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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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76783278 No.76783278 [Reply] [Original]

Yuko is going back to Starbucks

>> No.76783356

Woman moment

>> No.76783479

Was "touching grass" worth it?

>> No.76783569

I fucking hate unicorns

>> No.76783602

What lead to this?

>> No.76783689

yes, we had a thread about this already.
the public consensus was ridicule.

>> No.76783707

I mean, she was /here/ last week and said she only came back to do her donothon goals so that Idol would let her graduate, so not surprising

>> No.76783712

She's the one who curated and courted her audience though?
If she didn't want the degen audience she shouldn't have been indulging in disgusting fetishes like piss drinking. That's on her.

>> No.76783730
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not enough to fill the void left when they drop and stop sending money to a vtuber evidently

>> No.76783822

Enjoy her, bread dudes.

>> No.76783885

I laugh at her. I laugh at her friends. I laugh at the world.

>> No.76783964

bread bros we are so back

>> No.76783965

>Yuko has worked hard to complete donothon goals
Holy shit how are the rrats always true

>> No.76783995

lmfao bye felicia

>> No.76784025

actually shes apparently going to walmart

>> No.76784120

Someone give the teal deer on this one? All I know is she had masturbation member streams.

>> No.76784134

I still don't understand why she tanked her career just to be a lowly wagie. Was the pedo dick that good?

>> No.76784171

>gets called the gura killer
>gets killed by Gura
The cycle of life

>> No.76784187
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her audience

>> No.76784206

She's actually going to walmart

>> No.76784215

And it's gone now so I'm making it again for the east coast crowd

>> No.76784252

something that you and many people might not know is that she is actually retarded

>> No.76784392

hurry up with my frappuccino whore

>> No.76784396

Which came from her pedo baiting

>> No.76784397

No but like if there was a choice between going left, which leads to Walmart, and right, which leads to 5 to 6 figure income, even if she's retarded isn't the choice obviously the right one? What's her justification for nuking herself?

>> No.76784404

She decided she didn't want the easy life of pissing in a cup for money and wanted to become a wagie at Starbucks instead

>> No.76784645

nah you'll see a certain green bread whore streaming soon

>> No.76784677

Ahhhhhh ok I can explain that one pretty easily, you see she is very retarded_________________________________________________________________________________

>> No.76784682

I wonder why she thinks she'll be better off as an indie.

>> No.76784690
File: 3.46 MB, 1280x720, Yuko animal abuse[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fc6uv1f.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76784695

She was intensively groomed by /k/ pedos. It's not even remotely a joke.

>> No.76784746

Yeah, to the same 12 dollars a stream, she's still going to need to work at Starbucks to eat

>> No.76784758

But at this poiny why would anyone watch her other than her groomers?

>> No.76784854

So unicorns forced her into doing GFE from the start right? It wasn't her own decision?
Please hang yourself and live stream it.
People in this reddit infested shithole will make all kinds of excuses for whores that manipulate lonely men for money.

>> No.76784879

sometimes (99% of the time) I'm ashamed of liking vtubers

>> No.76784884

Okay, but what does that do?

>> No.76784899

Unicorns are retarded but so is Yuko and so is Jewcorp.

>> No.76784953

You unlock unhinged and crawzy collabs with the bois.

>> No.76785012

Yuko never had any unicorns dumbasses... the term you are looking for is gachikoi

>> No.76785042

She is in good hands then.

>> No.76785063
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LMAO live by the sword die by it

>> No.76785066

unicorns are retarded, but lets not pretend theyre the ones that made her PL community and start causing unnecessary clashes between the two. she should have reigned her friends in and told them to stip being fucking retards on discord and twitter.

>> No.76785139

>bye felicia
Negroid, woman, or gay?

>> No.76785151

there was a rrat that the groomers were blackmailing her to do what she did. There is no way in hell someone could be that dumb to just throw away her fan base for nothing.
I am curious about what led her to make that decision. Not wanting to do GFE is one thing, but nuking her membership content and letting her "friends" make fun of her own fans who payroll her is another thing.

>> No.76785171

>grown ass woman
>pedo this, groomer that
Twitter immigrant or just femcel seethe?

>> No.76785220

She still mainly a no-male policy until the end though.

>> No.76785344

not collabing with males doesnt make her fans unicorns
where the fuck do you retards come from?

>> No.76785355

>another wannabe Gura clone dies

>> No.76785380
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>Gura returns
>Her presence alone kills the Gura-killer #103
>Reaps another 6 months worth of life time for herself
How does she do it?

>> No.76785398

>five-day marathon stream
Humiliation ritual

>> No.76785434
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Crossposting here. Someone asked for the source of >>76784597 in the yuko thread earlier.


>> No.76785504

Fucking Shiorin was able to tard wrangle her friends, why couldn't Yuko?

>> No.76785542

She doesn't want to put in the effort into building up a new audience in Idol. Her streaming was sporadic even before the yabs that took place by the end of last year, she just wanted to coast off her design because it was cute and because Gura wasn't streaming, that was seemingly her long term plan.
Her justification is probably that she thinks her groomers are "friends" with her best interest in mind and not people that will pump and dump her the moment a younger girl comes around.

>> No.76785543

you guys probably won't believe me, but I've been coming to this board once or twice a week and watch about 30 hours of vtuber content a week, some times alot more, but definitely not less. indies, corpo, 2views - a fairly wide distribution.

i have no idea who this thread is about and i've never heard of a "Yuko". is this whole thread an AI hallucination?

