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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76810318 No.76810318 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.76810364

She won't have to, all the woke cuckbros said on twitter that they're going to support her PL, she'll totally be fine.

>> No.76810466

>I don't want to do GFE anymore
Name a more unstable group.

>> No.76810497

Unfortunately I don't think they realize twitter interaction aren't a viable currency

>> No.76810540

lol twitter support dosent mean jack shit because we all know they never actually do it

>> No.76810652

>pander to lonely retards and form fake emotional connections with people who have no ability to socialize like a normal human off the computer
reap what you sow with unikeks unfortunately

>> No.76810706

Isn't her dad like totally loaded? Why can't she just go leach off of him?

>> No.76810768

Not her DAD dad but her "Daddy".

>> No.76810806

>if i just simplify everything that happened to make one group look irrationally bad then i win!
the sooner you xitter trannies leave this hobby and go back to shitting up xitter the better itll be for everyone

>> No.76810825

What part of
>I hope you have to work a real job
is a death threat?

>> No.76810960

I'd say groomers are worse than any gfe coomer caricature.
>hehe yes you should abandon your fans, don't worry (We) will support you...
>hmm you abandoned them? haha based, but i'm not giving you money now LOL get graduated
>now she's poor and abandoned, perfect for me to groom....

>> No.76811017

>get groomed by actual psychos into destroying her career
>haha that will sure teach you those evil incels
baffling behavior

>> No.76811089
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>> No.76811562

massive brain

>> No.76811672

why do women always get fucking groomed so easily
and it's always some complete loser/sociopath, not even a gigachad

>> No.76811763

I'm sure, just how they told her it's fine to drop the gfe because they would support her.
But I'm sure her groomers will keep her barely financially afloat, so she is as dependent on them as possible.

>> No.76811827

She got groomed since she was 16.
It's what happens if you let your teenage daughter visit 4chan.

>> No.76811894

Narcissism + Sociopathy + lowIQ = the desire to manipulate and groom to get ahead but lacking the intelligence and charisma to do it in the real world
these people then become losers and some end up using their manipulative tendencies on the internet to groom retarded girls

>> No.76811929

One of these days, a random girl with the most powerful GFE skill will commit mass genocide just by bringing her father on stream. Its going to archive in book of yab history

>> No.76811933

Her parents are incredibly rich but apparently still make her do things like any 1/2 decent parent should
That being said they allowed their daughter to go with a bunch of pedophiles from /k/ into the woods at the age of 16 with zero supervision and drink underage so I think they probably aren't very good parents in the first place.
Plus they did buy her a brand new Prius that she instantly crashed like less than a month later

>> No.76811978

gigachads don't need to groom

>> No.76812426
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that's an oversimplification if I ever saw one

>> No.76812508

I'm sure it'll feel like a vacation after how hard she works as a streamer. The jews just forced her to do a 2 hour marathon stream today.

>> No.76812548

>I love you
>Haha jk, I dont
>Wait, why are all my male fans a mixture of sad and angry?

>> No.76812658

Man...sometimes i wonder how the fuck people get into these shit. Bros out there...i really hope one day you will find a proper and healthy hapiness that doesnt rely on these kind of manipulative bullshit. You fucker deserve a better world because what ever the fuck this is? Is not normal.

>> No.76813065

Already happened with someone far more into gfe than yuko, no yab.

>> No.76813137

Wtf. I know I'm on vt but godaaaam. That's horrid beyond my comprehension. I thought she just when with a groomer and left but like.... Shitting on your own fans, while cucking them, while manipulating them, while catering to literal pedos, while being a pedo herself? Wtf?

>> No.76813315

Literally nothing of value was lost
Now keep an eyes on the news when she will definetly end up on them for some pedoshit or rape

>> No.76813516

I dropped her soon after she started membership. Not into GFE. Now I don't feel like it was a loss at all.

>> No.76813555
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>She can groom me as much as she wants

>> No.76814263
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Yuko's /k/ friends are felons. One is in prison for raping his 12 year old daughter and another is in prison for sexually assaulting an 8 year old girl

>> No.76814346
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It just keeps getting worse.

>> No.76814367

Where is her pl?

>> No.76814463

She's a grown ass woman, chud. Who care if a whore pick a sugar daddy?

>> No.76814466

Don't worry though, it's clearly her GFE fans that were the problem and not the literal child rapists. Fucking Christ I want to like women but they make it a herculean task sometimes.

>> No.76814475

Why is my hatred for her so much fire
I have never been so angry against a vtuber after knowing what she did

>> No.76814529

Because this is one of the rare occasions where hatred is legitimately justified.

>> No.76814549

My god. That mean she's too old for them rn

>> No.76814676

What is Nuggetfest
Who is BD
How is this related to Yuko

>> No.76814709

Does idol even do background checks?

>> No.76814837

Nuggetfest is a /k/ meetup event, name is taken from the Mosin-Nagant (Moist Nugget). Yuko went at least once years ago before she was in Idol.

>> No.76814853

I dropped her about a month after debut. She was cute but every stream was full of warning signs and she was pandering to the worst kind of people since day one.

>> No.76814925

oh no
that's fucked up

>> No.76814975

Yuko is a very special. And how the fuck are people surprised when her content was always disgusting? She was pissing on streaming. Her entire persona was le stinky disgusting cunny.

>> No.76815041

>Bored, spoiled rich girl enjoys getting gangbanged by freaks in the woods

Literally doujin scenario.

>> No.76815093

Because when the gigachads groom them, they get married and live a happy drama-free life so you never hear about it.

