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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 392 KB, 1080x839, 25605fbf7ea73de4d0c37c57c08211d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
76751784 No.76751784 [Reply] [Original]

Wuthering Wave, the Genshin Killer, has given approval to Hololive.

>> No.76751817 [DELETED] 

indogs don't count

>> No.76751877

the launch was that bad, huh?

>> No.76752002

I uninstalled the game three times because I was stuck in the login screen after every update.

>> No.76752092

On day1? They released an update two days ago fixing those issues. Now it's smooth.

>> No.76752291

disabling DLSS and turning on vsync helped for me in day1
setting your brightness to 0 to lessen the load on the shadows can help too

>> No.76752639

Make sure to install on SSD, HDDs can't handle these games nowadays. Oh and turn off FSR, it sucks.

>> No.76752829
File: 301 KB, 1920x1080, p54a6yzmmy2d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. just mihoyofag thretened by new game or nijisisters seething

>> No.76753098

What's the appeal of this genshin clone? It looks exactly the same except the characters are less colorful.

>> No.76753315
File: 118 KB, 406x552, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoyofags feel more threatened than nijisisters for some reason.
Personally I doubt WuWa will come anywhere close, it's hard to compete with giant like hoyo, but it's definitely trying to be an appealing game.


1) Combat is a lot more dynamic, apparently it's very similar to PGR's. More stuff to do, more complex combos, more flashy. It feels more like slasher games imo.
2) Mobility is amazing, stamina pool is visibly higher, you can sprint infinitely outside of battle, you can run up walls like in Prince of Persia, you can dodge mid-air for double jump, you have "grappling hook" for triple jump
3) character expressiveness is on another level, even better than in Star Rail
4) story sucks in first four chapters but can be skipped
5) personal opinion - it feels like devs care about the player in WuWa. Unlike Genshin and HSR where it feels like they want to waste your time.

>> No.76753448
File: 348 KB, 1920x1200, Client-Win64-Shipping - 2024-05-26 - 20-41-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing that speaks out to me a lot that I rarely see brought up - when there's some cool character interaction, game gives you a second or so to appreciate the emotions displayed so you can take the screenshot.

>> No.76753464
File: 94 KB, 1083x820, WutheringWave_JP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Top download
Eh, IDK about that. Their revenue in JP market is pretty meh for a newly released game and historically, the top gachas (JP or CN) tend to perform well there

>> No.76753485

they just lost wuthering waves perms they can't play it anymore

>> No.76753515
File: 441 KB, 1080x1398, bc2e1c059bf6a345e5bd636d46969cfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The combat is like dark soul.
the waifu is cuter than genshin's.
Kuro also made better decisions in the other game than Mihoyo.
For example, buffing the Generation One banner to prevent powercrept too fast.

>> No.76753571 [DELETED] 

Revenue is looking worse than ToF in China. It's getting absolutely trashed here.

>> No.76753642
File: 276 KB, 1920x1200, Client-Win64-Shipping - 2024-05-26 - 20-01-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck evil woman with vtuber hair.

>> No.76753666

That looks like Kiara, you just killed my interest in the game.
Is there any Moom-like character?

>> No.76753668

Sana currently screaming in pain from her irrelevancy

>> No.76753716

Revenue is looking worse than ToF in China. It's getting trashed there. For some reason global gacha players put up with anything.

>> No.76753762

Eh, she is in pretty good terms with YoStar so she is probably happy enough

>> No.76753830

It has massive qol improvements to the most basic systems like infinite out of combat stamina, no need to pick up items dropped from boxes and monsters manually, you can swap characters while swimming, gliding etc. clearly made by someone that played the shit out of genshin and was tired of tedium
the combat leans a lot more into swapping between characters and playing your whole team because they have to get a couple of hit's in to charge their "outro" skills, it feels quite a bit different from genshin's cycling through 3 off field enablers then infusing your weapon with element and mashing until things die

>> No.76753874

wow for a while i thought my favorite holomems wouldn't be able to play the latest shitty fotm gachaslop """game""". glad that's resolved, i don't know what i would have done otherwise

>> No.76753930


>> No.76753987

I didn't know "wuthering" was an actual word.