>> No.76785608

Pandering to a mentally ill audience is way more mentally taxing than you think. Trying to satisfy to creeps, while walking on eggshells knowing that they would burn you at stake the moment you make a mistake, is worse than dealing with a couple Karens at Starbucks. The money is not worth it. Schizo's here laught at the Kpop female fans and how damaged they are mentally, but unicorns are just kpop stans with dicks,

>> No.76785655

its funny to me that her groomer still pretty openly raid /jidf/ and praise themselves constantly and try and deflect from themselves all the time

>> No.76785660

obsessed, unhinged, or scared?

>> No.76785719

No you're just a pleb newfag

>> No.76785766

>get groomed by a bunch of /k/oomers like a dumb whore
>at some point be convinced to send nudes
>they use thrm to black mail her into "destroy your career or we'll destroy it for you"
I can see it. She's still retarded and deserves this tho

>> No.76785798

she shouldn’t have catered to that audience day 1 and just be a normal streamer. no one held a gun to her head and told her to drink her piss or masturbate with a stuffed animal.

>> No.76785893

sorry if i offended you for not knowing who your 2view was. i get like that about mine too

>> No.76785911

I deal with mentally deranged customers all day every day to the point I watched vods of people getting rekt on other boards and imagining it's specific people I dealt with that day and reenacting it in my mind while miming the motions. Pandering to a few hundred lonely ncels online is nothing.

>> No.76786012

The shark is just that powerful

>> No.76786013

>bro working at mcdonalds is exactly the same as being a vtuber for a bunch of despicable anonymous third world incels

>> No.76786042

NTA and I'm a Holofag that occasionally browses the catalog, and even I know who she is. You're just a retarded newfag.

>> No.76786069

did anyone ever burn yuko at the stake for a mistake she made? this is all self inflicted and completely voluntary.

>> No.76786083

And now she's going back to Mcdonalds, the pottery

>> No.76786185

she choose that route

>> No.76786195


>> No.76786255

i believe you
>i-im a holofag and i know who she is
im sure she could have made it in hololive if she just got the chance bro. im sure she could have been more than a who2view. if only she knew who YOU were you could have fixed her

>> No.76786275

Her fans were coomers and gachi retard. They left because she stopped doing sexual content they like. Nothing unreasonable about that, stop pretending she had to walk on eggshells when the adult woman chose to do that shit AND actively pandered to them.

>> No.76786358

Unicucks don't want to watch games
They don't want to watch other content
All they want is a girls attention and soulless idolshit/gfe

>> No.76786384

No, they left because she disrespected them.

>> No.76786492

and remember, all kpop stans are not human and that goes the same for korean women.

>> No.76786495
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>> No.76786584

The difference is that Yuko, much like Vox Akuma, actively courted their audience. This wasn't a case of an unintentional GFE/BFE streamer, she loved bombed the fuck out of her audience and actively nurtured this kind of demographic. Nobody even asked her to go to the lengths that she did, she did that out of her own volition.
For fucks sake the bitch actually pissed into a cup on stream and showed the results to the camera. You don't do that unless you want to court an audience of like-minded freaks. There's a difference between
>I really care about my audience, I shouldn't put in this much time/effort/money into streaming/content creation but I want to do it if it means I can brighten up someone's day.
>I'm going to bilk so much money out of these retards online. All I have to do is pretend to be a partner interested in them and I'll get tons of money.
the way Vox and Yuko did.

>> No.76786631

Right... it's the customers fault for not liking what I'm selling

>> No.76786664


>> No.76786734

The audience she had would've handed over their life savings if she just asked for it and she dgaf about any of them.

>> No.76786737

Maybe they have vids/pics of running a train on her when she went to that /k/ meetup.

>> No.76786767

You should be mad at her groomers and her discord boyfriends instead.

>> No.76786962

its funny you say this because her biggest fans were all complaining that she only did GFE shit and wanted her long funny gaming streams back

>> No.76786983

She's the Queen Elizabeth II of vtubing.

>> No.76787166

This is not a case of her fans turning on her, harassing her, or hunting her down, or anything like that. She provided GFE, people paid for that, then she stopped providing GFE, then people left. Simple failure of supply and demand.

Somewhere in there she told all her fans to fuck off, deleted a bunch of videos they paid for, and some charity goal streams. So suffice to say any trust they had in the vendor was lost.

No mentally ill audience required for that. If you do one thing and garner an audience for it, then stop doing it, delete content people paid for, and tell your consumers to fuck off, it doesn't matter of that thing is as innocent as Gunpla modeling or even nature walks, you're going to lose your audience. ...and really, it shouldn't be any other way.

>> No.76787325
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>> No.76787327

I love it when anons make uselessly shallow comparisons that shed zero insight into the matter. Yuko was orders of magnitude more adhd, attention-seeking, afraid of confrontation and more retarded than Vox. Her motivations cannot be simply explained as profit driven.

>> No.76787395

I still wonder if she ever saw this photo.

>> No.76787491
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I hope so. I hope she's reading this thread now

>> No.76787574

Hi Yuko

>> No.76787618

Unicorns are the only thing trying to keep VTubing pure, without them the VTuber space is nothing but a glorified gravure wankfest drawing from an endless procession of whores.

>> No.76787675


>> No.76787848

IRL you can see they do be like that

>> No.76787877

...and if she had instead had STARTED with nature walks, then one day deleted all of those videos she had been charging people to see and told all her fans to fuck off, this situation would be different, how?

As much as I detest unicorns, they are not to blame for this situation, they just happen to be the audience this time. Any audience treated that way would have abandoned her.

>> No.76787893

Do we have some receipts on the cabal stuff? I'm trying to avoid the usual unicorn-bad schlock I here from dramatubers and Twitter-types.

