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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.93 MB, 1032x1457, 🎨fha59355_96784487_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76893430 No.76893430 [Reply] [Original]

Shining Brightly edition

Live Concert:

Song Covers Playlist:


▼ Talents ==========================
>Generation EONIA
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Generation novamore
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Generation Hanamizuki
【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】

【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】

【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】

>Generation Ephemira
【Hiyori Mokami 桃神日和】

【Kohaku Yumekui 夢喰己白】

【Lethe Bonapuchi レッテボナプチ】

【Meimi Majokko 魔女っ子めいみ】

【Navina Nova ナビナ・ノバ】

【Tomoe Carmine トモエ・カーマイン】

▼kawaii Friends
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Pixelink >>>/vt//pxl/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami

Previous Thread: >>76860189

>> No.76893504

Only Lethe live currently

>> No.76893536

I saw charzu littering inside a grocery

>> No.76893549

kawaii art archive MEGA

>> No.76893581
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Kaya is a mistake

>> No.76893622
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need tomoe

>> No.76893651
File: 1.88 MB, 1721x1142, feelsbad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I updated it to stay fair.

>> No.76893717

that's a cute Isla, havent seen it before

>> No.76893723
File: 270 KB, 546x537, 1710116323422265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank Charzu it wasn't a Ran OP.
have a good day /pkg/

>> No.76893763

for shirgler eyes only

>> No.76893781

Reminder that Ran antis are kawaii antis.

>> No.76893854

no, ran antis are just retarded because they should anti Nano, Hiyori and Meimi as well for the same reason

>> No.76893965

I'm actually surprised we don't have any Nano antis, she should be the main target of schizos, she's the only one who's actually offensive

>> No.76894002

you tried

>> No.76894062
File: 230 KB, 1150x1900, 1708851829837103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss when Nene would stream for 8+ hours because she was enjoying the game that much

>> No.76894070 [DELETED] 

she got some hate for being a fat grifter with a bf yab but she is too irrelevant, other ephemira girls have done worse since debut on top of that

>> No.76894088

>8+ hours
No one has the time for that, if you do it's time to re-evaluate your life choices

>> No.76894127

>peen offcollab
>plays with pl fags in secret
you tried, ran-anti

>> No.76894231

so no bf
stay mindbroken

>> No.76894258


>> No.76894305

only reason people don't anti them as much as Ran is because
Nano is cute
Hiyori is cute
Meimi is cute
Maybe Ran shouldn't be a boring old hag.

>> No.76894401

I enjoy Ran

>> No.76894422

no one antis ran much anymore, ephemira and kaya&yuno get much more hate now because of things they did after debut

>> No.76894468

Doesn't /pkg/ ever get tired of being completely irrelevant?

>> No.76894513

>homoloving troon of male collabs
>confirmed inner circle of pl fans she plays with offstream
unironically nano has been the least offensive ephemira after debut

>> No.76894573

shut up meimi, go back playing league with maaxter

>> No.76894616

So grumpy

>> No.76894636 [SPOILER] 
File: 334 KB, 2560x1440, GJyCs1nakAAN222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASMR isn't a magic bullet. You still need to get good and be consistent. Koha was good from the beginning and is getting better. I really like Koha's style but don't give up Nano. Same with Tomoe and Meimi. They have real potential to be ASMR powerhouses. I can tell right away, they just need to keep going.

>> No.76894655

Nano is all right once you get to know her. I bet most of these anti faggots never gave her a chance after they found. I did, and she's actually pretty cute and entertaining.

>> No.76894722

I, for one, do not want everyone to do ASMR. I don't want us to be known as the ASMR corpo, it's such a soulless niche.