>> No.76815107

I doubt they were interested
All idol had was a few talents that debuted as hebrew talents but were pretty much en from the getgo to get any interest at all
Idol(aviel) needed to create some numbers on charts for more potential investors, hence why he kept throwing out that type of talent because they tend to get a base following of nonhumans.
Also the reason /jidf/ is such a burning trash pile and you might see them discussing sex with real children whenever you open it.
Some of the girls in that corp deserve better though.

>> No.76815150

They probably never check for scars on the wrist, which she and riro has

>> No.76815189

Does Idol check hymen?

>> No.76815200

Damn so 1 of her groomer will eventually married to a rich family through a retard daughter? Not bad

>> No.76815246

fuck you
/k/ommados will not be slander like this

>> No.76815264

They always claim they do, and the manager was killed cuz he couldn't keep it in his pants

>> No.76815337

I heard a version of this already, but is there actual sourcing for this?

>> No.76815354

Is this the girl that fell for the reddit meme?

>> No.76815374

Idol exploded in popularity and CCV they were not ready for it.

>> No.76815386

Not in the mood to get banned again, but you can find what you're asking for if you search the archives.

>> No.76815401

More like /k/ringe

>> No.76815419


>> No.76815441

Yes, and this is the mild version.

>> No.76815442

Too bad twitter clout doesn't translate to views/income lol

>> No.76815525

You /k/unts brought us Froot as well
Let's just say you end up "slandering" yourselves

>> No.76815562

Why is /k/ so fucking awful?

>> No.76815614

Unicorns and GFE watchers are all groomers too, don't get mad just because other people were faster and better than you.

>> No.76815648

You're the ones who brag about raping animals or making others eat your own cum.

>> No.76815851

Yeah just like apple and oranges are both fruit right? Fuck off.

>> No.76815859

>a random girl with the most powerful GFE
Rushia was already this she and she already one-upped this scenario - and she still has gachis even now

>> No.76815901

This, this entire drama is just groomers being mad because they got outgroomed by other groomers.

>> No.76815939

Rushia never stopped doing GFE.
You forget the japs are into NTR cuckoldry. Westerners not so much.

>> No.76815967
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Welp. Groom failed.
Back to the drawing board.

>> No.76815976

The whole drama is because a cute streamer with a lot of potential went full retard because of retards. She did this to herself but it's still sad.

>> No.76815984

>believing this rrat
Usually you start with unbiased facts before going schizo but you just made up a bunch of shit LMAO

>> No.76815989

>NTR cuckoldry
bit of redundant phrase to say, anon

>> No.76815994

lol lmao, twitterfags always give that lip service because they want to "own the chuds".

>> No.76816038

better to be groomed by a psycho than by no one at all

>> No.76816064
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This isn't like other cases. They're not supporting her right now. Why would they magically materialize out of thin air?

>> No.76816065

me on the left

>> No.76816074

>Why is the board filled with pedochuds that need guns to feel safe so fucking awful?

>> No.76816105

No, it's not. NTR means cheating.
You can get cheated on without you taking a seat on the cuck chair.

>> No.76816111

Give her a follow!

>> No.76816114

Saying lonely incels are the same as groomers is like saying margarine is the same as butter. But they have similarities for sure.

>> No.76816129

Her #1 paypig is a kaigai niki cuck.

>> No.76816170

To be fair, hololive evidently hasn't checked either lol

>> No.76816185

Westerners are richer

>> No.76816194

>reported to elon
Thanks anon!

>> No.76816263

Wow.. you sure showed her, thanks for giving her views!

>> No.76816545
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BD wasn't just involved, he was the ORGANIZER of Nugget fest. He was heavily involved in the /k/ community. Yuko and him share mutual irl friends. Reminder that this is the same event Yuko attended irl and she would get drunk with them

>> No.76816705

it's a bit of a stretch to say yuko attending one nuggetfest means she was friends with the organiser and knows of his crimes let alone supports the sick shit he did. it's possible sure but if you're collecting evidence as to why she's a shitty person that ones rather tenuous

>> No.76816721

>that need guns to feel safe
It's not even that, guns are their whole personalities.
They are pretty much kpop stans, just for guns.
Even their brand discussions read like women discussing kpop bands.

>> No.76816743

You can lie all you want Rye, but you cant go back in time and rewrite history. The pictures were literally posted in a previous thread

>> No.76816776

Cause the best gigachads get married and have kids that kill their time for vtubers

>> No.76816809

should have known it was a nothingburger

>> No.76816829

>Who care if a whore pick a sugar daddy?
poorfags can be sugar daddy's now?

>> No.76816884

kek the dramanig trio didn't even dare cover this
easier to blame in on teh
>terrible gfe unicrons!!1 reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.76816888

>Everyone in that group is a pedophile, because one person is.
Guess everyone on this sight is pedophiles because there are pedophiles on here too!

>> No.76816895

Isn't this event the same one with the jizz brownies?

>> No.76816938
File: 3.46 MB, 1280x720, Yuko animal abuse[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fc6uv1f.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who didn't drop her after this is retarded
Anyone still defending her even more-so

>> No.76817156

Current "/k/" has no right to that name. The real /k/ommandos all left after the place got swarmed with lefties thinking drumpf was going to deport their heckin mexican gardeners and they all went out and bought guns. The place is controlled by paid glownig shills now, more than /pol/ even and that's saying something.

>> No.76817230

>t. seething vatnik

>> No.76817267

Can a small group of groomers feed 1 girl for all her life?

>> No.76817290

why not bring her bird up once in a while.

>> No.76817297

How many time did you cum inside her?

