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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76832562 No.76832562 [Reply] [Original]

Where did everything go so right?

>> No.76832738


>> No.76832922

When Shiori turned out to actually be great

>> No.76832955

when did that happen?

>> No.76832986

vshokek botting deflection thread

>> No.76832988

Doges + Shiori + Rissa + >>76832738
In order from "I love the most" to "I love the most"
Watch her streams

>> No.76833014


>> No.76833036

fuwamoco carry it so hard. shiori and nerissa dont belong. pebble is just ok, it helps that she has a good streaming friendship with ID penguin.

>> No.76833079

I like Nerissa.

>> No.76833176

>fuwamoco carry it so hard
>he doesn't know about "onii-chan"

>> No.76833389

I think mainly because they stream, they don't homocollab and they act kindly towards their fans

>> No.76833548

>doesnt belong
And yet you're never able to explain why.

>> No.76834083

theyre humble people because they slaved away for years making no money and finally made it. same reason mori and kiara are good.
bitches like mumei, gura and kronii never had to work for anything. all their success was handed to them. they have no work ethic and they dont care.

>> No.76834128

fuwamoco fills a niche that was previously unfulfilled in vtubing, so even if you find them annoying as fuck, you can understand why they have an audience
bijou has a lot of the good parts of gura, but she actually streams
shiori and nerissa are probably good at what they do as well

also, hololive fans autistically hate male collabs to the point of "disowning" members for doing them, so they just pander to those spergs successfully by just avoiding that can of worms

>> No.76834152

Reminder that there is no valid reason to anti Shiori

>> No.76834162

Feels like the main difference is that they all are actual holo fans who don't take their job for granted
Which absolutely was a problem with Council

Between Bae's disgusting cocklust, Kronii's hatred of idol culture and constant yabs (including one nobody ever brings up, which is when she said she plays games offstream because entertaining chat ruins the fun for her), not to mention the complete travesty that was Sana.

No such things in Advent, hell even Shiori who didn't know jackshit about holo AND has cocklust has never tried to "rock the boat" like those Council whores have

>> No.76834164
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>> No.76834185

The fact that Fuwamoco has almost double her subs and the fact that Regloss is about to pass her should explain why a niji doesn't belong in hololive.

>> No.76834323

>including one nobody ever brings up, which is when she said she plays games offstream because entertaining chat ruins the fun for her
I don't like clock woman either but she's right about that, that's true for every single streamer.

>> No.76834361

Jap sama ousting omega

>> No.76834373

>Between Bae's disgusting cocklust, Kronii's hatred of idol culture and constant yabs (including one nobody ever brings up, which is when she said she plays games offstream because entertaining chat ruins the fun for her), not to mention the complete travesty that was Sana
whenever I read shit like this I'm reminded of how hilarious it is that pretty much nobody hates hololive members, and vtubers in general more than hololive fans

>> No.76834446
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Who cares, it's the equivalent of saying "yeah i didn't show up to work today because I had to play video games"
She had CONSTANT "break" days where she just played minecraft offstream on the fucking holo server. She disappears every time she has to grind a video game, like fire emblem and lost ark.

>> No.76834456

Third Gens are always good in Hololive.

>> No.76834964

I would shit all over a pathetic excuse for a man like you if I had the energy to stay awake but I'll do it later assuming this thread makes it
Taking out the trash can wait

>> No.76835187

>Thinly veiled holo vs holo thread

>> No.76835440

i like Fuwamoco, then Shiori, then Biboo, then Nerissa. i think Shiori is really important because she helps fill the niche of a less chaotic slower comfier stream while still being hololive. Biboo is a great replacement for Gura and seems much more mentally stable. Cant sing well but thats not necessary with all the singers in her gen. Nerissa i like her singing and her streams are alright, but shes a little boring

>> No.76835594
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>> No.76835670
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>> No.76836627

they will stream significantly less after their 3d debut.

>> No.76836705

debut. Advent cute.

>> No.76836746
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>> No.76838232

Dimitri knows how to manage the girls well. Makes me glad Advent didn't debut in 2022 during the Omega era.