>> No.76753991
File: 458 KB, 1920x1200, starting 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MC has a bit of Moom's autism. Looks-wise, not really. Plenty of good designs however.

>> No.76755007

your phone/PC must be shit because I had no problems

>> No.76755327

Cope they do count they are cover employees just like jp en and the fags

>> No.76756286

Lucky you. You never had to read Wuthering Heights in lit class back in school, anon?

>> No.76756662

Oh no....

>> No.76756787

How many hours does it take for you to have access to it?

>> No.76756837

>108 free pulls
Make it 110 you dumb chink mutts

>> No.76756917

Does it still require you to launch Genshin in the background to even run the game at a decent framerate?

>> No.76756941

Apparently they've already lost the perm

>> No.76756994

Yes they are employees but they can get away with doing more because nobody cares what they do. ID having permissions for a game doesn't necessarily mean EN or JP can get the perms too.

>> No.76757085

Anon, everything is Tencent nowadays. That's like caring about Google.

108 is a lucky number in bugmen lore. That's why first genshin lunar year gave out 108 primos.

That was a meme for small subset of devices.

>> No.76757215

>108 is a lucky number in bugmen lore. That's why first genshin lunar year gave out 108 primos.
You and I both know it's just a convenient excuse to give you two less than another full 10 pull.

>> No.76757267

Hey, it could have been 100 instead. Personally I would have preferred 111, 120 or 96, prettier numbers.

>> No.76757284

Iofi is very careful so I can't imagine it was a yab.

>> No.76757291 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 828x546, 1716828302588981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha.Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha.
Hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahahaHahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha. Holokeks. Cum eating cuckolds BBC hololive simps. Brown and ESL.

>> No.76757353

Based and redpilled fellow NijiGods always win baybeeee. Holokeks return to China like söyboys.

>> No.76757398

>The combat is like dark soul.
I know you fanboys are delusional but come on now.

>> No.76757759

100 would've been better, they choose this so once you've done your ten free ten pulls you're like 'well I only have to buy TWO more now'.

>> No.76757810

I found the section where he talks about it and it's because they need to negotiate again or sm and it's only temporarily (if the negotiations go well.)

>> No.76757838

First banner is garbage. We'll see how it does when cute girl banners appear.

>> No.76757870

Please don’t tell me the image you attached is an example of the good design.

>> No.76758004

Lemme guess, they’re a “genshin killer” in the same way every new blue loli is a “Gura killer”

>> No.76758090

It's actually better than Genshin unlike blue lolis who are worse than Gura. However the title is a meme regardless, it won't be nearly as popular.
Genshin was the first to the market and has all the casuals on its side.

>> No.76758130

Kuro in general is known as the corp that keeps cloning Mihoyo games. There are some actual Genshin killers on the horizon but this one probably isn't one.

>> No.76758234

lmao so much for "return to china"

>> No.76758346

We read a few books as part of our English lessons, but not that one.

>> No.76758482

>clearly made by someone that played the shit out of genshin and was tired of tedium
I don't quite believe that because the most tedious part of Genshin, gear farming, is even worse in this game.

>> No.76758537

I noticed Roberu cancel his stream, hope it goes well.

>> No.76758604

Any honkai impact 3 design completely mogs all of these bitches put together.

>> No.76758688

True but those are starting free characters the gacha ones coming actually look way better.

>> No.76760306
File: 511 KB, 2400x1762, Verina Yangyang Yinlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For MC and starting freebies? Yes, they're pretty good. Look at the filename anon.
Yangyang especially is precious. She sounds so lovely and is very thirsty for MC.
Verina has similar demeanor to Nahida but correct loli proportions.
Yinlin seems to be everyone's waifu from beta, she'll be available in two weeks.