>> No.76817365

>sucks atf cock

>> No.76817598

But I don't know them.
You know the saying "If 9 people and one Nazi sit down at a table, 10 Nazis are sitting at a table"? The same goes for discord groups with known pedophiles. Especially ones that raped their 12 year old daughter.

>> No.76817633

t. /pol/ack

>> No.76817711

Western vtubers really were a mistake. Shock horror that western whores will be whores even behind the mask of a cute anime girl. They corrupt and taint all they touch.

>> No.76817734

Japan has literal vtuber prostitutes you can book, anon.

>> No.76817766

Chances are, you also don't know the people in the supposed /k/ groomercord.
Do they still hang out with the pedophile? He's in jail? Probably not associating with him.

>> No.76817824

>You know the saying "If 9 people and one Nazi sit down at a table, 10 Nazis are sitting at a table"?
That's retarded

>> No.76817843

>dramanig trio
False, Doxsagi, Rima?

>> No.76817867

We know whos in it because they banned a guy who used to be in it and he leaked it.
One of them got canned for groping minors but only got probation, one still keeps contact with BD, since he gives updates on him.

>> No.76817901

Don't advertise it publicly. Not like Vwhorejos who make it a point of pride to broadcast how many cocks they've sucked that week.

>> No.76817917

I concede, nu-americans would probably cheer him on and make him their fuhrer.

>> No.76817986

Nene (the kawaii one) hasn't broken keyfab in 4 years.

>> No.76817994

Yuko killed a baby bird and let her pet bird starve to death because she was too busy playing fortnite. So she's a psychopath and her fans should have dropped after those red flags.

>> No.76818024


>> No.76818040

Please be not-real

>> No.76818050

Aww, unikek gonna cry?

>> No.76818090

i heard something about her and chopsticks long time ago

>> No.76818143

that was clipped >>76816938
stuck chopsticks up a dog's ass

>> No.76818158

And that guy got removed for leaking, as one should because what's the point of having a known leaker in your discord?
And then past that people are just assuming that everyone in there is a pedophile and they still associate with the guy, am i getting this right?

>> No.76818191

Did you miss the part where she pissed in a glass live on-stream and then drank it on-stream?

>> No.76818195

>>76818158 (me)
meant for

>> No.76818248

parrot and the others
chat apparently called them out on it and all they could do was hold their dicks in their hands awkwardly and shrug it off rather than address the groomerphant in the room lmao

>> No.76818318

Eventually every board will have a reason to hate /k/

>> No.76818510
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Suffer coomers

>> No.76818509

are you a woman
I can't imagine the average person giving a shit

>> No.76818582

>she's a psychopath
most popular streamers are psychopaths, if you don't realize this you need to reevaluate your views on entertainment industry. in case of yuko she's also retarded, which got her exposed eventually. smart ones just never get found out.

>> No.76818612

No, most are sociopaths, not psychopaths.

>> No.76818640

look at top twitch streamers and tell me they're not all psychopaths.

>> No.76818740

Total unicuck death

>> No.76818776

Something tells me Yuko didn't have many unicorns

>> No.76818931

Going by that one old timey vtuber 1 million likes is 1 ccv

>> No.76818993

there's no difference

>> No.76819006

No and don't see the correlation. It happens once, whatever but multiple times something is wrong, among all her other issues.

>> No.76819087

vallure is here in a few days. coomers have never been winning harder.

>> No.76819151
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>> No.76819187

Its going to blow up

>> No.76819273

Oh she's a make-believe psychopath because some people got mad at the make-believe relationship. Curious.

>> No.76819312

>faster and better as if you started grooming a chuuba when she was a child
You make me sick. I hope you end up in jail or with shotgun in your mouth

>> No.76819360

>piss drinking is gfe
way to self-report sister

>> No.76819973

Holy fuck, and here I thought it was just because she got out of the parasocial feedback loop and wanted to just turn a new leaf

Now the pissing stream makes more sense She probably does that and worse to her mods

>> No.76820202

The chopstick thing was memed on in the beginning with Pochi still being around, so its more widespread knowledge. Half of that guerilla stream was her talking about seeing dying animals. Now, to her credit, she didn't actually kill any of them AFAIR, except maybe one through neglect, but shoving a chopstick up a dog's ass, that was her.

>> No.76820846

The kiwi thread on her friends is really funny
I like the part where they groomed and underage boy into being trans and posting nudes to their discord and making an only fans, but when they were found out they nuked all they're not safe for work channels. Yet not a singular person was removed from their community over the incident.

>> No.76820952
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She tried to get rid of her GFE stuff but it backfired. She lost too much income after she deleted all her GFE contents. I don't have her StreamElements data and Youtube memberships.

>> No.76821337


>> No.76823101

she will be fine

>> No.76823484

/K/ is full of kikes and pedos

t.TZD lurker

>> No.76823490

Yuko Yurei : Road to Poverty

>> No.76823575

Who even gives a fuck about her anymore.

>> No.76823948
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Jesus just the word ”Nuggetfest” sounds so extremely fucking cursed.
I know they snuff fuck deer over there but this somehow feels worse than that.
How does a board get to this state of godforsaken hellhole?

>> No.76824089
File: 24 KB, 500x500, WhatTheFuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the people she abandoned her entire fanbase and career for!?

>> No.76824146

I don't see how that implicates Yuko or even her friends, you got proof they knew about this or were in on it?

>> No.76824319
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Very nice. Now, let's see Finana from Niji EN.

>> No.76824366

Only if she’s okay with living on semen.

>> No.76824704

I think ntr specifically means cheating with someone better, like the guy who's taking the reader's wife is richer, stronger, more manly, bigger dick, or whatever. It's as much about the impotent rage as it is the sex.