>> No.76894794

considering what the other ephemira retards have done she is technically the only one with a spotless record

>> No.76894823

kawaii should just disappear

>> No.76894905

kawaii should graduate and phase out

>> No.76894915

If you have to rely on asmr for success you've already failed btw

>> No.76894924


>> No.76894957

V4Mirai already took that niche
this corpo literally has nothing

>> No.76894962


>> No.76894976

She shouldn't have chosen to be a whore

>> No.76895088
File: 83 KB, 548x537, 1711313078734889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kaya gets a stupid male collab with a fleshstreamer
>yuno rejects GFE, loves male vtubers and does this https://streamable.com/dt77di
nano and ran are the same thing, it's about time you accept it

>> No.76895098

I am in love with Isla-sama

>> No.76895120

We love Ran /here/

>> No.76895172

>nano and ran are the same thing
aside from the yabs. nano is 10x superior than ran at everything, you name it.
Ran is a talentless boring no name nobody compared to Nano, she will never amount to anything because she doesn't have that spark that good vtubers have.

>> No.76895211 [SPOILER] 
File: 322 KB, 2560x1440, GJyDEmwawAAPg5P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want us to be known as the ASMR corpo
It's not. Empheria is a rebalance towards ASMR after we lost some heavy hitters that I greatly appreciate. But other stuff isn't being neglected at all. All the upcoming concerts are proof of that.

>> No.76895224

you literally said nothing

>> No.76895247

what's wrong with that?

>> No.76895291

There's exactly 1 talent who does good ASMR there. Unless you're one of those retards who think asmr = jerk off material, in which case you don't belong here.

>> No.76895362

I don't see a problem with that clip btw. You can tell she's not trying to hide anything. What I get from that clip is that she's had a traumatic upbringing such that she does not want people to touch her but she's still so kindhearted that she lets her friend's autistic little brother/cousin break that barrier and because she doesn't want to ruin her friendship.

>> No.76895372

>brings up male friend on stream in the context of physical touch as love language
>instant cope with "handshakes"

>> No.76895487

>autistic little brother
nice fanfiction

>> No.76895490

doesn't look like she tried to "save" herself. no tone change, no looking away, i don't see it.

>> No.76895587

>traumatic upbringing such that she does not want people to touch her
Lol. Most people simply aren't ok with touching by default, especially with strangers.
Yuno has the average "I don't like touching people unless I'm comfortable with them" which is pretty much how everyone who isn't a potential creep is. There's nothing traumatic about it. Most anons here are likely like that as well, although they don't get touched by others for different reasons.

>> No.76895589

Nene is cute

>> No.76895603

>very big on giving handshakes this guy
after what she said before that's on the level of nene female plumber

>> No.76895686

>no bf
you sweet summer child

>> No.76895726

how does this affect you?
just keep watching gen 1 and 2

>> No.76895873

retardchama... I was "defending" ran by saying that she hasn't done anything actually offensive since debut unlike yuno and kaya

>> No.76895892


>> No.76896001
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>> No.76896070

What's even funnier is girls will say they don't like that, but will easily go out and sleep with dozens of random strangers they can't even remember the names of

>> No.76896087
File: 149 KB, 344x307, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10k views on Hiyo's last stream
that's a good doggo

>> No.76896173

cute troon

>> No.76896202

is this r/incel

>> No.76896232

Lethe and Tomoe also gets hate? Why, what did they do?

>> No.76896265

go back to the peencord, meimi

>> No.76896302

Tomoe has done literally nothing but she's EU coded so most don't remember her. Lethe is even more fogettable but she's niji coded so she's debuffed from the start.

>> No.76896430

Sudden incel jumpscare

>> No.76896492

Whatever you say sister try not to seethe so much

>> No.76896525
File: 78 KB, 802x402, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran got hate because she felt outside of the hmz unity, if people remembered Lethe she would also get that criticism too. Tomoe had a few run-ins with homos but not enough to shit on her for it.

>> No.76896570

Tomoe is a beautiful dutch girl, I'd be surprised she doesn't have male friends tbqh.

>> No.76896662


>> No.76896670

She's cool.
Guilty of extreme cuteness.

