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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76878979 No.76878979 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.76879115

sayu... its time to sell your body

>> No.76879613

Sayu really getting a lot of

>> No.76880286

to me

>> No.76880297

Why did your post suddenly get

>> No.76880323 [DELETED] 


>> No.76880349

Yeah, by

>> No.76880454

the numbers of times that anons milk this woman/whore is crazy

>> No.76880519

Probably because it's

>> No.76880532

all she does is pitybait and milk drama, i guess its the only way for her to stay relevant after buddying up to a known doxxfag

>> No.76880552

oh it's nothing, just the

>> No.76880768

Oh fucking hell guys, it's Candlejack! Everybody run he's g

>> No.76880814

Yeah but the thing about that is that sayu's gonna

>> No.76880981

>Doki...Mint...why don't you reach out to me too
Because you were never their friend, just some transient woman who showed up for like 3 months and vanished. Why would they give a fuck about you
Moreover, all you've done is bitch and moan about how you're not getting enough attention from leeching off Doki's wake. So I'd go as far as to say they don't even like you at this point
Maybe stop being a drama parasite and try having a real talent

>> No.76881035

Nyfco lost.

>> No.76881056

I’m starting to think it’s on purpose by her fans to keep her relevant. She’s literally having the highest numbers she’s ever had yet is constantly pitybaiting for more. Bizarre to see her non stop complaining about how she didn’t get a niji drama boost when it doubled her viewership.

>> No.76881082

By the gods, there's a psychopath on the l

>> No.76881224

What the fuck is going on in

>> No.76881228

Yeah that bitch should be more like miload and suck my

>> No.76881281

>out of context quotes
>deliberate misinterpretations of statements
>outright lies
>femcel chimpouts
>one or two feet pic requests
There, I just summarized Thread 50 so (You) don't have to read it. See you later in Thread 51.

>> No.76881305

Classic deflection. None of the disdain for Sayu comes from that shithole
But sayufags can never self reflect and always deflect, so you'll never figure out why you are all the literal biggest pariahs of the vtubing industry
Yes, even more than Niji. As much of a cancerous shithole that niji is, they still get SOME partnerships
But not a single person wants to touch Sayu anymore

>> No.76881367

Nyfco lost.

>> No.76881411
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>None of the disdain for Sayu comes from that shithole

>> No.76881424

You forgot the

>> No.76881449

And as I said, this is why you will always be confused on why no one likes you. No capacity for reflection
Enjoy your island of ignorance

>> No.76881493

dont take the bait. report and move on.

>> No.76881500

Nyfco lost.

>> No.76881525

Their general doesn't even hit bump limit 99% of the time. I'm of the thought that it's Nijisisters making these threads to create opportunities to shit on her

>> No.76881552

Wouldn't surprise me
Her entire business model is stirring up drama to stay relevant
Not a far stretch to imagine her fans doing the same

>> No.76881571


>> No.76881584 [DELETED] 

I should save the screenshots proving this next time someone posts them

>> No.76881602

I can’t believe anon can’t fi

>> No.76881684

It is, they've run out of other options for pulling their usual bullshit so they just defaulted back to Sayu again. Thankfully all they've accomplished is pissing off the rest of the board with the constant spamming and derailing.

>> No.76881726
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>> No.76881728 [DELETED] 

kurosanji half succeeded in assassinating sayu('s character), sisters will continue bullying her because she showed weakness and they're unable to bully anyone else.

>> No.76881786

Keep dreaming
People hate her because she's an insufferable drama whore
It all has to do with what she's done AFTER splitting from niji

>> No.76881805

Yeah everyone knows Sayu got hit b

>> No.76881835
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>I hope someone reaches out for me

>> No.76881840 [DELETED] 

oh and sisters are also very obviously mad about not being able to bully anyone else, to the point where they self report constantly

>> No.76881856

Petty bullying is all they know how to do, barring the occasions where they get spoonfed dox by a spiteful wigger with a grudge.

>> No.76882050

Doesn’t that make a stronger case for fans forcing drama for attention though? Normal discussion can’t sustain a thread so they drama spam just like Sayu herself does.

>> No.76882075


>> No.76882099


>> No.76882112

Nah, because it'd make more sense to let her grow naturally and safely b

>> No.76882144

Doki said she'll let people she previously knew take the first step in reaching out since she doesn't want to intrude/make things awkward. But she'll reciprocate if they do

>> No.76882200

That’s impossible when she herself doesn’t allow that.

>> No.76882241

It's not as if Sayu was in the company long enough for Doki to give a shit
And I'm pretty sure they never publically interacted
Doki was obviously talking about her actual long-time coworkers
People here keep LARPing as if sayu was some meaningful contributor to niji when she came and went like bad gas
I'm pretty sure half the company didn't even meet her

>> No.76882284

And just like that the sister outs itself. Didn't take long.