>> No.76824894

They had no idea. She seemed like a good streamer at first.

>> No.76828284

This image is really fucking hot

>> No.76828387

out of all boards on this nepalese fly fishing board to become friends with i cant think of a worse one than /k/, its full of unironic libertarian pedos, feds and discord trannies

>> No.76828613

Nah. Ugly bastard not ugly enough

>> No.76829068

Can we take a moment to appreciate how hard Unicorns won the vtubing culture war?

>Nijisanji who started it with Luxiem is in shambles with a new controversy and graduatiom every week
>Nyanners and Veibae who were the most open about "breaking the mold and changing the culture" left the vtubing corpo sphere and entered the normie fleshtuber sphere where no one who cares abkut the industry talks about or acknowledges them, meanwhile Vshoujo has become hololive retirement home
>Hololive has almost entirely segregated Hololive and Holostars, Hololive is doing better than ever and Holostars is in the gutter.
>Rushia outted as psychotic, justifying her firing from Hololive
>Yuko going back to Starbucks

>> No.76829196

I just think its absolutely hilarious and despicable how everyone on twitter celebrates Yuko and say they are sad to see her go when none even watched her which is why she is retiring in the first place. Just like when she made the declaration to change her content on youtube.

>> No.76829439

She was planning to graduate back then but management didn't let her

>> No.76829688
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*blocks your path*

>> No.76829872

Early on, you could say it was due to negligence because that was their first EN gen, and they wanted to grab anyone that could seem like a star.
Now though that they've gotten somewhat more serious like ES and Encore and that the company has people friends with high profile vtubers like Doki, her shit just can't be excused away anymore. Even if they just wanted to get her because she was Pippa's friend, she showed herself to be a massive mistake long term.

>> No.76829881

You forgot
>Hololive increasing their interactions with homos and male e-celebs. Casual collabs and inviting them to Holo events are becoming more and more normal.

>> No.76829922

How the fuck do people come up with and fall for this shit lmao

>> No.76830033
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>One is in prison for raping his daughter
Pedo cases where the parent is the preparator always fuck me up. Jesus.

>> No.76830071

>hell hath no fury like an autist scorned

>> No.76830204

I honestly think she leaving because management made her do the donothon goals. She made a few comments about not want to do a donothon again on her PL. I don’t know though. She’s not gonna get much support on her PL either so why leave the company that invests in your projects? Her passive aggressive LMFAO tweet sounds like she was brought into a meeting to discuss something as she said the stream had to be cancelled because of it. They probably gave her an ultimatum that pissed her off and so she left.

>> No.76830350

>Vshoujo has become hololive retirement home
You mean Niji retirement home. Only 1 ex-Holo is in VShojo now (Nazuna quit). There are several ex-Niji in VShojo now.

>> No.76830385
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I don't get it, if she wanted to get away from gfe content couldn't she have dialed it back to slowly cultivate a new fanbase to replace the old one instead of cutting them off all at once and being left with nothing?

>> No.76830484

Basically, she's talented. She sent her audition on the last day and immediately got in because Aviel saw her potential, and well it worked out really well for them for around one year UNTIL her groomers got butthurt at her bodycam streams from December and told her to stop giving her fans any amount of love at all.

>> No.76830482

women are retards

>> No.76830497

I don't recall any ex-GFE who did that. All of them always go nuclear

>> No.76830717

It was a suicide attempt trying to get management to let her go early

>> No.76830853

bf probably got jealous

>> No.76831241

pedo bf hooks up with pedo gf
demands gf to stop GFE or else

>> No.76831454

you ever meet one of those guys who carries a huge fucking knife around EVERYWHERE he goes "for protection"? gun retards are that but 30 levels higher

>> No.76831933

Oh yeah I'll support her alright, no donos tho, just a twitch viewer, lurking with 0 chat history, and with an ad blocker

>> No.76832078
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What did she mean by this?

>> No.76832088
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>> No.76832125

unicucks and idolshitters should be lined up and shot

>> No.76832133

Tactitubers... we're coming home

>> No.76832320

Comes with being narcissistic and menhera enough to do GFE in the first place.
There’s a reason most of them go out with some giant drama.

>> No.76832845

Oh wow, I always thought that the worst that 4chan nerds could do was get caught with cp. I guess the user base has really changed.

>> No.76832890

>wtf is /k/?
>visits /k/
>a fucking /weapon/ board

>> No.76832997

Unicorns must die

>> No.76833260

Kek, the normal response from you /k/ trannies.

>> No.76833270

Yeah, throwing "groomer" around as a pejorative doesnt help the image of her former fanbase. Puts them on such a silly dim light that it makes me wonder if they are just falseflaggers out to indeed make them look bad. The focus should be on her deleting her archive, which is always something shitty to do. Going againts ANY vtuber because she chose her inner circle over her viewers will always be a losing battle

>> No.76833374

Post covid /k/ is garbage

>> No.76833996
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i still find it weird Pippa cares so much. i mean, clearly means they were friends in the background, despite not interacting that much otherwise, but still.
makes me think the rrat ryes 'outdoorsy' ideas did indeed come from pippa is probably real.

>> No.76834104

>'outdoorsy' ideas did indeed come from pippa
what rrat is this?

>> No.76834167

pippa is part of the nuggetfest pedo crew.

>> No.76834223

Mainboards are generally harmless, its the sideboards that got wild. Basically imagine being stuck in a general with 80 unique posters, for about 15 years. You dont even need a trip for everyone to be able to identify you from the other posters. Eventually some people start stalking each other just to have something to talk about.