>> No.76896772

for sure, she just needs to keep the off the stream and respect the cgdct boundaries

>> No.76896817

That sucks because she can't control her homo pests friend's actions.

>> No.76896884

If your ASMR doesn't have GFE it is soulless.

>> No.76896901

all ASMR is souless and full on cope.

>> No.76896915

If we are completely irrelevant then why are you spending so much time on us 24/7 shitting and antiing. Your shitting
doubled up even.

>> No.76896947

you can control male vtubers sexpests by completely ignoring them, they only survive thanks to the attention they get from other female vtubers so if they don't get that they move on to the next

>> No.76897147

ok but why do women keep these guys around?? I’d rather have an entire gen with secret bfs and no on-stream/Twitter male interactions, than a bunch of girls who constantly shove that shit in my face. Don’t they get enough male attention from their viewers?

>> No.76897230

Lethe's timezone is a more than adequate excuse. Remember the thing she posted early on about activity from everyone else while she was sleeping. Tomoe would have the same problem but chose insanity and unity over sleep.

>> No.76897284

Yes I would still love Hiyori if she was a worm, I'd let her live in my brain even.

>> No.76897286

You'd think after 5+ years of vtubing unicorns would've learned their lesson and found themselves another hobby, or an actual life. I mean, they must be entering their thirties by now.

>> No.76897340

This is not x/twitter

>> No.76897375

Gee I don’t know. After 2+ years you would have learned your lesson that you’re antiing and shitting is complete useless.

>> No.76897387

I wonder how new /pkg/ posters end up /here/. Surely the OG posters aged out of this hobby by now.

>> No.76897436

Shitter says we are completely irrelevant and yet here he is making us completely relevant to him 24/7 LMAO

>> No.76897445


>> No.76897451

He is tsun like that.

>> No.76897459

Vtubers are obligated to be my girlfriend if they want my money.

>> No.76897477

There are no actual unicorns here. People larp like this shit is important because they think it makes for easy attention-farming.

>> No.76897494

fuck that, I want sex in exchange for money.
Not you Nami, you're too fat.

>> No.76897535

Or they completely avoided this place and just continue watching the girls

>> No.76897561

>they became discord trannies

>> No.76897627

without unicorns you get almost zero paypigs, even the grift has rules

>> No.76897648

Did he even sleep at all or he just kept going since yesterday? Does he have buddies that rotate for each timezones?

>> No.76897657
File: 115 KB, 828x1200, 1697686642589217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like cute girls and I want to watch them doing cute things

>> No.76897684

my rrat is that he is bed ridden and posting in /pkg/ and other small corpo generals is all he does all day. :(

>> No.76897716

Pippa's existence debunks your post

>> No.76897754

does pippa make more $ than Nene?

>> No.76897766


>> No.76897767

Isla-sama my beloved

>> No.76897808

are you sure?

>> No.76897880


>> No.76897896


>> No.76897918

How do you think Pippa got to where she is now? She grifted 4chan and unicorns until she was big enough to move on to e-celebs. She is just another pink cat or veibae.

>> No.76898042

I like when Hiyori says

>> No.76898180

Ive come to believe they have grown into this weird mindset that aslong it keeps /pkg/ bumped and alive then is fine. Am sure they have tried with good vibes too but not to the same success. Wish they could try a bit more on that postive aproach.

>> No.76898192

99% of vtuber provide zero entertainment value beyond pretend gfs/female friends, to succeed without that angle you actually have to be more than a talentless hack

>> No.76898210

post tits sister
men don't like ran-throughs

>> No.76898401

Does Hiyori bark?

>> No.76898439
File: 36 KB, 599x463, 1715621367357707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only for globie homos

>> No.76898537

everyone blew up about the 1on1 collab incoming because kawaii had only one hard rule, and that was no males
but they can't even follow that, that was the only thing separating kawaii from any other small corpo and now that its not a rule, it is an irrelevant corpo with no point in the fans dropping money and time into them

>> No.76898561

Hiyori's on the hunt

>> No.76898572

do the sisters get equally upset when their homos interact with GFE chuubas? could the schizo be nothing more than a scorned sister?