>> No.76788270

Hope the boyfriend was worth it. Now get my coffee, bitch.

>> No.76788595

the funny thing about this is 3 giga drama/dox fags just did a drama collab about it and refused to talk about all the actual drama because it was too spicy for them and bitched when the chat called them out on it

>> No.76788646

I Loved her Sketch streams. Why is she quitting and No Rye isnt the same

>> No.76788768

she's quitting because the idol fanbase is batshit insane in a very unhealthy way

>> No.76788773

This post is halfway there if you realize unicorns have nothing to do with this. This is a woman deciding to pander to coomers and gachi aggressively then dropping them like a hot potato, nothing to do with male collabs or lack thereof.

>> No.76788794

I know!--I didn't expect them to do much but to completely cover up the cabal side was just too obvious. 3? I only heard about Rima/DN

>> No.76789011

parrot was with them, it was funny watching them cry and panick because someone was calling them out in chat for "not wanting to speculate that stuff" when there is a lot of proof and were shitting on her former fans for leaving without any proof for the reason they left being shown at all

the double standards are insane, they just want to shit on people who cant defend themselves without ever risking being called out on shit they say

>> No.76789210

And that's why she chose to go back to her old creeps (/k/ flavored) instead.
Great job!

>> No.76789275

I guess she wants to rebrand as her older persona and doing that under Idol would be very awkward and complicated

>> No.76789293
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LMAO, even in her last stream she still try to milk money

>> No.76789386
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noooo what are me and the homies supposed to do when we hang out now?

>> No.76789427

People found out she takes it in the ass daily from her boyfriend and began cancelling their subs en masse

>> No.76789440


>> No.76789450

I feel bad for her fans.
Pochi and yuko really dropped the ball.
Now all we have left is a fucking schizo freak like rin.

>> No.76789611

Now I imagine Gura just standing there, like future Eren Yaeger, watching as each Gura Killer succumbs to their inevitable fate

>> No.76789682

So her boyfriend isn't even rich enough to support her that she still need to go back being a wagecuck? LMAO

>> No.76789699

the only yuko stream i watched was the one she did a sort of storytelling thing
was pretty fun and very original

>> No.76789866

Yuyu's A Skit Show was fucking GOATED. She had some very Ame creatividad, it was nice to see her let it out sometimes. Fuck Guardbro...

>> No.76789961

The current rrat is that someone in her life found out about her youtube channel and started telling a whole bunch of other people about it who began showing up in her chat.

>> No.76790016

no its not retard...

>> No.76790084

Gotta skim whatever she can from her remaining fans during her last week

>> No.76790319
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Jesas the kind of donos this bitch got

>> No.76790334

The realest of woman moments.

>> No.76790726

Today I will remind them.

Traitorous harlot

>> No.76790744

On a unrelated note, did idolEN provide health and dental insurance?

>> No.76790773

He sure knows how to pick 'em

>> No.76790832 [SPOILER] 
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Damn lmeow, a pity

>> No.76790838

at least it's not gabe yet again

>> No.76790855

Scratching the empty plate, she should be ashamed

>> No.76790871

I feel sorry for her, I wish her well. No way she isn't coming back to streaming. I'll check her out when she returns.

>> No.76790939

QRD on everything NOT about her just suddenly dropping GFE content.

>> No.76790962

Is that in a single year?

>> No.76790977

its even funnier when he had a meltdown over the drama on twitter, said he wasnt going to support her, deleted it all, talked about he was fine with being a cuck now, deleted all of that, and then went into the OFFICAL IDOL DISCORD and replied to the 4chan thread there for like an hour crying that people were making fun of him, and now just watches her alt.

>> No.76791051

are there actually any paypigs left?

>> No.76791098

I dont know man, the hours at Starbucks(tm) are pretty rough. She wont have the time to stream.

>> No.76791172

>hey yuko, i was wondering, should i get a refresher which is sweet like how you used to be, a black coffee which is bitter like how you acted towards your fans, or a mocha frappuccino which is rich like how you wont be while working here?

>> No.76791224
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Yeah, it's weird that no one appeared in the previous streams, I guess this will be a final reminder for her of what she lost forever

>> No.76791242

>be woman
>have woman moment
>consequences of woman moment

>> No.76791266

two days

>> No.76791332

She's leaving due to losing unicorns though.

>> No.76791398

I played myself. Deservedly so.

>> No.76791499

I remember this. I think this was only about a month after debut. I dropped her on the spot after she said this.

kill yourself guardfag

>> No.76791568

>panders to unicorns
>stops pandering to unicorns
>unicorns leave
>HoW dArE tHeY
I fucking hate women

>> No.76791823
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Here name's still on the offkai list for the IDOL concert.
We'll see how long that lasts.

>> No.76791959

>leaves for 2 months
>comes back
>leaves again now forever
what a bitch
I'm not bready

>> No.76792278

>schizos that make the average /vt/ rrat poster look sane
>good hands

>> No.76792283
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Imagine tossing ~3% of your gross yearly income to someone who pretends to be a middle schooler talking dirty and pees into starbucks cups.

>> No.76792346

It's not only a unicorn thing but it's the fact that she's a one trick pony.
If you're going to move on from your old content you need to be sure that you are entertaining enough without it. It's how dream lost a massive chunk of his audience trying to go all fleshy and do irl shit only to regret it and put the mask back on. It doesn't matter how big you are if you're only good at one thing no one will stay the moment you change the only content people watch you for.

>> No.76792459


>> No.76792469

The cross section of /k/ and /vt/ is sketchy as fuck, dude. Less sane than the /k/ furries.

>> No.76792645

She's streaming a barista game right now, just for you, anon.