>> No.76834336

pippa mentioned part of her plan for moving this year (which clearly fell through considering she hasn't even actually moved, but different topic there) was to essentially do yukos 'outdoor blog' ideas, except she would show off the pre recorded footage while streaming and talk about it, or something like that.
this was like at least a month if not more before Yuko had even returned to Idol, so there was a loose rrat due to the similarities in content idea and its otherwise randomly unique nature one had influenced the other.

>> No.76834342

pippa, yuko,sleepy and chromu are in the same friend group

>> No.76834416

yeah i know that, its just still a level of public support Pippa doesn't always show even for her more commonly interacted with/known friends.

>> No.76834473

she pretty much unfriended Yuko over all of this btw
source: believe me or not i dont care

>> No.76834494

>underage girl goes to pedo event and gets drunk

>> No.76834508

Here's a brief history of /k/ meetups.
>wow, during the very first /k/ meetup some dude secretly fed everyone else cum brownies
>i want to go to the next one

>> No.76834514

I will say that sleepy and Pippa holding out the proverbial hand when rye is at her lowest is very good of them on a solidarity viewpoint. I don't believe that esteem and the good will they have will extend to her. Like it would work if the girl was actually wronged but like anyone defending her right now is like Will Smith defending his whore wife who stabbed him in the back. Nobody can turn her image around

>> No.76834557

It was a theory being thrown out early on to explain Yuko's abrupt shift from GFE and her heavy handed approach to deleting her content. It'd also explain the incredibly bizarre decision for Yuko to hype up her new vlog series, only to do one episode in a park and call it a day.
But even then that's just a bizarre anecdote compared to the fact that Pippa did not encourage Yuko to ditch her groomers, or even tell them not to fuck up her business.

>> No.76834570

Grifters gotta look out for each other.

>> No.76834715

>only to do one episode in a park and call it a day.
she posts camping updates to her real audience

>> No.76834761

I don't give a shit about her content shift but she let her groomers take a shit on her fans. She can fuck off.

>> No.76834768

she tried to warn boo bros when they started watching her but they didn't listen

>> No.76834779
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I'm gonna take a guess and either say the riro situation was such a big deal that it made idol change their entire work culture, and forced Yuko into cutting out her extremist GFE, or the riro situation had her wanting to quit on the spot but she couldnt and just tanked her career until her contract ended.

Either way Yuko's collapse more or less started RIGHT after riro got terminated, it can't be a coincidence.

>> No.76834800

>trying to say al the pedo shit is fake

>> No.76834852

they are currently raiding /jidf/ openly having a little crybaby fit

>> No.76834989

I think pippa probably should have held a small donothon on her birthday so she get around 100k to 150k to pay for the equipment expenses but that's my estimate based on buying lowend equipment. But Im guessing her issue was going to be what route she was going to take and the logistics proved to be more difficult than she initially thought. The yuko thing was probably the thing she thought would be the cheapest and most expedient way to shed the gfe label. However doing real content where it's not vtuber related is not in the wheel house of either

>> No.76834992
File: 632 KB, 802x824, 1711310769394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this incident when you make those fantasy posts about stealing your oshi's heart from other fans anons.
Sometimes it actually happens in reality.

>> No.76835005

lol, Chuds hate /k/ you retard. /k/ is home to deranged lolbertarians and unironic NAFO posters. /pol/ and /k/ hate each other.

>> No.76835077

yeah the shitty dramafags did a livestream about her graduation announcement and blamed it on le hecking unicorns and parasocialism of all things

>> No.76835140
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>> No.76835183

I agree that pippa trying to help her is not in the best interest of pippa. The attention or the help that pippa can give will not help either one. Yuko probably needs to restart her whole content career cause even riro Ron who basically got thrown under the bus by the company in all but confirmation of allegations is doing better than yuko

>> No.76835238

thats what happens when an underage girl uses 4chan and joins a groomer discord and goes to group meetings
probably drugs too

>> No.76835242
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>containment breaking ESLs who worship the ground pippa and phase connect walk on is biased about the drama of... a close friend of pippa

>> No.76835250

That just raises questions about what secrets those guys are actually hiding. There's actual proof of Yuko's old friends starting shit with her fans at Idol, why aren't they reporting on what actually is in obvious public view unless they are friends or something?

>> No.76835289

It's my headcannon that her groomers are making these threads and showing them to her in order to mindbreak her.

>> No.76835366

Your defence for paedophiles being
>skill issue
is wild

>> No.76835439

>But even then that's just a bizarre anecdote compared to the fact that Pippa did not encourage Yuko to ditch her groomers
One would think Pippa would tell her to discredit anyone who goes against her vtubing activities and specially the ones insults her viewers or other vtuber friends after what went down with Camelot and Rekieta.

>> No.76835449

do they show them to her before, during, or after they gangbang her?

>> No.76835461

i actually know that this is true but i wont post my discord dms out of respect to the other person
they made a lot of anti threads about her and showed her those threads to drive her away from being Yuko

>> No.76835479

Yeah they started backpedaling when people brought up the PL controversy.
>well we can’t discuss it here because of industry connections and this isn’t 4 chan
Ok so why even bring it up if you’re going to avoid the crux of the issue?

>> No.76835483

Pippa could probably pass her off to Kirsche with decent results. lol

>> No.76835513

Until people post actual recipes of Yuko or her alt badmouthing her former fanbase this is too my take

>> No.76835619

>industry connections
What industry connections would genuinely stop them from pointing out that Yuko was groomed? Unless they're scared that ousting those groomers will result in DMs being leaked of False and DN grooming other chuubas.