>> No.76838458
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I wish one day we can get the catharsis of having Holos admit that he was indeed one power-tripping faggot responsible for all the cancer in EN.

>> No.76838582

I like Biboo, Shiori, Fuwamoco then Nerissa
I really like Shiori's tangents and also as a complement to Biboo, she's just someone who I like to put on and listen to when I'm working
Fuwamoco are cute and although I don't like some of the things they do, I understand why they do it and that they get a lot of loyal fans because of it, their motivation and hunger rubs off on advent and I like it
Nerissas singing is really good but I don't watch her much due to stream choice and also the fact that she streams 1 hr after biboo

>> No.76839104

I hate her because shes too achieveable. If you took that one messy girl in the middleschool who shared art class with you and wore a foxtail to school and who found out you liked anime and started showing you her binder full of riku/sora yaoi that she printed out at the school library, and if instead of shutting her down you actually joined her stupid anime club that only talked about deathnote and bleach instead of actually good shit like spice&wolf or index, you could have a shiori of your own. But here you are, alone, posting on /vt/, staring at her through a screen and knowing that your chances are over.

>> No.76839828

I just catched up with the biboo space. Let's be serious, Myth and Promise will never have that kind of chemistry, they just work SO GOOD all together i was grinning like a fucking autist during the whole space.

>> No.76842676

>she's a niji because.....

>> No.76842946

A gen so good they’re not hiring anymore

>> No.76843141

Shitters hate Nerissa and Shiori for nonsensical reasons like this one. And they never elaborate on them because they know they can't and would get laughed out of the thread if they tried.
>Shiori and Nerissa don't belong in Holo!
>They just don't, okay?!

>> No.76843430
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When my daughter got her first Jun

>> No.76843493

I mean I understand with Nerissa because she collabed with them. They're still retarded but I at least get why they do it. But when they try this with Shiori it never makes any sense at all, its like they hate her for things they're hoping she WILL do but hasn't actually done.

>> No.76843921

They are all good girls who deserve to be in hololive. It is good cover learned how to pick after the perfection that is Promise and I hope Myth will one day attain the same level of unity as Promise and Advent

>> No.76844738

This went epic before their debut. All 5 of them are ultra talented and would be the peak of their generation. Damn each of them would be a generation on itself. They are all well rounded with 1 particular 'defect'.

- Dogos are really active, engaging, cute and consistent. Each stream is a collab on itself.
- Nerissa has her entire family and each of them are amazing. There has been a total of 4 debuts on her channel alone and engagement keeps rising.
- Biboo is a memelord that seems to come out of a comedy, she is sweet IRL and everyone wants to collab with her, even authors bless her memed covers.
- Shiori is the most unique holomem so far, she has a wide range of likes and skills, she can basically do anything and improv on the spot. Her fandom is so used to it that she can quit a game midway to start a piano and fans will love it more.

Add that they all have great chemistry together, that they do seem to get along well and that cover is supportive. This gen was doomed to success for before they were conceived.

>> No.76844968

>Feels like the main difference is that they all are actual holo fans who don't take their job for granted
Advent didn't have any of the major contract issues that Myth and Council had so they got along better with management. In 2022 they had serious complaints even if they couldn't say that directly. Cover replaced the EN project manager so the later EN gens will benefit from what they did.

>> No.76844984

They hate Shiorin for escaping indie 2view hell

>> No.76847124

>including one nobody ever brings up, which is when she said she plays games offstream because entertaining chat ruins the fun for her
I mean, she literally said that during her first month after debuting, when people asked her why she played so much Minecraft offstream.

>> No.76848378

I wish Myth were friends...

>> No.76848650

They're all extreme, hardcore numberfags and it works.

>> No.76848780

No males

>> No.76849180

>biboo, shiori

>> No.76850193

good or bad you will not have other choices since cover aren't going to debut any other gen for the years to come. you're stuck with them.