If she goes full soundgasm ASMR on her alt after this, I guess we'll know who told her she had to axe the hornt posting.

>> No.76792997

>playing a coffee game
LMAO poor Yuko..... would have been very funny if it wasn't so tragic.

>> No.76793151

so...its literally impossible to save her?

>> No.76793203

>I do not regret to inform you
So why did she do it?

>> No.76793379

3%? Sorry I’m not a poor fag. What they donated was probably nothing to them. When you’re single have a good job and no debt, the money piles up. Also people have paid more for less on irl streamers.

>> No.76793549

It's true, I earn ~$5k monthly after taxes and living expenses are only ~$2k. Rest of it is all basically going to retirement funds.

>> No.76793584

Only she can unfuck her situation but at this point the hurdle she faces is STEEP

>> No.76793599

Really selling the dream here, anon.

>> No.76793627

How did this board find out that Yuko found a BF

>> No.76793741

Past threads, probably one of her groomers leaked

>> No.76793740

>now just watches her alt
has he said that /or has he been seen around there?

>> No.76793800

seen, hes in every stream and stalks her twitter and discord

>> No.76793851
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>> No.76793915

She left cuz unicorn stopped following her

>> No.76794027

I hate the fake sadness people have for vtuber graduations. Alot of these vtubers in the comments can just talk to this person privately.

>> No.76794044

Her fault for attracting them during shark hiatus. She also leeched from the shark

>> No.76794152

You hate them for ditching her, resulting in her numbers tanking? Where are the non unicorns to keep her afloat? Unicorns are a minority right? Where's the twitter/reddit crowd that support vtubers in times like this?

>> No.76794238

Remember Lisa? You either make a public display every so often or you get the perfectly well adapted fans that post nonstop how the girls must hate each other.

>> No.76794325
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>> No.76794374


>> No.76794466

One thing I hope she takes away from this is that groomers/friends/yesmen, whatever you want to call them, probably don't give the best career advice. They're just going to reinforce what you want to hear or tell her she's better than what she's currently doing. I wonder if she ever consulted other vtubers that put out similar content to hers. If they could have looked in from outside and better understood why people watched her content in the first place.

>> No.76794470


>> No.76794517

What a waste she had such a good design

>> No.76794536

You can't mute and ignore fat Karens. There is nothing mentally or physically taxing over make blowjob asmrs

>> No.76794554

of course it's possible, just invent time travel and tell her to stop being a dumb bitch early on

>> No.76794671

What even happened to pochi, if you don't mind me asking? She was in my feed for the longest time and then suddenly she'd graduated.

>> No.76794694

I think she tried reaching out to Gura funnily enough. Her genmates tried to help her but it seems she pushed them away for some reason

>> No.76794697
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She peed into cups with her paypig's names written on them on stream. And a lot of similar content
Then she vanished for a bit, and returned to basically say "fuck anyone who sexualizes me, I don't want any of you in my audience"
Then she got shocked her audience who enjoyed piss and sex content jumped ship

>> No.76794781
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depicted: toddler demonstrating a conception of object permanence. this child will not grow up to be a /vt/ user.

>> No.76794850

>worked hard to complete donothon goals before jumping ship
pochi could never. nice job, ghost gura.

>> No.76794973

My favorite part here part here is the implication that you're either a gachikoi or you post on twitter.

> Where's the crowd that supporte vtubers in times like this
With other streamers, anon. The one's who can be entertaining without relying on a radio play of sucking off their brother in the shower. Maybe Yuko can figure out how to do that again going forward on her own as an indie. She was good enough once for idol to pick her up.

>> No.76795148

She stopped streaming on a schedule and would disappear for weeks just to come back when she needed money. She tried to leave after taking money for dono goals without doing any of the goals, Idol held onto the money and told her to fulfill dono goals or fuck off, she chose to fuck off.

>> No.76795174

Not true

>> No.76795611

Keep walking, this is a unicorn neighborhood.

>> No.76795663

Rye has been drumming up support for a bit now, and in tandem again with this announcement, so at the very least she isnt planning to disappear as a vtuber.

also i never watched rye, was she always a rabbit? why so many rabbits?

>> No.76795664

Jew corp see her number go down so they kicked her out

>> No.76795662


>> No.76795773

That mean her bf found a better job and can provide for her. Yes I wrote this cuz I'm trying to be positive

>> No.76795874

I've noticed multiple alts from 2 years ago have been firing back up lately. How long is the downturn in the vruber market going to last?

>> No.76795893

Her fault for seducing them

>> No.76795976

she doesn't want that

>> No.76796038

Typical jewish excuse

>> No.76796133

keep seething, you sure as hell isn't supporting her like the unicorns you homobeggar cuck.

>> No.76796155

The mental image of Gura being the actual leader of "The Unicorn Cabal" and organizing these meetings while using the members to shift the VTubers interests and narrative cannot leave my mind.

>> No.76796213

American roasties who triggered by the existence of slim women under 30

>> No.76796219

Too bad, that's what she decided to have

>> No.76796238

This isn't 2021, there's plenty of indies that are competitive and don't need a corpo behind them, just look at Offkai.

>> No.76796314

it's unicornCHADS for you

>> No.76796317

she did it to herself anon, if you dont want that audience dont do their content.
based, fuck normies.

>> No.76796320

One read a lot and one is a retard

>> No.76796488

so she basically regret what she did instead of embracing it like riro

>> No.76796503

I find it funny that chumpedos are celebrating as if this 5 day subathon Yuko's doing isn't more streaming than Gura has done in almost 2 years.