>> No.76835622

I'd say she's the #1 retard in all of vtubing but Rushia exists

Still, can't believe just how much Yuko fucked up. Good riddance, I wish her the worst.

>> No.76835656

I mean she specifically followed them and not her genmates. It sent a pretty clear messages that she agrees with them.

>> No.76835707

she's a woman

>> No.76835717

>He doesnt know Pippa ended her friendship with Kirsche after the offkai incident
guess who hasnt interacted with or shown up the the call in event of since then

>> No.76835745

They've been clowned on since 2022, it can't get any worse)

>> No.76835787

Chromu and Whiskey were smart enough to tell Rye to fuck off. Unfortunately, Pippa and Sleepy are retarded and keep letting a bad friend back into their lives.

>> No.76835824
File: 152 KB, 394x394, 1709198274240094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shown up the the call in event of since then

>> No.76835877

I refuse to believe shitters like DoxNousagi and the horse girl have any connections
unless they were getting paid to shit on unicorns

>> No.76835895

>He doesnt know Pippa ended her friendship with Kirsche after the offkai incident

Doubt it, Pippa cannot cut ties with those who are objectively bad for herself.

>> No.76835907

actually.... it starts about 2010

>> No.76835935

I’d prefer if she’d hang around Pippa then people who shit on her fans. Pippa has always been supportive of GFE and defends unicorns on occasion.

>> No.76836008

Bro kirsche can't help yuko, kirsche can't even help out nano bites who didnt do something as vindictive as yuko. The only way for yuko to get out of this is if she can prove she was wronged by idol or someone in idol.

>> No.76836075

>gangbang her
Nah, she's too old their taste

>> No.76836076

14 even

>> No.76836144

IS she a bad friend though? sure, you can catch flak for things your friends do, but thats still different than if said friend actually does anything bad to you directly. i've seen plenty of cases where so long as the friend isnt bad to THEM(or their other friends), a person will hand wave things off.

>> No.76836192

>helping anyone
bro the only thing she can help is herself to an extra large pizza and a diet coke
and maybe some TVA cocks on a good day

>> No.76836290
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I understand why people would groom her, but I don't understand why she went BACK to them and did a 180 and anti'd her own fans after already doing well with them for a long time.

What was she thinking throwing her fan base and career away like that?

>> No.76836354

Just for the sake of education, in japanese porn 寝取られ(netorare) refers to someone taking your girl, whilst 不倫 is used for explicit cheating where a girl goes out of her way to seek other dick or readily accepts it when the opportunity is presented, mostly used in scenarios where you have a 人妻(housewife, basically what the west refers to as MILF, except that the japanese also have a better word for that which is 熟女(jukujo), which refers to a mature woman, almost entirely the case of one that already has kids or is older than what 人妻 entails).

>> No.76836490

I don't understand why couldn't she just have done both?

Do a couple of asmr shits per week, and go back to her old PL shenanigans and kept both things working?

>> No.76836538

some people are retarded.
could also be blackmail.
or the fact the point of grooming it to make the person feel reliant on you in some way, which can be a hard condition to break (especially if one or both of the other two things come into play).

>> No.76836594

Fuck off /k/uck

>> No.76836737

it's been known that pippa is a horrible judge of character for years. if phase management and her good friends leave her alone for too long she starts gravitating towards the worst of the twitch crowd

>> No.76836740

Jesus fucking christ, it doesn't get more grim than this

>> No.76836828

>go snooping
>she's a literal nijisister
Lmao you can't make this shit up.

>> No.76836847

But she had already cut them off kinda and gotten away from them, only to suddenly decide to go on a """"girls trip"""" and go right back
It's just bizarre

>> No.76836874

>Leaving one jewcorp to go to another jewcorp

>> No.76836906

I mainly think Kirsche viewers have more overlap with the Rye's /k/tard fanbase than with Nano. Nano also doesn't stream consistently.

>> No.76836976

sometimes people do that, especially if they feel leaving the old group didn't end up improving things. like women who return to abusive boyfriends or husbands, or are reliant on the bitchy friend who just uses them.

>> No.76836986

I would say the only angle you could go by that could shine a favorable light is that part of getting the brave partnership was accepting some moderation and content changes and after an overview avi found one the shit with tomar and two maybe that he or by the direction of brave they had to change direction. This change made yuko sperge out and change her direction and she and idol are not allowed to disclose that is why they are changing direction

>> No.76837098

I don't watch her, but does she hate gfe? Or did idol tell her to stop and she has to pretend she didn't want to do it.

>> No.76837114

Kirsche can't afford to be associated with actual groomers or those who associate with groomers now that she is in that culture war stuff. The other women on those panels and shows would use that to discredit her.

>> No.76837249

Women need a strong hand to guide them. Without it they almost always do something so stupid that it's unfathomable to anyone of sane mind. This is just one more case of one of these talent agencies assuming women are capable of managing themselves and being completely wrong (once again).

The answer is simple, women are fickle and all it takes is one bad idea entering their heads for them to commit obscenely stupid acts (such as throwing away comfy decent paying job).

>> No.76837460

Rima did some sponsored debut watchalongs for v4m and globie.

>> No.76838122

Given that they apparently green flagged a "spicy ASMR stream", and then what she subsequently chose to do for that stream, I suspect this is on her, rather than the company. ...or perhaps on the heads of the rumored /k/ groomers. I *really* doubt Idol would risk a lawsuit by deleting nearly 50 paid membership and charity goal streams. I'm indeed surprised they let her do it, though she may have either just done it and it was simply too late to undo, or made it a condition of her returning.

