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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76830558 No.76830558 [Reply] [Original]

>talked about how Salo was just kind of weird and not actually scary or anything
>Hasn't seen A Serbian Film but wants to do watchalongs
>pretty much only watches gore slop and Saw X is her favorite movie

>> No.76830691

>retarded enough to apply to chinkjkibugji
In a sewer

>> No.76830784

It's funny how the new Nijishitters flopped so you're trying to promote them here now. That is a mixed wave, nobody's watching your shit.

>> No.76830793

Nobody that is sane would even try to apply for Niji now, wtf OP where you thinking?

>> No.76830918

>b-b-but she does le hecking """based""" thing!
Don't care, still a Nijishitstain, hence a grifter, amoral sociopath, clique shitlicker and selfish retard

>> No.76830983

Talk to me when she starts talking about The Green Elephant or Terrible Meal.

>> No.76831012

>wanting to join the bully clique group after SELEN SHOCK
That's how you know she isn't a good person

>> No.76831024

bot posts

>> No.76831044

>Dramafag seethe
Cope, horrorchads are winning

>> No.76831083

I'd watch if she read (censored versions) of eroguro visual novels
I've never seen a vituber real actually messed up stuff like Nie no hakoniwa or maggot baits
I'd also watch if she read stuff like Subahibi, though Subahibi is the kind of visual novels that breaks your heart, without being an eroguro

>> No.76831144

>>76831083 (me)

>> No.76831178

It's not really "scary" though, more disturbing - and even then the book it was based on is far worse.

>> No.76831239
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Sir, this is holoboard
Nijisanji is bad

>> No.76831517

You fags do realize that she's going to get cannibalized by nijimonkeys for doing loli stuff right? she's also the only in niji to have shown support to Victoria under her tweet about being left out

>> No.76831553

You literally have shit tastes in movies

>> No.76831674

Loli stuff is a part of Niji culture. What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.76831786

Nta but not so much the EN sphere - a lot of the sisters are (or were) pretty anti loli and shota.

>> No.76831929
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>Loli stuff is a part of Niji culture.
Okay you daft cunt, sisters can't stop shitting themselves over loli shit, they even had melties over cover releasing that school voicepacks crying about how problematic how hololive is
We're talking about the retards who harass their own organs over jokes, starbuck and fucking macdonald, you absolute tool

>> No.76832040

Every movie in the extreme genre is fucking shit anon. That's not the point. Unless you're one of those faggots that say it's totally artistic to see someone eat shit.

>> No.76832045

>You fags do realize that she's going to get cannibalized by nijimonkeys for doing loli stuff right?
Yeah and I'll gleefully watch it happen since she deserves it for applying in the first place

>> No.76832536
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>you absolute tool
Maybe don't follow outraged amurricans on xwitter. Who gives a shit? They won't spend anything on merch or anything anyway. They just want to be outraged and offended for the sake of it.

>> No.76832552

I genuinely think A Serbian Film is a good film
If all it's good for is shock value, you can get a million videos and pictures more shocking (and real) on the Internet.

>> No.76832883

This may shock you but there's still a very sizeable amount of vtubers and vtuber fans who know jack shit about things from here.

Alot of the people who apply to these corpos are just normies who are curious and the hobby and know nothing outside of gura or ironmouse.

>> No.76832926

Well see you whenever she gets the Negrosanji's special character assassination note dipshit

>> No.76833062

>he thinks some tourist whore fans from china who never even heard the word vtuber until Luxiem's debut represent an entire company
NijiJP's top talents are extremely open lolicons, and to an extend a small amount of EN talents are too.
At least do reps on who you're shitting on.

>> No.76833164

Selen's mistreatment has gone more viral than most of the nothingburger yabs the catalog discusses. Asmongold talked about multiple times. People who don't watch vtubers at all know about it. However, some of the people in the new wave seem like vta skippers so they don't care because they want to integrate with jp anyway.

>> No.76833322
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If I see anyone shitting on her for being a loli, I will shit back on them. Don't worry.