>> No.76882291

>meaningful contributor to niji
Least obvious sister.
There is no anon who would consider lack of contributions to niji to be anything but

>> No.76882326

I'm talking in terms of relationships to other members, particularly EX members. But go and ignore context like usual

>> No.76882331

They didn't even know her
Sadly, she has yet to milk me back

>> No.76882344 [DELETED] 

They killed selen for contributing too much, zaion also had too many ideas but her mistake was shooting all of them too early and pissing off management before getting a good footing

>> No.76882437

Nah, it's just that your typical sister brain is incapable of seeing people, only the

>> No.76882439


>> No.76882523

>people she previously knew
That rules Sayu out then, considering Doki didn't interact with Sayu even once neither in niji nor as an indie.

>> No.76882612

Because both of them are spergs who couldn't even handle reaching out to each other with Doki's manager stepping in

>> No.76882632

>never their friend
>they never publically interacted
>They didn't even know her
>Doki didn't interact with Sayu even once neither in niji nor as an indie

Pretty much sums it up, doesn't it?

>> No.76882772

Shall we start the Diego x Enna spam in every shitposting Sayu thread going forward now?

>> No.76883276

Either that or Finana. Both seem to work.

>> No.76883287

Imagine finding her in the back of a gas station with a mini skirt a gstring and a crop top smoking, then calling her over to your car taking her to a motel and plowing that tiny little bitch as hard as you possibly can. She's probably getting turned on reading this post, being used like the whore she is.

>> No.76883344

how many finina's would it take to get Niji back to positive growth? they're still losing subs and the yab was months ago.

>> No.76883346

no need to imagine it, it's going to be reality when her vtubing career finishes crashing and burning

>> No.76883856 [DELETED] 

I reported this post.

>> No.76884013

/vt/... Twitter... why can't you hate who I hate too?

>> No.76884106

Why would she try to be a prostitute when she turns 65? That's gross.

>> No.76884731

Give it time. They will connect

>> No.76884813

I know, it's crazy r

>> No.76885490

This meme will never be fu

>> No.76885711

lmao even

>> No.76885883

Every thread contains a

>> No.76885983

This meme is at least 15 years old

>> No.76886088

That's not how it works, dumbass. You have to fully spell out Candlejack's name, that's ho

>> No.76886428

Why don't you reach out to them instead?

>> No.76886529

Why not?

>> No.76886620

Tons of threads
>Zero originally
>Zero creativity
>Low quality
>Zero banger
Nijisisters are using same method as their oshi kurosanji

>> No.76886659

>>Zero originally
>>Zero creativity
>>Low quality
>>Zero banger
But enough about sayu

>> No.76886684

Sayu is so weird, why would you want to join the friend group of your ex-coworkers, coworkers that you only worked with for like 2 months?

>> No.76886735

Because she wants attention and validation, but at this rate its better if she just stops and focuses on herself.

>> No.76886811

>Copy other anon but doing it worse
Sure sister it totally not your oshi kurosanji

>> No.76886845

>she wants attention and validation
And she got that from plenty of others, but apparently theirs isn't good enough for her.

>> No.76886894
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>> No.76886909

Yeah because they don't have the numbers

>> No.76887104

That's the weird part, she got collabs with people like filian and Zen who are even bigger than the ex-nijis.

>> No.76887128

Considering what we know, it seems like the only real thing stopping them is that Sayu herself won't reach out either because everyone involved is too awkward. Just talk to her Sayu, the worst she can say is no.

>> No.76887148

A group that didn't seem to give a shit when she was doxxed by k-pop tier psychos at that.

>> No.76887163

>Somebody call the fun police

>> No.76887209

She 100% reached out to Doki.

>> No.76887265

>one tweet to welcome her back

>> No.76887315

Behind the twitterspace, she talked about it.

>> No.76887460

>Sayu says that the ball to reach out first is in Doki's court
>Doki says that she will not reach out to anyone first but will reciprocate if she is reached out to
Well, then i guess these two awkward introverted retards are never collabing unless their hand is forced. Same as it was with Doki and Mint

>> No.76887502

She was barely there any time. No one cares.

>> No.76887518

I never said stop, anon. I just wanted you to feel old

>> No.76888784

Only real answer

>> No.76888864

Jesus fucking christ you guys are serio

>> No.76889270
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If you think you're getting a collab without kissing my futa cock (HA HA), you're dead wrong

>> No.76889298

fuck off with these threads already, nobody cares anymore

>> No.76889555

She want ex-niji's acknowledgement to the point that she can't see clearly what's infront of her.

>> No.76890029

The NijiEN brainwashing never left her skull. She still thinks she was supposed to be part of some NijiFamily TM, despite the fact she's literally the only person on earth who thinks that was ever a real thing. It wouldn't matter if the ex-nijis were 1views, she'd still want their approval more than anything.

>> No.76890486

That company deserves to burn.