Given what she did, deleting all those paid for videos and telling her fanbase to fuck off, the boobros have really demonstrated extreme restraint in their reaction, despite the hate the drama tubers have sent their way, on top of the natural hate their unicorns already receive. For the most part, they just left.

Her remaining followers simply don't pay the bills, and she hasn't taken the time or effort to gather new ones. Not that anyone should trust any streamer who willingly deleted such a large swath of their content.

>> No.76838175

I don't know, I thought you just had to be one of God's chosen people and hate Palestinians to join

>> No.76838191

How does idol attract all of the most openly disgusting and mentally ill chuubas? Some part of their vetting process is severely lacking.

>> No.76838311

Honestly man I couldn't tell you, I like guns as much as the next guy but it used to be fine when I browsed. Now it just sucks gorilla dick

>> No.76838318

The vtubers that backtrack like that lmao. Its like nyanners and pippa.

>> No.76838426

you're wrong.
they have one of the best vetters in the industry. this person could spot even the most minute of radioactive menhera being hidden by a potential talent, and the slightest glimmer of potential diamond hidden beneath the surface.
and so when this vetter tosses someone not just into the trash pile, but into the "blacklist entirely" pile, Idol knows who their next talent is going to be.

>> No.76838467

After riro being involved in getting gifts from parasocial people I think Aviel had enough of yukos simp grifting.

>> No.76838595

She sounds like a child. CEO heard child voice and had budget gura model ready for child voice. Easy gura 2.

>> No.76838649

I doubt he would have ordered the deleting of all those videos. Then the whole natural walk thing and essentially telling her fanbase to fuck off... No, as quick as I usually am to blame the corporation, this was clearly personal.

>> No.76838860

Unicorns can't go a single year without getting cucked huh.

>> No.76839129

I'd argue they are cucked beyond belief from the get-go, sitting in a virtual room with a thousand other men masturbating to the same chick around them.

But this could have just as easily happened the other way around. She could have started with nature walk videos, deleted them all, and told all her fans to fuck off, then have switched to GFE.

The results would have been the same. You just don't delete your videos and tell your fans to fuck off, no matter what your niche is.

>> No.76839331

And that is without counting all the leaks from dox sites.

>> No.76839342

Go back a few years and show me the pro russian anti American post you subhuman slav.

>> No.76839369

Something big happened in January involving them, maybe blackmail or jealous ** going full autism. She did this stream in the middle of her break and lovebombed her fans as much as usual:
And then after that the members message about stress and PL follows and whatnot happened.

>> No.76839749

A case n study on groomers and the successes of long term prey retaining. Fascinating. Never leave a your daughters a lone with the internet anons.

>> No.76839842

no, do, just leave them with me, i'll protect them for you.

>> No.76840329

Anon's kids are fine
Considering that most oldfags here are 30+
If they had a kid in their mid 20s, their kids are all 5 to 10 year olds right now, no kid these days ventures outside social media, they are all on tiktok
There will be no /here/ 12-year-olds anymore
Anyone here is and will be old
Anons should monitor what shit they are watching on tiktok and instagram reels, not if their kids are browsing /b/ and learning about BadDragon

>> No.76842033

she has literally banned people for asking about or bringing up Yuko. if anything that shows she supports Yuko more than the exBoobros

>> No.76842504
File: 299 KB, 442x872, meshikutteneruAtage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl abandons her career and friends for a bunch of ojisans
This is so fucking hot it makes me dizzy, I didn't know doujin scenarios can happen in real life. I honestly wish her happiness and I hope she will post the photo of her pregnant belly.
Follow your dreams, girls, and don't let anyone tell you what's right and what's wrong.

>> No.76842709

Yeah, that's why they just debuted 2 GFE vtubers in ES. It's totally forbidden.

>> No.76843044

Some girls will ALLOW themselves to be groomed. Anything is preferable to working an actual job to them and even then for most women, it's not enough. Even streaming is too fucking much for them. The problem is not with the incels or the groomers, it's these stupid fucking bitches that absolutely refuse to work. You could have all been housewives and only been responsible for cleaning the house and shit but you all fucked that up for yourselves huh?

>> No.76843116

None of the new "lewd" content by anyone has gone even half as far as it did pre-Riro termination. There was definitely some sort of company wide change.

>> No.76843187

>well we can’t discuss it here because of industry connections and this isn’t 4 chan
All they do is rip shit off from here. Their meticulous "research" amounts to merely sifting through an archive of this board or lurking the numberfag threads.

>> No.76843306
File: 156 KB, 392x484, beatani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cum eaters are unironically the most faggots cunts i have ever seen in 4chan. The most common users there are feds, shills, nafo and ironic and not ironic faggots. that board died before 2016

>> No.76843527

more like /k/ikes

>> No.76843592

Anon, the primary purpose of discord is to grrom 12 year olds. Various groups: the furries, the trannies, the 'vanilla' cishet and gay pedophiles, are all racing to mold this young nubile flesh into their respective favored form before the other groups get them first.

>> No.76843730


>> No.76844042
File: 30 KB, 600x600, 1714653332759563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should /k/ill yourself nanora.

>> No.76844294

None of them can be trusted when talking about Idol.

>> No.76844532

The girls who aren't Yuko or Riro are just as lewd as they ever were. [redacted] can still do numbers reviews and H games and stick ice in her panties and talk about how horny it makes her. [redacted] had her dick sniffing ASMR. [redacted] has looked and commented on BA porn on stream too. [redacted] is MIA but that's separate from everything else.

