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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76840634 No.76840634 [Reply] [Original]

>one finana after debut
Will NijiEN ever recover?

>> No.76840722

lmao fucking pixellink gets more viewers

>> No.76840875

so qrd on this guy was he really that nick sexpest?

>> No.76840971
File: 170 KB, 263x312, 1698572312511207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he's just a random normal guy apparently
He doesn't like fujo stuff so... yeah, this is the result kek
also, reimu has more viewers

>> No.76840984

All we know is that mods of his previous community felt betrayed after he lovebombed them and got nothing when he got lots of gifts.

>> No.76841073

No he's just some random guy who likes cars

>> No.76841149
File: 134 KB, 438x393, 1000001994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

>> No.76841295

this is apparently the second biggest EN corpo in the world? are we sure? can we get a raincheck on that?

>> No.76842226

>Regular dude who likes cars and play TCG
>End up in the den of shit fuckery that is nijiEN

>> No.76842582

What a shame, he sounds like an OK guy but he's in Nijisanji
Not to mention he joined after everything that happened the last few months

>> No.76845653

The debut was prerecorded and the other guy conveniently and conspicuously streamed at the same time. Make of that what you will.

>> No.76845822

Who did he murder to end up here

>> No.76845830

>He doesn't like fujo stuff so...
Oh, so it's DOA in NijiEN them. Poor soul.

>> No.76845930

Damn he actually sounds alright honestly

>> No.76846073

>One and a third finanas four days after debut.
Jesus Christ, he’s gonna hit 2view, isn’t he?

>> No.76846222

Vanta is the same and he gets better numbers. This is just all that's left of people willing to give Niji a try

>> No.76846742

Pretty sure it's the 4th now.

>> No.76848124

im sure he is very sad, streaming and earning more than 95% of indies.

>> No.76848248

>debut buff
Guys, I think it's already over...

>> No.76848263

with that name I'm surprised he has any viewers

>> No.76850436

Should play Master Duel desu

>> No.76852070

Why do people still join NijiEN?

>> No.76852321

the joke was funny for a while but how the FUCK is niji talent losing to the likes of pixel connect and phase in numbers

>> No.76852394

Even though it’s glory years are long behind it, new talents likely view it as a better alternative to languishing in 1-2 view hell. And it still beats the alternative of being a regular wagie.

>> No.76852572

There are still people applying for WACTOR anon. fucking WACTOR

>> No.76852625

I mean anon, you want Niji EN to recover right? Go buy an ad and maybe your erectile disfunction will get fixed.. or menopause, i don't judge


>> No.76852629

His debut was prerecorded?? Isn't a debut is the ONE THING that shouldn't be prerecorded??
Did he gave a good reason for doing this?

>> No.76852953

>debut is the ONE THING that shouldn't be prerecorded

>> No.76853963

He joined nijisanji, he deserves it

>> No.76854146

It'll just give a bad look for any chuubas that does this. Like they're not ready for live performance or the management is not entirely convince with the chuuba ability yet

>> No.76854659

don't tell me the only based chuuba is a fucking niji male

>> No.76854732

>Clearly this screenshot would be 5 min into the stream
>108 minutes ago
How can you reach 1.33 Finana in less than a week?

>> No.76854853

Anon, it's still their debut week.
It's worse

>> No.76854922

They HAVE recovered. Its just that this is their new normal now.

>> No.76855024

>Fucking pixellink
Unlike Niji, Pixel Link has a healthy environment and the girls are happy. Even the most menhera problematic girl was granted 3 months of mental rest, but she ended up graduating. Stupid cunt didn't know how good she had it. A couple of days ago, almost a whole year since the first gen debuted, the second gen debuted and they seem to be doing pretty good.

>> No.76855200

Small corpos not named Phase are a deadend anyway so it's even sadder NijiEN is joining the pack

>> No.76855407

Point and laugh

>> No.76855470

with that being said, how's Phase JP doing these days?

>> No.76858627


>> No.76858837

no one, those people steped aside by themselves

>> No.76859107
File: 30 KB, 600x338, 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hololive announces they will not debut new gens in order to focus on promoting and celebrating existing talents
>NijiEN farts out three more who-gives-a-shit streamers that will be destitute 2views in a week
And so the wheel turns.

>> No.76859258

waiting for that Niji EN 2view

>> No.76859386

Enna's pretty close. Maybe if she talks about how much dick she takes again she'll lose another two hundred viewers.

>> No.76863841
File: 653 KB, 719x1012, 5digitsdoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can a phase girl that is not named pippa or tenma hits 5 digits vod views streams on a consistent basis ?

>> No.76865322
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>> No.76865692

why are sisters so obsessed with vod views recently?

>> No.76865962

Vod views are the new goalpost because they can't win with CCV anymore

>> No.76866010
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, 1658717485973.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally the one sister, and she's afraid

>> No.76866849

less than minimum wage even with debut buff...

>> No.76866930

Vanta is also around this viewership nowadays
He only gets more when doing something like drunk streams or when doing obvious fujo bait collabs with his genmates

>> No.76866966

Christ Aster is THAT low? and after a new outfit no less.