>> No.76850398

maybe there will be a few graduations in myth or council forcing cover to accelerate

>> No.76850480

>The heart
>the soul
>the talent
>and she’s here too, I guess

>> No.76850567

Remember that time Fuwamoco got stuck on a puzzle and all of advent called in to help them solve it? I can’t imagine any other group doing that.

>> No.76850691

I can imagine Mori possibly calling in to help a genmate during a stuck part of a game, with Kiara making a vague complaining post or comment in a following stream about how nobody would come to help her if she needed help. Maybe Mumei or Fauna helping eachother, but those are all still big maybes.

>> No.76850725

They are but Fauna is not my friend, it is very unfortunate.

>> No.76850750

Only weirdos are friends with their mommy.

>> No.76851103

They came here to prepare us for the unspeakable truth:

>> No.76851290

It didn’t, they lost steam and now they’re behind Pwomise, who should’ve been graduated pell-mell a long time ago.

>> No.76851420

It's really weird how Shiori is this like deranged schizo, but then you get her into a collab and she's like the nicest most reassuring person ever. She's always the first one / only one to say it's ok, it's fine, don't worry we can get through this

>> No.76852518

She's crazy in the sort of way that doesn't give her an awful personality.

>> No.76852588

>sisters still trying to push nijirissa and shiorisanji

>> No.76852817

Day 1.

>> No.76852861

>still can't explain what makes shiori a niji
You lost.

>> No.76852933

Dimitri Jap actually making all them meet each other beforehand in person.

>> No.76853406

Bijou - Cuteness/sweetness personified. Loves playing games and memeing.
Shiori - Good solo. Good in collabs too but solo is where she shines where she gets to yap and engage 100% with chat.
Nerissa - Opposite of Shiori, good solo but shines in collabs. Luckily for her her family collabs when she wants them to so Nerissa has a very large pool of people to collab with, Advent, family, rest of Hololive.
Fuwamoco - Fluffy and dorky twins nuff said.

>> No.76853553

Because that anon said so and she's an authority on the subject!

>> No.76853562

more like her family shines in collabs

>> No.76853875

amazing post, really riled up the councilsharts

>> No.76853950

Shiori and Nerissa are literally Advent's Bae and Kronii

>> No.76853996


>> No.76854355

redpill me on biboo
she has to have at least one major yab coming, sooner or later

>> No.76855051

>two more weeks but biboo edition
Well that's new.

>> No.76855514

I think the only people that like them are mentally unwell manchildren like this dude >>76851103

>> No.76855568

Biboo has had a yab since day one, it's that she's way too cute

>> No.76855806
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>> No.76856265

Biboo is the sweetest cupcake there ever was and elevates everyone around her via association and contact with her. Even people who I used to previously dislike, such as Cali, are elevated through contact with her.

I cant imagine disliking any of her genmates.

>> No.76856968

She raids herself and tried to kill fuwamoco by feeding them chocolate brownies predebut

>> No.76857443

quick rundown on this image?? is she...b-based?

>> No.76857560

When FuwaMoco accidentally revealed a dox discord they have with some of their "special" ruffians

>> No.76860440


>> No.76860728

They hired 5 people who are actually passionate about their jobs and get along well together

That's literally all it took to mog Myth and Council

>> No.76861803

Idk but this collab is great

>> No.76863755
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See >>76855568

>> No.76863847

The only holomem to truly challenge Gira

>> No.76865520

Kino collab, they need to do more off collabs.

>> No.76866214 [DELETED] 

Now just waiting for dmc2 and bloodborne and the grindstone suika game

>> No.76866382

slow down there bud

>> No.76866807

im so sorry bro

>> No.76866957

Took 3 years but we got a good EN gen at last

>> No.76867241

KEK this

>> No.76867512

Bold move from the artist having Bijou do blackface in this image

>> No.76869814

3D coming!
Advent can't stop WINNING!

>> No.76870361
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I don't care about all the shitposting and holo vs holo shit bros... I just really love all these girls(and especially my twin wives).