>> No.76796511

the bubble is bursting, aswell as the economy in many places also isnt doing well. unless the second changes dont expect the first to change.

on top of that, i think its also just the culture is changing in the vtuber sphere in general. PL related stuff feels like its becoming less and less taboo. seems to have started around or just before niji collapse i think, or could just be that made it more obvious.

>> No.76796585

You dumb bitch trying to blame the viewer again? I guess you also hate customer in starbuck, hating the hand that feed you. People like you shouldn't work a service job

>> No.76796662

i mean look at finana, seriously doubt her groomers blackmails her but look at her multiple woman moments
when a woman gets so much money in short time they can be the most retarded person in town

>> No.76796689

I find it funny that Gura earn more not streaming than her 5 days subathon. cope and seethe.

>> No.76796912

>look at Offkai
what about it? it's like a make a wish con for indies they aren't making anything more than beer money from it.
unless you are Doki, Mint, Fillian level you aren't earning enough money to save and buy a house

money wise I would rather be the lowest girl in Phase Connect than marimari

>> No.76796916

Yes she will. Women crave attention. She'll enjoy anything until the board forgot about her in a week

>> No.76796937
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> trying to blame viewer again
> also hate customer in starbuck
> hating the hand that feed you

>> No.76796965

niji implosion was definitely a part of it
the early ship jumpers like kuro and matara fanned the flames then nerd and doki razed the entire bush in masking continuity. mint is le mgs idol girl and doki drama made it to youtube frontpage so there's no excuse not knowing who she was. then we just had wrestlemania with them repeating history.

>> No.76797080

You can hang out in starbuck and harass her with weird request instead

>> No.76797102

who cares what gura earns, are you her? she doesn't stream for her fans. all you losers can talk about is how much money she makes ignoring you

>> No.76797169

Yeah unicorns handling is very profitable

>> No.76797222

What I don't understand after announcing dropping the lewd content she didn't really try to stream regularly with something else. It's like she had nothing else to give or maybe she was discouraged to build up a new community from the start. Either way she could've graduated back then

>> No.76797251
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this is from a couple weeks ago. all of these girls have good stream elements too before someone does the "MUH STREAMELEMENTS"

>> No.76797266

She earn more than your oshi NOT streaming.
keep seething actual loser.

>> No.76797310

>One last finger to the unicorns
Lmao, she didn't changed one last bit

>> No.76797316

I got 2 corpo streamers left that I watch, and one of them fired up her alt again after several years as an insurance policy. I'll miss some of the easy larger collabs, but fuck perms and fuck corpo drama.

>> No.76797378

Can someone actually post her earnings decline?
Feels like unicorns are claiming a victory which might not even be related to them

>> No.76797391

Most of western vtuber women are like that. The fame got to their head and they thought they can get away with anything

>> No.76797428

so unless you are in hololive or phase connect or scarle, you should be an indie.

>> No.76797560

One more grudge to add to the list before closing the book on this whore forever.

>> No.76797690

and vshojo i forgot about them.

>> No.76797699

okay number monkey, I guess your oshi is a dollar bill. keep enjoying your monthly tweet

>> No.76797780
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bro just fucking shave it all off at this point

>> No.76797798

Bruh, that Airi $/supa... I don't want to hear shit about <pomf> not paying out ever again. The children yearn for a good Christian Korean woman.

>> No.76798272

maybe he doesn't know?

>> No.76798572


>> No.76798657

I remember that now. Such an odd situation. Thanks for the refresher, anon.

>> No.76798710

if you live in a 1st world country and make less than $150 per stream you need to find another job that isn't vtubing

>> No.76798998

Live by the gura, die by the gura.

>> No.76799015

more like coomers, boobros were second only to rirocons in wanting their oshi to be as nasty as possible and had no illusions about her being pure
>that video
kek you just have to laugh at this point, it's not like she would reverse course right before graduation and do another imouto blowjob asmr, that would be too humiliating after everything that's happened. It's still a spit in the face though, but at least it's a funny one.

>> No.76799219

>Exposed as a newfag.
>Non sequitur.
A tale as old as time.

>> No.76799240

did she mentioned starbucks over vtubing or it's just a meme?

>> No.76799350

it would be funny if the 2 retards that still watch her complain to management and ask for a refund

>> No.76799625

isn't this exactly what people here predicted she'd do?

>> No.76799655
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>> No.76799708
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Streaming is secretly a very hard job. People act like it's just sitting in front of a computer, but it's making way too many streamer lose their minds for that to be the case.

>> No.76799820

>I must protect a fully grown woman from the pedos in her computer
Retarded moralfag.

>> No.76799868

He knows every time he takes a shower and the water hits his skull.

>> No.76800883

just doesnt act like a bitchy princess on stream.

>> No.76801244

brother people are stupid as fuck
if it's so easy why don't they make the fat stacks sitting cushy doing this instead of whatever the fuck they're doing
it's evident with how many people fail to regularly reach even 100 viewers, regardless of how much of it is ultimately in your control or not, it's not easy

>> No.76802128

Reminder that this is what we would have in the timeline where "something" didn't happen to her in January:

>> No.76802230

I hope dramatubers make a documentary video about this. Not just the whole dropping GFE thing but including the /k/ grooming shit. It's a goldmine

>> No.76802261

I never save most things but there's a pic of her getting several hundred dollars several streams in a row somewhere in the archives. As for right now though, you can easily check her streams tab on Playboard and see the pitiful $5-20 total if she made anything at all for the few streams she did after she dropped the bomb.

>> No.76802446

the pagpag 3 made a stream about it and roundly refused to address the /k/ stuff. it was fucking embarrassing watching them spin in circles trying to justify it saying shit like "there's a person behind the screen". They front like they're from 4chan but holy shit they're pussies. depressed nousagi sounded fucking hammered as well.