>> No.76833441

>post loli ui
>the character whose existence was amplified explicitly by a niji
Holy shit.

>> No.76833641

The guy is literally talking about NijiEN
Kennmochi would never be allowed to an open lolicon if he was EN, and, if he did, the EN sisters would hunt him down

>> No.76833792

kys incel

>> No.76834699

The people that like gore or simulated torture were molested as children.

>> No.76834754

I wouldn't put A Serbian Film into the "extreme" subgenre. It's exploitation sure and it has some fucked up imagery but it does constrain itself and doesn't go all the way. Anyway I liked it but I don't think it's that deep, it's not very subtle at the themes it's portraying.

Anyway I was talking more about shit like the Tumbling Doll of Flesh movies or Naked Blood. Just trashy films to get off to.

>> No.76836608

Good point

>> No.76836733

This comment is so psychotic lmao. Yes, people bond over shared interests.

>> No.76836807

>joined after any of niji's yabs in the past 6 months
>expecting people to treat the new debuts like """""""""people"""""""""""
If anyone's a psycho here it's you.

>> No.76837167

>Makes psychotic post telling others to not treat niji members as humans while calling others psychos
No self awareness

>> No.76837177

Fourth post best post. Don't forget Luca's onahole. I wonder if people will call her heckin based after she starts doing love hotel off collabs with him.

>> No.76837291
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>there is nothing wrong with this person for joining a company that
>bullied multiple people
>made a hitpiece on two people simply because they wanted to leave
>openly said their vtubers are negligible
>caused someone to nearly kill themselves

>> No.76837410

Caused two people to nearly kill themselves, as far as we know of.
But yeah nobody in the new wave has any excuse. If Aruvan or whatever the fuck his name was could leak everything a couple weeks before his debut then Twisty, Barrenwomb and whatever the last one is named should have done even the most basic of basic research and quit immediately. Joining them is agreeing with everything they've done prior, AKA pure evil, AKA psychopathy.

>> No.76837488

Posting in this website is agreeing with everything Anons have ever done and said.

>> No.76837543

You're being paid to post on here?

>> No.76837629

scroll down sister

>> No.76837632
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>> No.76837704

>Yes, people bond over shared interests.
Shared interests like bullying people into suicide, grifting, pandering to McDonalds-obsessed trannies, infringing copyright, grooming underage fans, playing "therapist" for underage fans, leaking confidential information, leaking your own account to discordshitter "buttbuddies", pandering to chinks, boiling dogs alive to please your chinkchongchang bug masters, obsessively lurking /here/, backstabbing co-workers, defending black company behavior (including with blatant lies)

Yep she'll fit right in

>> No.76837771

If you reply to sisters with anything but pure facts they'll latch onto the exaggerations for 100 posts, you should know this by now.

>> No.76837777
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yes, you're right, workers can't and shouldn't be expected to cover for the sins of their employer and they have about as much culpability as your typical Amazon warehouse worker. Would you yell at them for joining le black company that doesn't allow their employees enough piss breaks? Same thing. The vast majority of fans understand this.

>> No.76837820

>>bullied multiple people
>simply because they wanted to leave
You mean they were fired and the reasons why they got fired were given
>Openly said their vtubers are negligible
Only one and that's the one that tried to ruin them
>caused someone to nearly kill themselves
Literally impossible. If someone kills themselves, it's their fault. Blame mental illness. Don't see why you'd start harassing new hires too. Is everyone working at Amazon a bad person too?

>> No.76837841

if the nijiEN audience had the slightest clue of who kenmochi was they would run a nonstop campaign to have him crucified, i don't understand the point of pretending nijiJP and nijiEN have similar audiences

>> No.76837843

>Two people
Lol, why the fuck would you believe Sayu, she didn't even make an attempt

>> No.76837894

Does Amazon have 100% of it's workforce talking to eachother and have them working a job that's entirely public speaking?

