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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76820838 No.76820838 [Reply] [Original]

honest thoughts on this vtuber?

>> No.76820974

my nigga Ike

>> No.76821281


>> No.76821355

Half of /vt/ wanted to fuck him in the ass at one point

>> No.76821488

Probably the one involved in the black stream who betrayed Selen the most, not because he said much of anything but because he was seemingly the one actually closest to her. I don't know what his motivations were/what Niji blackmailed him with but I hope he thinks it was worth it.

>> No.76821570

plastic water bottle

>> No.76821707

I genuinely have no idea what he's done, like, even his voice is a total mystery to me
He looks like a total faggot though

>> No.76821729

colossal faggoy

>> No.76821763

Collosal faggot (derogatory)

>> No.76821870

My thoughts on him have been irrevocably altered by a now deleted potential larp on plebbit. I didn't think much of it at the time, but his later strange appearance on black screen and the contract leaks really fucking tracked with what I saw and built a strong rrat that lives rent free in my head.

>> No.76821882

Has so little presence he managed to escape the conversation about the black stream, it's always Vox or Elira

>> No.76821892

Gay, for Vox.

>> No.76821898

All I remember about him is that he hates Luka BASED and Luka proceeded to rant about it through that Raziel girl/gf

>> No.76821915

Annoying singing voice.

>> No.76822075
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>> No.76822303

>four eyes back stabber.
>His model look nice and clean but his personality is as black as Elyra black stream.

>> No.76822328

water bottle guy!

>> No.76822411

Super cool guy.

>> No.76822615

I really liked him in Soul Eater.

>> No.76822623

The black stream dude shitting on doki.

>> No.76822713

Sex incarnate

>> No.76822840

Say his name, /vt/

>> No.76822914
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NijiEN has some absolutely ridiculous names in their roster but the one that still gets me the most is Ike

>> No.76823587

Isn't this the dude who abused his ex?

>> No.76824157

Yeah, iirc she said she's pressing charges on revenge porn because Ike showed her nudes to the other sex pests in Niji. She's not bothering with everything else because she was advised it wouldn't hold up in court.
My proof is it was revealed to me in a dream. Dramanigs can go die, you're not getting sources out of me.

>> No.76824216

*crumples water bottle*

>> No.76824392
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unironically he has a great future doing Plastic Bottle ASMR

>> No.76826116

>Half of /vt/ wanted to fuck him in the ass at one point
I count myself among them. Key word there is "wanted" because unless it comes out that they were holding a gun to his head during the black screen stream I wish career death upon him.

>> No.76826137


>> No.76827285

Well, if the larp israel then plenty of staff at Nijisanji had blackmail ammo. Remember how that contract specified that any organ facing outside drama/allegations/litigation needs to share all details with kurosanji, who in turn has no obligation to do anything to help them? The person larping as his abused ex claimed she first contacted Kurosanji about the allegations, who ghosted her. If israel then they'd have forced him to provide all details about his relationship with this person, and thus kurosanji has a vast multitude of things to use as leverage on him. Do they provide him assistance against his ex who apparently is pressing charges against him, do they cut him loose and feed him to the wolves, or do they just leave him to sort it out himself with zero help? His actions may influence the level of support the company offers him in these trying times.

>> No.76829000

that other guy, what's his name

>> No.76829857
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>> No.76829863

Sexpest groomer that got away with it cause no one cares about him.

>> No.76830380

Looks like a faggot with AIDS

>> No.76830462
File: 13 KB, 500x280, literallywho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have never seen this person in my life.
The Özil of Vtubers.

>> No.76830623

I don't know what to think about his intense Swedishness, honestly.

>> No.76830751

>most noteworthy trait is being NijiEN's token "literalwho"
>still gets better CCV than Vox

>> No.76831230

Gives off big 'I'm here too!' vibes.

>> No.76831366

That was Mel Nekomata schizo posting because she was trying to get eyes on her new identity, it's been confirmed NUMEROUS times

>> No.76831595

Why does this bitch show up everywhere? She's a fucking blight on vtubing.

>> No.76832027

She always injects herself into Niji drama somehow which is hilarious

>> No.76832147

Remember when someone claimed he was an abuser and then nothing happened?

>> No.76832253

Thought he was the only good male from both homowaves, turned out to be the bigger traitor of them all.

>> No.76832405

Seems like a dishonest backstabbing cunt. So basically a true swede.

>> No.76833750

Wasn't he the last collab before the the mv?

>> No.76836605

Isn't this a Final Fantasy character? Off topic.

>> No.76837150

The worst one from the black stream. Fuck him.

>> No.76841994


>> No.76842278


>> No.76843477

lurk more tourist

>> No.76844907

He crinkled a water bottle at some point during the black screen stream. Probably a nervous tic from the horseshit he knew he was shoveling

>> No.76845132

Ike, my man, my woman. Love his autism.

>> No.76845245

ok sister

>> No.76845834

He took part in that black screen stream, and therefore is a massive prick so I dropped him after that.

>> No.76847838

Ynkrygg. Fähund. Jävla fanskap.

>> No.76849613

brotuber supreme, my male oshi, mega kino

>> No.76850098

my igga Nike

>> No.76850172


>> No.76851997

Letting him sort it out by himself

>> No.76855102

he looks like he fucks. And by fucks I mean he rapes women categorically denies it years later.

>> No.76855835

There was also that one reddit post of the girl saying he was gonna expose him but there's been no follow up
