone in Niji?

>> No.76920157

>Matara said she didn't consider Quinn a friend but an interesting collab partner
>interesting collab partner
das crazy
He ruins any collabs that he’s in

>> No.76920462


As someone sympathetic to Sayu, here is what I think she has going against her, relative to other Nijijs.

* Sayu, like Doki, had an especially nasty and messy split with Anycolor. Even with Dokibird, both she and Mint were afraid to reach out to each other for months.
* Unlike Dokibird, Sayu didn't have a large reputation to stand on.
* Because of her newness and genuine tendency towards yabs early in her career, it was very easy for the accusations Nijisanji threw against her to stick.
* Sayu alienated Matara by revealing the contents of a private conversation without her permission, who due to her community-building tendencies is one of THE worst people you could alienate in terms of building a new community of ex-Nijis.
* As it turns out, the mother roach is capable of holding deep grudges.
* It takes very little to 1-guy Sayu even today.

So it's not one thing in particular. It is just a number of things that are really working against her.

>> No.76923889


>> No.76924049

>Rape joke that made it seem like she's understands the rapist mindset
>Huge baby behind the scenes
>Misled members by not being honest about what happened with management
>Not receptive to the advice given by members
>Massive menhera
>Writes entire document amounting to "Niji bad" after she was fired
>Went after Kyo in particular for some reason
>Called everyone in Niji "fake" or "backstabbers" or whatever. Particularly Finana and Kotoka
>Is particularly spiteful
>Leaked private conversations with Nina for brownie points
>Practically begs Nijis for forgiveness because she's lonely
>Leaked Niji graduation contract

Is it a wonder why no one who was in Niji avoids her?