>> No.76898603
File: 205 KB, 720x1052, meowmeow.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my little freak

>> No.76898612
File: 66 KB, 250x250, 1665504827259768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon never heard of Kindred.

>> No.76898677

they get angrier than unicorns

>> No.76898782

Pippa was a huge unicorn pandering fag when she started out in phase, she even said on stream the classic "I'm a virgin just like you guys!". Her previous persona was the complete opposite (streams with HIM) and was nowhere near even early pippa levels. Then she pandered to /pol/fags and other controversial niches, she got bigger and finally broke into the normalfag sphere with e-celebs. The average vtuber with no personality will never be able to do what she did, even ignoring the fact that she used unicorns and /vt/ as a stepping stone.

>> No.76898812

Hiyori just entered the No Bark zone

>> No.76898829

That means we're better than v4m

>> No.76899071

Now she is just pink Asmongold, baiting drama topics to just give harm agree to disagree and live and let live takes

>> No.76899080

BFE homos with a big sister fanbase know that interacting with female vtubers is a death sentence, it killed Vox >>76898612

the sexpest male vtubers you see around kawaii and other small corpos are not the BFE kind and they have 10 fans, they are just trying to sexpest other female vtubers

>> No.76899296

Hiyo talking about the housing market in a slither.io shorts stream.

>> No.76899435

Yeah, but femanons think that they can just do whatever and make it as a vtuber. No, you are boring, you have no talent, your only value is being a pretend girlfriend.

>> No.76899656
File: 238 KB, 1200x675, GL87UdiWgAAAjKo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based kawaii enjoyer

>> No.76899747
File: 1.08 MB, 1905x1056, 1716670445565320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you vill get ugly homos and you vill like it

>> No.76899927

Nene and Charzu's face look out of place

>> No.76899953


>> No.76899964

Charzu HATES me

>> No.76900531

Charzus tits are so fat

>> No.76900676

Grown men btw.

>> No.76900714

you are a white devil

>> No.76900732


>> No.76900934

Charzu is going to play wuthering waves and will absolutely coom to all the Chinese femboys in the game

>> No.76901112

based ben with ian fat cock up his ass heh

>> No.76901340

i blame charzu for these shit threads she could have made a quick no males allowed reminder to those schizos questions but didnt and now we get more of this

thanks charzu

>> No.76901443

>blaming shartzoo
new low

>> No.76901484

fr. Charzu is the unicorns/schizo's kawaii of choice. She's the ideal kawaii girl.

>> No.76901769

PixelLink won...

>> No.76901777

>no one liveposting Nene
You changed /pkg/

>> No.76901840

Funnily enough, she is kawaii's Elira - I would have expected that to be Nami, but here we are.

>> No.76901908
File: 337 KB, 1920x1080, namiji_kawaii-1787312230234513564-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's not streaming today
I miss her

>> No.76901910

>she is kawaii's Elira
I don't see it. Throw a nigga a bone.

>> No.76901918

I hate Nene

>> No.76902002
File: 281 KB, 1259x2048, GLSJqE9aUAAMWFj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76902049

grim for KEKEDrojis

>> No.76902198
File: 280 KB, 1252x2048, GNMYH4Za8AACmPO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene is cute like always. I love Nene!

I saw that twitter post about Nene. She's getting some nice numbers.

>> No.76902201

Did the artist share that one publicly?

>> No.76902212

She organised the post-gen3 graduation stream and I imagine she played a role in convincing management to get rid of them.

>> No.76902312

woah that's a fat load.
>she organized it?
>she convinced management to get rid of them?