>> No.76760405

>they need to negotiate again or sm
Fucking negotiate what?

>> No.76760492

Just tell me how I get me 108 free pulls nigger so I can pull trash and uninstall.

>> No.76760529

Asian companies are fucked in the head. Iofi probably put up the waiting room too soon and now they're bitchy? At least that's the impression I got.

>> No.76760600

Anon, you have two selectors. 1 ssr can be trash but you're guaranteed two waifus of your choice. Standard pool has 3 girls and 2 guys. 60% chance of having all three within few days.
play the game, nothign complicated

>> No.76760819

>Mobility is amazing
This. Mobility outside of combat is leagues above Genshin. Combat is better/more fun in Genshin tho imo. Hopefully Wuwa doesn't die out and can get alot better, so Genshin devs wake the fuck up and start improving their shit.

>> No.76761056

>First banner is garbage. We'll see how it does when cute girl banners appear.
I'm done with gacha that make me wait for cute girl banners to appear. Start off with homo banner, into the trash it goes, can't be salvaged.

>> No.76761227

They ain't doing a good banner when they are giving 108 free pulls out rumao.

>> No.76761475

I hope so too. Genshin has incredible potential but it's being wasted by weird decisions of devs. The design of combat system in Genshin is really cool but we rarely get to experience it properly, that's why I said combat in WuWa is better. Everything in overworld dies before you finish setting up your rotation in Genshin. Spiral Abyss, only f12 mobs are tanky but they're often more annoying than satisfying to fight. Design of bosses suffers too, you often spend half of fight standing around waiting until they stop running away or their invulnerability ends. It would be sooo easy to make Genshin far better game than it is, they have all the tools ready to use but somehow refuse to do so. I could say the same thing about QoL and other stuff.

>> No.76761585

Well, this is old news, Jurard streamed this game 3 days ago.

>> No.76761909

OP talked about Hololive.

>> No.76762066

As an FGO player, competition does not breed innovation in these kinds of games.
We STILL do not have what would be considered a reasonable pity, where just getting an assured 5* is still more expensive than one in Genshin.

>> No.76762199

Who the FUCK pays for gachaslop shills on fucking /vt/? Wouldn't an ad literally anywhere else be a better ROI?

>> No.76762501

FGO just proves you can have garbage graphics, garbage gameplay, garbage rates, garbage qol, garbage everything but still make assloads of money as long as people like your pixels enough.
People who complain that Genshin needs to be killed have not gone through FGO hell.

>> No.76763423

I got the pink cunny so I basically already beat the game.

>> No.76765420

Grats man. She's so fucking cute. Now get Verina from selector for double loli action with MC and you're set for life.

>> No.76765517

I choose the pink one straight up and then rolled her again in the free pulls... So I probably should've done the pulls first but hey if I play enough to get another 80 free pulls I get the other one anyway.

>> No.76765575

Feels like the game has a lot of artifical support. No way people think it has a chance against Genshit

>> No.76765824

Ah, yeah, should have done it. Oh well, you can get both anyway and now your pink dps loli will be stronger than most. I count that as win.

Those are hype memes anon. Game is better in many aspects, it's a fact, but it won't be able to compete in popularity, everybody knows it. Still, only good things can come out from its success, both for WuWa players and Genshin players

>> No.76768768
File: 1.71 MB, 1092x940, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so fucking cute.

>> No.76768897

I hate gacha character design so much and I hate how it's seeped it's way into Vtuber design

>> No.76769176

I've genuinely been curious about this game, but Genshin was the only Mihoyo game that made me play for more than 10 minutes. What's the general consensus?

>> No.76769239

If you like dark soul, play it

>> No.76769297

Gacha designs are unironically an improvement over most vtuber designs.
You're probably thinking of initial simple vtuber designs but those are long forgotten past. Vtuber designs became overcomplicated not because of gacha but because everybody wanted to feel unique.