>> No.76802658

ok pedo

>Not just the whole dropping GFE thing but including the /k/ grooming shit. It's a goldmine
You know damn well that any dramafag that covers this will complete ignore the /k/ shit, and shift 100% of the blame on "le parasocial fucks".

>> No.76802664

the dramatubers refuse to talk about it because it involved like real actual drama and they dont want to ever catch any real flack and dont want to do research
they shit on her ex fans relentlessly with zero proof and than had the audacity to claim they couldnt talk about her "rumors" without evidence that people offered to provide and they still turned down
this guy put it pretty well, its pathetic to pretend that because shes a vtuber shes above being shit talked but all her fans need to be made out to be some kind of demons

>> No.76802721

I watched a dramatuber stream today. They were clueless and didn’t know about the PL shit. They thought it was just because of the content switch. They expected Yuko to say something about it before talking about it further but they have no clue that she will never even address her content switch or the drama again.

>> No.76802748

Oh boy if someone has the balls to dig around and find the whole truth it would be hilarious, but it would end up looking bad for the wrong side so I'm not putting much hope on that. At this point the only real mystery is what exactly happened during her break in December/January that convinced her to do a 180, everything else has been figured out.

>> No.76802758

lia is so fucking lucky small corpos we’re not really on dramatuber radar yet when her shit went down

>> No.76802883

QRD is that OP is a pagpag eating retard who compulsively wastes catalog space instead of posting in /jidf/ where this shit belongs.

>> No.76802921

ill spoil it
it happened in October when she went on her break, she went with all the /k/ groomers and she pretended it was just a girls night with Sleepy and Chromu, the more keen boo bros found out because Allspark took the photo of them and bragged about it in their server.
It was just all downhill after that, she even talked about wanting to change content back in both novemeber and decemeber

>> No.76802988

>but lets not pretend theyre the ones that made her PL community
Her PL community are groomers, and unicorns are just a different kind of groomer, so what the fuck point are you even trying to make?

>> No.76803017

I've basically viewed this situation as the same as when baked alaska snaked on his fans for that bitch. tried to do a 180 on the alt right stuff. Then she cheated on his ass for literally a nigger anyway.
Baked got what he deserved and so will/has Rye.

>> No.76803032

>Don't donate to vtubers
>Vtuber has to go back to starbucks because she pissed off the people that did donate
>Man I fucking hate the people who stopped donating even though I never donated she's entitled to their money
I hate anti unicorns.

>> No.76803043

i somewhat expected rima to be cagey about the whole thing but parrot's moralfagging was completely out of left field. you can't be a drama vtuber and only talk about parts of drama lmao

>> No.76803106

Yeah they knew there was as more to it as well. nousagi and parrot kept saying there had to be more. Rima knows about the allegations but would not address it because she wanted to let Yuko address it herself. She didn’t obviously because they have no clue what they were talking about

>> No.76803124

please tell me that's a male cosplaying as gura

>> No.76803142

"ummm we arent going to talk about the real actual proven reason people left we are just going to speculate why they left and make shit up about it"
pretty sad, even for a bunch of drama fags

>> No.76803160

Frankly I'm amazed that everyone who is actually upset about her ditching the gfe degeneracy hasn't killed themselves yet.

Imagine being so fucking insufferable that you have no choice but to form a parasocial relationship with a woman pretending to be an anime girl while recording herself pissing. Must be a fucking miserable existence.

>> No.76803159

Yeah yeah and the mysterious person who became a mod out of nowhere in their servers too. All of that was figured out.
The thing is that she did a Muse Dash stream during her break, and she was just as GFE as usual, promising a lot of things after her return and lovebombing with plenty of kisses after she ended it, but after her break she had a complete shift in her tone. Some deep shit definitely happened during that time and that's what killed her carreer.

>> No.76803176

fucking this. when the whole content switch came in with the "announcement" stream i saw some dude saying "yeah fuck the incels, do what makes you happy" yada yada. so i asked him how much he was gonna donate in future. this motherfucker straight up says "i don't watch vtubers". good job courting the new audience lmfao.

>> No.76803194

Rima and her faggy els friends did a stream today where they refused to talk about what actually led to this situation and instead shifted the blame on le unicorns.

>> No.76803228
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>unicorns did this

>> No.76803297

this needs to be posted every time yuko is mentioned for all time. never let them forget SHE started this.

>> No.76803371

All you faggots had to do was not fucking dig into what she did in her free time and pester her friends.

It's not that fucking hard to respect some boundaries instead of being a stalking faggot.

>> No.76803415

and will that have enough viewers to cover the bills? I doubt

>> No.76803420

Bro, unicorns are bad though they only watched her for content they liked and didn't watch her when she changed the content she provided? they're so fucking entitled.

>> No.76803425


>> No.76803456

>those sub-$100 figures
why even stream at that point
they'd make far more money in retail even if they streamed every day with those numbers

>> No.76803466

Rima and Parrot did say the boo bros were right to feel angry so it wasn’t completely one sided. Rima also said that Yuko wanted the parasocial fans so she knew that it was Yuko who encouraged it.

>> No.76803483

?????????????? you have things WILDLY backwards there.

>> No.76803523

Her friends weren’t exactly quiet about it. Kind of hard to avoid.

>> No.76803522

Phase’s Remi may be the lowest, but she lives in a 3rd world jungle so she actually lives better than Pippa

>> No.76803534

anon, she's a western woman. Narcissism and self importance is in their DNA

>> No.76803597

lol no I fucking don't. Why do you think she pulled the gfe recordings. It didn't happen for no reason. It's all because some very specific faggots decided to fuck any and all boundaries.