>> No.76902350


>> No.76902498

ok schizoid

>> No.76902751
File: 477 KB, 672x563, Screenshot_57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76902978
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>> No.76903038


>> No.76903190
File: 1.06 MB, 909x567, Screenshot_64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love the new outfit

>> No.76903327

you will never be shirgler

>> No.76903364
File: 80 KB, 900x900, 1713347207880131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute polish woman

>> No.76904050

i dont wanna be, i dont even chat

>> No.76904216
File: 805 KB, 944x772, 1710123266010835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76904366

grifter and her boyfriend

>> No.76904378

yall niggas fell off HARD tho. Mozzu won.

>> No.76904564
File: 1.14 MB, 889x897, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is dutch country

>> No.76904584

Ogey, and? Doesn’t really prove anything lmao

>> No.76904670

aster and peen collab

>> No.76904673

wish i could get commissions but the JP skeb artists are just better than me, skeb is also a lot easier to use than communicating and setting up payment manually. my doomer arc deepens

>> No.76904695

sex with euro women

i am brown btw

>> No.76904742

sex with witches (polish)

>> No.76904773

Good. It's one of my favorite pieces of both of them. Nice that I can post it here, especially if they collab

>> No.76904898

Isn't Mozzu a charzu, like Charzu?

>> No.76905332

We already know.

>> No.76905390

The fuck are you saying you esl bitch, speak English

>> No.76905851

Final Fantasy XIV has consumed my life, thank you Charzu and Nami for being the last push I needed to try it

>> No.76905866

as someone that watched pippa from like 100 view to 500 view before she started red pilling, she was never gfe. Not on any member of kawaiis level even someone like Ran is more gfe because she actually acts like a nice friend. Pippas dynamic was more like loud slightly annoying friend, she jumped to thousands after appealing to white americans who just happen to be red pilled. thats why i dont watch her anymore. anyone who was watching pippa to be parasocial isnt right in the head when kawaii, tsunderia (rip), cyberlive (rip), prism (rip) also existed back then and did plenty of parasocial content

>> No.76905880

Auwi Tomoe collab when

>> No.76905893

>There are still issues EVERY. SINGLE. DAY
>Antis cant even take a break for 2 days just to make it NOT seem super obvious what they are doing
>EVERY DAY theres an issue, from imaginary boyfriends that there is no proof for, to imaginary gangbanks and cuck scenarios
>Every day we are allegedly losing dozens of anons moving to other corpos and yet our ccv is the same and girls can actually see how many members they have and there is nothing out of the ordinary there because no one is leaving in droves
Reminder that this is what you choose to do with your own free time. You spend 16+ hours on /vt/ just making up shit and antiing a small corpo.
Sad life.

>> No.76905904


>> No.76905948
File: 238 KB, 516x561, 1687417259445001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76906037

>100 view to 500 view before she started red pilling
She barely had 100-ish ccv when she dropped the "Dont simp for me". I watched her when she had like 70 ccv because I wanted to see what all the fuss is about with the so called /here/ tuber. Cringed hard when she tweeted how she got all her vtuber friends to start saying "sneed". That is some giga newfaggotry containment breaking shit.

>> No.76906103

I'd like to see Charzu and Pippa collab

>> No.76906178

Gary is a fucking retard

>> No.76906364

What did the homo beggar did this time?

>> No.76906460

Insane concernfagging and talking out of his ass thinking prime EU time is 3 hours from now when it is literally right now kek

>> No.76906586

he is by far the most retarded kawaii regular, I have no idea how he ended up watching small corpo vtubers

>> No.76906640

I might just block him so I don't have to see any more retarded messages other than the few times one of the girls actually read his stupid messages

>> No.76906829

Good luck with that because he chats a lot and they humor him because he pays, avoid Nami and Reina streams if you don't want to have anything to do with him.

>> No.76906981

who care about that pippa whore anyway? wasn't there a guy that leaked her coming over to visit her and posted it on twitter? what happened to that? are pippa fans unironic cucks?

>> No.76907429

current pippa fags are normalfags who want a vtuber asmongold, they barely count as vtuber fans

>> No.76907584

I love Nene and her seductive kisses. She gave so many for each donation/membership today too.