>> No.76870825

>hololive fans
They're not hololive fans they are EN only tourist, as anyone who was a fan from hololive from the very fucking beginnings did not developed this 3rd wave and 2nd hand "Unicorn" culture shit

>> No.76871170

I call dibs on gem wife

>> No.76872386

it literally started as early as Aqua inclining
>been there since the beginning
yeah all 13 of them

>> No.76875420

They're very sweet to each other. Like Councilrys.

>> No.76878111

Y'all have been pushing the "2 more weeks" rrat for almost a year now because Shiori has given you literally no ammo that entire time. She never acknowledges the homos, you just want her to so you have SOMETHING to hate her with.

>> No.76879376

>those half face portraits
just gonna drop this here

>> No.76880355

I think advent debuting after some of the bigger wrinkles were ironed out is a big factor. sometimes it seemed like management was trying to deliberately demotivate myth and promise

>> No.76883628


>> No.76883696

Everyone I don't like is a Niji.

>> No.76883952

They’re all very genuine and since they’re all experienced they know how to spin their personalities to make themselves appealing to the Hololive Audience without coming across as fake.

>> No.76885433

>Biboo doing blackface at the bottom.
How did she get away with this?

>> No.76885871

How new are you

>> No.76885931

This they clearly love to be in Hololive and they love to entertain.

Shiori is a Veteran who has finally found a corpo that accepts her and respects her knowledge and skill.
Biboo is a natural born streamer who loves her pebbles to death
Nerissa is a natural actress and her family are happy to support her goal and she's got the voice that sells itself
and she's finally among the Idols she adores
Fuwamoco are true Idols in their very soul. who have been searching for a place to make their dream come true for over a decade and now their chance has finally come.

This is all of their dreams come true, that's why they're bringing their A game.

>> No.76886039

It feels like Advent all have a purpose for being in Hololive. Promise kind of just exist without any real drive, they just float around, but Advent are pushing to make their dreams come real, they all want to achieve something and it makes it easy to root for them

>> No.76887546

good assessment

>> No.76888489

HoloEN was still new enough that Promise was formed around "Hey this Corpo is hiring ENs you want in?"

Yeah Myth was growing but Myth was it, and thanks to COVID limiting things the other more Idol aspects of Hololive was downplayed in the EN.

Promise was hired back when HoloEN was simply seen as a streaming gig and not an idol gig.

Now though they have a reputation they have a brand, and they're exclusive, remember Promise only had to audition once or twice to get in, Advent with perhaps the exception of Shiori who got in by being Western Vtuber pioneer, had to adution multiple times.

From Fuwamoco who tried to get in through EN and JP multiple times to looking at Biboo who admitted she created her entire PL career simply to build herself a resume to get into Hololive because her first submission got rejected because she had no experience.

These are girls who fought to get here, they weren't handed it. They know they are the chosen few and they banded together under that common bond.

For them getting into Hololive was a privilege they earned through their blood sweat and tears.

>> No.76889469

this helped too

>> No.76890504

You Omega? Cause I'm pretty sure no one in Myth and Counsil/Promise liked em.

>> No.76890620 [DELETED] 

Shiori didn't fight shit, she probably got immediately hired because of her oldfag status and subs. Not even cover is perfect in their process, they made mistakes every gen

>> No.76891880

Whoever Omega was they clearly had narcissistic issues, making themselves the OP super god character?

>> No.76892328

Each has their own unique audience they appeal to. Biboo has the gamer and cunny audience. FWMC has the JP audience. Nerissa has the singer audience. Shirori has the saviorfag weirdo goth audience.

>> No.76892558

>first Advent full gen off collab has less viewers than regular Promise collab

What went wrong?

>> No.76893576

When the dogs and biboo is cooking, you can hear nerissa and shiori making out in the background.

>> No.76894038


What does it matter what she does with her breaks/days off? It is her time, you sperg, lol. She could be sucking off horses if she wants.

>> No.76894106


I can assure you though it won't help you delusions that even if you had gone along with this made up girl of yours 1 -you'd hate her, and 2 you'd still be bitter and alone given that you think your chance with women peaked in middle school. So, take heart. It would not have mattered for you.

>> No.76897607