>> No.76844618

>Youtubers who make a career out of using /vt/ drama threads word for word for video essays are getting sponsorships from small corpos
The damage Pipkin Pippa has done to EN vtubing is monumental.

>> No.76844772

Can you elaborate?

>> No.76844990

NTA but Pippa fostered and pandered to all those people and is the direct reason they have fanbases

>> No.76845454

>lolicons totally aren't pedos btw

>> No.76845474

>before pippa /vt/ drama culture mostly stayed on the board and vtuber streams were mostly safe from this outside of yabs they have
>pippa debuts and starts using all these drama and other chuubas PL board memes in her content
>becomes successful for it
>this encourages drama fag anons to make youtube channels and twitter accounts deticated to posting vt rrats and vtuber slander for normies to be spoonfeed with
>now western vtuber culture is just endless drama and shitflinging to a substantial worse amount than early /vt/ and /jp/, with most fans in it to gossip like women rather than enjoying chuubas for their content
I'll give guys like False credit since he actively tries to expose piece of shit corposlike nijisanji,but the rest of them are just products of the kiwi bunny who actively ruin the hobby.

>> No.76845764

>I'll give guys like False credit since he actively tries to expose piece of shit corposlike nijisanji
Unless he's talking about Idol

>> No.76845809

Her /k/ fag groomers constantly cry and bitch about loli and call it literal pedophilla despite Yuko being an open lolicon and them being open pedos

>> No.76846538

False and the bunny faggot said nothing about nijisanji until they fucked them over. He doesn't have any morals or values beyond what gets views and sounding like a off brand keemstar. Pippa becoming the first to monetize that kind of audience is not really on her it's more that it was destined to happen considering so much of vtubing is linked to 4chan

>> No.76846929

Wait that mean only 1 in those 6mil is jew?

>> No.76846984

Pic or it didn't happen

>> No.76847172

She took yuko virginity in nuggetfest

>> No.76847245

Damn I feel old

>> No.76847296

This. Her leeching and the curse fit too well

>> No.76847777

Flase had nothing to say about niji because it was unsubstantiated deep rrats. He only reports on shit that has documents to back it up. He's two months behind the hottest freshest rrats on /vt/, and frankly thats what makes him one of the few decent dramafags.

>> No.76847849

Post source.

>> No.76847976

Because how else will he say all of his favorite buzzwords? No idea who this chuba is btw.

>> No.76848024

>and frankly thats what makes him one of the few decent dramafags.
Unless Sayu is being stupid, in which case he ignores it because they are friends.

>> No.76848141

Sayu is just a lolcow though,like chris chan or DSP.
Are lolcows even worth reporting on when you got industry defining shit happenening like the entire nijisanji collapse?

>> No.76848175

Random 1k indie being a retarded woman isnt news. There arent enough hours in the day if you tried.

>> No.76848537

False definitely would have covered the Kenji shit if it wasn't with Sayu. Instead, he goes absent for a week or so until people forgot about it.

>> No.76848583

I can do that job then if all he does is have his little bitches snoop and watch other vtubers on his behalf that means the dude can't read people. With how enna and the other nijisanji vtubers practically told on themselves before the great rrat means he's a afraid to put his neck on line. I don't mind if there are these drama reporters but they gotta have sources or they gotta report the information they can gleam from others into something or get off the pot.
He also gets information wrong alot and the sources he does get is so he can play favorites to vtubers who are contacting him behind the scenes like vesper.

>> No.76848726

holy pottery

>> No.76849037
File: 325 KB, 1080x942, Screenshot_20240529_081014_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how your Oshi and her friends think about you behind your back.

yes, you should feel betrayed she hated you from the start.

>> No.76849100

nice donothon goals retards

>> No.76849488

Nooo you can't talk about that! Think of our connections!

>> No.76849761

Isn't guard the one who talked to the feds?

>> No.76850096

you have schizophrenia

>> No.76850144

Somehow doubt he went on hiatus just to avoid reporting on Sayu.

>> No.76850243

The funniest part of this entire thing is how rent-free boobros have been living in this dude's head for over a year, and how they'll keep living there for the rest of his life because of how obsessed he is. I almost feel like drawing an image of a little ghost dude living in his head but I don't think he deserves that much effort from me.

>> No.76850438

Can you draw a loli with green hair making out with muscular bald brown men instead?

>> No.76850519

Nigger. 4chan has killed people. Everything from murder to streaming suicides. It doesn't seem so bad now that is constantly monitored by feds but 4chan from its early days all the way to like 2016 it was full of truly awful people and there was Cp everywhere. That's why M00t sold it. He was scared of the monster he created.

>> No.76850614

No, I'd rather draw a neckbeard seething about his imaginary enemies who no longer exist. If you're into cuckshit like the good American you are, draw your own fetish garbage yourself.

>> No.76851058

Yuko never angered unicorns btw. She pissed off her gachikois. Learn terminology you fucking mouth breathers baboons.

>> No.76851080
File: 80 KB, 1024x724, 1691988684146054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. It was a rush job, but I tried my best.

>> No.76851113

This desu

>> No.76851144

Kinda sad to see that you can't even produce something original.

>> No.76851531

top kek the guy is a schizo

>> No.76852187

Most women have their morality formed by group consensus, not by any innate or understood moral compass. So, if you can control their environment, you can control what they see as right and wrong.
It's why abusers always try to isolate their women. They really have a hard time figuring out that their situation is fucked up without other people being around to tell them it's fucked up. It's also why you see women with a good man listen to her slutty single friends and fuck up her own relationship.

>> No.76852411

Anon, He's the one that enjoy Yuko cunny, not the boocucks