>> No.76907637

I love Reina and her seductive kisses. She gave so many for each donation/membership today too.

>> No.76907854

Damn this thread is a piece of shit.

>> No.76907877

pixel link and v4mirai won

>> No.76907900

I just want another Nano stream so I can live post

>> No.76907963

we love bf yabs here, buckos

>> No.76907975

Nano Nano Nano Nano

>> No.76907992

and male collabs

>> No.76908528

Miracles don’t happen for people who don’t put in the effort.

>> No.76908604


>> No.76908743
File: 88 KB, 305x261, 1716149837986534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76908863

cute fat grifter

>> No.76909063

i want to cum in SHARTpoos socks and make her wear them

>> No.76909086

core fan

>> No.76909270


>> No.76909401
File: 78 KB, 433x937, GOxQ_E1acAAZprU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76909410

I like when Hiyo says

>> No.76909586

based fat artist

>> No.76909650

I like when she collabs with globie homos and troons out in the background of kohaku streams

>> No.76910161

Isla is the vtuber of the vtubers, truly the heart and soul of kawaii

>> No.76910196
File: 204 KB, 309x589, 1688270222947066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UH It's SheeIcho.

>> No.76910461

Production kawaii girls interact with males more than v4mirai, pixellink, V&U and are like tied with Phase Connect. What the hell happened to you guys?

>> No.76910571

Did Isla even pay special attention to him? Aside from being active in chat i think Isla had other favorites

>> No.76910639

he was the GFN equivalent though she has new favorites chatters now

>> No.76910654

she loved every doxxknight

>> No.76910655

kawaii is a good Niji-style corpo now anon, none of that problematic idol-unicorn shit from holo here!

>> No.76911176
File: 881 KB, 879x720, doxxknights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she will never love hedercoom as much as she loved shirgler and maverick jason

>> No.76911235

She also only has like 3 paypigs that carry the rest of the coleknights

>> No.76911320
File: 369 KB, 653x540, islaheartbeats[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fq2l6pv.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76911638
File: 1.62 MB, 945x1307, honk honk honkers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76911648

Maverick jason was the true doxxknight alongside Luxter. Shirgler was never banned and she still has the coleknight plushie he gave her

>> No.76912247

And this suppose to insult, and belittle us? To me, if you’re going to keep pushing and shilling them. You sound so insecure and not confident with those corpos you listed. Are you that scared of us? If they are so much better then why do you keep hanging out over here wasting your time?

>> No.76912341


>> No.76912501

Kaya "Mistake" Nishikino

>> No.76912517

betch is tryna start another asset twitter trend

>> No.76912564
File: 987 KB, 805x1030, boop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

microseconds before 4 sharp fangs pierce your hand

>> No.76912620

cute fangs

>> No.76912718

Always feel good to realise a sub gifter is an ARS fag so they're literally meaningless compared to mine

>> No.76912816

Nobody is scared or jealous of kawaii.

>> No.76912935

You are clearly.

>> No.76913001

kawaii is much better than those corpos you listed combined.

>> No.76913024
File: 1.36 MB, 988x1080, say ah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'd lose it, but it'd be worth it.
i bet she has the softest, most sensitive tongue in Kawaii

>> No.76913068

imagine the blowjobs

>> No.76913170

Imagine charzu biting your neck and sucking your blood.

>> No.76913208

koha has a stream in about an hour

>> No.76913283


>> No.76913487

What is ran's ccv?

>> No.76913623

why is this thread so shit now? it wasn’t this bad a week ago

>> No.76913651

female aster

>> No.76913682

She's not kawaii

>> No.76913737

Charzu scars on my body forever!

>> No.76913814

Hedercoom the small coleknight cuck

>> No.76913843

if yuno yunoooo

>> No.76913865

That was pretty good, I can't believe I missed this yesterday

>> No.76914036

Reina hasn't done ASMR in months. At least publicly. No idea what goes on in her Patreon. Maybe she's coming back around to being ready to do roleplay. That was a good clip.