You know who you are, because you're in this very fucking thread.

>> No.76803622

>all you had to do was ignore the man smashing babies into the pavement and he wouldnt have stopped
i... i dont think i understand this persons point

>> No.76803712

Hi Pochi, you enjoying your side?

>> No.76803757

is there some shadow faction of boo bros that dug up the /k/ stuff before /k/ attacked them? how many more twists can this story have.

>> No.76803796

Seems like just yesterday she was #1 in Idol holding 600-700 and got the Pippa approval. Looked like a sure thing.
She dies in the low 300s and a laughing stock.

>> No.76803805

Total Unicornchad Victory

>> No.76803983
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certified woman moment of the year

>> No.76803995

huh, shes already collabing with nano and hexa.

>> No.76804025

Guess again. I'm a Phasefag who was just watching the whole drama and laughing at all of the faggotry. I'm an outside observer, so I have a clearer view than people like you and Kira.

Also, Kira, I know you're here, you are literally just as bad as Nolan. Seriously go get therapy.

>> No.76804038

Unrelated to the thread but can you tell the gura cosplayer I've cummed buckets to her cosplays? Thanks.

>> No.76804134

Where were you when the yukoschizo was dropping bombshells in /jidf/? He obsessively stalked Yuko and unearthed a bunch of crazy PL shit to "own the unicorns".
>her fans said fuck any and all boundaries
It was her antis and it was over a fucking year ago that this all started, newfag. Sorry your Rye decided that she loved lolicon and unicorn pandering for such a long time before it took someone to convince her to stop.

>> No.76804143

Speaking of, Nano is a much bigger fuckup than Yuko.
The cope she must tell herself every morning must be next level.

>> No.76804152

post your favorite, anon.

>> No.76804157

They lost their minds long before becoming vtubers, otherwise they wouldn't have.

>> No.76804290

phase starting their incline days after she left must be a very humbling thing for her
she would be pushing 4view on twitch now

>> No.76804424

>Not one of the coomer faggot boobros
lol. lmao even.

>> No.76804455

watch as the drama nigger avoids all the real drama because it would be too much work

>> No.76804491

Yeah Yukoschizo was a krewton too lol. He was the one trying sabotage her GFE shtick to prove a point. People called him an anti and a liar but the pieces started to fit into place a little too well and he was proven right.

>> No.76804508

Her Ame cosplays since Ame is MIA all the time. I like to imagine Ame fucked off and went on to sell her nudes online for the thrill of it.

>> No.76804563

He was krewton who was extremely butthurt over the GFE and loli stuff Yuko moved toward.

>> No.76804565

Honestly Yuko should just do porn already, then she wouldn't have to work at Starbucks

>> No.76804596

Do Yuko ever do the fart ASMR?

>> No.76804633

t. Sayu Syn

>> No.76804637

Did you make retarded dolphin noises while chuckling to yourself as you posted this?

>> No.76804721

I'd rather have Sayu become a prostitute so I can blow a load on her face

>> No.76804758

I'd rather have them fuck each other on stream

>> No.76804812

>local retard finds out who's the main financial contributor of the vtuber industry

>> No.76804887

Someone should do a vod on the cowardice of dramatubers and how they're qs bad if not worse than the drama they cover

>> No.76804974

And now she's back at Starbucks so I guess she doesn't want to be a VTuber either.

>> No.76804988

>and also thinks his money would buy him moral superiority even if it were true

>> No.76805001

stupid incelcorns are deluded thinking anyone would want to be publicly aligned with them

>> No.76805202

Are you retarded? Boobros were leaving her alone and her pl groomers instigated the whole thing because they wanted her to torch her career thinking she would go running back to them. And it worked, she planned to nuke her content after what happened over break, probably got pregnant and had an abortion or something.

>> No.76805219

Where are people getting this rrat that shes going to walmart?

>> No.76805360

>Calling someone else retarded
>After writing that
Pot calling kettle a nigger, etc.

>> No.76805361

what do you mean, i never said anything about sides. i simply wanted them to cover the whole drama for my entertainment. if the pagpag 3 can't even manage that then what good are they?

>> No.76805367

apparently it was said in one of her discord streams
who knows if its true but its too funny to not believe

>> No.76805379

well, where else would you get the cheapest, nastiest rye bread possible from?

>> No.76805409

Its a real quote, she dreads becoming a wageslave again

>> No.76805412

HA fucking gold.

>> No.76805455

>calls himself a nigger
Yes, you're retarded and you've got no proof boobros instigated her downfall

>> No.76805461

haha holy fuck

>> No.76805488

Honestly, Walmart isn't that bad of a job. Far better than fast food or Starbucks. Pay is usually better as well.
Maybe some day, if she works hard enough, she can be shift lead (more pay but by far the worst position you could have)

>> No.76805517

dude Im so tired of these guys I swear they hardly know shit about anything. Its like watching fucking CNN with these guys i swear. I dont even watch yuko but its so easy to tell that yuko the gura killer kek shot herself on the foot and her fans has nothing to do with her downfall. I swear Idol-corp just somehow hired all the worse females for streaming and one by one they are all leaving im starting to feel bad for the jew at this point.

>> No.76805521

he keeps alluding to some super secret info he has but he won't just lay it out.

>> No.76805522


>> No.76805568

Did you virgins really believe this shit in the first place

>> No.76805575

Nah, Walmart is pretty bad. Even Mel was able to at least work at Target. If the failures had any wage slave sense they'd apply to Costco.