>> No.76867043

>nijiEN finally trying to fix itself with a brotuber male and gfe loli (no idea what the maid does, I'm guessing cgdct)
>is a completely wasted effort because the current fanbase is fujos

>> No.76867132

guys the sisters didn't like having to educate him twice

>> No.76867279

Aster has ways been the boringest of xsoliel
Also new outfit? I don't think anyone even knew he had one

>> No.76867557

I feel pretty bad for the dude. He just seems like a normal guy put in a shitty situation.

>> No.76867754

Save your sympathy, he choose to join nijisanji

>> No.76867761

>put in a shitty situation
He applied to be in current niji

>> No.76867867

Don't waste your pity, he joined NijiEN, he's guaranteed to be an asshole

>> No.76867884

It was that or Starbucks.

>> No.76867900

Nope, I think they've recovered all that they're going to recover. What you see now is the new normal for them. Expect all new waves going forward to be mid-low 3 views because their rep is so damaged that no new viewers are willing to give them a chance.

>> No.76868020

because phase has no vod gangs to back them up, nijisanji has them :)

>> No.76868052

Starbucks is unironically better than joining Nijisanji

>> No.76868120
File: 541 KB, 2880x2880, pqqi689oh8wc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See I told you it's the same sister

>> No.76868171

not after the niji and yt cut

>> No.76868672
File: 471 KB, 805x678, Super Smug Sora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it was good enough for Rushia.

>> No.76868682

>his fanbase wont be filled with rabid fujos
good on him i guess. getting a regular paycheck while not having to sell his soul to do dick sucking ASMR for bugs. should do the one year strat and graduate to go indie again.

>> No.76869566

The thing is that his fanbase will still be filled with fujos, they are trying to groom him into doing stuff for them, but the guy just wants to talk about cars and play Apex/Magic/NFS

>> No.76870202

Even the loli has ~300 viewers
This branch is fucked

>> No.76870585
File: 213 KB, 1080x1920, how to add views lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it count if you cheat?

>> No.76870766

There's just not enough brotuber fans in Nijisanji since Vanta probably has all of them by now

>> No.76870809

vanta tried to do this and he keeps making fujos mad at him and it hurt his numbers. The fanbase is fujos first so they will always be there trying to get him to say stuff

>> No.76871508

They also ran ads on this too

>> No.76875978

Was it confirmed this wasn't the guy everyone thought it was? I saw people saying that but also if I was looking to get the heat off my back I would deny all allegations and probably try to fake my voice or something.

>> No.76878263


>> No.76878290

What was the origin stream that caused the finana unit of ccv measurement anyways bc now I see streams where finana is at 2 finanas or half a finana for example

>> No.76880480


>> No.76880579

Just compare their voices yourself, this guy sounds different. I swear anons have deafness or something.

>> No.76880594

Her average CCV.

>> No.76880717

Who's the retarded manager that approved him to play MTG Arena?
That shit is pussy repellant, this guy clearly doesn't get the business

>> No.76880825

The Nijisanji audition special: throw shit against the wall and see what sticks

>> No.76881199

it sucks because he actually seems an alright dude. good taste in games, plays Magic etc, he's unironically much closer to what someone would imagine a brotuber to be. problem is this doesn't work for the nijiEN males - vox is a 3view now trying to just be one of the guys. the chinese office ladies demand either clingy hardcore roleplay BFE, or to be gay, lots of gay faggotry so they can do their shipping shit.

thing is even if he was an ideal fujobait kind of guy he'd probably be doing little better anyway because the entire wave came in DOA like the couple before it have now. nijiEN is crippled and in a wheelchair and they keep trying to stim it with cocaine to try to jolt it to get moving and dancing again. it's not gonna work, you can't just take what's there and force it to be well again without fixing the underlying problem. in this case nijiEN's underlying crippling problem is the permanent bad feelings over Selen and the branch just sitting on it and not apologizing in the slightest, and the exodus of more key members of whom every single one had basically nothing at all good to say about how the branch is run/managed after leaving. trying to patch up the Selen situation and doing a real restructuring, not Riku just saying they're doing a restructuring, is how to -attempt- to -start- to try to genuinely fix it. but we know they won't do that.

>> No.76881220

he's playing with fake "alchemy" cards though

>> No.76881849

nigga nijiEN debuts are complete scripted, not just lore vid shit
they do rehearsals of the debut, their favorite racist Uki had one of his public pre-debut by accident

Being pre-recorded is just a step-up on the artificial aspect of it

>> No.76882030

Sisters have this thing where they autistically spam vods in intervals to artificially inflate the view count like they do in kpop.
They don't actually watch the stream, just loop the same 30 seconds like some kind of manual bot.
Here's one of the guides they made.
over 100k views, these girls are manic.
Can't be assed to fuse them into an image for 4chan. Someone else can do it.

>> No.76882065

If he's in nijisanji he's not an alright dude

>> No.76882376

anon, aster's from iluna, not lolisex

>> No.76882428

Whatever, he sucks

>> No.76885257

Weren't the nijisisters saying they were going to support them no matter what? What happened to that support?

>> No.76885354

Stuck on twitter.

>> No.76885747

He was probably getting like 50 CCV before so this is still an improvement.

>> No.76887904

>Will NijiEN ever recover?
It will be a while