>> No.76914230

Imagine your computer gets haxxed in a way that Reina is the only vtuber you can watch.

>> No.76914314

time to drop the hobby then

>> No.76914816

Reina Beat Saber
Meimi Yugioh Master Duel
slow day, huh

>> No.76914959

...yeah, I think I'm gonna watch Kilia

>> No.76914976

shartzoo whored out

>> No.76915010
File: 837 KB, 433x937, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76915076

Was shiki always menhera or is she falling apart without the corpo support and structure

>> No.76915153

she was always menhera, even in prism

>> No.76915189

cherrypicking now are we?

>> No.76915294

why is the POOzu a hunchback?

>> No.76915297

It’s shit because the threadshitter got embarrassed and humiliated couple days ago. Now he’s working overtime out of spite and doubling his anti and shitposting.

>> No.76915390

Her dog was an emotional support dog for when she was suicidal or some shit

>> No.76915394

Schizo threadshitter forgot to drink his meds and now he is here over 16 hours+

>> No.76915447

Is he still putting up skebs? Haven't seen one from him in a while

>> No.76915612

I want a shiki girlfriend

>> No.76915656

High school let out for summer vacation

>> No.76915657

watch reina NOW

>> No.76915695

I'm watching Zeke play Parasite Eve 2
Report if Reina yabs

>> No.76915795
File: 181 KB, 500x500, pqSWYuA-iYfyBM_0ldAJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reina cute

>> No.76915809


>> No.76915882

it's a rogue skinwalker

>> No.76915910

you want to watch this 40 year old guy over a cute girl shaking her ass and tits?

>> No.76915997

I've been cumming to Mariya a lot lately so I have no need for women for a while

>> No.76916057

News alert: Reina's crotch is ultra sweaty

>> No.76916099

That's not sweat buddy!!

>> No.76916160

Reina was a good hire.

>> No.76916166

based v4mirai coomer

>> No.76916181
File: 492 KB, 581x636, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the /pkg/ melty if a kawaii talent shared something like this

>> No.76916245

there have been worse hires, let's leave it at that

>> No.76916258

that's not even close to the worst thing shiki has shared

>> No.76916304

What a schizo
I bet the chef does that routine at every table with a girl

>> No.76916327
File: 539 KB, 886x693, 1716986465368434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does isla smell like

>> No.76916329

shiki talked about getting pumped and dumped by her ex boyfriend because she wanted kids and he didn't lol

>> No.76916358

she revealed that last stream actually

>> No.76916414

I remember the stream she said that. I think Doxxeane raided into her during an ASMR and /pkg/ had a meltdown upon hearing that

>> No.76916453
File: 1.34 MB, 720x698, Stares.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76916699

exposing shiki as a whore was the one good thing doxxean did if we don't count blowjob-adjacent asmr

>> No.76916842

stale fritos

>> No.76916883

Thankfully none of the kawaii girls ever interact with this whore anymore

>> No.76916956
File: 593 KB, 767x627, sexman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess I've got a vod to catch up on

>> No.76917052


>> No.76917244


>> No.76917314

She's always a menhera and she's great that way. Corpo can't stop her menhera. Only getting a baby put into her (by me) and slightly fix her

>> No.76917393

she seems to be doing well from the amount she is earning from her patreon

>> No.76917434
File: 274 KB, 1394x1742, 1708221388241488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capo is doing ASMR you know

>> No.76917447

Im going to cum to charzus kisses again

>> No.76917491

sweaty neet girl

>> No.76917556
File: 162 KB, 848x1199, lqbAAAeDgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76917633
File: 159 KB, 1200x848, WawAAvtup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76917689

kohaku started singing lessons!

>> No.76917742

she ignores him 99% of the time, this thread probably thinks about the coomer faggot more than she has in his entire membership.

>> No.76917785

Does she have potential?