>> No.76837978

Well WACTOR has proven that there is no limit to women's stupidity, the corp can be literally criminal and they'll still find dumbfuck shitstain zoomers to trick into joining.

So she is either a tier 50000 retard, a tier 100 retard and nijifangirl who brainwashed herself with "i-it's not as bad as it looks", or she's just a sociopathic grifter like most of the Niji organs.
Either way she deserves the misery she will undoubtedly experience.

>> No.76838008

>using a corporation that's incredibly disconnected from it's employees as a comparison to a corporation where the employees are strictly not replaceable
You're right, you do have autism.

>> No.76838112

>the one that tried to ruin them
[citation needed]

>> No.76838140

All I'm getting from this argument is that Vtubers should have never gone corporate since it's nearly impossible to reconcile "having an anime persona" and "being an employee of a company that 100% owns your anime persona"
Any other job? Get fired - KWAB should've followed the rules
Corporate Vtuber? They're literally killing your character off and no one can ever speak of you again

>> No.76838195

It's literally just Nijitrannji, a company made by a sociopath for sociopaths

>> No.76838283

It's actually shocking how basically nothing in this post is definitively true. Corporations literally started vtubing and basically ran it until that fateful christmas eve, we've seen people take back their persona either for free or paying for it, a firing does not equal a rule breaking, and only black companies like Niji memoryhole people out of spite rather than simply because everyone else is uncomfortable talking about them (Miguel).

>> No.76838360

>even nijisisters arguments are implying that management and livers are as disconnected as some minimum wage truck driver to Bezos
I haven't been able to use this phrase in a while:
This isn't the win you think it is, sister! Ahahaha!

>> No.76838484

Fine, then go harass every new WWE hire or every player drafted into the NFL

>> No.76838643

Your examples are only getting worse and worse. Please continue, I wanna see how far you can degrade your own point into nothingness.

>> No.76838867
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You mean the corporation that just got distinctly better after they wrested control from Vince, the shitty CEO whose been powertripping hard for the past dozen years and is actively complicit in at least one murder and the death of too many to count?

That's who you're comparing him to?

>> No.76839111

i hope you all feel good about yourselves. bullying an autistic child who was groomed into streaming.

>> No.76839269

>implying i'd ever give a niji a single view or tweet interaction

>> No.76839431

So you have to be a literal psychopath to join niji these days? Grim

>> No.76843499

Catalogniggers trying to pass moral judgment is rich because like 99% of them were HARDCORE antis for Pomu and Selen from debut until they left.

And you can tell they don’t really care because it’s always some boilerplate SEA rant. It’s not something a pomie or a dragoon would say, like ‘oh I couldn’t stand watching the company while Elira is there’, or ‘I’d flip my shit if I had to put up with that sociopath Aster showing up in chat’, it’s never any of the million specific things you could justifiably hate NijiEN over. It’s always some vague post-hoc rationalization to cover up the fact they’d hate >>76830558 or Rosemi or Victoria’s guts just the same even if absolutely nothing had happened, just like they hated Pomu and Selen for daring to stream without the blue dorito they identify so much with, and only stopped anti-ing them when it became completely socially unacceptable to keep doing it.

>> No.76843559

>Saw X
X was terrible.

>> No.76845293

The Green Elephant is 1) milquetoast as fuck 2) is not at all subtle in it's themes

>> No.76845661

>You mean the corporation that just got distinctly better after they wrested control from Vince
He still owns the company and is related to people controlling the company. You also dodged the other example. Why don't you harass athletes or wrestlers?

>> No.76845949

>Why don't you harass athletes or wrestlers?
See >>76843499

>> No.76846204

nah kill yourself you r/kurosanji faggot.

>> No.76846566

I don't have much sympathy for the new wave if things start to go to shit for them (there's enough info out there now even outside of vtuber circles that they must have known what they were getting into) but actively hating them as demonstrated ITT when they've not even done anything is just pathetic tribalfagging.

>> No.76850019

She's probably the favourite sex toy of one of the shareholders.

>> No.76850259

Get that Steam gift card, OP.