>> No.76769361

It's more dynamic Genshin. Combat, exploration, all of it feels smoother to play. Doesn't waste your time as much as hoyo games.

>> No.76769501

i doubt they're allowed to play ANY chink game, probably just specific ones.

>> No.76769680

Haven't played a Souls game before, but they've always seemed interesting.
Might give it a go then. I hate how long dailyslop takes in most games, so better gameplay might make it feel worth it.

>> No.76769729
File: 659 KB, 2048x1024, gacher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vtuber designs became overcomplicated not because of gacha but because everybody wanted to feel unique
I have terrible news about gacha designs
They try to feel unique but fail to detail anything about the character, its all needless trinkets and baubles and overcomplicated costume arrangements

>> No.76770504

Such renders always look a lot worse than how charas actually are in-game.
I saw the thing you posted before I started playing and only liked a couple of designs, now I like most of them more. Especially the far right looks fucking retarded as solo render but in game I would pin her down and make love to her and then leave her craving more she's so fucking hot.

>fail to detail anything about the character, its all needless trinkets and baubles
Completely wrong. Encore's design is absolutely perfect and each part accentuates who she is. Verina has weird hairstyle but that's the only flaw of her design (and i know some people prefer it). Baizhi and Chixia don't have unnecessary details. Jinhsi's design is full of details but it makes sense considering she's the ruler of not-chinese region, it's very fitting for her when you consider context.

>> No.76773097


>> No.76773124


>> No.76773163

Combat is more akin to Nier Automata than Dark Souls, as it is fast paced and can do a bit of combos on some characters.
Story is as of right now, barebones. The only thing you should remember about the plot is that the mc has amnesia and was sent to to future by some goddess for unknown reasons, and those that know your secret will want to exploit you.
Character designs are pretty weak compared to Genshin. Half of the characters are wearing black, or have white hair, and even though Wuthering Waves is sci-fi, they're still wearing ordinary clothing and not some cool looking space marine armor.
Grinding is a bit more forgiving compared to other Genshin. Not as good as Honkai, but good enough.
I'm enjoying it so far. Hope the game last long enough for it to actually start getting good.

>> No.76773450

Don't forget a story that drags like fucking hell and has a very anticlimactic finale.
Lostbelt 7 was fucking garbage.

>> No.76773699

Star Rail or I3? Regardless, will still give it a try even though the MC amnesia bit is getting old with Hoyo. I still like Genshin when I want a brain off fucking around game, but the upkeep with dailies and events is just too much when I don't have as much time to give to it anymore. Unfortunate about the Wuthering designs though. None really stand out to me just looking, so hopefully personalities are decent.

>> No.76773725

See >>76757463. Fully headcanon but maybe it's not far from the truth now...
>Negotiate what?
They are asking Cover to get popular Holos to play the game instead of just homos and Iofi

>> No.76773768

Combat is almost straight up Honkai Impact 3rd with NieR sprinkled on it in my perspective.

>> No.76773860

All I care about is the FeMC design, it's 10/10

>> No.76774305

Thumbnail looked like Lui to be but I understand your association.

>> No.76774988

Would make sense because PGR was Kuro Games' response to Hoyo's HI3 and PGR players say combat in WW is similar to PGR.

Yeah I love it. It's like Yelan but done tastefully. Removed stupid zippers etc. replaced them with more appropriate details.
BTW I really appreciate how models in this game are unique and aren't stuck into a couple of templates. There are clear differences in face shapes, eye shapes, leg thickness and so on.

>> No.76775156

That sounds exciting. I think there are multiple Holos who would be able to enjoy it. Stuff like Yangyang's thirstiness for MC or Verina's serene cuteness.