>> No.76917813
File: 116 KB, 684x1200, cAAb8B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76917844

I think she sounds lovely just from having a really cute base voice. So I'm looking forward to the progress

>> No.76918061

She's using the same teacher as the other kawaii girls so her budget is probably shot
I hope Tomoe and HIyori decide to take them too but they may want to use their budget to output more covers

>> No.76918178

She's going to a recording studio too?
Now I'm wondering if this wasn't a vacation thing but she actually went to kawaii HQ for a secret project

>> No.76918467

no, the recording studio thing was mentioned in her streams even before the trip, she either knows someone in the industry or is rich enough to do that on her own for her passion project

>> No.76918617

Did Isla ever take the singing lessons like the other talents?

>> No.76918680

Woah we have millionaires in kawaii corpo

>> No.76918694

No. She's been dumping all of her budget into her two new outfits + related assets

>> No.76918754

She doesn't need them anyway
she's good enough for a vtuber

>> No.76918782

gotta love the stockings with the toes

>> No.76918838

how can you even cum to that?

>> No.76918894

I honestly want to listen to an Isla formally trained in singing, she is good already but i need to listen to her with her talent fully untapped

>> No.76918896

nene is the only kawaii with any decent feet art

>> No.76918937

Weina ....

>> No.76918960

I buy the rrat that she is from a wealthy [eastern country] family because she is a full time vtuber, apparently with no side gigs, living in the west alone (or with her sister). I never heard her complain about being a poorfag either.

>> No.76919006

What happened now? Did her fat tits popped out of her shirt?

>> No.76919010

Got to donate to her so she can quit her day job and be a full time streamer. Only then will she take formal singing lessons

>> No.76919062

Traveling to another country with no set return date is the biggest indicator. This family has multiple homes.

>> No.76919086

Damn, can she even be richer than Lua?
Lua is already fairly well off herself but she tries not to dependent on her parent's money

>> No.76919089

I can't believe coleknights don't donate enough so that she can full time desu, she's SEA, 1 Dollar is like a million dollars in their currency.

>> No.76919126

As much as i would like to hear her in her full potential i like to live more what can i say

>> No.76919129
File: 320 KB, 430x674, brat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76919163

God I miss Lua poorshaming her collab guests... Lua please poorshame more people it's so kino.

>> No.76919194

She's been receiving 3k+ every month (before cut) for the past few months now.
Either she is waiting to see if itll last or she can't let go of the double income because she can live like a queen over there

>> No.76919367

the other rrat is that she lives with [MASSIVE YAB] so I'll take the rich rrat instead until further proof

>> No.76919537
File: 664 KB, 770x1440, Pavolia-Reine_pr-img_01-770x1440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kawaii needs a filthy rich lesbian like Reine. She can use her influence and secret hit squad to destroy all of the doxxers, schizo, and groomers to protect her harem.
Look at the difference between holo ID with a capitalist queen Reine and Niji ID with a commie loser like Hana

>> No.76919652

Our chinese girls need to combine their wealth together

>> No.76919855

Minus Meimi. She's a poorfag and will continue to be so as long as she keeps paying 1k+ rent to live in a shitty box in the citt

>> No.76919939

It's at least 2k+
west coast City rentoids are so stupid

>> No.76919940
File: 413 KB, 932x1314, kfangs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.76919983

Anyone has the template of the current meme hand?

>> No.76920022

This thing?

>> No.76920103

I'm still mad that Liora mess up the promises kino off collab with Lua. I want to hear Lua bully and poor shame Liora more. I want to hear Lua reaction seeing Liora's mangled feet and yaoi hands. I care more about that than Liora's actual date with that vanguard e celeb. I have no expectation for Liora in the first place because you just can't trust Korean women.

>> No.76920191
File: 435 KB, 312x674, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but it was on the replies, thanks


>> No.76920307

they got aids together from that tcg e-celeb

>> No.76920393

be a real man and live off instant noodles so she can quit her job

>> No.76920565