>> No.76805608

>watch them not adressing it
Why would you give them even a click.

>> No.76805645

yeah, they all talk about how they hang out on the scary clover website then act like redditors. grifters the lot of them. nousagi is the worst of the bunch though.

>> No.76805661

Because he has none. I know it, you know it, he knows it, everyone knows it.

>> No.76805707

Nano's mental massively improved in the one year she's been away from Phase. Now that she can do things at her own pace she actually enjoys vtubing.

>> No.76805708

meanwhile court docs and public records prove that the boo bros were right to leave her

>> No.76805740

now that sounds very juicy. QRD?

>> No.76805771

How tf is working at PC stress?

>> No.76805796

VAllure gen 2 trust the process or vspoen

>> No.76805817

TLDR all the boo bros left because she is friends with convicted pedos from /k/ who have groomed her since she was 16 and openly harassed the boo bros since she debuted, there are posts on 4chan from like 10 years ago calling out those guys by name for being pedos as well.
These people are mods in her community btw

>> No.76805829

NTA, sometimes it's just nice to put on some drama bullshit focused around your hobby and play some vidya. it's probably why charlie and asmongold do numbers despite being brainlets.

>> No.76805837
File: 3.10 MB, 720x1002, heart[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F3tmjs7.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, this shit broke my heart to watch.

>> No.76805862

Anything is stressful when you are a mentally ill lazy woman

>> No.76805886

Not fair that they got to groom her first!

>> No.76805919
File: 2.20 MB, 1920x1080, starbuck&#039;d[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7tcmxe.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.76805929

i think the bigger issue is that she basically supported harassment of her fans the entire time she was Yuko and also the fact that one of them raped a 9 year old and is in prison for it

>> No.76805930

Fuck that's grim. how are the drama channels not diving on this, that's an amazing clickbait title.

>> No.76805940

Any time someone mentions /vt/ outside of here you know its a red flag. like you said everyone acts like muh 4chan is this spooky place but you look at the youtube/twitter comments there are bigger schizo there than here hell they make this place look sane. Fucking grifters I swear.

>> No.76805988

>she basically supported harassment of her fans the entire time she was Yuko
The fuck? How? All I saw was her going on break, coming back, then saying she didn't want to do GFE anymore.

>> No.76805989


>> No.76805996

because it would require them to do ACTUAL research, talk to people who have the actual proof, read up on laws and documents of what they can and cant share, and put themselves at risk of backlash from weird pedo groomers

>> No.76806004

It's not about being a corpo vtuber in general, it sucked the fun out of vtubing in her case.

>> No.76806017

Fishman kept force feeding her coffee grounds

>> No.76806048

it's about*

>> No.76806146

make you own video then, put yourself out there

>> No.76806204

Damn she can lie, look her go!

>> No.76806285

It's literally every fucking Yuko thread you faggots have been posting retarded shit in for the past 6 months. There's nothing secret about it.

>> No.76806334
File: 1.25 MB, 646x718, cumming[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fj1x3k8.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think she lied at the time. I think the groomers got pissed she was GFEing with other people, so they manipulated her to turn against her audience. Now they have her to themselves as she returns to being a 2 view.

>> No.76806372

lay out your timeline man.

>> No.76806374

>her going on break,
Then reactivating her PL, saying she's start using it again and basically trying to get as many boo bros as possible to follow her, then making a menhera members-only post about how she's at a crossroads and very stressed, then following those groomers and liking their posts on her PL, followed by her making a casual tweet as Yuko and getting a fuckton of replies from boo bros about how they need to talk because those groomers are bad people who might be the cause of her stress, then ghosting everyone for a month,
>coming back, then saying she didn't want to do GFE anymore.
Yeah pretty much that.
Mever mind the fact that one of the groomers she following during that changed his twitter name to "OshiSlayer" and provoked her fanbase nonstop in their private discord.

>> No.76806411

man i can't tell you how many times i've considered it. someone needs to actually talk about this shit and not just be in it for the money. i just don't think i'm the right person for the job.

>> No.76806415

>doesn't know boobros haven't been in corpo generals for nearly a year
Uh-huh sure buddy

>> No.76806577

PC constantly, or at least regularly, has projects going on. often ones the talents clearly have to participate in.
some can handle this, some even love that environment. others will hate it.
And while Phase also is less restrictive than many other corpos, they still have restrictions or things they'll ask you not to do, which is also something some people just wont like or cant handle.

>> No.76807391

>Idol is filled with dumb bitches
>Idol is the reason the concert has to be 2D
Can brave group release their full power level already and stop letting these inferior vtubers that got lucky numbers leech off v4mirai
The vshoujo concert was one thing but this is just a straight up nijisanji live 2d karaoke stream because the jews are too jew to get 3D

>> No.76807424

put up or shut up, unicorns keep the lights on, you don't see sisters making their girl-subsidized homos rich now do you?
also no one cares about your moral grandstanding, the cobalt on your phone was mined by child labor you moron

>> No.76807442

This slightly wrong. She is friends with people who were part of a group whose organizer had a plea deal on diddling a kid. Even after this was discovered they kept them in the discord and apparently deleted evidence. I believe she went to these /k/ meetups as well but she was more a risk of being a victim than anything. Then there’s the issue of them hanging around her when she was likely underage. GB seems to be in his mid to late 30s she was hanging around them years ago and she’s what? In her early twenties? Definitely strange when she was doing overtly sexual things while streaming back then.

>> No.76807467

Wasn’t this the girl who claimed to be a huge fan of Gura? Why didn’t she follow her footsteps with opsec and S tier drama avoidance?

>> No.76808403

nice. Did you go to college? if so what did you study?