>> No.76775364

Menhera, like my oshi

>> No.76775511

a few chink games were allowed after the chink incident

>> No.76775529

Why am I not surprised, after the whole Coco incident HoloJP is avoiding Chinese games like the plague

>> No.76777117

Chinese gacha really have the shittiest character designs ever. Half the characters just have to be homos while the female half has hard caps on how much skin they're allowed to show. The absolute state of Chinks I swear.

>> No.76778141

at this point maybe 3/4 of people are over it or weren't there for it but I bet that the hardcore fans that have been there since the beginning are still holding a massive grudge and will raise hell.

>> No.76779787

I think Cover might have started with Stars and Iofi precisely because of that, to gauge fans' reactions. If they are received well, they might move on to bigger talents. After all it's not like random CN game company was responsible for the harassment. As long as Cover doesn't enter that market or participate in some official dealings, playing games should be fine IMO.

>> No.76780166

>Oh and turn off FSR, it sucks.

Works for me. Tho I am on a amd card.

>> No.76780873

the first banner is a manly man. in a genre where cute girls make all the $$

and while he's very strong he's a DPS, in a genre where power creep makes DPS irrelevant pretty quickly. furthermore he's not even the strongest dps, the actual strongest dps is a genral banner character players can get for free

so no, this banner was DOA

>> No.76780875

The gameplay/combat is designed for someone who has actually played a video game before

So it looks like it's mostly Hoyoverse that shuts Holo out. Which I think is retarded, as a fan of both things

>> No.76781739

4* are ehh too
best subdps but he's a male and not even particularly cool/cute
strong dps but one who's incredibly difficult to play and worthless for 95% of players who aren't tryhards
weakest female
Imagine if we started with Yinlin banner and Sanhua as 4*, sales would be double easily.

>> No.76783197

I remembered when iofi had to cancel her tower of fantasy stream because some bugs went to harass the game devs about it and eventually the game devs cave in. Now i wonder if cover lost their wuthering waves perms because of the cancelled matsuri b2 stream. It's too much of a coincidence that they lost it again after cancelling that b2 stream.

>> No.76783469

Two smallest girls look great. Also the 3 on the far right are nice.

>> No.76783593

>the first banner is a manly man. in a genre where cute girls make all the $$

To fuck over rerollers. But long term it's probably a bad decision since people just get pissed and leave. That's why they gave free 5* ticket like two days ago.

>> No.76783722

Chink antis response is weaker every time. Barely anyone cares anymore.

>> No.76783771

Clearly devs know what they're doing. Three on the far right are most useful 4* (middle) + two limited 5* that will be available in upcoming patches.

>> No.76783961

Chink antis grown up, they are now wageslaves and no longer have time for anti activities.

>> No.76785352

This time it's not bugs being sensitive but cover's hired 3rd party agent being a leaky retard probably causing relationship with china and bilibili shaky again. Speaking from experience, my uncle's company was blacklisted in china and it's practically impossible to do business with china and even overseas company because of the label you have. We had to rename and rebrand completely again. Honestly, if cover wants easy smooth sailing for perms and business, they should find a bigger backing like tencent.

>> No.76785756

I want to see Biboo play this game and solo special unique monsters at low level.

>> No.76787263

>Playing chinkshit
Do you fags really? Also this is virtual youtuber board you fucking faggots

>> No.76791517

>he thinks watching vtubers is more respectful way of spending time than playing chinese gacha

>> No.76792052


>> No.76794590


>> No.76794707

let's be real both are bottom of the barrel, but i think chuubas have to win out overall

>> No.76796009

holy fuck wuwashills itt swarming like bugs

>> No.76797027

>jakarta wakes up
>mindless hate starts

>> No.76797847

Due arcade and panchiko thing in Japan
Konami and sega still owning this thing

>> No.76799464

No, you've got it backward. Iofi can still play because she already put up a waiting room before the perm get revoked.

>> No.76799890

if people still play using HDD they are literally cucking themselves

>> No.76799969

hoyofags rested easy after hearing the en dub of the game
guessing it was pretty bad?

>> No.76800096

is that a kiara clone but less schizo

>> No.76800355

Arguably not because you can reroll first banner.
Second banner you're more committed unless you saved reroll accounts.

>> No.76800432

That's why china is trying to force japan into neutering their anime industry so they'll be on the same playing field of bland slop.

>> No.76800553

Don't know about jurard but Iofi got higher than her normal live view count.

>> No.76801090

Iirc, Coco was censored on CN Genshin when it launched
Sorry anon, but it is my duty to spit on all Genshit players

>> No.76801231

Yeah EN dub is atrocious. I usually hate EN dubs in general but I have to admit HSR's was honestly bearable excluding young girls. WuWa dub is way below average to the point where I muted the game two minutes in, until I had the option to download JP voice pack. Thankfully it only took 5 minutes or so.

>> No.76801333
File: 985 KB, 1041x610, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me curious, it seems to have been a huge buff for him.

>> No.76801386

Jurard is a 3 view shitter most of the time he got 4 views for WW so its higher than his usual.

>> No.76801495
File: 141 KB, 1044x453, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Iofi. This has potential.

>> No.76801498

>china is trying to force japan into neutering their anime industry
That's not America though? Look at what happened to Sony when they moved to California.
Censoring all their Japanese games and replacing all the attractive women characters with mutts.

>> No.76801766
File: 3.95 MB, 1280x692, 1716429070099478.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its like dark souls
stop being poor, get a PC and play a real game pagpag shill

>> No.76802045

Grats, you found a buggy spot in tutorial area and refused to move 20 cm to the right. Are you aware Dark Souls has a lot of such spots too? It's not an argument either way.

>> No.76802380

I always thought that book was called Weathering Heights.

>> No.76803585

So, can you skip dialogue in this one?

>> No.76803735

Most things. Some story isn't skippable but they're working on it.

>> No.76804039
File: 222 KB, 1000x1000, 1600174929368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright Mr. Shill, I will try out your game.
I fucking despise how genchink refuses to add a skip option when most of the dialogue is overly verbose or pointless just to force their little dialogue options that do nothing.

>> No.76804257
File: 79 KB, 1024x571, 1716715121510887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may get overwhelmed by chinkterms in the unskippable shit. But it was worth it for the best girl. That you put a sword to her throat. Then all she talks about is how you're a special seed that she wants to see bloom.

>> No.76805150

>got yellow loli in 10 pull
>banner changed, throw another 10, got the black haired girl
Uhh who should I pick from the selector wuwabros

>> No.76805251

Pink cunny for dps (encore) or Sephiroth (Calcharo)

>> No.76805901

I have 3 questions:
>Would you recommend this game to a DMC player?
>Is the dialogue as word saladly as people claim? Is the dialogue as fucking painful as Genshite?
>Is their good porn of this game or is it like Snowbreak where barely anything fucking exists?

>> No.76806614
File: 83 KB, 1024x619, 1716717935256584m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's simpler than DMC but there's timing and such as well as harder boss fights (Holograms) where you can't just buttonmash or you get your shit kicked in.
Yes but I'm a lore nerd so I don't particularly mind. Others will, there's skip button for some.
Not yet, some will be made over time for sure. Especially with scenes like

>> No.76806938

There's a bear mini boss that's lvl 120 in the open world. You can kill it with lv 40 chars and perfect gameplay. But 1 hit and your char insta dies.

>> No.76808874
File: 189 KB, 1280x720, Fire-Emblem-Engatcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Character designs are pretty weak compared to Genshin
You'd probably enjoy FE Engage's over the top colorful character designs where you could infer from a glance their whole identity.
I find Wuthering's understated less flamboyant designs tasteful and even subtle by comparison.
Consider how say Qiqi has the signature Jiangshi Taoist talisman tacked on her forehead and another on the back of her head just in case you didn't catch the 1st one.
Genshin just feels like a cartoon design wise

>> No.76809836

I do play games on HDD if the games dont require it
